tv Mad Money CNBC September 10, 2009 11:00pm-12:00am EDT
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hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money," welcome >> there's a bull market somewhere, and -- >> mad money. you can't afford to mess it. other people want to make friends, i'm trying to make you some money. my job is not just to entertain you, but to educate you, which i'm going to do at the top of the show. so call me at 1-800-743-cnbc. tonight i'm going to solve a big problem for you in order to help
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you try to make a lot of ka ching ka ching, all by yourself, without me. i'm going to teach you the concept of expectations. using two totally household names you will all recognize to make it easy for you. why am i so committed to coaching you into understanding expectations? because they trump pretty much everything else out there when you're trying to forecast short-term gains. i know many of you want to be traders. and because they are so counterintuitive, that i fear you will not be able to figure it out yourself. don't feel bad if you can't. this took me years to understand when i was a big -- i ran $500 million. it took me at least -- it took me five years to really understand the concept, okay? so you have to keep your eye on how companies do versus the expectations. as expressed by analysts' estimates. because that's often what the vesting game is all about, not
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which companies are better. not whose stock is more deserving of going higher. but just what the guys at the margin, the big hedge funds and the mutual funds think will happen versus what actually happens. and today, boy, we got lucky. because we've got the clearest possible example about how investing is all about the expectations game. just take a look at two huge names from the supermarket. procter & gamble versus general mills. which is why we have a che oand tide on the set. you'll remember big g and p and g. and you can play the expectations game at home without me. procter & gamble, which my charitable trust owns,, it has been a serial disappointer.
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it has been just an unnerving difficult stock to own for a long time. but today, it announced it is going to make -- that's right, make -- you heard me right, make its earnings forecast. this by way of course is after reporting a disappointing quarter in august with weaker organic sales, and everyone. you know what the stock did? on making expectations, it rallies $2.28 to close above $56. get this. simply because procter & gamble said it would make the numbers that this time it would not disappointment, its stock became the best performer in the dow jones average today, accounting for 17 points of the dow's 80-point gain, almost is 1/5 of the whole gain. search for analogies. how about this? this move is like praising your kid for getting a b minus after that last d. i know, it's hard to understand, unless you have a comeback kid, and you know, therefore, it's
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worth lavish prays. but you have to recognize that on wall street, we get excited any time a great student like p & g breaks out of of a slump. it could mean some as are coming. remember, it is awful hard to leap frog from an a to a d. you're now halfway there. now, tougher one. tougher one to understand. general mills. general mills, on the other hand, is a serial outperformer. no! it's a serial cereal outperformer. all right, i couldn't resist. it routinely beats the estimates for multiple years. today they announced a better than expected number. and what happened? the stock spent most of the day down before rallying right at the close for a meager 36-cent gain of the . that's less than cramer face to face 50 cent. maybe it can creep up from here, but i doubt it's worth buying versus procter & gamble.
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they brought home another a, big deal, yahn. going to college anyway. so what? no improvement, nothing to improve to. maybe an a-plus? they had them, i'm told, at law school. but i was just trying to get the grade proctor had today, as opposed to the last one hoo-ha. so general mills says things are better, and people let down. procter & gamble thrills us by saying it won't disappointment. in it a perfect world, the opposite of these two should have occurred. but we do not live in the perfect world. we live in cramerica. the only thing that matters is what people think will happen. and when that happens, they don't like it. general mills! but when a stock like procter & gamble -- when its company -- it just -- just doesn't fail! we send it much higher. that's the nature of the game. and i know it can seem counterintuitive but makes a lot more sense when you factor in the expectations. you see procter & gamble is
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disliked by the analysts on wall street as a big company that is still in fairly decent shape can get. i like to measure things by how many people recommending a stock in their 17 people on who cover proctor, nine buys and out of the 17, 9 buys and 8 holds. of course, no sells. that would really be her assing. no analyst wants to come out with a sell rating and get put in the penalty box by all of the money managers who own the stock or upset the great manager to proctor. so nine buys and eight holds is pretty negative. after pg reported a disappointing quarter last time, nearly every analyst northeast was negative. pg lost its way, or 2010 will be the transition. even when the company executed on it's phrma asset sale, remember, just executed that, everyone focused on how it would dilute earnings and ignored the $3.1 billion in cash that proctor can now use to buy back
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stock at 3, 5 and 10-year low valuations. well, put simply, nobody examined anything good from proctor, except for, hey, me. i bought -- for my chaertable trust. why? well, i told you why. i said it was too hated. that was enough for me. i like the stock, because p & g was so darn cheap on the dividend basis, we love dividends in cramerica, and they love to boost their dividend, because they have a broad weak dollar exposure, and the dollars real weak, got to make money off that. and because of all its packaging use is natural gas. come on who do you think makes this stuff? and natural gas hit a seven-year low this quarter. i also told you this was a company that doesn't like to lose, and will do what is necessary to get back in the good graces of wall street.
