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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  July 22, 2009 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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lately the market is flying higher thanks to a host of second opinions, fed-induced cures, and yes, of course, chinese herb stimulus and excellent rehabs. more and more investors realize the plague has passed. what looked like one stop market like pan democratic were made of different sectors with their own and some weren't afflicted at all. every day more and more of those doctors in the market, the analysts and big money trigger pullers realize that many companies which had initially been diagnosed as being at death's door are, in fact, temporary disabled. or resident road to recovery. >> house of pleasure. >> or they were never really sick in the first place. and you better believe that can
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drive stocks higher, even as periodically the patient comes down with a fever, which is what happened in the last hour of trading as the dow dropped 35 points and the s&p almost broke even. although the spectacularly immune nasdaq keeps winning. 11 straight days now with a ten-point rally. longest streak in 13 years. 10% increase in a week's time. so what's this second correct opinion for this market? it's different for different sectors, so let's go through each patient's chart. i'll explain the true malady and the current prognosis that the market's going to accept. first, there were the severe diseased plays. the industrials, the transports, the retailers, the minerals, and the oils. in each of these cases we initially thought that business would never recover. and the stock should reflect the
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potential for bankruptcy, for ruin. they were all diagnosed with terminal illnesses or life-long debilitating conditions with no cure. that's how u.s. steel traded at $16. that's how northup got to 6. it's how dow chemical went to 5, and freeport went to 15. now the bankruptcy risk is off the table, and when that happens, of course, you catch double, even triples if these stocks. all those ones we mentioned, they all triple. instead of thinking they're incurable, we know when the economy gets better, these companies should get better, too. you have to look at these companies as victims not of a terminal disease but severe trauma, maybe multiple gunshot wounds.
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an injury that's severe but the doctors are no longer determining it life-threatening. the industrial patients are no longer in critical condition. they're going to survive. but they still have been hurt, so they're operating at about 50% of capacity. their stocks are down 50% from their highs. over time they could return to 80% of their precash conditions, though. 80% high, but the market's pretty good. i'm predicting a full recovery for many years of the ones that go through financial rehabilitation. that's a much more optimistic prognosis than where we were a few months ago. where we either thought these groups of stocks would never recover or else they were getting worse or perhaps even at death's door. then there were misses i think with the most incredible things. what i call the false diagnoses. the bow gus quarantining of the mostly disease-free tech stocks.
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the tech stocks were barely afflicted by the contagious, even though they were delayered quite ill. thanks to a resurgence in tech spending most notably in asia and the mobile internet trend, it's looking like the techs never should have been admitted to the hospital in the first place. they were never sick. they were bulks up the whole time. endless and repeating cramer fave apple which threw away the numbers last night, intel, and san disk last week's speculative pick way up. these are the best examples, but anything that goes into the mobile internet networks that make up the backbone are also in especially good health. let's call tech a robust 98.6. next there's the hard-to-diagnose patients. they came down with an american flu but found the cure in asia. the problem with natural resource names is they were
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pumped up on steroids by hedge fund that is speculated in commodities last year, and now they're juiced almost entirely by chinese buying. for those reasons we can't really tell how cheap they are. the oils, hard to tell what they're really worth. i go by dividends. about 4%, i like them. they're very cheap because we're using less crude and aren't finding more of it. now that they're off steroids they're flabby, an outof shape group except for those taking chinese red bull. obviously, other stocks are in critical condition, or really do have diseases that only a few are able to beat and still come out whole. among the banks, only goldman sachs and jpmorgan. both stocks are in my charitable trust seem like they will be restored to 100% health, even though that won't happen for some time. others are permanently
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debilitat debilitated, comerica, suntrust, even though it was up, and, of course, citigroup. others are day to day, bank of america, all of these banks are priced exactly for the conditions. we don't have cures for them yet, and their immune systems are still weakened. dr. geithner and bernanke tell us not to worry. tell that to shareholders. there's one final class of stocks out there. these are the ones poisoned. i know this sounds self-inflicted but it's true by the u.s. government. not by the economy. and these stocks seem to get stronger as president obama and speaker pelosi's positions are weaker. her false from grace serves as antidote for big pharma. wellpoint, medco, express scripts, when obama's poll
