tv Mad Money CNBC July 8, 2009 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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i'm jim kramer and welcome to my world. >>ou need to get in the game. >> he's nuts! nuts! they know nothing. >> i like to s there'sa bull market somewhere. >> "mad pne," you can't afford to miss is it it. i'm ramer, welcome to "mad mone" welcome to cramerica. other people want to make friends. i nt to make you a little money. call meat 1-800-743 -cnbc. if you want to knowhy stks have been sliding every lower, why we're range bound instead of worrying upwards, you have to undersnd thesentiment, the tone, if you're looking for an
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s.a.t. word, of ts market. anhing ca see the zeitgeist has chand. we'rin a negative mode. a huge part of theson is t ne consensus slipping into the mix. a consensus that says the president isisreading the econy. and his agenda and administration are, yes, anti-business,this they're not trying hard enough teate jobs. and they practically handed off the task of stimulating t economy to nancy pelosi. who apparently manag to create a stimusbillhat's not only worse than what the communist chinese came up with -- that i expected -- butpales comparison t what the french came up with. we're falling behind the french in the singest most itant
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jo cating jobs. it's the peopleho create jobs, real job, are feeling right now. you know what? i think they're ght to feel that w. i think they hav good reasons. now, let me just make this completely elicit because it is often an uninformed vw about myselfhat gets inhe way. want president oba to succeed. m a decrat. lifelong, for heaven's sake. i despately want him to go down in history as thean who saved thonomy. but right now he's getting it wrong. the tone matters. nobody has more power to set the tone of ts economy than the president of the utestates. which why it's so important that the administration shift directio, or even just change
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their emphasis. we nd a president o's 100% cused on creating jobs. not a president who's pressing an agenda that only the most ideologically ornt left wingers would view as pro-employment. investorare afraid of what the administration's porities will do to e econom that's the zeitgeist that run in this market now. i'm going to oer some totally consuctive criticism. y? what business is it of mine? because my job i to protect your 401(k) and youri.a.r. and your 529 plan. not to carp about olitics, but we worry obama's cap and trade climate change plan will be a big job loser, in dition to a big ne lose it would make us less competitive. we worry about thecar check with ford arbration, which
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could lead to a dramatic expansion of the power of the union. look for the uni labor label and ll it a old adage. i've been aember of two unions in my life. i don't want to hear the uni nonsense. it just makes too much nse for them not tmove. i cod go on andon. new epaarbon dioxide rules, small business killers. e repel of theush taxcuts, they are key to supporting e stock market, whether you like them or not. remember, we're all in stocks, the whole nation. sometimes i ha to remind e white house of that, n just the rich. turning the stock market aroun an portant key to turni the econy around dueto the wealth effect. when people feel like they he more becauseheir stocks are higher, they spend me and that juic the economy. yesterday we learned t justice department is going after
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vezon and at&t on ai-trust ground two companiesthat compete with spri and t-mobile in a price war way tt has immensely helped you and allowed you to buy mobile internet devices at fracon of what you oerwise would have h to y. that's perhaps the best example that the administration just doesn't get it. that is,unless they're deliberately tryinto signal thathey've become anti-busess. now, the last time we wendown this path is when we hit the terrible lows o early march. then president oma softened his rhetoric on businessnd realized th stock market matter. was the bottom. then we were off tthe ras. we need to see that kin of change again. weeed to see at obam back. that's ange your portfolio can believ in. let's revisit something we've gone away fr. something we creat.