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stanley capital in 10th grade. on the flip side, general mills -- this is probably one of the most loved stocks i've ever seen. 14 buys, 5 holds. street expects them to disappointment. and so when general mills excels, not only does everyone care, it's what we expected, after all, and they dump the stock of. as we saw throughout most of the day. but when proctor simply says they'll do what they say they would do, it's a huge surprise who makes people who are written the stock off start to like it again. too many people had counted procter & gamble out. but with raw costs lower, weak dollar, i think this one could go much higher. it could go all the way! and while general mills is a great story with diverse products, limited private labor exposure, ongoing holistic product -- yes, holistic, i'm like a vegan tonight. in addition to being one of the biggest beneficiaries, it's a well-known story everyone loves it, come on! doesn't catch anyone by surprise. plus more likely to be an inquirer, the stock already ran up on takeover talk. that's crazy. i don't think it has much juice. here's the bottom line. investors only care about what they don't expect. everybody thought procter &
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gamble was going to disappointment. so when it said it wouldn't, that sent the stock soaring! meanwhile, nobody cared about the process preannouncement at general mills, because it's just consistent with what everyone thought would happen. so it traveled lower most of the day, and only got in the black in the last half hour when so many other stocks ramped up. so remember, on wall street, we bet on the kid at the bottom of the class who is making progress. not the a-plus champ at the top who has nowhere higher to go. that's what puts tide above cheerios on the cheer otide-a-mid, even though we are relegating the student. steve. . >> caller: a back to school boo-yah from huntington valley. >> we've communitied before, you're a long time, long time. >> caller: i'm a long-time fan,
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jim. >> we like that in cramerica. we like that. >> caller: are you ready for a question? >> oh, hit me. >> caller: the market seems to be treading water, but without getting too technical, almost every trader, including myself, is buying protection by selling covered calls or buying puts. is this a bearish sign for the market? >> it's not time for that prophylactic protection, my friend. here's the deal. you must understand when you write a call against the stock, we had dave fischer here just the other day, right here, he was the ceo of options express, he suggested that strategy, i did not want to critique it, but i think you capital your up side, and i remember too well the days right after the crash of 1987 where everybody who sold puts was wiped out. i do not like to cap my upside, i do not like to create unlimited down side. i disagree with the strategy. but steve, you are a faithful caller, and i say two thumbs up to you. let's go to l.j. in my home state of new jersey. l.j.
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>> caller: flag-daddy. >> hey, what's up, champ? >> caller: erin burnett is super hot, boo-yah. >> how about i say erin is real smart, boo-yah. i am a diplomat! i mean, like, you know, i'm like not one of those -- well, i'm a diplomat like 50 cent who i really love. go ahead. >> caller: with golden copper pushing to the highest levels this year and james move felt saying that every ten kept moving copper increases by $200 million and every $50 move in gold increases revenue by $40 million is freeport mac a no-brainer, and shouldn't they crush their earnings next month? >> l.j. has got horse sense! you are absolutely right. one of the biggest mistakes i made for my charitable trust was i sold freeport, i knew what you said. you have got the statistics, you're absolutely right. i should never have sold it. it's going higher. it's cheap, it's well-run. my bad! okay. pay attention to the great expectations. we all had to read that book. hey, wasn't that book horrible? this is habersham?
