tv Bloomberg Surveillance Bloomberg March 30, 2020 6:00am-7:00am EDT
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presidents a medical expert. president trump adjust past easter to the end of april. adjust to the global slowdown. oil plunges, brent particularly this week. thursday brings claims and on friday, a pretty ugly jobs report. in this new york city where children play in central park, build a tent hospital. good morning. i am tom keene -- i am tom keene. lots to talk about. richard haass will be with us. i will tell you, there was a decided shift in the grimness here in new york and all of the personified by a normal field on the east side of central park, halfway up in the 90's across
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mount sinai. the sumerians -- samaritans have large white tents up. they will be in operation tomorrow. francine: we continue following that very closely. i also followed the press conference of president trump together with what we heard from dr. felty. there's a lot going on on the human side and on the health care crisis that we keep bring you up-to-date because that has an impact. tom: we are watching brent crude, $20 a barrel about three hours ago. in new york city with our first word news is viviana hurtado. viviana: that is where we began with trump abandoning his goal of a return to normal life by easter. he wants the public to continue
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faxing social distancing until at least the end of april. earlier on sunday, top what us medical advisor, dr. anthony fauci telling cnn, 200,000 americans could die in efforts to mitigate the spread of the virus are not successful. steven mnuchin says he expects to have small business loads up and running this week. the initiation is focused on adding money out quickly. mr. mnuchin told fox news the massive to trillion dollar stimulus plan was signed office on -- now to the u.k. where lockdown measures could last for months according to the deputy chief medical officer. he says it will get worse in the coming weeks and it will take time to see any impact the measures are having. rating the u.k.'s credit
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to aa minus. global news, 24 hours a day, on air and on quicktake by bloomberg, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in over 120 countries. i'm viviana hurtado. this is bloomberg. much.hank you so greatly appreciate it. let me get you the data quickly here. i am going to go right to commodities to show the weaker and -- end. really significant deterioration. grant has been a major part of that. it yields lower. francine? francine: looking at european bonds. core european bonds are up. officials in the region warned against loosening lucked out after the outbreak killed more in spain andple italy over the weekend.
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high-yield debt jumped in both asia and europe. stocks in europe down 0.6%, tom. to bringre all trying you extended conversations. ,ou will see james bullard naseem tellabs. we are thrilled to give you the commitment of ambassador hoss to our entire half-hour. richard haass, and the arguments of northern ireland. now president of the council on relations. very goodok, it is a effort. thank you for joining us. -- inserts of a multilateral world is truly missing in
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action. --hard: this is a world essentially every country, we are seeing states and cities essentially fend for themselves. this is what a post-american world looks like, tom. there is no leadership from us and there's no one else willing and able to step into our shoes so we have a global challenge but essentially being fought nationally and sub nationally. tom: to get to the domestic politics, this came up over the weekend for a global audience. nick burns who has been associated with both parties and particularly with the republican administration is now advising vice president biden. would you like the vice president to be more vocal as the president takes on these challenges? should biden be more vocal given this crisis?
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the word "dilemma" is overused. he is not yet the nominee. he still has a challenge from bernie sanders. there is a national crisis any time, there is feeling rallying around the president at least initially. that can change when things go bad. now, we are in the rally around the flag phase. , for odd for a challenger the president to challenge him and not look unpatriotic. it is hard for the vice president because he doesn't like a position of resisting authority. i think the vice president is still looking for a way that he can challenge the president in a way that is politically effective. francine: richard haass, good
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morning. how has president trump handled the crisis? i know there are critics. does he have the support of his base? richard: it is interesting, the president not only has the support for his base but he seems to have bolstered that somewhat. i think it is a bit of he enjoys . bump or some greater support he is seen as the strong individual in his daily press conferences where he gets out there with a phalanx. -- they seem have to have replaced his make america great again. what is so interesting and i think this is something that will be head scratcher is this is happening against the backdrop where this administration has made any number of mistakes where there was initially downplaying the crisis. the new york times have written to externally pieces.
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problems butthese still the presidents numbers have gone up. outcine: how does it play in light of election year? is it too soon to tell? does it depend on the number of deaths? as long as the press conference's are coming in the president seems to be in charge, will that help him? richard: the challenge will be to show the hours are going in the right direction. traditionally americans do not focusing on politics until after labor day. can see as, if you degree of economic improvement, a degree of improvement in the battle on the public front and assumes there's perficient relief, then i think the president is in a very good political position.
