tv Mad Money CNBC July 11, 2009 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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>> i jim amamer welcome too my woworl >> tyy are nutut they know nothinin theres a bull markett somewhere.e. "mad money."." you can't afford to o misst.t. t t fid up. it's cramemer. welcome e toadad mey. my jobobs s noto entertain, but totoducate. cacalle,e, 100-743-cnbc. what thehe hecisisrong with this mamark? i meanan, co o o what is wrong wi it? for four weeks n now, ththg good has tttted at all. nothing.g. you get mobibi u upgdes to the bank oh, people - -- > d't't b, don't buy. >>ou get health care refororm that doesn't get h heah h ca
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stocks.. the market says who o care >> don't buyuy. >> e en n thstocks have lost 25% d 50% of their value.. semimicondtotocompany after semiconductor cocoanany lking about betttter tn n pected rnrnin, like samsung did this s very week. takeket,t, pase? this semiconductoror cpapany reports ononononda upgraded not once butut tcece tay by two different firms. need hamm and barclaysys sndnds like a hotelel both of which are e sayi i is deliverered tstsid two differert t anysts couldn't gea a tter than expected quteteand the stock closed u up a lousy 22 c ctsts? should go o a a cple of smacks. how dodo y e expin this? sisilele. nobody cares.. thisis is bababall game with li 3 300 fans in it. i'i'm t kidding. itit's sense that has ererelmed the market. 's's sething beyond plain olol vanilla negativityty, i' g g to tell y you you can see it i irereacon to the huhuge gdmdm sachs call, totoda this morning, predictctg gogoldn sachs would return t t the 2008 highs.
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i didn't h heaa a so mention it sasaveor me. it's been negagaveve ohardware and sosoftwa f f the duration. bubutotodathey predict new hihis. nody cares? nobody -- comeme on! theoeotiticay, the bulls right now should have sosomeererio momon their side. th market has been hammerered relentlessly. i meananototal whipped. baback fm m e october lows. we havave a gegemount of gain. tttt to the point where ststoc with s safe vivinds make more sesensthan earning treasury.y. so much more sensese aththes lelslsf you hated the marketet, you hahave trereink the game plplan but bobo is rethinking anhing. in fact, it seems likeke peoe e don't realizize w w ha those mamaetets ve been hit.
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or aren't cogngnizanbobo how they have become. this is it.. ople don't even realizizhohow pessimistic ththey a.. u u ha to look where stocks are right now. evevenf we revisit the lowerernd of the market rarange,omomime this s sumr,r, cld go down to thdow 7700. but frankly, t tt't's t a lot of downside f frowhwherwe were at ththe ttom today. i have to believe the e opportunities right t hereigig now are e bennnninto seriously oueigh the risks. e e maet has been obliteratete and we're heading g to eninis season.. but it doesn't seem m keke my othehersgrgreer care. i i el like the market is s 20 memes der .500 and it's alalady out, right? don't matter. why put it on. hohow we reach these points where investors can'n't thered to respond to c cle positives or being t tptptedy low, low p priceofofo many ststoc.. i think wewee e be worn down.
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i thininwewe'vbeen worn down by two didiffert t ings. fit,t, t government. and d thenilil they're e wh's's kping everyone aphetic about stocks. e e gornment seems to propose e a tax a day to keep yourur prots away. and a regulation a aayay. and it's onene of ososmain reasons whwhy wee e en down for f forour straight weeks. sell, sell, sell. the federaral gornrnnt makes us l l fe like we should be investing in anotherer couryry hehey,ou know what i want to b invest? need i say more? ah, but anyway, yoyou kn i iay china is m mopngng t floor with us based on alcoa's s quteterl stop it ---- quaererest mates. anayayit makes me think we cod rally as much as 500 points if everyonenen n waington just w went wnwno rehoboth or bebethy beach for a couple o o weeks. veve se great sauce and stop coming on tv alreadydy.
