tv Bloomberg Daybreak Australia Bloomberg April 22, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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>> good evening from bloomberg world headquarters. we are counting down to the major market open. i am shery ahn in new york. haidi: and i am haidi stroud-watts in sydney. welcome to "daybreak -- australia." here are our top stories. u.s. stocks halt a two day slide amid optimism for reopening the economy. steven mnuchin and sees a restart by the end of august. oil recovers from a 21 year low after two days of frantic selling, but it continues to
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loom over the market. and the u.s. and china continue to trade barbs over the handling of the crisis. washington says the world has been let down. shery: let's get you started with a quick check of how markets are trading. u.s. futures looking like this. unchanged at the moment. this, after we saw a broad-based rally in the regular session. this halting a two day slide. we had the latest around corporate earnings showing a little more positive sentiment. chipotle and texas instruments rising on solid result. we had tech leading the gains with the nassau composite seen the best day in about one week, reversing yesterday's weakness in tech and chipmakers as well. we have a little more optimism about the eventual reopening of the economy as well, so we had this pullback in treasuries confirming this risk-on move. take a look at what oil is doing. we saw oil rising from record lows in the new york session. barrel right $14 a
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now as president trump ordered the navy to deploy any uranium boats -- iranian boats harassing their ships at sea. this of course as brent slumped to a 21 year low before rebounding. you are seeing prices for june, july, and other months futures. vice president -- toppedses have now 830,000, although the rate continues to slow. a 484use is set to pass billion dollars relief package on thursday, with congress already clashing on the exclusion of state level support in the next stimulus bill. let's bring in our congressional reporter emily wilkins.
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house speaker nancy pelosi talking about this major package that would include state and local government aid, but we are hearing from the other side of the aisle that they are not happy with this proposition. emily: yes. majority leader mitch mcconnell came out today saying that basically estates are struggling, he thinks that they should go ahead and declare bankruptcy. he thinks that is the right option for states. you have seen democrats push back against this. he saw them in the last bill make a strong push for state and local funding. that did not happen in the bill that passed yesterday and is suspected to pass the house tomorrow, but it is something i am sure they will continue to push for with the upcoming fourth package of coronavirus stimulus funding. what is the latest that we know in terms of a rough timeline as to when an economic reopening could tape played --
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could take place? this, as the fight to contain the virus continues. emily: sure. wase's going to be -- it spoken about last week when trump had his speech. he talked about the country opening up in different segments at different times. you are seeing certain governors, like the governor of georgia, try to begin to reopen the state. you are seeing other governors to continuee need these lockdowns as they currently are. you are seeing eagerness from the trump administration as well as some republicans to really get started again and to really reopen the country, but there is a lot of hesitancy coming up. we really are in a time of uncertainty right now. we have been there for so long, but there is still a lot of debate as to what the best moves are going to be, especially considering that the u.s. now has the highest number of
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coronavirus cases of any country in the world. shery: tell us about the latest number of infections. as i mentioned earlier, we are topping 800,000 already, but it seems the rate of new infections is starting to slow down. emily: right. isleast the rate in the u.s. actually slightly below the average. and you are seeing some states come i think including new york, where they are seeing fewer daily deaths now than they were in the middle of the month. so, it seems like they might potentially be getting over that hump. you are seeing a couple other states with similar trends, but then you are seeing other states with more infections than we had seen previously. so different areas of the country are currently on different tracks. and then of course there is always the idea that it could potentially be a second wave of things. things might have to shut down again. haidi: we have seen that second
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wave, and a third wave play out and some countries that have seemed to have handled the crisis well from the outset. have we had on any updates on what things are looking like when it comes to therapeutics, when it comes to the development of the vaccine? central to the conversation about reopening the labor force across the country, across any country, is this issue of testing for immunity and whether people are actually safe to go back out. emily: absolutely. trump promised a number of tests that would be delivered by late march. we still have not seen that number of tests in april, although testing capacity is ramping up. we saw in the bill that the senate passed yesterday and the house will vote on tomorrow that there is funding in there, i believe around $25 billion, in
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things related to testing the virus and doing research. you are still seeing and lawmakers vigorously support those efforts, but at this point, they said at the start that a vaccine could take up to 18 months. we are certainly nowhere near the end of that timeframe at this point. this pointnyone at in washington dc talking about the deficit and adding to the debt burden? this is the costliest relief package in u.s. history. where have the fiscal hawks gone? emily: absolutely. this is something you have started to see republicans talk about desperate -- yesterday. you saw mitch mcconnell say we need to start taking the deficit into consideration. you are seeing leaders in the house, republican leaders in the house say that this is something that needs to be considered. do haveame point, you this crisis situation where a lot of americans are hurting,