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it was awful. that's why the tide is above the cheerios on the cheerios tide-a-mid, and well -- no, not going to do it tonight. "mad money" will be right back. coming up, not all mad gas craves are created equal. cramer drills down on the insuring sector to find out which name must now be sentenced to the cell block. plus, with millions of people now spending hours a day on their smart phones, who is in demand? cramer tells you which stocks could be dialed into next on "mad money." and later, try to keep up with cramer as he takes your calls rapid-fire in an all new "lightning round." all coming up, on "mad money."
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tonight, with natural gas jumping a huge 15% in one day -- i guess a chance to meld my crusade for natural gas as a natural and national bridge fuel with my jihad against financial products. the exchange-traded funds mostly, that don't do what you think they'll do. i'm talking about the weapons of mass financial destruction. like the skf! the ultra short financial pro shares that i think nearly brought down some very good banks and cost you, the taxpayer, maybe tens of billions in bailout money. and also instruments of financial self emulation, etfs that probably hurt you because
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you think you're buying something that you're really not. what's the product of this unholy union? it's the united states natural gas fund etf. which everyone who trades it knows it as ung. and that is the subject of tonight's block. for weeks, i've been talking about the potential of natural gas as a transition fuel to get us away from oil and even worse, out of the filthy clutches of the coal industry. cutting carbon emissions by 28.5% if you use it to fuel our cars, 40% if we burn it instead of coal. natural gas is plentiful. we're sitting on top of 238 trillion cubic feet of proven reserves in the united states and it grows all of the time. 1.8 quadrillion cubic feet of
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probable, possible, enough to supply the u.s. with energy for more than, yes, a century, at current levels of consumption. and remember, a lot of this has just been found in the last three years. now, i have told you -- this is going to be sobering. i have told you about the coal industry, with its huge congressional market share. excuse me. i flth. my role as a diplomat and elder statesman, i meant mine share, has been standing in the way of natural gas, holding out the oxymoronic proposition of clean coal via carbon capture as an act active. that's like hoping for the tooth fairy instead of going to the dentist, given that it will take at least a decade before the technology even exists. we had a terrible trade deficit number today. as an american i feel bummed out about this, the gap between imports and exports, increasing 16% to $32 billion. i need you to think how quickly
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we could close that gap if we replaced foreign oil with domestically produced natural gas. with natural gas, we have the transportation infrastructure and can easily build more pipelines, put a lot people to work. it's a viable transition fuel to reduce independence on the middle east, to create jobs, fight climate change while we wait for wind and solar to become, how about commercial? what's not to like? now, have a little lesson here. apparently, the coal industry clowns, and i mean that in a nice way, like crusty, and their congressmen -- yes, i would have called them lackeys before i became the reincarnation of doctor schweitzer, their favorite congress people in the house of representatives, well, what are they up to? they don't care for natural gas. they like coal best. i mean, kicking around some names for them, what they are, what they present, they the pro girty skies coalition, not the
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rainbow coalition, because you won't be able to see them if these guys win out. they margin allize natural gas. luckily, the senate is more nat gas friendly and could make changes that might benefit the natural gas industry. because what's good for natural gas, indeed, like you, is good for america. you think, then, that the natural gas etf like ung would be a great way to invest in the adoption of natural gas as a bridge fuel. if you believe washington has the political will or that the natural gas industry finally has the lobbying clout to make this happen, why not buy an etf that purports to let you own natural gas. after all, the price of this dirt-cheap commodity should start to rise. so why not buy this etf? you probably think i endorse it? well, forget about it! first of all, you ng could be in big trouble, something that my
