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tv   CNBC Reports  CNBC  July 7, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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titibuness president in decades. ter the mid-d-te electionwhen decrcrs lose seaeats he wl get religionon a come around. he's smarart ououghto do itit. >> i thinkkthth dss will lose a lot of seatsnn 2010. they're g goi y overboard. you have a great show. >> cnbc report s stass right ow. >> tonighght, on ""cncnbcepepts" a nenew owow a new grve. >> this h hrible fririghnining recession is endinggnow! >> new sis s th boboun has begun. earning seasonn sttsts tomorrow with alcoa. tonight, whyhythe'e' so mhh rereas for optimimis we b beyd alalumumum. family f fenends and fans s gogoody the michaell jackson.n. tonight, the monon b behd it all.l. the ppops plan whashts pope nenect xvi would like to s see happenenoo the globaleconomy.y. if you wawahe real dll with dennnn neal, don't'tovove caus cnbc r rort starts ririttnow. >> g goo evenini,,'m'm dennisis
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alal, look, ma,oo scriptpt the fididy-ts are baba. thmamarks fell 2%2% or s so tay andownthe past trarade days to be expected with thehe m mchch e and now lows you h hee to brace yourself for decline anand next regrouping before thee m mket continues. always t twoteteps forward, o o st ckward. this dipown and rebuild rituaual haha occurred every timeeeead rougugrr session and stocks s sa eieirebound.d. s making it a little harder find signsnsff hope totonit. data pointss showinin this recessssio i ending ninigh as i have boldly and r reddadant pricicd. in a momomen i i will doo tt rst. i willll say, i was hopefulur new w esesidt wasn't theeypical gg siness bashing liberal demomocr,,oak t the r ric and in ththeewards kind of guy. i was hopeful he was a alot
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smarter than that. i i wa hope 1/2 the r rig voice is in his earar, pro capapitisi rren buffetndnd google's eric schmidt, otherusiness sts, wiwithhaha kind of advice, prpresenent ama would embark on ththright path r bubuneness thriving ueat business is t keto the broader ececony.y. thverdict alaststisis now iin. my hopefulness was replaced. president obama isis tnini out to b be e e mo antibusiness presidideninin decadeses. we already ve the toent of newnd hheher taxes the obabama posse wants to p pss on factory ododtion, health care, p pritete equity, nture capitalal and eaeaerers d smamall bininess with earners ovever $250,0,0.0. we already have the newew regulalato crackdown wants to force on wall street and banks and cigarettes we've k kno are deadly 50 yearars and overhe counter drugugs t tha sely trea millions andenens of millions
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but pose proroemems for 7070 pee rere a there.. put t mevever the top on h h anantisiness agenda was a trio of new delelment today, his justice e dertrtnt is investigating the wirerele industry, also vestigating golele a big druru makers f for e deals they ststkeke with makers of cheaper g genicics an the c comdidies futurerading coission is proposingweweeping trtradglimits on oil a reigning in eculators. nowiwistanding the incendiary mmmmen on oil futures by my smter and savier colleague, jim cramer s sss oil futures ar a far as,, mockeryof a shsh,, sincncehehe dididraradi turn a prprof? since when d did we bececomo su next w w should bhappy tradersr arare rnrnin ofofit g goofofo the e economy.y. eanantrust probebe of cell phone comompaesesay bother me mostst oall. babasillll threatens t t f fou titans le standinin at&t,
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verizon, spntntnd t-m-mobee mpmplyecause theyarare stuck. . cellularar pcece havelulummed erer the pasast f few years a a featatur incluludd in your monthly chargegeavave expanded. who's gettingng rtrt here atall? whyook i intthisindustry at all r rig when thehe enomy isis tryiyingo o clb out of the trash n.n. ha't the obama administrationn evereaeard that o cliche, if ititin't brbrok don't fix it. let's l loa up th tel straieor and start on t the real deal wi nnnn neal i've alwayay liked because it ymym. yohad me worried. this economy ca rebound in spite of alllthat. i have a few moreetetri for yoyou. let me see whehere my spot iss here. th fst is a stataining forecast fr a an energy economist at the university of calgary inn nada. hi namee is phphilp.p. he is canadian. oill ices hit $7$73 a barrel a wewe or two agondnd were atat a
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record $14747onon year gogo. this gguy sees oil falling o onl to 20 bubuck barrrr by year's enbecause producucss are tutuing it o out aupply gut languishing on takaks s ateaff demand drop morse t tha 2% fr yeyearago. ththatouould produce an uurge in diosable incomeor u.s.s. households. it would anan gasoline prices cocod d plge bowow the $2 a llll mark. thwart 2.60igig now. as you can s,, hang on, it's nonogoing to wo.. asou can see, foror everyry $1, gas p priss fall, thank you,u, carl,very $1 g gas prices ll, americans end upp with $1$1 billion in household spendining that g gss freed up. let's try it. andexextr $100 blili in
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householdspendiding ththat pretty good, basicacall like a t t cut. wewe know obama f aonone earning over a cererta amoununt wants t never give a kind of tax cucut. ththatould be good for risingng consnserer sentiment.t. ththerice a aththe pumpp is the pulse of the consumemer affects directly howowe e feel. look what's bn happening to consumer sentiment over the rececentononth lolookt this baby, it't' getti higher. we're getting tired of being afraraid we're beingng fatatueuedeeling like e eyore. and feelings,nothing more than fefeinings ♪ that forecasthohows you even t savviest spepecutoto can't hold off the reaea outcome of s supy and demamand ththerore, message to the cftc is this c cckckdo really needed? back off! elwhwher there w this in t "new york post."." can you s this pto here?