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where a lot of businesses are closed. so it will become a bit of a balancing act to weigh the deficit, which was already in the trillions of dollars, against how much more we want to be spending in this -- for this particular crisis. emily, thank you so much for being with us. as we continue to wait for president trump and the coronavirus task force briefing to start. still ahead, the secretary of state mike pompeo says china needs to be more transparent about the coronavirus and its handling of the pandemic. professor kerry brown joins us later to talk about the response to coronavirus diplomacy. coming up next though, we speak with wealth management managing director jeanette garrity to
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haidi: president trump is speaking at the white house. pres. trump: -- and detroit is past its peak. our aggressive strategy to battle he virus is working, and more states will soon be in a position to gradually and safely reope. very exciting today watching and seeing what is happening. people getting ready and they are all excited. i want to mention, dr. robert redfield was totally misquoted in the media on a statement about the fall season and the virus. totally misquoted. i spoke to him and he said it was ridiculous. andas talking about the flu
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corona coming together at the same time. and corona could be just some flareups that we will take care of. we will knock it out. we will not get out fast. that is what he was referring to, coming together at the same time. rather than waiting, i would ask dr. redfield to come up and say a few words to straighten that out. he did not say it was a big explosion. the headline in the washington post was totally inaccurate. the statement was not bad in the post, but the headline was ridiculous, which as i say, that is fake news, and cnn is fake news like crazy. which they knew. they were asked to change it and they would not do that. and it was false. so i'll ask dr. redfield, who is a real professional, to come up and explain. redfield: thank you. i do think it is important to clarify this as we build the
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confidence of the american people. when i commented yesterday thatthere was-- shery: you are listening to president trump get his daily press conference on the coronavirus outbreak. saying a number of new virus cases in the u.s., the number of new cases will keep declining. of course a pandemic has really led to the this traction of oil demand and oil sinking to a 20 year low. brent has recovered, bucking two days of frantic selling. but a global supply glut continues to loom over the market. let's get a look at what these moves mean in the long-term. managing director jeanette garrretty. great to have you with us. we continue to see the price of oil under less pressure than before, but still at historic lows. what does this mean for companies and earnings going forward?
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because in a way it could also bruce -- boost profit margins for those oil users. jeanette: it absolutely can. so many vital input in ways to the economy. everything from the actual physical production of plastics, for example, to the fuel input for any number of industries. price isecline in going to help, especially as time when demand is challenged and people are worried about preserving profit margins and what will happen to earnings. so yes, it helps. and also from a consumer standpoint it is one reason to have hope that inflation will stay very low, which will without a doubt help household budgets that are pressured at this time. so, it does have those positives. at the same time, the industry
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employs a lot of people in this country and around the world. so hardship in those areas and the employment consequences of it are not to be dismissed. shery: we see more forecasts being revised upwards. and once analysts realize how big stimulus package in the u.s. could turn out to be. jeanette: yes. somebody this morning asked me, is it enough? the most overworked word right now is the word unprecedented. these are unprecedented times. this is unprecedented stimulus. another way of saying this is also that it almost makes sense to just use the words big, very big, big enough, as opposed to the actual numbers. the problem with answering the question as to whether it is enough, is we do not really know
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how the economic needs are going to unfold over the next three months and even into a recovery, when it comes. so we are understandably taking some guesses here. it's probably enough for now. it will have some positive impact but it may not be enough in the long-term and there may have to be even more stimulus provided to the economy. haidi: does the shape of the recovery matter? jeanette: well, it certainly is a good talking point, isn't it? it started out two month ago it was going to be eight v, th -- t l was notthen a u, an exciting at all. the latest is a w. could be an m too. this is maybe a way to do a
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quick check on our understanding of how the quarters are going to play out, but i do not think from an investor standpoint it is really very helpful. ho,ause the real issue is w what ,where. different industries are going to be recovering and rebounding in different ways. different companies within those industries are going to have differential performance. going tocally, there's be a huge difference. we already see it in the world today with different countries starting to move forward while others are still feeling that they need to hold the economy back, for the reasons of the coronavirus. feel thenot personally alphabet soup is entirely useful. i prefer to start thinking about
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what that recovery is going to look like, how it is going to come together, who is likely to need it, rather than thinking about the shakes. if you take a look at markets broadly, we have so little visibility as to what the other side of this looks like, and when. and yet risk asset prices are not exactly cheap. jeanette: yes. well, yes. and you make a very important monthsthe last couple of industries would say you buy on the dip. youbuy on the dip if understand the market fundamentals and you know you can get something at the right place -- price because you have some clarity as to where you are going.
