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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  July 8, 2009 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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a day. i'm jim kramer and wewelce e to world. >> y you nd d get in the game. he's nuts! nunuts they know nonothin >> i like toto s t the's a bull rkrketomewhere. >> "mamad moy,y,you can't afford to miss s it >>i'm cramer, welcome totomamad money,y," lclcomto cramerica. other people t twawanto make frfrnds. i wantnt to kekeou a little money. call me at 1-8-8004343 -bc. if you wanantoto kw why stocks ha b bn sliding every lower,r, why we're range bobod d inead of
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worryiying uarar, you have to unundetand the sentiment, thth tone, if you're lolookinfofoan s.a.t. worord, othth market. anytytngng c see the zeitgeist s changed. wee e in negative mode. huge part of the reason n is t new consensus s slpipingnto the mimi a consnsensuthth says the prididenis misreading the economy. and his s enendand adadmiststraon are, yes, anti-businins,s, ts they're not trtryingararenough to create bs. and they praracticlylyanded off the task o oststimating the econy y nancy pelosi. whwho paparely managed to create a a stulus bill that's not o oy worsrsththanhat the communist chesese me up with -- that i expected - -bubut les in comparison to whatat therereh came up p wi.. wewee falling behind the f freh in the singlgle mo i iortant
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job, creating jojobshehe pple whwhcreate jobs, real job,b, a feininright now. you know what?t? i think ththeye e rit to feel atat w. i think they have goodod rsosons w,w, l me just make this completelyly elilicibecause it is often an ununinrmrmediew abouout mylflfhat gets in the way. i want prerededentbama to succeeeed. i'm a democrcrat. lifelong, for heaven's's sak i desperatelelwawantim to go down in history as thehe manhoho saved the e ecomomy. but right now he's g getti i i wrong. the tone mattete.. nody has more power to s s t the tonene oththisconomy than the president of thehe unid d ates. which is why it't'soso iortant ththathe administration shifif didireions, or even just changn their emphasis. we need a presesenent o's 100% focuseseonon cating jobs.
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t t a esident who's pressingng anan anda that only the most idideogically oriented left t wingers would view as s pro-employment. investstors e e raid of what the administration's's priitits will do t to e e ecomy. that's the zeieitgei t tt's run inin ts s maet now. i'i'gogointo offer some totally constructive criticismsm. why? whwh b busess is it of mine? because mymy jobs s protect yoyour 4(k(kand your i.r.a. and your 529 plan. not to carp about polititics, t worry obama's cap and t trade climatate anangelan will be a big g job sese in addition to a g money loser. itould make us less cocoetitive. weweeaear out the car check with ford arbitration, whicich ululd lead to a drdrataticxpansion of the weweof the union.
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lookok forhehenion labor label and sell it an oldld ada o owall streetet. i've been a memeerer otwo unions inin my fefe ti-union nonsense. it just makes too muchchenenseor ththem n t tmove. i could go on n and .. new epa carbon dioxide r rules smalbubuness killers. ththe pel of the bush tax cucu, ey are key to supportitinghehe stocock maetetwhether you like em or not. remember, we'r're alinintocks, ththe olole tion. somemetis s i ve to remind the white house of thahat, n j jt the richch. rning the stock marketetroroun isis aimimpoant key to turning the economy y ououndue to the wealththffffec whwheneoeoplfeel like they have more money because t tirir scks are highgher, eyeypend more and ththatuices the economy. yesterday y we lrnrn the justice papartnt is going after verizon and at&t on antiti-tru grounds. two companieieththatompete with
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spspringndnd-mobile in a bibirrrrelnonoligopolis and price war waway th h h immensely helpededouou a allowed you to y y mole internet devices at a a fraction o owhwhatou otherwise would d ha h hado pay. th's's phaps the best example e that the a admisistrion just esesn'get it. that is, unlnless eyeye deliberarate t tryg to signal ththathey've become an-b-biness. nonow,hehe lt time we went down this path h w whewe hit the terrleleows of early march. th p predent obama softened his rhetororicn n buness and acacknledged the stock markeke mattered. was the bottom. then we were off t to thraras. we need d toeeee tt kind of anangegain. we need d s seehat obama back. atat a change your portfololio can believe in.. let's revisit sosomethg g 've gone a awafrfrom something g c creed. the e oba a acuntability index. we created it whwh t theresident was s sworinin