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that's a akikirt that kinin of comes down to here and it'ss kid ofof ser hereo the garter. thth i is the important hemline indidicar,r, t idea the shorter irirtsre the more stocks go up. th picture makes the point. the postasaske whether it might be aerer stock price rises. this is s th latattt from christiann dior. thisis srtrt is sheer to the ne part there, frankly a very veve design. i've never been lele to furure out t etethethe hemline wasas a ndom directional aociation more primal keke b beangng the gam's animimal spirit o wall reet. i'm m no sure it's an accurate uguge,ut i like t tt photo. the firsts earningsgs from ruby tuesday. look what hahaenened ruby esesy day. ththe ock soared up 12%ss soon as its earninings came ouout th
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rprise andwent up another10% oro in after-hohour trading. byby tuesday i is mid-p-pridd chain hit hardy the rechlgts it posted earninings 40% bette thanexpected. i'll take it.t. wiwithhat nice stock rise, it gives youu ototr dal lop of hohope. we hadad kodak come ouout todayh upbebeatbu. o says raiaile at kodak believeve e e send q qrtrterwas clearly the b botm m the ececonicic downturn a and third quarter will be better. and the christstma season wll be r better t tn 2%2%ececli in retail sales fofo cistmas last year. wewe sll have to absorbough jarring bumpsps o o this 32 recoveryry. earnings expxpectitionfor the dismal seseco quarter jtt ended, kinindff depressed. alalco kickshihing off morrow afafteththe ose of trading. all ten s stors in the s&p 500 e expected to repepor d dlines from a yearago.
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that has the fstst timee that pppped since s&p 500 started tracking thatt ncnc 1919 i in january. they expectedseseco quarter rnings to fallll1111% from the year before e anow e eecect a steeeepe declili of 36%. that isnene reason i'i'm hohopi for r long shsh, maybe an upside eaearngg surprise.. maybe wall street, lili the rest u uis just too pesessistst. ililin thahat,hehere always the third quarteter, as a aerl n ne popoin t,t,positive spin is s lookforward,ot backwards.. far, wall street e exptsts earningsgs dn n 20% the t thi quarter, improving somewhat,, better etet,fofocasts for growh of 183% in the fourth quarter and 31% growth in the first arter next yearndnd wenow stockk pcecesurn up 6o 9 nths before the e enomy does, in s swe anantipation. there's this f fro michael dadat
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from mkm p parers a smartrtood oking gguy he ss s e potentialoror real growth ofearing soaringng 4% in gdgdp next yrr on topop of2% growth in thththird quarter that st banan and 3% growth iq4. says sising family housing starts statart t t recover, at all auto sales bottomed and the mamajo rkets tracked by indicate hiller. this gugu michahael daa l lked t thr recent raraies, realllly bad beararkets before t thi on 191932 1974, 2002, he measusudd stockk pcece from two months before hitting their lows toto t years after,r, dardrda found a handndso3434 rise inhe two years from that stting pntnt he s say thatss consisistt t th anan s&p 500thathihi 1200yy the end of nt t ar.
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00. today y it posted 8800. that wouldbebe up 35%% more ini just 1 18 months. lingngt so far? we have a lot moretoto cocome am just g gting ststard. later tonight,icicha jackson d d althat money, plus the state of real estate frfrom coast-to-c-coa, , whh yrere ththeyeally goinin which wa are p priss headed?d? we have b bts on the ground, tonight's dog pound on the agagen, alalecbdwin's bidid to get intoto politics, a a fnyny but a policy maker? the pope'sololutn for the economomy,omometng to do with god and dical ackmail, medical blackmail in thehe obam adadmistration, back in two o minutes.