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at the moment it is fair to say we are not sure. we are getting some insight, some very small insight into the direction for earnings starting now in the u.s. with earnings season upon us. and in some of the guidance we are getting from companies. but even for them, i pity the p corporate planner working with the finance team to figure out what that company will be doing in six months, when it is not certain what governments will allow in six months. shery: one thing that seems to be a certainty right now is that after this pandemic is over, given we already have trade tensions, more and more companies will try to build in resiliency in the supply chains. won't that be costly? and if that is the case, would you factor that in when you consider these different firms? jeanette: yes, absolutely.
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there will be a cost associated with this. and i think one of the real longer-term developments will be timeision of just in inventory and supply chain management 2.0. with recognition that there is a cost to being so dependent on any particular one source, one geography. and therefore it is prudent to have a different plan. cases,some of these companies and industries may not have any choice but to have a different plan. could be a government coming in and saying we need assurances that in times of crisis you are going to know what you are going to do, and we are going to get it because you are a vital company, or a vital industry. so, i do expect that there will
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be, speaking now from a u.s. perspective, that there will be operations that relocated overseas, specifically in china, that will be brought onshore to the united states. at the same time that i think some manufacturing -- not just manufacturing, but it is especially noticeable in manufacturing right now -- where people are saying how do we run the shop floor. are we going to have to learn to have social distancing? does that mean that we use more machines and fewer people? are we going to run two to three shifts? how is this going to come together? are we going to need to disinfect the plant every night? and each one of those things has a cost attached to it. so companies are very innovative about doing things, they are very creative, but i think in
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the near term have to expect that the cost of operations are going to rise. all right. joining garrity there us, thank you so much for your time. coming up next, singapore's coronavirus cases topping 10,000, as infections among workers continue to surge. we will get the latest on the virus. this is bloomberg. ♪
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what are singapore doing about this, because they are bearing the brunt, the lions share of new infections? yvonne: the government is looking for new ways to house foreign workers as they deal with this crisis. more than 200,000 of them are living in tight quarters, often 10 people per room. they also share common areas like kitchens and bathrooms. it is mostly why the total number of cases in singapore has risen tenfold since the start of the month. a third day in a row yesterday where we sought new cases top 1000. earlier this week singapore began halting movement of these migrant workers into and out of their dorms. they have converted military camps, making public housing into interim public housing for those were healthy. a total of about 10,000 essential workers are now having been transferred out of these dorms. singapore also considering using cruise ships to accommodate
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workers who have recovered and tested negative. also in southeast asia we are watching indonesia. they are also extending a partial locked down in the capital until may 22. the social distancing measures so far have been going on for one month, but it has not done month -- much to flatten the curve there. the jakarta region has become the epicenter now, accounting for two thirds of the cases in the country. shery: president trump right now being questioned about a second wave coming here in the u.s. as well. president trump saying if covid comes back to the u.s., it will not be as bad. people are already seeing a second wave not only in asia, but in europe. yvonne: italy and france both report the most new cases in four days, seeing a slight increase. in total the increased countries had more than 10,000 new cases wednesday. we heard from french president emmanuel macron saying we are in a preparation stage for the second stage. i am not talking about going
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back to normal life. this, as eu countries are battling between limited the spread of the virus, or saving jobs. they are being pressured to follow other countries like austria, denmark, and norway. is trying to help limit the economic fallout. they are planning to double their stimulus package. prime minister giuseppe conte pledging no less than 50 billion euros to the budget, which would basically plunge the country further into debt. its state extending of emergency until may 9. of relaxing restrictions now are getting very scarce. shery: yvonne man, thank you. do not miss our exclusive in a.m.w later at 8:10 in hong kong. next, chinese politics expert professor kerry brown joins us
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sales coming in at 167,374 ounces. 165,502 ounces. gold looking to set new record highs. evolution have been facing supply-side challenges, particularly with the restrictions on flights and on logistics preventing gold from getting to their refineries. interviewr exclusive with the evolution mining chairman coming up. he will be joining us in sydney a little bit later on. shery: we are also getting breaking news. daimler just reporting their first quarter results. there was a lot of focus on their liquidity and free cash positions. daimler announcing per luminary first quarter -- preliminary first quarter figures are in
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line with a trend they communicated earlier. the group coming in for 2020 below the prior year, and per luminary first quarter 10rcedes-benz coming in that 5 million euros. bloomberg intelligence had anticipated significant industrial free cash burn and the first half. management already confirmed it against daimler reporting results with first quarter ebb milliong in at 617 euros. let's get a quick check of the broader markets and how trading is getting underway in asia. seeing a move to futures this morning. to slightly under pressure. nikkei futures in chicago just holding study, but heading slightly lower this morning. keeping and i on chipmakers after solid results from texas instruments.