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it is hard to judge american politics in normal times. i wouldn't be confident of anyone who appeared on the show and prognosticating with great confidence. i guess i can talk about a post-american world. i believe there will be a post-viral world. -- to forever changed what we were in january of this year? richard: i am writing a piece on it just now for magazine for foreign affairs. once we get over the next 6, 12, 18 months and the virus is no longer front and center in our thetence, my prediction is world will look pretty familiar. a lot of the trends that existed
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, say six month ago, a lesser american role in the world, aposition to immigration, problematic u.s.-chinese relationship, a lot of those things will be center stage. i think it will be a familiar world but one that has been battered. tom: i am going to continue here with ambassador hass. i want to say the value of gideon'sr haass in fournette affairs magazine. he is writing for the next issue . i cannot say enough about foreign affairs magazine. whatever your politics. where america stands in the tumult of this world. we are going to continue with richard haass. james bullard coming up without michael mckean. stay with us. this is bloomberg. ♪
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francine: this is "bloomberg surveillance." tom and francine from london and new york and we have a lot going on, if you look the markets. there is a lot of focus on markets and exactly what they have been doing in high-yield. we are back with richard haass, council on foreign relations president. when you look at the u.s. response to the rest of the world, when you look at the lack of coordination, we have had a couple of things with the g20. if it is going to get better
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sooner, does someone have to take the lead? i am not sure there's an organization that can do it. richard: my hunches for this phase where the focus is on public health and relief for citizens and workers, think it is largely a national, each country doing its own thing. there may be some best practices and excess equipment. the real challenge is in the recovery phase when you've got to have some coordinated policy. also to deal with the debt crisis. it is something evan seen a whole lot of people talk about. there is going to be a real sovereign debt crisis. once they have to spend all this money at a time the economy isn't producing, they are going to go out in markets to get more loans and it is only going to happen if countries like the united states, the europeans and chinese step up.
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francine: richard, i am sure you get asked a lot about governor cuomo but we are getting a lot of viewer questions. he captures the heart of new yorkers. does he have a role nationally to play? richard: he has become one of the important faces of the crisis. his press compasses, southern chats wherefireside he's got a big personality and this is a crisis, and big personalities match crises. 45%,ork is the epicenter, plus or minus of the confirmed cases are in new york city. country andk of the if you can turn things around in new york, that will relieve pressure on the other big population space.
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bookat look at your former , a wonderful book on our disarray. how do you look at the debt buildup that we see? i saw a number of debt to gdp first estimates of 11% gdp, even as high as 12% of gdp. do you look at that as a permanent or a one-off? how in disarray are we? richard: we are in truly uncharted waters. we racked up this in almost debt and credit over $1 trillion in a year and times we were doing just fine. it is like we were wearing out our umbrella on a sunny day. now the rain has come and we are amassing a much larger debt in order to provide relief. they are going to be several relief pieces of legislation,
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and we are going to need a large recovery effort. the united states is going to reach levels of debt without precedent. we had the advantage of being the world's reserve currency. you raise a really interesting question. what will happen when we wake up and we see a slightly lower rating on american debt. it is on of the reasons that i think the long-term prospects are little bit cloudy. i think we could face aftershocks, not just about the sovereign debt of some of the emerging world countries, but also about the roles willingness to float a large american -- tom: richard haass with us in may 12 is when the world reef introduction -- brief introduction. and his essay coming out in foreign affairs magazine. get someeally try to true experts in the bureaucracy
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tom: good morning, everyone. bluebook surveillance. -- bloomberg surveillance. job's report on friday. 30 days from then, the april jobs report in early may will be extraordinary. right now we focus on the political, economics -- political economics of this shock. with us, richard shock -- richard haass. his book coming out, the world. i want to turn this to europe. truly it is a shock but a different shock for europe. do they have a better multilateral prism because of the european union? are they advantaged by that? question.t is a good even before this crisis began, europe with forces of
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integration losing out to some extent. i don't see a powerful collective response to the crisis. it is more national. one sees what italy and spain are doing. what we have to expect to come out of this is not a stronger eu which is wrecked by brexit but i think you are going to see probably more populist parties on the left and right. in germany we are seeing a weakening of the senate. tom: the reading of the weekend is just theimism expectation of europe has to be politically unacceptable. is europe going to put up with 2% nominal gdp is a structural reality. i do not by.