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if the news medidia ululd ck out the e lslshok speaker -- did it again. e democratic speaker o oththe hohous n nan pelosi, it could be worth a couple hundreded pois s the dow, t too bye, buy, buy, b b.. thank you for madadam eaeakefor the good of f yourououry. or a at lett for the gooood o r portfoliosos then there's's o.. the mamark s see to think if oil going down -- >>elel sell, sell, sell -- >> then everything shohod d go down. hohodumb is that? strangled byby $7 7 oilast year. esesn'cheaper oil mean more money in the consumer'r's rkrket hohoabout more cost savingngs r the company that have e transportation on n asasti? n't you think that matteters? hohow cheaper oil bad? everyoneneeeeepsretending that the price of oil is s lelegimate
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barometer o t the world economi health evenhough it is niniputed up. so h h c cane be bother bid the decline when we knknowhehe o futures s e e ried. taking y your e e om the oil tutureis like taking your cucu from whether the y yanke o othe red sosox e e inirst place, dead heheat itit'sotally irrelevant to theh market. alough i prefer the stococ themselves. got meme jimmy rawlwlinwewe'lhear about inin t show. e e gornment squeezed the lifefe out of this pocket.. they have not just b bteteredown stocks.. they made it negativive d d apathetic we d d't't rlize how nenegati a a apathetic we are. hoholong will the markets s anwe last. i cacan'sesee it lastingmumu nger. eventually, wewe will start to reononto good news,s, itete of ining ld uuowown by twinn anchors, of f l l anthe federal govememe.
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ananchorawaw. the negagatityty pring out of wawashgton can't last in the face of good earningngs. and this for oil's linkakage a the markets asas ahohole ititon't be broken until i it' clear to everyononhohow illegitimate t the mkekehas been alall onong d saying, you know what, mea culpa. ifou can make yourself f fl l good about tech h and e e ct that t theanankshould blow away mbers, it's a good placece to buy. stks are cheap again. that's rigight it's's le e gog to century 21, the discount c cloining ore in new york w where g g this tie. plplacyou have to fight tooth h and nail to get anytythi d dect ofof the racks and find ththe enteterpri e ety. gh year-r-olr r li honey well. 4% yieldld. hand overr ft like ii am gngng for the e araritle trust. how about thisisnene? almart? juju $ $1. off of the 52-week w. if you t thi w we' going to have a akened economy for sometetime, how could you nonot llll t trigger r t thastock? i justst gothihireally cool kind ofiberglass frog for my y ckck yard for $37 at walmarart.
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that wasas ateteal how about t meme dot, the despot th f fes 4%. ii do it for my y chititab trus. technology stocks. amd back. sinana, der $10? sosorr that's too negative foro this guy. ththat the bottom line. the gogovemementnd oil have mumunid us against good newsws the immumunititionhould wear ofoff. going into e earnis s arting momond.. especially now that ththdodownde quantifieded. ththe rkets and we may not maka sense, but it's gigivi a a gd opportununy y touy stocks for less than you should h havtoto p nonow th w wve done down for four straighght wes s a place we hope e g go in the fall, chriris,n n okhoma, chris? >>alalr: boomer sooner boo-y-yah to you, jim! > i'mllllver the sooners and i i exct to be down there for r one of those -- everery l lete tell you something, chriris. evevy y scol has a rivalry. it l lika big weekend in oklahoma, sooners, evevery wkeke isis aigig wkend. a ahe. >> that's s righ well said.
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thfed has not been sayinin anything about the calalifninia budget crisisi >> r rig. . >> is this the w wayhehe f is tellinincacalirnia they need to spspd that stimulus money y they've gotten and is s it gngng to turn ininto c comdities and mamateals play? i got to tell you somometngng. i'm not worrrrd d abt californiaia. i i coider it political grgrdstanding. t kidding. i'm a buyer of calalororni general obliligati m micipal bobond ifif y c canet them at 6%. i'nonoworried. wever, i do have to enend e e segment even t tugugh was going toto go s sve in california. but candy juststhohoweup. sense of ennue hasas you has overwhelmed d e e maet. but i ththink 's'siving you an opoppounity to buy some stococ for less!
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>> those who misisd d yeerday's showow, i lklk about a amazing ll. someone yoyou kn a a respect. roron sana, cnbc contributoror he writes the "mararket veve' newsletttter it's must readadececau it dazzles. papa o of e where i'm chairman. i picked it t up. i saidid, ohmymyod. i i cat t beeve this call. ron ininsanas s lling all of the densive stocks and movinin into, are you readady? home builders, banks a a h hom builders' ininsurae.e.