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the euro ahead of the european uterus -- european leaders meeting. checking in on the hong kong dollar stained of the strong and -- end. the interest rate gap to the dollar is staying hybrid watching for a three-month to fall below 1% as beds are building for subzero u.s. trade. checking in on commodities, gold holding above 1700 after the biggest jump in one week. moving in sync. on this.n eye wti extending gains. storage prices have jumped.
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shipping companies have climbed from march lows as investors expect demand for tankers and other storage will rise. the collapse in oil has been harsh for retail investors. each lost more than 80% of their value in 2020. shery: let's turn to china at a 25%t is looking increase. the agricultural signal this month. american oil producers say china is falling behind in its energy commitment from the trade deal signed just before the coronavirus pandemic leveled the global economy. theked ron kirk how pandemic is affecting u.s. china relations.
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importantcritically that not only china, but both china and the u.s. do everything to meet the benchmarks laid out in the u.s. china agreement. earlier this year i know the ag director for ustr had a fairly lengthy press conference. the increase in exports to china, but they are still substantially and significantly behind what was laid out in the agreement. more importantly there were a number of other technical issues that china needed to address that it is critically important they not use this pandemic as a cover to drag their feet on. that said, i think everybody understands everyone's
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responsibility right now is to orderhe citizenry, and in for us to get a handle on this horrific pandemic, that has to be job one. shery: yet we continue to see the rising tensions between china and the u.s. with president trump really going on the offensive, saying that china should bear responsibility for the origin of the virus. we will continue to see these tensions play out. how this could this impact the imports of medical supplies and components from china? the well, regrettably, president has used this pandemic as an opportunity to shift hisonsibility for, frankly, lack of leadership and lack of direction, in terms of the reit -- the u.s. response to the pandemic.
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you mentioned how he has blamed t different points he has blamed it on a hoax of the democratic party and others. but the reality is there are serious issues at play here. and as you know, both the chairman of the senate finance and house ways and means committee, democrats and republicans, have written to the administration asking them to reconsider all aspects of their trade policy and frustrating their response to this pandemic. for example, and i am sure your listeners know, the tariffs the administration previously put on china including -- included tariffs on medical supplies and critical goods, which at the time most people argued made no sense, even before this pandemic. that certainly hindered a number of our efforts to try to gain access to critical medical
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supplies that were imported from china. but even more broadly than that, when the u.s. fails to exert leadership on this, then we begin to see the cycle through of global trade community every country beginning to lean more on export restrictions. out of albeit legitimate concerns that they have necessary supplies and equipment to take care of their own constituencies. but we have to do so in a thoughtful way that does not have the unintended consequences of just prolonging this pandemic. that was former u.s. trade representative ron kirk speaking earlier to shery. we have these breaking in bonds from president trump. he continues to deliver remarks at the white house at the
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coronavirus task force at his press briefings. trump thanking community banks, urging the house to pass interim stimulus without delay. also going through his views when it comes to the states, saying he disagrees with george's governor on reopening spas. says he will help california obtain critical supplies. so president trump now thanking harvard for not accepting the stimulus money, quite controversial as some of those funds actually going to big businesses, including harvard. let's bring in our next guest for more on this blame game we are seeing around the handling and the origins of the coronavirus and the subsequent pandemic. staying up late for us out of the u.k., professor from king's college, professor of chinese studies kerry brown. we really appreciate your time for us, particularly given the time difference we have. i am wondering, do you think china and the u.s. have been
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disadvantaged in the sense that their global standing over their respective handling and the tit-for-tat kind of bickering that we have seen since, there has been no sense of a global sense of unity to work together. who comes out of this looking worse for wear? kerry: if you look at it realistically, at the moment china has dealt with the first its of the viral issue and public health system has kind of dealt with it. it may have a kind of recurrence, of course, and there is a lot of doubt about the figures, but at the moment it looks like it is coming out of its own lot down. america is still in the middle of the crisis. it might get out of it soon, it might not. at the moment china looks to be slightly ahead. will be it can get out of those issues, domestic
