tv Charlie Rose Bloomberg May 14, 2017 7:00am-8:01am EDT
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in an interview with lester holt, donald trump said he would've fired james comey, despite recommendations. it contradicts the statement regarding comey's abrupt. they rejected claims that comey lost the support of a rank-and-file fbi agents. >> is it accurate that the rank and file no longer supported director comey? >> no, sir. that is not accurate. charlie: the administration's credibility has been called into question. joining me now from washington is bob costa from "the washington post." i am pleased to have you back on the program. bob, what damage you think this is doing to donald trump, if any? bob: it is doing damage to him on several fronts. within the white house it has caused tumult. the staff was unprepared, he made a personal decision with the attorney general and white house counsel. but reroadly, the party on capitol hill, they feel they were given a curveball this week by this decision. they were not ready to talk to the president's decision or defendant in an articulate way. it gives disruption to his entire agenda as he tries to pursue health care and taxes. now, all anyone is talking about in washington is russia and former director comey. charlie: why do they think he
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did it? bob: based on my reporting and those of my colleagues, it was the culmination of frustration, seething at times, anger about comey. the president told mr. holt today he called the director to ask him if he was being investigated, whether the president was under scrutiny. even at a dinner, charlie, where director comey was asking to stay on as director. the president was engaged in the idea that this interference was going on. he was told by top people in the white house, he wanted the fbi to go after the leaks within the federal government. there was resistance from the fbi to take direction from the white house. charlie: there is also the suspicion he did it because he was tired of this investigation called the russian probe.
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he has called it simply, nothing there. bob: he is very unhappy with this ongoing probe. charlie: is it because he fears something or thinks they are out to get him without reason? bob: when he talks to his associates he uses the latter explanation for his anger. i have been reporting in recent weeks how he watches television all day and is monitoring what is on the cable networks. probe."ees "russia and when comey went to capitol hill last week and talked about how the russian interference investigation was going, i am told the president became fuou he thought comey was strange and talking too much about russia. this is a president that wants badly to move on from the russian issue and russian ties perhaps to his campaign during
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last year's election. but the federal government has not been willing to move on and that led to this clash over the weekend. charlie: what is your impression of the senate intelligence committee investigation? bob: so far, it has yielded little. senator burr has been careful with his language to maintain credibility. we he en house intelligence committee chair devin nunes, a trump ally, struggle. he had to recuse himself from the russian investigations because of his behavior and ties to the white house. mark warner in virginia, the ranking member and burr, the north carolina republican, are not sure how far to lean in. they want a special prosecutor. charlie: the suspicion always is, once you give a special prosecutor power, president clinton found this out, you never know how wide the investigation will become.
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on the other hand, if you want to eliminate suspicion, you should try to create a body of investigation that will be credible and have some sense of investigation. bob: the unending nature of a special prosecutor looms over the white house. you have to remember, the core of what drove this was the president's desire to move on from the russian investigation, to get the russian probes off of his plate and presidency. that is what led to comey really getting out there. it has been papered over by the white house. their explanation was that the deputy attorney general, rob rosenstein, his memorandum was the reason for the ousteder. but it was the president himself fuming about russia that led to comey's dismissal. charli wt is rod rosenstein saying now?
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most intriguing figure in all of this. he said comey had not been doing a good job. by tuesday, he moves quickly to fire comey. rosenstein feels, he was used by the white house. he was reviewing the fbi, but the president had made a decision before he confided with rosenstein on monday. so rosenstein remains deputy ag. but we are tolheas unhappy with how it played out in the white house. charlie: did he meet today with the chair and cochair of the senate committee? bob: he will get called back. everyone wants to hear, what did
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rosenstein say to the president on monday? what had he been working on in terms of his investigation wh comey's leadership? what was the nature of his conversation with jeff sessions who was supposed to recuse himself from the russian investigation? but he was involved in the conversation about comey. everyone wants to know what rosenstein is thinking and what he said and the president said. charlie: what is the next step? bob: congress is controlled by republicans. the control to which they do anything will be watched by democrats and president trump. how hard will chairman burr push in the senate? and will they delve more into the decision to fire director comey? he keeps saying comey failed in his leadership of the fbi. but the russian probes continue and how they are handled will be closely monitored. charlie: thank you bob, great to have you.