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gurus at the pointed out to me today. at the moment, trading at an absurd 11% premium. the price of natural gas. because it's halted new share creation. essentially making it a closed-end fund. you can only buy from other shareholders, not the etf manager. now that the regulators are cracking down on these futures-based commodity funds, something that i think is fabulous, that premium could disappear in an instant, and you would lose money just as fast. when the regulators came for deutsche bank's dxo, that was a double long oil etf that halted new share creation and was also trading at a premium to its net asset value. the good people at deutsche bank shuttered the fund and that premium vanished. right thing to do, guys. if the commodity futures trading
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commission decides to make life difficult, it can go the way of dxo, redeems its outstanding shares at 11% premium, goes away. really damaging your investment if you own this thing. you could lose money in the blink of an eye. and even without regulatory pressure, there is an inherent problem with this like ung. remember, this is really a sell block name. like the united states' oil fund, the uso that i've already imprisoned in the sell block, the ung actually doesn't own natural gas, it just purports to. that's how people think it does. the company put out a prospectus that was clear that they made it very clear, but no one red the prospectus. what i want to know about this one, is there any room on death row when i put it in the sell block? never mind, i'm putting this one in the green mile vesting. kind of like -- well, you get it. when you're buying this, you're not buying the commodity. you're mostly buying a fund that owns near-month natural gas futures contractses. at the end of the month, the fund rolls over these contracts into the next month contracts. so at the end of september, it will trade in its september natural gas futures contract for october ones. it's going to swap them. it's complicated, i know. sounds like wall street gibberish. the way ung operates, when
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natural gas prices are going higher, when futures natural gas is worth more than present natural gas, it loses money every time it rolls these futures contracts forward! you think you've got to fund its tracking the price of natural gas, but instead, you own something that's leaking money, as it tries to roll a bunch of futures contracts uphill. what a terrible piece of paper this is. i like wallpaper -- i like toilet paper more. two-ply, of course. even if natural gas prices have moved higher, the ung can lose enormous amounts of money four. 2007, even though produces increased by 1%, ung lost 12% of its value. mostly because of losses from rolling its futures contracts forward. as long as you think nat gas prices are going higher in the future, congress tango, the ung is going to do worse than the come. that's a travesty. travesty for people about what they think will happen. natural gas prices down 12%, here we go. you're down 20% if you own the ung. how about since the market's generation alone on march 6th, natural gas down 18%. ung down 31%. i think the better way to play
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natural gas is to own the stocks. we've had the ceos of a lot of great natural gas companies on the show lately. we've had xto, defy vin, an adarko, apache. and we had lind energy. if you want with a big yield, may make more sense than the ung. my trust owns devin, which i've been buying, bought all the way down. and natural gas relayed over $3 today, a gigantic 15% gain. all of the stocks exploded. so did the ung. what a great time to sell it and swap into the real natural gas plays. if you insist on buying an etf, buy the stock etf equivalent, that's first trust ise, reveer, symbol seg. it owns the natural stocks of natural gas companies. it's up 7.9% in the last few months, 85% since march 6. natural gas stocks have pugh pow we ared higher. but here's the bottom line. and i'm very angry about this. i think natural gas is the way
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of the future. it's the bridge fuel we need. but you have to know how to play it. and first and foremost, that means knowing what to avoid. the ung is another etf that doesn't quite do what you think it does. and could be in danger, as the regulators finally start to do their jobs, which means it's definitely no way to play increasing natural gas prices. please, please, please avoid this etf or sell it. you just have got a big move here. and i think it's a huge mistake. the whole thing shouldn't exist. i think it should be shut down tomorrow. don't hold your bets, pleasement just sell the ung. after the break, try to make more money.
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you want a great way to try to make money? find something we don't -- well, find something we need, but don't have enough of. find yourself a shortage! you've heard all about the mobile internet tsunami on this show. boy, you would make money today, holy cow. the smart phone revolution -- remember yesterday, we had david aldrich, one of our favorite guys, skyworks solutions up 10% today. and they make the power amplifiers for these phones.
