tv Mad Money CNBC July 9, 2009 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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> i'i'm m cramemer,ndnd youe toto eer my woworl >> they needed t g into the game. >>hehey' nits! theyeynonow thing! >> "mad money." u can't afford to miss i hey, i'mramer. welcome e tomama momone"" welcome to cramericaca. ototr r pele make friends. i'm m ju t ting to make you yuan. that's chinese mononey call me at 800-743-cnbc. i've got some good news.s. anand memead news. the goodnews, the stim slusus wowoining. people are spendining more momoe more goods are being p pchchas. demand is igigening, and we might even have to hire people.
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ththbad news? i'm talking ababt t cha! hey, that was the guy. i love the wifife,oooo. america, unfortunanate, , e news porortes s mo job losses as compmpans s re people here t to saveveurur phetic cash and creasingly do business in chin chin cha to make money. that's what we learned from alcoa's better-than-expected d earn ppgs most of thee ti,, have to remind people that ala,a,he beleaguguerproducer th cors report cards isn't wowortfocussing on. quararr r afr quarter, i ie had to tell at least someoeonehahat usg g ala as your compass to
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figure out which way the m mart is headed anand thking, as goes alcoa, so goes everythining ses hahas en a great way to baffle ururse into a total lack of f clarity and learn noththinababt the fututure most meme alcoa, which reports first, something t thadetails nicecelyititthe old slogan -- alala a cat wait. wawa for what? 's been terrific.c. terrifically terriblee predicto of how other companies wilill .. i wish it could wawaitpreferably to the end o oththe reporting period s soobody focused on it anymore, r ratr r an the endless chatter about t ww it's a bellwether. atat nonoenense bubut rr on, i think alclc try y a microcosm of the whwhe quarter fororveveryompany. and this tee around, t tyy actually had notot one bututwow important takeawawayfofothe rest ofof t m mart thatshould color our expectation for ee rest of eararnis season, but ither ofhem was any good.
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how can that be? how can alcoa bebe accepteding nenetive signal when it bebeat the street's expxptatatis. ththat right, alcoa for ononce beat the streeeet'exexpeations d repepor amaller than exexpeed loss. > tt t s easy. >> well, youou hee todidisst exactly how the comompa mananage to do better thahaexexpeed. simply put,itit fired a a lot people in ariri andt sold a lot of stuff in chinaa d that's going to be th pattern for the quarter. d d beeve me, it's not aooood onone. okay, i'mgogog to read to you om the conference call f for alcoa this mororni b becse all ththevevidce is right in there. clear's klaas kleinfeld w sounds l likhehe suld be in the clothing businesess ststd of the alalumumum busisissss. t t give you a lititee more cololor w why'm sayingg i'm
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titistic on china in genereral the imimus programththey put into place is alreaeady pretty big. itasasn the nature of 0000 billioion, roughly the zeze te fifirsu.s. prograra but f for a ececony that is much smaller. and when you lo deeper into the chese s smumulu prprram, ththe program has verytrong infrastructurere iesestmt mpmponts and alalmoll of ememre ovel-ready. sohe impact intothe economy was muchhoror immediate t tha what we arar seeingng he e the u.s.s. erere is far from immediate,e, to be precise. now, tell me. n't that what y w wand to seendnd here from thenited ates? fromobama? get thihi aaaas ys consumer confnfidcece is u up11 in cchi. that should be us.s. or listen tothis. onofofhe things ththechinese governrnme v vy smamart d doe these days isheheare trtryi t to increase consumption, a andhehe are stimulalati people thatt t
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is good toto not have much savi. i is od to buy a new car, getet a new air conditioner and d wh have you. shshoun't the united states s doing that? or how about this ltle gem from alcoa's c cfeferee call this morning? good news is you allll kw w th its really thee large rorocts, the brazilian projects that will start thee o opetion on time, a then klaas continues --hahat' his s rsrst me, like i know him. yway, heays i will attend thofficial openini o jerudy totother with president mulahn ineptember. that's a big smeltingroject. and d he saysththes projejes s be gainers in t the future. now, what do w wanan do w weanant to open smelters i azil? we w wt t th making aluminum? cha?a? no, thehey ntnt them to open prects with presiside o oma not in brazil. stead he's shutting producucti here and increasing there
