tv Closing Bell CNBC September 11, 2009 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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to go for six days in a row here. the dow down by about 23 points or so. way down really as the afternoon progresses. oil pulling back. that certainly weighed on the market. have a great weekend. there's the bell. it is 4:00 on wall street. do you know where your money is? hi, everybody, welcome back to the "closing bell." i'm maria bartiromo on the new york stock exchange, september 11th, 2009. here's what we're following at the close. the winning streak ends at 5:00. economic bellweather fedex. oil prices down. better than 3% today. concerns over demand in the fafs of higher inventories. crude oil breaking back below $70 a barrel tonight. the drop in oil offsetting a better than expected rise in consumer confidence. confidence now at the highest level in three months, thank you
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very much. dow industrials up 1.5% on the week, however, today, weakness. 9600 is where we're testing right now. fractional move there. s&p 500 down one point, 1,042. gives up about three. fractional moves all around. nasdaq finished right there on the trading session. oil, gold, and of course, the greenback. very much the story yet again for stocks. remember, stocks started to move lower as oil prices started to pull back as well. i want you to take a look at a chart of exxon mobil. you'll really see that move on the interday here. you see it later in the day after lunch or so. exxon started to pull back and oil prices started to pull back. the overall market did as well. the dollar, as i said, very much remains a story. weak again. the dollar index hitting a new
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52-week low. gold stocks, how can you not talk about gold. $1,008 an ounce, up another 11 bucks today. we're looking at gold stocks to the plus side. names like i amgold. that's what the gains were. about 1.5% to 2% across the board. the shippers very much big news today. closely looked upon certainly as economic bellwethers. no more than fedex, which came out and said q-1 earnings would exceed expectations. they also raised their second-quarter outlook. that not only gave a nice bump up to fedex today, up by about 6% or so. u.p.s. certainly moved higher on that by about 4.5%. not to be remiss, let's talk about the financials. because citi raised the price target and earnings estimates for goldman sachs, thanks to the
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recent runup in the market. up to $215 from $175. they think that goldman is poised to gain some market shares. goldman sachs closing with a fractional move to the down side. aig got downgraded by wells fargo to underperform. they say the company has, and this is interesting, virtually no tangible book value. shares moving lower today by just about 1%. morgan stanley closing abo about .75% of 1%. john mack stepping down as the ceo, replaced by james gorman. of course, campbell's soup beat estimates on improved gross margins. guidance ahead of expectations. technology, on the earnings front as well, semi, the results also top expectations. have a great weekend. >> thanks, scott. thaf have a great weekend. the other business headlines we're following tonight.
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consumer index to 70.2. better than economists' expectations. they were looking for the highest level. it actually hit the highest level since june because of the optimism that the economy was improving. and they were expecting a lot worse. the commerce department said wholesale inventories fell 1.4% in july. now to the lowest level in nearly three years. the 11th consecutive monthly declines. whole sales rising 0.5% since june of 2008. the labor department is reporting that u.s. import prices were up 2% last month due to a spike in oil. double what wall street was looking for. when you strip out oil, actually, import prizes rose. a small decline in july. we break down the day's market action, how to invest in this environment. excuse me. with michael, president and chief -- president and chief investment strategist.
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good to have you gentlemen on the program. thank you very much for joining us. let's talk about this market heading into what is typically a tough environment for the stock market. september, october has not been good for the broader markets. michael, what are you expecting? are you looking for a decline after this big runup? or do you think things have been justified? >> i think things have been justified. i think you could easily have a 5% or 10% bounce down. i think our september happened this year in march and april. i think the calendar was rearranged slightly this year. so i think this is a runup, fairly justified in terms of what's been happening with companies, i think diminished expectations. next quarter we'll have to see better on the revenue side. we can't keep beating earnings on the expense side. i still think there's opportunity if investors are selective. >> dean, do you agree with that? >> i largely do agree. i think it's reasonably tough to have a great deal of conviction. you have some pretty
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contradictory stuff going on right now. you've got companies beating earnings estimates, a tremendously powerful fed stimulus program that continues. and yet the dynamics of the debt problem that is plaguing the real es stated market and commercial real estate market and the unemployment picture give us some pause. i think the inertias to the market is to creep up a little bit. but we do think that's running out of steam as well. >> dean, what do you do then in terms of investing right now? >> i think one thing we've learned, as we're on the one-year anniversary of the lehman collapse, risk assets tend to be extremely correlated when liquidity leaves the market. it's clear that liquidity is in the market right now. but the cost of protecting a portfolio via, for example, put options is down dramatically as represented by the price of volatility like the vix index. we're working with clients on looking for opportunities to hedge broad market risk with put options.
