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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  August 20, 2009 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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of every s&p move. you can see we've got this nice little thing. remember the disapproval is in blue. boom, you can predict that. you saw this go up here. boom, you can predict that. i mean, wait a second. this gives you a jump on what's going to happen with the s&p 500 next. it's been pointing the market higher ever since, well, right before the march bottom. is it a coincidence that obama's disapproval rating is going up and the market is going up? it's not a coincidence. i don't think so. you see, when obama came in, he had many large investors, the guys who pulled the triggers, worried about a whole host of sectors. well, he took aim at them. but as the president has become less and less popular and therefore correspondingly less and less powerful, the threat to those industries has waned, and that's lifted the entire market, including another propulsion today, a move that took the dow and the s&p up.
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the s&p 11. on top of the rest of the recovery from monday's stumble. if obama can't get his way on some of the more negative issues. card check, i'm talked about forced arbitration for unions, cap and trade or now health care reform that turns fore profit health companies into nonprofits, then investors are saying there's nothing to be scared of. and you can buy a ton of stocks. as the disapproval overlaid on the s&p index shows you. this is not a political story. this is a story that basically tries to tie in the notion that many of the antibusiness parts of the obama agenda have been well, let's say, questioned. and that's what this correlation is showing. a much larger portion of the population now disapproves of the president. that gives you a chance to buy the companies that he dislikes the most. that means it's now a good time to get back into the one sector of the market that's still being weighed down by the obama
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agenda, and that is -- >> all aboard! >> -- the health care group. see i think this chart tells me we have to get more health care into our portfolios. because that had been what had been the worst of the 12% of the s&p. all right? we got to get more of it into our portfolios with gold as a hedge against chaos and the blasted dollar. something, by the way, i can't agree more with warren buffett about. as well as foreign stocks. foreign stocks, gold and health care. i think all three of those have now have room to be 20% of your portfolio. i think the whole health care complex could be going much higher as obama's approval falls because those stocks had been the most pinned down by fears of sweeping earnings destroying health care legislation. now that obama seems to have squandered so much of his political capital and seems to have capitulated the public option, health care is in the
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clear and is now the cheapest sector left behind this dare-devil run that we've had. it's the won't one left behind. the inner technician -- the one inside me -- says this disapproval chart shows you a breakout in health cares on the horizon. with obama's agenda on the ropes, i think the hmos, the health maintenance organizations, those cost-cutters that we may not like. this is not political. it favors stocks. that represents some of the best opportunities. not just among the health care stocks, but at this point the whole market. since it looks like the public option, which would have put private insurers in competition with the government, perhaps the most feared and dreaded issue facing health care since 1992 with hillary care, that could easily undercut -- it could easily undercut the private hmos because the feds don't need to turn a profit. now i think the hmos have much
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more breathing room. >> all aboard! >> buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy! >> this is what's known as a multiple expansion story. i'll get you to understand this. we heard this today. from google with the goldman sachs upgrade. right now, the hmos are trading at a depressed price-to-earnings multiple. because investors don't want to pay much for future earnings that may be jeopardized by health care reform sponsored by president obama. my favorite has been and remains wellpoint. and it's trading at only eight times expected 2010 earnings per share. that's lower than almost every group i follow. and even though it's within nickels of its 52-week high, it's still cheap. i have championed this one for a dozen points now, but i think there's more to come. i've got a new favorite for you tonight. one that i'm unveiling right now. this is a speculative way to play the obama disapproval index. the line in blue, which seems to be going in lockstep with the s&p. and that's sss management. the symbol here is gts. george, tom, sally.
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this company is selling at just 7.6 times 2010 earnings. this group is just still so depressed. look whole group, united health, aetna, they're still sorry low multiples. sss management makes no sense down to be here. think about it. in the past, these stocks have traded an average to 13 to 14 times earnings. the only thing keeping them down where they are now is the possibility of a destructive health care reform bill. which gets less and less likely as obama becomes less and less popular. i don't see any reason why the hmos shouldn't float back up, that's multiple expansion, to their historical average price-to-earnings multiples over the next 12 months if obama's health care plan either fails or gets so watered down that it doesn't make much difference to these companies. that's the likely outcome at this point. in a year all of this reform talk i believe will be gone. then the boot will be off the hmos' collective necks.
