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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  September 9, 2009 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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i'm jim cramer, and welcome to my world. >> you need to get in the game. >> firms are going to go out of business, and he's nuts! they're nuts! they know nothing. >> i always like to say there's a bull market somewhere. and i promise -- >> "mad money." you can't afford to miss it. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to make you some money. my job is not just to entertain you but to educate you, which i'm doing a lot of tonight. so call me at 1-800-743-cnbc. are you sitting down? i'm about to commit tv heresy.
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i need to you forget all about the big obama health care speech. if you're going to try to make money in the stock market. everybody's trying to game health care reform off the speech, but the focus is all wrong. because one, the president's agenda just doesn't matter that much anymore. and two, there's a much big yes health care story on the horizon that you should be paying attention to. if you care about trying to make some money. why do i think obama's no longer that important to health care? what matters isn't the speech. it's the legislative strategy. he's got to put together a bill that can get 60 votes and pass the senate. that's what counts. why have i got this silly football? why do i have a helmet that i'm not going to put on because it will block my face but i still kind of like it? see, the president's laying out a strategy we can describe really only in football terms because alas, the nfl season starts this weekend and it's on nbc. there you go.
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okay. i think obama is in a third and nine situation. he's on the opponent's 40 yard line. he needs to get to the 35 to be able to make a field goal. what's a field goal? that's the equivalent of a compromise line. not a touchdown. rather than some sweeping kind of radical reform. hey, you know what? a film clip from the nfl's worth 1,000 words. i think he'll do something like this. brandon jacobs, who of course is my lead back in my fantasy league. that's him going for a quick hand-off for a few yards. that's a compromise proposal. he's right here now. he can do it. that's the field goal of health care reform. some cuts something, small changes. basically leaves the status quo intact. he cannot afford to go all long ball on us. he's liable to lose everything. kind of like this ignominious
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giant play from a guy i just cut on my fantasy league last year. go to the tape. this is obama long ball. doesn't work. holy cow. can't afford to do that, right? hey, let's take the football analogy even further while i've got you. nancy pelosi is like terrell owens. yeah, terrell owens lined up to the outside. and while obama the quarterback is going through the snap count she's standing there doing some sort of end zone dance. you know? i mean -- yeah, you get that. instead of thinking about the route to run after the ball gets snapped and who's to block it and throw to smebls because of her fecklessness and showboating. it's like the moderate democrats in the senate, max bachus and company, they set the agenda because they're willing to give you five or six yards to give the president a slimmed down toothless five-yard field goal. that means you should buy the stocks that have dipped going
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into the speech or have been down on worries in general. because the third and nine, right? means that health care reform opponents and their favorite stocks aren't in any real danger and some of them are going to benefit from a compromise plan. that means for the hmos, you know i like them, i've been saying wellpoint got dinged for 2 1/2 points yesterday, that's my fave. i like the pharmacy benefit managers like medco health, express scripts, the stock my charitable trust owns. you don't buy stock because the stock's going down. but overall you do not want to try to game health care reform. the market's wise to the ways of the nfl. we have to go beyond obama because, well, we have to make some money to play health care. we have to turn to something real. not the silly football game. and i'm talking about a huge epidemic that means big things to health care stocks but is being overshadowed by the
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president and his speech and his agenda. that's right. i'm talking swine flu. this is the real big health care story out there. why do i think this? when i dropped my daughter off at college last week, normally i expected the big talk in the big auditorium from western civ, well-rounded education. boo-yah. we've got that. but the loud and clear message was swine flu's here, we're doing everything we can, we can't control it. i thought it was a huge wake-up call for me that this epidemic and not obama care is what we should be playing. why is swine flu so big? it's not any worse than the other flu strains. the issue here is timing. every year in february and march medical experts get together to determine what virus protection should be in that year's flu vaccine. this year swine flu, aka the h1n1 virus, showed up in april. so it couldn't be part of the annual flu vaccine. we got the regular stuff. and plenty of it.