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richard: they should be so lucky. we are still in the phase where things are heading south. preconditions, this -- he sustained healthy growth. you will have a bump from a recovery the question is where -- the rest,teau the robust you are describing. we are looking at closer to last decades than to something robust. francine: what needs to happen for people to go back to work? whetherabout possible you have antibodies for certain while. i don't know what normal looks like four months and how we get there. do we have a going back to work plan?
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richard: plan is probably too strong but you talked about some of the elements. it is more of a dial. some will be. not just testing to see who contracted the disease but also people who have developed antibodies, immunities, so they can go back to work. they are safe in they do not threaten to challenge anybody else. if we can get to that point testing, we will see a limited return. it points to a larger issue. people keep waiting for this and to come to closure. we are probably looking at mortgage situation where this lingers, where some people can go back to work, others cannot. there might be degrees of recurrence. until there is a dramatic medical breakthrough, my sense is we are living in some gray area. even that would be an improvement over where we are.
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i think we are in early days. phase where things have to get worse before they get even worse. we are in a pre-recovery phase. we are not in a phase where people can go back to work. yesterdaytrump adjusted his optimism and no longer talking about an easter miracle. we are going to get through memorial day and even the summer where we again to see the first people able to go back to work. francine: richard, thank you so much. next, -- because you can't get to the theater,
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whole growth slowdown, worry in the literature over the weekend. we begin with a shock of the greater viral impact. we certainly saw that over the weekend. most certainly in the president press conference yesterday which is extraordinary, that shift from march and in the shock of an easter announcement, and then out to mid april and even some experts talking about locked out into june of this year. we need to talk to someone about small business. her storied life with her husband and coming out of the carolinas and building out a giant norm us small business the became a very successful business. linda mcmahon joins us. linda, it is real simple.
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there is individual checks that are going to be out there at some point. mr. kudlow mentioned that over the weekend. when does the small business get there proverbial check? linda: ask for having me. those loans will be available to small businesses starting this friday. if that is possible, that will be a good boost to the small businesses. we have to remember that small businesses make up 99% of all businesses in the country and they make up half of the gdp. the president really wants to get these businesses and keep them whole, especially over the next eight weeks and that is what these loans are designed to do. be: if this is assumed to income substitution or income replacement, do you assume stimulus toches of
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assist that 90% of america? get to what the hope is for small businesses and that is to help these businesses hire back or keep workers on the payroll. if they do that for the eight weeks, then that loan will be forgiven. they can go to their local bank and that is the best thing for this loan. these loans are handled under the sba oversight. borrowers should go to their local bank. that bank under their guidance will make the loan to that individual, and it is much easier to do that then go through the disaster relief program. lender toc approved businesses to hire, to pay their rent, their debts, to keep them
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going. the goal is the businesses can really start back up when we are ready to turn the curve on coronavirus and get back into action. francine: given this game, what do you worry about? the way you laid it out was helpful. people could take advantage of the scheme? sba will have it on their website -- and i am not with sba -- their team is doing an excellent job. they are correlating with all of banks to make sure there is communication between our borrowers and the banks. i think they are doing an excellent job. there, they will be giving more information about banks in different areas of the country. francine: do you see many
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businesses going under? given the extent of some of the schemes, you think this is possible? linda: i wish i had a crystal ball. there'll be some businesses that will go under. this is a very tough time. the hope is, that with congress acting to bring the act and this money that will be available, about $377 billion to small businesses. the hope is it will keep them afloat while they pay their employees. it is important to take care of our workers. this is nobodies fault. they will keep their employees on to pay the benefits. that will be a boon to small businesses. tom: american first action, what a great question for you that comes from over the weekend. what should be the next action
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for this president? here's a guy with elevated approval ratings in a fist fight every single press conference with the media and all the rest of it. what is your advice for president trump in his next action? how should he approach going into april? linda: i think the president has done an amazing job. the press conferences that he has every day are very consoling. they see their leader and they can ask questions. mike pence, other cabinet members. confidences more into what is going on in spite of the dreadful impact of this virus. i think the president is doing what he needs to do, listening to the health experts. that is why hed e social distancing plan and say lockdown until the end of april.