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the obama accountability index. we created it wh the president was orn in. to measure ho he was hdling the ecomy. because you casee exactly what i'm talki about when i look at this chart. no it's a tough index. it's made up of bank of america, citibank, caterpil general electric, general motor. is it started at 100 on date obama was orn in. noit's a 96.1. not shabby at all. 96.1. i've got to tell you something, that's not bad, consideri how low ishing traded during the bad days. as youan see, thi measure of the president's economic job performance started at 100, has been on the downswing. and if it's going to keep goi lowe i want to get in ahead of that ove. so for a little technical anales, for a little procative thinking, i asked danfitzpatrickour go-to technician, our colleague at
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real money, to tell me his opinioof this chart,he chart the obama accountability chart, just to he some fen fun, to see the aen-business rhetoric ntinues. his conclusion -- this is the mean to obscure that.i didn't short-term technical asure, it cld be aded as low as 84. wow. that's a nasty tumble. that's the technical case. we know that in this market wha we can glean from the charts often anticipates t fact we're fundamentalis. as for the fundamentals t problem isn the president's agenda or priorities n't all anti-job. if the economy were healthy i would be supporting most o these policies. i know most persons amicans do. but that's not the bk drop. right now ts nation's central problem s nothing to do with energy o rizon or health
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care, it's about jobs. i know president obama is a smart guy. he has aendency -- and i hate tomake this coarison -- to takeis eye off the ball like jimmy. jimmy carter. in other words, it's n just e agenda 's the negative space around the agenda to borrow a met aforefrom the art world where the esident should be fosing on job creation, but it in fact, doinve little of the sort. that mes all of this anti-earnings, anti-business policy seem much more frightening use there's nointo counterbalanc him, tohow the president really doesnderstand we need jobs much more urgently thane need to start a carbon on taxing energy. think obama should on confer employment first. inviduals need to feel se about their jobsthat that
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they're stable, the ice of their homeare stable two out of three and then we get backn track. we have some stability in homes, ne in jobs. the obama index,t's rolling over. one o of three ain't good. mr. president, put ain in yr as you fight thewar on ear unemployme. something tha will do greator the market. unfortunately it will keep dragng us down. i' heard it. larry suers tas about it all the time but nothing is goingto get done thout job creation. the preous stimulus will -- let's call it whatit is. 's a failure already. wiout more job creation, the president's agenda and tone will queez the fe out of this sck market until he changes his tune, like he did here. when he changed his tune.
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or we get some hugely positive data, something that becomes less and less likely, as obama's anti-businessgenda becomes a reity. let's go to lucy in massachusetts. >> caller: hi, jim. >> hey, lucy. >>aller: booyah from massachusetts and i have to add etate of west virnia where my 89-year-old dad watches your sh. >> i like that. congratulations. i' got a l of mothers and daughters, grandres and kids watch it togeer, gives them something to talk about, as it does with my father i appreciate the fact you share that. say about you. he has a lot to >> hooha. >> caller: we're home gam and consider our investments lg term. on previous epodes you talked about no watching the market on a daily basisd gti spooked. so mquestion is about
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financials and its delay. huntington bk is part of our portfolio as yourought to our attention as pt of theed tag le. key heavy inde buying e igne this now that favor financialings are out of favor? is this aime to make changes without makg the mistake of playing catch-up in todas market? >> ihad a mting today with a good friend of mine and d we were going over the position of the banks, which happens to be my favorite goin into earning season. ntington bank,fy were aowed, not to double down, tripl down. company vastly improved, it's out of thewoods, does not need kaptd. whatou're seeing endless profit taking in a bankhat used to be bad and is now beer. lucy, would buy some.
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the mark has changed. without more job creation, the president's agend will contie to draghis market down. why notel the darntruth. i don't care what people say. my yob is 401(k), 529, i.r.a. coming up, wh's your way to play the climate change bill pushing its way thugh washington? cramer's doing electric to find you an energy play thatould connect youto some "mad money". plus -- >> even i am complete stunned and outrag by the phoneyness of ts oil futures market. >> what's next for oil trading? get cramer's take on speculation onhe street on the outrage of the day. alcoming up.
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righnow you've heard a lot about how the cap and ade climate change legislation that the obama adnistraon's been pushing, a the house of representatives has already passed, will cost you money. cost business money. and use the word that'so in favor with press lately, wi potentially derail the economy. wenow we're also ing up against otr competitors, brazil, russia, india and china and they ha tremendous economic aantages over us once we pass cap and tradend also know many people in the poorer partof the ountry, where less progressive forms of energy like coal will inadvertently hurt by cap and trade. so businees and invidual are clearly losers, regardless of the pro-capnd trade headlines.
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you know what you need, don't you? you need little carmerca insurance in you ptfolio against theigher energy prices, the waxman marky, the house name the bill that's already gone through, sure to cost. i'm talking about acompany that shouldctually make not lose mooff the cap and trade. i' talking about ging you a pure play that doesn't need alternative energy ssidies that might not be issued or prices to skyrocke to make them viable, like wind and sola the insurance policy is baldor electric, bez. it's a maker of energy-efficient motors. now, let's get some closure. it's one of myill-time so-called new technology picks
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from aear ago. baldor didn't work the lt time i recommended it. when we still thought the global economy h legs. if only thanks to china, even though the financialystem was in major troue, ba on june 17th of 2008 the stock of at $36.40. it dipped asow as $10. before bouing back to $211. that was amistake. there's no question. it was a mista that made. and i soefsh deservedly eaten a whole lot of crow. i have pointed out bec i know i have made mistakes on the show, we all do, and i want to point those out, not avoid them. but cramer, you're probabl asng, if this stock didn't work then, why shod work now? that's a great question. but there's something chand.
