tv Bloomberg Daybreak Europe Bloomberg October 8, 2020 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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♪ ♪ good morning from bloomberg's middle east headquarters in dubai. annmarie hordern alongside me in london. these are your top stories. >> we need to save our country. joe biden is the best leader to do that. >> when i look at their plan that talks about advancing testing, creating ppe, developing a vaccine, it looks a little bit like plagiarism.
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harris slams the presidents pandemic response in an even-tempered debate with mike pence. polls show joe biden widening his lead in battleground states. push higher amid signs nancy pelosi is open to a relief bill. help downigger fiscal the track. coronavirus cases rise in europe. france reports a record daily number. president macron says more restrictions are coming. boris johnson wrote -- warns of rising infections in london. 6:00 in the city of london where anne-marie gordon is resident. what a different debate this was. this was salvos of policy. where harris going after, did mr. trump borrow his money
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from? pence went after her on the energy front. good morning. annmarie: good morning. i got up early to make sure i got the start of the debate. more policy, less chaos, coronavirus front and center. both of these candidates were behind plexiglas. one thing that was very prevalent that they both dodged. , harris, whether she would expand the courts. not --ce, whether or what he would do in the wake of a election result. peaceful transfer of power. dodging but less chaos and more policy focused. manus: absolutely. when it comes down to the issue of taxes, it's fascinating. kamala harris going after pence and trump in terms of the top 1%. thanu don't earn more $400,000, we will be on your back. the pushback came from pence in
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terms of, you will raise taxes. the discourse over the tax narrative. annmarie: as well as oil and energy. that got a fair play, including foreign policy. china, vladimir putin. one thing we should focus on, these latest polls we've seen. the one i'm focused on, a florida poll. 51-40. the sunshine state is a key state. it's one of the most closely contested states. biden has a double-digit lead. manus: yep. there are six states where he is leaving trump. inre hillary clinton lost 2016. this narrative is building. do youstion is, absolutely trust the polls? so much has happened in the first eight days of october. i leave nothing to certainty.
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how are the markets? good morning. annmarie: s&p 500 futures to the upside after yesterday, gains on wall street. s&p 500 closed up. euro stoxx 50 getting a lift. 10 year yield holding onto gains. crude relatively flat. we did see it dipped lower. this comes after we saw out of the u.s. yesterday. stockpile gains. supplyrry about more coming on and the demand just not there. let's get back to our top story this morning. the vp debate wrapped up. kaylee lyons staying up late for us. this debate was much more polite than when you joined us last week on the presidential one. much more focused on policy. what were some of the key takeaways? >> virus was front and center. this was largely unavoidable. they were behind plexiglas. the moderator had to mention the president's own illness with covid-19 right at the start.
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, let harris coming out swinging, calling the administration's handling of the ofsis as the worst failer any u.s. administration in history. -- mike mice pence pence on the defensive. she had to deflect and avoid answering. mike pence pushing her on the supreme court and whether joe biden would support stacking it. the climate and energy policy thing. andn would ban all fracking put american energy jobs at risk. when pence was asked the question about whether or not he believes climate change is real, he did not answer that question. the candidates did not want to enter any questions. much more civil, much more policy oriented. we will have to wait to see if that makes a difference in terms of the way the pending -- campaign is going. manus: 26 days to run.