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numbers stink, the buyers are more willing to pay up to the earnings of stocks kept down by the entire agenda. the victims of cap and trade. card check, health care reform. that's where we are right now. when you consider that every company had seemed to be teetering on the brink of life and death, it's no wonder their stocks go up repeatedly once we get the earnings reports to show they're far healthier than the original diagnosis suggested. more and more companies are discharged from the hospital every single day. as we recognize the prices on these stocks still in many cases reflect an illness far more severe than what they actually have. that revelation plus the false diagnosis of the tech stocks propel us higher and higher. here's the bottom line. the vast majority of patients continue to make recoveries from the miraculous, like apple, to the healthy, like goldman, to
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the soon-to-be discharged like caterpillar, like eaton, like the transports, like federalexpress. to those that seem to go in and out of the hospital, the retailers, the restaurants, some of the health care stocks. to the chronically ill, the banks and home builders, also kudos to them. they're day-to-day patients where we remain hopeful in spite of high temperatures, coughing fits some with blood and heavily damaged immune systems. as one investor after another realized it has run its course, we spiral higher over time just as we spiral downward after lehman's plague went airborne. let's go to steve in my home state of pennsylvania. >> caller: boo-yah. >> right around the corner from toll brothers. what's going on? >> caller: what's going on?
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what's going to set the table for the market to go higher if the economic indicators continue to be weak now that second quarter earnings are coming to an end? >> it is amazing, steve, what the calendar will do. i know this always sounds probably almost too good to be true for individual investors, but when you're a big institutional investor, what you do is talk about anniversarying better numbers. last year we had horrible numbers in september and october because of lehman brothers, aig, freddie mac, fannie mae. they'll be better than last year, the macco numbers, the gross domestic product numbers. that causes all these stocks to go higher than they are. what people are doing is jumping the gun and getting ahead of what will be excellent data in the fall. greg in arizona. greg. >> caller: boo-yah, jim. >> boo-yah, chief.
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>> caller: most companies are reporting meeting expectations but missed the top line revenue. this means to cut jobs. who is left to fill the top line after they cut all these people? >> you know what? i think the top line is actually falsely deflated. a lot of the companies that i follow like coca-cola, when the dollar got weaker and i'm forecasting a weaker dollar, we might have shown you fantastic top line growth. i put caterpillar in that same group. why do we think that now that inventories are depleted we won't get sales higher. i look at tech at beacon of what can happen, obviously aided by this internet mobile thesis. we did not have strong sales in tech in q4 of last year. we didn't in q1. everyone thought it was ridiculously overvalued. look at it now. the revenues have come back for every tech company i follow. the top line has been excellent
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in tech, and the bottom line better. nate in ohio. nate. >> caller: yeah. my baby vincent is crying boo-yah to you, jim. >> interesting midwest boo-yah. >> caller: freeport announced the re demp shun of senior notes due in 2014. because the interest rate is low and not due for five more years, are they wise to do this, or making a mistake? >> no. who am i to contradict ackerson, although he may pay a high price. this man is very balance sheet oriented. he's the ceo. let's understand. he cut the dividend when the stock was at 17. you have since caught more than a triple from when he caught the dividend. i think he does a lot of things right for shareholders and makes it so the debt is not great. basically i'm telling you scf is a terrific, terrific company i've recommended for a long time, and ackerson is the reason. he's a conservative man in a
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wildcatter's business. think of this market in terms of medicine, in terms of prognosis, because people are giving many of the patients a second opinion and i think most patients are recovering, perhaps permanently, from their illnesses. "mad money" will be right back. coming up, the reform on president obama's summer agenda. cramer's on patrol for a stock that could be wired for success. plus, toxic etf still poison the market, but is change in the air? cramer gives you a sign of hope on the eureka moment. and later the wizard of wall street kicks it into high gear to give your stocks their final judgment on "the lightning round." all coming up on "mad money." [ queen ] want your longwear to give you more?
