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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  August 5, 2009 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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cramerican to english wall street dictionary. it also doubles as the passport and the everything. the kraumerican constitution. when this spell recovery. over the last few day, we've all been grappling not with the fact that there is a recovery going on but with what kind of recover by we are having. what it will look like. each letter represents a different picture of the economic rebound that we're going to have. and the market hasn't yet settled on which one is right. there are big differences and that is causing the weakness. for instance, are we having a recovery that simply is flat after the horrific dreaded downturn? that is the -- they're clever tonight. that's the l. see? we had a downturn. and then we flat lined.
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that's not the perceived wisdom. almost everyone is more bullish than the idea that we're just flat lining. they think gdp will go up. we're looking at the cash for clunkers which is not the same as cash for camels. the that next letter, much more positive. that's the u. if the turn is u-shaped, we're looking at a gentle, soft recovery. gentle. perhaps soothing. perhaps the music recovery. it is not kenny g. maybe kenny u. in this scenario, we're the market gently come back and the economy just kind of takes off just like, very smooth little. we're in the bottom of the curve. we're rate here. okay? what happened? this is headed to the right.
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see right here is where we would be in the recovery. it is 5:00. if you looked at it like a brent clock. and since broken clocks are right twice a day, has the hard one to refute. the bulls who never thought we would have a recovery in the first place, have embraced the letter v as their totem. a v-shaped recovery. one where we bounce back quickly. we went down, gdp down, boom, up three, four. this is we bounce back quickly as we collapse. meaning no this is where we sell 16 million autos, two million homes will be sold. our gross domestic product will go to a clip and the tooth fairy will be delivered hundays unyour pillow. an ipod in every house hole and a chicken in every pot. then the w recovery.
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this is the letter of the true visionaries. the people who not only see a v recovery, we're having that right now. get this. that's the v recovery. massive stimulus being flooded into the market. but with their incredible foresight up in the air of junior birdman, they see a downturn when this spigot is turn off. bernanke north africa raises rates or worse, gets canned. fortunately in the w scenario. another v follows. making everything better and sweeping in. this could be a yani thing. you may not like the idea but you have to appreciate the magnificence of the w. supermen who aren't hobble by kryptonite, led alone labor department numbers, then there is the m crowd. a handful of gloom and doomsters prorks if he issors who teach at
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nyu, who see us bouncing right from here, okay? and then headed down again. and then up again and then down again harder. budget our bust and -- bust our bug and raise taxes. this is the ultimate m downer. it says nothing we do works. it is a 1932 scenario that needs a word at the right of the letter to get it going. war? not my department. what letter am i? you know what? it doesn't matter. i don't go by this letter nonsense. we need to adiversified portfolio that is good for all letters. even the letter m. my portfolio encapsulates all of luvmw. futz we're in the l word territory, that's the flat line after we come down, or you were given a gift from proctor and gamble andch brought down pepsi. along with it, pep got some great bottling deal that could
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add to next year's earning. the focus will no longer be when g or gatorade. it will be on bottling and snacks as it always should have. the tenacious pursuit of the bottler by pepsi's district ceo should be rewarded. if we're flat like the l says, my travel trust owns it. i'm going for natural gas. in that case we go up slowly and making money slowly. it wasn't that bad a quarter. to devin. dvn. explosive quarter today. just one of the best i've ever seen. monster. how about v? that is the cyclical heaven everyone wants to southeasterly i prefer emerson. support a good quarter, not a great one. gave you that real downbeat outlook. it sounds like u-pod. under promise and overdeliver.
