tv Bloomberg Technology Bloomberg January 30, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am EST
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let's look at some of the names. ai, ai, ai. that is all anyone is talking about. baidu down .4%, it is now higher after the bloomberg scoop that it is doing its own version of chat gpt. big bear, i am not sure if you are familiar with this name. it is swept up with meme stock like trading with ai related names. help 64% in the session. snap reports earnings on tuesday, up 1.7% on the session. meta is lower. we are bracing for a big week of technology earnings in the background of artificial intelligence. caroline: in the background, geopolitics at play. one of the most read stories, our tech executive editor, breaking down china versus the u.s. talk to us about huawei.
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>> this is about isolating them. this is a company that for years the u.s. federal government has singled them out as a potential source of -- a threat to our national security. there are concerns about what happens with the i.t. we buy from huawei. there are concerns about us enabling huawei to become a bigger, more powerful company. this is another step by the biden administration to isolate them and cut them off from vital u.s. supplies. >> there is a hardening for the stance under biden. what u.s. companies are impacted by this? guest: a lot of the business
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that we do, the u.s. businesses do with them is already cut off. there are some exceptions. for instance, intel and qualcomm, two of the companies that would be affected by this move. those two companies still sell. intel sells chips for laptops made by them, and qualcomm sells chips used in some of the phones that huawei sells. you still have companies doing business with them. this is an example of the biden administration under tremendous pressure from republicans in congress to stay tough on china. not show any letting up or a sign of weakness. caroline: this goes international in terms of the administration looking to the netherlands and japan. that is last week's story, getting other countries to put similar tough stances on china. guest: you cannot do this alone. even though the u.s. is a major leader in chip making
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technologies, you cannot do this alone. nxp, from the netherlands, sells chipmaking technology into china that is highly specialized, very lucrative for nxp. it is a technology that cannot be replicated easily. china certainly cannot do it. the u.s. cannot fully isolate china. remember, the u.s. wants to make it hard for china to become a powerhouse in chipmaking capabilities. this is something the chinese have been behind the u.s. for time immemorial. they have made a commitment to spending the money it takes to become a leader in chip making technology. the u.s. is saying no way to that. ed: bloomberg's executive editor of technology coming across that headline. let's dive into the world of tiktok. the ceo will testify before the house energy and commerce committee on the company's
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privacy policies, the impacts on children, and the chinese communist party. alex, what to expect? guest: potentially, a bit of a spicy hearing. this is the very first time tiktok's ceo will be testifying before a committee that has been known in the past for grilling mark zuckerberg on the cambridge analytical scandal. for really digging in on the details around child privacy and data sharing. as we have talked about before, republicans in congress are concerned about the company's connection to china through the parent company. you can expect questions on all of those things. you often see in the house committee hearings representatives pushing the executives to make promises to agree to do things. questions around cutting off data, or putting up some
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blockades with the chinese parent company. caroline: remind us where we are. the administration is meant to be leading this. this is meant to be a deal with oracle we are discussing. where are we with that timeline? >> congressional republicans are putting pressure on the biden adninistration who have for years been doing a national security review on tiktok. our sources tell us it is getting there, but there are some hiccups. particularly with members of the department of justice who are on the committee who are not comfortable with some of the concessions the company was bringing to the table in negotiations. it seems like a lot of republicans from the senate and house say we need to wrap this up or we will take this into our own hands. we will introduce bills, that they have done, the first of which will come to the vote on the house committee of foreign affairs.
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ed: what surprised me in the reporting around this is that it is the first time the tiktok ceo appears formally in a hearing. he was on stage earlier in the year with one of our senior leadership or senior editors here at bloomberg. what do we know about his ability to field these questions and engage with u.s. lawmakers? guest: he has been operating behind the scenes so far. we wrote a big story last fall looking at their lobbying efforts that was behind closed doors. he was down there and taking meetings. the company has taken a change in stance. they have gotten pretty loud and much more forward about what they are doing. describing some of the data security policies they're looking to put in place. this'll be the first time he is out front. we have seen the chief operating officer. she has been the face for tiktok here in the u.s.
