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tv   Charlie Rose  Bloomberg  August 16, 2017 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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♪ announcer: from our studios in new york city, this is "charlie rose." charlie: president trump faces increased criticism for his failure to condemn neo-nazis and white supremacist groups in the an incident in charlottesville, virginia. pres. trump: we continue to , violenceis bigotry on many sides. charlie: on monday the president did attack races, white
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supremacists, and neo-nazis. criminal,p: racism is including the kkk, neo-nazis, white supremacist, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as americans. charlie: finally today, and an angry confrontation with a reporter, the president went back to the point that there was blame on both sides. pres. trump: when you say alt-right, define it for me? define it for me, come on. thatabout the alt left came charging at the -- as you t-right -- the alt-right, do they have any semblance of guilt? what about the fact they came
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charging with clubs in their hands, do they have any problem? i think they do. wait a minute. i am not finished, big news. that was a horrible -- i am not finished fake news. that was a horrible day. i watched this much more closely been you people watched it. and if you -- you had a group on one side that was bad and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent and nobody once to say it, but i will say it right now. you had a group on the other side that came urging in without a permit and they were very, very violent. [indiscernible] -- whatu think that the you call the alt left is the same as neo-nazis? pres. trump: all of those people -- excuse me -- i have condemned neo-nazis, i have condemned many different groups, but not all of those people were neo-nazis, not
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all of those people were white supremacist by any stretch. those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue of robert e lee. excuse me. some of theat groups and you see -- and you know if you were honest reporters, which in many cases you're not, but many of able were there to protest the taking down at the statue of robert e lee. this week it is robert e lee, i noticed that stonewall jackson is coming down here die wonder is it george washington next week and thomas jefferson the week after. you have to ask yourself where does it stop. they were there to protest -- take a look at night before, they were there to protest the taking down of the statue. infrastructure question, go head. of robert estatue lee stay up? iss. trump: i would say that
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up to the local town, community, or the federal government depending on where it is located her. things have gotten worse or better since you took office? pres. trump: i think they have gotten better -- things have been prayed for a long time, but i haveve the fact that brought in -- it will be's in millions of jobs. companies are moving back into our country, i think that will have a tremendous positive impact on race relations. we have companies coming back into our country, foxconn in wisconsin just announced. --ve many countries i saypur back into the country. people want great jobs with good pay. when they have that watch how race relations will be. we are spending a lot of money cities, doing far
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more than anybody has done with respect to the inner cities. it is a priority. the what youtting --l the alt left and what the white supremacist on the same moral plane? pres. trump: i'm not putting anybody on a moral plane. both sides came at each other with clubs and it was a horrible thing to watch, but there was another side. there was a group on this side, you can call them the left -- you just called them the left, that came violently attacking the other group. say what you want, but that is the way it is. >> you said there was hatred and violence -- pres. trump: i think there is blame on both sides. thinkt both sides, i there is blame on both sides. i have no doubt about it and you don't have any doubt about it either.
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if you reported it accurately, you would say so? [indiscernible] pres. trump: excuse me. it had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. you had people in that group -- excuse me. i saw the same pictures as you did. you had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down -- to them -- a very important statue to the renaming of a park from robert e lee do something else. washington was a slave owner, was george washington as slave owner? will george washington loses status? are we going to take down statues to george washington? how about thomas jefferson? what you think about thomas jefferson, do you like him?
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are we going to take down his statues? because he was a major slave owner. it's fine, you're changing history, your changing culture. you hapeople, i'm not talking or white neo-nazis supper misses, but you had many other people in that group other than neo-nazis and white and the media has treated them absolutely unfairly. in the other group you had fine people, but you also had trouble makers. you have seen people, with a black outfits, helmets, baseball bats. you had a lot of bad people in the other group, too. charlie: many suggest that steve bannon is partly responsible for the response. and in has long attracted attention for his ideological ties to the far right. some are calling for his ouster here at joining me now is joshua green.
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he wrote about this in his ,"cent book "devils a bargain he is also a political analyst for cnn. i am pleased to have him back on this program. let's start with what you are hearing as to the future of steve bannon. joshua: for the last few days it has been clear that bannon was on an ice and particularly for two reasons, number one he has been eating with the national security advisor, the new chief of staff wants to bring order to the white house. there have been a lot of discussion about the fact that it looked like band was on thin ice because of that. then of course there is the publicity and has gotten from my book, which the "the new york -- "the new york times" reported.