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time to f fd the dog pound. lelet'ststt with presiside oboba'a's antitrust attackn big businessss, he, a as sayay, most anan-business president i decadedes? jujuli is a democratic sttegist and d bcbc contributor, kelley n nwnw is presidentf the polling c cpany and a a rublican ststragist, j jkk b buranan ia republican strategist anand to is on the democrarat side. jack, youetet the softball first, i think obama a d dister for businenessi i thght he was smsmarr than that. whwhato o u say. > he's a completetesaster. look at antitrust, even rere shkikinggoogle andapple, wants to find the f few reinin successfulul cpapaes on the exchange and strip t the down ad bring them u undovoverent regulationon. everything he isis dngng h one ingnn mind bring corpopora americica deder vernment control, whether heaealtcare,
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fifincnce,google,antitrust, one message and one messageonly. >>o brbrgg them to heel. he has them o a ash, tonya. t thi isludicicro,, bottom m line, , wh i itomes to anan-trust regulation andd enforcement this presidentnt i talking a autut doing enforcin ee laws on thebooks. it yy be vyy convenenntnt to rewrite e th enfororci anti-trust law is badador business, that's'sotot the case. if youou'r aware what's behindd ththe e cuent effofort microsoft wants the govovnmnmen to look in gogolele. miosost, the last timime checkeked w w not some sococias enterprise - - >> competitors always inspire anti-trust investigations, that's whatompetitors dond whwhathehedid to microsoftft >> that was a ridiculous s il conceived plan byo well klein in the c clionon administration. it will cost consumers. do anybodyon thisis panene
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rereal thihink the average consumerer i ining dedeni becae she getsts her phone f fm at&t rather t tha veririn?n? inhehe telecec industry we have o o ma choices,s, we hangpp on ererphone caller an t tss is payback for triri lawyers whoho giveve or r 96%f their contntritition >> that's s it. >> if y you want t toknow -- - > l m m just respopond to at. firsrst of all, if youguys had your way, standardrdoioiwould stilll aononopy andohn d. roefeller would still b b arar do. i think nsumers are being hurt when is s erere no anti-trust? u bet i i do.. let me give you ann xaxamp. foxample - -- >> give memen example i i thee ll phone market that's w whe thisis investigation iss going. >t's a not in t the - - >> outut f i irastructure 50% -- >> you know it's n just the ce p pne mmart. dodon'know whatt&t& has donene to createthth ipnene where the get an mon n plichchlt would ve to goo to ver r rye zo but the bigger issueue is generic
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pharmaceceicical p ping money t prevent them from bringing drugs to the market. >etet h do itit. takeke t, jaja. . >> hherss what rahahememanl wants to .. they h hav builtthe ggggt fufu-r-raing machine in worlrld hiorory. they want toto take google and yahoo and shakehem down for politicalcontributions. they want toto dtoto tmmhahat e washingtgtonysystedid. >iviveme a break. can we talk aut antitrust lala >> let tanya speak w.w. ahead, taa.a. >> i notee tt theepublicans on theanelerer c conniently ignorered julie'ss pntesponding toelley ann'ss popoin the pelele on this nel c car ouout prosecute texas? absolutely. do we care abobout makingeneric drs available, absosolulyly. >> there'e' a siren gngng i i o of oururasashiton studios, i think the e amama people tt it f after iaiaid he w the most
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antibusiness presidedent who is gettttgg hurtn the cell phone market when p pces are down ugely, you can g more fefeateses tn ever before? no ones gettiti huhu. this is s e e oba administration wantining inrfere. >e'e're in the gagati. weon't know what t the market would lk like if apple a at didn't haven agreement, we don't knonow what the market wowoullook like. y you don'tnvnvesgate wondering whetherwe migig f fin sosomeininwrong. wait, guy, iavav atease, get rey y r the asase, dog pound, dog, donon't move. next p,p, b blamailing amameran health care and hospitals are caving in ratatrr quklkl a little later, where real tate really stands frorom coast-to-coast. crcrer called the bottom. are they statartg g to see i i in neieighrhrhoo "across amicic? we are b bacinin t proverbial flflas
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stop chahargg g d try wipe out the debeb by payininghe one with theigigst interest rate rsrs once youou tack t tm f fir card tatack t t next and theexext and the next. remememb, , wh you're done, tt ththos fororme dead dololrsrs i savings. mr. evans? this s janice from onstar. you've been in a f fro-e-e crash. do you n neehehelp
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ah. i'll contact emergency rvices and stay with y you you okay? ar on 14 chevy models.s.tao
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> > alth care blackmail,,hehe pharmamaceicicalompanies caved. th will geep $80 bibiioion over the next t years and now, three major hospital associatioions ctributing $155 billllio in lesser payment in medicaca a and medicaidhe next ten yes, they'reumping on the ba bananagagon for heaealt care overhrhl,l, announcement expepect t tomrow. here's my problem,ogog pound, i really r reqstst wther these concessionons rere made luntarily and second o all, have to tetellyou,all iteans thatat t hospitals givingg up $155 billion will turn around
