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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  July 7, 2009 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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lcome to my world. >> you need to get in e game. >> ty're nuts! ey know nothing. i like to y there's a bull market somewhere. "mad money." you can't affordmiss it. hey, i'm cramer. lack to "mad money." welcome toramerica. my job is not just tentertain, but to edute, so call me at 1-800-743-cnbc. les facet, let's face it, we've lost oil. a crucial rt of the trinity. at rescued us from thdow 6,000s. rememb thehree in one theme? oil, tech and financia? it's no more. as we now recognize it, oil prices were manipulad up, and
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the energyompleximply llowed along. we know thi move's been repealed because we discovered that oil was juk by a two-bit trader with a couple million in his pocket and now we cat trusthe price of crude or prices of the stoc that resolvaround it. that phoniness cou cse another $10 decline in oil, whicmeans everything could be way too high and can't blied upon to reversthis decline in thaverages. without oil, witut the key portion and w the unemployment, well, you can see what happens. we've plummeted 9%on the dow and the s&p laido waste for . we're probably not done yet. that's how important o was. so what happens now that we've lost the tlogy that packed more punch than thord of the ris"?
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featuring cramer fav sgal. they're not listening. do we run to jellystone national park and jn yogi and boo-boo? last night we determinedtocks re too high. when i cald is market range bound. there'some good news, some bad news. and i guess we've been at e top ofhe range. i think the bottom of the ra lies in the high 700s. rember, i saidhat's when we get the stim, a real stimus now that we've lost a crucial part of the inity, you have to expect we could headed for a visit to the avera's basement. still, if we'rever gng to bounce off that dostairs dirty noleum floor that i sippedhe cheap scotchff of, then we're going to have to find a replacement for oil, a i'm not talking about syn fuels. we need something more thajust
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techich got hit with some huge profit-taki today, and more than just banks which tried to hold eir own, tried to rule higher. so tonight i hava nomination. i have a nomination for the market's new third leg of e tripod to betrapped on after we get hammered someore from these lels. the nomination is, druoll, please. healthcare. yeah, healthcare. you know for the lt three weeks i've been highlighting t once villainous complex a things healthcare becae i thk that president obama's bark on the issuwill be much worse than his bite. yeah, i' been featuring this almost every night. we're shifti here. i am saying thindustry shouldn'be hurt -- well, let's
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say it wouldn't beilled by healthcare reform. i'm simp telling you that stocks have already en crushed, and i see some ances to b a sector on the cheap. that's why ie been hilighti it night after night. when the smoke clears from the oil complex, it ll be health carehat takes over. who will be the neaders now that health care will be displacing oil in the trinity? i've been rolling them out subosa but now it's time to lay things out explicitly. rst, we are meting on medco health services, mh for all of you home gamers. last night you heardavid sw, and you know why it ld be bought. the company which saves companies' fortunesand dividuals' fortunes by seing drugs bulk d byiguring out which drugs produce the best outcomes, has the most
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nsistent earning stream oany business i fw. in or out health care. yowill never find a company with more visibility, aning nagement's ability to seand accurately predi earnings, than medco. i think this $46 stock's heading to 60. especially sincet's a iend of healtcare reform, not an enemy. how about dinoics? the president's favorite theme there we picked egx. that's t play. i think the numbers this one e o low, especially given the government wants to save moneby preventing disease. that's the job of dgx. cost saiings through computization. another ofhe president's iniatives. for that wve been telling you allscripts hlth care mdrx. which only scratched the surface of bris prescription
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iting and recordkeeping into the 21st century. i consider lscripts to be the microsoft devices. stj on the high end anston scientific on the low end. two rdiovascular plays, one know forts constency and one ve liked for the turnaround potential. bost scientific. also, by the w, we talked about wellpoint, we talked about at with rebecca jarvis today on "street sns." wellpoint's t the least exposure to the medica vaage program. at means it's not going to have the numbers cut likthe hmos. finally, when it comes to drugs themlves, i like gilead whi i think llurprise to the up side becse of the fabulous antiage, and abbott labs, but has been kept ba by the end less jabber. those two, which i bown for mire charitabltrust will be e new winners. again, n here.