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now let's just do some math. it's arithmetic. how about a 35% gain? how about if we do the same arithmetic to sss? we would then be up 57%. once we don't have to worry about the governments trying to turn these governments into nonprofits, investors will be willing to pay much, much, much more for their earnings. i think these moves are very likely. wellpoint is still the best way to play the hmo rebound. it's got the best reserves and it's got the best balance sheet. it's getting a boatload of cash from the sale of its pharmacy benefit management business. that's another way to play rebound. that's a stock i've been buying because i believe the president's no longer going to be able to take this industry on with any clout. wellpoint also has got the lowest percentage of earnings from government programs, like medicare advantage, which obama wants to squeeze. and i think can accomplish. it's only 10% of the company's
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profits. tiny compared to united health, 25% to 33% of its earnings from government programs. wellpoint is in the best competitive position because it's an amalgamation of former blue cross blue shield if not for profits. unlike aetna, signa or uns, wellpoint does to the have to slug it out with the big well-organized not for profit health care providers in the states where it operates. here i'm talk about connecticut, ohio, and georgia. buying back shares aggressively, yes. i do wish that they were getting a dividend here. while wellpoint has a history of buying back stock at the wrong times, i don't think this is one of them. how about this sss? it's a small outfit. speculative. operates in puerto rico. i think they do here. i do not ever recommend ever if the fundamentals don't warrant it and i think they do here. i think that this company should be trading at a premium. not a discount. especially with wellpoint about to get a multibillion-dollar
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check in a couple of months. and this sss -- it's been executing nicely this year. it's fabulous. they've raised guidance twice so far this year. thanks to a series of charges, sss should grow earnings at 15% in 2010. i don't have a lot of double-digit growers anymore. even if it doesn't actually earn a penny more from operations, here's the bottom line, with obama's popularity on the wane and his agenda imperiled, courtesy of this chart, which has been pretty predictive of the averages, you can buy the companies that he has had in his crosshairs, especially health care stocks. where i think hmos like wellpoint and sss management are due to go much higher thanks to multiple expansion. again, we've been positive about this group since it became clear that the agenda is stumbling. now it's time to go pedal to the metal on this still beaten-down
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sector in a market that's had a huge run and can go even higher. let's go to cindy in texas. cindy? >> caller: hey, jim. >> cindy, how are you? >> caller: a big boo-yah from austin, texas. >> man, we loved when we were at ut. that was a dynamite so. there was that bevo. he almost killed me. that big steer, he almost killed me. i showed him in the end. yeah, i -- i had a -- i had to have a sit-down with him. go ahead. >> caller: hey, jim, on monday's show you talked about the markets and parabolic incline. >> yes. >> caller: is that what's happening with the market in china? and if so, what are your thoughts on how that might play out? >> all right, cindy. when i did the piece about parabolas the other day and i was saying that we need the decline that we had on monday to break the parabola, believe it or not, i think that china, which happens to trade in much higher increments, really broke its parabola last week with the 20% decline. that gave it the all-clear. the bear market in china ended
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last night with the market up 4%. let's stop worrying about china and start buying. it used to be people were running for cover from obama's crosshairs. now that he's playing "d," you can pick up some wellpoint and sss at prices you should never have been able to buy them at. "mad money" will be right back. coming up, can nuclear power flourish under the obama administration? cramer goes head-to-head with shaw group ceo jim bernard to find out if this power play can fuel the fire in your portfolio. plus, rental rivalry, cramer pits two marquee names against each other. find out which stock gets top billing on the "sell block." and later, lightning strikes. cramer goes electric taking all of your calls in a spine chilling overcharged light nemg round. she wants to make up.