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because e inhehe brits cntnt y do havav the inalieienae e ght o pollutut i don't like that whwhentt come to my lungs but do li it when it comes to my portfolio. crcrererca mercenary? stst on the automotive side, hahaveo don the old chinese hat again. ylish for me we also o se the auto p pductio inin cna gwing, partially driveneny y th government inntives. ththe'e'san incentntiv program f tax refunds for ee pchase of alall cars, for stance, and quotothihim again,, iisis ababsotete worthwhile totonote, because it shshow the changes i gloat ballll economy,his is th first yearhat t the china ilil ratete farars isore thann the u.s. i meanan ouchch. we want to b b t engine ofof t global recovover n nothe chinese. w wt to be building morere cars than the chininesananputting
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momoreeoeoplto work. want to be hiriningpeople, not laying them off. but aoaoa with its b betr than expected quarterer g gav us jus the opsisite i i beeve other companieses wl unfortunatelyy follow this pattern thaz r rorort well. in fact, b belve the car planantsrorom r compmpanss will o on that we're going to b be trtranorting plantnt to china, not here. cacauslike a noted stockururu oncecesaid, that's where the money . the waway mpmpans will make their m mey going forwardrd wil to f feworkers in americaa and meet demand in chcha. it's a vicious c cire e do because e p pornds more j losses in america evenens today's unemploymenent mbmb was welclce e an truly betettethth expected. that's why the markett finished up at the end of thehe day, butt memes less demand and leads to morere finin, so on and so on. this wouldn'n't hpepen he were stulating properlyff it had ininvoeded rl vestments in
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infrastrtrucrere a not just a handout to s stes that creases unemployoyme enefit, one desisieded by yes, o our t te leader, nancy pelosi. truly onone of thehe gatat econ mis of our geneneraonon. and to b bompletely and utterlyy sa sarcastic, but a aleleas s she one of t t r ricst. and when you throw ininhehe anda of thehe psiside and thee mocratic congress including cacap d trade that will m mak i mo expensive to pollutute u can see the e coananiefiring hehe s so they can hire in chin whe there's no limitit on the amount off plution smelters can gerarate if it's cheaper too make something in china and ship i i toto a ameca t thait is to proru it here e d d sh it there, these cocoanies will make more a and more of f eieir ods in china. at he's the didimmmmawe're facing. fothe first meme i can remembmber alcoa'searnings report could be atat l ltt an excellent predictoror o what's o come. alcoa, the ogognoicator. i i n'n't ally believe what i'm saying. bottom liline this time i is fferent. alcoa is telling us we need to
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be defensive in americica, stic toour cononmemer staples and offensive ififotot aressive in chchinwhwhe more cyclicical companies can make monon b becse the chinese e coididce with ththeisusupeor stimulus a a making indeed, yes, atat la a great leapap fwawa while we're at best standing still alas gogoinbabackrd by the day. let's go to o ee hearartld.d. rick inn ohio.. > a ohiootate bueyeyes o-o-h to ouou. >> one of f ee greatestayay wew ever hadndnd featuring the official beer-amid. >>olars stocks are tanking four times t theegegul market. i ought with cap and ttde, all the e eirironnt speak solar ululbe rallying. instead it's s thhahaest hit. why? >> oil stocks weree - -- oil futures werere manipulalad.d. what's thehe caveat? theuys who trade ilil wherevever they arere t the b b o oilrader are sasayi c cmer doesn't kww what he'e' talking about.
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that will mark the 54th ar that i didn't know whahat wawas talking abouou and i alsoelieve the solar programs are simply n n economiciclyly vble. we know wiwitht t ge tax dollars going toto sararhose companini won't make t the numbers and w don't t ha a aot of tax dollars. chris in virgigini chris? >> b-y-yahjim. thanksksoror ting the call. >> my pleasure, chris. > cler: in regardrd toto t broadband stimimusus a the applications finally out, lolookg g atossible winnersrs le adtn or acdtdt o o should ilolt smaller players where itt mightt move the nenelele more? >> you h he e do the home work, riri you've gotot t w winrs. they'r'rgogood i would like t to gmgmt that wiwithciena a b of a dog lately, but i i thk k n make a mar r coback. do not forgett corning.g. i think they'r're ining start showing better than n exctcted eaeak course better than pected, alcoa earnings came in, , buitit lksks le yes, yes. ththe chchi-mtitimus plan has bebeat u ule sam.