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not unl the smoke clears. no, we didn't wanto lose oil. that's why we're gettingilled here. i'll have some more thoughts of that manipulation upward of the oil futuresater on in the show buthe fact is that il'sot a built-in weaess. it's zero sum. health care, on the other hand, can have real ng-term growth, even in a slowdown. and now that the health care reform issue i almost resolved, i think that gro emerges, again, after selloff as the new third leg of the three in one amid taking a rigful place withinancials and techs the same coination, by the way, tt led us throughout the great 1990's bl market. e bottom line -- we're not done going dow i didn't see this chan in oil coming. why? i didn't know abouthe nipulation, but while we change lders and lose oil, and you feel the pain, i am lling
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you that health care will erge at the top and then think you will feel the gain. may i to pete in pennania, please. te? >> caller: jimhow are you doing? >> okay, pete. be host other than that huge winy the phillies, it's been discoaging. >> caller: i wanted to give you a big boo-yah for the illies today. >>yeah. thatas aonster game. went to the extra play and paid off. what's up? >> hi. i was reading today in the "new york times," regulators waed to limit oil ctracts. i want to know if somethinli that wouldose well for like xto energy or other seors. >> we're seeg a bifurcated maet. they have not been ali to manipulate the gas. natural gas situation. in fac the ung, i was talking with donion, he owns this etf space. he's been saying over and over again the money intong has moved tural gas higher than it should be. think natural gas should be at three.
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do notant to lump in the natural gas stocks with e oil stocks, but thmaet will. they're all going downpete, i don't want to outthink this. we have anothelevel of decline inhe oils cause we know that oil belongs beeen $45 and $50. that when the stocks were at levels lashat's where oil wa i think that we e that kind of decline. we're t done going down. i am not recommeing speculatg the oil patch or the natural gas patch st yet. schlumberg may be 46, 47, i said yesterday i thought it could go into the 50s. i think when some of t oils yid huge we'll get back in. but right now wee holding off. boo ya, mike. city of winners. for the most part. for the mostart. cubs? >> cler: you know, jim, i ally appreciate your educaon and last week you were talki
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about pe ratio and how they relate t growth. >>es. >> caller: and i've been following the stock, rarian medicalsystems with a pe of abt 13. >> right. >> cler: a high grow rate and wondering i this is o of the stocks like medco that's been slaered with the whole health care system. >> i think it isn't. there has been what's known muiple ctraction there. thank you for referencinthat sh d thought that was very intelligent show, and i was thrilled. you know what? that's an equipment compan we know that medco health saves moneright from the top. the system itoo strapped to spend a lot of money obig, big health care hardware so i can't get behind rarian here. i k the multiple stays contracted. i don't want to buy it. all right. the 3-in-1 that took us out of the dow is no mo.
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i do believehawhen we emerge from this paicular farce, health care will be a ne leader. at will be the third leg of the tripod. until then, let's betious. we are in the middle of the range. maybe we test thebottom of it. stay with "mad money." could retail stocks back in sle? cramer is sizi it up. to find out if it could be the right fit for your pofolio. plus on all-new "off the charts," jim is performing a taste test on one succult stock. coulit add a dash of "mad money" to yourottom line? later, what dastardly de on the street has cramer a fired up. find out on a heated "outrage of the day." l coming up on "mad money." fithe e me tools the pros use,
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ou can be a discsciplined ader. by selecting from eight advanced triggers, your order gets ececuted, even when you're b busy. and withrailing stops to help u lockn profits and miminize rk, u cabe confident in yououstrate, noatr which way the market mov. find o out why m me and more active tradede are tu to fidelity for a a ter y to trade online. trade like a pro.. trade with fidelity.