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but it just doesn't work. it doesn't work on swine flu. instead the swine flu vaccine had to be created separately. it has to be administered separately. and it's arriving, thanks a lot, mid october. roughly one month later than the regular vaccine. now, the cdc data already indicates this is going to be a terrible flu season. and with swine flu running rampant for an extra month we're talking about a nasty epidemic. what's the play? in keeping with the medical theme i want to first do no harm. did you know that flu cases disproportionately hit the young and the elderly so the hmos that have lots of medicare advantage exposure could be in big trouble? that's one of the reasons i prefer wellpoint. only 10% of its earnings from medicare advantage to, say, unh, which gets between a quarter and a third of its earnings from the government. flu cases cost these outfits big money. people aren't talking about that. and the more reliant on medicare a company is, the more pain it could be in for. i think you've really got to avoid the things that i see people trading up to, the speculative biotech names that have shot up 300%, 500%, 1,000%
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based on swine flu. they don't even have any proven products. i used to trade biochris, they haven't made any money. novavax. these have soared not because of swine flu but swine flu hype. so who do i think is the swine flu winner? gilead, gild. biotech stock i've owned for a long time in my charitable trust. it gets 80% of its sales from its fabulous hiv franchise. that's not on the line here. but it also earns royalties on the sales of tamiflu. which swine flu has only been resistant to in rare cases. this one's it. tamiflu royalties are reported on a one quarter lag, which means you can get into gilead now. it's barely moved. before swine flu hits the numbers. its tamiflu royalties are on a sliding scale. the more of the drug that gets sold, the higher the royalties. sought first 200 million of sales, that's 14% gilead gets, it gets 22% of everything once tamiflu sales break through the 400 million mark.
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in 2007 tamiflu made it up to 17% of gilead's operating product kurt zif avian flu. last year it was just 5%. given that this is another strong flu year with swine flu coming on strong and we're stockpiling tamiflu left and right, i really think it has the power to move the numbers and thus more gilead's stock, which again has flat-lined much higher. here's the bottom line. i don't want you gambling on the president's nfl-like health care strategy. it's too hard. the line's all figured out. he's going for the field goal. instead of the gambling on a field goal, invest in whatever has a chance of beating swine flu. which means invest in gilead. let's take calls. let's go to poliz in kentucky. >> caller: hi, jim. a bluegrass boo-yah to you. >> well, man, i just like that kind of regional -- ooh. >> caller: the obama situation, will health care get a boost or will it tank? my question is how about tenet health? thc. >> i thought a lot about, pleaz,
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about saying that tenet health is a winner here. but you know what? like a lot of these health care plays i think the moves are in the stocks. and i don't like to game them. this move for tenet from 2 to 5 feels like the people already have the line. i'm not saying the game is fixed. i'm saying when you gamble on football it isn't just gambling on who's going to win. there's a line. the line is reflected by that $5 stock. i don't want to mess with that. i think the bookies have got it right. how about bob in new york? bob. >> caller: boo-yah, jim! >> holy cow. i'm sensing a familial boo-yah while i'm doing shovel passes on the sets. what's on your mind? >> caller: i watch you every day. >> thank you. >> caller: last week nokia lost a set of tools to make it easier for external developers to create applications. so the stock popped. we did not think that that changed your basic thesis that apple rules the smartphone space. we were waiting for an entry point on cyprus. we got it the same day. sew swoeld nokia and bought cyprus. do we have horse sense or --
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>> you've got real horse sense. one of the things that we have to teach here on "mad money" is that there are certain things that done move the needle. in other words, there will be great news about a company and it will turn out to be such a small part of the company that people get too excited and, again, they end up gambling, speculating unwisely. you did the right thing. cyprus, by the way, under ten is quite a steal. remember, they make the touch panels for most of the smartphones. so don't gamble on president obama's nfl-like health care strategy. we go for not the long ball but the field goal! stay with cramer! >> announcer: coming up, the mobile internet tsunami is here. while the world is twittering and streaming video to their phones, is there still room to grow? cramer gets answers from skyworks solutions ceo david aldrich on the executive decision. plus, back to school has consumers back in the stores. so which retail names are the cream of the crop?