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chen aoao heaten colonel saers. "mad ney" will be right ack. cocomi u is it time to o tt defensive or ringg the register t therotective name? e debate r rag on as cramemer weighs the optionsnsndnd ges you s s ca onthe "sell block." >> us with a b bigamame the sec onon t way o o, cramer gives his plan for the regulalatoso get a leg u up market mamapupulaon on the "eureka momement and d later, lightnini s sts in a spspe-chilling overcharged "light ning rounund. ning roundn"
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wheneveveromomne with a great record, somemeonii truly spspt makes a incrededib gutsy y cabout the market like a olesalehift it cannot be ignonore i regard it as my y jototoring thatat cl l toour attention, evevenf it don't necessarily agree with it. m m lking about a huge call ma today this morning by ron insasana who y no doubt have seen many yearsn cnbc include cloouding sevevell times todada and he runs the market momorsrs neneletter. inin ts s rning's edition, he e issued one of the b bdedest cal i've seen. to boot evevery one of the densive stock in his rtfolio. that's right, t te them all out and sot them. hehe p putng the whole group, althoseomompaes that don't need ststro economy into the sellll bckck. and he's shihiining. he's going with h a rtrtliohat shshou rocket higher ifhohousg
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makes aa h hugcocomeck. we knonofrfromhe papers evevery dayhahat' consideredd to be just impossiblele but let's see. en though i don't agrerewiwith everything he'e's inin i like ron enough t to ininit to your tetentn. it's ann important call fromom guy withth 2 years of experernc wawatcngngheararke. wawababackor those of you who ad "cfessionsf f street adaddi" " inna was the guy who called p praically to the minute thend to the horrible 1998 bear market. this was about 1 15 minutes a a i pipituted and saiaid "get t now." i i teter d to retract it. now hehe once againn getting mor aggressive in n th newsletteterd becaususe t tt '98cacall among all the other terrificic jgmgmts i've seeeen m m ma on this twtwor when he gets agesesve, iight have to thkkmaybe i'm beingtotoo dedensive and you knonow i'm defensive he..
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maybe i'm not t ining llish enough.. insana, like do cast a bear who tned bulul caught what i i think mamayee a generaratialal body, well, weeon't wantoo mimissr dmimi a bigg ll by insana, a anoer g guy westeem highly, the specificscs o this call. he's's slili bristol myers, cio, isisy, microsoft, pfpfiz, time-warner and verizon. alallstocks considers defefense e beuse t ty'y'reot sensitive to interesest tes. and usinggthe c ch h toulk up on the banks, home builders, and insurersrs f h h market movers pofolio. let's s keke a look athese. first, b becsesehis is"the sese block"k"ndnd ion't want you to be oblivivio t tsuch a bullish cacall firsrst haha to say, i digrgr. we alwayays vovor diversified portfolio. that's why every w wen w wplay "am m diversififi?"?" i wouldever advocate getting g
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rid of all all mydefensives. hohow ououthe individual stock he's kicking outut? i would not sell t t o onewith theacacdentally high ieield atat means you u shldld kpp verizon? spice of thisantiti-binins, antitrust tata from the obama juice department. and i keep bristol myers w wchc my chariritaee trustst already poensitith 3.6% yield. an jusust ugug more of it because ofoftsts ai-cancer portrtfoo.o. those are toto attttraivive sell. onhe other hand, i undereranand his desire too sell microsoft bebecae the newfound compmpetioo from goog wl l itopop source opereratg g stem will hurt softy's gross margins down the road. i bebelie e fier is a sell. i n'tarare much for ee wyethth acquisition. ankly, the comompa i ijust not at well run. but i reallyyisagree with him on sellilingcisco, whichh i'm lookiningtoto buyy m mor formy
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charititlele tst as part of a ayayn increased technologygy spending in the sesendnd hf of the yearar. f fac i think ronon wrong to even lumpp tss stock as s a defensive, a as cisco will be oe of the first companies to experience aecovery sinince i i books and sells 85% of the buneness inhe quart. whwhen businesses ststtt spepeng again scsco will be onee o of e fifirstotooigighe i alsoso lee disnsney i gagardt as a play on cheapepe soline, especially now w we understand jusust w w mu a farce ththe oils future market is, bad on how easily sculators and mapupulars can push prices up.p. dumping disisy?y? big mistake. what abobouthehetock he's bungng? insana is ungng the cash from these seams to load up on bank america, itigroup, welllls fargo, jpmorgan a and huntingto babankmamas but he's alslsouying