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on this show, we've been huge supporters of natural gas as a big part of the fight against climate change. it's cleaner than oil, much cleaner than coal. we have more of it than we know what to do with. it's cheap. and it's also much more feasible than wind or solar or the beloved battery solutions for cars. i think those will take decades before they really start to matter. for the longest time, the democrats in washington didn't seem to want to get their hands dirty with any fossil fuels. except for the clean coal. which is favored ahead of natural gas in the legislation coming from the house of representatives. but now that natural gas has
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started to gain a little political traction, i want to turn to the other forgotten fuel. nuclear power. if anyone in washington is really serious about climate change, the nukes, which emit zero carbon dioxide, have to be part of the solution. but i've been worried that the obama administration thinks that nuclear power is, well, radioactive. we've been hoping for nuclear renaissance. and while the communist chinese, the french, the cubans and bizarrely, of course, the iranians have embraced it whole-heartedly, the industry's prospects in america seem to dim when obama became president. however, i think we're starting to get some signs that nukes may have more political support than we thought. what signs? remember what happened with natural gas. the stock started moving up even as the price of the commodity kept coming down through $3 today. pointing to more support for natural gas as a fuel. and the stocks were right.
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harry reid's summit turned into basically a natural gas love-fest. now i'm starting to see similar action with nuclear. shaw group, the infrastructure company that's been my favorite nuclear play, because building nuclear plants is a big part of its business, it makes up 61% of its order backlog. has been moving higher. even though its most recent quarter was disappointing. shaw group reported a 3% earnings miss and it lowered its earnings forecast on july 9th. but guess what? the stock is up 25% since then. what does that tell you? why? see, i think the market may be pricing in better prospects for the nuclear industry. we know that obama was willing to compromise. he added nuclear to the dubious climate change bill that the house of representatives passed and his energy secretary stephen choo has said that he's committed to starting the construction of new nuclear plants. something we haven't seen in this country in a generation. in addition to supporting a program to help finance new nukes. right now, shaw group has three nuclear projects, all awarded before obama was sworn in.
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it's possible the company could win a new contract to build a nuclear plant for dominion all right "d" a stock that we supported within the next six to 12 months. i think shaw group's stock is telling us something. i think it's telling us that nuclear could have a brighter future than people think. it also may be screaming, buy me, buy me. that's almost half of the current share price. an infrastructure company with a $23 billion backlog should be worth more than 2.7 billion. and certainly any other infrastructure player wants to get into the nuke game. maybe it's a slam dunk here. always got to be careful. shaw group's been trading higher despite a tough quarter and lowered expectations. to me, that says something. i think it's the market saying the nuclear business is better than we believe. but it still feels like nothing is being done. i got to know why. i've got to hear from the man. i want to hear from someone who knows a whole lot more than i do. i want to hear from the ceo of shaw group.
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welcome back to "mad money." how are you doing? >> how are you doing, jim? >> i'm doing well. >> thank you for being here. what is the cleanest fuel on earth? >> the cleanest fuel on earth, clean water. >> oh! hey, i got the -- it's yours. it's the one that you make the best. >> yeah. nuclear energy, we talk a lot about renewables and we talk about greenhouse gases. 20% of the electricity produced in the united states is done by nuclear, which produces neither. greenhouse gases and the renewable speaks for itself. i think nuclear is going to be a part of the future. during the obama, there's been positive signs as you just mentioned. >> the reason i say this, there was an interesting article in the "washington post" today. the coal lobby has been very powerful in getting their voice heard. the natural gas lobby admits it wasn't that powerful getting its voice heard.