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it made me plunge some cash down for my charitable trust. emerson paying to sit on your did you have. i'm glued to new korp. no one can make money when it turns like the friend of the show dan. cash for clunkers plus the right models, makes it a dynamite place to play. i still prefer the preferred to the common stock. how about a w? i skipped over the m for a second. that's hard. who can navigate through this mess? let's take the v now. when we get to the top, you know what? we'll address it then. the m, the disaster scenario, a bit of the japan. as you know, i don't believe in either scenario but i also believe that i am fallible and we are fallible and that arrogance is a sin when it come to investing. as i explained in the first gospel according to, well, me. 538 copies sold last week. i don't careful jim cramer's
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real money. so i would buy gold. going higher when everything else is imploding. you can buy gld, or cramer 5 gold miner, thank you. or ran gold, off a little today. doing some internationals. the other is to go overseas with love and dividends. and buy one of my foreign regions docs. even those coming up after the break. or sig and cpfl or tran canada to round out the ugly american avoidance theory or to avoid pelosi's dictatorship. also known in washington as the ppd. the bottom line, i don't pretend to know the letter that awaits us. i can't say if it will be the l. i can't say it will be the u, the v, the m or the w. but i do know what those letters truly spell. they spell diversification. the only spelling bee winner
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you'll ever need to know in the land of cramerica. >> caller: first time long time thing. >> love. that. >> caller: with the government beginning to send, what is your take on the marine construction sector? more specifically, great lakes. >>? ant with a to down on it. i think it is a mosaic of ways to pay state and local workers and have a little stimulus on the side. so i would not buy them on the case of stimulus. and the dredging, no, no. that's too what i call aten waited. don't have a catalyst for that. let's to go steve in pennsylvania. >> caller: boo ya! >> what's up? >> caller: i got a great question for you. what is the magic number fortune employment rate in relation to the markets?
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if we were to hit 10% and obama extends unemployment benefits which will increase the rate because people will get on the rolls again, will the market sell off? or shrug it off and go hi, hi, higher? >> i have to tell you, i have to admit, for one particular moment there, when i heard magic number, you know i was thinking about how we lock up the division. but you know what? it is probably still too soon with 52 game left in the year. i think that north of 10%, we begin to fraek out. you start getting people really scared. they'll do sell, sell, sell. we already have a lot of safes that are a ten. i say between 10 and 11 we're okay. remember, it is luvm or w. i don't know which recovery. that's why we stick with dive e diversificati diversification. that is the only thing that will keep us in the game. "mad money" will be right back. >> as tech triumphs and smart phone surge, kronwaller takes on robert to find out if this tellco stock could still be
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award for profits. plus, krailer gives you the next name in his foreign region. he is going overseas to norway to unearth an offshore drilling stock. and later, jim goes fast and furious as he places a nonstop barrage of calls, giving stock after stock their final verdict on the lightning round. all coming up on "mad money." when this hotel added aflac
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to compliment their benefits package aflac! it made a big splash with the employees yeaaaahhhh! find out more at aflac!... (laughter)
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good news from bell cisco. just reported a dramatic turn in order. the number positive in the economy and our business. wait a second. you know, that's parts of that tsunami. the mobile internet tsunami. and i talked endlessly about it.
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the widespread adoption of smart phones and other devices that let you access, that give you access to the web anywhere which i think is the biggest trend in tech since the rise of the internet itself or even the personal computer. you know the stocks that are spearheading this move. apple with the iphone. qualcomm. the wireless technology that makes it all possible. these aren't the only way to play such a massive product cycle. we have the onn. the broad com. we got tons of companies. you've got the one behind the curtain and the plain old vanilla internet. from verizon to comcast. they trade in the single digits. if you can stomach the risk, they're capable of generating huge return. one of my favorites has been
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tlab from when i help bring it public in the '80s. a $5.77 teleco equipment maker. the stock is up a whopping 46% since i recommended it here. $3.94 on december 12th. as one of my first text. why you should definitely take some if you bought it here. because the positive quarter. i still think there is some room to rome. it doesn't do anything sexy or glamorous. a lot that is hard to understand. but what it does is necessary. the company makes digital cross connects. brad band and routers. problems with the aaa voice video and high speed video. i would rip my system out and put it in but i have verizon. this is both the phone and cable company and it facilitates the delivery of next generation of wireline and wire services.