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well, get on out of that department store. and into covergirl outlast. no department store longwear gives you so many different ways to last through breakfast lunch and dinner. more choices, more shades, more outlast. ♪ covergirl diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating. that's me! can i tell you what a difference phillips' colon health has made? it's the probiotics. the good bacteria. that gets your colon back in balance. i'm good to go! phillips' colon health.
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by now you're used to hearing about all the negative aspects of president obama's agenda and pelosi's agenda that could, of course, lose you money, but i have found something, i have found a stock that should actually benefit from what the democrats in washington are planning. i keep searching. now and then it's kind of like just a hidden golden nugget. how's that for a change of pace? "mad money" exclusive. stop trading. nancy pelosi could drive a stock higher. i found one! i'm talking about western union. wu for all you home gamers. the number one company in the money transfer business.
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and a play on something that i think is about to explode. increased immigration. and, of course, an economic recovery. i have to like this stock now given that obama said he wants to make immigration reform a priority. saw that in yesterday's "times." how do i make money? western union. this week the congressional democrats want to introduce comprehensive immigration legislation by the end of the summer, it would offer a legal path to citizenship for the estimated 12 million illegals now living in the united states, none dare call it a amnesty. that would be a real boost for western union. i don't think you can wait for congress to start debating it. i wouldn't wait for the bill to pass. you need to get in the stock ahead of it. plus, as the economy rebounds and the remit answer market grows again, you can bet this company will be a huge winner. remember, obama wants to make hiring illegals a civil penalty.
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no more of those big elliott necessary-style george w. bush crime busts at the scene of the factory. you better believe that lots of companies wouldn't mind to pay the fines if they could hire cheap illegals. this is a major change that i think floods america with illegal immigrants looking for work, and sending ton of remittances to their families. that's big business for western union and a big reversal of what happened since bush was raiding the places and the factoriefact. i'm making no political judgments about immigration, i'm telling you what i think will happen. western union reported a decent quarter yesterday, earnings comes in and not enough to keep the stock from getting dinged for 3% decline. i think the reaction was stupid. the money transfer business is normally a hostage to the slings and arrows of it. it does better in a strong economy than a weak one, because when times are good, they have
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more money to wire back home. when unemployment is low, more immigrants come to the u.s. the fact western union reaffirmed its 2009 guidance despite the weakness in the economy, i found that encouraging. a lot of companies are cutting guys. the businesses get better with i stronger economy and weaker immigration enforcement. something obama does not even need the permission from congress to even do. weakened enforcement. the possibility of immigration reform with some kind of non-amnesty -- that's called non-amnesty for illegal immigrants and big for western union. during the quarter they had $16 billion in consumer remittances down 8%. we shut down immigration in this country. but it's really down 1% constant currency adjusted, and transactions increased by 3%. it is a global company. you think this business would be in for a real mauling, but once immigrants are here sending remittances home isn't
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discretionary. i call it a necessity. even if they send less money, most of western union's customers have a pressing need to send money home to provide for families. don't forget there's another reason why people come here from latin america, not job-oriented. mexico is in the "new york times" has turned violent. how about the coup in honduras? immigration isn't just about jobs anymore. i think it's about safety, too, which is why i don't worry that western union will suffer if we have a jobless recovery. we know companies are firing people left and right, trying to cut costs to boost earnings. what better way to cut costs again making no political judgment than to replace american workers with immigrants willing to accept lower pay? i don't like how it sounds. you don't like how it sounds, but the logic of capitalism, so get used to it, not to mention trying to profit from it. how about this recovery angle? yesterday the ceo seemed to
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throw cold water on any bullish thesis. i like that. lowers the bar. as you read many reports people feel like the worst has happened or coming to a turn, but i'm not sure. that's the ceo's quote. not encouraging. i've been in the game for 30 years. this is precisely the right moment in the cycle to buy a stock like western union. i do not need the ceo to tell me to buy it. the stock market forecast is out six moss, and while the rest of 2009 is not so hot, the world bank is forecasting an increase in global remittances in 2010. that's western union. also, when economies around the world start to recover, wu will be in much better shape than it was going into the slowdown. why? moneygram, its cheap competitor pretty much imploded a year ago. that allowed western union to expand its distribution, extend its brand to new customers all over the globe and online without having to worry about the big competition. again, competition to real