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whereas he was talking about easter. he is listening to the experts because he is concerned about the health and well-being of the citizens of our country. he doesn't want to do anything to jeopardize that. he keeps looking at the economy, how it can be infused any -- infused even more. we have to wait and see how this portion of the stimulus is going to work. and see what happens, because it hasn't even started yet. tom: that is a point well taken. linda mcmahon, thank you so much. we move from the politics of the moment and ms. mcmahon's support of the president, over to the ambivalence of economics. morgan.sman for jp bruce, we have been focusing on america, the slowdown here. what is the global economy look
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like? global negative gdp statistic? scope's like we are going to contract over the next half of this year the pace that we .aven't seen since world war ii the virus is spreading, the aggressive actions are spreading and the stresses are taking place across the world and not everybody has the capacity to provide the health care supports, as well as the economic supports that we are seeing. i think we are going to have a downturn. it is somewhat staggered. it is hitting the u.s. in march and april and playing out. there's a little bit of a lag across the rest of the world. tom: you assume a lag across the rest of the world that we do this with normal markets functioning? or should we be aware of junk
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conditions that could occur? bruce: we are seeing important actions taken place in the u.s., by the europeans and other policymakers around the world to try and prevent the systemic stresses from playing out in financial markets. we can see they are doing good. there are some weak links. ofthe edm, there's an issue capacity of individual countries to deal with the stresses on dollar funding, liquidity problems on these holes in debt. we are concerned that we need some sort of lender last resort for em. it looks like it is moving in that direction but we are not there yet. morning. bruce, good where do you see unemployment in the u.s. hitting in a couple of months? bruce: you are going to see the unemployment rates spike, even
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with the supports that are in place. much of the u.s. supports are coming in on supporting income rather than supporting jobs. that is the big difference then what we are seeing in the european system. then as these programs work and as we turn the lights back on which is the assumption in our forecast, we see the unemployment rate coming back over the next six to nine months. francine: do you see -- companies being nationalized? are you seeing a similar pattern in the u.s.? >> i am not making any judgments about where we get to. we think there's going to be a fairly big shock that we do see, if we can get back the restrictive measures by midyear, a fairly strong recovery taking place.
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it doesn't break down -- bring out the fact but things look a lot different if we are able to cushion the blows here and begin to get through the virus affect. tom: bruce kasman, thank you so much. we will continue with dr. kasman. all sorts of ways to see us on television and on radio. channel 119 for those of you working at home. on as well it on the terminal, a great way to observe television at some of our conversations in its entirety is tv . it has been a great success. stay with us from london. from new york with bruce kasman, this is bloomberg. ♪
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>> we can expect by june 1 we will be well on our way to recovery. a lot of great things really happening. that was an aspirational number, i didn't say easter. >> the decision to prolong -- not prolong, but to extend this mitigation process until the end of april is a wise and prudent decision. viviana: you are watching bloomberg surveillance. we begin here in the u.s. with donald trump abandoning his goal of a return to normal life by easter as you just heard he wants the public to continue practicing social distancing to at least the end of april.
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earlier, top white house medical advisors dr. anthony fauci telling cnn its efforts to mitigate the spread of the virus is not successful. over 20,000 americans could die. china cutting the interest rate on charges to banks by the biggest amount since 2015. the rate is being set at 2.2%, down from 2.4% at a comes at the people's bank of china inject into the banking system around $7 billion. oil pumping to a seven-year low. dipping to below $22 a barrel. the price war between saudi arabia and russia continues. the kingdom saying it hasn't had any contact with moscow about output cuts. russia says while $25 a barrel is unpleasant it isn't a catastrophe. global news, 24 hours a day, on air and on quicktake by bloomberg, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in over 120 countries.