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he came on the show to talk about how business is booming, because he just raised his fourth quarter forecast to genuine, much better than expected. as i said at the top of the show, much better than expected. when it isn't expected is huge. smart phones have gone from luxuries to necessities. as everyone wants to have voice data e-mail, storage, photos, facebook, twitter, you name it. all in one gadget. and that's created a gigantic band width shortage. we just don't have the mobile internet infrastructure to handle all of the music and videos that people are downloading on their short phones. i just witnessed, there was a great story last week in the "new york times" how the iphone is overloading the att cellular network. the average iphone user takes up ten times the capacity of even the average smartphone user, causing dropped phones, slower download speeds, which is a big reason at&t plans to spend most of its $18 billion capital expenditure budget in between on
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upgrades and expansion to its 3g netwo network. of course, what i loved about the article is it didn't give you the names of who is going to benefit. that's up to me. and the reason i say that is because, it looks like that includes erecting an additional 2100 cell towers to boost coverage. att is not alone here. verizon is building out its own ultra fast network in 2010. and sprint is throwing a billion dollars in the pot. and don't forget, when att's iphone agreement with apple expires, possibly as soon as next year, this data-hogging smart phone will come to other carriers, causing them to spend still more on wireless infrastructure to support apple's data hog. okay. so who wins from this wireless infrastructure shortage? who benefits from all this spending by the carriers? this is a side the mobile
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internet tsunami that frankly i haven't spent much time talking about, but i think the games here could be multiyear, and i think the games could be enormous. when you look at where most of the problems were occurring and where most of the carriers are making their investments, it looks like the big bottleneck is in the mobile towers. sometimes it makes them look like trees. all right. put a tree house in there, maybe. the backbone of wireless communications, the on ramp, the off-ramp of the mobile internet, that's where the money is going, the huge volume of data coming to and from the iphone and other smart phones to create this traffic jam. i've got a solution for the traffic jam or at least a solution are you to make money. more cell tower with us, more antennas, better connections and stronger an ten as. is it an teni? that means we want to own the towers and can keep throwing on additional aten as to boost the signal. this is a very lucrative business, because almost 90 to 5% of incremental revenue goes to cash flow, there's two big players here, all right? again, i haven't taubld --
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they're good stocks. first one is american tower, amt. 19,600 towers in the u.s., 75% of them located in the top 100 wireless markets. and the second one is crown cassell. symbol bci, with 22,300 towers, 72% in the top 100 wireless markets. american tower has less debt, crown castle expects new additions to be significantly higher in the second half of the year. remember, the earnings per share numbers distort the strength of these numbers. i want you to look at the amazing cash flow, a much better indicator. perhaps the best case for one is made by a fellow named bria ashenberg i worked at with the he gave me some of the ideas for this. he came up with a name called sba communications. sbac. this is the smaller one. it's smaller than american tower or crown castle. it has just 7,800 towers, 80% of its revenue from leasing antenna
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space to wireless service providers. they want to expand coverage. they need to put up more antennas. once you have a tower, it's cheap and easy to put an additional aten a. which gives operating leverage, especially considering the huge demand from carriers for more band width. that's how sbac makes most of its money and also 20% of its sales from consulting and construction services for its wireless carrier customers. when they want to put up a new tower or 2,100 new towers like at&t is doing, sbac tells them how it should be done. and then helps them build it. it's a fabulous play in approximate the need for additional wireless infrastructure to accommodate the mobile internet tsunami. sbac is a serial outperformer having raised guidance three straight times, activity levels
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expected to improve the rest of the year. how else? how about this? how about a company that makes better antennas? that's a company like com scope, cpv, up 12% since the index was created. and i think com scope, which gets 60% of its sales from wireless infrastructure, including some of the best antenna out there, will exceed by a very big margin as wireless carriers spend more to keep the wirelesses traffic flowing. tomorrow, on speculative friday, i will give you two other wirelesses infrastructure plays, but not today. they're small cap, and you need to taft hartley style cooling off period over the weekend before you hear them. here's the bottom line. the best way to play the wireless infrastructure shortage is with the cell tower companies, for the conservative among you, i want you to look at american tower, crown castle for the more aggressive, go with sba communications or com scope. and yes, if you want to roll the dice on the concept, watch tomorrow night's show. let's go to austin in florida, please. austin. >> caller: ba-ba-ba boo-yah, jim, from the sunshine state. >> holy cow, it has been so long
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since we have had a stuttering boo-yah. i'm going to give you a university of florida boo yeah, because man i like their chances. what's up? >> caller: with steve jobs back at the helm from his medical leave and all of apple's new products, updates and the new nano that was just released yesterday, do you think apple is a buy, sell or hold? what are your feelings on the company? >> okay. now, just so we know, apple -- has historically sold off almost 5%, almost every single time we've had an announcement and it went off badly yesterday. and that made people feel like you know what, maybe these announcements aren't that big. that's wrong. that just happens to be the pattern of apple. i'm going to do something i typically don't do on the show. apple is a stock that everyone who has ever watched this show know's that i like, and i don't care about the next three or four points. i care about the next 30 points. those 30 points are higher.