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the number you and i had was a combined pulling of 80%. run us through the consent narrative at the moment. >> look at the clear average of national polls. biden is up by 97 points. that's double the lead that hillary clinton had over trump in pulling in this point in 2016. when you look at the swing states, a poll came out right before the vice presidential debate saying biden is up 11 points in floated. this election that nearly 83%. manus: thank you so much. staying up extra late for the
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daybreak europe team. no sleep for the next 26 days. let's stick with the u.s. story. nancy pelosi signaled she's open to an airline relief bill but she rejected a call from the president for $1200 individual checks, calling it insufficient to address the pandemic fallout. in the minutes of last month's fomc meeting, concern that the government support has so far been inadequate. our guest host this morning is joseph little. join the roll call. credit suisse. andrew sheets. he's gone from veritable. he's all in on the fee. give me the house call from hsbc. good morning. joseph: good morning. thanks. there's an awful lot going on in
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terms of key issues around the stimulus, around u.s. elections, on covid controls. is, to recognize those unusual levels of uncertainties. we still believe the rent -- recovery scenario is this solution shape. -- swoosh shape. into q4, we are looking for a slightly flattened profile of growth. more moderation to growth dynamics. of slightly profile more moderating growth trend combined with some of these unusual uncertainties around the politics and covid takes me to a point where we don't have to much of a quarrel with market pricing at this juncture. our expectation is more if we --
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of what we have seen. untilbound markets can -- we get resolution around some of these key uncertainties. typelection and stimulus issues are front of the mind for the market of the moment. that's driving a lot of the action we have seen over the last few days and weeks. annmarie: andrew sheets taking that v. good morning. i want to pick up on those uncertainties. is this just noise coming out of d.c.? could we see a skinny deal ahead of the u.s. election? joseph: thanks. it's possible. here isical observation maybe we need to recognize that we don't know the outcome here. we know that the issues are fascinating. rather than focus particularly much on out forecasting or outgassing what the outcome will
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maintainnk we need to a sense of some of the different scenarios that can happen and try to work through those different issues. it is certainly possible that we see a smaller deal, a skinny deal coming through before the election. the market has been responding to that, of course, over the last few weeks. we've seen our real expectation building around the prospects for a deal pre-election. you can see that in the bond market. yields moving back to the top of the recent range, just below 80 basis points. i think we have to recognize that that's a possibility. the big risk for me would be a delay, a meaningful delay to the stimulus agreement. that's what we have been most focused on. delay, joseph, obviously we have been building a narrative around the stimulus and around the seekers.
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let's take a look at what andrew sheets said. you will eventually get the stimulus. it will come through. that comes if not today, it will come tomorrow. whomever wins that election. does that reaffirm the steepeners under s wishonomics, do you need a $2 trillion fiscal deal? joseph: yes. story.been the theme and as i mentioned, i think the worry or concern for the outlook is that we do see a meaningful delay to the stimulus. if we are just waiting for a little while, and something can januaryered as late as 2021, i don't think that poses a
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problem for the outlook. we have still got some good macro momentum in the u.s. economy. we've had this really strong profile of news around household cash flow. household incomes are up 4% relative to where we started the year. that's a big source of support for confidence and spending. i think the economy can sustain and deal with a little bit of a delay through the second stimulus. if we get something sooner, that's a good result. the critical thing is that something does happen. as you say, the existence of bipartisan support, the focus around unemployment insurance has been a key topic and all the negotiations, and stimulus payments. we can be optimistic. that sets us positively for the longer term. it's just the short-term dynamics. there's enough a lot of uncertainty in play and markets at the moment. annmarie: certainly a lot of
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uncertainty. that's the thing for 2020. i've heard of the swish recovery. manus teaches me something every day here at school. joseph little stays with us. let's get to more news this morning. first are -- word news with laura wright. laura: the u.k. and a youth -- eu are headed towards a deal. it will do just that. officials are more upbeat. they tell bloomberg that despite differences, discussions will likely carry on into the second half of october. citigroup is paying a $400 million fine and must seek government approval on any major acquisitions. regulators issued the bank a rebuke for problems with its risk controls. officials are reserving the right to require changes in senior management if the company does not act quickly to address the shortcomings. activist investor dan lows is urging disney to permanently
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suspend its dividends. he wants the entertainment giant to spend the money on its training service. double disney pluses budget for original content and bring additional subscribers. global news 24 hours a day on air and at bloomberg quicktake, powered by 2700 journalists and analysts in 120 countries. this is bloomberg. ♪ manus: thank you very much. coming up, europe struggles to contain the virus. france reports a record number of new cases and 24 hours. president macron will announce new restrictions today. this is bloomberg. ♪
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and they didn't tell you. >> when i look at their plan that talks about advancing testing, creating ppe, developing the vaccine, it looks a little bit like plagiarism. >> you respect the american people when you tell them the truth. when you have the courage to be a leader speaking of the things that you may not want people to hear. >> the reality is that we will have a vaccine in record time, in unheard of time. the fact that you continue to undermine public confidence in the vaccine -- if it emerges during the trump administration, it's unconscionable. u.s. vice presidential over thes sparring governments virus response. annmarie: now turning to the side of the atlantic. europe is struggling to contain the coronavirus.