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she did testify, made a bunch of promises about data security controls. saying you need to trust us that we are not sharing information with the chinese government. there have been critical reports of the last month that the company admitted the employees of bytedance access the data of u.s. users, including journalists. that trust is being degraded. it is probably the reason we see heightened heat coming out of d.c. against this company. ed: terrific reporting around what is a focus for everyone right now, tiktok, and if it will have a future here in the united states. in san francisco, where twitter made its first interest payment on the $12.5 billion of debt elon musk used to take the company private last year. they paid a group of seven banks led by morgan stanley roughly $300 million, according to sources and bloomberg
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calculations. questions on how the company will pay off its debt remain. since the takeover, twitter has failed to pay millions of dollars of rent, been sued over unpaid services, and has auctioned off items, not necessarily to raise money. caroline: coming up, so much more to discuss when it comes to silicon valley. how is it treating a.i., and is that the catalyst for the next wave of tech giants or is it hype? this is bloomberg. ♪
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>> before the release of chat gpt, many people underestimated the progress of a.i. >> the u.k. is one of the most interesting places in the world for artificial intelligence. >> we need governments to help us to regulate this new very fast emerging industry. >> other large companies figuring out what they're going to do. google is the most notable one on the sideline. they have bigger regulatory headwinds. >> they want regulation for ai, they want to feel safe. >> there is a lot of progress the next couple of years, it will be fun to watch. caroline: we will keep on talking about it. the rise of generative ai, we know a lot about the u.s. work on that front. this is an international project.
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ed: really fascinating reporting from bloomberg out of china. baidu is working on something similar to chat gpt. at one point in monday's session, the u.s. listed shares of baidu were up 2%, there was momentum behind the stock based on this reporting. we do not know a lot. what we know it could come as soon march. what baidu would do, is the google of china, they're planning to embed this artificial intelligence platform into their existing services. what we know from a design perspective in terms of capability perspective is that baidu's chat tool or chat ai will give you a conversational response like chat gpt. you and i have talked in recent weeks about china's moving to artificial intelligence, the hype here in north america and beyond. luckily, we have the right
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person to discuss it. the doctor of research of the distributed ai research institute. where do we start? let's start with the news in china. guest: it sounds surprising that baidu would work on a chat gpt product, it has taken english language by storm. it would make sense, and baidu being china's google, they have the amount of data it would take to train one of these very large models. this is an ai model known as a transformer. ed: when you talk about the hype, you are an academic researcher in this field. when you see a name like baidu moving into this space, do you think they are a credible player? i am interested in what they're working on here? guest: they are definitely credible. they have massive stores of data. google is in that space, microsoft, facebook, whatnot.
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it makes sense they will take the technology moving to the space. building models where they can generate language at such a large-scale and take a massive amount of queries. caroline: much has been written over the years about the race in ai between u.s. and china. many felt china was ahead when you think of all the language bases and how they have connected devices in the home. i am interested, what about the ethics race? i have a feeling many say the u.s. is thinking about it, but are they thinking about it quickly enough? about the biases and artificial intelligence and try to get ahead of it as it takes us by storm? guest: they are trying, as you see with chat gpt, when you feed it inputs around race and gender it produces bias outputs. this has been shown time and
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time again. we do not have disability about what baidu is doing, we have seen aib bias against certain ethnic groups like the uighurs. we do not know what happened, or how it will exacerbate further inequality. caroline: is it exacerbating racial, gender, class, and the -- in the u.s. or are people it will tamp down on the model? guest: there is a potential for it, in english language there is less of that possibility. these issues have been documented by many people before. as these are used in other domains where we do not have a good idea of what kind biases may be baked in.
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not enough regulators or legislators focusing on that prevent that from happening. ed: let's talk hype. guest: let's talk hype. ed: caroline and i have gone over with you in the show in recent weeks worries about plagiarism. or how artificial intelligence would contribute to inequality across race, gender. everyone is talking about artificial intelligence. there is an interest to use it. does that worry you or excite you? guest: both. the way we think about artificial intelligence, we think of it as a separate consciousness that will emerge as the thing of science-fiction. we talked to chat gpt like an actual person. what it is, is something that takes existing data and reproducing patterns he has seen before. it has a lot of ways it could be generative. it could be helpful. it could help humans flourish. especially when we think about ways in which language technologies could be useful.
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especially places that do not have a lot of good translation. collaboration could be for full -- fruitful with effective communities. the way it is, controlled by players like open ai, microsoft, baidu, it will probably reproduce allow those inequalities we have seen before. caroline: what is interesting, of course, your ai research institute comes at it from a community based focus. you are trying to move away from big tech's pervasive influence. what about the startups, c-suite, the smaller players and within ai that is exciting? we know the power alphabet has in the realm of ai. who is doing this in a smaller scale with really interesting outcomes? guest: we have seen this last on the seed seen, the major players in venture capital in the u.s.