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and chararge their cucuomomer w araren i i medicare and micaid thee a aunt of m mon they're missing.g. this is not g goi to reduce cost, this i simimyy going to pplant it and push it ovever to otothe bbbble julie, you getet t firstcrack. denenni y you could n not b re wrong,here's t t reasons whwhy. one, an example of t t state o new jersey where we'reititng ririghnonow, over a trd of theh hospitalalhehereake 10 c cts on every dollar theyy spenend, on get reimbmburdd for every 1 centnts eyeypend forchchary rerend it costs t t average ereran familyf health re, $1100 to make u u for those who dot have health care, that'ss you and me, c cining out ofof pockckbobook >> defeatingng mpoint, i i don' e it happenenin >> let me t telou-- let m answer yououquqution defeating e points becausehehe hospital makes up for e extra m meyey chchard d the charity. ththeyre dying to get universal health care because e th n't ntnt t spend the nene f arity care. > tss is a shededow of reaey
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the last -- >> bingo! >> omom the last pfefeion empt from government takeover who o wass the gerernmt inhehe mid untitil 's not invited to the hospital-dodoct relationship. they either play balll oret in ee crosshairs o this. this is one tenth of ththe 1.5. trillion pce tag o this health care.e. >> to reduce health cacare cos >> letet m g ge you still more ntroversial point. let's make n ns he.e. you have 1 1 of the couount or le, 8% unsusure whwho cares? a society of 300ililli people, you hahave30 or 40 million uninsured, what dodo yo nt to ,, do you w wt to d dra down -- - ee wants to drag d do the e to 90% to save the botto 10%.%. that is notot good plilic polic. lelet give uu something elsese controveversl.l. they say health care costs arer highgh you know what i say? i say that'ssgood. that means wee haveheheest syemem ithe world,wewe have all
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ese technological aadvceces, i thk that'shehe the pricece pot is where supplyly and dememn intersects. >> whenouou m momss sick, there'e's c ct too h hig to f r.r. >> it is n not e best sysysmm fr the 46 million pple who have no health insurance.. thwhwhe notion we will make boogiemen -- victims of f ee heheal c ce i indtrtry players o want to work with t the presid, who want xx therorobl -- >> they will s sav hundrere -- cucu me t the will save hundredsf billionsff dollars ayeaear. >> i justave you t two facts. fact numberr one, the hospitals on a avegege i the stateteofof jersey 1ouout of 50 states makee 10, , l lot o of them m mak 10 or every dlalarhey spend. what does thatt prove. >>ust because you repeat it esesn'mean -- >> it provesheheyavave an cecente -- thesee hospitalsls ae losing money becauausehehey are the f fir d last stopp f
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emergency care f people uninsured. >> nobody is denenie ememerncnc caca awhere inthth country. hold on! >> peoplple are deniedriritil carere. >> everyday ---- >> ii'm the o oy one here named kekeeyeyan let's talk abouthehe peoplee uninsured. the e e people who c can be enrollllednn s-chip, the paren don't have themm the,e, too busy bubuyi them $300 pairs off sneakers and are eligible. >> people in medicaid who aren't therere. we need t to get 2 2 year-olds >> gu-- good grief. . >> you have t understand the whole issue ofof the uninsurere nothing but sese. if bararacoboba -- let's be realisisti if what the fereral gogovement wanteted do insure the unininsud,d, berkeman andn assosoatateshe top ceoss in the cotry, we'd gethehe -- >> that's notothehe gl, is a socialized medical sysyste >> it's a ruse.
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y youave the l las bite, tanya.a. >> we're notimimpl okokinto cocor people i in crisis tuation. i i de s say the 4 million peoel who o dott havensnsurce can't go see a p priryryare ysysian, itatatte to them. itit m mattermomore than the negotitiatn n this ppan. it m mteters to them. >wwee shou shoululd looking this a corratastrophic but make t the pay forr tir own regulalar care. >> fraraenen, the n new sen today. u know every timeme i se him in publblic he has smoirng his cecei can'ttbelieve these people voted foror m this w jojo the wholetime. an eight-month-old legal atattl a "saturday night live."" he may onavav o oths on t the hill. here's's the research you
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wanted. >> oh. anan. >> thosese a terns. >> areren'thth a littleld and ovovdrdresd. >> they'r're all f forr investmt bankers l ldd off in t the econc crashh nancyy pelosi caused. ththeyave z zer skills b b they work hahard >> alec baldwinn saying he is interested inunning for cocoreress that is just supeper. i have t ttetell yo ja,actor, they ought too sy actors. . >> with b bark k obama,ee inauguratetehis celebrity culture aa g withoo experience dog anything,,hehe he t t th sete, he started r rning for presididt.t. henaugurated this t tre where susuddly experience doesn'tt matte mamatt. >> ronald rereag s srted that trd d asactor who became prididen >> a two-term governor. ronald reagan was a two-teterm gornrnorf the largest state thee ununy. >> befeforththat he w w an tor. >> s sheas a point.