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i think apple goes to 200. let's put it plain and simple. mike in pennsylvania. mike! >> caller: jimmy, it's mikie from the scary bear-infested poconos. >> caller: i got a cheap plywood floor and some home brew that i keep my eye on at night, you know what i mean? >> that's worse than a linoleum floor. i've got to get you a linoleum floor. >> caller: here's something. this stock is almost as old as you are. it surrender vifrd the 1990s, sold for $100 plus. emulex, eul. two months ago, turned down 11 bucks from broadcom. what is your take? >> i was part of the criminal investigation of someone who did some stuff to emulex that was in paratrade, too. this is a company where there was a press release out that was bogus. this is a long time ago, because
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he obviously -- obviously mike knows i am old and there was a controversial hot stock. now it has, to me, lost its way. because they should have taken the money and run. and yoik loo that. i'm anxious to hear take two side of the story of another one that should have taken the money and run. so emulex, no. cue logic better. and al tiera and zi election best. ann in california. ann. >> caller: hi, jim. >> how are you doing? >> caller: fine, how are you? >> good, thank you. >> my question is on ter,ter adine. >> did you buy when we recommended in september? >> caller: yes, i did. >> yes! congratulations. go ahead. . >> caller: can i still get some in. >> here's the thing, first of all, because you have double in
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teradyne, you take half of it off right now, because we are not ton-foolish, okay? we believe very strongly you should take that off. remember my late mother's old adage at blackjack, get off the table and go cash in some winnings and buy yourself a nic sweater. i think it's moved up too much. let's wait for a pullback. along with micron, intel, abnette, and yes, even lowly -- no -- anyway, my wireless infrastructure plays, american tower, amt. crown castle, cpi. sba communications, sbac. com scope. yes, if you're the speculative among you, please watch tomorrow night's show. i've got two real hot ones. stay with cramer. >> and later, feel the thunder approaching. as jim takes a full-on press from kra americans. can he handle the pressure on a flash fire "lightning round"? and later cramer takes your questions and gives you the quick-fire responses you crave cramericans, we want to hear
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yeah! it is time! it's time for the "lightning round" on cramer's "mad money." what's that? that's our calls one after another. after you hear this sound, the "lightning round" is over. that gives you the right to be able to take two additional calls many are you ready skedaddy? it is time for the "lightning round" on cramer's "mad money." why don't we start with andy in north carolina. andy! >> caller: hey, jim cramer, i have a big charlotte, mcincome, wall street south beyeah. >> that's a mouthful boo-yah. hit me!
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>> caller: jim, what do you think about the electronics assembly flex electronic? >> i did a please this weekend on the where i'm chairman saying the action in flextronics, the action is nothing short of amazing. these are contract manufacturers, you give them contracts when you put put together stuff yourself. it goes higher. it has been in a bear market along with j-bill along with celexica, and i'm pronouncing the bear market over. teddy in connecticut. ted. >> caller: boo-yah, jim. my stock is he willdor addo gold core. corps. >> here is gold at 1,000. aren't stocks and bonds supposed to go down? we have one of the great yft bond and stock rallies in history and gold rallies in history. nothing is stopping this bull and gold isn't taking it top. i like ag. it was up 3 today. we had mr. boiler on 20 points ago, and i likeldor raddo, because at $11, it is still a
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buy. remember that symbol. ego. edward in pennsylvania. edward! >> caller: yes. jim. god bless you and thank you for a wonderful program. >> you're very kind. thank you. thanks a lot. >> caller: jim, i'm wanting to -- first, i was a broker for try fuss and company in the early '50s when they did half a million shares. >> we did $6 billion today. thank you. totally right. >> caller: and this guy says to me, made a small fortune in this market and i said congratulations are in ready. and he said not so, i started with a large fortune. >> that's one of the reasons i'm telling people to buy the 50th law. by 50 cent robert green, a man who put his money away after the big score in vitamin water. how can i help? >> caller: what are your feelings about eastman kodak? >> so speculative. a great american brand name. eastman kodak, alcoa,