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growth of the middle class that others simply do not have. at the moment i will say china is ahead, but it looks pretty isolated. it is obviously in a very difficult position because the rest of the world blames it for this condition, rightly or wrongly. critics sometimes cause of it to flare into more. it is still in a very critical position. professor, it is quite interesting how the difference of a few weeks makes. the essay reading from a chinese professor who was usually critical in the initial handling and the cover-up. the sheer amount of anger you had from the general populace as a result of the early weeks of the pandemic within china. has that swiftly turned? because as you say in your has done a master
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class in crisis management. is that the narrative feeding through domestically? because it seems a few weeks ago we were talking about this being a turning point in terms of the broader population and its support of the communist party. kerry: well, nothing is better than success, and the communist party so far has overcome the first hurdle of this virus, but we do not know what the next step might be, if there is a next step. the rest of the world has also shown massive, massive challenges in facing a pandemic like this. i think that they kind of have probably given things for the chinese public to reflect on. if you look at just management, well, the chinese system has managed what was sent its way, whether it was responsible for it in the first place. i guess that what is what chinese politicians will stress to the public.
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i think also no matter what chinese might think of their government, they are fairly nationalistic and proud of the country and what it is doing, and they see a lot of the criticism coming from trump and others that the china virus, and things like this, and it makes them probably feel more charitable to their own government because they think, my goodness, the rest of the world is not being very hospitable to us. but this is right in the middle obviously a very unpredictable period. things have happened in the last few months and really thought would happen. everything might change in the next couple of months. america may deal with the problems it is dealing with, and economically do better than people are expecting, and china might be hit by a second wave. so it is really hard to know where this is leading, but at the moment i think the xi jinping leadership does not look
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weaker than it did at the beginning of the year, and that is not what a lot of people were expecting. shery: as i was talking with ambassador kirk, given how much of the medical supplies components, not to mention economic opportunities come from china, what is the risk of the u.s. continuing to alienate beijing? kerry: china is deeply embedded in all sorts of supply chains, and while the u.s. and china may want to decouple, they are also pretty mutually reliant at the moment. it will not be very easy for them to be able to create a world where they are completely separate from each other. it is difficult to impossible. it will not be quick, even with a crisis like this prompting it. so i think it is likely that there will be attempts by america to get less reliant on imports from china. it has already been happening and that will probably accelerate. i think china will also want to
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be less reliant on sources of growth from the outside world, but that will also take time. i think the thing is this virus is going to accelerate things that were already happening. i do not think it is going to change the underlying structures. these things were already kind of going on, and they will speed up, but i do not think they will introduce anything radically new into that. shery: quickly, we have seen surveillance just really increase within china. within theig brother chinese state look like after the pandemic? able tohe apps being tell people whether they have the virus or not i think will be tolerated. that kind of surveillance has been happening in china has been extremely intense. i think a crisis like this has probably given the central state even more of an excuse to have these measures. -- i mean, i do not think
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think the public will tolerate that. they may not have any choice but to tolerate it. but for the outside world, the optics are not looking great, and it is another problem to deal with china. the serious domestic issues are not once the outside world can put up with. brown,professor kerry thank you so much for that. we have breaking news. president trump says he signed the executive order suspending immigration into the united states. of course he had warned that he would be suspending immigration, legal immigration to the united states. president trump just saying he signed the executive order. plenty more to come on "daybreak -- australia." this is bloomberg. ♪
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u.s. and china continue to trade barbs about the coronavirus, each saying the other should have done better. washington initially said beijing covered up the extent of the infection in the early days, prompting china to say he was the u.s.'s attempt to shift attention from its own inaction. the year. commission is -- the european commission is floating a plan ahead of a summit thursday.