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hovna vnavian, lennar.r. yay to the banks, y to the meme blders. i have said that w we t t a ususg bottom athehe end of june. bu that d doe't't mean appreciation it just means hohos price stabilization.. at these p pris s th's not gogo news for thehehohome b buierer ththeyeeeed to see house price apapeciation. th's's n what's happening. many of the houses ing closed now arare foreclcleded hoerjs cheaper than what they canan sl them for. if you want a ay onon housing i stly preferome depot, 3.9% yield.d. i own it foror m m trust. i think ronisis being way t too aggressive.. i would sell those homome ildes on any l lif although from m thlolookof the hoho builders today with k poem hoemss up more thann $1 and
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ovnanian uonon nice pcecente basis,s, maybe i'm'moooo negati. i likeke t thi he's dead d rit, especially a aadad othe eninis rerepo for thegroup. i i thkk they'll be e ecectalar. i have banank o o amereric j jpn and wewes s fao. we're in tototalgrgrment there. amam pticularly excited, if thot just jump jpipingor joy for iinsa's callll i tught i was the o onlone who lilidd hununtitoto the best in ththe nking business. i i li to use the best of the best tchallenge my own theses i thininkhihis test edition is mpelling, startlingng en,n, b i am nototss bullish asas he is. at's right, i'm more dedefeive, less inclined toto thinink isis market wouldldtake off,f, wchch iwhat would happen if mark is right. you have toxpxpec d dratitic
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house price e prprection for ron toto bririt on thehe hee builders. i respectfully disagree. en if my respect for t the man makes meme uncomfortatae e wi m own cautioiousssss >> caller: big boyayafrom long isndnd. >> w whass snup. >alalle kraft is my biggest holding? shshou i i sll have an appetite for kkra?? no capital appreciation fo is stock. >> for my trust, i debated or and ovov again. do i b buykraftft o or more bri myers. iececed that kraft is going t to be atutuck in the mududstock. you have a nice yield there, bu i not see any eainin momentum. en with commodity prices comingng down, , i n n t forore why kraft could g go ckck t 28.30. i think you've got one that't' more like a bond thahan stock.k. you should be switchingngut o o
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kraft and d in o o that ron innana iselling and i'm ying, bristol myers. is in io, chris? u'u'rep, chief. >> caller: a a byoyountown state penguins s o-o-ya to you. >>oly cow, man. what's u >> calleler:irirstf all, i want toay thank you to everyone including you at c cnbfofor e great jojoyoyou ys do. >> thank you. are good. i knowthere's othther -- i thin there's other tv programs about businenessbubui'm not familiar th them. gogohehead and i'm also n notamamiar with anofof t people who o onc woeded he who may have gone toto those other programs.. > cler: i have a question about unilevev.. i p purasas it for the oveve5% dividend t thaitit had. and i have a questionon with the weakening dollar, how dodoeshat companieses l le unilever that doo buness erseas -- >> th d doe't do as well.
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you want to n unilever and it's beeeen bibi winner e eve sincncii soldititorory trust. itit'seeeen huge w wnener becau th g g who runs it has t tak out the costst. he's doing marvelousjob. it's structuring story firsrst. you've got a winner. it's betteter t thaproctor and gagamb. i want to ususeeople i trust a d i thinkrere smartochchalnge mywnwn hehese ron insana,, selling allhihis defensive stocksks. i like them. i respectfully sagree with a a man i have watched on tv for 2 yes. after r ee break i'll t tryo o e you evenen me e moy. > coming up, witith b n nam athe sec the way out, crcrerer reveveal hi plan fo regulators to gege a legeg up market ananulation. on "eureka momome.. ." > and later, lightning strikes. cramer goes electric i i a a spinine-ililli, overcharged litning round. plus, o on the executiveve decision, chatham's enings toto a ahit.
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to keep you aheaead t ts the e artough questions. powerful n nam inhe industry. that's why y weroroht together two of ththe stst inintrucing morgan stanley itith rney. here to rethink wealalthananagent. here to answer... urur qstions. morgan stanlnleymimi barney. a nenew alal management firm with over 130 yearss e eerience. ♪ ♪ ♪ (tucci) more bars inin re places. at&t. ththe stst cover. (a(aouounc) get a nokia e71x for 99.99 afte. know-it-all.l... expert. a ruru how about wu?wuill do. where to?? rst stop... peru.