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think of it like this. the telco need to put out more band width to support the tsunami not to mention the huge increase in traffic over the internet. it will be one of the biggest beneficiaries of all that spending. it just reported a problem sister second quarter last week. on stronger than expected sales. remember most people just manufactured the earnings. more important though is the fact that its orders in the second quarter were the best in the past year worldwide. with possible increase outside in 2010. courtesy of the government's broad band stimulus spending. they had record revenue from the data products business. the fastest growing product category in the first six months of 2009. no debt, stocks, nice cushion in case something go horribly
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wrong. but it has a big run-off from what we recommend. even compared to other techs. so before the continue speculative thumb up, i want to hear from the company ceo. the state of business. welcome to "mad money." >> thank you. it is a pleasure to be here. >> great to have you on. i read through all the research before you came on. i don't know. i've known your company since the '80s. i think your company is the best in position in about 20 years. but these guys, interesting valuation, lacks catalysts. don't care for it here. bank of america, merrill lynch. they have a cell out. do they not understand the history of the company and how good you have it? >> jill, as you know, we're refocussed the company over the previous year and a half. in fact, we've been trying to innovate to help our customers succeed and our companies succeed. if you think about it, what we've been doing is positioning in the data and optical space which are growing and faster
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than the overall cap in the industry. and in particular, we're focused on the mobility space as well. you're right on target. when you had about it, there is a macro economic trend in the world. everyone around the world wants mobility and they want broad band. and we're focused on that mobility space. and right now, as you know, the phones are moving from just phone service, to mobile internet. then into mobile video. and we suspect over time, it will move into mobile commerce. and the u.s., for example, hasn't even started in that space yet. we're playing a big role there. >> when i look at what you're doing, i was surprised given the fact that i know what verizon hasn't turn the spigot on. north america was not as strong as i thought it would be. is that a back half story? >> it could be a back half story and there is talk about customer spending more in the back half than the front half of the year. as you notice, roughly 40% of our second quarter revenue was from outside north america. that was the highest percentage
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we have other in roughly five years. and it is a good story. we're now expanding our customer base globally. we now deliver service to the top 41 of the top 50 service providers around the world. let me give you an example. we're expanding the customer base. we're doing business now with telstra. in italy, vote a phone and all their properties. british telecom in the ua as well as with verizon and att. >> you left out my favorite one. page six. china also positively impacted our quarter. how about china? >> you're right. we made conscious decision, roughly a year and a half ago, to invest more in growth markets as well. those included china, brazil, india, and russia. we also arrested in positioning the federal government. as you just indicate, that's starting to pay off for us. there some really positive news and we're trying to expand our global footprint. if it is about it, most of the capital expenditure in the world
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work the thirds are outside of north america. north america is extremely important but we should expand beyond that. >> i don't think the analysts got it. he is a smart guy. >> i agree. >> he is good. known him for 30 years. but nortel, their demise has to be in your sweet spot. even though a lot of it is business, their business competes against you is kind of in flux. isn't it? >> absolutely. what part of our growth products, in fact, this past quarter, our optical networking products had the biggest groetz as well. we actually compete against nortel. and we're winning new customers around the world. >> can you give may sense if i am a verizon or att or a table company, why i need to you win the war, telco versus cable? >> well, first of all, right now we're delivering common services, voice, data and video.