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the fact that he has gotten such response, i think it shows he is steve bannono fire and is still listening to him, speaking about it in a manner steve bannon would speak about it. it doesn't seem to be somebody pushing out his chief strategist. charlie: does he need steve bannon? he doesn't't know if not, but i think that bannon and trump have a kind of connection. i think trump understands that bannon is someone who viscerally understands him and understands his politics and able to channel this nationalist populist worldview that trump and bannon used together to get trump to the white house. having said that, trump has come under and off a lot of cynicism for taking steve bannon's advice in the wake of the charlottesville violence in refusing to call out the
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alt-right races, white supremacists, and neo-nazis. that worked during the presidential campaign when hillary put pressure on trump to renounce of violence and he didn't. they did not work at all in this instance, because here we could see on our own television sets the violence that was happening and the lives lost as a result. charlie: can you tell us if you know the role bannon played in shaping the president's response to charlottesville? josh: i know based am i reporting and others have reported, steve bannon was not investor -- in bedminster with hisp, trump solicited advice on how to respond. i don't know what was said, but what trump said in his initial response, blaming many sides and refusing to specify the all being-- the alt-right is
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operable for the violence and his latest press conference where he angrily returned return to that position, both are positions that steve bannon would take on this issue, not only because he believed that the alt-right is an important part of trump rocky political base, but because he characteristically does not like to bend to the demands of the mainstream media and democratic party, and even the republican establishment, all of which have been telling trump you must condemn these people, you must specify that they are responsible and no one else. charlie: the president seems to adhere to what he said today. you had a group on one side that was bad and a group on the other side that was also very violent, nobody wants to say it, but i will a it -- i will say it right now. you don't make statements that direct until you know the facts. trump'sthink this is
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skatingbscen up to and deflecting blame. he will say something big that implies there is more there. we need to stop immigration of muslims from foreign countries until we figure out what is going on. we need to withhold judgment about charlottesville until we know all of the facts, i don't think it means there are facts we don't know, but it is trump's way of avoiding having to specifically apologize. one thing we know about trump is to apologizeathe for or condemn any supporters. and that is especially apparent in this case. charlie: how many of them are racist and how much of them are neo-nazis and white supremacists? josh: i don't think you can poll
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this clearly, and i strongly suspect that the subset is very small that are racist and not these, however, bannon believes they are a critical part of the trump's core support, because they are the truest believers, the people who come to breitbart news, show up to his rallies, active on social media. we know that trump is aware of them, because he often retweets them. even though he is routinely condemned for this and sometimes has to back off. i think that trump himself believes that condemning these people is capitulating to his political opponents. he refused to do it last august when hillary clinton gave a speech and called on trump to fire steve bannon and distance himself from the alt-right. he wouldn't do it then. athe to do itly lo
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now. now we can see in this press conference, he has essentially returned to his original vision. i thinthat shows two things, he is not listening. not listening to politicians, not listening to business leaders. instead, i think he is experiencing this viscerally through the lens of -- news and responding with real anger to the criticism he has gotten over the past few days. charlie: clearly he is not listening to his daughter, either? josh: no, but that is nothing new. she often tries to stand off the rough edges or steer him in a more moderate direction, trump doesn't seem to listen all that often. he didn't do it on the paris accord. he didn't do it when it came to his desire to ban transgender soldiers in the military. he certainly didn't do it in response to the charlottesville violence.