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why is it that the most green-oriented president in history is not putting at the forefront the most green-oriented technology toward energy? >> i think a couple of things. one, when we hear of yucca mountain, we naturally think we're taking a step back. >> thank you. >> but maybe we're taking a step forward. we're working on a project now for the department of energy, which will take plutonium and remanufacture it to produce fuel for nuclear power plants. if we are able to reprocess like france and other countries in the world, 75% of the waste currently produced by nuclear plants ceases to exist. so rather than putting clunkers down in yucca mountain, but maybe we'll begin to reprocess. so they're taking a look at that. i think that's an encouraging sign. another encouraging sign in both parts of the house and the senate bill, 15% -- anyone with
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a nuclear power plant generating electricity doesn't have to produce 135% renewables. that's our first solid acknowledgment that greenhouse gases are not being produced in the nuclear power plants that we have today. >> oh, if i look at that senate bill, what does it say? because i think there must be something in there, in the formative stages, that is propelling your stock. >> it says two things. >> okay. >> one, that existing nuclear production of electricity does not have to produce another 15% of renewables. but more importantly, any expansion of that nuclear facility will not have to produce 15% increase in renewable energy as well. >> so if i were duke, if i were one of these enterprises under the new regime, why wouldn't i immediately call you and say, let's get to work? >> look at exelon. they're in for a huge renewable expansion of their plants, of the existing ones. >> right. >> so we're just a small step away from adding reactors into
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the renewables, too. so i think that it's come a long way. i think that -- i think perhaps the stock is reflecting that. there's a lot of activity there. over the last 24 months, we've hired 1,000 people in the nuclear field. >> really? >> we have 2,000 more to hire in the next 24 months. >> someone is hiring? >> and china, we poured the first concrete. we're supposed to finish in 2012. the first four units over there. we have six in the united states. incidentally, you know, when are we going to start? when are we going to start? we have 500 working today in georgia. we have 400 working in south carolina today. plants to build new nuclear power plants. we're getting the site ready to shipping modules there in 2011 when the permits are done. so we're spending hundreds of billions of dollars a day. it's happening. if you don't think it's happening, stop -- look at georgia. look at south carolina. there's people working. >> take me down there! take me down there. here's something i've got to know. do we know how to build them? i mean, in other words, is it
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conceivable that you won't make money on these contracts? >> is it conceivable that we'll make money? >> i mean, remember, we started thinking in this country after the jimmy carter years that we don't really know how to build them and if we had to build them, there was going to be big -- >> i think i'd point to tva. browns ferry unit three. what we did, it was called a rebuild, but that was the plant was never finished. we finished ahead of schedule and under budget a year ago. on a four-year project, about $3 billion. so that wasn't a new plant, but it was actually more difficult than a new plant because, you know, it had a lot of reconstruction to do. so of course we can. they've been building nuclear power plants on budget and on time in the last 20 years but just not in the united states. >> got it. okay. >> one thing of interest, you talked about natural gas a little bit. >> yeah. >> uae, saudi, jordan, egypt are now looking forward to, again, doing nuclear programs in their country. so if they're telling you now -- >> oil countries?
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>> -- they're going to go to quit burning oil and gas and go to nuclear. it might tell you what is the most environmentally friendly, least-cost fuel in their opinion going forward. >> now, am i putting too much emphasis on nuclear? you have other businesses. >> the infrastructure business in particular is doing well because of the stimulus plan. >> right. >> we've hired a bunch of people here on projects right here in new jersey. so we do probably 30% of our business is that. then we do energy and chemicals and a lot of different -- >> unfortunately we have to cut it off. but i see why your stock is going up. i also see why it's not done going up. mr. bernard, thank you very much for coming on. great to see you again. that's jim bernard. chairman and ceo of the shaw group, which you know i like. and now you know why it's going higher. after the break, i'll try to make you even more money. coming up, rental rivalry. cramer pits two marquee names against each other. find out which stock gets top billing on the "sell block." and later, jim goes high voltage
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in a lightning round. i was in the grocery store when i had a heart attack.