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this is bloomberg. tom: bruce kasman with us. is themework right now unknown unknowns of global growth. certainly later this week looking at the labor economy and claims on thursday. then the american jobs report on friday. not that much affected, but much more affected three days from now. around that is the debate on inflation. this kasman, what i am seeing on a research note house to house is the dynamic of service sector change versus goods producing change. deflation get from when you look at the dynamics of the service economy and the goods producing global economy? bruce: there is a supply shock which can add to price increases, but there is a huge
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demand shock and it is concentrated in the services sector which is disinflationary. you put that together with what is going on in energy markets and i think the net effect is going to be very significantly negative. the headline numbers could go negative here. really the more important issue is the lasting effect here, and there is no doubt that will keep inflation apart. even if we start a recovery, we are going to have these problems of persistent low inflation for time to come. tom: what does the financial system to do with the deflation? we have an experience that, have we? bruce: if we are talking about inflation because of oil, because of the shock that is hitting the system, we are going to be ok. the point you're making is a good one. if we cannot get growth up, if we cannot get central banks to create a path where inflation comes back, not to the levels
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that they were, then you have ongoing product problems, as you begin to shift towards a deflationary environment, you begin to redistribute wealth back toward creditors and away from debtors, and you start to put in a situation in place you may -- where you make it harder to get financial support. what are you studying most with your economic team? what is the single thing you are focused on this week? bruce: we are not having coffee together these days, but the big issue is thinking about lasting damage. there is a dynamic when you recover from my natural disaster that you recover quickly and fully and we have had the experience that when you break things and create lasting damage in financial markets, you could
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have prolonged losses in output. it is hard to judge where we are. we are talking about a scenario that is somewhere in the middle. try and identify where those points of pain are going to be that i going to last beyond the initial shock to the system, and how big and broad they are going to be is where we are focusing our attention. francine: when are markets going to be starting to be uneasy about all of this extra debt created? bruce: as we talk about where the pressure points are, one of the things is if we are successful in bridging the gap, the amount of pressure the public sector is taking on is going to be an ongoing problem. it doesn't have to create an cute problem for markets in the beginning, but as you saw after the financial crisis, the aftershocks for the european sovereign crisis, these are
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things which you really easily forecast. francine: you are in u.k. with folks a lot, doll as another dynamic. is there an ideal dollar level, not only for the u.s. but for the rest of the world? bruce: the dollar moving up is not a good thing here. for some countries having weaker currency can be a plus. it is putting stress and reflecting the capital outflows. the big problem with the dollar is what it is reflecting in terms of capital moving out of some of the weaker links and the stresses we talked about earlier, in terms of dollar funding and overall sovereign funding. that is a problem. the weakling in these cushioning forces hasn't been dealt with at this time. but, bruce, i guess
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the way that things will go, we will see more sovereign credit ratings being cut from other countries. and that automatically still be dollar strength? bruce: not if we are a -- not if we are able to get past this. the dollars running because of the fear this could be a lasting move down. if we could cushion the globe and get to the point where we have controlled the virus, i think will change. the question is whether the dollar dynamic, the credit problems in e.m. are going to add to an increase in risk. just note, china is already starting to lift and one of the interesting things to look for as we watch the u.s. data turned weaker is to see whether the pmi's in china are signaling that march recovery, because they are first in and out and they have a lesson for everyone
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viviana: this is bloomberg surveillance. we begin with the death of an executive at jefferies. highlighting the urgency of back up plans. chief financial officer died from complications type the -- tied to the coronavirus. now to about 100 amazon employees at a new york fulfillment center plan to go on strike today at noon.
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the alleged management has been unresponsive to their safety concerns about the spread of coronavirus at the facility. they want to be sanitized. they also want to be paid. we end with easyjet is grounding its entire fleet after completing the patriot and flights. the airline is looking for ways to increase its cash cushion and plane start flying again is uncertain. it will depend on government restrictions and demand. that is your bloomberg business flash. .rancine: stocks slipping today u.s. equity futures, a lot of the focus was on this terrible weekend. we had a update on the number of deaths. if you look at this -- if you look at the individual stocks, surging in premarket after dollar on thehe
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course to snap a four-day losing streak. core european bonds rising as easyjet grounded its fleet. easingls warning against lockdowns astronaut break killed more than 3000 people in spain and italy paired i'm looking at credit markets, a bit of pessimism. ourng up later, conversation with michael mckee. that is 1:30 p.m. in london this is bloomberg. ♪ nowadays you do more from home than ever before.
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near lows as oil is decimating. countries all over the world extend and enter into lockdown. china's liquidity pump. the pboc cuts interest rates on loans to a low not seen since 2015. and swapping dividends for liquidity. major european banks suspend dividend payments to boost financial firepower. welcome to "bloomberg daybreak: americas" on this monday, march 30. i'm alix steel. --re's not of movement there's not a lot of movement. we are pretty much flat. jp morgan talking about how they eee still going to s shelter safety trades over the short term. you have china pumping a massive amount of stimulus into the market. the risk off is oil at a 17 year low.
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