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we have seen some projects, that is a collective of african researchers using ai for machine translation on the continent. they have a fellow, a tech that works with us, in doing machine translation and automatic speak recognition for linkages that are less translated. as a means for sourcing groups with less resources, i think those have been really exciting uses deployments of ai. there is a rush to do things big tech has been doing. we see a mass exodus from places like google where people have gone ahead to develop large leg was models. it tends to be in english and attract the eyes of ecs that -- vcs that will get investment. caroline: real quickly, mass exodus. can you quantify that?
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guest: i do not have the numbers off top my head, i did see a story that 30 researchers coming out of google brain, the company i came from, left in the last couple of years. they found things that focused on ai, and they are afforded that nimbleness and going into the start up space. they can produce a product that might be quicker to market than a place like google that is a little slower to react in those spaces. caroline: thank you for your time, director for research at the distributed ai research institute. coming up, the ev price wars. ford slashing its own prices following tesla. more on that. this is bloomberg. ♪
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online personal styling? what's that? that's stitch fix. ...and how can you help me? we do the shopping for you. you tell us your size, budget and style. wait, is it a subscription? no. style for me? for me? for me? always. we'll pick the clothes. you enjoy the great fit. stitch fix. >> is this the start of an ev
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price war? ford is cutting prices in the u.s. the move is to counter tesla's price cuts earlier this month. according to elon musk, it spurred new demand for tesla. across all of ford's marquee versions, the most significant cuts are the most expensive versions. dropping $5,900 to start at $63,995. they qualify for a federal tax credit for up to $7,500 under
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the inflation reduction act. last year, ford was the number two ev seller in the u.s. that was way behind tesla, which controls almost two thirds of the market. caroline: as always, your first and foremost with this sort of news. talk to us about why ford is doing this. many would say that it's because of the tesla response. some say it is making it more available to certain subsidies. ed: a number of analysts say this is a response to tesla. my point in the piece iss that they are cutting the price where the vehicles are most expensive. they are trying to make them eligible for the tax credit to take advantage of that. ford talks a big game about how demand is outweighing their ability to supply right now. they did not bill that many of them last year. caroline: to that point, what is
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interesting in the story, this was already a loss-making type of car anyway. ultimately, they are taking a hit to margin where necessary? what about the rest of the ev vehicles they're coming out with? ed: they planned for the marquis to be profitable from unit one, is it is unprofitable because of rising input costs. they want to ramp up, makeup more them and improve margins. >> volumes over margins at the moment over a tesla. ed: the future of the gaming industry, the latest gaming report with the managing partner josh chapman. that is coming up next. this is bloomberg. ♪
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hi, i'm jason and i've lost 202 pounds on golo. so the first time i ever seen a golo advertisement, i said, "yeah, whatever. there's no way this works like this." and threw it to the side. a couple weeks later, i seen it again after getting not so pleasant news from my physician. i was 424 pounds, and my doctor was recommending weight loss surgery. to avoid the surgery, i had to make a change. so i decided to go with golo and it's changed my life. when i first started golo and taking release, my cravings, they went away.
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and i was so surprised. you feel that your body is working and functioning the way it should be and you feel energized. golo has improved my life in so many ways. i'm able to stand and actually make dinner. i'm able to clean my house. i'm able to do just simple tasks that a lot of people call simple, but when you're extremely heavy they're not so simple. golo is real and when you take release and follow the plan, it works.