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cramer goes one on one with jones apparel ceo wes card to see if his stock could be the right fit for your portfolio. and later, jim goes fast and furious as he faces a non-stop barrage of calls, giving stock after stock their final verdict on the "lightning round." all coming up on "mad money." i'm here on this tiny little plane, and guess what...
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i've still got room for the internet. with my new netbook from at&t. with its built-in 3g network, it's fast and small, so it goes places other laptops can't. anything before takeoff mr. kurtis? prime rib, medium rare. i'm bill kurtis, and i've got plenty of room for the internet. and the nation's fastest 3g network. (announcer) sign up today and get a netbook for $199.99 after mail-in rebate. with built-in access to the nation's fastest 3g network. only from at&t.
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ladies and generalities gen gents week, got a genuine up side earnings surprise. and if you have been listening to my endless promotion of the mobile internet tsunami, you might be benefiting tomorrow morning from the news that skyworks solutions sees business as much better than expected,
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which is pretty darn good considering that we've been expecting a lot from this company. skyworks, you see, is ground zero for the smartphone tsunami. this is why i've been -- let's call me a broken record. i don't mind. about the mobile internet revolution. the creation of game-changing device that's can connect to the web anywhere, giving you voice, data, video, storage, all in one nifty little device like apple's iphone, research in motion's blackberries. i've said this is the biggest product cycle, the biggest sector of growth trend in technology since the recognition that the regular internet was the next big thing in the late '90s or even the mass rollout of the personal computer in the early '90s. one that should allow to you rack up similar huge multiyear gains if you own the right stocks. remember, i come out here to teach you. when i was at my hedge fund, those were the two major trends that i played that made me the most money. i look for major trends. this is it. i will not shut up about this trend because, quite simply, it's right. which is why i keep hammering
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away at the theme. and now we've got the data to prove it. back on august 11th we created the mobile internet index. there's 21 stocks that represent every facet of this trend from straight up internet plays and device makers to network, connectivity plays, to wireless infrastructure plays and component makers. since we created the mobile internet index, stocks are up an average of 9.1%. the s&p 500 is up just 3.9%. now, got to tell you, anytime you can double the s&p, that's fantastic outperformance. now, i'm expecting the index to pop once again tomorrow because skyworks is a key driver of the mobile internet and one that i have talked about for the last nine months when i first discerned this fantastic secular growth trend. skyworks is up 16% since the creation of the index on august 11th w4 it was at $11.04. but it's up an incredible 189% since i got behind it on december 12th when it was at $4.41. and you know what? i don't think it's finished
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going higher, something else i've repeated endlessly. but why get off an inexpensive horse that keeps on winning? they make semiconductors mainly filters, power amp suppliers for mobile phones, which strengthen the cellular signal allowing for -- that's how you get all the downloads of data, web content, videos. it has its own broad bant infrastructure, smart power meters. the company has a great smartphone play. they require more amplifiers than normal phones. this now supplies all the leading smartphone makers. this has been a great day for sky orkz because this afternoon it increased ilths financial outlook for the fourth quarter, boosted its sales and earnings forecast because of broad-based improvements in demand. the company seeing increased demand from apple, research in motion where it's over half its devices, lg, lucky g, samsung, as well as the low end of the handset market. skyworks is on track to potentially triple its market share at nokia. this company produces the guts of the devices that make the
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mobile internet possible. no wonder it's doing so well. yesterday opper raised its 2010 handset shipment estimate by over 8%. 1.23 billion handsets. p upped smartphone shipment up by 27% to 256 million from 201 million. that's a lot of additional filters and power amplifiers for skyworks to sell. with skyworks upping its earnings outlook today, something by the way a similar company texas instruments also did after the close, i think the trading in skyworks -- well, i just think the story's looking better and better so much better i want to talk to the company's great ceo, friend of "mad money" david aldrich about the incredible things happening with the mobile internet and his business. mr. aldrich, welcome back to "mad money." >> thanks, jim. thanks for having me. >> every time i see you we make money for our viewers. so thank you for coming on p. >> thank you. nice to see you. >> how do you report a much better than expected quarter this early in the year -- in the
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quarter quarter? and how did you realize that this was not just a destocking/restocking inventory situation like so many told me when i recommended your stock last time? >> well, it's been a few things. you mentioned a couple in your opening comments. one is we've seen improvement in demand across the board, smartphone as well as low end, netbooks as well as infrastructure. we've begun to see some real up side in some of the secular trends you that talked about. we're an early adopter and early participant in smartphones, in some netbook technology and e books that fill states data access. our outlook's gotten much better. so we communicated that today. >> you said something today that again i think people don't believe in. you called yourself an early adopter people think we're already in the eighth or ninth inning on these smartphones. totally untrue. game just started, right? >> absolutely. if you think about it, today the applications are very well understood. we're not waiting for future applications. but the applications are relatively nascent. one is twitter and facebook.
