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tv   Bloombergs Studio 1.0  Bloomberg  February 12, 2017 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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emily: she has been one of the most powerful women at google from literally the very beginning. in 1998, two unknown entrepreneurs set up their first office in her garage. she became employee number 16 and became the starter -- build the search for the advertising business. she urged her bosses to buy youtube for $1.65 billion. on the 10 year anniversary of that acquisition youtube was in the alphabet family, has more
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than one billion users watching videos around the world. and she is in charge. joining me today, susan wojcicki. ceo of youtube. >> google started in your garage in how did they end up in 1998. your garage? >> i wish i said i had a good eye and i picked them out and said come rent my garage. i wish i could tell you that but it did not work that way. what happened was i bought a house and they are expensive in silicon valley and i was a student and so i wanted someone to help me pay the mortgage. they were looking for space and there were just two of them and they had one employee and space was also expensive so they knew they could move into my garage
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quickly and easily at a relatively low cost for them. it was really appealing. they just moved in. emily: your mom was a teacher, your dad was a physics professor at stanford and you have two sisters. tell me about a day in your household? susan: we grew up on the stanford campus which meant all of the neighbors we had were professors around us which definitely influenced us because everybody was studying to do something and had a passion. and so i am the oldest and i would say i am the more practical one as the oldest. growing up i was also creative. i loved making things and i think that is what led me to computers. emily: how did you parlay your history and literature degree at harvard into becoming the ceo of a giant technology company? susan: i studied history and literature at harvard and i had no idea i was going to go into technology at all. if you had told me that, i would've thought you were completely crazy.
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i used to come home and do these temp jobs with a week free and call a service and say, just place me anywhere and one time i was at a lawyer, another time i got placed at a garbage company to answer the phone in the first -- and the third time i got placed at a startup and i realized, they can use technology and they have these big ambitions and i thought, that is cool and i want to be part of it. i went back as a senior and decided to take the computer science class at harvard which was crazy because there was no other humanity senior taking a computer science class but it was really good and i got a good basis. when i moved back home, i came to silicon valley and i was able to get a job and i have been there ever since. emily: you were google's 16th employee. first marketing manager, you worked on google images, books. you built the ad business, how many hats have you worn in 18 years? susan: when you join a startup,
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you have to be willing to do whatever the start up needs you to do. part of it, because i did not have a fixed role is always -- i was always looking for the opportunity, and so, look, there is an opportunity. nobody else is working on image search. there are all these other people working on the text search but images were really cool. today that is a very popular search. i think doing a lot of things and having the freedom to move around the company, being able to see a lot of opportunities and grow them. emily: it has been 10 years since google bought youtube and you wrote the original justification plan that convince them to buy the company. what did you see back then? susan: i did a spreadsheet, but i also believed in youtube. there was one video we had and that video convinced me and showed me that people all over the world can create content and
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be entertaining. the video was of these two students in their dorm room and their roommate is in the background doing his homework and they are singing to the backstreet boys and they are incredibly funny. i still laugh when i watch it. that was our first hit. i realize that people all over the world can be creative, funny and that other people want to watch it and i thought, if it continues like this and continues to grow, this is going to be a big phenomenon. emily: i always hear this about youtube, it has become so much but it could be so much more. susan: well, i think the growth has been amazing, the fact that we have one billion people who use youtube every month -- that is a big number. there was a study done where they went and they asked teenagers, who are your stars? in 2015 they said eight of the top 10 of their stars were youtubers.
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emily: it has been three years since you became ceo. what is the personal stamp you want to put on the company? susan: i love being at youtube i love meeting the creators, i love the creative aspect. i love the way entertainment is being opened up to anyone. i also really care deeply about the value that we have which is the freedom of expression and the fact that people all over the world can use it to tell their story. when i think about what we want to do with youtube to then we went to grow with, video has never been easier to create or watch. we think about ourselves as a platform for the next generation of media companies to be able to create content. we want to work with traditional media companies so that content can be distributed to all of the millennials. emily: some estimate the value of youtube act $70 billion, that it could easily be a standalone company. why is it not, even within the alphabet family?
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susan: it is an important part of google and we benefit from a lot of things being a part of google. we run on google infrastructure and we also benefit from google's ad team. we are a company within google, and so we have all parts that a company has, sales, marketing, engineering, and so we have some of the benefits of being with google but then we are also able to be a standalone brand within the company. emily: there are reports that youtube makes billions of dollars and still you said you -- youtube is still in investment mode. how would you describe your goals around profit short and long-term? susan: what we want to focus on is growing the business when you're in a big growth area. you have to balance doing that and doing that in a responsible way. tv which is one of the biggest markets from the subscription number, tv ad
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number, this is one of the biggest markets we have and the millennials, we are not seeing them watch as much tv, and so we see this as an opportunity to invest and continue to grow the product and continue to grow youtube to be a great experience. we need to do that in a responsible way. emily: according to a recent survey, for the first time teenagers are watching more youtube than cable. 26% said they watch it every day. compared to 37% for netflix. what do the demographics actually look like because some say youtube focuses too much on younger ages. susan: to get a billion users, you need people from all different demographics. when you look at any demographic we have a significant number of users. i do think if you look at the millennial audience, you do see their behavior really shifting from traditional tv to online. mobile is really driving a lot of usage.