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>> let's talk a little about the moves in the market, michael. in particular, you look at commodities, things like oil, gold of course, the dollar weakness today. do you read into this as far as of things to come, how do you want to position yourself in the face of what we're looking at in commodities? >> i think you need to first of all be in commodities. i think that much of what's been predicted about commodities in terms of being an inflation hedge as well as the eerjing side makes a lot of sense. but what i want to comment, i'm going to be in singapore in the next couple months. i was just there recently. when you go to the tall buildings, you look out into the harbor and you see rows and rows of essentially ships waiting for the export business to come back, for china as well as the emerging economy. investors need to be very careful on the emerging economy. right now u making that shift from an export economy back to an internal, or to an internal
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consumption economy is not going to be without bumps. i think investors should be very, very careful. i hear everybody saying, you should invest in emerging markets now all of a sudden china's down 20%. i think there's a caution that needs to be in place when investors make these sort of plays, especially when they hear strategists like myself come on or anybody else randomly say emerging markets. it's an important consideration. >> that's a very important point. dean, what about that. a lot of people are betting on china and the 8% growth that is apparently back for china, as being sort of the catalyst for the rest of the world. but there's the point, when you look at the gdp of china, it's really too small to impact the largest economies, the u.s. and japan. >> china i think is a big deal. it's certainly tough to render whether the statistics are accurate. the sheer size of what they're doing, i think, matters. i think a lot of the liquidity that's been empowering the economy recently globally is coming from china and all the
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bank lending. the question is whether that sort of lending is really sustainable. looking out further, i share the view that we really have to be concerned about in demand here. ultimately you need a consumer to buy the product. companies have done well by tightening their belts and productivity is well up. but i think without job growth and without a real solution to the housing problem, you know, i'm concerned that -- and this is down the road, this is six, nine months down the road, but i'm concerned about end demand. >> and end demand we have yet to see pick up any traction, whether it's the u.s. consumer or chinese consumer by the way. so give me your recommended portfolio right now then, michael, with all of these concerns that you're talking about, how do i want to split up my money in terms of asset classes, whether it's stocks, bonds, commodities, emerging markets, if you want to throw geographies in there? >> i do want to throw geographies in there. i think you need to invest a big portion of your portfolio in
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companies that have consistent streams of income, and companies that have global presence. mcdonald's, for example, is one that comes to mind. which has great cash flow. and has a growth strategy for the emerging markets. but is not completely betting on the emerging markets. i also think you need to have a significant percentage of your portfolio, maybe 20% in commodities, in gold. yes, i know gold is at $1,000. but i think gold ultimately is going to be a great hedge against inflation. i really am a believer, as jim rogers was saying the other day, that having commodities in your strategy is really not an inflation hedge, if in fact emerging markets do well, you'll have an opportunity for growth on emerging markets. so that's how i would structure portfolio. i wouldn't be in treasuries, i would be more in corporate fixed income. i still think there's going to be more money going to corporate. i think there's an appetite for high-quality corporate if we see the crafty election goes through for cadbury. >> we appreciate your time tonight, gentlemen.
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here's a look at some of the other stories we're following. motor roll a, one of the best performers in the s&p 500 today. analysts turn bullish on the company's new cell phone based on google's android operating software. you heard the ceo of that business on the "closing bell" yesterday. markets raising the stocks to $10 from $8. optimism that the new c lirks, q phone could turned around the handset business. intel upgraded over at roth capital. the firm saying that the chipmaker is poised to profit from the upgrade cycle. microsoft windows 7 and apple's snow leopard operating system. intel shares tonight in active trading, actually, on intel on the upside. as you can see, gaining up. intel down about 1.25%. women's apparel ann taylor upgraded by fbr capital markets.