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international paper, eastman does -- seems like it's going to be the next one of those. its been going up chi leastly, has a terrific brand name and a terrific printer business. i can't get behind it as much as i would like to. these stocks have a habit to go higher, just because of their brand name and people can't believe how low ek is. john in colorado. john! >> caller: boo-yah, how are you doing today? >> not bad, thank you for asking. how about you, john? >> caller: i'm doing fantastic. fantastic. quick question for you. skywest airlines, the regional airline, and i know traditionally airlines are kind of a chump's move, but they seem
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to be doing really well even in this economy. >> john, you're right. you know what's going to happen with my all-time negative, i would rather send tuition money to a college of my choice group, is this, i think you're going to miss them if you have my stance. you'll miss what you just pointed out. somebody upgraded the airlines saying a big percentage gain. i have to miss those, because i would have -- jetblue or united. i am not going to do that. i'm not getting behind your stock, even as i think it's going higher. ted in california. ted. >> caller: b-b-b- boo-yah, jim cramer! this is ted from the wine country! >> oh, man! i've been drinking the plump jack. that mayor of san francisco's family. that stuff is darn good. wish they had an importer here. what's on your mind? >> caller: i have ticker symbol crdn. >> oh, man, that sucks. conhas come and gone. i'm not going to recommend it, body or mind. i don't even know, you know, i've got to tell you something. the military plays, not crazy about them. i'm not crazy about this. i want to go back to my home store. mario in new jersey. mario. >> caller: yes, boo-yah, jim. how are you doing? >> oh, man, just all fired up here.
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how about you? >> caller: big-time eagles fan, excited for sunday. >> it's a big game. you know, if think they that -- i get nervous. >> caller: yeah, i hear you. >> and my fan -- i took a lot of giants -- so when the eagles lose, i'm not down here on the cheap linoleum floor drinking the terrible scotch. takes -- too emotional for me. too emotional. go ahead. >> caller: i've got the artist group, arrs. low deck, good earnings, good cash. what have you got? >> disappointed so many times, i'm not going to tell you to buy that stock up at 13-year, 52-week high. i would much rather see you in other players. want to buy some cypress semi. what's wrong with that? even skyward solutions. i say yes to the eagles, i say sorry to sorper and stick with cramer!
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mailbox flooded. we don't do enough of it. here's one from jeffrey from lafayette, colorado. headline low, cramer. i need help napding what to do with a recommendation you made on "mad money." weekly you recommended huntington bank here. since then it has unfortunately moved down 10% where many banks continue to fail. some of the other banks in this sector had better moves forward in this same time period at this point wrash how do you think i play this game in the short-term? i sure would love good old cramerica advice. and i the rest of the smart people in the world appreciate it. i'm going tell you this is how i feel about it. i'm walking down wall street, and a guy stops me and says, hey, lisp, i neat a stock. he says, well, i'm from ohio, and what stock? i said huntington bank shares. i told him why, went through the story. i said the back value is fine, his management is fine. the brup is in a funk right now. it is going to come roaring back. i stick with it, and thank you to the nice person who stopped me on the street too, because he
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had nice comments like you did. this one is from rodney. great show. sometimes i have differing opinions, but i defer to the expert, you. what part of the stock rise in value is due to a bull run. do you ever rethink your position of buying back into a stock that you have already taken profs from? thanks for all the advice, past, present, and future? rodney. >> explain to me a key rule that i have never forgotten. i said, look, i told that stock -- i can't buy it back. you whan she said to me? do you think it's going higher? i said, yes. she said we're buying 100,000 shares. okay? this one is from anthony. dear jim, i have hated you for the longest time. i don't care for you either, andy. oh, there's more. however, i agree with you 100% on your natural gas tanks stance. here you are telling and speaking the truth. you are 100% correct for
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changing this very important issue. i know that you couldn't care less, but i forgive you. i do care. it's, like, tom, you have a show, and you can't read about yourself, because the media hates you. like i feel like i'm doing something bad, like i got some sort of agenda that's negative, and it's nice to hear from people who say i hate, but you are right about something. it's better than people say i hate him, and they haven't even watched me. mad money is back av the break.
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