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social networking. e-mail access. high-speed internet access. cameras and so on. so all that technology is being facilitated by a whole host of devices. whether it's a netbook or it's an ultrathin, ultramini pc, whether it's a smartphone. but the beauty is the carriers love it, don't like it, love it. because every smartphone consumer is having a multiple of actually subscriber revenue than a 2g subscriber. >> so what they're doing is propagating your business. >> exactly. >> the more they want to get people into sticky applications the more business skyrockets. >> they see the traffic on the network, they're willing to invest, underwrite the cost of some of these devices. the demand is there, the infrastructure's in place. that all the combines to create a terrific long-term trend trend. >> everybody says how do i make money off facebook and i say it's skyworks. you can't own facebook but you can own the technology that allows it to work on your handset. >> in order to -- people become
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so enamored with those various networking sites, they want to be on all the time. and the only way to be connected all the time suf got to have wi-fi interconnectivity in the building, local area wireless, you need to have wide area network, that's 3g, coming 4g, and the carriers need to facilitate all of that. that all spells more semiconductor content, more stickiness to this overall trend. >> i don't want to overexaggerate smartphones. you've got a lot of other businesses you're in. could you talk about how -- they've got to be doing well enough too or else you wouldn't be able to blow out the numbers like this. >> they are doing well. we've got a big play now in smart grid technology. we added last -- >> tell people what that is. smart grid. people don't know what that is. >> absolutely. well, think of the wireless meter in your home and all the infrastructure that's being -- that some of the stimulus dollars are going toward being able to prevent brownouts, manage the grid -- >> cisco's in that too. >> precisely. and then that's facilitating in the home how do you look at a thermostat, how does the consumer know what the consumption's going to be? wi-fi. there are 400 million embedded
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wi-fi devices this year. that's expected to grow by 25% or 30%. we announced last quarter that we have a situation now with intel where we partnered on their latest chip set. our position with broadcom's strong. we're in three of the top four netbook oems today. >> okay. now, one of the things that everybody says is that nokia's got to catch up. nokia's the biggest, but it's not the best. now, you have a great relationship with nokia. can we be thinking apple, research in motion, palm, nokia? is that what we'll be doing next year at this time? >> i think you'll be thinking about all of the above. i think clearly the smartphone sector created some new participants. it created a new business model in fact that many of us didn't know existed, which is very high revenue per subscriber, mobile internet access. there are going to be netbook devices, ultra mini pcs. there are going to be high-end and mid-tier 3g phones that are going to allow for some of that functionality. all of that's going to load up the network. i think you'll see pc manufacturers as well as traditional phone oems.
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what i've been saying, just to wrap things up, what i've been saying is look, you can get on an individual horse, and i happen to like apple very much. but it's better to be on the -- to play the field. and you guys literally are the field because you're pretty much in everybody's devices. >> that's right. a couple of years ago we were heavily concentrated with a couple of oems. we did a lot of work to try to fix that situation. the newest customer is nokia, believe it or not. so we're now nauflt top-tier cellular oems, virtually all the smartphone examines with intel and broadcom we're in good shape on the network pcs. we're pretty -- >> the skyworks solutions is breaking out above 13. now you know the great story run by david auld rbi. good to see you again, thank you again for making all our viewers so much money. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. >> announcer: coming up, back to school has consumers back in the stores. so which retail names are the queen of the crop? cramer goes one on one with jones apparel ceo wes card to see if his stock could be the right fit for your portfolio.