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while i was busysy sffffli betweeeen acacs on long island and new jerseyeyasast ek, tween brandsdsitith single-digit stock soared when n c caut a bid from e dress barn. i owow iaven't liked retail a a whwhollot lately, but with gasosoli p pris falling, something i maininta s shod rarailhe economy given that ghgherasoline was supposed t t dedera t theconomic, people want rereoney in their pockets s to buy things like clothing.. as we're seeing the rereta industry wake e upo o e fact th some much-shunned stores s could be picked up foror aonon preferably not onene sg g lady ga-ga, we have diamondnds t t rough.
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yesterdaday h he some diamonds in the rough for t t g gro. people thinknk t b bacto-school season will be a bust. i misseded t t turin chico. i i wablindsided by the tweeee bid. i say, n no rere let's get into a aowown d dirty tataer and do some value shopping. i don't t ju m meadollar tree, whwhera a ni woman stopped me on thursday and said, t this s st beeally, really bad when jimim cramer is shopping at dollllar tree. i got news for youou, dydy i' been shopping there for ages. how do you think i gotot rh h the first plplac alouou i dadmittedly erery for two boxes of gogood p pley, my bad, which brings me to chrs for all l yo home gamers. you might knowowt t asane bryant or f fasonon b, and catherine's, its three main brands.s. another retailer f fusused on
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women althoughh d defitely a fferent demograpaphi th t the damaged stock.k. this is a $3 and change naname that i don't think is s mamage goodods,ususdamaged stock. and if tween brands canan g taken n erer n environment, we wantnt tfifindimilar speculative retail plays. otothe can be bought. i think ththe neneble shops fits ththe ll. memeer, there are two dierent ways of valuing a stock. normallyly t a aroach we use on the shsh, , wehink about what other investors,s,aiainlthe big bo that run the mutual f fdsds anand dge funds, will pay for ththststoc. t t nothat we've gotten someme real acquisisitis,s,t's important to recall thth s stos have another sourcrce v val. eyey an't just pieces of paper that alwayaytrtradas if there's only a gossamemeththinonnection to the underlyininbubusiss, beuse that business has s lulue to other c comnini. we h he e toonsider what they're
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wiining pay, which at times li these can be much mororththan what thehe mkekewill pay. h havto consider our favoriri two letttterafaftem&ms, to belabor the candy ininittitive oh. m & a. i t tnknk that titiny little charming shops cld be an idedeal kekeov target. bubut n't forget the rules. we never speculate on takekeovs ununle the fundamentals s ofheh compananarare improvining. th's's saight outt of the fstst gospel accordingngo o me oh. "j crerer'seal ney, sane investing i in a an insasaneorod paperback at a bookstste e ne you. how arare e e ndamentals? is there a reasoson o ownhis stock independndenofofakeover eculation? or could you simply y enupup ldldinthe shopping bag as the ststocgoes lower and lower w wle waiting for r ancqcqrer.
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i think the company isis athth bebegiing of a turnaround with great new managemement that shoululd ivivthe stock higher regardlesess a any & a acon and i also like charming shops for a a loveve charming reonon. it's's p plaon one of the great seculalar enen of the age as we learned lalastigig from david snowowththe o of medco. i nt to put it politely. it's the trend of -- o of ttttin ----owow aut of getting larger? now, i don't wanant t tow around plulusisize- yes, thank yo they'r're vivi me a ltltl cue card on what to -- do you wantn to s sho them whatouou just showow me this is how theshshow works. y this rmrm. beuse we're a about -- well, yway. we d don keke to throw aund words like fat or obese. th would be ungentlemanly.