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baldor eleric now has the blsing of the house of representatives and e enate, too, assuming they pass their own version of cap and trade. also got t bssing of the president of the united stes. this is e of those cases where if you can't beat them, u've got to join them. >> hou of pleasure. >>nd i'm doinghat ght no when iell you bald oochlt r is a bu cap and trade may hurt business in general -- >> buy, buy,buy. >> -- bze, going off the bill through the house and hopully the senate will tone itdown, given the rough economy. it requires u.s. to cut carbon emission from17% in 2020. that's the cap and trade. utilities will hav to meet 20% of theirelectricity with renewable and energy efficient by 2020, house version, and new standard for buildi, appliances in iusy, that's wrlt kicker comes in. you know i ink it's the wrg time for this cap a trade, even though i agree wi the
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spirit of legislation. gardless of my pill opiniolitic opions. i can sith sit here and toll tell you it's no good or try to make money off it. baldor is the silverlining. they make high-end motors that could be energy efficient and used to replace less efficient motors currely in use. that will cut down on tal engy consumption and carbon emissions. it's a cheap way to bet the bill. now, there's already an imrtant mandate for higher ficiency motors. that's going to come intplay in december of 2010, which is getting closer and close so the stoc is alreadonce essed by washington cap and trade will make it doubly faved. baldor expects 5% ofts motors it produces will have les bolstered b this 2010 mandate. that's already passed that. with the sale of the flag ship super "e motor up0% this
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arter. it's growing faer ine dury because it's more energy efficient. motor are great energy savers, though you don't hear about it. who'ing to get excited about a motor like they do about new ugs from amgen or new operating system fro google. they yield 3.2%. the didend wasn't an accidental high yield during the swoon and cou get tre again. ke i say, don't buy at l once. the market's not so h mere. that's it. let's talk negatives. baor is a bet on climate change legislatn. without it's o i would be ery of recommending this stk. when the company reported it's rst quarter it lowered the bar for the rest of theyear projecting 20% to 25% dline in
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venues for the second qur, do from the previous 15% cline. reminds me of a bit of an eaton. at the same time, aldor dicated orde rates improved . that we li. that's a n tren we d't like companies thatre going to have decliningarnings on this show but if y spota turn as close as next ye and the decline is aly built into the stock, then we rn more favorable on it. we know the past jy 09 earnin in 2010 will become the fos. that's the way wall street works. as they expect 85ilon cost saving with most in the secd half, there's good news to look forward to. thexpectations here a very low. you ve to remember at wall street really only cares about its earning modeland business section. i mean, that's wha we wa. when the big m guys read about politics, they think, oh,
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man, it will be dreadful for siness there's to hope. they don't think about pin action, which with we think about on"mad money," from cap and trade for a company like baldor a the 2010 mandate comes into effect and once congress increas, i would expect a majorupside surprise r the stock next year. if you want to try to find a way toake money offset everytng that will cost a consumer being then i think baldor electric, bze, ithe first of e realconomy stocks tt's a winner. i'm going to be procing more stocideas off this cap and trade team from time to time. but youeed to know something. it'senard yous for, and i took a wholeeek vacation to try to do this, to find many stocks o many companieshat will b helped by this legislation. the st majority i lked at will be hurt byit. jo in new jersey. john?
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>> caller: hey,jim. here big go phils booyah to you. >> how about jimmy rollins booyah, breaking out right here and right now although a brad lidge booyah har to find. wh did he but -that's different story. >> caller: i'm calli about cbi,own 25% in the last five days, and unfortunately slave tohe same and oil s as conocophillips you spoke with-b yesterday. last quart was pretty decent. has a hefty $5 billion backlog. i'm justondering where you see energy prices going in the next femonths? okay, thank you. it's a total tradeoff. remember, here's what i ink. let's be very specific. oil was manipulated up. no one else is willi to say that? why? because they he never traded or too muc skin in the game t keep regation away. l is manipulated p. we know it fromwhat level?