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they will discuss the coronavirus terminal -- ecb says it will accept junk rated debt as collateral from bank loans to shield the euro zone's weakest economy. they doubled their estimate in the slump of global gdp growth. they seaworld what output falling by 3.9% this year, more than twice as forecast. that would be a decline of almost $3 trillion to global income levels and a loss of $4.5 trillion. recessioning quote, a of unprecedented depth. global news 24 hours a day on air and on quicktake by bloomberg, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in more than 120 countries. i'm karina mitchell. this is bloomberg. shery: diving back into the parade of after our earnings. shares of las vegas sands are rally despite the fact revenue
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was cut in half by the pandemic. su is covering the latest. investors are viewing these results at least better than expected. su: better. look at the aft -- better-than-expected and getting better. surged as much as 9% after hours and took wynn and mgm with it after the ceo said he is onling a asian to come lot sooner than the u.s.. he says he believes china should lift limits from china from account next month in business from singapore should pick up in june. that was a really positive outlook. they also said they are fortunate in that they have enough liquidity services -- liquidity to be able to handle the cash burn for at least another 18 months. so that was a positive. very strong report from the sands, considering the situation to quote directly from the
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conference call, they think they will see a return in all segments, quote, we are confident macau will be making money this summer, and a lot of money come fall. delta,we also heard from the first u.s. airline to tell us how bad all this is for the industry. su: it was an up close and personal look. the expectation met reality. they see choppy, sluggish recovery from the virus shut down, and as you can see, a reported loss of about half $1 billion. the revenue loss was worse than expected. in all, they are being realistic, seeing it could take several years to come back to normal. they also say they are looking more to the debt market than the equity market. united airlines plunged in the latest regular session as it sold its shares at historically
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low prices to raise money. delta has signaled it will get some money from the feds, and it will be in good shape. back to you. haidi: all right. su keenan in new york for us. coming up next, we are going to take a look at the reopening of the economy hit by the ongoing pandemic. gdp for south korea is out in the next hour. we will get a preview of the first quarter numbers and the outlook when it comes to oil importers and chipmakers, next. this is bloomberg. ♪
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shery: south korea may post its biggest economic contraction in decades when it reports first-quarter gdp numbers in a few minutes. for a preview let's cross over to stephen engle. how bad is bad? stephen: it is going to be bad. bloomberg economics say it will likely be worse, predicting a contraction of 2.4% year-over-year. that would equate to a contraction quarter over quarter of upwards of 5%. that of course reversing the 1.3% rise we saw in the fourth quarter. there are prolonged lockdowns in major trading
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partners with south korea. we had that chinese gdp shock as well. so that really spills over to export-driven economies like south korea. bloomberg economics saying the continued lockdowns in europe, the u.s. and elsewhere, will likely push south korea into recession, at least in the first half of this year, and possibly 0.3% forn expansion of the full year, assuming continued fiscal and monetary stimulus. the president ordering a third extra budget yesterday to shield the economy. he is calling it a korean-style new deal to create jobs, but really risks are firmly downward on the south korean economy. haidi: we are also getting updates from corporate korea as well. what are you expecting? stephen: sk hynix of course more of a pure memory chip player than its big rival samsung, which is a more diversified electronics maker. it pulled out a surprise feet in
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the first quarter. hynek's will likely do the same aing, as ram chips had rebound. all that remote working has been surging online activity, and that has been ramping up orders from data centers and the like. sk hynix first quarter operating profit may exceed estimate of 47 7 billion yuan. we will probably have to get an outlook going forward, but sk hynix could ride that. lg electronics, the big concern there is can they sustain. will they sour their first quarter preliminary numbers that came out earlier this month? haidi: all right. stephen engle, big news day out of south korea. we will be getting more analysis on that south korean gdp number.
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transfer your service online in a few easy steps. now that's simple, easy, awesome. transfer your service in minutes, making moving with xfinity a breeze. visit today. shery: welcome to "daybreak asia ." i am shery ahn in new york. haidi: i am haidi stroud-watts in sydney. we are counting you down to the start of trading here in asia. let's get you our top stories this hour. asian markets aiming to follow u.s. stocks higher amid optimism about the reopening of the economy. stephen mnuchin sees a restart by the end of august. oil recovers from a 21 year low up to two days of frantic
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