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and d evyoyonenows i'm a gentleman. t t ast happens, about two ththds of american women a are plplusizize,hough you never hear e term "minus size" so certrtaiy y bit of retail solvistry. astt hahaenens, charming shopop ss0%0% mket share in spiaiay plus size a aararel where itit's a numberne plplay d 10% market shahare i i regula plus-size apparel andumber two in that marketanan number onein intimate plus s siz apparelanan plus size dden.. one e pl, one plus, on plus eqequa four. that's higherr than thetotock price bubut i i thinknk tt t th company mamabebe wth six. plus-siziz m monoly. don't call that t neanangl juice department, they mightht break it up. charming hoppes is a play on amamicican getting bigger not tter. wouldn't say anything g th crass. it's s somhihi we can't seem to
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verse. i'd rhehe bet on it thanan b against it.. then there's the tururrorounin charmiminghohoes. it was under an n teteri leadershipipththenlan rosscamp, thecompany'ss crent chairman, formerer ceo off joann storeres. he came in and s staeded t tuararnd, selling noncore businessesesikike talogs, cutting between75 and $100 million in costs and aggressi aggressively cuttiting inventories. inventories were down 19% % inhe first quarteter. heade a a ststor- less opcscs ththen they b broht in teeee ne executives on each t manage one each t manage lee bryant, shion bug andkaththere'e' the company's ggest brbran.. and finalal crming shohopp hired aa permanent ceo a couple ofonthsgogopaul foggerty. this guy isn't a fixixupuppe he a a ba fide turnaround
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artist. perhapaps roroco. to make use of my vavaris s ots courses at hararva.. and the new w cewiwithetail expepericece athe former cfo of levi strauss, when h he memen, chming shoppes was at $2.30.0. it at $3.55, u up 6.. bui still think it cacagogo higher. hohoabout the numbers? ch h h about $1.32 in cash, , giving this s niniceloor. ififou look at the recent t quartete i it'clear the inventory and cost c cutarare working their magigic. revenue, okay,, fell by 16%. same store sasaledodo. but operatatg g inme was flat. grososs rgrgs, which is our farite at "mad money," improveded, w w th people have a little more money in pococke ththan t to eaper gasoline -- look, i know unempmploenenis a g g prlem, but cheaper gasoline doeoes tttt for plays like this.
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i thinink leleat charming shshops could get back on track. atatould be huge for earnining sususqhahaa reports a 1% increase could boooo e earngs as much as 12 cents. thth's huge given they're e expectededo o lo 20 cents a shshe in 20.0. iththinit will do a a lot bette than that withh en a slight improvement in businesess. here's the bottom linene. i i thk k itorks for speculation. it's an atatacacti takeover target f f a anyther retailer okokinto get in on plus-sizeze titi, and clearly in the middle o oa a tuaround that's working. obscscur by the big sellofof right now. rerember, though, with thehese single-digit speculativeve sckck you always have to b b u usi limit orders, and d yocacan ver y y because that will eatat into any g gnsns y might have, and you willate me forever for enenentioning this companyny's name. you pay a plusus pcecenything more than $3.75, and you w won be a abltoto te it back to the store. yoyoll just lose the moneyey ai
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expect it to trade back dodowno $3.50 by thehe e o othe week. after the break, i'll l trtoto make you e evemomoreoney. >> coming upup on a all-new "off th chahas"s" jim's performining taste teststn n a ck lent stock. could it a a a a dh of "mad ney" to your bottom liline and later, jim goeoes ststnd riris, as he faces a nonststop babaagage calls, giving stock after stock ththr r fil verdict on "the lilighining und." plus, what dastardlyly dd d on t thetrtreehas cramer all red up? find out on the heheeded "trage of the day" alall mimingp on ad money." geico'been saving peoy ononar insurance for over 70 s.
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and who doesn't wawant value fr their dollar?? been true since the day i my fi. geico'been saving peoy ononar insurance for over 70 s. ere is that dollar? iotot it out to show you... uhuhh... wast rather old and wriny? yeahyosaw it? umm fancy a crisp? gegeico. fifteen minutes could sasave you f fteen percent or me on c cnsurance.
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i've never sn a market where the technicalsthe charts, mattered as much as in this one. i like to joke that technil analys seems to me like a bunch of mumboumbo chicken gumbo. with charters looking at pictographs todesign future stock prices. but e truth is we don't do "off the charts" every week st for the ratings.