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i kind of had fun n witht t st night and said, the e id o of selling the e ococksnd getting in tthth is too much for me. iiikeo dererfy portfolio. n insana is too great t nototo giveimimhe last word. welcome to r r i insa. cramer, thanks for hahangng m in the ring.g. >> home builders? is there a papererhahat ys is the hohome bldldg industry going g backveve >> that't's whi i ught them. > stee e hen is very fond of it at fac where i usededo o wo. i think, jimim, a aren a seculalar boomomn a lot of dierert areas after this crarash inhe stock market. banks, home buildersrs, inrere, ththeyere taken down levels s rch that were unbelievevab l low and essentiaially reresting utter collapse andndhahaos whicich dodon'think will happen. >> every day, we hear itit's n over, it's n notvever. it's happened.
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everybody is waitingng forhehe crash. had a crash. we had a housising reseson in the e la t twoears that's been brutal. i dodon'ththinit's over. if you look at tolle a and lnana and hovnanian, w wchch iwn, not one, except for r it. olle expecting to earn momoy y unl 2010 t thas a long time. buying back land at cheheaper prices after h havg g tan it off ofofheheiralance sheet. i think there's gogog g toe consolidatation. i owned centex b befe e i arted to wriri f and thth got taken out. we sold it at a profitit. i expect there's's gngng tbe that a aivivitin the sector as wewe. >> anothth t thi that you did, i hahaveo o te you, it was very, very contrary. you took a lot of f coananiethat i thinindodo wl in a very slow enronment, talking aboututomome of t the dgsgssome of the slower chs. ansaid that they have totoo o here. exaiaito people why they donon't fit. because a lot of peoeople owow that the e ecomymy inot strong. t ty want to be defensiveve. >> thehe pprpriery portfolio i have, i'm working wiwith ainine
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amount o of shsh. i have to mamake aececion. where dodo a allate. do i want to stay y fefense andd just enjoy t t yiyields hoping that eventually, the other stocks will become werful again. toto ccentrate my firepower, make micekek uonon l the lo-term bet. the babas s anhome builders are going to come ouout ofhihithing withth t n nextwo years and th'll be some multiple as s they are now. >>ot a trade. > n not a trade. >>neneloyment goes above 10%0%. do you change yoururinind? >> no. i expectctnenempyment to go as highgh a1111% ich it did in 19. okay, , c camout of that receioio you bought citibank in n 1981 you made a tonon omomone when you b bghght in 1991, prprincelalali did. you mamade1010 bion.
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in 20000 2 200 we had the same phphomenon take place. if t theananksre not going out of business, if they earar not being nationalaliz, , yohave to owowththem i think the e upsi i ithat much bierer tn playing in the defensive arenas. >hy is it -- do you thihink- let me ask youou t twoart questionon. i think that you s say- - i ink what y y s sayakes like a lot of sesee. y is it that all day w wn n i listened to our networork atat n one else i iwiwillg to stick eieir ck out and say that thth could happen. i knowow a l o opeople must lilievit. i i inink ey're afraid. >> i thihinkheherere different ros for different people.. i inink e anchors who are fulltime journalists canan't d it. >> we have the gueststalall y. the guests all d dayrere me cautious and would s sayhohow could you evev s selmicrosoft? i never r hed d anne say sell mimicroft in my life. >> the o only asas i sold it -- itit'she capital. >> but that's whatat -- atat what our guys s e e dog. ey know the drill. th c c't own every stock. ey have mutual funds. >> right, right -- i d don'tnono y y pele take the approach that they dodo. i tend to be far more e ntntraan as you welell kn.. whwhenatatesot 4%.
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buy zero coupon bonds. oil got to 73. sa it was way too high.. as you mentioned y yesteayay 1998. >> in 1919, i amam shakingndnd worried. n ceses up withhnformation, there coulde an emeenen meeting g tohahangthe market. i felt that yourr ll in thee newsletter was a wake-up calll guys like me who werere sangng things arere gd.d. i may not be b blilishnough of whwhat'sapapning in this cocouny. >> notot q queion of being buisis i don't ththinitit'she world diding it a ane-time experience andnd it's 5 billion yearsrs ay y wh the sun n amamesut. in between nowow a t the we're nonogogointo live long enough to have that experience.. if t t w wor is not coming to an d. ifif t economy is going to gror ain some day, these are e bargrgn n bament prices for brand name assets in two impopoanant areas of the econon they think you h havtoto o.