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capitalism. companies got 1.8 billion on hand giving it the flexibility muscle to keep investing. you have u.s. bancorp, good number today for them. while the western union's results in mexico this quarter were dismal and mexico is in a severe, severe recession, i think it will be more than balanced out by western union's recent very big expansion in china. the world's second largest remittance received market. right now the asian-pacific region accounts for 8% of western union's revenue. i don't think for long, though, as the company saw 19% transaction growth in this region in the past quarter alone. we know that chinese communists are the engine of the floebl recovery, and so does western union as it tries to take share in china by implementing a localized focus. this company is really well-run. here's the bottom line. when you hear pelosi or president obama talk about immigration reform, don't think
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political. think buy western union. the uncontested king of the remittance market that's also a terrific play on a global economic rebound. harvey in oregon. harvey. boo-y boo-yah. >> caller: boo-yah. boo-yah to you, jim. >> i'm liking that. you're kind of an oregon poet. >> caller: yes, i'm a poet, i'm a writer, stock market investor for 350 years. >> every one of those i approve of. >> caller: my question on housing. with obama's new immigration policy and the fact that, well, we had a little jump up today, are you still down on housing shares? >> yeah. i've been having a debate on he's been taking shots at me, ron, because he came with ms. market movers blogs, and i dissed him. he went like this home builder and i went like this home
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builder. i'm on shaky ground. you're absolutely right, harvey. the untold story about the housing decline was the end of immigration. you're get house price appreciation. cramer is going to be leflt being too negative, and it's a long time since someone has called me too negative on the housing situation. how about shary in california. shary. shary. >> caller: yes. >> you're up. >> caller: hey. >> hey. >> caller: big boo-yah from sunny california. >> holy cow. i'll give you an sc booyah! >> i'm interested as an r.n. on this health care legislation obama is trying to pass, as i think health care is a right and not a privilege. i got some tenet health care less than a month ago up 31%. i was wondering if it's a good time to continue to pick them up, if it will be benefits from obama's legislation if it
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passes, with my fingers crossed, or if it will benefit if it doesn't pass? >> i actually want to take profits in it. bulls make money and bears make money and hogs get slaughtered. you're up 31% in a company not well run that's a play on obama's agenda. what happens after obama speaks and the congress says no. stick with california. go to mel in california. mel. mel. >> caller: yo. >> hey. >> caller: yes. >> you're up. hey, mel, it's jim. >> caller: hey, jim. >> mel. >> caller: hey, jim. question for you. >> mel is like that alice's restaurant thing. >> caller: am i on, jim? >> yeah. >> caller: does pay pal make ebay the best online retailer,
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or would amazon be better. >> amazon bought zappos. holy cow. that's zappos. it gets the uggs there. ebay reported a monster good quarter. i've bought the heck out of it for my charitable trust. i see skype getting better and margins better and i see the gross market value of all goods actually going down less. i think you got horse sense, but why? why would i ever limit it to ebay when i like ebay and i like amazon? i like them both. it's a twofer. bill in new jersey. my home state. bill. >> caller: how are you? >> not bad. how about you? >> caller: i'm doing good. a local jersey boo-yah. >> going to the shore this weekend. boo-yah. >> caller: got a question for
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you. with all the fraud these days and money transfers online by western union, i'm curious what you think about verisign and does it tie into your popular view of the smart phone and notebook explosion? >> i'm not a big fan of verisign. it's a played out story. it reminds me of the out dot com days. i would welcome the company coming on air and telling me why i am wrong and giving me a better idea about how that business is doing. we have a lot of earnings going fast and furious today. we got someone calling about ebay. western union reported yesterday and i think the stock was unfairly punished. you want an immigration play, if you think like i do, we'll open the floodgates turning it from criminal into civil, you buy, buy, buy western union. after the break i'll try to make even more money. coming up, toxic etfs still
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poison the market, but is change in the air? cramer gives you a sign of the hope on the horizon with the eureka moment. plus, the time has come for cramer to guide you through the market's ups and downs, stock after stock on the lightning round. later, jim's teaching you how to stay afloat sector by sector analysis to try to keep your head above water on an all new "am i diversified," all coming up on "mad money." she wants to make up.