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perhaps in the 50s definity from the 60s. we know oil will repeal that. it has tbecause manipulatio up end corner when it was ernd last year at 187. i think oil will go between 5 an50, maybe the low e, which means bi and foster wheeler and mdermott will get hurt. those oc went upn lock step with the manipulation in oil. again, i am not afraid to call it manipulation because i traded for a living for many years and i know it when i see it. as i told mark hairnz this morning, it's le pgraphy at theupme court. i know it when i see it. scott in michigan. scott? caller: a big nittany lio booyah. >> you're courting disas er if you can g away with it,od love you. you're going to veo end up being a lion family when you're
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done. what's up? >> caller: jim, i really le master mited partnerships because of their high distribution rate. i was wondering if their divinds are inheren safer than the dif densdf other companies? in the shippg sects, are their mlpss good or better th nordic amecan tanker? >> we' done a lot of nalz. herb johansen has helped me. it details exactly howhe dividend has outpassed ery otr dividend in the group. that id, master limited partnerships, let's gover the two winners. we like kind kind red morgan enterpris enterprises. those are great buys they work rit here, right now. they're t sensitive to th pref oil which nordi american tankers i you need some cramerican insurance. i need you toake a look at
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baldor, bde who is actually hiri people. after the break let's try to make some money. comi up -- >> even i'm completely stunned and traged by the pne yns of is oil futures market. >> what next for oil trading? get cramer's take on speculation on the seet onhe outrage of the y. plus, lightning strikes. cramer goes electric taking all yo callsn a ine-chilling erarged "lightng round." all coming up on "mad money. can
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we now know the se with which crude oil futures ce manipulateupward aer the recent relation that some two-bit ader armed wit a couple of llion smackers moved e world's lprice up 10 bucks in a week's worth of outrageously roguerading but you know what? the current rules, the meaningless self-regulation, that the sle and cultu of the oilsuture market, allowed
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this sinister manipulation because you can conolhe ice of oilith a sma amount money with the low margin rules. amaziny to buy oil you have to put downnly a small fractn of what you ha have to put do to buy a ock. and stopping an oil cornering, which is technically what th is, is more important to your fate and the fate of this nation than stopping someonerom cornering a penny stoc as ilained to you yesterday, i believe the oils future market is afarce, a total sham, mocker wherenipulation and speculation ar rampant. this nonsense which i believe destroyed most of youwith $4 gasoline last ar must be stoppe oils is impaerative in aconomi lifelo lifelong. the forces that favor endless trading for fees andfast buck
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prits at your expensing are gearing up. you can use it to stop any meaningful eorts of rerm by gary gecnsler, the new commodity chairman a someone i know is anhonorable, personalable, savvy man o is doing his bt to reverse the nightmare he inherited from the bush administration wherthe markets are never wng and manipulation's never investigated and ann rd is th only hand walk. he wano put in place common sense rules to curb speculation. how can that be so nefarious? in tonight'soutrage i'm gng to explain why, despe the fact what he's trying to do is bot right and necessary for this country and for you. he'll probably be thwarted and the ons will s he'll do mor
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harm than good. as if allowing oil prices to spike last summer wasn't harm in the immortal late words of une joe stalin, how many divisions es gensler have? hardly any as to the oil mens n bring to bear as they have tremendous amountsf what i ca congressional mind share, cae i'm a dlomat. as a forr trader, willing to betray the ranks, i formerl served for yr benef, i'm gog to give you their game plan. the powerful tradingomplexes excted the chairman of and his chieof staffto do their bidding which encrageshe kind of rogue behavior which moved up oil 10 bucks la year.
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despite the ct therewasn't any economic demand for it at ther of those prices, as we und last year when the cornerg collapsed and just now sie this corring collapsed. thes aders will do whatever they can to protect their rhts to never put up more than 10% capital, to prent any distinction betweennvesting andspeculation and phoney buy peagon. what do theyeally wanted to do? generate billions of dollars in fees for the changes and for their hedge fund rich people partne because ashey will tell us,he moment we regulate them, our governme will no different from the communist and exapopriationf property next onhe again shgs the so-called slippe slope. what can these speculators do? what makes them such a for? first, i'd be willing to bet all the oil ture tders are telling theiruddies to cl theicongressmen they have funded in the last dozen elections and explain to them, hey, pal, this is the way the world works. and e deal they made when they
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took the money, didn't they make an ilicit promise to support unfettered capitalism and belief methe traders are going to hold these politicians to them. they wouldt have given them the money, for heaven'sake. i mean, what' -- what good is someone if they won't stay next, let me give it up to all the oefs from univsities, they ge them so much money, and papers toshow how the futures mark are deep and can't manipulated. professors seem to b a dime dozen. i occionally question what happed to intellectual rigor. they call on some bush-er regulateders who never bieved in regulation toegin with and madetatemes about the importance of freemarkets, thomas jefferson and fourth and fifth amdments. e bush teams tc swor there was no oil manilation. did they investigate?