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> i pick up the paper todaday. look at th.. i i sathat lauauee richardsds, direreoror o sec compliaianc office resigns.. she's part of the examinations division. they're supposed to invesestitee the books at adsese, brokerage ususes and ofofouours bernie madoff. sheananunces she's done. i y supposed to review.. she's supposed t to viviewhe books.s. keke alook. >> youtatatethat you had beenn rekuszed from t the madoff ininveigation. and i i wajuju wondering why th was. >> i eecei'm n partiticititing e investigatioion e e tohe fact thth a a former employee undede chain of command rried a membmb o of e mamado family and i attended ththe ddddin >> a wedding? that's ce. iiay mazeltlt.. i i light off what rhards d d nce she took over the disisi sisinc 1995, , whhhis absolute
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nothing iscernible, i i got to think of the dififcucultof the sedodoin any real regulating g and i had what c cal a"eureka mont." the problem whave with the s sec all abobout insentives. thth don't pay ththei examinatii andenforcemenenteople neaeayy enough money t to make it worthwhile to o tctch e bad guys. anything talent cannededetet aob in the privavate ctor thahat p ch better, anandhen thehere the issue e r regatory capture. revolvlvindodoor we can d d a stint at thee cc ad th g g hired b a hedgege fund brokerage house that will ppily pay you aa whole lot m mor than the federal government will. sosof you work here, whathehe heck iss your incentive toatch pepeop w w might v ver ll turn out to be your furere employer? oror t put it anonoth way.. if you work forhehe sec,c, you t paid the same, whether you catch the manipulatorors d d e bear raraids s orou don't. and your f futee prospecects co
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be whole lot b betrr if you lookok t o oer waway. ififouou l things slide. there's n compenentition ceceive to go to worork for the governmentnt bononthe goooodns of your heartt a sense of du. anunfortunately that means manyny yngngaggressive, srtrt people may not be llllg to go w wor for ththe organinizaonon simply can't a affdd to g tthe commission. i i do not mean to pugn the integritity t theny of the people who work for ththesec. i'i'm st talking about t t incentive structure. it h hd to believe that peoeopl go through allllhe workof tryiyi t to catchthe financial bad guys in thehe act jusust f truth, justicecendnd t american way.y. especially when n thbaba guys always seem m h hav allheheoood lawyering momoy y cabuy. the itish, the bririshsh solved thth problem by payayin t the regulators grereat salaries. as much as thrhree to fivetitim atat wpay here. that is one sotion. that is a soluluti w whi is called the supuperegulator solution, whicich h he favored this show from day onon where one organizazati regulates evything from stocks t t futures to optptio, , d because
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of itit'sall a amaamated, the officers are p pai an equivalen of $5$50000 a ear. ii jusust d't see congress bein willing to pononupup thatind of dough and i d't't see t t president pushshin for superregulator plan. but then it ococcueded to me. make i was taking my examplele from the wrong btitish rvrvic maybe theeenforcemenent model t sec needs shouldn't be b bas on the current britishh enforcemen organizationon it needs to bebased onn the old systemem of pzeze monon that th british n nav used d durgg the e of sa.. back the da think napoleon's dada if yowewere th cacaptn of a britishh warship ad you c capred a ship that lolong to theenemy or t to piratete t theovernment let you keke a huge fracactif its value, with s smaer fractions fothe crew. that th's's w whe i had
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ururekmoment. ." we need to pa thehe prize moy.. have thehe gernment seize all ththe ll gten gainsnd thenn giveve t d dar regulators s wh caugughthehe l breakinin 10% or 20% % ofhahat ney. an sec official catching a hedge fund thatanipulated the m martt should be justst like anld ititiscaptain capturing a an ememvessel. you get a chunk ofofhahat u keep. you catch itit, you g get somet. that's theew incentive ructure the secec ndsdsor its reregutotors u u cod be set for lifif if you work at the secec and you findne oror t instananss of manipulatin and prove it. because lienen, while stillll thk k wee gone t tooar towards nononrululatg the industry, i used to be a aoney managerer ani have seen too m man people unfairly accused.d. so we hahave t to make sure e ee is still innocent untntilroven guilty. weweououldake it sspler, too. if a hedge fundndrr investment adviser or b bror gets fined for eaking the ruleses, e e c enforcerers o o caht them should get a cece cut offfine.