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i don't know what effect it really has him the president. is it political opportunism or racism, or is there no difference in this case? josh: i would choose a third option. i would say this is who trump really is. he response this early to this criticism. i don't know that he is a racist, although, the fact that he is so unwilling to criticize a racist, when he is so eager to criticize other people certainly makes you wonder. his response to this crisis is not dissimilar to his response to other political attacks that don't involve issues of race. that is in unwillingness to admit he has made an error or accept criticism. he just want do it. i think on an issue like shelves bill where race and identity are at the center of the debate -- an issue like charlottesville
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where race and identity are at the center of the debate, it is morally upsetting to voters, business leaders, members of his own party, and apparently members of his own family. charlie: there is also a fight with h.r. mcmaster. breitbart wouldn't be doing it without the acquiescence and urging of steve bannon, john kelly stepped into that, it is reported. so, if you have h.r. mcmaster and moderate people who feel strongly about him in the military like mattis and others, and you have john kelly feeling this is not healthy, what he needs to do to straighten up the white house, that is powerful people aligned against steve bannon. josh: it is. and i think if he is fired it is because of his feud with mcmaster. on for monthsing
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and has become especially public over the last couple of weeks. been written on the "the wall street journal" editorial page. breitbart has been extra ordinarily critical of h.r. mcmaster's. here wanted to tamp down to the senior team is this needs to stop, people need to stay in their lanes. that kelly the guy is empowering on foreign policy as is appropriate and his role as the -- on the national security council. if the ban accept that and report to kelly, slow down these attacks in the media -- if he is able to, then i think he will be able to survive. -- if bannon goes ahead the attacks continue, and make it to the point where kelly can prevail upon trump and a connectionve
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to this guy as your friend, it is hurting you. what -- if the president is listening to john kelly? josh: there is not a lot of evidence he is listening to kelly. he was opposed to come in, run a tighter ship, but instead you have trump with a twitter explosion, coming almost unhinged at press conferences. i would say that kelly's tenure is off to a rocky start. however, he is still conducting staff review, still trying to get things in order. he has said he's not going to try to curb trump's behavior or take away his twitter account. i don't know how much affect he can have on trump if he will leave a aside those two critical areas. i think we need to give them a
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few more weeks to see if he can get him to settle down. and if trump -- on charlottesville, which he was supposed to do today with a press conference on infrastructure, instead we saw he wants to return to the fight about charlottesville. i don't think that is something you can blame on steve bannon or an advisor. this is donald trump and nobody seems to be able to control donald trump. charlie: we always come back to that point, don't we? josh: we sure do. i don't think it will ever change. i think we will continue through cycles of purge. charlie: thank you. we will be right back. stay with us. ♪
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charlie: what was charlie: trina adams is here, chairman of the united states tennis association. its mission is to promote and develop the growth of tennis throughout the country. nurturing talent to compete on the global stage. she also owns and operates the u.s. open. it begins soon on august 28th. all eyes will be on a after winningn, both the australian open and wimbledon tournament. i am these two have are at the table for the first time, welcome.
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>> thank you. charlie: are you the first to serve two terms? >> i am. charlie: and the first player as well? >> i am. i knew that tennis was what i wanted to do from the first time didn'td up a racket, i'm know that professional tennis was a possibility, but i loved the sport. charlie: you must have had great hand eye coordination and the stuff that makes a great athlete. >> i had brothers and the time i of an up tennis somewhat athlete at a young age, it made .t easy to pick up the sport what was it -- charlie: what was it like to meet -- >> i didn't understand the
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sport, i didn't know what the significance was of winning wimbledon, but i do know watching him plane it was like -- watching him play it was like you get to watch us on television, this is cool. charlie: how do you develop young talent, we have seen waves talent, strong one decade but not so much in other decades. katrina: it is about providing opportunities. what we are doing is providing an opportunity for the kids to learn the sport with kid size equipment, smaller brackets, smaller courts so they can really understand the movement and strokes at an early age, developing quicker. if i had that opportunity at that age, i might have had a better or hand than i did hear
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it is about -- better forehand than i did. it is really about participation. charlie: how about participation of african-americans in tennis? katrina: that has been up the last couple of years particularly because of the williams sisters. it is like any sport, any major athlete -- like michael jordan and basketball. we had the little african-american girls who wanted to be like venus or to aa, but it translated lot of people of color. were able to get a lot of our african-american .layers, both male and female if you look at professional rankings now, you see not only been us and serena, but also taylor townsend, sasha vickery, vicki duval, the list goes on. you can see the players started
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the sport because of been us or serena, how it has played off. charlie: what about latinos? katrina: we haven't had as much success in that area, it is one andy initiatives understanding how to communicate with different cultures in those communities. it is really a platform of making an opportunity for cultures that really haven't gone toward tennis. we are making it more accessible, we had a 12% growth in our hispanic numbers and after our first year of making a major push in it here we have a young man doing really well right now. to see what he is doing, hopefully he is inspiring -- charlie: to get young kids to think about being him? katrina: absolutely. descent, itof cuban
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is important to have role models out there you can look up to and have them going out to do clinics and whatever they can to make sure the kids get involved. charlie: is the use of drugs for performance enhancement a big issue? katrina: we haven't really had that in our sport your when you talk about the kids getting stronger and bigger, it is really about being lean and fast. it's not like football or whatever, kids trying to get bulky and using those performance-enhancing drugs, but it has not in a big issue with our kids. how would you describe they handled maria sharapova. katrina: she came out and admitted it. charlie: the tests were positive. katrina: yes, the tests were positive. it came out and admitted it, wasn't something on the ban
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list forever, and it is something that has been dealt with. charlie: he was your biggest challenge? challenge isiggest to get kids in the sport, but also keep them in the sport. there are so many opportunities with other sports, with what technology is providing, we have so many couch potatoes now because they are dealing with their tablets and phones. as long as we can make the sport exciting and engaging, we program at the u.s. open, hopefully we can get a lot more kids excited about being in the sport, let them know it is fun and engaging, let them know that our professional players are behind it and promoting it. that is really where we are making sure we can get players in the game and keeping them for a long time.