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cut off cheap. if l 4.8% in the year to december. that's mostly due to cheaper computer games according to the u.k. office of national statistics. so at happened in december? three things. a lack of releases in 2020 do, new games tend to be more expensive, so, since there weren't that many hot price launches, people had more at discounted titles to choose from. to be fair, there were a few new games in december, but none top the charts. for example, the latest need for speed was the best performing in 14 place, but sales for the first five weeks were 40% lower than the other version. second, holiday discounts. gaming companies render typical black friday and christmas deals to push sales for existing games. look at fee for 23, the type game in december and the u.k., which was discounted as much as 70%. third, despite fewer -- cheaper
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prices, fewer people were buying games. it looks like quality, not prices king. does that mean videogames are getting cheaper? well, the short answer is, probably not. 2022 collective year after two exceptional years of lockdown fueled growth for the entire gaming industry. so, prices were probably rise again. that's of course if all launches go as planned. >> that was quicktake. let's stick with gaming use, meta-reported to have cut contracts with at least 200 gaming creators according to the information meta-ended their relationships and the second half of 2022 and also cut contracts with streamers who weren't successful building an audience. the information said siding a meta-spokesperson. it's also a big week for the giants of the industry of electronic arts ea reporting earnings tuesday and we get a read out on planes --
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playstation demand when japan sony reports numbers on wednesday. let's get into it with josh chapman, cofounder and managing partner at conway, an early-stage gaming investment firm that launched 150 million new funds, which will take in assets under management to around 270 million dollars. out with a new report on the state of the gaming industry. see how much is going on right now in the world of gaming. what's interesting for me is the conclusion of your report is that there is a pathway to growth. took us through what you found. >> absolutely, thank you for having me on the show. what we noticed in 2022 is essentially three things. one is that gaming investment is up about to ask where it wasn't 2023 and the pandemic levels. so gaming investment is increasing while the industry just showed it continues to increase. the second thing we notice is that there's about $45 billion in cash sitting on the corporate balance sheets of gaming companies today creating an
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incredibly healthy m&a environment. the third thing we are noticing is that the ipo markets are closed, late stage investing in the gaming market has slowed almost to a grinding halt while early-stage continues to grow. as you see this chart, gaming will continue to grow and is expected to continue to grow over the next five years. we had a report last year that showed that keeping -- gaming with the last two recessions was incredibly resilient. no matter where we are out we think we will continue to thrive as an industry. caroline: there's a lot of cash on balance sheets but also regulations about where that cash will work. just to get out microsoft and activision. is that deal going to go through, does that matter, do we see more waves of this? >> absolutely. the ftc is doing their job and trying to protect the gaming market. our opinion is that their objections to this m&a acquisition is actually unfounded. one is based on what might
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happen and not what is happening. that's a really good thing to highlight here. we think this acquisition should go through, we forget will go through, we believe this is a fair acquisition, it's worth highlighting that they gaming revenue to microsoft would be around $21 billion. that would be about 11% of the entire gaming market, but right now sony makes 18 billion in market and there's a lot that are in that range. so we think ftc -- ftc is worried about what might happen and we think that sums a very dangerous precedent for m&a across not only -- but broader entertainment ip. so we think this should go through. we think it will go through after it gets her all the objections, but intensive. caroline: we know that they have been making eyes at the viewer getting into gaming more and we've seen it as evidence. these are the companies that start picking off interesting companies and more kinds of come -- what kind of companies you
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see this consolidation occurring in? >> great question. netflix is building out a games business. this is a reaction to the fact that passive entertainment is losing out to interactive entertainment. passive entertainment, which is hulu were hbo go or netflix, is losing out to two-way interactive entertainment, which gaming has been a professional at for 50 years. so this interactive entertainment is where a lot of groups like netflix and amazon and google are moving towards. you are even going to see disney invest in the space in a much bigger way. i think that a lot of the cash on balance sheet of broader tech companies is not only going to compete with likely entering new waves into the gaming industry alongside the active 45 billion in cash that gaming companies like the traditional ones like activision, blizzard and nintendo have. ed: you cite those numbers in your report and you look at the cash the mega tech companies have a new conclusion you have is there still a healthy m&a
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environment and yet caroline and i are here waiting every day for updates around activision microsoft, will it happen, won't it happen. do you think it will happen? >> i do. it short, i do. the reason wise because the objections are based on the theoretical of what might happen in the future. i don't think it wins out in court, it sets a dangerous precedent for future m&a across all of entertainment, not just gaming. you might become a monopoly so therefore we should stop this. the ftc later could retroactively, if their fears become realized, can step back in and try to stop the head of microsoft and say, you need to separate. so it can always step in later if their fears are realized, but right now it's a really tricky environment and sets a router -- a weird precedent across all of the ftc scrutiny of different markets. caroline: your funds, your new ones, where is it going to invest? >> there will be a few areas