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toure out whe the stock is going, especially in the ort term,is all about underanding what the big money is thinks, meaning what'soing on in heads of the guys, because they control so much money ando so muchrading. no, we're not mentalists, particularly on nbc. so we haveo come up wh proxies for what they think. personally like to look at the fundamenta. the salest revenuest gross margins and then extrapola the rnings, extrapote based on my 30 years of experience trading stocks and my knowledge of the big money playbook. bu you know what? there is another way to look at it. you can look at the charts to see what the money i doing. we may not be abl to e into their heads but we can see their footints and fingerprints all over the markets with technicians and that hps us get a handl on what they'll do next which is why i think of charters like the csi of th
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stock market i'm totaleam player and don'ow what network if you ask me. tomorrow, start chart exaner here tonight, we have a special luther vandrosspecial edition of "off the char we are looking at mccormick, mkc. the largest spice company. lately the business is dog but instead of in the bow pow chateau,he stock soad as in the immort words of the acclaimed late stock guru, sugar d spice righter than right. in fact, mccormick's so hot that we have built,indeed, a spice-amid temonstrate the hottines mccormick may not have a sar or fundantals that seem attractive for that mat to me but filts patrick, the go-to technician and my colleagueat
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"the" agrees wit vandross thinking thereat chart isrighter than right. let's take a look. as you cansee, mccmick broke above its 200-day movg average. that'she most significant average for most people. you see that? boom. it just broke above it. that's thebreaut. at's a long-term mease of a stock's trajectory and fitzpatrick thks it's a beginn of a new uptrend. his case? first have to keep in md that the sck's been trading in a sidewaysmode. okay for about eight months. that's sideways from november through june. or to use technician-speak, it's beenuilding an eight-month base which mea that most investors have basis within a fairly tight range ove thelast eight months to a tenician like fitzpatrick, tt sa most
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shareholds won't te profit when is the stockreaks out. they're not bng right now even though they have a in an buying it rit there because the move is what they have bee waiting for when they bought the stock. ey're much less likely to sell now that it's finally rformling after eight months of waiting, patient owns. what else does fitzpatrick get from the chart? evy time it got to the range, it bouncednd came back down. sobefore june it was range bound and the resistance is the 200 day. the stock could go no higher. llers starting to unload the shares. you see th over andver again. ery time it moved up to near the 200 day, the sellers came out and on june 22nhe stock fillbrokeut above that key moving averagen high volume. now remember, volume like polygraph for technician
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highume means the move is probably telling the truth. traders love these breakouts. as evidef much better things to come. i thinthey should come with miranda warnings. there's more, june 25th, mccormick reported the second quarter whichven though it beat on earningsy a penny was nevertheless a crumby and disappointing three-montreport card. what hapned in the stock? well, you can see. there was a quicll-off, and then the stock briefly trad below the 200 da okay? and th, boom. rit ck above. right back. it closed above the 200 day. it's been moving higher ev since. fitzpatrick seeing thaigh volume sling on the d they reported evidee that the sellers are done, there washed out becausall the excess supp ostockreated by sellerdisappointed with the quarter was soak up by the end of the day an buyers still wt more. the 200-day moving avegetrick,
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which once marked resistance is nomccormick's support. the vel where the stock stops and go no lower as buyers become more interested. his conclusion based othe technicals, we have a brd-new up trend and the stock is headed higherr to tnste that into r&b. ♪ all right. i ve to tell you something. thcht may be sweeter than sweet but now let's talk fu fundamt fundamentals. asidfrom the aforementioned quarter, there was a lot t dislike. sales came in wellelow expectatn. aljor retailers are thinking about cutting back wall gree mart, wareens, including spices. definite gative. waart is cooking up a private label test in the southeast and they could take that naonal.