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to measure how he was hahandli the economy.y. bebecausyoyocan see exactly what m m lking about when i looook this chart. now, it's a tough h dedex. it's made upupf f ba of america, citibank, caterpillar,r, genalal electric, , geraral tor. it started at 100 on n da obama was swsworinin. now it's's at .1.1 not shabby at all. 96.1. i've got to o llll y something, at's not bad, considererg g ho low this thihingraradeduring the d d da. as you canan seethth measure of e president's economicicobob performance starteteatat 1, has been o on thdodoswing. and if i it's ininto keep going lolowe i want to get in aheaeaof that move. for a little technicaca analalysisfofoa little prococate thinking, i asked dan fitzpatrick, our g go-to technician, ouour lllleae at real money, to t telmeme h
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opion of this chart, thehehahart of the obama a accouababity chart, just to havave meme f fun, to o e e ifhe anti-business etetic continues. his conclusion -- - isis ithe 0-day momovingvevege -- i didn't memeano obscure that. short-term technical meaeasure it could be hehead a as w as 84. wowo that's a nasty tumumbl that's the technical c cas wewenow that in this markeket at we can glean from the e char often anticicipas s thfact. we'r'rfufundentalists. as for the funundantntalthe problem isn't the presesenent' agenen o or iorities seem anti-job. if the econonomy we e althy i uld be supporting moststf f thesese pocici. i i kn m mospersons americans do. but that's notot t b bacdrop. right now w thisatatn's central probobm m hanothing to do with ergy or verizon or heaealt rereit's about jobs. i know president obaba i is smart guy.
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he hasas a tdedey -- and i hate to make thisisomompason -- to ke his eye off the balall keke jimmy. jimmy carterer. in other words, it's'sotot jt the agendada. it t theegative space around t aforefrom the art wowod d wherere thprprident should be fofocung on job creation, bubuit is, in fact, doioing vy y ttle of t theorort. that makes a a o of is anti-eararning a ai-business lilicyeem much more frhtening because there's s nothing to counterbabalae e hi to show w e e prident really does understand d we nd d bs much morore urntnt than we need toto srt a tax carbon on taxini energy. i inink ama should conquer confer employment firsrst. individuals need t to elel se about ththr r jo, that that theye e able, the price of
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their homes are stableletwtwo t of three a and tn n get back on acack. we have somemetatabity in homes, nonen n bs. e e ama index, it's rollining over. one out of three ain't'tooood. . president, put a pininn n yo agenda, postponene it r r year as you figight t w w on unemplployntnt. sosomeing that will do wondede for the market.. unfortunately ititilill ep draggingngs s do. i've heard it. lalarrsummers talks about ititll the time but notothings s ing to get t do w witut job creation. the previous stimumuluwiwill- let's call i it atat iis. it's a f failu a aeady. ttttomine, wiwiout more job creation,n, t prpresenent'agenda and tone will ueuee the life out of thisis stock market untilile e chges
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his tunene, li h hdid here. wh h he anged his tune. we get some hugely posisitive data, somethining atat bomes lessssndnd ls likely, as obama's ti-business agenda bececom a a reality. let't's t to cy in masssshuhuses. >> caller: hi, j jim >> hey, lucy. >> caller: booyayah fr mamaachusetts and i have t to d the state of west t viininiahere 8 89-ar-old dad watches your r show. >> i like e atat. i amam gd d hes watching. ththanyou very much. i hahave a lotffmomoths and ugugers, ggraparents and kids, it giveshehem something to talklk out. it does withyy father. i i preciate that you sharared that. >> caller: well, h hhahas lot to say ababout u.u. >>alalle we're home gamers andnd consider our investmtmentsonon term. previous episodes yououalalke about not wawatchi t t market on a ilily sis and getting ooked. so my questiti i is out nancials and its delayay ---- dline.