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where a lot of hype will be generated around gaming. one of those is artificial intelligence. people are talking about artificial intelligence will make the creation process easier. we think that will absolutely play out, but it will be very tricky how this is going to play out from a tech standpoint. and whether it will be investable to bill billion dollar companies. question mark. people are aiming for web three and blockchain technology to really provide a monetization addition to the gaming industry in the same way that we saw free to play back in the emergence of mobile. the third is probably going to be around new marketplace dynamics in the virtual reality space. so as virtual reality continues to be adopted, continued investment. some of the areas we are most excited about as a firm as things around the intersection, gaming education, gaming and health care, gaming and vr. that's really where we see a lot of exciting opportunities. ed: on those themes, electronic
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reporting tuesday, save -- sony later in the week. are those legacy names still relevant to those growth areas, those future opportunities you've just outlined? >> there relevant in the sense that the companies i'm investing are looking to land those people's clients. so the groups you're mentioning, whether they are from the tech space like meta that are entering gaming with things like oculus, or the traditional ones like zynga and take-two, all of those can become clients of the technologies that us as a firm are looking to invest. so they are absolutely still relevant. eventually, if these companies find an amazing business relationship, they can become an acquisition or relationship. we just talked about it, but it is absolutely still relevant. these are great companies that are the forefront of where we are kind of going, and we are just hoping to work with them more. ed: josh chapman, convoy
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co-founder. caroline knows i've been wanting to have this conversation for weeks, months, purely about video gaming. let's talk again in a few months time and see how it goes. from videogame into my other passion, streaming. paramount has announced showtime will merge with its paramount plus service. the merge will be across oath linear and streaming platforms, resulting in a rebranding of the pay-tv channel to paramount plus, with showtime. a bit of a mouthful. the updated offerings and showtime name change will launch later in 2023 and only affect the premium tier of paramount plus in the showtime network in the u.s. caroline: we have to talk a little bit about both of our passions, crypto, bitcoin and the entire digital asset class having their best start to the year in the decade. this is bloomberg. ♪
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lomita feed is 101 years old this year and counting. i'm bill lockwood, current caretaker and owner. when covid hit, we had some challenges like a lot of businesses did. i heard about the payroll tax refund, it allowed us to keep the amount of people that we needed and the people that have been here taking care of us. see if your business may qualify. go to
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ed: sophia jumped monday after announcing plans to reach profitability in 2023. shares surged after the company posted record revenue across all three business segments, lending , technology platform and financial services. bloomberg's sonali basak discuss those with the ceo earlier. >> we are ahead of where we expected to be. we had seven record quarters of revenue in a row and in this quarter of revenue is actually accelerating a 50% year-over-year up from 51% in q3 so we ended up exceeding expectations.
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as we mentioned on the earnings call, we believe that what we are driving and revenue will continue into 2023 with about 25 to 30% year-over-year growth to arrange at about $1.9 billion in revenue to $2 billion of revenue, and that will achieve gap profitability by that fourth quarter of 2023. one of the other important milestones we achieve this quarter is the $70 million, which was up significantly, versus a year ago and are attributed to our total of the year of 143. that 70 million dollars equals our stock-based compensation, which is a critical milestone hit on the way to gap profitability. >> the optimism, the positivity coming out of sophia right now at a time with a lot of fintechs basically being washed out in addition to consumer businesses like goldman, of course your alma mater, the markets business. do you think with competitive headwinds moving to the side is
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really boosting the momentum for your own business? >> i think we took a very different approach to the market about five years ago when we joined in that we wanted to become a one-stop shop for all the major financial decisions in your life and all the days in between. and we didn't cherry pick the most popular products at the time our products growing the fastest are the ones you can make the most money on. we picked all the parts that allowed us to help you get your money right, to help you borrow better, say better, spend better, protect better at invest better. because we are committed to activities that help you get your money right, over the last five years we built a durability and robustness in our business that allows us to allocate capital to those businesses that are most in need at the moment of time and leaves us less vulnerable to different factors that we've seen impact other companies. it doesn't mean we are bulletproof, it just means more robust and more stable and that
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allows us to be more durable and the strategies really come together in the last two years. >> against that backdrop, can you give us the sense of your goals on the deposit base, because i think he went from something like one billion to 7 billion over the course of the year. >> the deposit base is really critical. before having a national bank license, which we got a year ago, we would only generate $1 billion of deposits in four years. in this year we added another 6 billion in one year. quite frankly, not even a full year, closer to nine months. ed: that was sophia ceo. things are looking up for crypto's largest asset. caroline: sophia has been trying to get into the -- into the low five. bitcoin, check out the og of the crypto space. best since 2013. up 39% in 30 days. the rally and virtual coins managed to pump through the fallout.