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>> hovnanian and hununtingn n bank. ve speculative. >>es. >> still okakay? we do speculative e ididay $1 and $3. those are the e on i in ur newsleleerer pple will take a otott. odod obad? >ovovnaan has a small market cap. they're a bibibubuilr. they're not insignificicant. if you look out t ov t theext couple of monthshs, coololation could be an n susue. i neeee to m mak a disclosure i gagave s speh earlier in the year. i met t the w w o. i liked d hi i've listen n okokinat the stocock, ie e en watching him. it a small cap stock, $1$1 billion market c cap. got to a price i i fd d attractive. i'm making a bet amongng theerer sml regionals, it's run n keke a commununity nknkut they're going tourn things around. >> r i iana, a cnbc ntntritor. he writes a a terricicust-read nelelett. market m merers. i have to tell yououomometng -- u u ha to challenge your ownwn thesis. i hope he challengngedouoursi owow hchallenged mine. great to see you..
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yoyou ululbuy 300 bobotts s ofater. or jusust ee brita filterer. ( drop plinks ) brita-a- better for the envirironntnt d your wallet. twtwo enencal rooms. so why does this o o cost so much less when fouour arar hels have unsold d omoms they usese hwiwire to fill them, so you get them atat pceces wer than a anythth travel site, guguarteteed
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lookoki i kn the action totodawawapretty miserable. boo! >> a a i i kw the market lost a t of sizzle. i i kn it's not really as mumu timeme towowstocks as it was a month or even two montnt a ago it makes it eaeasyo o rn on, tune in,n,ndnd dp out. this i is e e nd of market that makekes u u useous. and makes you u bld d opportununit nobecause you're too negegivive, but simply becauauseououtopped openings, you don't caca.. don't want to go t to e e bapapark that wouldlde e a g mistake, laladi a a gentlemen. ashe opportunities are t trere for thetataki.. as long asas y k kp your eyes enen. in fact, i saw t theegegning of whwhatououlde a big new
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speculative thememe s somhing that could gett sexyvevery fastn this far from sexyxy mkeke was writing yesterday'y's x x street journalal cyberblitz hits u.u.s.ororea y,y, tt's about an ongoing cyberattack. another r sty y inoday's street journal. firms ofoffesosoware to fight korean virus. e attack hitovoverent sites, and it went after t the nasdaq, call it close to homome. most of the titime s sry like th won't have a decent takeaway in terms of s stos s u can buy.y. this time, it's diffffenent. you have genuiui w walstreet pin actition because cyberattttac a are becoming a t tre i ireasing in th frequency and sophistication. there are now nation statetes sponsored cybererespnanagenits and d gaganid crime sponsored cycyrgangs.
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rgrgetg personal informationon this stuff is turnining toto b, big busisissss. i it calates, i think it uld reach a point wherere e e companies thatatrorote businesses a andovovnments from osose o attack could cause some serioiousrorobls. big, bigigbibig. the market loveses fs.s. lili i it not, it does. i wouldn't b bsusurpsed if not tololongevery company with thehe word cyber somewherere ithth descriptioion cocomesizzling. i don't think you shouldld b anything that t haa a cyr securitytyomompont for the sake i i but the trend isis wthth speculating g .. we like to specucula s sma and thatateaeansinding the best of eed players. the ones that work on momorehaha just the possibilili o of pe. even if thth b benit from that to i've gotot o.. and the name is ----
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arcsight. araright. symbololararst- a $16.22 with thmamaet cap of just under 00 million. this is a specululate e pruct. this is onone t theeading places for security y anevevt managemement the compmpanreremis me of in her heay, chloe from 24. arcsight s slsls ptforms for cycybe securitity,hihi helps enterprises s d d gornment agenciciesisisver and protect thselves from the seriouou cybertrthrtsts veveryexexy. d also going against intererna threats. foexample, you can tell l wh someone without organization is accessining ststem how w ouout sexy site too. thprpructs help businesses
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comply with regulatitis,s, especially loggigingatatfor complilian p purses. arc sisi?? i'm saying it's a a 1-pupuh. it protects against cybyb atcks, and ananalallo the clients to comply with sarbanes oxley anand heher government r rululatns. the cyber r sty y more fun and more interesting as wellll athth analalyswhwho eaks out the newsletter, the president oboba a isppointing a cycybeczcz. there's s a eded f this at state annational levels where foigigcyber spies are able t to access classisifi d datnot to mention e grid and the 800 recordsds f the virginia d deptmtmenof healthth a lot of c cza h her startingngo o fe a little like ssss. i ain'n't d dolin. the huhuubub srounding the cyberattacks couldldasasilcause the governmentnto o suort new