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plus, lightning strikes. cramer goes electric, taking all your calls in a spine-chilling, overcharged "lightning round." all coming up on "mad money." he ran off with his secretary! she's 23 years old!
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despite what the papers would have you believe, retail is alive and well. and reports of its demise have been greatly exaggerated. there is so much strength in this group, real strength, so much profit even if sales aren't as strong, we need to be focused on finding the best names in this sector. not writing them off even though a lot of them have moved. which is what brings me to jones apparel, jmy. probably known to you as jones new york, ann klein, nine west, easy spirit, gloria vanderbilt, band leino, and a host of other brands. it has been one of my favorite retailers and parol concerns. now, the stock's up huge since i last recommended it. $9.69. just on july 13th. 75% move. but i think it even has more
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room to run. of course jones apparel up more than 500% from its low of $2.53 in november of last year. but it never should have been down there in the first place given how well it was doing the whole time. jones apparel's four main segments, and they're each in strong shape, wholesale, better apparel, led by jones signature, wholesale jeanswear. they've got the cheapest i think high-quality jeans. they've got a walmart partnership there paying huge dividends. wholesale footwear and accessories where nine west has been on fire. and retail, where jones is focusing on outlet stores, improving the look and lighting of its existing stores so they don't feel like some sort of pipe rack operation. and developing, most importantly, new concepts like rachel roy. okay? this is jones' higherend women's fashion concept. to me it puts this thing in a much higher level than anyone thinks of jmy. different brand. very contemporary. it is the company -- well, les let's say they've got very high hopes for it. and it looks like jones apparel is doing a great job of ink
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bating a new concept. i want to get ahead of this story so it can pr pelle to maybe 20 bucks. earlier today got a chance to check out jones apparel's new rachel roy store, a pop-up store, and talk with wes card, jones apparel's terrific ceo, to see what's in the works at this retail and apparel company that i think even though it went to 16 today has more room to move. take a look. >> all right, wes, where the heck are we? what kind of store is this that i'm looking at? >> this is really the modern contemporary area for shopping in new york. and we've opened this pop-up store to support the launch of rachel rachel roy which officially launches tomorrow night at macy's nationwide. >> you used the tomorrow pop-up. what does that mean? >> well, this is really designed to be a live window into how the customer is shopping. what we want to do is expose them to the product in a very brief period. hopefully, we'll sell out in a couple of days. and support the launch in macy's. >> is it more important for you guys to have gigantic billboards that talk about rachel roy or to
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have something that's viral on the internet? >> this is all social, about social marketing. rachel roy. which includes the website, which we just launched last week. an outstanding website. it tells rachel's story. it, you know, shows her to be able to personify the brand. there's a documentary on her on which launched last week. she does twitter. facebook. we have the iphone application which ties into all of this is how this customer will find the product. >> we're all so used to retail being terrible. is jones doing something no one else is doing? >> it is all part of execution and building some momentum with this brand. and as rachel roy is a designer star has risen, there's been just a lot of enthusiasm and excitement about this brand. >> let's put this brand in the context of the much larger jones situation. >> well, this is important for us as a brand because it's the first true designer brand that we have. what i mean by that is the real live designer attached to the product. in terms of retail, we'll be selling this exclusively in
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macy's initially. this store should be open for a couple of days and then shut down. for our own retail about 20% of our business is retail. we think it's very important. a third of that business, a regular price mall-based or street level stores, those are really important to showcase the brand. >> i've been recommending the stock all the way -- i have to say all the way down. it's come all the way back up. what the heck was your stock doing in the low single digits geg given how well the company was doing? >> about this time last year i started to get really uncomfortable with the tone of business. we became very proactive on controlling our expenses, our inventory, really thinking about how are we going to cut spring for the next year, how much are we going to produce? we got very conservative and cautious. we've revamped our balance sheet. our finance group worked on that through several renditions to the point where at the end of the first quarter we completely restructured the balance sheet, paid off some debt early, had a great line of credit in place. so we did all those things
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proactively. and as business began to stabilize and wall street started to become more comfortable, we actually exceeded -- for the first half of the year we're even with last year on an earnings per share basis. in a really difficult period when sales have come down. in fact, in the second quarter we were way ahead of last year's results, which i'm really proud of. i think the team we have in place just did a phenomenal job executing through this environment. >> can you explain in non-retail speak why inventory mattered, why execution mattered, and why same-store sales, while down, didn't necessarily predict what would happen with jones? >> well, i think same-store sales in general, there's an obsession with that. first of all, there's an obsession with top line. over the long term you have to increase your top line. but to have an expectation in this environment that you're going to plan for and try to increase your top line just creates extra inventory. it's all coming back to the