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to serena andds williams, the two williams sisters,, different did it make that they had a father that was obsessed with the game as they were, and a mother. katrina: we have always had obsessive parents in the game, -- charlie: is it good? katrina: it depends on their approach. what works for the williams sisters may not work for someone else. we embrace any parent that wants to be in the sport and have their kids in the sport. we want to make sure that the child is protected, if you will, and making sure they have the right guidance and support behind them so they are not overworked. charlie: you start very early
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playing tennis even at the competitive level? katrina: we have 10 and under, that's true. what we have taken the ranking out of it. youths aremes when gunning to be number one, they don't focus on developing. they focus on ranking. and that is something we try to promote throughout our game, particularly through development, making sure the players and coaches understand that the development part is the most important part. the rankings and success will come. if you focus on winning too soon, you will miss out on being the best player you can be. charlie: do you continue to play? katrina: i do continue to play. not as much as i used to, my knees are not holding up as much as they used to, but hopefully i'll get those taking care of and be as active as i used to be. charlie: what is the difference
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between a player who reaches between the end 100 versus a player who is between one and five? what is it that those at the top that --t though our that are competitive and successful, and those who aren't? katrina: i can speak from both sides. i only reached 67 and singles. i thought i had the ability to be top 20, top 10, but i didn't make it. i was top eight in doubles. i understand what it means to be a top 10 player on that side and focus and commitment. i would say champions are born, there is something innate, inside. charlie: is it hard, is it something in their physical structure? there wasas said
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something about his shoulder, the great server that he was, something about the muscular ructure of his shoulder. katrina: i think the physical part can be taught. charli certainly hand eye coordination. katrina: right. you can have the best forehand, backhand, great server, but if you can't but it together physically and emotionally, then you can't get past a certain threshold. thelie: my guess is that mental edge kicks in when you get to the top 10 in terms of being able to -- because you have all of the equipment a greaty to be player, there is something about the mental edge that separates one and -- katrina: you still have to get to 10, so you still have to have the will to win. and once you get into that 10 number as you mentioned, it really is -- it becomes mental
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and self belief, and understanding what works for you, not just on the court, it is off the court. you have to make sure you're feeling good about yourself, you're doing everything properly that can make you feel nothing but a clean thought while you're out there on the court and executing what you have trained on. that is very difficult to do in this sport. number: when you were eight in doubles and 67 and singles, did you have a full-time trainer? did you have a full-time trainer, coach, nutritionist -- katrina: no. have i did have a coach, i had a trainer occasionally, but i can afford to have all of those year-round like top players are today. char anna traveling -- katrina: there is something that
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separates the level of player based on what you can afford, as well. charlie: if you could do it over, what would you do differently? katrina: that is a very good question, charlie. was veryy career, i involved off the court, on the board of the players association for the wga, and on the wga tour -- wta tour. i always wanted to give back and was very active. just solely ont me physically and mentally and preparation, because i was also focusing on the political side of the game, which obviously has worked out well putting me in the position i am in today with -- i think i would have trained evidently. i would've loved to have a full-time fitness trainer to
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make sure i was in the best possible shape. i went to college so i came out with the freshman 15 or a little bit more. i had to learn to get in better shape over time. it took time away from me early on. charlie: let's look forward to the u.s. open coming up. how do you get prepared? how does the venue get prepared? are in those stages right now. it is hectic. we are rebuilding louis armstrong stadium. we have had to shut down the construction of the rebuilding louis armstrong stadium and kind of dress it up for the public to comment, but we have had to build a temporary louis armstrong stadium in what we call parking lot b. that will be an exciting adventure for us, something new this year, but the remainder of the facility is done. the biggest thing was putting
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the roof on and opening up our new grandstand court -- area. it is really about cleaning up the site. but it is a lot of teamwork from every department of our staff and understanding every sector of the u.s. open is covered. charlie: one of the great things about the u.s. open, and i have been to wimbledon and the french open, i have watched a lot of tennis being played at a variety of places. the u.s. open, in the early stages of the tournament, you can walk around and he this player in theat early stages of a game. it is wonderful to have that kind of exposure to greatness. katrina: it is exciting. that is the part i call the u.s. open. it is great to feel the energy and excitement and watching the top players, but the first 10