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> please do this, alec baldw, plplea be the face ofhehe democratic party along with nancy pepesisi. he won't bee able to hp himself, heill run ann anti-george e bu antigovernment cacaaiaign and i think the youtube clips of him callinin his teenenagdadaugr a pig w wll reallyoo ll. >> weeilillwrap it up. ank you very much, melello dogg poununde.. stll ahead on n nbnbc ports." >> bloggers b wear, dennis h you in his sights, hehe's beenn readininanand he's not lingng. tonight, he'llll fe e back.. a mil ylion home i in detroit,te what you get tse dayay inhehe hardeseshihit ities. >momone b behd michaha jacksn as f fan andndelebrityiegogo to thetatapl center,wewee following the dollararigigns we're back in n twmimites. bitz is cutting hol l boing fees,
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it's a o onewowo pch of savings -- - w!w! p! lower hotel bookining esesean you get a a lor r tol price. plus, ififnonoth orbitz customer then books the same hoholl for , we send you u a ececk r the differenen, , aumatically. diarrhea, constipationon you'ga bloating. that's me! can i i te y youwhat as colon health has made?e? it's the probioticics.thg.
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so maybebe i'm just littltl too hard o president ama, maybe he i isnhe worst
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anti-business s prididenin modern h htory. wh is defenders talal t me abt t t,heheyention thegm ca,, general momor, look whwhat oba did for gm, they tk it out ofananuptcy only55 day, record, t theaved the company for thefuture. some see this as a sigignobama s good on business, n not d. bubut now, t's remembera couplee really diffificu numbers. gmyeye, tting out of bankruptptcyhahapt 11 p proction inececd timebutowow it has to run an actual business. and so what are we left with?? the numbers, they a't't very go, folks, c comggut of nkruptcy, these numbers a fromom a a secrett report i got of to from eveverrere partntn ththeyill have eqty of8 to $48billion,n, d dow huge fmm th heyday. they have to get to $7 billion before taxpayersget their monony ba.. i don't see happenining. ththeyhould have revenue $78.3 billion, w w down fr
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$150 billionon or morenn nicic years. pretax lossoror009, up $17.5 bibilln and tax this year, gative $26 billilion worse thanhat u.s. markeket share, 18 1/2% right now, it i going t to fall to 18% in five years. that'shehe best they cld ddo, sisi a half a pntnt i five years,s,revevenu u up20,0000121 a car, will only r ris a teensy bibit,500 or the p pas five years. i'm not sure that's so great, not sure o oba hpeped them thah much att all. and'm not sure he s shodd have. now, we'realking real tate coast-to-coast, , bu p pa of the million dollllar home da ononnbc, we've beeeen assigigdd deoioi a million dollarsrs g ge you aa lot inotown these days.
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>> reporter: general motors will file for bkrkrtcy- >> chrysler h heangngo bankruptcy. > is no srere why the whls have comeff etroit'sreal estate m mart.t. forereclururesow epidemic, w who neighbhbhohooddisappearing,he median p pcece for non-infoforn closureomom$15,500. >>his is indian village, mi stretch of manansis s alst alll formerlyililli dollalar opoperes, now the most expensnsivinin this area, $849,000. ilt in 1911yy the dodge mily, the e eletor actually still works to along withhhe veven bbedoms, six bathrooms anan1111,0 square feettofof striringng anticuity. ee originallisting price, $1$1.1 million. >> people are sayiyi,, my gogoodssss, u can buy mansion is in detroitoror a a thousand dollllar that's'sotot happening. >> repororte w wha is ppening?g? lolotsffinintest, evenn from ovovera, gone are t t investors, mimiste the current owner made and isititerly ping for. he spent o ove half a million
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dollarreoring this house andd wiwi still lose money on. reporter: if $800,000 i in detroit is a little t much risk for, yoyou youou c getet a house f for a lot less momone >> $200,000 in detroit wowoul gt you a nicecehouse. >> reporter: yououanan scoop u fi,000 for millionbubuck 300,000 sqsqrere ft in a reallly good nehbhborod. don'tt expecto find mlion dollllarpropererti.. they sappeared like many of thauautoorkers. cnbc, deoioit. >> five houses for a million bucks, soundnds keke a p prey gd buy. locationlococatn.n. we're ststtitingacross amereric tonight with real estate, tom walsh, a columnmnisitith the f e press anderry hersh d j de stephh no and ed wiwithhe stst papaul pioneer prpres let's start withth detroit mama m wawals