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the analyst is telling clients he's hiking the price target on the stocks, $19, up from $13. they're citing improved merchandise, and rising consumer sentiment. ann taylor shares tonight higher. the italian brand that seemingly a step ahead of the competition. the state of retail and the global economy with the boss at a footwearmaker. a year after lehman brothers collapsed, we look at lessons learned and whether too big to fail is still a legitimate question. many argue there are many too bill to fail operations. eseseses
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wachovia was scooped up by wells fargo a few months later. the playing field has changed. fewer players, less risk, lower leverage, bigger government for sure. i sat down this week with many of the players that changed wall street. citi's vikram, bob jimd and john mack of morgan stanley. >> i remember tim calling and saying, okay, john, give me plan b. what do you do if this happens? i think that kind of involvement, and clearly they were not just working with me, they were talking to other banks, i think that kind of leadership and involvement was the critical piece in keeping the meltdown from being much worse than it was. >> the entire administration has been very clear, they have no interest in running banks. and we are really responsible for the operation of the bank on a day-to-day basis. >> it was pretty -- it was a very uncertain period of time. one really questioned the viability of the markets.
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the fear was quite large. >> on one hand, we knew that if lehman went into bankruptcy, there would be huge implications in the markets. on the other hand, we wanted to look at whether or not there was a transaction that made sense both for barclays as well as for the markets. >> please join us for a special presentation this weekend, 1 year later: reflections from the street sunday night at 10:00 p.m. eastern on cnbc. lehman filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and the failure was the biggest bankruptcy in history. it was a part of the weekend that changed wall street. and joining me now to reflect on that, as well as to look ahead, is lawrence mcdonald. the author of "a colossal failure of common sense," and former vice president of lehman. nice to have you on the program. >> happy birthday, first of all. >> thank you very much. i really appreciate that. very kind of you. a colossal failure of common sense. tell me about that. what was the colossal failure?
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>> so many things have gone on, you know, recently in the economy. a lot of pain has happened. a lot of people out there watching this feel like they got hit with a sledgehammer over the top of the head. and a lot of the problems started up in that 31st floor of lehman brothers. this is really a tragedy that should never have happened. >> why? what was the colossal failure that you write about? >> really, you had really talented people in the middle of the firm, trying to call out warnings. the subprime in 2006, one by one they were silenced. and then toward the end, a year ago this time of the year, last september, you had, you know, hank paulson and tim geithner, a lot of people in washington, you know, really just silencing lehman brothers. they literally took the head of lehman brothers and put her underwater. >> because they said, look, you should file. >> yeah. >> and then they said, merrill, you should go to bank of america. so you were a vice president of distressed stress and
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conversable securities trading at lehman. at what point did you know gs were in real trouble. >> i think in late 2006 we started to see things in the tradiing floor. people missing their first mortgage payment. that was really bizarre. at the same time, the unemployment rate was actually going down. so the economy looked -- it was mixed messages. those are the first signs. there were meetings within lehman brothers. lawrence lindsey was an economic adviser to two different brothers, was at lehman brothers every month advising the firm paid $250,000, a lot every year as well. people were silenced in the firm. people were calling out warnings. and high-profile financial people, like economic advisers were silenced as well. >> when you first saw mortgages not being paid, and when you saw defaults, and sorted of you were getting the first signs of this, do you feel like the environment was changing, and the firm
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wasn't necessarily recognizing that? is that what you're saying? >> yeah, it was really like a slow moving car wreck. there was little pieces, little warning signs. they got more and more severe. lehman executives were consumed with bizarre things. they were consumed with globalization. we were opening up offices in dubai. we spent tens and tens of millions offices opening up offices in dubai. we had art collectors in the 31st floor that were focused, really taking up a lot of our executives' time on not only an art collection that were expanding around the world. we had human resources people up on that floor. the 31st floor of lehman brothers should have been the nerve center of a $750 billion hedge fund. instead it was something totally, i think, unacceptable. >> to be fair, there was an interview recently with dig fall, the former ceo. and he said your book is "absolutely slanderous." what's your response? >> my response would be the first time that richard fold gets a chance to speak to the
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american people, a lot of lehman people, a lot of people that have been hurt inside and outside of lehman, and he talks about really defending himself. he should really be apologizing to, i have so many friends on facebook and twitter, former lehman people reaching out to me just in pain. people that their unemployment has run out. their cobra, health benefits have run out. >> these are the titans in the world in some cases. >> yeah, but really, i think the people hurting is the back office and support people. i've been talking to people recently that literally, they're borrowing money from family members and they're really hurting. i think richard fold blew a great opportunity to reach out to those people and really apologize. >> what do you think the landscape looks right now? i think some of your former colleagues are working with barclays, others are working elsewhere. what are you hearing from them? >> it's ironic that here we are on 9/11, the anniversary. i think a lot of the things that put us in a dangerous spot last