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regulation supuppoining companans s th are in the power grgr, water supply, air trtrafc control systememtoto rp up the cybeber enenng which would lead to major new businessesefofor arcsight. t they're logging compmput activity for r rululaty purposes and d heininthe clients make re they don't break ananrurule i like that. thatat mesesrcsight a play in vernment regulation, t tk k about a seselalar owth trend, sosomeininwe're sure to see with the e relalaon-happy democratic president and democratat congress. bobong stuff. bubuwhwhenhe government mandates more companieses kp p mo electronon r recds of the employerers'ctctivy and something like the e eleroroni medical records, where the fed is subsidizing docks whwhadadophim and those who pepenazeze tm, as they d d't't, csight adopts a technology keepingnghehe rord keeping happen, an makes a tonn of money doing it. rit t no i think ththnenew portunities that the companyny h o oboth the cocolain and security sidede i't kekenything we have seen
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before. let't's veveou some warnings re. miranda, this s isesesct to the stk.k. this is whatat l likto see with spect to the play. 's profitable, first o oalall, how much do wewe le e at. in thehe lt t quter, the rapid % clip. no debebt. $91 million in c casonon t balance e eeeet. $2.63 a share. introducing new prododuc.. has great tracaconon wh the governmementasas about to cough, exse me. trtryi to stop a sneeze just for the record. arcsight selellst t atforms for 0000 aece causing a mamainnanancfee every year ving the company a high recurring revenue. we like that too. 95% of the renewal ratatesrorom ththclclies from that revenue. right now,w, ts s ishe bad part, it chases 33 timeses enini which isis ia hefty valuation. but t atat us conservative rnings estimates and expececte to grorow rnrnin at 32%. same growth rara i is ltiple. i could see growth managagerpapa a good deal more w witthth one. yeah, you can pay up t to icic the growthth re.e. this i is onone-me growth rate. re's the bottom line for spspecative cybersecurity play
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with a big money off of regulation angle. i think arst -- arcsigights s d. t theomework this weekend. if y y p payp, i'll never foivivyou and you'll hate meme. stacy in idadahoststac >> callele b booah, jim, from the potato state. >> hey, man, i gotot ttete you somemethg.g. like mcdonalds. i get a a loofof patoes, mcnanald at this price. at's up? >> on tutuesy,y,mc announced the acisition of data domainin >> you bet it did. ququision will impact th ststocprice, and how will data domain's cusustorsrs and shsharololrs embrace this chge? >> k kw it would have moved d the needle bigtime.. i thinink c c goa decent price. think emc is going to markrk time on this. bubut will tell you this, stacy -- if g golanan shs is right with the call thahahahardre and
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softwarere a g goi to return to normal spending levels, , tenology budgets increase inin thsecond half, your $12.2. i is going to go to 1 15. i want you to hold o on i i t't's to judith in new yorkrk right now. judith?? boo-yah, jim. 's an honor to speak t tyoyou. >> samame y y, judith. wh's's oyour mind? >> caller: i wonder ifif y w wou give us an update onon t t th mid d baet? hold or tatakerorofi? >> n no,o.o. should have tatan n so profits up a at %.%. let the restst r.. i got to tell l u u sothing, i was s rkrkinon tech, amd, on secocondtor. ononelelast. these stocks have cocomeowown again. it is time to o gebaba in. >> b buybubuy,uy. >> the respect play y ofofof t ineaeang need for cyber curity. the homework. i think you'll l le e ar. arcsight.. i know, with headlinin l lik this, i want t to ararmaking sosomeononey
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coming u up,ththe ghtning rorod,d," amer takes call after call to give your stocock s s final judgmentnt can you keep up? do you boo-yayah? talk to cramemer onththe lightn round call 1-800-0-3-3-cn. you e anhihi about this wine. lili s sona valley... ahs no, my friend, these grapes areery...sierr. - foothills, ha. - idaho. with fieields he finest hops k known to n. harvested at jus thright moment,
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to produce the perfe balance of flavor... and refreshment. i'm m y, you guys were sayingng... uh budweisers allllround. ♪ dude, you feeling thhops? mr. . anans?his is janice from m onarar i have r recveved automatic signana you'veve bn n a front-end crash. . do y need help? yeah. i'll contactct emergen services and s stay wi you. you u okay? yeahah. onstar. ststandardor one year on 14 c chevy mods.