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huntington bank isisarart our portfofolio y y brought to our atntion as part of the r r t tag sale. ke factctorasas hvy insider bubuyi. do we ignono t thinow that favor financiaia a areut of favor? isis ts s a me to make changes without making the misistakef f playing catctch- i in day's markrk?? >> i had a meeeetingodod with a good friend of mine anand w wer going overerhehe pition of the bas,s,hich happens to be my y favorite going into o rnrnin season. huhuntinononank, if were alallod, not to double down,n, triple down. cocoany vastly improved, i it' out of the woodsdsdodoesot need pipita what you're seeieingenendls profit t tining a bank that us t tbe bad and is now tter. lucy, , i wod d y some. thmarket has changed. withthout rereob creation, the
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president's s enendaill continue to drag this market t down why not tell t the dn n uth. i don't care what pepelele s. j jobs 401(k), 529, i.r.a. cocomingp,p,hat's your way tolay the climate changegeilill pushing its waway thugug washingtonon? cramer's doing elelectc c toind u u annergy play that could connect t you s se "mad money." >>plplus- >> even i amam cometety stunned anand trtrag by the phoneyness of this oil futures mamarket w whas next for oil tradingng get cramamer t takon speculation onhe street on the outragege of the day. alall ming up.
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by now you've heard a lot about how the cap d trade climate chge legislation that the obama administration's bee pushing, and the hse of reprentatives has already passed, will cost you money. cost business money. and to use the word at's so in favor with the press lely, will potentially derail e economy. we knowe're also going up against other competitors, brazil, russia, india and china and ey have tremendous economic advantages overs once we pass cap and tradand also know many peop in the poorer parts of the country, wherless progressive fos of energy like
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coal wl be hurt by cap and trade. so businesses anindividuals of the pro-cap and tra dless headlines. you know what you need, don't you? you need ltle carmerca insurance in your portfolio againsthe higher energy prices, the waxman marky, the house name of the bi that's already go through, is sure to cost. i'm talking out a company that ould actually make not lose money off the p anade. i'm talkinabt giving you a pure play that doesn't need alternative energy subsidies that mightot be issued or l prices to skyrocket to make them viable, like wi and solar. the insurance policy is baor electric, bez. it's a maker of energy-efficient motors. now,et's get some closure. it's one of my ill-timed
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so-called new technolo picks from a yeaago. baldor didn't rk the last time i commended it. when we still ought the global econy d legs. if only thanks to china, even thgh the financial system was in major trouble, back ojune 17th of 2008hetock at $36.. it dipped as low as $1 befo bouncing back to $21.11. th was a mistake. there's no question. it was a miske that i made. and i deservedlyat a whole loof crow. i have pointed o because i know i have made mistakes on the show, we all do, and i want to own that, point those out, not avoid them t cramer, you're probably asking, if this stock didn't work then, why should it work now? that's a great question. but there's something chand. baor electric now has the blessing of thhouse of
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prestives and the senate, too, assuming they pass their own versn of cap and trade. it also got the blsing of the presidt of the united states this is one of those cas where if you can't beat em, you've got to join them. >> hse of pleasure. >> and i'm dnghat right now wh tell you baldor is a buy. cap and trade may hurt busines in general -- >> buy, buy, buy. >> g off the bill through the house and hopefullthe senate will tone idown, given the roh economy. it requis u.s. to cut carbon emission from 17% in 2020. that's the cap andrade. utilities ll have to meet 20% of tir electricity demand with renewable and ener efficient by 202 hse version, and new standard for building, appliances in industry, that's where thkier comes in. you ow i think it's the wrong time for this cap and tre, even though i ree with the
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spirit of the legislation. regardss of my political opinions. weave to look for winners where wean find them. baor is the silver lining. they make high-end motors that cod be used to replace less efficient motors currently in use. that will cut do on total energy csumption and carbon emissions. it's a cap way to bet the ll. now, there's aeady an important ndate for higher ficiency motors. that's going to come into ay in december 2010, which is getting oser and closer. sohe stock is already once blessed by washington. cap and trade will makit doubly favored. baldor expects 75%f its motors it proces will have sales bolsted by this 2010 mandate. that'slready passed that. with theale of the flag ship super "e" mor up this