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france reported 18,000 cases on wednesday. that published its rolling 17 day average to its highest level yet. more targeted restrictions. u.k. is also seeing a spike. more than 14,000 cases reported on wednesday. still with us is joseph little from hsbc global asset management. with the resurgence of cases we are seeing throughout europe, the health secretary will have to talk about fresh restrictions. we are not even in the winter yet. we are in autumn. does this change your outlook? joseph: thanks. i think the virus is clearly still with us. the question mark surrounds how we are going to control covid going into the winter. it's another key one. debate andith the uncertainty around fiscal policy , around the election situation
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in the u.s., the covid control piece is the other big uncertainty. risksissues, those clearly way on the outlook. our scenario is still one for this constructive take on global recovery. sh recovery.he swoo we see moderation in the growth trend going into q4 and next year. we are making progress. we are past the worst, even if we are left with abnormally high unappointed rates and a number of these key risks. it's not easy and straightforward. part of the reason why we are taking a little board -- bit of a tactical approach to markets is because it's not just that the baseline is uncertain for the economy and the system at the moment. as you say, there's a number of
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other risks and issues which will have a very material impact on the economy. i would say that as time progresses, we are going to be in a situation where we have more understanding of these key issues. we will move through election season. we will get news around stimulus . we will learn more and more spreading invid is europe in particular during the winter months. over time, you can see a with this constructive idea around recovery continuing. it makes us more comfortable owning risk asset classes, urge emerging markets. for the time being, i would be tactically a little bit more cautious. thinking about a scenario of more of a range bound outlook
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for markets in general. manus: one of the things that you did not say is a reflation narrative. subzero. christine lagarde hinted the other day that she did not think we were at the reversal rate. i'm upset by this. another rate cut could be in her policy toolkit. is that really what's going to help our inflation narrative in europe? is there something with more veracity? joseph: you're right. the situation that we see in the u.s. around the inflation data and outlook for stimulus looks very different in europe. i tend to agree with what you say as well around this idea of a reversal rate. of reflationary impact of lower rates being more
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limited at this point. i think we are in a post-interest rate world. that is certainly true in europe , in u.k. more ont to rely targeted measures and on fiscal measures to support the recovery profile. manus: and yet, when you listen to the rba and you listen to the rbnz, that's a different tactic. we will pick up those themes in a moment. the clock ticks down on daybreak europe. we will return to the subject in just a moment. joseph little with annmarie hordern and myself. coming up, reflation trade. it's back. economyt endure as the comes first in the great bond market debate? this is bloomberg. ♪
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♪ lost the trade war with china. joe never fought it. he's been a cheerleader for communist china over the last several decades. >> the presidents trade war with china. he lost that trade war. you lost it. what ended up happening? a so-called trade war with china. america lost 300,000 manufacturing jobs. farmers have experienced bankruptcy. annmarie: some of the highlights their of the u.s. vice presidential debate between kamala harris and mike pence. it wasit got feisty but a little bit more constructive than last week. president trump stuns a markets by ending months of stimulus
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talks before reversing course and a series of tweets supporting piecemeal measures. one house is not too concerned by the development. juliette saly has read the whole note from start to finish. good morning. juliette: a higher chance of more fiscal stimulus in the future. that we that volatility saw happening during the tuesday session in the u.s., as the polls are indicating, there will be a biden win. it's likely that this will increase fiscal spending. even if a pre-election deal can't be reached, biden's is making it likelier that a more substantial stimulus could be eventually agreed on. more stimulus action will counteract the rise in taxes. it's probably net neutral for markets. when it comes to another indicator of markets, we have been watching this biden basket.
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showing what basket of stocks, if we see a biden of presidency. it jumped to a record high when we saw that weakness coming through in the s&p 500. certainly a lot of movement in markets. there will be this blue sweep, that will be more positive for the economy and for the stocks related to some of the equity markets. despite this tweet storm from the president of the united states, the reflation trade lives on another day. juliette: it does. 24 hours ago, volatility that we saw. money going back into that reflation trade with a little bit more calm coming back into the treasury market, yields jumping on the tens and 30's. also looking at the yield curve with a gap between a five and 30 year rising as much as 26 basis points. close to that 2020 high reached in 2016. national alliance saying that the market realizes that whoever
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♪ >> good morning, 6:30 in london. i am annmarie hordern. manus cranny from dubai. >> we need to save our country, and joe biden is the best lead tore do that, and frankly this administration as forfeited their right to re-election. >> their plans talks about advancing testing, creating p.p.e., develop ago vaccine. it looks a little bit like
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plagiarism. annmarie: more policy, less chaos. kamala harris slams the response in a largely even tempered debate with mike pence. polls show joe biden widening his lead in battleground stites r- states. nancy pelosi is open to relieve bill for carriers. they are hoping for a bigger fiscal bump down the track. and coronavirus cases rise in europe. france reports a daily record number as the president says more restrictions are coming. boris johnson warns of rising infections in london. manus, gyorko. among. gloomy back drop of cases ticking higher in europe and the united states, we had this v.p. debate. the virus front and center. for me, at least it was a little more polite, more policy to the forefront. both candidates really did dodge questions.