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over time that will move into content. and you're going to need to handle the intelligent public network to be able to handle that content over time. for example, right now mobile commerce isn't very popular in the u.s. but it is popular in japan and scandinavia. in japan, you can use your mobile device to go up to a soda machine and buy a soda or use your mobile device to start a car. we expect that intelligence to continue on. in fact, i expect one day, whether it is a cable company or a wireline company or a wireless, everyone wants broad band. and you'll need increased band width. >> the president wants it, at a. >> exactly. we're using it right. now i'm telecommuting with you right now with this video feed from chicago to new york. >> let me ask you one quick question and then we have to go. one of the problem i have with your coil, it is a high quality problem. you have so much cash, you can't earn any money. what will you do with the cash? >> my competitors would love
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topping what i would do with that cash. we're very customer focus asked share holder focused. we'll do the right thing for our customers and share holders. >> you have a great story. thank you so much, sir, for coming on. appreciate it. >> thank you. i really appreciate it too, thank you. >> a sweet spot. look, i know we're on it but i wouldn't sell a shafrl as a matter of fact, under $6. bye, bye, bye. coming up, cramer gives you the next name in his legion. tonight jim is going overseas to norway to unearth an onshore drilling stock. and later, the clock is ticking. he ran off with his secretary! she's 23 years old!
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what do you do when you think your country is on the wrong track? when jobs are fleeing overseas or outright disappearing? and our currency is in free fall? you jump ship. that's right. when it come to stocks, to paraphrase stock seer samuel johnson, patriotism is the last refuge of a bad investor. if you're worried that the speaker of the house and crash trader nancy pelosi is just itching to take an axe to big business or even if you have no problem with democrats in washington, for structural reason use it for economic
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growth and a potentially higher tax jeeblg, the it is ain't what it used to be. you'd better get ready to join my barn region of dividend stocks. all weak we're doing it. the only way to protect yourself from weakness in the u.s. is with international diversification, up to 20% of your stocks can be international. making sure you've done all your everything in a stock bass keflt all week i've been enlisting new number. i'm looking for stocks from countries with healthier currencies that belong to countries with strong fundamentals and absolutely big dividends. that's why today we're headed to norway! a country that could be the polar opposite of the it is on the one happened, it is as socialist as they come. on the other hand arresting mighty wug surplus, a big trade surplus and the country itself owens barrels upon barrels of oil. all which of make the currency, don't worry, not the real thing,
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the norwegian croner one of the strongest in the world. that's right. norway is about a lot more than these. it is coins we care about. i don't recommend that you actually trade currencies. it is too fast and too furious. i once made a big currency in my hedge fund. then went out with my dad to get lunch at burger king. when i came back, the cold war had ended, the world had change and i lost a small fortune. they had it their way. we can still play a weak dollar and the stronger weaker by owning norwegian stock that traded at 80. as it become more valuable, relative to the greenback interesting nor weekan adrs will increase to reflect the change in currencies. is there a norwegian country that has what it he's the join the elite foreign legion?
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how about stat oil. sto for all you home gamers. the mad viking of oil producers. oil has regain it's place if the trinity of sectors. along with bank stocks, although people are saying cisco wasn't so hot. it could be just the oil stuck on need to fill out your portfolio with some nice scan navyian flavor to boot. the sixth largest european oil company, i think transocean is cheap here. it has all the thing i would like to see. production growth, a high drilling success rate when it searches for new oil. relatively low production costs and more exposure than most to high oil prices. along with a notoriously b.i.g. juicy 4.4 yield. i did not read that in the magazine. yesterday the company reported what i thought was a solid quarter with a positive long material outlook.