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quarter. it's growing faster in the industry because it's more energy efficnt. its motors are great energy savers, although youon't hear about it. who's going to getxcited about a motor like ty do about new drs from amgen or a new ering system from google. dividend they yield 3.2%. the dividend wasn't an accidentally high yider during the swooand could get there again. like i say, n't buy at all once. that's it. let's talk negatives. baldor ia bet on climate ange legislation. own would be leery of recommending this stock. when the company reported it first quarter itowered the bar for e rest of the year projecting 20% to 25% decline revenues f theond quarter, down from the prious 15%
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decline. reminds of a bit of an eaton. at the samtime, baldor indited order rates improved 15 to 20%. that we like. that's a new trend. we don't like compies that are going to have decling ings on this sh b if you spot a turn as close as next year and the decline is already built into the stock, then we turn more favable on it. we know the pastuly 2009 eaings in 2010 will become the focus. that's the way wall street works. weare about the future, kn the past. the expectations here are very low. you have to member that wall reet really only cares about its earning dels business section. i mean, that what we want. when the big money guys ad about politics, they think, oh, ma it will be dreadful for business. the's to hope.
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they don't tnk about the pin action, which is what we should think abt on "mad money," from cap and trade for company like baldors the 2010 mandate comes into effect and on cons increases, iou expect a mar upside surprise for the stock next year. if you wt to try to find a way to make money, offset eryt that will stou as a consumer i think baldor electric, bze, the first of the rl economy stockshat's a winner. i'm going to be producing more stock ideaoff this cap and trade team from time to me. but you need tkn something. it's been arduous for me, and took a whole week cation to
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try to do this, to finmany stocks of ma companies that wi be helped by this legislation. the st majority i looked at john in new jersey. john? >> caller: h, jim. here's a bigo phils booyah to you. >> how about aimmy rollins booy, breaking out right here d right now although a brad lidgbooyard to find. whdihe but -- that's a different story. >> caller: i'm calling about cbi, dow25% in the last five days, anunfortunately a slave to the se d oil gas as conocophilli y spoke about yesterday. last quarter was pretty decent. has hefty $5 billion backlog. i'm just wondering where youee energyrices going in the next few months? >> okay, tnkou. it's a total tdeoff. rememb, here's what i think. let's be very specific. oil was manipulated up. no one else isilng to say th? why? because they have never traded or too much skin in the gameo keep regulation aw. oiis manipulated up.
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we don't know it frowhat level? perhs in the 50s, definitely from the 60s. we know oil will repeal that. it haso cause manipulation cornered last year at 7. i think oil will go beeen 5 and 50, ybe the low end, which means cbi and foster wheelernd dermott will get hurt. those stocks went up in lock step with the manilation in oil. agai i am not afraid to call it manipulation becausi traded for a living for many yearand i know it when i s it. as i told rk haynes this moing, it's like pornogrhy at the supreme cou. i know it when see it. scott in michiga scott? >> calle a big nittany lion booyah. >> you're courtingisaster there. if you can g away with it, god love you. u're going to have to end up being a lion family en you're ne. what's up? >> caller: jim, i really like
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master limited partnerships beuse of their high stribution rate. i wawondering if their dividends are inherently safer than the dividends of other companies. in the shipping seors, are their mlps as good or better than norc american tanker? >> herb johansen has helped . it detailsxactly how the dend has outpassed every other dividend in e group. that said, mastelimited partnershi, let's go over the two winners. we likkind kind red morgan enterprises. those are great buys they work right he, right now. they're not seitive to the pricof oil which nordic american tankers is. you need some cramerican inrance. i need you to take a look at baldor, bde who is actually hiri people.