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>> it's te for "the lightning round." name t stock. buy bubuy, sell sell sell. put the stocks aheadad of tile 's friy. i don't caca. i am b back, i'migger than ever. play to hear this s out. and thlightning round is ovever. e you ready? skedaddy!! it's timime for "t lightning round. dave in minnnnesota. dave? >> c you hear me, joe?
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>> you sound better thanan ever. >ood. beautiful gopher stateteoo-yah to you, mr. crcramer. >> the gophers. the other guys, the babaers. i say, gophers, , c, badrs, no. ay. >> my stock k is mtf-- > oh, tesng. it's n never bn a go as long as ve been around. my buddies, , hewlett d packard ventedt. stay away.y. let's gogo with i'm going to mispnounce this. hedie new york. >> caller: i i so exted to talklk to yo >>hanks. >> calaller: mquestion is, i have 2,0,000 shas of igt. technicay, i haven't lost on them. but they werere up tover 40 and now th're down. should i hold on? >> why dyou have so much igt?? i got the las vegas vivisitati nuers from my friends and d colleague ananaccounnt.
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they arere not sing any pickup in gaming. so i need you to cutut that position in half s startinmonday mornrning. that stock i is not aning to the right dustry. ririard inalifornia. ririchard. > calle hello, jim! an unashedly royal member ofof your flock of cramerericans, boo-yah!h! >> g gat rocket ririchard, am likingng that. m liking that. let help. >> two things first,t,ove "m momoney." love jer 1." anlove the way you stoodod up to friedman aftererudlow shed him the e day bere. here's's my stoc ntatat net-ap. >> it's a winner. i wanted them to getet that domain. now don't know how they'rere saying independent.. the ququarter isetter than expect. the bubusinessf storied software en fuego. leme include them. want you to buy, buy, bubuy more stock.
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i love my friend andnd partner larrkudlow who's a gentlemem. hecreams a lot. let me tell you, o o camer is there a a more cil and nice geleman in this building?? no. thank you for thosose kind wds. dan in illinoiois, dan >> calr: cramer! st. louiuis cardins all-star game, o-yah! >>ands down, pujols is t the beststlayer baseball, boo-ya >> calr: i'm asking about insting some money in thth financiaial sect, specifically regions bank. >> oh, come on, man! yoyou're in sea of winners. you'rere where t all-star game is. you're wre the cardinals are.. you me with the two-bit nonsense theme? yoyou shou be ashamed of yoself. be in huntington bank.k. op theuzzer. i'm a roll here. huntington bank is a l lot bette taking anonoer. ignoring the buzuzzer. gog to frank in texas.
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frank? >>aller: hello, jim dandy,y, what's shaking?? >> kicking around fofor the weekend. my dad's birthdaday. going to s say hello what's goioi on? oh. >> thahat's good i i d homerk. i did a little homomework, i looks goododlike y said. but i i consided emr the best of eed in the electric momor section. >> y have horse sense. u are right. me - - you can describe it t to us. now in thehe emersonot to keep it. high yielders getting itit nice. pick up in orders s nice. nice count abobove. emerson, i have e admitt, nds down, it's better r an baldor. i'm taking one moror i'm disregardingng everythg and doing e more. i'going to ted in connececticut. ted? >> calleler: heyjim. what's going on, b b? >> n much, kicking a few around. how ababt you? >> caller: got y your bo, "real momoney" lovg it. >> youou are theest. now in perback.