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the steady 4.5. stick with me. they'll have that through 20012. a lot of mature fields and they do have them. but it can do it because it is great at finding new oil. not just in the back door. 75% of that growth will be from outside of norway. so far the company has already made 30 new discoveries in 2009. a 70% drilling success rate. 60% in the rest of the world. that's since 2007. most don't even approach those levels. plus it isn't tapped out. there are still areas in the north norwegian sea that are still being open for exploration, creating a more potential upside. and even though it is one of the largest exploration budgets in europe, $2.7 billion, it is on track to cut costs this year by 8.5 billion norwegian. that's a lot of monday. $1.4 billion in case you're going there. thanks to a cost rationalization
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program that is lower stat oil, by 25%, that's about 36 norwegian. how about the dividends? a must for any member. expected to pay up 96 cents a share annually. with $4.30 in expected cash flow, did i have depth, more than safe. now it might not be able to beat the 6.5 that you'll get from bp. 5.4 from shell although it is clearly better than most of the yields you can get out of the integrated on it in the u.s. why i am a picking it over the two others that got larger dividends? among the larger players, stat oil is the most to hire oil prices. it is a $1 change in oil prices ruling in 6.3. when you see the crude futures trading up, this is one you grab. the others only bg 2.1%. that makes it a great stock to have. if you believe oil is headed just slightly higher, which i
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do. don't get me wrong. i send all the profits to charity at year's end. and i have a big game in the stock. my bulls make money, bears get money. i tring register. i don't want to send cross signals. i don't like it. i think bp goes higher. here's the bottom line. ready? for safety we have to look outside toutat the union i'd states. with viking like abilities, i ain't talking about those losers. tonight i am a produce honorary roarsman screaming to you ever munch like that stat soil a great way to diversify away from the u.s. and get paid a lot of dividends to do it. let to go bruce in pennsylvania. >> caller: hay, cramer, a key stone state boo-ya from you. >> you're probably from
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pittsburgh. >> caller: south of gettysburg. >> all right. okay. kind of a charger. >> caller: i think i have a stock for you that is a diamond in the rough. penn virginia resources. pvr. it raised its dividend last quarter. and this quarter just ending, looks like it is repositioning itself since it is gas line and pipelines. >> i have to tell you. i think everything you just said is absolutely right about it but the problem is, it's coal. and i still think there is a very good chance at some point in this administration, that coal becomes over pennsylvanians, i think that could happen. when it hams, i think penn virginia's di denied will be in danger. short term you're right, long term, i see no future in this country for coal. can we go to jeff in pennsylvania? >> caller: boo-ya, jim. from pennsylvania, the city of
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brotherly love. >> from the elk club. come on. >> sxl. >> stock is rampant. >> i look it a, i couldn't recommend it. i have to tell you, i saw sun oil ramping today. sun. and i am hearing, this is the first i've heard of it. the margins might be better at sun oil and other refiners. i think, and my source is real good, that buying sun right here, and i believe that sun has that pretty good yield now because it has come down so much. let see. it has a 48% yield. i'm going to pull the trigger. sun is right. my friend in philadelphia, jeff, he has the idea. next up, we're going to norway! my favorite pick in nor wearing i'm screaming it, is stat oil. coming up, the madness goes
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nationwide. >> caller: boo-ya! >> he takes calls from all across kraumerratica. an all new quick fire lightning round. and later, whether the dow soars or hits the floor, jim tries to help you stay on steady ground. fithe same tools the pros use,
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so you can be a disciplined trader. by selecting from eight advanced triggers, your order gets executed, even when you're busy. and with trailing stops to help you lock in profits and minimize risk, you can be confident in your strategy, no matter which way the market moves. find out why more and more active traders are turning to fidelity for a smarter way to trade online. trade like a pro. trade with fidelity. has the fastest hands boxing has ever seen. so i've come to this ring to see who's faster... on the internet. i'll be using the 3g at&t laptopconnect card. he won't. so i can browse the web faster, email business plans faster. all on the go. i'm bill kurtis and i'm faster than floyd mayweather. (announcer) switch to the nation's fastest 3g network and get the at&t laptopconnect card for free.
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cramerica. you say the stock, i tell you whether to bye, buy, buy,
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buy. we play to hear this southbound. to play this sound. that's the play the cardinals 9-0 sound. and then the lightning round is over. are you ready? why don't we start with florida? amanda? >> caller: boo-ya, baby. >> boo-ya, sunshine. >> caller: my uncle retired and he has se. we want to know what my uncle should do with it. >> i don't know about global warming but i have to think it is a nice run company with a nice yield. she stick with it. it doesn't mean he should buy. and it does matter. is he diversified? if he has too much, that's bad. but it is a good utility. not as good as dominion, letter d. how about donna in illinois?