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youon't hire when younow things are goi bad. after the break t's try to make se money. comi up -- >> even i'm comptely stunned of this oil futures maetness >> what xt for oil trading? get amer's take on speculation on the street on the outrage of the day. plus, lightning stris. cramer goes electric taking all youralls in a spine-chilling overcharged "lightning rnd." all coming up on "mad mone" (announcer) it is e most advanced automobe
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have ever created. a car that can help awakts driver ifif he begins to doze... keep him in his lane hstarts to wander... eveven stoitself if he becocomes distcted. ifou want to see the futu of the automobile, just look at the new e-clclass... t tay. this is e 9th generationon e-class this is mercrc-ben
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you'll nero back to your old brm m agn. now a song for mary... from a mr. broom. ♪ don't you want me, baby ♪ don't you want meohh new swfefer eeper is redesigd.d... to clean deeper into cners. dry cloths tp and lock 50% more dirt, dust and hair than broom... with a new dirt grabb. the all new swiffer sweeper. clea better or your money backguaranteed.
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we now know the se with whh crude oil futures can be manipulated uprd after the recent revelation th se two-bit trader armed with a coup of million smackers moved the world's oil price up 10 bus in a week's worth of outrageously rogue trading. but you know what? the current rules, the meaningless self-regulion, that is the style and culture of the oils future market, lowed this sister manipulation because you can control th price of oil with a small ount
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of money wh the low margin rules. azingly to buy oil you have to put down oy a small fraction of what you have have put downo bustock. and stopping an oil cornerin which is technically wt this s, is more important to your fate and t fate of this nation than stopping someone from cornering a penny stoc i explained to you yesterday, i believe the oils future market is a farce, a total sham, a mockery where manipulation and speculation are rampt. this nonsense which beli destroyed most of you with $4 gasolineast year must be stopped. oils is imperative in a economic lifene. the forces that favor endls tradg for fees and fast bu
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profits at your expense ar gearing . you can use it tst any meaningful efforts of reform by gary gensler, the necommy chrman and someone i know is an honorable, persable, savvy man o isng his best to rerse the nightmare he inherited from the bush administration wherehe markets are never wrong and he wants to put inlace common sense rules to curb speculation. how can that be so nefario? in tonight's outge i'm going to elain why, despite the fact what he's trying to do iboth righand ssary for this cotry and for you. he'll probably be thwarted and
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the s who favor unregulated markets will say he' do more harm than good as if allowing oil prices to spike lastummer wasn't harm? in t immortal late words of cle stalin, how many visions does gensler hav hardlyny as to the oil mavens cabring to bear as they have tremendous amountsf wh callonessional mind share, becae i'm a diplomat. they have a game plan. as a former trer, ing to betray the ran, i formerly served for your benefit, i'm going to give you their ga plan. thpowerful trading complexes exed the chairman of and his chief of staff to do their bidding which encourages the kind of rogue behaor which moved up oil 1bucks last year. -- last eek. and to $147 last year. despite the fact there wn' any economicemand for it at either of those pricesas we found last year en the
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cornering collapsed and ju now since this corring collapsed. these traders will dwhatever they can to protect thr rights to nev put up more than 10% capital, to prevent any distinion between investing and speculation and phoney buying. what do they really wanted to ? genete billions of dollars in es for the exchanges and for their hedge fund rich pele paners because as they wil tell us, the moment we regulate them, our government will be n different from the communist and expppriation of property next on the again so-cled slippery slope what can these sculators do? what makes them such force? first, i'de willing to bet all the oil future traders are telling their ddie call their coremen they have funded in the last dozen elections and explain to them, hey, pal, this is the way the world wos. and the deal themade when they took the money, didn't they make an implicit promise to sport