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for kamala harris it was about the supreme court dodge arcs and for mike pence it was about accepting election results. good morning. manus: good morning to you. it was much more formulaic and controlled. kamala ed about it, harris went back and said where did mr. trump borrow his money from? she went straight after the affordable care act. he went after her on the energy debate in terms of where she stands on fracking, and where biden stands on big policy. but it is the polls as well that are reflecting something quite monumental in swing states, sunshine states. annmarie: florida, one of them. the sunshine state of the united states. you see this massive lead now from former vice president joe biden in that state. also if you look at this poll,
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can you see 13 points ahead for biden in pennsylvania and five points ahead in iowa. these are crucial states. manus: absolutely. and of course he is ahead in six states where hillary clinton lost in 2006. let's reflect it. from the biden green days, everyone is upset that it is a close. it is a big red tom king button. there is a price on this board that is closed. i want everybody to calm down now. it is in renewable energy. up six days in a row. up 5.4% yesterday. this is a reflection of the biden trade, the bidenomics. that is what is pervasive on that solar deal. morgan stanley all in on it. christine reckons there is an arm from the story. joe little said what the kiwis are doing is important.
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he nicky is up over .9%. i do listen to the odd interview that we do. the questions -- the kiwis come back to green, but they are dramatically lower on the message. we want a less regressed approach in terms of our policy. what the kiwis do set the agenda for the rest of the central banks around the world. the dollar rose as the biden victory seems better in the polls. let's get to the polls. let's get to kaylee in new york. she has stayed up extra late. she has watched every nuance in this debate. what was the key take-away for you? >> one key take-away was this was actually a debate. the candidates allowed each other to speak. they did not talk that much over all other, and it was policy oriented, most notably
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in regards to policy regarding the coronavirus pandemic. kamala harris swinging saying the trump administration's handling of the pandemic was the worst failure of any administration in u.s. history, putting mike pence on the defensive, where he remained for a large part of the 90 minutes. granted, either also put harris on the defensive in terms of key issues, including the supreme court. he pressed her on whether she and joe biden would support stacking the court. she did not answer that question. he pushed her on energy policy and the green new deal, what . at would do to energy jobs pence saying joe biden would ban all fracking. cnn reported immediately after the debate that voters said 60% of them thought that kamala harris won. the question is does it really make a difference in terms of the way the race is stacking up right now? as you have discussed, biden well ahead in the polls nationally, by nearly 10
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points, and winning in a number of key states at this point. of course key swing states in particular, very important to the electoral college. right now, 538 which is a poll aggregator put biden's chance of winning the electoral college at nearly 83%. we will have to see if these numbers changes if we get a presidential debate next week. a lot of that depends on president trump's covid case. annmarie: october 15th, whether or not we will see that debate. does a advice presidential debate matter? that is a good question. we are under 30 days to the election. already more than three million americans have voted. the election is on. thank you so much four time. now joining us for more insight , is livia. i want to get your initial thoughts on this v.p. debate. normally advice presidential debates don't get this much excitement and attention.
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this is probably the most watched and sought-after v.p. debate maybe in american history. >> good morning. absolutely. this advice presidential debate was really here to provide us insight into what future presidential candidates could look like, mostly because we have biden and trump both over 70, and trump has now contracted covid. interestingly, the first presidential debate was two white men, and for the the first time we are seeing how race and gender can play out in this. the conclusion is that the debate was much more about policy than personalities, and that really came through. kamala harris did very well. the race and gender, she did touch on it, but it was done eloquently. pence really sort of held his ground and really was very
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careful and strategic in the way he brought everything back into sort of what the economy would look like in a covid situation. they stuck very much to their party lines. manus: they did, indeed. good morning to you. it is great to have you with us, livia. look, the bottom line is these polls are moving away from trump. you would say that he didn't get this sort of rally the flag sympathy vote that boris johnson achieved as his illness took hold. how do you think america has assess thad moment on the balcony -- that moment on the balcony, the drive-by. how do you think america is per seefering these risks? are they a brave leader, or is it folly? >> i think the country is very divided on. that certainly trump is playing to his voting base to show that he can move on.