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instead of vivingpeople leaea the sec to join ththe w wld of finance,e'll have peoplple lee too to the sese they k knoththe games, , eyey k th tricks. wewe d this and changes evytythi. it also o ststs wawashgtgt nothg cacausthe extramomone for the regulators is comingng ou of te pockets ofofhehe pple they catch brkiki the rules. huge cash prizeses a t t way to gogo. weddddin o or t, youththin a guy likemamado would have l lasd more thahan yr r that kind of rerecty environment? i ubt it. ght now, t t way things work, e regulators are outgugunn i in a huge way t. ey have everer ininntive to try to s ski t rules. ifhehedo it successfufuyy they keket more money. t nobody at the sc h had $1 million bonus fofor catchchin fd orormapg. shldlde base our securities enrcrcemt on simple eed? u u t we ould. it may seemm soid, butut what se wororks you have to fighththe greededf
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the induduryry b giving the relators something to be greedy about.. obviously this wororksoror more anan jt the se i loveve seeary ginsler s set up somethihi similar to police thoil futuressmarket,hich has provenn itself to be about s eaeasyo o nipulate as a pennyny ststk k ev though it's infini infinitely more imimrtrtanto this natioion'economy. while we're a at , , whnot helple th examiners by rrrring a system atat works well for theeirs. if younow someone who is commititngng t fraud and y y repoportimim, you get cut if t e irs succeeds in gettttinthth money oweded. why not financicial reward whwhiseblowers? w wou have revealed madoff years ago. here's the bomomb lili, when it comes toenforcement an examamatatio the ssec would hav been a bigigaiailu. it needs a n newncnctive struructe e ofrize money where the regulators get too keep part of the ill gototnn gains of any financialalalactor they cah.h. ththat a a reall incentive for
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regulati regulationon borrow the whistleblblow b bnty from t thersrsand yououee got a real leveling o oththe playing field betwtweeththe d guys s d the good guys. be of all, there will bebenono addiditialalost to the vevernnt and the best people will be clamorining to rkrk for the esc. eueu eureka, i've got ii > coming up, lightningng strikes. cramer goes electric t ttake your calallsn n spine-chilling overcharged lightning g rod.d. plus, on the executive cision, chattem's eararngngs took a heat. so cramer takes on theheirceoeo see if hisis stock can ease the papa i in ur porortfioio all cong up on "mad money."" i hope he has thatat iururan. aflac! you really need it thesese ds..
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company. i would d ayay ay from it. i think fluid power r isnot a good business ririghnono i'i' n gng to recommend a stock in that group. w it istiti.. it is time f for the "l"lhtning roroun o on amer's "mad money." you say the name othe stock and d i llll you whether t tobu buy, buy or sell, sesellsesell i dodot t kn the stocks ahead of me. if you hear ththisouound [ buzzer]] the lightning g unund over. are you ready?y? it's'simime for "lighghtng g ro" dadan exas. dan? >> caller: north tasas mean n grgreeboo-yah to you. >>till one of the bt.t. along with "friday nightht ghgs d another good one.e. the b bes movie evererreremeer the titansns." whwhatavavyou got for meme also"nececesryry roughness." you're so right. what happepenetoto d jenkins? go ahead.
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>> calleler:y y stk is radio shshoc >> i triededitit on a play wit didital. i saidid whahado sell ii we d to buy it on that friday,, sell it on that tutudaday. it lost us $ on a a trade and i never lookededbaback because th consumer is week ekek. ii do brefrbest guy t t radio shack. i i us th asnn i illtrtrion of a tradad it did not work. the two thingsgs i did forr tra atat d not work.. ththiss my t tot disclosure hahr suit thing i'm doioi.. boeing and radio shack. there were both h fo tres. i told peoeoplyoyohave to cut your l lseses bececau if you hod on to it, you knkn n notng. tony in n cafoforn. >> caller: boo-yah from pleasantnt, , californiaia >> excellent. kaurl amemetechnologies. >> it's controversrsia it's runreat deal and now 's's hing a pullback. people feel perhaps thiss watchihingv v watching s stu n your computerr le e tv, whwhici
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akeiei stock in trade iss overdonenendnd people don't cace about it anymomore there's alolot of competition piem not going to get behihindt. too many people cocomentnto the area.. leles go to rich massachusetts. >> turkey dan j jyy boo-yahtoto you u massachusetts,s, n new jersey. aryoyou ady to talk turkey? >> weststfid d et bate us in swswimng. you u di't't he to bring it up. just go ruininmymy day.y. i was havingng aererfely good dada what was the stock? >> d don know about that.t. i learned from your r "fast mon" ewew t countryurkey is enying atrong enononow. rorong banks andnd a lotff rewable -- >> which tutuisish stk? >> caller: i chose an industry telecom.m. tkc. >e e caful! vovofofones coming in n the e d slashingng mgigins
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come ba, 's's too ngerous. tomumuch competititi i in tutur. they aually have arere market. no justice department t erere. how about marcy ininononneicut. >> calalr:r: b-yah, jim. hey, callingbout sunoco.. wa t to know if it't's ererso.. theypapay a d divenenand they ha a a l of cacash >>hehedo, but've tt to tellll you somethining. the refinini b busess is awful. wewe kw that hedeservrv a aaiai aring. he's'sn n thwall of shame. i am notoioing to go there and te you to get in front ofof thatat do i look like aututer block toouou, rcy? adam in indiana.a. adad?? >> caller: it'sed aal. adam. >> y y'r're . might as welllitit me with t th ock. > cler: goingfor w wywyet >> idon't like thehe consulting
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companies. alall e assets goutut the door at t thend of the day. don't buy that one. how ababou ne?? tetes? >> calleler: fighting t tex boo-yah from ft.t. wowort texax. they'y'reririllg for natural gas like it'sgoing outof style inftft. rth pop i loved your comments on oilspeculation.. you're right onon delta rlrlin buy, sell, hold? >> sell, sese, sell, sell, sel, sell, sell, se, sell, sell, se. the kwkwgt lighghining und" is over!!litntninround" is erer!lhtning round" is ove"ligh! what's on the minin independent investors?