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i am pleased to have admiral mcraven back at this table. welcome it is such a great story. you are going to write a commencement speech and we have two in we want to do. we want to say something that comes from our hearts and we do not want to say what everybody else has said. take it from there. adm. mcraven: i had been writing the speech for a couple weeks prior to the day i was scheduled to give it, which was may 17. it was wednesday of the week before and i could not make the speech work. i had a theme and it was kind of coming together and then it stopped. i could not finish the theme. i had a little bit of writer's block. i turned to my wife and said, i cannot finish this thing. she said, why don't you write about something you know? i said the only thing i know is being a navy seal for the last 35 years. she said, right about that. write about, "well,
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that." the problem is, i am about to step onto university campus in uniform. i do not know what the students want to hear about what it took to be a navy seals and the lessons i learned. she kept saying, write about something you know. i started thursday and wrote the speech. i wrote it up until the hour i gave it. but it seemed to have come together. charlie: you started with these 10 things, 10 lessons. were they 20 that you boiled down to 10? adm. mcraven: i wanted to frame it to about 20 minutes because i knew that was the expectation at the commencement speech. i had some clear lessons in mind. i probably could have gone to 11 or 12 but 10 seemed to fit. charlie: did you show them to went?fore you adm. mcraven: i never show my
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speeches before i give them, it is a superstition of mine. i do not let anybody read it or hear it. i wait until i deliver it until giving anyone a chance to hear the remarks. charlie: and how many have read it? it went viral. adm. mcraven: i understand about 25 million people. the fact of the matter is, the lessons are simple. as i said at the beginning of the speech, it does not make a difference whether used and a day in uniform. inwhether you spent a day uniform. it does not matter your color, ethnicity, orientation. don't quit, be our best in your darkest moment. do not back down from bullies. these are lessons we can all use in life. i put them in the context of going through seal training. but it really did not matter
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whether you would ever be a seal, these are lessons for life. charlie: you start with making your own bed. why is that important to start? adm. mcraven: when i was young, my mother was a texas school teacher and my father was an air force officer. my mother made sure i got up every morning and made my bed. i am not sure i understood the importance of it. when we got to seal training it was required every morning. we would have a uniform inspection and a bed inspection. i do not understand at the time why it was important. i learned how to be a battle hardened steel and the first thing we were doing every morning was having our bed inspected. the lesson became clear as i went through training and the navy. it is about one, doing the first task of the day and doing it right. if you can do the first task of the day that will encourage you to do another and another. the other piece of this, the seal instructors wanted to make sure you did it exactly right. there were standards. you had to have hospital corners, 45 degrees, the pillow had to be exactly right.
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the extra blanket had to be folded extra right. their point was, if you cannot do the little things right, if you cannot make your bed right, how will you ever run a seal mission correctly? it was about doing something that was good to do in the morning that started your day off right, and making sure you do the little things right. charlie: eng said, if you want to change the world start by making your bed. chart -- charlie: and you said, if you want to change the world start by making your bed. the second was, you cannot go it alone. adm. mcraven: in seal training you learn very quickly, i do not care if you are the strongest guy, the best runner, at the end of the day, we are called the seal teams for a reason. there is a recognition that if you want to be successful you have to work as a team. from day one of seal training you get a little rubber boat,an s. it takes seven men to carry it. the officer is at the very back,
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the helmsman. you take it with you everywhere you go. you run to chow with it. you run over the dunes with it in soft sands runs. the point that they make is, if everybody does not pull together, if everybody does not help get that boat where it needs to go, it i do not care how good you are, you are not gog get there. the importance of having people help you paddle was enforced every day. and of course, it is about life. i do not care how tough you are, most people cannot make it through life on their own. it is good to have friends and people that love you. charlie: you start with making the bed, and you need someone to lp, you c't go it alone. the third is the size of your heart. adm. mcraven: the interesting thing about seal training, when you start off there is someone they picked to bthmost
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likely to succd,he guy that will be the honor man. the team, the class does. the class is new and they find the biggest, toughest guy that looks the most like a seal. he invariably is picked to be the honor man, and he is the first person that falls out. invariably. find the little guy you never expected ends up being the best guy there. we had in our training, we divided it into boat crews. it was based on size. the big guys in one, the little guys in another. we called them the munchkin crew. but the fellas in that boat crew was an unusual mix, we had an indian-american, greek-american, french-american. they were all about 5'5", they turned out to be the best guys in the obstacle course. the best swimmers, the best
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runners. you realize it is about the size of your heart. not the size of your flippers. tommy norris, the first time i met him, i was a senior in college. i went out to visit basic seal training. as i was waiting around to meet a lieutenant who would talk to me about basic seal training, ouof the corner of my eye i saw a young, teenaged guy. he was smaller than i was, i kept watching him out of the corner of my eye. there are pictures of guys in the compound. i remember thinking to myself, does this guy think he can make it through seal training small stature, wiry, thin.