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on this show we've been on a jihad against leveraged etfs, the kind that let you buy or short an index with double or even triple the firepower. like the ultimate etf of mass destruction! the ultrashort financial pro
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shares are skf. it's in so much damage that bank stocks and cost taxpayers billions of dollars back in the heat of the crisis. i've been advocating that the s.e.c. that doesn't understand how these work should ban these etfs, because they simply don't do what most people believe they do. they have to rebalance every day, they only work for day traders. what do we need that for? give day traders triple the power to knock the stock down? if you hold them for a longer period than that, your performance is different from what the retail investor expects. let's take the skf, which is supposed to let you short the banks with double the firepower. do you know that you lost money if you held on for all of 2008? even though we know the bank stocks got crushed you lost money because of daily rebalancing that causes volatility. these things didn't work for you. these leveraged etfs is a terrible way to hedge, because the long-term performance has
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more to do with volatility and nothing to do with the underlying index. i have railed and railed and railed about why these prushgts have to be banned as they are incredibly harmful to ordinary investors who don't understand the real way leveraged etfs work. so far the regularities did nothing meaningful, but one excellent brokerage house, edwards jones and company. that's the unimaginable. it took a stand to protect you, to protect its clients, can you believe that? by deeming these etfs not suitable for their own clients and they decided to no longer sell the darn things. made the responsible decision to drop these leveraged etfs, even as it will hurt their commission's business and hurt their bottom line. these are incredibly actively
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traded. if only every company in the financial services business had to level of integrity, edwards jones and company should be the fond model for all the other firms. instead it's the exception in a world where all these companies care about commission. this is a total eureka moment i believe. everybody in the industry should follow in the example of edward jones. on this show i've been focused on making regular investors like you aware of the dangers inherent in these products. from now on i'm going to encourage every brokerage house to adopt the edwards jones position and protect clients from these. selling these pumped-up steroid-infused etfs to investors who intend -- people don't intend to hold them for longer than a day. if you do, you don't do well. this is like a pharmacist selling medicine that makes you sicker. luckily, we have the fda to
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regulate medicine. if we didn't, you'd probably stop shopping at the bad pharmacy and take your business to one that refused to sell harmful products. maybe investors should do the same. take their investments to firms with a sense of responsibility that don't sell leveraged etfs that are designed to blow up in your face if you don't understand the true purpose. most people don't. shame on the s.e.c. bravo to edwards jones. i hope other financial services firms follow in its footsteps. if they don't, all you investors should take your business to firms that i think are looking out better for your interests. i'll tell you, this is a great trend. let's keep it up. stay with cramer. coming up, the madness goes nationwide. >> a big buffalo boo-yah. >> boo-yah in the scorching deserts of west texas. >> jim takes calls from all across cramerica. >> boo-yah from st. louis. >> 110-degree boo-yah from phoenix, arizona.
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>> boo-yah from seattle. >> in an all-new quick hire "lightning round." whether the dow soars or hits the floor, we try to keep you on steady ground with "am i diversified" all coming up on "mad money." [ queen ] want your longwear to give you more? well, get on out of that department store. and into covergirl outlast. no department store longwear gives you so many different ways to last through breakfast lunch and dinner. more choices, more shades, more outlast. ♪ covergirl
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i've been hangin' up there for, what, like, forty years? and then - wham - here i am smacking the pretty off that windshield of yours. oh, what you're looking for an apology? well, toss another coin in the wishing well, pal. it's not happenin'. limb: hey, what's up, donnie? how you been? anncr: accidents are bad.
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it is time, it is time for the "lightning round on the on the request "mad money." that's rapid fire calls. you say the name of a stock. to be clear i do not know the callers or stock questions ahead of time. my staff prepares graphics on the fly. then the lightning round is over. are you ready skeet daddy? it's time for the "lightning round" on cramer's "mad money." avery in maryland. >> caller: hello, jim. boo-yah. >> boo-yah, avery. ravens boo-yah. >> caller: land of the washington capitals. >> oriole boo-yah. >> caller: right, right. i want to give you a compliment.