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you jusussasaw that story onhe million n doarar hoeses. doesestt ringrue oro you the local guyuy say i it' all wrg?? >> hi, it's a absututel tte.e. the avaveree hse in detroioi dropped 39%nn the lt two years. >> that's prereyy good. you u thkk pces arereoioing up from?? >> no. think they will k kee coming down until people ststop leavin e air yampmpt---- ea. asas lg as t the auto industry still contracting whichche see it isnd companieies,whwhen the comeutut of bankruptcy sbibize that, thatat ppens when we see the real estatatmamark go up. >> w whaisis it l loong likeoro u u in didiapolis? >ririce are ctitiing to drop. redential real estate especially is pretty ddreress. the te of decline isn't as b b as itt was, some people ithth rerealstate industry are s sayg 's getting easiertoto sell houses. one of the argumenents is the indedeisis lee the ka ssiller,
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those numbersre skewed byy the number of forcedd sales of foreclosure.e. >> the upsideoror new buyer, 's's t tak p pceces down to afaffoabab leleve. rry in l.a., a lot of speculat speculatorors t t uphat market anand en it fell down thehe mos nanaonally. wh's going on now? it's down so longg it lookspp o me. . >> our median price is s $2,000o $2$24900 for t t wholeregion. the reason for that isn't so great. because lower p pce homes took ge dumb, t theveryototto and you veve the higher priced homemes ww startingngoo come do in pricice. pepeop are jumumpi in buyiyi whatat tyy seeasas b bgains for higher pred homes anand raiaise the medidi upup itit doesn'tt an therere estate market here iseignited, not byy a a ngng shot. foforeososur are continuing to increaeasendnd notice sasa, , where the bank tess the ner, hey, we're going t put your homemep p fo le, thohose were u
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40% in may. >> let's gooo joe in phillll iihinkjerry's sndards are o o high. i would justste pppp withhehe idea prices are no l lgeger plummeting l lik a guy without pararautute. >> 3 here,manan, i c can tell y that weotothohole bunch of condos onnhehe market p peoee buililt up. nolike miami. we hadanan auction twoo w wks a, $700,000 listed, sellili f for and $500,000, a and aren't mov anywhere yet. go to the shore, e evebobo in phphlyly wts to havehehe mmmmerouse. peopop w who just gotsed to bungng iand t tdiding upevevy feyears,nonot happeningng anore. >> w wwiwillove to another topic, onene stthought. from 20 to00007 roughlyedednn priceses homes rosose 53%, fro 20 2000. ifif y bought before then, you're still way u nenext topic, guys. chchaejackson being rememberer around the orld, thehe businese ofelelrity ath. jerry, youou'rn l.a.
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start with you. gogo t tell u,u, watchched some of the funeral stuff,ememorl rvrve, i felt alittle uncomfortatablwiwith all th se promotion, some peopop clearly there to promote thehe own careers raraerer tn celebrarate the de parted. >> the other interestinghing was u unen performanceby t t perfo peperfmers theirselves, some people did well, jeififer hudsn and jnn meyerridid great and others looked l lee they haven' sung for a a whwhil onon intereresngng angle about e michael l ckcksodeath among otothe, slilitltly systemtmtiv the.a.a. economy. it a a traragi tng for michael d his family.. to generate a lot hotelel ros,s, travelocity s sai t t bobookgs for l.a.wewe double a yeyear ago. hoteloccupancy tete in wnwnto l.a. 65, 60%, boboceced up to 8080% this weweek talkeked people who cee fromomarar and al overhehe woworl this wasa strange perverse
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reaction. > sveve ling. join philly. ththerwill be a lot of people tryingng tmamake a lot ofoney of ts treded >> it's generationonalthing. i have six kids and they think michael jackson is se creepy old guy,nother generation.n. for people in iilyly, man, they get it. o you arare,hehe y'r're c cining throrough. the kids think this is -- >> we'll goround the horn and talk about y youee my favavitit ople, what are youuororki on for tomorrow? first, g g witithom in detroit. >> gm allll the time. 're waiting ohe bondholders ananthe peopop,, are they goioi to figig this b banuptcyexit? we should k kww by thursdsday they uld co out early as ththuray. obamaa comes to troit xt week. we'l'll e e he comeses to decle victory.y. >> in st. paul, whatat you wking onon. >> on ccfp proposasals abobo
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positions onn enererfures. >> a a y youererding that andd like it >> i t thi thehohole thing a aut eculation, the rolol o speculation in votitili of o o prices, , i think,s overdone. so i. joe in philly. you find lot o of oil on the dedeware river.. people wah thatclosely and mad atththe oil companies, don' undersrsta i if e economy is i suchch b shape, aftft it tanan it s staed going g ba u up aghblt they hear a aut mpmpans buying tankerer loads of oil, wrere it going. itill beinteresting whatthe obama administration eses with at. thank k yoveve mumuch michael jackson's finall farewell, star-studded staples ntnt in los geles, some of the bigigge names inin micic story g gatring to say soonong to the king of rk pop. asaslwlwaya money angle memercndnding and we a are a over i iinin t minutes. kikingts rightful placece
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this is the e w w e-upe. isis imercedes-benz. yeyeahgogo boy. hehere your treat. ( neigigngng, imper ) ♪