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also on demand. this is a generation that has grown up expecting, of course, we should be about to see whatever show we want, whenever we want. >> coming up o facebook and twie doubling down on online video. netflix is spending a lot of money on original content as well as apple. youtube does a little bit of all of these things. do you see any focus or priority on the line in any one particular area? susan: we are focused on being a platform so we have content that is available to anyone and everyone. if you want to have the broadest reach, you have content and you want to get it out there to everybody youtube is a great , way to do that. we also have a subscription service. our largest crater has more than 45 million followers and subscribers on our platform. if you look at those creators, they a lot of times will be doing one thing on youtube but also thinking, maybe i should do a movie or a series, and so we
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have been doing original content as part of our subscription service for our creators to be able to take it to the next level. emily: what is the balance you intend to strike between subscription revenue and ad revenue? susan: if you look forward, maybe five years from now you will see that both were very important. they actually work together. the fact that we have a free business, free with ad supported enables an opportunity for users to come and say, i actually want to have these subscription this -- business, so it is a upsell. i think they work well together. emily: how do you feel about getting the mom question? ♪
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emily: you were google's first
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employee to go on maternity leave and you joined google when you were four months pregnant. tell me about telling them, i am four months pregnant. susan: most all of the other employees were students, who i do not even think they had a girlfriend let alone thinking about having a baby. i was in a completely different world from them. i told them up front that i was pregnant and they -- it took them a minute to register that, but then they actually thought about it and they said, you know what? we are going to build you a day care. i said, you only have 16 employees, you do not have any revenue models. i said, it is ok and i'm glad you are supportive and yes, i'm going to join google. in the end we were able to open up a daycare. they have always been very supportive of families, and we continue to operate that day care today. it has been really hard to scale with all of the employee growth
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that we continue to operate the day care. emily: you have five children. you are a hard-working mom. how do you feel about getting the mom question? susan: i do think it is a question that a lot of women have, so i also want to be open and share my point of view and share my experience, as i think women want to hear it and also men want to hear about it. having kids and working, it is hard for both sides. emily: how do you do it? how do you run youtube with five kids? susan: the main thing for me has been to focus and prioritize, and so i'm really good about saying, this is my work time and when i'm in the office, i am really, really focused on what i am doing and i am prioritizing. i always thought about, how do i get from point a to point b as soon as possible. in some ways it actually causes me to see some of the shortcuts,
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some of the new opportunities because i'm thinking, how do i grow this faster, really quickly? let's just forget about all of those other things that are growing slowly, not going anywhere, i do not have time for that, i have to focus on the big idea and we have to get them done now, and so that is actually really good because tech is about growing big ideas quickly. i use my work time to focus on that, and when i get home i really try to focus on my family, my kids. my husband is very helpful. to be fair, as i have risen in my career i have been able to have more help at home. i think the hard part with what i struggled was when i had my first baby, i did not know what was doing at work, did not know what i was doing at home and you do not really have any support at home or work. i think that is when it is the hardest. emily: what do you think about
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lean in? susan: there are a set of women that read it and say, this is very helpful for me and i think there are other women at say, i have made a very conscientious choice not to lean in, that i want to be able to spend more time with my family, not working, and so i think some women find it offensive or disagree with it, but you know? i think of it as a business book for women, and so not everyone wants to be in business. not everyone wants to lean in and i think cheryl was open -- that is fine and i think cheryl was open about that in her book. it is not for everyone to the extent that you have to, there are many women that have to work. i think she has great points about how to ask for a salary. go advocate for yourself. i think it really applies to a lot of women that want to work or have to work. emily: what about in places where there are still barriers like you cannot lean in if the door is nailed shut?