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>> caller: hey, hey, professor cramer. a sun years boo-ya to you. >> a white sox. >> cubs. why not this year? that means they're picking my team. what's up? >> caller: my question for you. is it, the mark has a leg and is making a climb back, would this be a good time to buy the city group? symbol c? >> every day i come in and want to recommend that stock. every day goes up by a penny. in real, today i said, you know what? why shouldn't this stock go? now there are a lot of speculative stocks going nuts. let me tell you. i am struggling with this but i will bless anyone who decide to buy citi. i talk with mark on cnbc. we're both chattering, we're even twittering. we're saying that c, wow.
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it is a buy. i said it. shoot me. multiple times in the back. okay. from new jersey? >> caller: a chili boo-ya to you. >> corrupt government but good boo-ya back ought. i'm calling about smsi. smith micro. is it -- for the last six months, it seems to be taking some drops. >> why are you holding on? it is part of the mobile internet tsunami. that i think will keep going. even though it is only a dollar, i can't recommend selling that stock. i'm a buyer in any weakness. certainly off the cisco quarter. everyone decided john chambers doesn't know what he is talking about. what am i going to say? how about darrell? cornhusker. darrell in nebraska. darrell? >> caller: boo-ya.
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from lincoln, nebraska. >> it doesn't get more heartland than lincoln. >> caller: i need to know your thinking, meridian fire science. do we have a boo-ya? >> you get a boo-ya because it is diagnostic and we are very pro diagnostics on the show and so is president obama. that is the key to holding down medical costs. you got a good one. he got horse sense. come on, man, i'm on a roll here. i want to go to john in arizona. >> caller: hey, boo-ya from tucson. >> a wild cat and/or sun devil. go ahead. >> a wild cat, wild cat. with inflation in the future, how is my new might know? nem going to fare? >> you know i like goal but i won't count that. by the way, it is still another not great quarter. starting to hurt me there. let's take one more.
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let's to go donna in georgia. >> caller: hey, jim, here's a southern boo-ya from atlanta. >> i'm taking it. i'm taking it. peach. >> caller: my home town is in pennsylvania and i want to know what's going on up there in the northeast homeland. it's not having the big run like our southern -- >> wait a second. we had a nice one. they just bought harleysville. that gives them three in the share. pennsylvania, they are a preferred bank. they got a huge am of cash. they are incredibly well run. at $13, $13, i want to buy first niagara and i will tell you. i will buy, buy, buy all the way to $16. i like fnsg and i like our callers. and i'm cramer. >> the lightning round is
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sponsored by td ameritrade. lightning does strike twice. catch "mad money" at 6:00 and 11:00 eastern. think about it. why pay investing fees you shouldn't have to? or account fees that aren't clear? like inactivity fees? or maintenance fees? it's not right. and you know it. and the thing is, the other investment firms know it. but they do it anyway. and that's just not fair or straight-forward. td ameritrade. independence is the spirit that drives america's most successful investors.
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when i tell you you shouldn't put all your stocks in one basket, in other words, shouldn't have everything in one sector, even if you're as positive of golf as i am about natural gas, as i am about the banks, even the internet tsunami, no, it will be wrongful diversification is the only way to protect yourself from the down side. that's why every wednesday we play i am a diversified. this is where you tell me your top five and i tell you if your portfolio is diversified enough. you may need a little mix up. why don't we start with dave in california. what have you got? >> caller: hey, boo-ya, jim. i want to give you a good west l.a. clear sky, warm weather boo-ya. >> where i lived in my car off cent nella. they used to let me park in the parking lot. >> you 19 pioneer in santa
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monica boulevard? >> caller: you mean the pioneer pacific parking lot? that's now the pacific design center. >> can't sleep there. >> caller: can't sleep there anyway. i will give you the top five of my portfolio. i want to know, am i diversified. >> all right? >> caller: okay. first one is nat, nord dick american tanker. next one is etp, energy transfer partners. >> man, i'm liking this portfolio already, go ahead. >> caller: third biggest is aem. and ibm. and my latest big addition to my portfolio is bac, bank of america. am i diversified? >> dave has put together a monster good portfolio for all seasons. look what he's got. i told you i'd go over to the great number, exactly what you want to own when gold crosses 1,000.