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>> calr: how about sallie mae?e? >> s sallie ma-- let me tell you mething -- when i was awaway on vacation, onone of thr days of e yearhat i take vacation on, i saw sallie m mae go toen. and people were e e-mailg me, calling me, shshld i te it in sall mae. i did not call them m communis. i simplylyaid, n and now thatat the sck has pupulled bac i want you to pull the trigger again. i think sallie maeae is a wier. i thisis the pllies are wiwinners. i say, stickck with crer! the lightning rorod is sponsored by t td amerrade. >i'm taing about china. lo at that guy on the momoney there, huh?
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they are not on it thehe then i'd be happypy to real the whole bill orights in a second. stylish for me. "madoney" will be right backck. was this a aad ide this tie? same color as the shirt.t. i got it at t costco. i t this tie for $12.99. to me, it looks good. . >> boo-yah from the jersrsey shore, jim. >> where are you h hging o? which beacach? >> my beautiful wife o olga said she ran into you at t the ma. >> how w was? polite?? i try to be politete. i stroll the beacheses and vit the mamall. or le in costco where i got t this tie. >> b-yah to you, jim. om rich in westfield, massachusetts, notot new jery. i telyou something, westfield d at us swimming.
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the onin new jersey. you u didn'tave to bring it up. ruining my day, a perfrftly go day. t what was this guy? we builtlt, inde, a spice -- i thk it's time to swap ououof mccormick. >>♪ tell me what you wawant wha you u ally wt ♪ ♪ t toll te me what you want what you really y reallyant ♪ >>o i press my luck? at do you think? america, what do youou think ♪f you want to be my lovever >> go o ahead. america says go fofor it. ♪ frienendship ver end >> thas definitely a loser. ♪ if f u wanto be my lover >> manan, i'm a ller of mccormick. ♪ that's s the way is >ot on re. ♪ people the world >> that was some -- i have n ner seen it hold u up under at scrutitiny.
12:43 am
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12:46 am
more importantly, all thingngs philadelphia sportrts. particularly my y beveved gles and d rere iortantly the world ampion philadelphia phphileses. i've always s enen aan. even from whenen i w a aittle boy.y. i've alwlways enen believer that sporor, , te sports, can define pepeop in a positive way. when i notice my henl fund is running g at half a a blilion dollars, if y you didn't ayay tm sport, i iididn'hire you. didndn't mtetewhwhatchool you reent to, you weren't for r me. why? becaususe ococksowning stocks, likeke spos,s,s about mental tohness. itit'sbout never quitting, it't about persrsevananceit's about asas iay over and over and ovev again every night t onadad mey, stayinininin t game. oncece in fufu moon you get sosomee who represents both h e greatness and vavaluesf f orts, somemeonwhwho the living ememboment of what i'm talkingn about. soonone ose values of mental toughness and the dedesireo o succeed and d ner r gi up have eated a winning attitudede tha
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pervades a whohole tm m st what i was looking for at my y hedg fund. what's so exciting aboutut thi particular oncnce a a be moon player is that h he wes s e uniform of thehehihilalphia phillilies. for those of you whoho kw w baseball, i dodot t ev have to sasay hinana now. u know who i'm talking a about but t r r the who don't, i'm tatalkg abo jmymy rolins. all-star mvp shortststop f t t phils. rollins is the insnsrarati hihi the champs. he the man who makes it t happenen. the leader of the e te t thawent all ththwaway st year. somee e o happens to be hot asas a pistol right now o o o of e rereons the phils are breaeaki away from the e e easpack. u u ne them both to win in stocks as well as inin spos s which is whyhy i b briing him on adad mey." jimmy hahas a memegainst the rarate we were luckcky enghgho have a femiminus with him. hihis yle of play is the most t applicable to what i i tchch o the show f f a anylayer in the ga.. i can wait for m mdadad see the show, as w wbobothnow jimmy