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then they get on of it where they try fool anchors into sang they never see manipulation. houcht have i been told i don't know wt i'm talng about even thou i've spent mlife trading and made lot money? they're going tosay, cmer doesn't know. the markets are too big to be regulated and gensler will do more harm than good. i heard that a nework times of all places. i gavehat guy -- i gave that guy what i regard as a textual analysis, because tt was shameless. those that can rustle up captains of industry and ge them the speech out how speculators provide s much liquidity which makes for better market. sure, yeah. and of crse they'll deny the $147 o had anything to do with manipulation, evtoe they know otherwise.
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you have to expect to hear there was one 10 driven bycommunist china. ey emphasize you have to be able to hedge against prices like those we got last year, even tugh those prices were clearly driven by manipulati. i don't know. did do you watch oprano"? it calledrotection racket. ey can blame it too much regution and oversight. th's a great way to tn the tables. if gensler g their back to the wall, they'vgive to to ramm emanuel. ould he get anywhere close to implementing common see reform that would make the futures market rearather than the grtest farce in le stage capitalism? that's really saying something, they can dthreaten tpull offsho and that will be the end of any regulation. facetious? i don't think i'm being too cynical.
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theres a nional deficit in ce fair marketor most important commodity and that's what this count needs, fair regulation of oil. thopposition to reform must be stopped. d the good guys representedby gary gensler must win otherwise we bter get used to paying 4 cks for gasole over the nex whim of guys w try to make a killing at your expense. coming u--ry to keep up with cramer as he takes your calls rapid firen an all new "lightning round". > later -- where the dow soars or hits the floo jim helps you try to stay on steady ground with am i diversified all comi up. (announcer) we speak car.
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it i time it is time for the lightning round. rapid fire, tell me the name of the stock and i tell you whether to buy, buy, buy or sell, sell being sell. i don't know the stocks or the callers ahead of ti. my staff prepares the graphic, you hear this sound and then the lightninround is over. are you ready? skedaddy? it's ready for lightning round. let's go to ke. >>aller: hey, jim. my beautiful wif said she ran into you at the short hills mal the other day. >> i tryo be mritd when people e me. sometimeni a jaoola. >> calr: she wanted to give you a booyah. >> there you go. it's just as easy to be nice as
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mean, put that down in a boo what's up? >> caller: i've g a real sexy one for you. the health care field, sxei. >> thas the heidiklum of medical ories. i give you me staying power, christie brinkley, we think medarex has it over your play. do appreciate ate e sexiness. i it smoke sw. let's goo patck in new york. aller: cramer, and big booy from east meadow. >>'ll give one right back at yo n do who if you want to get down t it. go ahead,hit me. >> calr: i needour thoughts on t things, fra zappa and uv unirsal corporation.
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moon zappa, that'st her friends callher, mooney. universal? eversince al, since i've been buying for my charitabl trust, purchased the bot competitor, believ universal corp is a candidate to be acquired with a 5 % yield. i likehe stock. buy one the purchase withu.s. tobacco, that was chewing bacco. isn't it amazing the baseball plers are still spitting it alover the place when you're watching games? let's cln it p. let' get bob bowmen from maj league baseball and put the chewg tobacco question rht tohim. inorth carolina. >> caller: how is it going? big boo yea from charlotte. >> fm charloe, holy cow, one of of my favorite towns. i asked someone if ty go to beach at nagshead, he said, you idiot, tha500 miles away.