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i really enjoy your show. >> thank you. >> caller: a lot like "wall street week." >> he was great. you know, we -- drew kaiser got me involved. i watched that show on friday night and said i can figure this out with the help of this man. the baltimore sun wrote an article that called me obnoxious. can't you get meaner than that? obnoxious? what's the stock? >> caller: the stock is your favorite, one of your favorites, first merit. >> listen, here, you have to give the spoils to the victors and first merit is one of them. they've done everything right. it's time to take some of these community banks that are in trouble we keep reading about and eureka. sell them to the good guys like first maryland like fulton and glacier and peoples united. that's a good list. okay. how about bill in michigan. bill.
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>> caller: a big up north michigan boo-yah to you from glenn arbor and traverse city. you're missing the most wonderful place to play golf, jim. >> i'll take up the game and be there in a flash. >> caller: our stock is ism health inc and symbol is rx. >> i've know this company. i've owned this stock in 1983. but i got to tell you something, if you get into the health care intelligence business, i am going to send you once again to m mdrx. it's a huge win for us and continues to be a winner. it's a great pelosi immunizer. why do i foek on pelosi? i don't know. how about mike in hawaii. mike. >> caller: a big aloha boo-yah from maui, jim.
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>> what's up? >> cde, i've been buying it since april, and on any pull backs i'm picking up an additional position. i got a little concerned -- >> it's a long term loser which is why i don't care for it. it's been on a rampage. come on! come on! i happen to think that -- look, i have to tell you i'd rather own silver bullion. i like bullion. i don't like the stocks. let's go to susan in connecticut. susan. >> caller: hi, jim. i'm a first-time caller. >> oh, thank you. >> caller: i'm interested in investing in metals, and what tu like for metals and do you like alcoa aluminum? >> no. alcoa is too poorly run. i don't like them at all. i like freeport.
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i think ackerson does a good job in scx. i like bh peel company. they say everything that's good is all about china. let's wait until the mineral stocks come down. tina in mississippi. tina. >> caller: boo-yah from mississippi. >> that's where boo-yah is from, so we have to respect it. >> caller: okay, great. cvx, chevron. >> now you're talking. here's a company that announced that -- preannounced what everyone thought was a really big quarter. the stock goes down to 61, 62. i immediately pull the trigger and say you have to buy this for now with the futures ahead of us wet get a 4% yield. buy chevron to the power of 9, and the "lightning round" is on over.
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fair, straight-forward pricing. that's what td ameritrade stands for. think about it. why pay investing fees you shouldn't have to? or account fees that aren't clear? like inactivity fees? or maintenance fees? it's not right. and you know it. and the thing is, the other investment firms know it. but they do it anyway. and that's just not fair or straight-forward. td ameritrade. independence is the spirit that drives america's most successful investors. has the fastest hands boxing has ever seen. so i've come to this ring to see who's faster... on the internet.
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i switched to a complete multivitamin with more. only one a day men's 50+ advantage... has gingko for memory and concentration. plus support for heart health. that's a great call. one a day men's.
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when i tell you to own a stock, it doesn't mean to throw all your eggs in one basket. even if you're almost positive it goes up, nasdaq up ten straight days, that's great. remember what happened in 2001? we diversify here. only free lunch. that's why we play am i diversified every wednesday. this is where you call me and tell me your top five holdings and i tell you whether it's diversified enough. this is about eggs in one basket. that is about the actual stocks not the qualitative judgment on the companies but whether you have too many in one sector. let's start with teri in wisconsin. terry. >> caller: boo-yah mr. cramer. terry from the badger state. >> good to have you. >> caller: am i diversified?