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he has to play down the virus. that has been his line up until now. he could have made a turnaround and say let's come together and fight this, but he has decided to alternately come through and continue on the baseline that this is not as serious as everyone is making it out to be. i think it very much includes the play on divisions in the country that has really suffered from it and a major part of the voting base, which is not a major issue necessarily. annmarie: livia, i was surprised at how much foreign policy played in this debate. all of these names are brought up in a v.p. debate. how important do you think voters is foreign policy. how will it change if we were to see a biden administration? >> foreign policy has not really moved the needle. in previous american elections.
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but in this election it is particularly important because it sort of highlights the key differences between what a bide enand trump administration would be like. a trump administration would continue to ignore global institutions. ignoring the stimulus package, versus biden who is going to engage in multi-laterals and put america back on the map. that was important in this debate, because it highlights how different the approach is going to be in all sorts of different policy matters. anus: livia, can i ask you this? there is still a question on whether the president would go peacefully. what is important here? is it what mitch mcconnell has to say? who should we pay attention to when we try to understand whether that is a real risk or
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rhetoric? >> i have been telling my investors that we do slightly treat this as an american emerging market election. yes, we have had a contested election in the past, but it wasn't in the middle of a pandemic, the situation we are in now. i think we do have to take seriously that trump has laid down the ground work to potentially contest the election. whether the republicans will back him, how it will play out in practice remains to be known at this point. however, what we can say is that the debate did give face to it last night as well. the candidates discussed what would actually happen in practice, and they both -- pence said that the democrats also tried to contest trump's victory last time. i think we do need to keep it
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really in mind. as we said, biden is ahead in the election. if there is a clear win, that will really minimize the risk of a contested election, but it is still there. annmarie: livia, thank you so much for joining us this morning. coming up, we will be talking about billionaire wealth. it reached new heights at the end of july. stay with us. this is bloomberg. ♪
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>> anything can happen. trump could win. biden can win. there can be total confusion and chaos for not just days, but maybe weeks, or god help us, longer about who is going to be the next president. manus: it is day break europe with me, manus cranny in dubai. and annmarie hordern at h.g. the super rip are richer of ever considering to the u.b.s. billionaire report. wealth in the top echelon reach add total of $10.2 trillion in july, touching a new high after this year's v-shape rebounded
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after prices. we bring in a man who knows a thing or two about how they use their capital. joe stanley. joseph, great to have you with us this morning. these numbers are quite eye-watering. and the speed with which this wealth has been amassed this year alone. give us a sense, joe, of how the super rich are deploying their capital? are they hunkering dow on the money, are they investing or donating? good morning. >> good morning. thanks for having me. i think we have to differentiate during the crisis when evaluations hit rock bottom during march and april. they rebalanced their portfolios. they reinvested, asked for big loans and entered the market when the masses exited the market. now they are looking at redeploying their wealth into private equity opportunity and
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obviously capitalizing their own operating footprint. that is on the bank lesson side. with respect to their operating footprint, we have steen a massive polarization of outcomes with the disrupter and innovators storming ahead while other industries like real estate, financial or media, really suffered from covid. so there is this polarization as the second point. the third point is that what we have seen is that on a very short term, 200 billionaires, and we are just scratching the surface have ear marched $7.2 billion to be donated to matters around covid-19, vaccines, production capabilities, et cetera. that compared to $3 billion by all the governments earmarked into the united nations, looking into helping them create vaccine facilities.