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whenen irara, i want a straightfoforwd d pre. let's k.k. they lure you in wiwith $ $99 trade, then charge yoyou b bks. u get a low price, but onlnly e td ameritrade, everer onne stock trade is stst $99. period. no matter how ofofteyoyou ade. noatattehow much money you haha i in e account. i hate thoho h hidn fees buried in the fifineriri. surprise! it's a mamainnanae fee! hahateurprises. at td amereritdedeyou never pay a mamainnananc fee. you get low,w, raraigforward pricing, soso y always know exactltlwhwhatou're paying. hey, thahat rkrks r me. e e yoready to declare yoururndndepdence? dedendence is the spirit th drives america's momostsusuessful investors. nouncer: trade commissisionrerefor 30 days plpl get $100 cash whwhenouou on an account.
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mr. . evs?s?his is janice f froononst. i haveveececeid an automatic signanal yoyou' b beein a front-end c cshsh. you need help? yeah. i'll contatactmemergcy services a a s stawith you. you u ok?? yeahah. onstararststanrd for one year on 14 c che m mels. and d heeaeallpushed me to get o onunutrystem. yeah, i'i'llakakcredit for peter r jabsbsen introducing the all-neww nutri, exexle new programs personalized meet your goals. get on the prorogr, yoyou' going to lose weight. it's's auaualleasier than you t tnknk imight be. atat w really good. thanksk. i had awesome results and d i' . fofoa limited time,
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get an ehat's right,eeks oyoyocacan te.e. dinners, dessertrts,ndndnacks. that's 105 m mlsls fe. that's what guguysikik "tl me, 'do this,' i i i it, lose weight." ththrices as low as $ $12 d day u'u'llave hundreds over otr weight-loss programs. der now and get an extxtra ree weeks of fantasticiceaeals at's right, 105 mealss absolutely free. ca or click now. todaday chattem,hihi m mak y hotndnd gold bond p pder and
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acac mouthwash and d otrr proros you can fifi a at your local pharmamacyepepord what i thought was a betterr than expectct quarter. was ate realupupsi or memethg that wasas dveveby cost cuts? big are buybas? it was i ililine mamae that's whyhehe stock wasn't up four o or ivive. atattes same zeals came in at $1 2 llllio ththat about m mlion less than somomonon t street exctcted in other w wdsds, is wasn't an irnings beatatririveby higher demamandr r ronger business. whicicisiswhat we i i k kraeric look foror. chattem'm's sisine motd el is to acquire brands and boooost sas with increased advertitingng as well as itits rere sales rce. got to wonderer, is ee model still working? i nt to spepeakto chattem's
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chchrman and ceoeo o a thehe compmpan reported this ququarr.. member, april 9 wewehad him on. itit w a serious isappointment. he missedthe street's consensus by 12 cents. gary reassuredd us he would b bi in aetter number this timeme. and he did. why didiththe alalts say notothi real goodd about it? i've got to gett a a better understandndinofof wt's hahappininhere at chattem. once a aga, , m bringing back e ceoeo o atatm. weomome ck to "mad mmon."." >>lwlwaya plpleare. > i got to t tel you, i'm reading right nonow omom a ggoln sasachcocoent this morning. rst take is the headlili.. second q '09 eps bt primimaryy ththe results totoututs ad spenendi.. and despite ththe s song headli, view the underlrlyi composition to be ofof w wk ququaly and the e eirety of the five-cent beat from cuts in advertisininanand prprotion, i went over the cononrerenc call.