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unfettered capitalisand the right to fures traders to tre however they want, and the traders are going to hd these pocians to them. eyouldn't have given them the money, for heaven's sa. i mean, what's -what good is someone if they won't stay bought? next, let me give it up to all e ofs from universities, they give them so ch money, and papers tshow how the futus markets are deep and can't be manipulated. profsors seem to be a dime a don. i occasionally queion what happen to intellectual rigor. they call on some bush-era regulato who never believed in regulation to begin with and made statements abt the importance ofree markets, thomas jefferson and fourth and fifth amendments. the bushea cftc swore there was no oil manipulation. did they investigate? then they get on of it where
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they try to foolnchors into saying they never see manipulation. how many times he i been told i don't kn what i'm talking out even though i've spent my life tradingnd ma lot of mone they're going to say, cramer doesn't know. the markets are too big to be regulated and genslewill do more harm an good. i heard that in the "w york times" of l places. i gave that guy -- i gavth guy what iegard as a textual analis, because that was shameless. those that can rustle up captains of industry and ge them the speech out how speculators provide so much liquidity which makes for beer market. sure, yeah. and course they'll deny the $147 oil had anything too with manipulation, even though they know oerwise. you have to expect to he there
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was one 100%riven by communist ina. they emphazeou have to be able to hedge against prices like those we got last yea even though those prices were clearldriven by manipulation. i don't know. hbo show, did do you watch "soprano"? it's called protection racke they c blame it on too much regulation and orsight. that's a gat way to turn the tables. ifenslet their back to the wa, they've give to emanuel. should he get anywhere close to implementing common see reform that would make the futures market real rather than th greatest farce in te stage capitalism? th's really saying something, they can threaten to pull offshore and thawill be the end of a regulation. facetious? i don'think i'm being too cynil.
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there is a impative to have a fair regulation, th opposition to refo must be stopped. and the good guys representeby ga gensler must win otherwise we betteget used to paying 4 bucks for gasoline over the ne whim of guys who try to make a killing at your expense. >>coming up -- try to keep up with cramer as he takeyour calls rapid re in an all new "lightning round." later -- whe the dow soars or hs the floor, jim helps you try to sy on steady ground with "am i diversified?" a coming up.
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hi, y i help you? yeah, i'm looking for car susurance that isn't going to b break thehean. you're iththe right place. only p progressi gives you the opoption
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a pre e gun? mm-hmm. soso, i tellllou what i want to pay. and weuild a policy toto fit youbudget. that's cool. uh... [ gun beep]] [ laughs ] i feel so o empower. wer to the people! h ha! yeah! ththe optiono name your price -- new d only from progressivive. call or clk k today.
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it is time, it is time f the ghtning round. rapid fire, you ll me the name of the stock and i tell you whether touy, buy, buy or sell, sell, sell. i don't knowhe stocks or the llers ahead of time. my sta prepares the graphic, you hear this sound and the lightning unis over. are u ready? skedaddy? it's time for lightning round. let's go to mike. >> caller:ey, ji my beautifulife said she ran to you at the short hills mall the other day. >> i try to be polite when people see me. >>aller: she wanted to give you a booyah. >> there y go. it's jt as easy to be nice as mean, put that down in a bk. what's up? >> caller: i've got re sexy one foyou.
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it's a little -- a hot stock in the heal care field, sxci. >> that's the hei klum of medical stories. i give y more staying power, chriie brinkley, mdrx has it over your play. i do appreciate he sexiness. let's go to trick new york. >> caller:ramer, and a big oyah from east meadow. >> i'll give one right back at you. gohe, hit me. >> caller: i nd your thoughts on two things, frankappa and uvv, universal corporation. >> mn zappa, that's what her friends call her, mooney universal?