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17 compared to 3, that is a massive doubt come. annmarie: you talk about the be hinge point in the world and how covid-19 is turbo charging economies. ne thing that stood out is you said the wealth bust bridge the environmental and social deficits. how will the super wealthy be able to bridge those deficits? joseph: well, there is deficit if you listen united nations officials. we need about $35 billion to tackle the outcomes or the aftermath of covid only. this is not including all the other matters that are very important. segment f there is any in the economy that can and has the means, and has the researching and putin and the stamina to address those important topix, it is the billionaires. they have demonstrate thad they can master really adverse
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circumstances in the global economy. as i said, they should be -- not only privileged, but they also should be sort of mandated to sort of storm ahead and offer solutions which others cannot. m really talking about the mowing also of i would call them technology firms, health care and some of the industrial companies that do really well and demonstrated to the rest of the world that there is money to be made in you invest it wisely. manus: are they doubling down in their own do mains, i.e. tech and health, or are they deploying outside that? you said they took leverage in the eye of the crisis. update us on that leverage ability as it were? joseph: it depends a little bit on which sector you are. when we saw it, there are three or four sectors that really
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made a difference, tech, health care and some of the industrials. they inforced their investment plans in the operating entilts, where the others are getting out loans and doubled down in their own sectors and industries. we have not seen the massive levering up that we saw in march now. but given the outlook, i think that will come back. but maybe not necessarily only to be mastered in public markets, but also now this time in private markets. the private market aftermath, we haven't seen a real rebound, and there we see the biggest opportunities. annmarie: joe stadler, head of family office at u.b.s. if you want to hear more, tune into bloomberg radio. thank you for your time this morning. coming up, we will look at the markets after the v.p. debate. traders paying close attention to the sparring between harris
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>> now joe biden and kamala harris would put us back in the paris climate accord. they would impose the green new deal, which would crush american, would increase the energy costs of american families in their homes, and literally would crush american jobs. >> joe biden's economic play, moody's has said will create seven million more jobs than donald trump's. part of those jobs that will be created by joe biden are going to be about clean energy and renewable energy. >> there are no more hurricanes today than there were 100 years
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ago, but many of the climate alarmists use hurricanes and wildfires to try and sell the bill of goods. >> joe has talked to farmers in iowa whose entire crops have been destroyed because of flood. joe again believes in science. manus: the vice president mike nce squaring off against the democratic advice presidential candidate kamala harris. what do the traders make of it overnight? we saw futures ticking higher. the u.s. election is becoming one of the biggest drivers in markets and volatility. how much of a difference did it really make? danny has it? >> the most important things for market after this debate is that the market narrative held. in other words, biden still having the sizable lead in the
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polls, hope for some sort of stimulus, whether it be bike a democratic president or piecemeal by president trump. can you really see that in the reaction. long-term yields moved higher. the debate happened around this time period, and no change. it is basically the same. s andy put it, the markets now seeing more stimulus in a sizable lead from a biden presidency, and that is really helping things move along this morning. there was one big sizable move in markets, and that came after a comment during the debate specifically from kamala harris over foreign policy. take a listen. >> the president's trade war with china, he lost that trade war. he lost it. what ended up happening is because of a so-called trade r with china, america lost 300,000 manufacturing jobs. farmers have experienced
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ankruptcy. >> and it is those comments about china, perhaps one of the largest reactions in markets. we have the nikkei and the s&p 500 futures, you see a decisive move higher in both futures and the cash trade negligence japan. we get this spike higher. now the trade war, no secret for the past four years or so. it really has been one of these big tail risks glooming over the market and over the trump presidency. as one trader from i.g. asia put it, kamala harris' comments made it seem they would have a less combative attitude towards china, and that in turn helped the sentiment throughout the markets. the overriding move here is futures higher, which started before the debate, but really it was those comments that hitched kick us into a higher range. annmarie: thank you so much. not a ton of market moves, but
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you managed to find the moment where there was at least one substantial move higher. we kind of buried the lead in terms of the v.p. debate. there was a fly at one point on vice president mike pence's head, and that completely stole the online show. i don't know if you saw it. manus: i was in the car, but i watched a little of it. came in. i didn't get the fly. do you think the fly shifted the dial? do you think it nuanced the debate? annmarie: i will say this. the biden team immediately jumped on the fly, and they are now using it to campaign and raise funds. manus: well, there you go. every twist and turn is going to take hold. annmarie it looks like we have a little bit of risk. joe from hsbc it would be on what the kiwis do.
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now it's your turn to lose weight, look great, and be healthy. get off the floor and get on the aerotrainer. go to, that's ♪ >> good morning. ."lcome to "bloomberg markets i'm anna edwards live in london alongside matt miller in berlin. matt: stimulus still controls the narrative. futures don't fear the rise of virus cases in europe as contracts
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