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inventory. we planned very conservatively against what demand would be. we hope to sell out. we've worked very hard on our merchandise assortments. so the products we manufacture get actually sold into the stores. and then we move really quickly to get the excess out of the system. we've been harping on that with our division team. in fact, a lot of our incentive comp is based on inventory control, cash flow, so we have the whole management team focused on that. i think the corollary to that is with the same-store sales, it's the quality of the sales that are important. part of the reason they have the same-store sales is less promotion, is less inventory in the channel. >> meaning again, just in plain english, you have a lot of inventory, you have to run big sales. you run big sales, you don't make as much money as having less inventory, less top line, less revenue, but more profit. >> i think as we go into the back half retailers have come into the back half very clean with their inventories. people know at the same time they announce comp story sales are down they've often been taking their guidance off the
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bottom line because they're having stronger gross margins controlling their expenses. and that's going to be the story i think in the back half. >> can you speak to this is a beautiful store with a lot of great fashion in it, but you also have a very dominant franchise in places like walmart. that's not what we're seeing here with rachel roy, right? >> actually, our strategy is to be the best supplier across a variety of channels. we want to be able to execute at this level, at the designer level, and also with walmart, target, and those types of businesses. >> we keep hearing footwear's strong. why is that? >> women love shoes, jim. i can't come up with a better answer. women love shoes. >> my friends who've traded the stock for a long time told me that the reason -- one of the reasons they like jones is that jones saw the department stores -- or at least the high-end department stores in trouble and sold barney's at the top and got big proceeds. how did you know to get out of barney essence. >> we got the future present value of that investment. we have been able to maximize it
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in a period when that business was very strong. so we took advantage of that and sold it. we were criticized at the time. although now you look back -- at that time luxury was king and never going away. now obviously we're in a whole different world. >> has retail changed to the point where what we should really be focusing on is your debt situation, how you're handling your cash flow? because these are things that frankly, when i was trading retail, really weren't important. >> you need focus on the fundamentals. and one of the reasons we're coming through this and our stock has recovered so nicely is we have a strong balance sheet. you have to -- i never could have when i was cfo of the company too much backup lines of credit or too much cash in the bank. and i think it really puts us in a unique spot. >> another thing we've been critical of on "mad money" is the retailers think all they should ever do is add stores, never subtract stores, never close stores. you guys have been tough on that, too, right? >> you know, we've been looking for the last couple of years at some of the underperforming parts of our portfolio. we were patient because we had a lot of leases coming due in the
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next year or two. as it worked out, we're going to be able to close 250 stores over the next year and a half, save about $20 million in operating losses with very little cash cost. and we're addressing that issue. so we're winnowing the chain down to the really good locations, good concepts, and i think we've got a great opportunity to get back to significant profitability in that segment. >> i am waiting for the parade of holiday sales will be terrible stories. is the media too negative about retail? >> absolutely. because they, again, are going to miss the picture. as i said earlier, fourth quarter the sales quality will be much better. the -- people are still shopping. you know, even though if sales are up or down a couple of percent the overall -- the retailers are planning for that. so they should have much better margin on their sales. they're cutting costs. and i think overall i would consider that a successful -- as a successful result. as consumer confidence builds,
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housing bottoms out, we hit the paevg unemployment, then they can start reordering and planning for sales increases. in the meantime it's important to focus on the quality of what you're doing, not just the quantity. >> what does it mean to a retailer when you pick up the paper or you see videotape and michelle obama is wearing something you make? >> with rachel who's really established herself in that segment of dressing michelle obama, oprah, many of the stores and celebrity, and that creates the umbrella for all of this product and the aspirational sense that women want to be just like them and wear those products. so it's tremendously exciting. >> all right, wes card, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. >> thank you. >> announcer: coming up -- try to keep up with cramer as he takes your calls rapid-fire in an all new "lightning round." and later, whether the dow soars or hits the floor, jim helps you try to stay on steady ground with "am i diversified?" all coming up on "mad money." uuu
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it is time. it is time for the "lightning round" on cramer's "mad money"! what's that all about? that's rapid-fire calls. you sate name of the stock i tell you whether to buy buy buy or sell sell sell. just to be clear i do not know the callers or stock questions ahead of time. my staff prepares the graphics on the fly. play until you hear this sxound then the "lightning round" is over. are you ready, skee-daddy? it is time for the "lightning round" on cramer's "mad money"! how about we go to mike in north dakota? >> caller: a big boo-yah from booming north dakota, jim, from our family to yours. i'm wondering what your long-term outlook on brigham exploration, bexp. >> you know what?