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eversince altrea, since i've been buying it for my chitable trust, purchased the bigge competitor, i beeve universal corps a candidate to be acquired with a 5 % yield. i like the stock. buy one they purchase with u.s. tobacco, that s chewing tobacco. isn't itmazinghe baseball players are ill spitting it all over the place wheyou're watchinges? let's clean up. let's t bob bowmen from major league baseball and put the chewing tobacco question rht to him. mike in north carolina. >> caller: how is it going? big booyah frocharlotte. >> from charlotte, holcow, one of of my forite towns. i askesomeone if they go to beach at nags head, he said, you idiot, that's 500 miles away. shows you what i know about chartte.
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>>aller: jaso -- >> oh, comon, i thought you had horse sense, tar heel. you don't want to own any ergy play when oil'about to go to 45 least of all, jaso. don't want to touch it. >> cler: booyah from texas. >> texas is stl pro-america. what's dallas' team? >> caller: cowboys. >> yeah, okay. all right, a right, go ahead. we have a disagreeme with our portfolimanager. he wants to sell half of our exxon, xon, use it's down anhe doesn't think it's coming back but we want to buy more exxon because it's low. and it h a dividend. so we want to knowhat you think? >> i'm calnghat one a push between you and your aiser. here's the deal. i say n't buuntil the yield isigher. it's not my favorite oil
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as i've articulaoil was manipulad much higher. the average price is 45 to 50, which is why wcat get the healthcareeg bacin until we go dow so the answer to that is i s it's a push. don't buany exxon. let's go to bruce. that was a solmonic cision in crameric >> caller: jim jay, big booyah toou. >>hat's a vacation paradise. >>aller:ot tklc i'm looking at. >> wlike it, we've liked this stock. it's hot apistol. we don back away. not that we buy it up hereso i'm ying don't buy but it's a winner. don't sell eher. let me thr in the fact that i
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ke the tel labs repressuring. and semiconductor beuse the man's fromissouri, he obviouy wanted me to show him something and i did the lightninrod is over. >> the lightning round is sponsod by td amertrade. is the advice you'veeen getting helping or hurti? are the fees you' paying really worth it? tdritrade's fees are fairndtraight-forward. their research is inpendent and unbiased. eir investment consultants arknowledgeable and there when you ne them. announcer:all toy to schedule a free investnt check-up, one? or visit ad ameritrade branch. have . car that can help akakts driver if he bens to doze... keep him in his lane ifif hstarts to wander... ev stoitself if he becocos distcted. you want to see the fureref the automobile, just lk at the new e-clclass... tay.
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is is e 9th generation e-cla. this is mercrcedes-bz. at&t. (announcer) get a nokie71x the thinnest smart phe fo99.9after mail-in-rebaba.
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>> tell you to own a stock,k ththatoesn't mean you should throw all of your egeggsntnto e basket.. even if you're almlmt t potive it wilill gop.p. and a lot ofofeoeoplfeel that wawa it's a mistake. no, my friend, i won't't havanan of that. veversication is the only freeee lunch and ththat w whye're plplining m i diversified?" yocall me, you tell me youour top p fiveololngs and i tell you ifououportfolio is diversifified d we mix it up a little.e. why don't we start w witanandyn pennsylvlviaia. andy, you're o our fststaller. wh d do u got for me? >> caller: i'm a first t time, lolo time. i wawant tgigi you a topsy-turvy, up p d d do, around and aroundndwhwhat comeback, babeboboah to you, cramer. i like that go ahead.d. > cleler:ou got it, i'm from grgrant igigs myself. i i ha apple, st. jude's,
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goldman sachs, t traococearig, d d rlington northern. i diversified? >> letet's te e close look at ththis let's take a c closeooooat this. because therers s so interesting crcrscurrents. st. . dede wve identified as a wiwinn n nowhat the health care change is upon us. it's been a real winner r in a market declinene. my ownwnouourc at goldman sachs ininditete tt the rogue trader who has beenen crgrgedith stealilinghehe bt of the system d d nosell the system. ldldn sachs' system was protected. apapplwe like it as a momentnt play and off of iphohone a unun and, of course, we lilike off of mac sales. transocean rig is s head d dn because oil isiseaeadedown. it's onenef f oufavorites in thth g gro but let's accept the fact that oil was so m manululat it has to o l low. and i believe this i is rlrlinon