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days we have 16 other match courts going on. your top players will also be out there. to be able to walk around and feel the excitement and energy from all of the players and watching the coaches and being as close as we are, i really call that the u.s. open. experience, a true fan experience, some things going on, entertainment-wise, social media outlets, etc. the majority of people are buying ground passes/ . charlie: they just walk around and -- katrina: exactly. that is the best ticket you can have, go out there and be in the food court and be up close and personal. charlie: in terms of players, what is the number of people that qualify for the u.s. open? katrina: we have 128 main draw
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players on both the men and women. the final 16 spots are provided to the qualifiers and/or wildcards. charlie: you can draw a wildcard and have a shot. katrina: yes you can, a player came and drew a wild after having a child and when the tournament. katrina: who are the rankings this year? who are the rankings this year? it fluctuates. venus williams is number nine right now, one american in the top 9, 15 women in the top 100, nine men in the top 100, 3 in the top 20. it should be a good year for the americans. charlie: on the men's side? rossa -- andy murray
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will be number two. that's why am thrown off, because some of our top layers. he is not playing, he's not going to be ready. charlie: he has been at the table. katrina: the top four of the men, one of them won't be there. will roger be in the stands as a new art fan? he has always been a new art player, i think a lot of people will be gutting for him. he is going for his 20th title, a lot of milestones will be celebrated.
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at 36.: katrina: charlie: -- katrina: correct. so charming and charismatic. a great ambassador. charlie: congratulations appeared is nice to have you here. rest wishes for a great tournament here at we will be right back. stay with us. katrina: thank you.
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got you outnumbered. the dinosaurs' extinction... don't listen to them.
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not appropriate. now i'm mashing these potatoes with my stick of butter... why don't you sit over here. find your awesome with the xfinity stream app. included with xfinity tv. more to stream to every screen. charlie:" unbreakable kimmy
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schmidt ♪ is the netflix original by tina fey. woman in new york city after being let free by a cult leader. surviving could be more than just living on, it could be a kind of freedom, too. the third season premier this past may and is nominated for five emmy awards including outstanding comedy series. here is a look. us.t y, do you want to take a career test? >> no thanks. i took one of those in high school and it told me to become a mannequin. >> that would be a good job for you. are you angry? >> yes i'm angry.
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i saw him going into an apartment with another man. he is cheating on me. they were laughing, holding hands, and -- you need to sit down for this -- i know you're sitting down. out that wore on our first date night. >> are you sure he is gay? >> everyone is gay it is the 90's. >> don't overreact. overreacting. i'm doing what anyone would do in this situation. charlie: we will get to that. i am pleased to have three stars of the show here at the table. welcome, welcome, welcome. when idea that this was developed for nbc and somehow it , was a goodetflix
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move? were you concerned? relieved, we were only because we knew the show was going to be seen. you knew it would be on air. >> that's right. we knew the premiere date, the air date. the change to netflix happened very quickly. >> yes. >> i got a call literally friday night -- charlie: you won't be on nbc, but good news -- >> you're going to hear something in a few hours, but don't be alarmed. if going to be a good thing. whatever you say. charlie: is a challenge to be able to find humor in dark? >> yet, there are many challenges in this. first of all, i think the show is so well written, and makes our job easier.
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the darkness is in the writing itself, so it is a huge help. i think there is so much subject material that is order line devastating, -- borderline devastating. or outright devastating. charlie: someone suggested it may be an argument about cynicism. >> yes. that's what so crazy about our show, it is not cynical. charlie: you have lost 15 years of your life. >> yes. i think that is what people to respond to, it's hopefulness. charlie: what do you think attracted you to the show? >> doesn't matter? >> it is hopeless optimism. that is so well put, hopeless optimism. titus: yes. whatie: did you hear
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people said about what it was like to emerge after captivity? lle: -- ellie: yes. i think being sensitive to that and knowing it is the story of what happens after and after you emerge -- charlie: that is optimism right there. yes.: and i think it can be related to on a less dramatic scale for anyone. you don't want to treat something like that lightly, there's nothing light about it. charlie: what do your friends say about your character? they all try to figure out what version of them i am doing.