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and i thought, wow, this guy -- he is fooling himsf he thinks he will make it through seal training. i get invited to the lieutenant's office, he does look like the poster child for a seal. doug looksasthe doorway and says, let me introduce you to somebody. he yells out into the hall, tommy, come in here a minute. he was one of the last medal of honor recipients from vietnam. he was the toughest seal in the history of the seals. it was a lesson for me to realize, you have to be careful out appearances. it was the heart that matters. he was in the fbi hostage rescue team, and incredibly tough, tough guy. but not the biggest guy. he die: do you know what to receive the medal of
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honor? >> yes i do. there was an old movie, an air force lieutenant colonel with a gunshot over vietnam, he had parachuted out. lieutenant norris went behind enemy lines to find him. he managed to pick him up and had to fight his way back to friendly lines. but this day after day of finding this lieutenant colonel, finding his way back, rescued the lieutenant colonel. for that he receive the medal of honor. charlie: the next is, life is not fair, drive on. adm. mcraven: this is about what we refer to as a sugar cookie in the seal training. an sugar cookie is when youructor arbitrarily says, like ourven, i don't
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-- your looks. hit the surf. you whirl around in the sand and you are covered from head to toe in sand and you are wet and sandy and you spend the rest of the day with sand in your armpits and legs. it is the arbitrariness that bothers people. the uniform and shoes were polished and they thought they would be rewarded for the great effort. everyone's in a while an instructor would say hit the cookie. become a sugar so you hit the sound and whirl around. charlie: life is not fair. adm. mcraven: and that is the point of the lesson. it does not matter how hard you try, how good you can become a life is not fair and you have to get over it. charlie: in your class, only 33 graduated. there were 153 students that started with you. what is the difference -- these 10 rules -- what is the
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difference between those that ring the bell, when you want to opt out, and those who pass the finish line? what is the difference? adm. mcraven: i have a young man that was graduating from the university of texas last year. he was a decathlete. he wanted to talk about the secrets of making it through seal training. decathlete.anked i had him over for lunch and he sits across from me, incredibly sharp young man. he says, i would like to know, how do i make it through seal training? do i need to spend more time running? i said no, you look like you are in good shape. swimming? you look like you will be able to do this. litany ofugh the you need toe think
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make it through seal training. i said it is easy to make a through seal training, you just do not quit. he took a deep breath and said, i understand. but should i strengthen uer body? i said, let me be clear. it is easy, you just do not quit. there will come times and training when you will be exhausted, when you will begin to doubt yourself, when the instructors will be applying pressure on you. and you have to tell yourself, i am not going to quit. so the difference between those that make it through and those that don't is just about. that is why it does not make any difference how fast you are, how strong you are. it matters about your determination not to quit. charlie: the heart. mcraven: when you look at life, at some point in time, life deals all of us a difficult
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hand. charlie: what is your new challenge now as chancellor at the university of texas? adm. mcraven: the transition of the military to running the univertyf texas ran smoothly. when running a large organization, it is all about the people. you have to respect the people. i got a very diverse population, 28,000 students, 100,000 employees spread across 228,000 students and employees spread across different institutions. it is fabulous and fascinating. one day you're talking to a nobel laureate and the next to a heisman trophy winner, and everything in between. one thing that surpris mis the number of people that want to get to the university, to give to causes. we have a cancer clinic. there are folks from all walks of life that want to contribute to try to cure cancer. moneyonate not only their
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but their time and money and resources. their passion to helping these young men and women. many of them see in these young men and women themselves. we have a large hispanic population. when you can see these young men and women that a t first in their family to go to college, and the first in her family to go to medical school, and you realize they have just changed the entire trajectory of their family's lineage forever. statistics show that if you do go to college, chances are your kids will go and their kids will go. this is a great appeal of this particular job, having an opportunity to watch the young men and women. they are not all young, but most of them are. they come in and change their lives. charlie: since the time you left the military and you look at the world through the prism of someone who understands the national security challenge, where do we stand today? you said at this table a couple years ago you thought we needed more troops in syria. adm. mcraven: i applaud both president obama and president trump for the trajectory we are on now in terms of the fight against isis.