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sh o o. neneig ) ♪ car insurance companany th. third-d-rgrges but, it's not like we'e' gecko vo: takes lots o oswswea literally sweat......gecko ' it j jusnot our thing... geckcko : : .but i do work harard,inind u. gecko vo: first rule of "hard work e equs s suess." geckckvovo: at's why geico is consisisttltl rated excellllenororetter in terms of f fincicialtrength. geckckvovo: at's why gecko vo: second r rul "d"d't steal a coworker'ss egegg lad, 'spepealallyf it's marked "the gececko come on people. time n n for an a a mhael
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jackson editioionff the orr and under. first ,, memorial rvrve today, more than 17,000eople fied the staples centerr los gegeleto pay ibute to the king ofpop. tens of thousandsds sodod tside anand tctcononiant reres, millioio m mor watched arndnd e world on tetevivisi. i have t totell you, ithink this sty y is now officially ovoverayed. les see what everyone else thinks. ne welch, mimichl,l,olumnist fofo "vanity fair" and a columnist backckitith us a a monica, reporter fromthth "w"wasngton post" covering it for the per. tell us youourhohougs on it. >> i i haveo ask you. yoyou inink this storyry is ove dennnn?? we do n not know ththe exact ca of death, w w doot know how mumuchisisstate is rtrth andwe do n not knowowatat the m momtt his mains are. e story isn't erer for long time. my impression was the msive
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b b ey were pecting never mamatealized. ininacact, the crowowd thatshow up was verytame, v ver cordial, very festste,e, butot overwrought.t. >> by over, i meant, jaja,, i meant orplayed, almost too much cocovege. michael wolf, you're a crcran sort, maybe you'll b bac me up >> not i the leleas i ththk k th is the sryry of the year, ififot of ourtime. i actually t thi one of thehe inteteststinthings happening right noww ismimichl jackson i morphing into thissolitical figure, intohihi figigur o of racial politics. i think that t thi is gng to go on intnto lot off i iredibly intere interesting and dramatic pepeutation. jejerr i i affiliatete le there wewereome s sel serving pepeorormaes up there dada
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>> therere were. people have looked at els and john lennon andwhat's happened after theirr deaths,ndnd jumped on t the bandwagon. >>eoeoe like who?o? call themm out? peopople ke whwh jey?y? >> i'm lking about the recordiningndndtry and everyone els el. . >> yeah. ah. okay. you're kind of --yoyou' stopping short o of n nining na, like foror t ther tooakake frfronroroandenente withh press conference dayay aerer day tet hison'seath whehe the son really resented the father for ba treatment as he w was growin , , i felt hee should havee reined silent. nica, what is y you reaeactn n o thisis memororiaservicice. >> what you're saying about cebrities taking a advtata of isis suation, i think u're damned if you do a damnedifif yoyodon't. it easy to watchthe performs and say they'y're hoing the limelight for theirselves. the other hand, dna ross didn't show up at a all and i hearard opop saying here's diana ross, s she s suld be her
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supportingng mhaha jjaconon. >> i think it's probabably becae ththe audienceanand to see her. >> i'm not usually a s senmemeal guguy. i think it w w a relative ly tasteful ing. i looked a this anddthought, man, ty couldavave blown this out in a lot off diffefere ysys to a lot of advantatageoror a l ofof pple and they didn't.. it was prettymuchfocused. >> next toc,c,guys, on the michael asas tmoneymaker, todayy was no doubt a boon for pelele selling-shirts and hss ouididthe stleles nter b buroof fitting off michael goes far beyond l.l.a. totopellers o ebay flbums and top songs, and i i say it' ununrplayed as far m mon coming in. what doo y say,monica?? >> this is onene of tse eventnts people arerelrlreaooooki at as being historicic. people already w wan to sayhihi is w whe i w was when michael jacksoson eded, this is whehere
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was during hihi funeral an t t moy playsntnto ththat wewe a all trying souvenir is w. >> ne, this pys on your pot t out how much is left to etermined. i ththin we are talalngng rathe sty fights over the esesta.. well tt't' tr,, b also if you lookktt elvisresley his esesta was so well-managed postt death and exploiteted,ff you will, managed may the ndnd of rdrd f it, ttt it bececam much rere profitable after h his dea than while he was alive andnd wh od managementntmimichl jackson'n's lelega can be m mad larger poteteiaiallto payay off whever debts he hasas and t to leleavhihis children a gd legacy and a goodd income for them. >> ght, that washehe one momont, guys, i in the seserve, that made me almlmosry i is whe s daughter got up trere and tried to take the mimike. that one hurt and thatat o o wa re. three mamarr networks,eaeadi cable n new ananne wallll to wal thth coverage,e, msnbc anchoho.