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whh would make serious dent in t mccormick sales. even if it's making lower price spicesor wmart. it's industrial biness is shredded, too. to me, the walmart thing is worrisome. smel like fineoung cannibals the ofits. there are ma negaves, particularly overseas where currcy translation is king te out of it whuld they keep buying as fitzpatrick sgests? they're buying for the big picture, buying r broad economic reass. not the micro, meaning anything spific to mccormick. this is a case where people are so fearful o double di ression and that's what the buyers of the stocare betting . that things will get worse faster and peoe won'tut out spes. ying defensive stocks toork if the recession rsens. we cook more at home in a receion and they think mcrmick could be the worse hoe in a quickly improving
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neighborhood. that's a great ason to buy prefer a fixer upper with a hier yield. i recommend mccormick since september 24th and down .4% includindividends. that's my bad a better than the 26%umble the s&p 500 took and up 5.9% since i recommended it after reinterviewing the ceo. you know what? i think it time to swap out of mccormk. do i press my ck? wh do you think? america, whatdo you think? >> do it. do it. >> go for it! go for it. america says go for it. that's a definite loser. man! if you ke mccormi with the 2.9% yield, you know wt you ould buy nstead?
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man. kraft. that has 4.4% yiel and better spice-amid or generalills but only a pull back. that's on fire. i would take mccormick, that yield 2%. much bigger yield. ven that hershey is alay on impulse buying and pricef gasoline down, it is a much more likely to ouerform stock and you know walmart isever going to threaten hershey with private label chocolate. th brand is unassailable. understand the desire to o mccormick and i do like the sector but th question with this particular st is how well it will do versus basket of foods. and i think the answer is it will d worse,ot better. i hate going ait luther vandro vandross. i hate going against dan fitzpatrick t a chair is jus a chai and a char is ju chart. thinkou should buy kraft or
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hershey or general mills but a pull back bad on improving and better fundamentals tha mccmick. i want to spe to randy in arizona right now. randy? >> cler: hey,cram a hohoenix boo-ya. >> boynton canyon boo-yaor variation. >> caller: we apprecte what you do for us. >> thank yo thank you. >> caller: i got a question about kroger. you know it looks like they're down 50% from a year ago. wihis fiasco they ha in grn prices and the acre and here a couple ofeeks ago,you kn, i'm kind of wonderin do you think ts a good play? is that the sam agency with jobs numbers, snals. >> i don't know about the latter. do know that kroger h a good quarter and the stk didn't go up and mystified me. i was going to recommend the stk because i really feel like it's t the st funmental of any supermart incruding safeway and didn't react well to the last quarter which worries me. i don't likehe cue from one quarterbut i don't thinthe
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k can move given the fact it had a great quarter and dn't go. sometimes sugar and spice is not always righter than right wch is why i'm a sell o mccormick. not a buyer! st with cramer. taking its rightful p place
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in a long line o of amazg performance mamachines. this is s the new e-coupe. to being a able m mage your diabetes s prererly it's's vy y imrtant for me to uhuh check my blood sugar fofore go on stage. ining when i'm feeling lolow n be like a rollererasaste itit ds at times feel like mymy bod is telelngng mto do one thing... d,d, mmind, my heart isis tlilinge to do something e ee.e. maging my highs and lolo i is per important. wiwithy contour meter i i n n peonalize my high/h/loetettis so it really doeoe micromanage e erere blood sugar needs to b be.