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year happened right before 9/11. and 9/11, you know, you had the fbi wasn't really coordinated with the cia, and the cia wasn't really talking to the alcohol, tobacco and firearms people. you had a horrible uncoordination in the bureaucracies of our government. i think the same thing happened here, where the fdic, wasn't really talking to the securities and exchange commission. when i'm talking to people on wall street, they really want a slightly stronger fed, instead, somebody has to be the quarterback of all these bureaucracies. hundreds of thousands much people in our government were supposed to be doing their jobs and they took their eye off the ball as well. >> the too big to fail has been criticized, obviously, with the government having to secure the lines of these firms. and yet some of the firms also are as big as they ever have been today. >> one of the lines in my book, the colossal failure of common sense, this means so much to me, these banks are not too big to
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fail. they're too big to succeed. they're too big to be managed. essentially with the acquisition of merrill lynch by bank of america, we've created another citigroup. i think the citigroup business model wants working. now we're creating another one. ken lewis still has his job even though he saw the destruction of billions of dollars of wealth really. and i think it's a shame. i think we have to break these banks up. because one thing, one bottom line thing is capitalism does not work without transparency. and these big banks, there's no transparency of risk. >> do you think the full significance of the collapse has been measured? >> i think we're in the middle of a w recovery. the patient was on life support. they gave the patient some experimental drugs in the economy. you know, quantitative easing. but we can't expect the patient to get up and run. >> thanks for being on the program. thank you very much. former lehman brothers vice president. on that anniversary of
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welcome back on monday. which is one year to the day that lehman brothers collapsed. president obama will give a speech at federal hall right here on wall street on the financial crisis. chief washington correspondent john harwood with a look at what the president hopes to say. >> i think he's got two purposes to the speech. one of them is to remind people where we've come, how far we've come. he doesn't want people to forget that he took office at a time
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when the economy was cratering, when the deficit was approaching $1 trillion. and he wants them to view his economic recovery efforts, and all the government interventions that he's undertaken in that context. the second thing i think he wants to do is give a big push forward to the financial regulatory re-write that he has proposed that hasn't really moved anywhere in congress. it's been secured by the focus on health care. somewhat by the focus on energy and climate change legislation. that's an equally top priority of the president to making sure that we don't get ourselves back in the same soup we were in a year ago. >> that's a really important point, john. a number of people have been talking to us recently about that very issue, that health care and the reform that's coming is really dominating. and as a result of that, as well as a market that has been trading quite well, the financial reform is being put to the sidelines. >> exactly. and, you know, the better the market does, and the more people
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believe that there's a sense of economic recovery, the more complacency sets in and it gets difficult to push that legislation. it is now not likely congress is going to act in any decisive way on financial reregulation in 2009. it's going to get kicked over into the election season of 2010. that's always a dangerous place for major legislation. you do have the senate banking chairman, chris dodd, who is in a very difficult race in connecticut for re-election. that gives him a powerful incentive to get something done. but it also could shape the form of that region legislation, because he's appealing for votes as well as campaign donations in connecticut. so it's unpredictable how that's going to work. this is one area, though, there's likely to be much more bipartisan cooperation, maria, than we'll see on health care. because chris dodd is working closely with the ranking member on banking. >> what are going to be the major things coming out of the president's speech on monday? you said one thing was to stress
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the idea that it's still very important, that we need to not lose momentum on it, even though we have other issues that are on the table. what else do you think the president is hoping to achieve? >> i would also expect him to make the argument for not pulling out, not withdrawing federal intervention too quickly. you know, with the easing -- the creativity that the fed has shown, one of the reasons why the president reappointed ben bernanke to another term, some people are asking, when are you going to pull back, when is the government going to withdraw from its active role in the u.s. economy? and i think the obama administration's view is, not just yet. we've got to see more action and more proof that the economy really is back. perhaps see unemployment come down. you've still got a lot of the stimulus yet to kick in. they're not ready to call off the effort to revive this economy. >> all right. john, thanks so much. >> you bet. >> john harwood in d.c. the other big speech was health care reform. the changes in the president's plan passing. and impact on the market.