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a little over a year ago, maybe march of last year, president obama decided to double down on our efforts in iraq and syria in terms of increasing troops on the ground, working with iraqis, working with t merate syrians. we have seen the effect on isis. president trump has continued this effort and increase the number of troops on the ground. i think that strategy is working as far as isis goes. i am appreciative of both presidents for their efforts against it.
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isis is a scorch not only for the middle east in that region, but the second and third order affects of what isis creates when you have this mass migration into europe, the potential to pressurize jordan, lebanon, and others, it is important we take care of this problem. i think we are good progress against isis. the strike we conducted in syria when we determined that there was another chemical attack, i applaud those efforts. i thought it was appropriate, proportional. my only regret was, i think we need to continue to apply pressure in syria on the gun when we see the syrian army begin to threaten moderate syrians -- until you do that, until we begin to have the high ground, the tactical, strategic, and moral high ground in syria, i do not know if we can do anything. we do not have many cards to pl. we need a strategy.
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when i say we, it is the great work rex tillerson and jim mattis will do to apply pressure to assad and the russians. we need to be in a series of strength in syria. his choice of jim mattis was absolutely the right choice. charlie: why do they say that? adm. mcraven: he is a voracious leader, we are dear friends. i have the greesrespect for jim mattis. he is tactically and strategically very sound in terms of understanding the battlefield and the implications of how to fight wars. he is great with the marines. he is a general's general. he has the respect of the senior
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stapleton at this table for the first itme. reigning outloaw. chris: hmm. charlie: a comparison to waylon jennings, not back. chris: i will take it. charlie: what do you think when they say raining outlaw? what about the music? chris: i certainly always have a tip of the hat and have in my mind waylon and willie and merle haggard. those are my favorite things. they were doing right -- not
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that there is a right and wrong. charlie: what were they doing? chris: being themselves and doing what feels good to them versus trying to be what someone else was doing. charlie: when did the musi thing happened for you? chris: i always played and sang in church with my brother. my mother sang run the house and my father listened to the radio a lot. i played guitar and sang. it was always there. i don't want to say i came from a musical family, nobody went out and played. charlie: you weren't singing in the choir. really.o not i don't know, and some point i kind of fell into it may be for lack of wanting to do anything else. or it found me. charlie: was it sg or right -- write? chris: to write initially, when someone told me that was a job that they would let you do, to sit in a room and write songs. charlie: sounds like a good job. it worked out pretty well.
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chris: i was lucky. wrote a songe, you she sang? chris: i did. charlie: what amazes me is they all say you have the greatest voice around today. it is not even about the songwriting skills, which are clear, but the voice. chris: i don't know about all that. there are a lot of great singers and great voices. but, you know, hopefully i have something that is recognizable and will possibly hold up over time. charlie: 2 million albums says something. chris: it says we sold 2 million albums. charlie: 2 million people are willing to pay. when you are writing songs,
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tell me about that process. chris: it can be different on any given day. if it is just me alone, i am sitting with a guitar and strumming and humming and seeing where it leads. that is pretty much the process. i could hear conversation out walking around somewhere. something somebody says may stick something in my brain. sometimes it falls out of the sky into your lap. charlie: i know i you feel about this and i'm not trying to push you, but for whatever reason, people see you as a route back to waylon and others. you mentioned willie. that somehow you are today in entry back to what made them -- chris: i don't know about in entry back but i would not mind being viewed as a bridge. somewhere in the
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same vein. i'm not going to put myself in any sense with those guys, but yeah, i think it is important for me personally to always kind of have a tip of the hat to those guys, but also old r&b singers. ray charles. aretha franklin. i like all kinds of music. i hope some of that shows up. charlie: what happened at the 2015 cma awards? chris: a lot. eight minutes that can -- charlie: change a life. chris: yes. ♪ >> ♪ tennessee whiskey you are a sweet so verwi ♪
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charlie: did you know it at the moment? chris: i knew we wldave a fun time playing music because we had spentwo days rehearsing. charlie: it was the two of you coming together. chris: it was a collaboration in the truest sense. he is a remarkable, singular talent as far as musical people go. if you're going to do something with him, it is going to be something good. are: because his talent is so special. chris: he elevates. you know, he can elevate things. he is a great, positive energy and a great performer. you know, he is not very old but he is a veteran performer. there are things he brings to a stage that not many people can.