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they laughed. i think they are used to my shenanigans inside of our friendships, relationships, so -- charlie: have they seen versions of the character? tituss: they have seen versions of it. charlie: you do draw matt? tituss: of course. a lot of times it's family members, but they don't know that. i would never tell them which versions they are. i think there are only a few little pockets of me. just the music and theater. define him as a character screen. think he is defensive, but only because he's afraid to be seen, but he wants to be seen. i think -- charlie: he wants the light but he is afraid of it.
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right. the chase it at any cost, but only gets it for a brief moment. very talented but misguided, very complex individual, hard to -- charlie: is it a perfect playoff of her optimism? -- is: i think titus is optimism has had a residual effect. i don't think it is something he would've chosen for himself or that her traits are something he wants to incorporate on purpose. i think it is all because of some accidental circumstantial situation where he re-examines his own personal character and sees why her teachings are important, i think. charlie: how does lillian view these two characters? tommy who
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she is -- tell me who she is. carol: i am there landlady. ame people think i am landlady of a building, but then i tell them it's actually a tugboat. we need each other and i think thisi was probably before .- very alone and outspoken and part of the neighborhood, but i think that -- and before and ihad another roommate don't think i was so welcome then. y is there, their home has become my home. i come down there and shave my legs or watch tv on the couch.
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tituss: in their home. carol: my home that i'm renting to them, i feel at home with them. we are some little strange family, that is how it is going. i think we all really need each other. college?kimmy went to ellie: yeah, she went to columbia. on a gets into columbia rowing scholarship, which is not an actual thing. i believe don't give athletic scholarships. charlie: they do have grown teams. ellie: they do. a fellow rower her on a machine and one of her greatest traits is that she is impossibly strong , i like to think she was just born up certainly strong. she gets to go to columbia on a rowing scholarship, but turns
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out she's not as smart as we hope she would be. she is socially smart. charlie: maybe she gets people and knows how to be friendly to people. ellie: i think so and again, how to navigate social situations. spoiler alert, she feels out of college. charlie: what is the impact of those 15 years on her today? ellie: i think a relentless optimism. with anshe was born ability to persevere and tenacity, but i think what -- she has seen the worst of human behavior, so i think nothing can r, but instead of giving up hope, it only reinforces it. i don't know how much of that can be taught or learned through an experience, i tend to believe
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she was born with it. charlie: how does titus recover -- from hisht up breakup? tituss: about a year and a half ago beyonce releases and now called "n album lemonade." and so, the cultural impact that has beenp culture long-lasting, well into season three, which premiered a year after "lemonade" properly premiered. at any rate, they creatives decided the way for titus two exercise his demons would be through "lemonade." i think in titus' head improving
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upon what beyonce did. -- he is veryd he crafty so he makes this wonderful costume in the likeness of what beyonce war and goes singing and smashing everything in his path to demonstrate the gravity and the depth of the hurt. charlie: how involved is tina and -- on this? carol: very involved. charlie: are they on the phone about script and character development? carol: not only on the phone, maybe once in a while a lunch is involved. charlie: let's talk about your character. do robert and tina fey talk together? carol: yeah.
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they are responsive to input, but also have a strong image of where you're going. they are very hands-on, on the set, thank goodness here it when tina comes in to sick, i just about get down on my knees and beg her for any little tip she wants to give maid. -- to give me. charlie: you have been acting for a while. carol: yes, too long. the talent is talent, nothing to do with chronological age. charlie: and that the woman who created the words you're going to say. carol: yeah, we really like to stick to the script, because it is so good. once in a while we will try and ideal for a line and think forget it, they wrote it perfect, just shut up. ellie: i would say one or the
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other is always on set. that mug should be there, too -- dotting every i. that's weather so good. charlie: it is a fun production. tituss: it is a fun place to be. ellie: they brought so much of rock."rew from "30 charlie: do they capture the spirit of 30 rock? ellie: i think it is a very similar. even though they are different subject matter, they are both very zippy. tituss: lots of jokes. carol: i never know what i'm saying, but people laugh and i'm grateful. but then i have to say what does that mean -- [laughter] charlie: thank you. thank you for joining us, we'll
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see you next time.
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♪ betty: a blow for business, warning hisump advisory councils after more top leaders walk away. >> one of said his conscience would not allow him to stay. betty: the fed minutes show members are worried about hitting 2% inflation. cathay pacific rejected the budget route to success despite the loss. b:


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