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i felt th y also had some pretty good sales. who's right,t,meme or ththem >>ou're absolutely right. and they are misguided. w w. goldman slacks, misgsguid.d. soso c you go over it so people won't takehihifirst take has acratewhich i don't't tnknk it was. hohow mestic sales iincasased nicely. our profits come strongly fr our top six brands. all the conferencealallsuse indicacate i i taeded about ho they are, about80% of profits. when we say s seses we week,urur consumerersales were up10%. sales on ose were rong. ththe sales that they ta about include ininteatatnal, which we actually d d't't me any money ofoff. and so a als la year weadad an item,cy hot h heatherapy was didisctinued. our sass werere up domesticacal
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6.8%8%, icicis prettyy ururne a sasaleinin a 21 increasese i profits and we think that'ss outstanding.g. >> i don't want to -i have to go over thetotoh stuff here. in the ququter, on the actual coerence call, b bob bsworth, your president said international s sal clclin by 2.2.3 llion and 6.6 million for the quarter inn six months. that's n notgood. that's n n good. >> nno. think he also said w we made the me amount of meyey as did last year. we're the firstt t to admit, ou international opereratnsns, we derive mimal profofitilily from it.t. that's not oururstrength. that isn't what's g gro us.s. 've grgrowatat21% compound growth for fifi years a and l driven by ththe economic success of act and icy ho act was up 9% forhe latates periodod a ic hotasas up 4%.
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we're looooki at, versus the coetetitn, we're l lkiking at veryststro profitt numberss and eaeach brand has a different profititstructure. when you'ree a b b bra l lik icy hot or acac you g gopp24%,%, yo have a cash f flo machine. >> and weo to jeffries that d d th audacacitofofowowngding it beforore ee quarter says t t topipicapapainhat is icy hot ssed o our forecast anddown 1.8% duriri the prior year despite l lat sale inn adrtising support. at do you make of that. >> that's iiccccure. ug lane ha followed us nunuer of years,, done a g gdd jojob. we'ree tricky cocompyy to follow. there are a l of piececes p peoe dodottsee, walal-mtt data,onon' haveve access to a a vieiety of things. ininis ca, he s s data onjune whwhh h ma him thinink meme big change has occurred. we're tough to follow.
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he generallyoeoes a goodjob. he also missed h earningss forecacastoror t quarter b 5 cents. came out thehe d beforere w beatat ibyby 5 5 cents. i think that was uauall sgsguid. >> i a aeeee, he comesesut swinging. nonow, was at my nfriendly neighborhood drugstotoreesesteay and wewe to find sometethior mybk. u u kn what, i saw the icy hot anhen i alsls saw twawayn reeded erersi. thth may not mean much h to y otheher anan aecent restaurant dierer here's thehe thing. it was substantiallychchear ththan icy hot. i got the i icyhot, i i d a feeling you werecocomi on the show, i don't ntnt to betray you, innowntimimes packaging looks s alstst exactly t the sa. you have a a tradedowown ctct? >> we h hav not seen that. our consumers, i i your backss hurting,yoyo want the best, the qualitity dd impact. >> i plays good asasshaq,oo i need it. t the areatatorieshehere
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you u s see some of that occurring. buwewe have n not s see muchmpat ininurur category, hydrocortise of the tetegoes we're in has the most private bel. most pele wanan theirrara na pruct, t the don't wanant just - -i knowwayne reederer ll, in their stores aa lot in new york, you d d't want d dwae reed mouthwash or toothpasteor dwayne reed lotion. itit's trickybubut there isisn increase in pvava l lab in ththisconomy acrosss some cateteriries >> aside, i knknow it's'sust yo and melklkin >> rere. >>iiasas in thehe menthol,hat is cramerer smelling? dodoou havave a non-mentntho t doesn't smell so bbad >> we hee a ninishg enen >> rightht. but t uu do n not have one i'm holdldinththbox up. i havehehe vanishing cream, ths is for m m o own personal
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edifificioioand other 2 2 llion peopop watchininththe ow. >> if you u wa an o odo frfre y bu a spir creamor capitalization, both doo vyy ll. we havave aspircreamam, each ha different activations. i g g it. thank you. yoput it right your critics. i'i'wiwith ouou not with them. you make momone forininveors, theyeyonon't van guerry,hattem, twoo thumbs up. haha to gethehe n-n-smly type. stay with me.
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aspercrcre. . we've got t stng ececony, peoplele bing, pututngng peopleo work. unfortrtunelely,china, urgeou listen to the a aoaoa cl. i'm jim cramer, sesee u u tomorrow. >>nenext up onkudlow,tocks versus fed flation. isis arica losing competititito cha and europepean? my favoriri investmtmenanank d i'll tell yoyou why. kudlow, up ne! one fourur sr r h.
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