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you can do both. special lease offers now available on the 2009 es 350. in tonight's "sell block," i i am thinking like a hedge fund manager. i want you to think like a pro. you start with an idea. it's obvious from reading the conference calls of every entertainment company that the dvd selling business is on its death bed. i'm not kidding. nobody anymore seems to want to spend the $15 to buy a dvd. people seem to have stopped building libraries of them. at the same time, people are still staying home more because it costs too much to go to the movies. because between the tickets and the concession stands, they're robbing you blind. that's created a great opportunity in home
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entertainment. we have to ask ourselves, remember, put my hedge fund hat on, what is the best way to play it? well, blockbuster was at one time, but it's lost. taken out of the running by its shaky financial situation. what are the options? well, their's pay-per-view cable, but then you're dealing with the brutal war of attrition between verizon and at&t on the one hand and the cable companies like comcast and cablevision, time warner on the other. i got to tell you, video on demand just doesn't move the needle for any of these big companies. it's just a small part of the pot. so take them out of the running. they're not a way to play home entertainment. you know what that leaves us with? two really interesting situations. the home video rental interest has a non-bricks and mortar and mortar variety. there's two ways to go. there's netflix and now a new one, coinstar. cstr. that's red box. you may have seen their dvd
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rental kiosks in the supermarkets, drugstores, mass retailers like walmart and convenience stores that rent dvds for just $1 each. so you could say it's netflix here, okay, and red box. these are both good companies. this is a great growth industry. but back at my hedge fund, i do what we'd call a paired trade. not p-a-r-e-d but p-a-i-r-e-d. i would buy the best stock in the business and at the same time short, bet against, or buy put options, which give you the right to sell a stock at a given price. that's right. i'd be betting against one stock and in favor of another. i never recommend shorting stocks on this show. it's too dangerous for most nonprofessional investors. that said, i do want to go
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through this educational exercise because with these two stocks, netflix and coinstar, this is a great way to get rid of the risk. that consumers pumped out and not willing to buy anything. by betting against another company in the industry, what you're doing is hedging out the risk that home entertainment will turn out to be a flop. because you're buying the best company in the industry, the two trades shouldn't cancel each other out. you may not make as much as you would like if they both go up, but i believe, here it is, coinstar, that's red box, should go up more than netflix. i think it's the better story. and netflix, i believe, will go down more than coinstar if the whole dvd rental industry goes south. that's how hedges work. hedge fund, they hedge. that's a hedge. so why do i think that netflix isn't as good as coinstar? first of all, you can like both. i know i do. but in a paired trade, you only buy the best and sell the not as good in case your thesis turns out to be wrong.
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i think coinstar is the one to buy. i'm going to give you why. even though coinstar isn't a pure play on home entertainment, its namesake business is self-service coin-counting kiosks. red box, its dvd rental kiosk business makes up to 59% of sales. more importantly, it's growing like crazy. red box is the new blockbuster, and i mean that in a good way. even though coinstar stock looks expensive, 23 times expected 2010 earnings, i think it's a bargain given that those earnings could grow by 61% between 2009 and 2010. hey, that's huge. an incredibly impressive as the coin-counting business, you know the one where you put in the quarter and try and, of course fail, to grab the stuff inside? those are all sluggish. none of these are really core. netflix trades at 21 times
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earnings expected 2010 times earnings but it's not much cheaper even though its growth doesn't even come close to coinstar's. netflix does deserve to be expensive. it's never really screwed up. its model works great. it's just that with red box, coinstar deserves to be much, much, much more expensive. the red box model is brilliant. coinstar has 18,000 red box dvd kiosks installed across the country. it plans to have 21,200 by the end of the year, five months. they're in mcdonald's, they're in walmarts. they're in wal zbreens -- walgreens. the company has just starting rolling out the kiosks in albertson's. costs them 15,000 to install a red box kiosk. it only takes three to six months to become operating cash flow positive. i wish i'd thought of this idea. coinstar does have to share the revenue with the retailers where it puts its kiosks.
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still, these things are like atms for coin. red box has already taken 14% of the video rental market. i think it could get much bigger. you can't compete with a dollar dvd rental on costs. and other than blockbuster, which only has 2,500 kiosks, there is no one else significant in this space. right now, you can buy coinstar at a big discount. why, it's being knocked down by ongoing lawsuits with the movie studios. the lawsuits with universal, hey, remember that's ge. that's part of who i work for. fox and warner brothers are about content access, who coinstar is allowed to buy dvds from. there is some worry here, no doubt. but there's no doubt that coinstar, they might not be able to sell all studios' videos. i'm willing to take that risk. coinstar is the growth from the lawsuits that have driven this down from a 52-week high.