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> > thmarket may be ugly and dodownbut we don't care becacae i is time. it i is ti f f the "lightning rod." what's thahat abt t at rapid-d-fi c cal? you say y the memef the stock, i tell you whether to bubuoror sl. do not know the stocks a ahead of time. my staffff prerereon the fly. you ararhis sound and then thehe lightning round is o or.r. are you ready,y, skedaday? it's time for a spececial wnwnn e e maet lightning round. let's go to mimi i in massachusetts!s! mike! >> caller: h h, , biboston boboyah. oh, man, one game up,p, boo-yah? >> caller: thahat's ghgh that tight, that tighght. go a aadad. >> caller: goldmdmanacachsas a taet price of $100 on resesearch in motion, which is dodown 2 o o
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its s $87 higigh. is it a buy now? >> h hatto disagree with my friends at gololdmanlala but researarch imomoon is not done gog down. it used to b be a mbmb of my absolute favorites, , ye i it ed to be onone ofheheuad players, ththe hoemem, but the four hohorsen is now three. research in motion goeoes wewer. too much competitition. judy in ioiowa judy, judy, judy. >> caller: high h boyayah. >> how mucuch fudidiwe have when w wento iowa? ththatas corn-fed, that show.. corn fed. what's'sp?p? whwhatappened to judy? judy, why do you hurt t me wo hmm, you know whwhat? i may hahaveo o goo -- i was enjojoyingalalng to judy about ththe ole iowa thing. let's go to ben in ohihio. ben.n. > cleler:n ohio boo-yah to uu jjim
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not adad. sorry about t e e inans. what's u up? caller: clf. cliff's s nararal sources. >> just a nasty stocock. wewe h a a thnician that liked it. just completely -- no, , man. you know whaha t the end, t tha company ---- cht was goodd and then the art got bad b the comompa while cheap is going n nowhe.. wowore suit for that one. and it's not a suit t madey y e clif's n natalal. hoababt donald in our home ate of new york? dold! >> caller:r: hel, , m, and boo-yah from the golold asast long islsld.d. >> holyy cow, bud.d. i'm telling you somemethin i was out atat lonisisnd, i was a clog the other day.y. what's up? >> caller: i'd like toto kw w atat'soing on with conoco illips. >> it was lelerered natural gagas. which took out the 3.5.50 level point today. i had to sell the stocock r r action alerts s usus.c. why? because naturaragagas in free
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fall andeieing proppedupup by te ung,g,n f f th my friend has explplnened er and over gin is opoppi up that whole market.t. coco could go toto a 4.5%ield befo i i want t too o ba in. let's go t to loininew york. >> calalr:r: h, rocco-pulco boo-yah to you. >> wow. that's ann i intesting one. th's the first time had that one, champ. at's up? >> caller: i'm a a rocwawaboy. can you gigi m me ur opinion on nm? >> yes, swapap o o of at. i've been in constanancocontt with the nordic c amicicaneople who hahave hpepeme understand ththmamanilation of the oil mamaet. that yield i isasafe nat is b bteter. i wawantouou tmake that swap. let's go to gre in arkansas. egeg >> caller:r: hello, jim. a big arkansas razorback boyah. >> my frieie j joeust came back from arkansas, said itit'shehe unknown greatest s staten n e country y toakake little vavatitionn. ananyou. at's up?
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>> caller: i would li your expepertpipini on dndn. > thiprprevt,t, t fda likes itit. thth i is gigantic and li-s-sing vaccine. i have to tete y youomething, m going to be very cararef about this onene i once said i didi't't le it, then the fda dinged d , , th the fda said yes. the interim i didn't t ta a any questions ababt t it ere are some people whwho inink i i acally confused wit a drugug from my fafavori m mie ever, whh h isthe fugitive." i n't that stupid, but i t think this vaccine is s re a andt's a fesaver. ththefefori think you can o o it but strictly on a scucutive basisis. at's it? no me?? more? thlilitning round is over. bull market or bear, traders e e ys hungry for ideas.