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i think that stock had too much of a run. i have a very strong feeling -- now, yesterday's show we had bob simpson on from xto. remember, that company has made 1800% for you the last ten years. and he talked about the majors doing well. i don't want to own the minors when it comes to natural gas drilling and finding and exploration. it's too risky. i think that stock is a -- >> sell sell sell. >> and you should stick with the majors like xtl. how about don in pennsylvania? >> caller: big boo-yah here from the best baltimore raven fans in the world. >> you're from pennsylvania. you have a problem with -- are you like that guy russell maryland? >> caller: well, you never know. >> remember london fletcher thought london was a great country. go ahead. >> caller: i've been buying this for 35 years, highs and lows. should i hold it or -- >> it had that horrible
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asbestos -- i come from philadelphia. one of our biggest employers. i have to think i think they've got it together. illinois toolworks reported better than expected, was upgraded today. i thought immediately about crown corp. they call it crown holdings now. i think crown holdings is a winner. i think you should buy it. i like beamus, let me throw that in. and sonoco. i'll throw in international paper. and i'll put ted boylan in that group. and passaging is on fire. all the bears just don't get it. hey, bears, take this. okay. there, that's better. let's go to mark in new york. mark. >> caller: jimbo. >> hey hey, man. what's up? >> caller: this cramerica? >> yeah, you're in the capital of cramerica. >> caller: awesome. first-time caller. strong island ba-ba-ba-boo-yah!
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>> holy cow. a mauritius boo-yah it sounds like if not like a jamaica. >> caller: wanted to know what you thought about sq and m. are they going back to 15? >> no, they missed it. they blew their main drug. i don't like sequenom. if we're going to speculate let's speculate wisely and that is not one we're going to do it with. i just got started in this "lightning round." that is an insult. how about we go to adnm oh, man, a lot of clusters of new york, new jersey. adnm new jersey. adam. >> caller: hey, big old boo-yah to you, jim cramer. >> well, boo-yah right back at you. garden state, man. >> caller: congress is passing a bill with a tax credit worth more than double cash for clunkers for cars and trucks. and i was wondering if clne is a good stock for the future. >> okay. here's what we've been saying about clne. our line has never changed. this is clean energy.