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how many? sold two million? originally, i am told, that you are prepared simply to cut the album and go on tour. chris: that was my request of the label and their request of me was let us find some other ways to market things and less the good about this, and we will approach it that way, and that is what we did. we did not have a lead up single and whatever the single that came out at the time, we traveled. i booked some dates. that is how i knew how to do it. >> ♪ showed my heart behind the pocket of my shirt i just keep running that's what i'm meant to do traveler ♪ a
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chris: that is what made sense to me. that is the easiest math for me. charlie: they buy the album that the show? chris: that is a very independent notion. it comes from bluegrass. that was my plan. then other things happened along the way that were fortunate. charlie: this is volume one, volume two comes out later. tell me about the creation of the album. chris: i knew we would have to make another album at some point. we set aside some time, we set aside a couple of months and went back into the rca room and kind of campout. charlie: a pretty important room. chris: a very important room. there are not a lot of them.
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these kind of historic studios have been torn down where important recordings have been made. so to get a feel -- to feel the ghosts in the walls, they inform and elevate what you do in those rooms. it is important to get the feel. charlie: a comni with those people. chris: a communion, absolutely, and u el a responsibility in your there. i think he can push you along a little bit. charlie: i read about all of the conflicts in nashville, pop and country. and allc country that. you just say, i am making music. chris: yes. i don't like sushi, i don't think people should be made to eat sushi. charlie: why don't you like
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shi? chris: i just don't. charlie: you don't have any reason to not like sushi. chris: i don't want -- i don't harbor any ill will toward people who like sushi. i don't want to keep using the metaphor. kind ofhow all of the chatter around music sounds to ofou know, when onei kind is right and ather is wrong. if it makeshefeel good and they enjoy it, that is great for them. if you don't like to listen to something, turn to something else you do like and listen to music and have fun. is ok. it does not mean you can't be friends with someone who likes a different kind of music. that is so weird to me. charlie: i am not proud of this question but i will ask it anyway.
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what brings you great pleasure, writing a good some or singing a good song? chris: that is a tough one. i am not a very good judge of whether when i finish writing something, it is great or not. it is hard to think you are done something really good. so, i probably get more pleasure out of singing a something it was great, whether it is mine or someone else's, and usually it is somebody else's. but there is something about when you know words are right where they need to be, the melody is where it needs to , and they fit together so well like a puzzle. charlie: you know what amazes me too, whether it is national or los angeles or wherever it is, new york city, when people somehow, the discoveries are an overnight sensation. that you just emerged overnight when in fact it was long years and long rejections.
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long days, long hours. chris: i know very few people who are actually overnight -- i'm not sure that actually exists. maybe it does for somebody. charlie: it is practice, practice, practice. chris: well, you do the work. charlie: keep your head down and do the work. chris: i very much feel that way. try to do the work, do the best work you can do. i think that ultimately, it leaves an ingredient for the opportunity to be successful. charlie: let me ask some of the songs and what comes to your head first. "broken halos." what inspired that? chris: my cowriter, mike henderson, was reading a keith richard's biography, i think, and keith referred to, he was
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speaking of friends he had lost to drugs or whatever, who left the world before they should have. he had called them broken halos. we were talking about that one night when we were supposed to be writing songs, and it kind of became that song. now, what i really think of when you read that title, was recorded that song on the day a guy i grew up with passed away. he died of pancreatic cancer. that is what i think of when you say, what do i think of. i got the phone call and we recorded the song. charlie: you got the phone call and you recorded the song. chris: yeah.