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ininacact,t will probably get me disinvited from m a t t ofuper paies at the hamptons, but m my job is t to ototecyou by calling them like i see them. sosoerere goes. e oil futures market, , 's's a total l fae.e. even i, someone who o ceceptthat hohower awful it might be, a ceceaiain ount of legal ninipution is always going t t bebenherent in the game, b becse the rerelalato are almost tototay y caured by the financial l dudust, even i am mpmplely stunned and outragege by the phohonenessf this oil fututuremamaet, which is a total traveses o of mockery of a sham. you'll never hear r th f fm anybody else e eepept r maybe bernieieanande, the socialist centnterrorom rmont. ye, 's's an tutual sialist icicdoesn't help my credibility hereut l the peopop w whorgued that the coodities market can't b b manipulated, because t therere t deepep- - tobig, "deep" is the nonony they're full of it. i think they're people thatt mae neney om feesndnd commissionsns
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so they have aeseste nancial inintestst i maintntnining the status quo or they're acacamimis who have neverer traded commodities for a day their livess a and cocoul't't trade ty out t a paper bag o a dorm room for that matter. t when you look at the f fac andotot the pathehetianank corrosive excususes an alibis the industry, it's clear asas to me that theerurude futures marketet a joke. just a phony. why do i think so? because you dodon' need to put real m mon u up to propel or crh it. thmarginequirements are so low it takes h haryy any moneytt alll to caususe dramatic m mov prpric f forhe oil futurures the heavyhihier commodidiguys put downwn 1.. they can bororro the rest. wi t tt kind of leveveree manipulation i rarard inevitable. ththat how a single tdede could move up oil with tiny $10 millionininvement and m mak everyone w wonr r asoline is
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going over t thr bucksoror t fofour o o july weeeendnd. one $1 million trade determined e fortunenes of dozens of industries. airlines, dececime e e airlines this is a a re industryry. this guycaused peoplple obobl that thehe recoverery ululd der derailed by ghgher prices wiwia tinyitittl tradade. how can they leteople get awaw wiwiththat? is thatat guy'y's role treeoest convincece, u u noing will.. th trading apapolists andnd a legion telling y y that your eyes are lying but t ty're mamaki money from t t rrent regimemes onsider the source. if we want these markets t tbe for real we ed mainin increases and kronense regulalati.. enough credit t eaeati through th bk door. why should the ruirements be so much l ler than fototock which sckcks aren't even importanant. oil isational securitity. it's your jobob security. how's that makee lick ofof see?
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ofofcocour, commodity trtrads' lobby f fhts tooththnd naiai because they donon't want the current farce toto end.. they'll claim that t t rket is too deep to o manipulateded a throw out that titisis to b ba thatat cimim up and l lobinin doars but the whole idea of dedenenesss utter nonsensese. thth'r're st tryiningoo protece gintntic femaheenndnd huge fund plalaroroun both ofhich arare a at your exexnse. if thihis rket is legitimate, if itit'sdeep, how meme not o one major oil company admitsoo selling in the future market? ly users and speculators are plplayg.g. the fures markeket is too dn dydysfctctnal. i'm onon t the conference calls. i know that. you wiwilleveverear anyone else say this stuff here o on tv because therere just too muchh money at stake. nonow,hyhyo i carebobout whether orot the oilututes market or the markrk fo my commodidity is
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mapulated? arar't't tse just traders bebettg g ainst each otherer an irrelevant? yeah. itis. tt not when it comes toto oil cacaus consusume u ultately end paying t t price s so you've been burned by this manipupulaon in the st. yoyoarare ing to be b burdd in ththe fufutu. nono it seems as though the n n chairman of the commodities futurereraradi commissssnn t tad ababtt speculative l lims mning tural gas. there by a etf, theung. wheree there's a phyhycacal prot toutut some rurule in. ththat e eouraging but i have to tell you, david to t t industry's goliathth. i don't see howw d dav can win this round. i would lolo r rea regulatition tu the oil futures maetet, givevedidid portance of oo, in a r rll rket rhehe than a place f forpeculators outut betr outid each otheher. i'llllake sureouou know thee ututh. i'm confidedent that the exchan
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traderniversity complex will beat back any aememptto regulate the industrtry. ththeye too big and they're mo poporfrfulhan the goverernmttand ver yet been feated. ey won't b be now although i sure wish thaha w wast the case. bu lookout, y two bitit ninilateoror ts in thee the ivory tower,hehere alys a firsrstitime stay with cramamer taki i its rightful e
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g rformance machines. this is the new cocoupe. this imemees-benz.
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nastyty day. i promisistoto try to f fd a bu rkrket believe me, i i looking. i'm jim cramerer. soo e you tomorrrrow
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