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president obama takes his push for health care reform on the road in a series of rallies around the country. trying to move the needle forward from his big speech two days ago on capitol hill. greg, chief policy strategist, and tony, former white house press secretary. nice to have you on the program, as always, gentlemen. what do you think the speech by the president two nights ago accomplished? tell me if you think he in fact was successful in moving this forward, tony? >> i don't think they've moved the debate forward very much. the people in the room are the people he most had to convince. and i don't think there was a lot of convincing going on, maria. the president is very eloquent in describing the problem. the problem is that everyone right now is fully aware of the problem. what they need is some clarity
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and some principles on the solution. and i don't think they got that. the president threw a little bone to republicans by talking about tort reform. i don't think it was enough. so i don't think it's going to be enough to get bipartisan support coming out of this speech. i think we're going to be talking about this for the next couple months. >> greg, how do you see it? >> first of all, happy birthday, maria. >> indeed. >> thank you. >> i think he had three goals he sort of hit. number one, he got a little pop in the polls. number two, he energized his base, which had been pretty demoralized. number three, he got to try to portray the republicans as obstructists. and he got a great assist from that heckler. but beyond that, i agree with tony, i don't think it moved the needle much. we're just going to talk ad nauseam about max baucus and what's going to happen in the finance committee. this is going to drag or for weeks, and likely months. >> he says he wants a bill on his desk by the end of the year. does that happen? >> i do. but i think he's going to have
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to redefine success. i think success is going to be far more modest than what he was talking about the other night. >> yeah, i think greg's right there. you know, the question is, he's saying he wants a bill by the end of the year. i think he'll get a bill by the end of the year. the question is, what's going to be in it. that's a really open question. you know, the president had an opportunity to sort of bring clarity. and we're really not seeing that. the headlines in the "washington post" this morning is, still unknown details on the president's health plan. here's the test, maria. if you go and ask americans what is the president's health care plan? i doubt that you could find a handful who could even tell you what that is. and that's how late -- we're very late in the debate and we still don't have an answer to that question. it's hard to see how you can get political consensus around if people can't really tell you what it is. >> greg, let's talk about that. can you tell me what the public plan will look like? i mean, what specifically are
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the impacts to you and me? >> well, i'd go a little further than what tony said. i do this for a living, and i can't tell you what the president's plan is. i'm not sure. i don't think we'll get a public plan per se. maybe a co-op, maybe a trigger getting us into it. when i step back and look at the big picture, i think there's clearly three winners, the centrist, the moderates, i think they're the king makers, i think the providers, whether it's big pharma, they're going to get off pretty easily, and i think they're looking and seeing a very activist agenda dramatically slowed down. >> tony, what do you think the president's plan is trying to accomplish? can you tell me what the public plan will look like? >> the public plan, we talk about it, but i really think, as greg said, you know, i think we're going to see it fall off here as the debate goes on, because there just is not support for it in the senate. you know, but i think the public
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option is a very dangerous element of any plan. the president voiced support for it again. but the overall plan, for example. we know that the president wants $500 billion in cuts from medicare. i know how hard it was to do $10 billion in cuts in medicare. he says he wants to leave it up to a commission. and that just scares the willies out of seniors in this country. seniors, the most important voting block right now, you know, can't tell you how they're going to be affected by the president's plan, just on one part of it, just how he plans to cut medicare, let alone all the other provisions. >> the great irony here is that 70% or 80% of this stuff, everyone agrees on. procedural reforms on preexisting conditions. there's a lot of stuff they could find common ground on, and all declare a victory. >> okay. so what do you think happens next? can he go forward even if he doesn't get the buy-in from even some of the people in his own
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party? >> oh, i do. i think max baucus will get something. they're going to kick the can down the road. they'll get a bill through the finance committee and through the senate. the trick is to get it to conference. once you get it to a house conference, then i think you can get something. but it's going to have to be scaled back. >> but to do it, he'll have to go to war with those on his left flank on the public option. the question is whether he would be willing to go to war with them. >> gentlemen, thanks. tony and greg. if you think consumers are down and out, think again. one:footwear retailer says sales are stepping up.