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charlie: you can feel the emotion in the song. chris: yes. that is why we asked me what do i hear when you read the title, i go back to that phone call. i had already planned on recording the song, but i took a moment and went outside and said, this is what we are going to do. charlie: "up to no good living." chris: my wife loves that song. charlie: why? chris: [laughter] i don't know. it's a bit of a -- her taste in songs is sometimes puzzling to me, but a trust her without fail on things she likes because she has excellent taste in just about everything but men. [laughter] charlie: self-deprecation has taken you a long way. [laughter] well --eah, [laughter] charlie: what comes first,
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lyrics or melody? chris: that can be a revolving thing. i have written songs where i hum and strum, and i have written lyrics top to bottom. i've had a cowriter coming and have something. there is no right or wrong. sometimes the chorus comes first, sometimes the first work comes first, sometimes the idea comes first, sometimes you play a melody you love and it is two hours for any words come. charlie: "death row." chris: mike and i were in the steeldrivers together and you know, we had a lot of murder ballad fascinations. my cowriter has a a lot of original blues training.
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it was a blues song originally and we kind of, our version is kind of a derivation from the. charli iant to ask you about "without your love." chris: it started with the guitar riff. that is what i remember about that one. i played that guitar riff that kind of opens the song for and mike sates over there thinking. sometimes we are quiet when we are writing, and we will be scribbling, and we said, what have you got? somewhere out of that came the lyrics. you chip away at it. for sure. you get rid of the unnecessary things. charlie: touring is something you love? chris: i do.
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i enjoy, well, i enjoy playing music live. sometimes the travel is hard, but it is part of it. we travel as comfortably as we possibly can. i make the joke all the time, i play the music for free, you pay meo avel. [laughter] charlie: your ticket bought my bus, that is what you are paying me for, because i love the music. chris: i did that for many years, i would play for free or next to nothing just because i love it. charlie: you have written more than 1000 songs. chris: somewhere in there, i don't have an exact count. charlie: do you keep all of them? chris: my publishing company keeps track of them. [laughter] as much as i can turn them in, you know. chris: i don't have them on my phone or anything, but if i wanted to hunt one down, i
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could, publishing company, they would track it down. charlie: anything you're not doing that you very much want to do? chris: in music? i have been given so many opportunities, particularly in the last two or three years, i cannot imagine there is anything i am not getting to do that i want to do. it is really amazing in that way. i tell my mom all the time, i literally have everything i could ever want. charlie: i literally have everything i ever wanted. chris: yes. as far as things you can hope for and want, that is a strange feeling a little bit. charlie: how old are you? chris: i am 39. charlie: and you have everything you ever wanted? chris: or ever thought about. sure. feeling, andnge
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know, i tella, you people all the time, i have to get new goals. i remember there was a time when applying the ryman auditorium was a goal of mine. to get to that, and we played a few in succession, and i literally left that gig saying i have to get a new goal. goal't have a "gig" anymore. charlie: the thing about success is a get your options. chris: for sure. you have options to do the things you want to do and hopefully make the right chces. charlie: the more you know, my impression is, the more you know the more you can see not only the options and possibilities but you can see how much further you have to go. chris: yeah, i guess. charlie: i don't mean in terms of talent. if you are good, you know how good you are, but you also know how much better you can be.
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chris: i am always -- yes. yeah, i always certainly have a sense of i need to be getting better playing or singing. i always want that. i always want that. that does not go away. it is almost like there is -- if there is a lack of satisfaction, it is in wanting to do something just a little bit better. you know? and that is ok. i think that is what drives people to make things or to, hopefully, work as hard as they can. charlie: to create. this is an amazing album. it is good to see you. come back anytime. chris: yes, sir. charlie: thank you for joining us. see you next time.
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♪ oliver: welcome to "bloomberg businessweek." i am oliver renick. and i am coming to you from inde the gane's headquarters in new york. we will talk about cyprus. the hotbed for laundering. and by 2017 is shaping up to be the biggest year yet for the u.s. heroin industry. and finally, what a murder in kansas tells us about race, immigration and the future of america. all of that is right ahead on bloomberg.
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