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i think they're much less threatening than they appear. with coinstar poised to grow earnings at 61% next year and over 24% annually for the next five years, you know i love growth. netflix has 16% long-term growth and that seems paltry. you might think that streaming online video replacing dvds would make netflix the better buy. it's in the pipe, right? it's happening. but that's a long way from being a real reality as most people don't have the bandwidth to watch movies over the web. and we don't know that netflix will be the winner in that market, where the red box is the unchallenged champion of a dvd kiosk. you could just buy coinstar. i'd do that if i'm not in the hedge fund business. i'm not saying that netflix by itself belongs in the "sell blork but i'd bet against netflix as a hedge of the consumer rolling over. the bottom line, i think coinstar, which is the owner of red box, is the best home entertainment play out there. really, by far.
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if you want insurance, if you want to hedge the major risk, you should sell netflix at the same time you buy coinstar in what you now understand to be a paired trade. danny in new york. danny? >> caller: hi, jim. this is danny solomon. it's a great pleasure to be speaking with you. >> and the same goes for you, danny. i thank you that you called. >> caller: thank you. it's a pleasure to be with you. i'd like to say quick hello to my family. wish my brother a happy birthday. and give you a big ocean township, new jersey, boo-yah. >> holy cow. i, too, want to join in that birthday greeting. i happen to like -- i like the carvel cake, just for the record >> caller: i want to talk bout the future of with $100 million billion budget, a great user interface, advanced search and decision technologies, i believe microsoft and yahoo! struck a deal that will bring boatloads
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of value to the company, consumers and advertisers. now, clearly google is the leader right now with almost 70% of the market. where do you see bing going forward, and what is the future stock price? >> all right. i saw bing. i mean, i saw bing, a little pickup again today. in their search. i happen to think that it's not big enough to move microsoft. i don't think yahoo! got the best deal. i want to revert to the piece i read today where google got on the conviction buy list at goldman sachs. i think you'll pick up 100 points in google before you pick up five points in yahoo!. using those ratios i think that you will get what i mean. i think that that deal was not as good for yahoo as i would have hoped. pompay in new york. >> caller: boo-yah, jim. >> boo-yah. >> caller: jim, i got a quick question for you. >> sure. >> caller: which satellite television company would you think would help my portfolio
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grow? dish network, which is dish, or equistar? >> those are both incredibly well-run companies, but they've been depressed because of the tremendous competition. i have always favored dish, which is extraordinarily well run, and i think you will, indeed, make some money with, but with that said, i have to tell you, in the end i'm conservative. i want fios, i want verizon. slow-movers, good yield. all right. coinstar, cstr, is the best home entertainment play because of red box. now we're not necessarily sending netflix into the "sell block," but i prefer one to the other. if i were still at my hedge fund, i would be buying coinstar and selling netflix. stay with cramer.
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it's time. it is time for the "lightning round." on cramer's "mad money."