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rollinins t theain reason we in philadelphphiaatat last, feeeele winners in theheigig ge of life. j.j.oll, welcome to "mad m mon". >> how are youou >> t talki a aut mental toughness, how nototo o gedown on youoursel there have beeeen memes your greaeacacare you have been. veveeen talking about stayayin in the game. can you give "mamamomone viewers yourur vieababt when you're down, when you had thrhreeouough weekininhe market, you stay inin thgame, keep your head up,p, continueue tsesee e opportununieies? >> you know whwhat, e e rst thing g yohahaveo is know ururse. you knowow, yopupuyourself in a sisituion because you believev in something. d d i'sure just like in the e market, , yoknknowwhen i'm out ththeronon t field every day th i is mething i chose to do.o. and i understand that ththere' gog g be days that the grasass is greener on the e heher de and ere's going to be daysys wn n the thunderstotos s co rolling inin. but no matter whatat, u u ha to stay f fususedn what the goal , , d that's finishing at t th top. and, you know, whehen yogegeto the totop ththougoing through
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thbottom first. you have to earn youour waupuphe mountainin. take thehe mps, the licks, keep y youeyeyes on t t p pri and you do that and u find your way to thehe t quite a bit. >> do you see e the raraels i see betweeeeininveing, which is a uguggame. j jushad three weeks. we just t d d the 0 for 28 weeks, if you knowowhahat m talking ababout. > inonow at you're talking about. >> w we sihehe, we say, you know at, turn it off. don't want to look at itit. i don't want to be in n e e ga. what do you say y t thaguy? >>ell, you do what you d d i memeani i puit this way -- ter those 0-28 streaks, , you have to step away anand nowowoy abt t at's going on. you do that, you're e ining ndnd yrself caught up in thehe everydayay bininesof trying to get it back in one dayay. trying to get t 30oiointin one swswg.g. it's imposossibl u u geone hit at a time. and whatever that hit isis wor, as l lonasas is going in a positive directition, u u ke it and d bud d onhat.
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you're going to gegetoto t point where e you t t e stands filled whereryoyou t the stands filled cause you get one hit t a y,y, two hits a d d a andou look forward to thahat g g bo. when you do, y you cchchhat rhythmhm, u u caride that wave r a long time. >>hahat j. roll is talking g abt is something i iee talked about on this show.. you've got to clear r urur hd. you have to be a abl to feel l e you're not going to be a lose ir every time y're at the plate. t t mo portantly, stop swinging for thehe fenceces. when y swing f forheenens you u lo l urur mey. i've g g a a l of people w w swswg,g, in the hotot sector,, put all oftheirhips out a the same time. anthat's you lose your ney. w w d you comerorossmad money.y. how did you know w whatwewe do >> well, tually, i was justt ipping through the channenels i watat my tv shows.. i like to keep uwith the politic, w whh t the money. particularly ownwnggtotos. i likee t know atat going on. atat aects every american ..
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i was happenening w wch a show and i i'mike who's thihisguy? hehe's g a a these h hor and rereamg and telling people what to do. and, you know, i i wasike w, is dude is crazy. i haven't seen anybodydy ke this. eveverody is quote, unqnquoteso professional wititththe ckets and ththe t ts. uuust out ttrere,ou kn,, just fliliining d whichever way g gs, it goes. itit'srerettattractive. that's the way t thi, u u know, inveororare today, especiallylyououngnes. we'rejujust out ththe,e, like, y ththistrtry that, , trththat and you kiki o of ve that fefeelinbubuouou'vgot the knowledge to tellll peoe e at not toto d >> onene thi i i say on the s s isis you've got to play dedefes and offense. a lot of people thihi the w w to make money is s riskt t all. i say you g got to own t the colgates and the proctor and gales. i regaga t theas your elding. you u can'juju win in th atat-b. jijiy, do you have anythining ask k about. >> you owowjim, i do. i ntnt t know abobo your time
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on the donald trump p owow. >> well, youou know,it's teresting you ask thatat. there's aa lot of people w feel at donald trumpisis a bitt a thatt he's oo ididef, that he is saw the charitabableononaltrump, the gogooddad, thee m man who makes el good even if you've bebe cow t t om the teteam i w the guy o'o' been gagard as inspirational. he got it. yeah, yeyeah you know, i'veet him a a couple ofof tes and 's's been nothing but great. i reree. i haven't seseenhehe fathehersi of him but he seemsms tbebe a rl good man. ybody that bringng y on a show a philly fan, a truee phily fan, m maneded work at t the v. yoyou us t twork at the vet. > rkrk for four years.
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