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the m med cocovegege sorry,y, overplayed. chchaewolfe? >> think t media is tryingg to figure outut why micicelel jackson meansns so muchoo so may people so ihihink tt they e playingcatchup o this story, and thehey' been wrongon it bebefo, , en we marginalized d michael jackson,n, cleled m a perv, whwhaterer and rigight no everybody isis playing catchingp and they d't't want toisiss it anand ey want to be o top of it, , tt at they uererand it because e eyeydon't. >> go ahahea >> the ratings will tell it all hoo! is sayinghihis is t most streamed evevent in its history. itit h 5 million rereamgs.. thererwawas gh interest. ththe networks a arellll about rarangs. lo, i washere for cnbc, an lilited capacity and much detetef we were trying to exexoioit e story whether or not i was goingg t to be theree b b isis t story p peoe e ar talkin ababou >> it truly is. whwhicis why we did t thi tonight. > w wve got22 mlion hits.s.
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>> thank you very muchch. next up, bloggersbeware, i'm m mimingfter you. i'm still selling theeopope and i'brbrhing of ayour nenegavity. so manany ththris pain relievers - - i just want fewer pipillann relief that lasts s aldada. take 2 extra strenengttytylel every 4 to 6 houou?!?!? taking 8 pills a d day.. and if i t takitit for 10 days --
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just 2 aleve can lalastllllay. that's 80 pills. rfect. choose alevevendnd y can be taking four t tim.... stst aleve have the ststrethth trelieve arthritis s inin a day. [ female announcer ] ] es yor from post party ckckne syndrome? there'e's rerevotionary cure. it c cald cascade all-l--o-onectionpacs. and itit'sikik adding the ultltime e buon toto yr r shwasher. because it has the powerer to . didissve... and rinse the whole meme a awa soson the morning your disishe will feel like new a ainin. scsce complete all-l-innene aionpacs. for money-saving o offs,s, visit theultimatatebtoton.m.
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todada >>sosorr guguys tonight i i goo revisit the bittttereaea of the bloggersndnd all e invective ty hurl and their crus of chronic
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cocompiners who post tsese caustic comments ononhe blogger's digitall atribe. i try y noo lookk at themem b now and then i ieeeed ththe inspiration of somomnene w despises me. i came aososthisonone day, "denniniknknea is the b bigstst idiot on cnbc" this f fmomome unnamed marauder a a,, asass se of our btt namamesbut says kalale a a cplete moron and then th guy fails to put u u a single fa,, even onepiece of data s shongng wre i i'm wrong say thisis recession iss over a that iff w feel better, thingngs will get better as a a rulul why y be so mean? why must thehe comments attache to blog posts likehihi endnd up bebeg so crudend uy and racist, and even frightening?? i like a odod argument a i'm'm always w wlilingo hear data f fo any folks cacae i learnore omom i but a l l off these sites
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post reposts th make fun my apapararan, which is fine, hee fun kidid isn't helpful andoooo often they goo w w beyond n. they ause me ofoioing illegal, unnatural acts, eyey insisist y and by the y,y, guys, i'm nonot,utut wouould it even mamatt a andow andnd then these didigil imbeciles, various foros of pond s scu do s somhihingealy out off line like post what the think is m myhohome adadesess. it n'n' it used to but t tel me, fofos,s, wt is the p ppose of popoining suppopose homeddress r thousands of people too sese peoplele w t tsh me as a olol p prot a letter-writingng campaign or toacitly thataten the possibibitity some kind of vandalism, somome ndnd o attack? what hasas h hapned out thehe i thth blolospsphe? whdidi it get all soo nanast wee a bunch of negative neys, can hide behindd anonymymittoto spew out hatred t even more ththanthat, don't't te
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ople have anything better too do i suggesthehey f fin someththin mmennis kalal that's all for us tonight. nbc rrororts is back at 8:00 torrow. thanks f foreiei with us and gogoodight. mr. evans? this is jacecerom onstar. i i ha received an aututataticignal u've been in a front-e-end rasp ahah. i'i'llononct emergency seicicesnd stay with you. you okay? yeah.
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ononst. standard for one arar o14 chevy models. . i i d felt fine. but tuturnouout. i should've dodoneomometng. w,w, trust my heart to o litotor. enen dt and exercise are e t t engh, adding lipitor mayay hp.p. unlikekeomome her cholesterol loweweri m mications, lilipir is fda approved toto ruce the risk... ofof hrtrtttack, stroke, anancecertn kinds of heart sururgeeses. in patients withthevever common risk factors.s... lipitor has s enen extensively studied... wi o or 16 years of reseseah.h. lipitor isis n for everyone, ininclining ople with liver p pblblem.. d d won who are nursing, prpregnt, or may become prprnanant
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yoyou ededimple blood tests c che for liver problems. tell your r ctctorf you are taking oththerededations, or if yoyou veve any muscle pain or w wknknes this may be a sign of f rarar. i was caught off-g-grdrd. but maybe yoyou n n len from my story. have a h hea t theart with your r dooror.. ababouyour risk. and d abt t pitor. ♪ finally loverers ow ♪ ♪atatchg in slow motion ♪ as you turn to me and s say ♪ take my b breh h aw (announcer) ge l lomomotes. customers love them m alstst a much as we love e kikinghem. ♪y y ve (announcer) ininnotion today for americica'totorrow.


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