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my graphics are done on the fly. the staff prepares them. even while we're doing this. it's remarkable. it looks like -- it's one of the things that makes the lightning round look rigged, but that's okay because i know it isn't. we play until this sound, and then the "lightning round" is over. let's start with lynn in illinois. >> caller: hey, good afternoon, jim. here's a 215.3-day rally boo-yah. >> yeah! someone who recognizes what's happening and isn't telling me to burn down my house and support to cash for clunkers and telling me that everything is gloomy. i share with you that sentiment. let's make money. >> caller: i need your opinion on vgr. vector group limited. >> vector group. >> caller: 10% yield. >> you know what? first thing i want to say, i am not a beater of children. i have never struck my children. i would be sorely tested if i
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saw them smoking. i've now gotten that out. i've made my statement. this stock is a good stock. it yields 10 and for my charitable trust, i have been buying altria. i'm dividend hungry. i give the dare speech every year at the middle school, so i'm covered. and they like it. how about andrew in new york? >> caller: boo-yah, cramer. it's andrew from saratoga. >> oh, man! i'll put something on -- hey, put something on high hat for me. what's up? >> caller: you've got it. last week at the oil and nat gas conference, mariner energy seemed to hit the ball out of the park with the analysts in their onshore drilling expansion activity. with the 10% shore flow, should these bears go running for the hills? >> no, no. and that notion of hitting the
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ball out of the park for a mariner i think is gravely misplaced. it actually comes under the category of hype. i'm throwing the red flag. i think you'd break out the sharpie in the end zone, my friend. there's no cell phones on the sidelines. here's the deal. if you want to do oil and gas, i am going to send you to my friend, buddy, pal at chevron. there you've got a yield. they hit it out of the park, even better. they're raising the dividends. jim in wisconsin. jim? >> caller: boo-yah, jim boy. >> boo-yah, cheese man. what's up? >> caller: we're from northern wisconsin. a question for you. i have two shipping companies, nat and fro. they have not been moving with the market. do you think i should dump them? >> i want you to go only with nordic american tanker. i spoke to the esteemed ceo of
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nordic american tanker. oh, that buzzer is just ridiculing me. yeah. next thing you know, i'll be going and getting a soda because of the buzzer. nordic american tanker has the best deal. when it comes out of it, you'll make the most money as you have in the last ten years. nat represents the best value in the group. it has not worked yet. but since i started the show it sure has. ron in north carolina. ron? >> caller: jim. a huge tar heel boo-yah from beautiful charlotte. >> well, i got to tell you something. charlotte is -- look, i'm not giving you a buy on that. if they'd move the whole thing down there, i'd do it in a heart beat. what's up? >> caller: i tried to get you yesterday and missed. >> i was all jammed up. i'm sorry. >> caller: did a switch-a-roo on my oil companies. i got rid of conocophillips in a wash and bought rdsa. is the future clear to 75 on
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that? >> you know, if you want dividend rich and this is a difficult one, i would still send you to bp, the old british petroleum. which i own on my charitable trust. however, i am never going to give a fight to a person who buys royal dutch because it's got fabulous value. and i congratulate you for going for yield. how about paul in new york? paul? >> caller: boo-yah. >> boo-yah, paul. >> caller: from the home of the next little league world champs. >> staten island! >> caller: staten island. >> yes. congratulations. i'm so excited about you guys. i think it's going to be fabulous. i like your chances better. >> caller: great. the stock i'm calling about is wtr. they're buying up a lot of water systems. >> they are, paul, but i got to tell you, they're doing their own growth thing. they buy companies, they give them stocks. the stock gets sold and the stock has not been a good one.
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i am not going to blast that. do you know why? because the record there is not of making money. if you want to own a utility, i'm going to send you to one that we all pay. i'm going to send you to mr. ed, con edison. that's a better buy. i'd stick with that. and you should stick with cramer. what's on the minds of independent investors? let's ask. when i trade, i want a straightforward price. they lure you in with a $5.99 trade, then charge you 15 bucks. you get a low price, but only if you make a ton of trades. at td ameritrade, every online stock trade is just $9.99. period. no matter how often you trade. no matter how much money you have in the account. i hate those hidden fees buried in the fine print. surprise! it's a maintenance fee! i hate surprises. at td ameritrade, you never pay a maintenance fee.
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geand that takes a lot ofeen arohard work.0 years. not just some cute little gecko waffling on about this, 'n' that. gecko vo: i mean, i am easy on the eyes - but don't let that take away from how geico's always there for you. gecko vo: first rule of "hard work equals success." gecko vo: that's why geico is consistently rated excellent or better in terms of financial strength. gecko vo: second rule: "don't steal a coworker's egg salad, 'specially if it's marked "the gecko." come on people.