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nordic american tankers. my absolute favorite in the tanker game. energy transfer, what a monster yield. you can't beat it other than kinder morgan energy partners. bank of america, we've been featuring here endlessly. why? it's one cheap stock. ibm, down a couple today. got to know when to buy i. i have a tech, i have a pipeline, i have a gold and i have a shipping company. i have diversification. >> let's keep playing, to adam in new jersey. >> caller: hey, jimmy. how you're? this is adam from new jersey, just wanted to give you a how ya doing neighbor, boo-yah. thank you, right back at you. what's up? >> caller: not much. i want to thank you for all you do for us little guys, took your advice and got out of the market middle of last year and got back in the beginning of this year and my portfolio is up almost 60% thanks to your tutelage. >> thank you so much. thank you for recognizing i got you out higher and got you into bottom.
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the naysayers are saying all i did was round trip it. you know the truth. thank you so much. >> caller: i hear you, i hear you. i want to give you my top five holdings and see if you thought i was properly diversified. >> let's go, go to work. >> caller: i have igt, international game technology. ntw, manatoic, gca, global cash access. sci, service corp. international, and my accidental high yielder, bng foods, bgs. cramer, aim diversified? >> man, i'll tell you, this is one interesting portfolio that tells me adam has done a lot of homework. these are hard to find out stocks. b & g is a company that paid a good yield. my friend, matt horrowin, he has
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been behind that the whole way. we had him on the show. that's terrific. service corp. is a funeral, death services, the last i looked is a pretty decent business. gca, this is a very tough one, called global cash access holdings. i don't know it well other than to know it's in the money transfer game, all we need for aim diversified. igt is making a big comeback. i like wms even more because the casino companies are trying to get people in the business because business is bad. my friend says igs is good, mantovoc, not happy about that that's a machinery company ge g getting pants by everybody else. we have a machinery company, funeral company and food company. adam knows how to play the game. he's from new jersey where they all know how to play.
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miss out on some "mad money"? now, you can get cramer sent to your phone. send a text to 26221, mm and hit send.
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i'm favoring the bulls. i promise to find a bull market somewhere. i'm jim cramer. i have four seconds left. i'll see you tomorrow! up next on kudlow, find bank you hate and invest in it. famed investor ken visits with us. and the new bull market. "the kudlow report" next. qualify for an additional $3500 or $4500 cash back... on top of all other offers.. on a new, more fuel efficient chevy. your chevy dealer has more eligible models to choose from - more than ford, toyota, or honda. so save gas... and money... now during the chevy open house. go to for details.
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tonight on the "kudlow report". banks soar and find a bank you hate and invest in it. the famous investor and founder of home depot will give us a long visit tonight, ken langone. why is quarterback eli manning any better than goldman sachs or citigroup energy traders? i have to find out. back to our new bull market call. top investor sees a 10 to 15 year bull run. wow! i'm still backing cash for clunkers. we will have a rip roaring debate about it this evening. fasten your seat belts, "the kudlow report" begins right now.
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good evening, everyone. i'm larry kudlow. welcome back to "the kudlow report" where we believe free market capitalism this is best path to prosperity. today's big new bull market recovery story features banks. banks soared today while stocks pulled back elsewhere. this isn't just cash for clunkers, this is cash for big bank profits. this gives me a chance to renew my mantra, find a bank you hate and just go out and buy it. i've been saying it for months. even bankers can make good money with a zero short rate and steep yield curve. i have been saying and will keep on saying it, i have to. look at the results today. and renew the bull market recovery. the pullback was healthy and s&p stayed above 1,000. stefan abrams expects corporate profits to soar way beyond the


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