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we had andrew littlefair on many times. this is a boone pickens company. i want to make this very clear. this is totally speculative. you need to have a major change in washington in order to be able to buy this stock and think you can go back to the 20 level. why? because it's a chain of natural gas fueling stations and right now there's nothing in the legislation that makes you feel like they're going to be favored. this stock is way too speculative for most people. sthad if you believe like i do that natural gas is the cleaner, better bridge fall you want to buy clne right now. one more call. we're going to go to dan in maine. dan. >> caller: cramer. from halton, maine. >> wow, voice of maine. what have you got? >> caller: the corn crop seems to be coming in pretty good this year, and with ethanol losing its would we say political flavor or favor -- >> mm-hmm. >> caller: i'm wondering about anderson. ande. >> i recommended anderson at the beginning of the ethanol move because it's a grain elevator company. now i think it's time to swap oust anderson and get into
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potash which has been hanging around the nid'll 90s. why? because everyone's worried about the chinese and indian negotiations for fertilizer. i say stop worrying, buy some potash, sell the andersons. and the "lightning round" is over! bull market or bear, traders are always hungry for ideas. trading is all about strategy. and strategy... is all about information. heat mapping shows me where the money's moving. twenty five hundred stocks... one quick look. that's where the action is. plus, this amazing gadget... it's called the telephone. i can call td ameritrade anytime and talk trades, strategy... anything. td ameritrade. built by traders, for traders. this is what i need. announcer: trade commission free for 30 days,
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just how much algae can help to meet... the fuel demands of the world. when i tell you i think i should own a stock, that doesn't mean you should throw all of your eggs into one basket. even if you're almost positive it will go up. my friend, i won't have any of that. because diversification is indeed the only free lunch in this business and that's why every once we play "am i diversified?" this is where you call me, you tell me your top five holdings, and i tell you if your portfolio is diversified enough. or if you need to mix it up a little. this is about teaching, me teaching you. i've got to do it. we've all got to learn about
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this because it's the only safety you really have in a tough market if it gets tougher than we are. let's go to frank in new york to start. frank, you're our first caller. what have you got for me? >> caller: i'm a first-time caller. i love the show. a big boo-yah. >> thank you for the kind compliment. thank what do we have? >> caller: right now, i have weyerhauser, john deere, bank of america, paychex. am i diversified? john deere, bank of america, it's been suppressed by the shorts, i believe. i think it's going to report a magnificent quarter. coin star, changes at the toep and doing a big convertible deal. let's call it entertainment. weyerhauser, that's one i'm buying for the trust. it's still the cheapest in the group.
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paychex, fantastic. 4% yield. we know that's about people getting hired. i don't think there's going to be a jobless recovery. i think there's going to be a job recovery. we've got a payroll processor and housing play. entertainment play, ag play and bank play. let's go to dan in the illini. >> caller: i'm sending back a fighting illini bring back the chiefs boo-yah in champaign. >> go ahead. >> i'm a little alphabetically concentrated. general mills, goldman sachs, google, and my favorite, garmin. >> surprised he doesn't have general mills.
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he does have general mills. genzyme, terrific. we thit's cheap. goldman sachs. own it for my trust. google, kind of stug right here. i think that's a mistake. the quarter is excellent. garmin is a global positioning company. and big g, general mills, the stock should not have jumped a buck and a half. but i've got to tell you something, general mills is not an expensive stock. we have an internet play, a global positioning play, biotech and finance. and hello to the boys in champaign in urbana. okay, let's take one more. how do you like the "g" thing he's got going. let's go to anthony in new jersey. anthony?
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>> caller: boo-yah, jim. >> boo-yah, anthony. >> caller: i've got a pharmaceutical company. they went through fda approval and got denied. >> i know. we recommended that stock a couple years ago, took the triple and said goodbye. >> i've got imax they're going to digital. going to be cutting costs. >> right, the movie guys. what was that? >> caller: u.s. steel corp. shepard okay, l . >> okay, letter x. what else? >> bank of america, up $17 now. >> got that. >> and microsoft with bing. they're supposed to open up 200 stores. >> okay, you got a summary. like a little thumbnail sketch. okay, here's what we got.
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an entertainment company in imax, a pharmaceutical company. but neither of these are my favorite, but this is not about qualitative, it's more about diversification. u.s. steel is a steel company. microsoft and bank of america. we got a bank, a tech, a steel, an entertainment, and we've got pharma. holy cow, everyone understands this game. although the five "g" thing was a little too much for me. fithe same tools the pros use,
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trade like a pro. trade k today. >> i promise you there's always a bull market somewhere and i'll find it for you. i'm jim cramer, see you tomorrow. up next on "kudlow" a special on president obama's health care speech. we have senators, health care specialists panel members. welcome to the now network. population: 49 million.
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