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susan: there are a lot of ways the world can change to make things easier for women. the reality is those things get changed by having more women in the workforce, right? like summer camp. when i was growing up, i do not remember there being summer camps. we just stayed home all day and did nothing, but now there are so many choices like karate camp, computer camp, art camp and so i think that is a way that the market has responded to, there are all of these parents that want their kids to be able to do activities during the summer, here's an opportunity for you. emily: how big of a problem to you think it is that women are underrepresented in technology? susan: i think it is a big issue for the world because we are missing voices, innovation from women that could be creating all of these great products and ideas and services. i think technology is missing out and it is a problem for women because you look at it and say, women have made a lot of strides in the workforce, and here is this huge economic driver of change and women are
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not participating in it. if tech is what is driving the new jobs. it is what is driving change, influence, and women are not part of it and they are not part of that change and that is a problem. emily: google, for it being one of the best companies to work at in the world has the same dismal numbers as everybody else. why is that? susan: you look at the people graduating from college and you still see that the overall number of women having computer science degrees is at the most 20%. >> so you think there is a pipeline problem? >> today there is a pipeline issue problem. but then you say, why is there a pipeline problem? once you have a pipeline problem, it causes other issues, right? if you are asking that 20% to go into an environment where 80% of their peers are male, already you may be at a disadvantage when you
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graduate because you are going into a more male environment. i think the question is, why do you have the pipeline issue at the beginning? i think that at some level it is a problem that women think that computer science is boring, not interesting to them or they would not be good at it. and what happened to me is i thought computers to be creative -- could be creative and i love to create, and i was able to overcome some of the challenges that may be some of -- and maybe some of the stereotypes about it being very geeky and numbers driven and boring and see it as the creative industry as it is and i wish more women would see that. emily: how much would youtube spend on original programming? ♪
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emily: how much will youtube spend on original programming this year, next year? susan: it is the first year we have been in it, so we have been learning about creating shows and has been pleased in the shows we have created in the feedback we are getting from our users. emily: what is the most successful show? susan: pewdiepie has the most subscribers. he is a gamer who plays games, does this really funny commentary. he did a real-life game where he was put in real situations that were like a game. emily: twitter, amazon, facebook pursuing live
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streaming rights to sports. susan: we do a lot of highlights for sports. we did that in the whole football season, did really well on youtube. a full game, right? those are very competitive and a lot of people bidding for them and they are very expensive and traditional media are also competing for them. i think a level change over the next five years, but at this point right now we are really focused on the highlights so that users can see those key moments. emily: how do you think things will change over the next five years? susan: as the online players ,ave stronger models subscriptions, they will be able to be more competitive to compete for more of the sports rights. emily: the headlines talk about youtube at war with the music industry. everyone from taylor swift, paul mccartney that say they do not like the way you do business. do you see a future when there is a middle ground? susan: working with the music industry, i learned there are a
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many constituents in the music industry and they do not all agree with each other, right? there will be labels, artists, publishers, and so i remain very hopeful that as the online models of subscription and advertising become more developed that over time we are able to come to a place where everyone agrees on that future vision. i actually think we are getting there because we are starting to see the online subscription and streaming numbers pick up. we are starting to see more revenue from advertising. we have put up $3 billion for -- to the music industry. as more timenk goes by, it will be become -- it will become more clear on what these models are and will be more aligned. emily: how are you thinking about vr. some people think google needs
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to buy or develop their own. susan: i think everyone is trying to figure out what is the best way because it is a new medium. there are a large collection of 360 degrees video so we are leaning in and see this is a great way to have an experience where you can really immerse the thend really experience story. emily: harassment is a problem for a number of different technology companies, and if you look at the comments on youtube they are not kind. what are you doing to get that under control? susan: i think that is a really important area that we are putting a lot of energy into. we have community guidelines, anything that promotes violence, hate, that would violate the community guidelines, so if there's something on our platform that violates the committee -- community guidelines or that a user feels uncomfortable with, they can flag it and it goes to a queue and they -- and it is reviewed by a youtube employee and they can decide if it meets the community guidelines.
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if it does not, we will take it down. we are trying to do more. one of the things we just did that i think is really impactful is we created this program called creators for change. there are creators that are taking these tough topics and they are doing a great job to encourage understanding, to encourage empathy. we give them additional funding, a fund of $1 billion in -- $1 million for promoting them on social media. so the idea is, how do we get creators that is so influential themselves to help remote these -- promote to these positive messages of understanding. emily: do you think the internet will become a friendlier place? susan: i think technology has good and bad sides to it just like the real world does. there are friendly people and difficult people. i have seen all of the good that has come out of it and way that people can connect with people like them on the platform that otherwise would not have been able to connect with. as our technology gets better,
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as we are better able to identify what are the right ways to enforce, that we can continue to do an even better job and promote even more of the good stuff on the internet. emily: where do you think youtube will be in the next 10 years? do you see it more like netflix? susan: our goal at youtube is to be the platform for the next generation of media companies, and if you look at youtube at -- it statrted out as cat videos and people uploading things they saw in the backyard and then we had creators that started doing it for a living and now we have this new generation of creators that are building media companies on youtube. i think if you fast forward 10 years you will see that there , will be a new generation of these media companies that have really strong followings, are able to create amazing content, global and are able to interact with their fans in all types of amazing ways and i'm really looking forward to being a part
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of that. emily: susan wojcicki, ceo of youtube, thank you so much for joining us. susan: thank you for having me. ♪ . .
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