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shows you at i know about chlotte. >> caller: jo -- >> oh come on i thought you hahorse sense, t he'll. you don't wt to owany energy play when oil's about to go to 45. least of all, jaso j. lo. i don't want to toh it. i li jay roehlle, plays for t phillies >> caller: booyah from texas. >> texas is still pro-america. what's dallas's team? >> caller: cowboys. >> yeah, okay. all right, all rig, go ahead. we have a disagreemen with our portfolio manager. he wants to sell half of our exxon, xon,ecause it's down and heoesn't think it's coming ba but we want to buy mor exxon because it's low. and it has a dividen so we want to know what you
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think? >> i'm calling that one push betwn you d your viser. here's the deal. say don't buy until the yield is higher. it's noty favorite oil. as i've articulated o was manipulated much higher. thevege price is 45 to 50, which is why we can't get the health ce leg backn until we go . so the answer to that is i say it's a push. don't buy any exxon. let's go to bre. that was a solemnic decion in crameric >> caller: jimmy jay, big booyah to you. >> that's a cation paradise. >> cler: got tklc i'm looking at. >>e like it, we've liked thi stock. it's hot as a pist. we don't back away. nothat we buy it up here, so i'm saying don't b but it's a winn. don't tell eithe let me throw in the facthat i li the tel labs repressuring.
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and semiconductor because the man's fr ssouri he obously wanted me to sw him mething and i did and the lightning round isver. >> the lightni und is sponsod by t trading is all abt strategy. and strategy... is all abo information. heat mapping showse where the moy's moving. twenty fivhundred stocks... one quick look. that's ere the action is. plus, this amazing gadget... it's called the telephone. i can call td amitrade anytime and talkrades, strategy... anythi. td ameritrade. built by traders, for trader is is what i need. announcer: tradeommissn free for 30 days, plus get 100 drs cash, when you open anccnt.
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i tell you to own a stock, that doesn't mean youshould throal of your eggs into on basket. en if you're almost positive it will go up. and a lot ofpeople feel that way,t's amistake. no, my friend, i won't ha any of that. diversifation is the only free nch and that's w we're playing "am i diversied." you call me, you tell me your top ve holdings and i tell u if your portfolio isdirsified and mix it up a lile. why don't we start with andy in pennsylvania. andy, you're our fir call. what do you gor me? >> calle i a first time, long time. i want to give you a topsy-turvy, up and down, around and arnd, wt a back, babe, booyah to you, cramer. i like that go ahead. >> caller: you got it, i'm from
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grant heights mylf. i have apple, st. jude's, goldman sachs,nsocean rig, and berlgton northern. am i diversifie >> let's take a close lookt this. let's take a close look at this. because there's some interesting crosurrents. st. jude wve identified as wier now that the health care change is upon us. it's been a realinner in a marketecline. my ownrces at goldman sachs indicate tt the rogue trad who has beenharged with stealing theest of the system dinot sell t system. goldman chs' system was protecd. apple we like it as a momentum pl and off of iphone and unes an of course, we lik it o of mac sales. transocean r is headed down because oil is headed down. it's one of our favorites in this gro but let's accept the fact that oil was so manipulated it has to go lower.
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and i believe this is burlington northern, bmi, that' rail. we got a rail, weot a ch, a bank, a medil device and an oil. that is picture, perfect, hallelujahbe sure to me it sound easy. oh, let's go to millie in kentucky. millie? >>aller: h >> hi. >> caller: booyah frokentucky. >> yeah, bluegrass, what's ? >>aller: am i diversified i at'm wonderingabout. >> let's take it direct head-on. what youot >> caller: yum! brands neywell, big lotts and bb an t. right. no, you have hp, that's -- you want hp, do you want helmrick or wlt-packard? hewlett-packard? big lotts, bb&t and hoywell. thers some nfusio a lotf people call hp is
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at's really hewlett-packard not -- go ahead. ok. big tts, i don't like t ste at all, i dot like it bee mine on route 22 is a complete andtter mess. it's a ore like family dolla congratulationgreat arter. weike that mpany. hoywell, that's dave cody, he's the terrifi ceo, always welcome on the show. i bought someoday for my charitable trust. hewlett-packard, you know i think the world of mark hurd. the ock is stuck at $37. it's the board lte tech story, i don mean to disenfranchise ibm. davinovakelcome otshow, russian and chinese sales are accelerating, kfc and taco bell and they have a new name for pizza hut, ey call it the hu bb & c, we know that the mpany well capilized. we'veot an instrial, we've got a retailer. we have a great food story and a technd a bank.
6:54 pm
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> i like to say there's always a bull mket somewhere, promise to try to findt just for you right here "mad money." present obama, come o tone down the anti-business. it doesn't help any of us and don't create any jobs. i'm jim cramer, and i'll see you tomorrow. next up on the "kudlow report," $20 a barrel oil. limits to trading is a terrible idea. google aims to crush microsoft. alcoa beats,but commodities crash. kudlow unext.
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