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i have an eureka moment and executive decision. i have been urging everyone to be on the lookout for a company that not only raises estimates but raises revenues. in other words, the double play. a lot of guys make their quarter by firing people, other guys make their quarter by jamming things. one guy, first i've seen in tech, both better top and bottom, mark, chairman and ceo of sales, crm. that's who you bring in when you want your sales force more productive. we just got a huge surprise from this company. i am proud to welcome the change -- the chairman and ceo
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back to the show. mark, congratulations, how did you do it? >> thanks so much. we had a great quarter at as you mentioned, it's a bead on the top line and bottom line. we've seen some spectacular results. >> how do you have a 32% increase in customers? >> caller: well, that's exactly what we've been talking about, jim, last year on your show and calls within our company. 32% increase in customers is more than 63,000 customers now. as we're starting to wait for that economy to recover, this company will benefit as those customers start to add users again which will be another exciting growth driver for us. the quarter, overall, was terrific, jim. we delivered $316 million in revenue which is an increase of 20% and our gap eps was 17 cents. increase of 110% from a year ago. another big milestone for the quarter is we now have more than
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a billion of cash on hand, $8 of share equivalent something we've been working hard to improve, as you no. in all areas, we're really excited and why we're raising our fiscal 2010 revenue and eps guidance. >> incredible, mark. give me whatever customer will allow you including one i work for here, tell us what happens when you bring in sales force, i have. i know what happens, you have a sales force suddenly you have accountability for. give us some of the other more creative things people are using sales force for. >> caller: well, as we've talked the last time on the show, nbc has become a huge customers of this quarter, we saw a tremendous acceleration in the insurance industry, jim. you probably know, we have a lot of insurance customers, like aon, a.j. gallagher, lincoln, liberty mutual and last quarter we announced japan's leader sompo.
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this quarter we signed marsh for 10,000, subscriber, a tremendous win and saw strong international growth not just here in the u.s. and japan, we signed the ministry of economy, trade and industry for a major eco-point program they're using with our new platform which lets customers build any cloud computing application to run their company. >> i know you have to run to your conference call. so great you honored us to come on this show. now we know why we stuck with you, your stock should be at a minimum of $70 given the growth. you have versus the -- hey, congratulations. >> caller: all the best. have a great day. >> thank you very much. guys, going higher, upside surprise for both earnings and sales. only apple computer has done that. you know what that stock's done. i say -- >> buy, buy, buy. and stay with cramer. fithe same tools the pros use,
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the bulls are in charge. i like to say there's always a bull market somewhere. i promise to try to find it for you. here on "mad money." i'm jim cramer, see you tomorrow. um bill-- why is dick butkus here? i hired him to speak. a lot of fortune 500 companies use him. but-- i'm your only employee. we're gonna start using fedex to ship globally-- that means billions of potential customers. we're gonna be huge. good morning! you know business is a lot like football...
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(announcer) 36-hour cialis. or cialis for daily use. ask your doctor about cialis today, so when the moment is right, you can be ready. stocks rising for a third day. the bull run back on. these traders have your answers and the winning ways to play. i'm melissa lee. this is "fast money." stay tuned until later on in the show. as our own nfl linebacker, pete najarian will talk to john madden. pete and jon will talk football and then the video game trade but first let's get the "word on the street" right now. not to pick on you, but i will. >> born and bred in the bay area. i grew up as a raider fan, and loved john madden back then. what people love right now is the volatility index and selling
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it. they're taking the premium down. everybody was in that big panic earlier in the week. there wasn't so much panic necessarily in the volatility index, but it does seem to get to a level. 28 -- that's where people say, okay, that's enough. we start pounding that volatility and they bring it back down. it gives you an idea of the appetite. we found a range. 23 to 28. we're at 25. so the markets seem to be accepting where things are right now. if it drifts back towards 23, gives you an idea. you want to buy that premium. >> drift is the operative word in this market. when we saw the market move in the first couple of hours, after that it was -- >> drifting quietly. >> yeah. >> the volume is very light here. it's not taking a lot. you're getting pretty decent data. again, the leading indicator, it's up for the fourth straight month. the jobless claims, less important, but they have moved this market. today, they're more or less in line. s&p breadth was very positive. 4 to 1, 5 to 1. this entire market was casting a


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