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we know that they managed to say it -- shake off the latest news from genesis. you can see the smaller coins. 108%. acxiom infinity up 77%. that's up almost 150%. so 280 billion dollars is about how much digital assets of climbed of the course of january. ed: there is an element of inevitability but not just the digital assets, watching her crypto related stocks also on the mend since the ftx fiasco. many talk about correlation, there's no higher correlation between cryptocurrencies and the stocks whose companies only do crypto related underlying technology or the assets themselves. caroline: correlation, these are risk assets. indeed, the risk universe has been going higher. we've seen the nasdaq outperform, but it's notable and they have managed to come back. meanwhile, we've got a fantastic
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caroline: it's no secret people are willing to spend on their health. lebron james spence $1.5 million on his body. tom brady infested in age defying supplements but it looks like child's play compared to one brian johnson. the tech entrepreneur has 30 doctors and health experts monitoring his every bodily function while following an extremely stringent daily routine which he calls the blueprint.
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what he five years old, he says he slowed his pace of aging by wednesday 4% and reduced his biological age by five years. he's on track to spend 2 million eyes efforts this year. joining us to discuss, the blueprint ceo and founder, brian johnson. what effects have you seen so far? >> it's pretty remarkable, we didn't know what to expect when we started. the 5.1 year age reversal was interesting. in slowing the speed of aging by 25% was something we found really exciting. it's probably exceeded our expectations. caroline: when we say stringent, 1009 hundred 77 vegan calories a day, two dozen supplements of medicines, exercise in our day plus high intensity three times a week. sleep at the same time every night after two hours of red light. i don't want 33,000 images of my bowels, but you were doing this for another reason, a purpose, it does this go in terms of next stage therapy? >> the idea was if you could
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measure all 70 plus organs of your body and enable each organ do speak, your heart, lungs, liver, pancreas and express what they need to be in an ideal state, and to take those needs, look at gold standard scientific evidence and create a protocol, i agreed to go through that process. so we make hundreds of measurements of my body every few months and we took reference to the literature. we do this again and again and try to find tuna. we are trying to create the perfect diet and health protocol. i spent millions of dollars developing this with world-class group of scientists and doctors and i made a all available for others at no cost. people can implement it, record their own data. it's really pushing the entire field forward. ed: we've been showing your morning routine on the screen, your exercise, your calorie target. it's not that much different than mine and i'm definitely aging quickly. what do you sympathize with the reaction for most everyday
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people, this is not a reality, this is not an accessible method of reversing the effects of aging. >> absolutely do. it started when i was in a bad situation. i had chronic impression for a decade. as i write everything to fix it and i was feeling hopeless. there was one version of myself and i refer to him as evening brian. 7:00 p.m. brian would roll around in the day stress would be heavy and he would eat too much food or the wrong food and that would cause poor sleep in the next morning feeling groggy and i would be overweight. one day playfully i said, evening brian is fired from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. this version of myself has no authority to decide if he's going to eat. and it was the first time i really understood me as different versions of myself. so while i do understand the protocol i have now is pretty daunting for most people, the basic principle is true for everybody. we all have these versions
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inside of us were we commit this self-destructive behavior and we do so again and again. and often times some of the biggest gains are made if we stop those more self-destructive behaviors. ed: we asked our audience what they were willing to do to achieve longevity, i suppose, if you're not thinking about aging and rivers, and this is what they had to say, pretty split. all my money and time. you laugh. 36% nothing. i think it touches on this in the story about how doctors praise do you for what you've done, but for the everyday person it's not achievable. what of all the things that you've done that are the simplest where it's an easy change that has helped me? >> the expectation of blueprint is not that the individual person will do this. the objective is to show that if this protocol is implemented, you can achieve remarkable results in slowing the rate of aging and reversing aging.
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if that's the case, it really is -- a contemplation i find easy is good we make this the standard where we don't have people go out and met navigate mcdonald's and algorithms trying to addict them at every turn. this was about trying to create a change in society. but for the basic simple things people can do, prioritize sleep, eat more vegetables, nuts and berries and stop self-destructive behaviors and you're off to a good start. caroline: can i ask you a personal question about the reaction to the story, because it did go viral. in that way there's a split view. some are really engaging you in saying this is gray and something to be admired in others, maybe through their own innovations and issues, are hating on it. how are you finding the reaction online? >> it's understandable. all of us have this same dialogue that is happening online is the same dialogue that happens inside each one of us.
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it's the same thing. we are all critical of ourselves. we are our own worst critic. so when people are talking this is just what i think, i call it blueprint group therapy. we are having a dialogue about the difficulty of living in modern society. with everything around us trying to addict us all the time. it's very hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle. you have to go out of your way. i think the commentary is about larger society than it is about me. caroline: blind -- brian johnson, blueprint ceo and founder, come back. does it for this edition of bloomberg technology. ed: you don't want to miss it, a big sit-down for us. this is bloomberg. ♪
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