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northehern, i,i,hat's a rail. we got a rail, we e got tete, a bank, , a didicadevice and an oi that is pictcture,ererct, halleleluj, , beure to make it und easy. ohoh, les s to millie in kekentky. millieie >> caller: hi. hi. >> caller: booyah frfr k kencky. >> yeah, bluegrarasswhwhat up? >> calaller:m m diversified is wh i'm wondering about.. let's take it direct t he-o-on. >> caller: y yumbrbran, honeywell, big lotts a andb b an t. >> let me get thisis rig.. caterpillar.r. wawantp, do you want helmricicor hewlett-packard?d? hewlett-packard? big lotts, b bb&t d d neywell. there's s meme cfusion. a a loofof pple call hp is that's realllly wlwletpackard not -- go ahead. ayay big lotts, i don't l like e e
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store at all, i don'n't li i i bebeususe ne on route 22 is a mplete and utter mess.s. 's a store like family d dolla mimi dollar,cocongtulations a a gat quarter. weike that company. neywell, that's dave c cod he's's theererfic ceo, always weome on the show. bought some today for mymy charitable trust.. hewletett-ckckar you know i think the world of m mark rdrd thststocis stuck at $37. it's the big-board lisistetetech orory, don't mean to disenfrancnchisebmbm vid novak welcome on thehe sho russssian d d inese sales are aclerating, kfc and tacocoelell and theyeyavave new name for pia a t, they call it the huhut. bb & t, we know thatat theomomny is well l catatalid. wee got an industrial, w wveve got a retailerer. we have a great fofood sryrynd a te and a bank. once agaga, , i y hallelujah, grt play and all around ---- >> all aboboar > -wewellone, players.
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st with cramer. > > amer's gone mobile. now get "mad money" ononouour mobile phone.. cramer's top storieses, ghghtng round totoo,o, "d money's" video d d re. all ththatndnd cc's free real-time e quot.. go to we're e out rerelookings
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just bececause they're inside you oh, ladieslet's say you have osteoros. do. you could be losingg bo strength. can i get it back? with once-a-momohh actonel.r doctotor how tohes actonel ls inically proven top reverse bone lo and can help increaease ne strength to hp prevent acture so you c get back some of what u lost. do not take actoneifif have low blood calcicium, severe kidney diseasase, or cannot sit or anfor 30 minutes. llow all dosing ststruions. stop t taking actonel and tell yr doct if you experience diffictt or painful swallowining, chespain or severe or ntntinuing heartburn. these e be signs of serious uppedigestive problems. promptptlyelelyour doctor if yoyou vevelo severe bone, joint ororuscle pain, or if you u delolop dental, as s serusawbone problems ha b beereported rarely. the more you knowabout oste, thmore you'll want toto ask youdoctor (announcer) you can't afford urur mication, visit toto find ououhow
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e. call or clclick toda
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a bu market somewhere, i prise to try to find it just for you right here on "mad money." president obama, come on, ne down the anti-business. it doesn'telp any of us and esn't create any jobs. i'm jim cram, and i'll see you morrow. having the right tools is ccial
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to being able to mage your diabetes properly it's very rtant for me to uh tcheck my blood sugar ybefore go on being onhen i'm feeling low n be like a rollercoaster. it doeat times feel like my body is tellinge do one thing... and, mmind, my heart is tellinge to do something else. maging my highs and lows is sur important. wiy contour meter i can rsalize my high/lo settis so it really does micromanage where myblood s.
11:59 pm
i'm nick jonas andnever slon is my simple. geico's been savinpeople money anwho doesn't want value f for eir dollar? been te nce the day i made my fst dlar. geico's been savinpeople money wherisis that dollar? i got it ouout to show you... buhh... was it ratherld and my fwrinkly? yeah, you saw it? m fay a crisp?


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