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i have american capital, agency corporation, agnc, bank of america, bac, general maritime corporation, gmr, china unicom, chu, lynn energy, linn and i want to thank you for teaching and entertaining us. >> thank you. that's what i'm trying to do, teach and entertain. if i recommend stocks, i try to put them in a context of why you should buy. this is a very difficult one for me. first of all, michael said they were hedging up to 2012 for natural gas. we like that natural gas place. really dwood yield. general maritime, good yield. stick with that for a second. american capital, china unicom, they have the apple contract in china. that's why i buy it. it's a huge position of mine for
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my charitable trust. american capital is a real estate investment trust and bank of america is also unfortunately -- while it's a bank but a real estate play. i think that's too much in real estate, and i'm a bull and think that real estate has stabilized. i want american capital, so bring in a health care couple since obama is infect wall in destroying the health care industry. let's go to jn johnny in south carolina. >> caller: south carolina boo-yah, jim. i have cisco foods, ebay, google, merck and disney. >> cisco foods, ebay, google, merck and disney. another one that's very tough. i'll explain why in a second. merck had a good quarter. we love fred hassen. we have to give him a hand. he sold schering-plough to merck. he made everyone very rich.
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disney, we know we like bob ayers. it's a remarkably resilient company. cisco, a lot of people think of sysco. i don't think they're having -- they've not done well here but have a doesn't yield. we have google and ebay? they are two online companies and trade together, even though one is a merchant and one is really kind of an all-together advertising company. ebay a better than expected quarter. i think we need to make a change. i feel we should exit google now that ebay is on the upswing, and maybe we bring in how about we bring in a -- i don't want to do tech. i want to do -- we've got some health care. i think we should bring in a financial. i think we should bring in goldman sachs or jpmorgan. i think those would be better. let's go to michael in new jersey. michael. >> hey, you're up. >> caller: cramer, boo-yah from new jersey! >> stuttering boo-yah from the
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garden state. go ahead. >> caller: the tickers are cie. >> titanium metal. >> caller: hfan, pze, pds, and ote. am i diversified? >> no. we have to give people more information than that. when we speak of ote, we're speaking of the greek telephone company. when we speak of pds, we're talking about precision drilling trust. it's an oil drilling company. pz is also controversial. we're talking about pet ra bar energy from argentina. a lot of people confuse these. let's start with -- here's the greek telephone company, so we have a telco. that's five. hunting to know, i think it
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hangs if like a champ. here we go. this is ote. that's the greek telco company. this is titanium metals. be very much because allegheny tech has a bad number today. we have an oil driller and we have an oil company. uh-oh. too much oil. let's throw out the energiy and pick up a health care company and feel better. i thank all of our participants today on "am i diversified?" this is humiliating. stand still so we can get an accurate reading. pounds and a smidge. a smidge? y'know, there's really no need to weigh packages under 70 pounds. with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service, if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. cool. you know this scale is off by a good 7, 8 pounds. maybe five.
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priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship.
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western un look union looks real good. i'm jim cramer, see you tomorrow! she wants to make up.
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lots of action after the bell, and then let's trade it. right now we watch shares of an auction site ebay trading higher after reporting better than expected results. we have the latest. jim. >> it's better business than a year ago. nonetheless this is a lot less bad news than wall street was anticipating. 37 cents beats the street by a penny on better than expected revenue. looking at the metrics here, payments, the home of pay pahl up 11%. the street was looking for a 7% gain. market place revenue, stub hub
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and all of the other retailers down 14% but the street was expecting a decline of 18%. then look at the pay pal unit, payments up 25% against the 13% expectation and also guidance is pretty good for these guys, too. citi's mark ma haney says this might indicate this is a trough quarter, that business might be slowing but at least it's bottoming and that could be good news for investors. ebay shares closed the day today at their year-to-date high. we're building on that momentum right now. the real question now is whether this company has come up with some way to compete with amazon which as you heard earlier just acquired zappos. different ways of approaching the online marketplace, but ebay might actually be not necessarily out of the woods but certaining feeling its way. >> the fact there is concern on the street about e-bay getting squeezed at the top by amazon and also at the bottom by craigslist, that's not off the table with this report? >> no, i don't think so. i think this goes a long way towards sort of soothing investors who are worried that e-bay was going to continue to decline and basically sp


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