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the numbers of seniors are surging, country to country. expected to jump to more than $2 billion by 2050. and intel is trying to ride. >> we see this as an enormous social need, as well as an enormous economic opportunity. >> potentially the biggest opportunity? health care at home. the biggest challenge? marketing. >> no one likes to think of themselves as old. they like to think of themselves as less young than they used to. >> this motion sensor device tracks walking patterns. the goal here is to study how to prevent falls. and expensive health risks and a major cause of accidental deaths. >> we generate hundreds of
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you. >> good to see you. let's talk about your increase in net sales for the first half of 2009. here we are talking about an economic slowdown. you were able to gain when many retailers are losing money. what do you think is behind that move? >> yeah, the problem every now in every country, in north america, in europe, in asia. in asia, our company still good, because we promote an opportunity. italian style with the shoes, comfortable shoes. very appreciated to the public. and number three, a new technology in the rubber-bottomed sole. this is a revolution. a lot of people know exactly the problem when you use rubber-bottomed soles. we introduced the holes in the rubber-bottomed sole. and realize the breathability. >> it's interesting, because you've got this special technology that's actually patented, just for geox.
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and it's really aimed -- your goal here is comfort. and so what has been the reception in america? i mean, obviously you're in italy, but you've got 60% of the company sales coming from outside of italy, which is, of course, your home base. >> the company started to produ produce, born only 14 years ago in italy, thanks to this innovation. we developed our company only in italy, in europe. in europe, our brand is very popular. we later to invest in your market, in the north american market. in any case, we are satisfied. because the american people like very much our technology. >> what kind of expansion plans are you hoping for going forward? i know you're throughout europe and you also have -- how many stores in the united states? >> we have 54 stores in the
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united states. we have 1,000 stores. and i remember the first store we opened, only six years ago in italy, is the record. in any case, in north america, we developed our sales department organization in the american chain in the independent store, plus the brand store like in new york or los angeles, florida, miami, et cetera. >> what are you seeing in terms of the customer right now? we've got a global upset in terms of a slowdown going on around the world. can you give us a sense, look around the world where your stores are, and tell us where you are seeing vibrancies? a lot of people are debating whether we should read too much positive in the gdp. >> the problem now is the consumer. the consumer now they like to
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spend less but better. >> right. they want value. >> they pay attention in the money, to spend the money. and our position is, for example, our products in the market is in the medium to high range price. a lot of people have the possibility to buy. there is another category, for example, the luxury. >> when do you expect things to turn around? >> our goal is to arrive in the living position in every country we operate. >> you're competing with companies like nike, adidas? >> we work only in the brown shoes, and produce the typical shoes the italian style. but in the future, is it possible to apply our technology in the sport shoes, too.
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because every kind over the rubber-bottomed sole, the -- the problem is many feet. >> another revenue opportunity for you to go into that market, not just sports. >> i believe we will present a new era in our business. and we are unique, because nobody have the possibility to copy our technology, because our technology is patented technology. >> what is the most important market for you right now? >> it is italy, represent 40%. and the rest of the world is 70%. but now we have the new technology regarding the apparel, for example. because we apply the breathability of technology in the jacket. and -- >> so you're going into apparel as well? >> exactly.
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and we started to produce, for example, the golf shoes for people. working for many hours. >> on the golf course, right. i know you're listed in the -- on the milan stock exchange. are you going to -- do you have plans to list here at the new york stock exchange at some point? >> at the moment we run 71% of the company, my finance of the company, we call lir, on 9 italian currency. and i do trust to sell more. we sold 29% of milan stock exchange. now the company is $1.5 billion, $1.6 billion euro. >> nice to have you on the program. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. we'll be watching. we hope you'll join us again. geox founder and chairman. matt nesto calls him the hot stocks on wall street.
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welcome back. kind of a sloppy finish to an otherwise positive week on wall street. but through it all one sector has stood tall above the rest. cnbc's matt nesto doing the legwork, looking at the market's new darling. matt? >> yeah, you like that, don't you? >> yeah, i like that a lot. >> i give. it's your birthday. >> thank you. >> look at this story. i want to show you just a month chart. and look at the strength of the outperformance of the industrials. they're the best-performing sector today, this week, this month, two months, three months, and they're second since the bottom, behind financials. and it's interesting because look at who lost this week. as you said, it was a sloppy finish to a positive week. but financials are one of the few that actually couldn't get it done over the past five days. so that is troubling, i think, in some circles. i mean, clearly there's been some temptation to take profits there. but the industrials really were the second coming here because
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they have been hot all along during this rally but really heating up again in the past few days. let's take a look inside the industrials and find out what the heck is going on here today and in the short term, this month. i mean, the transportation stocks, the airlines, the freight companies, really boeing coming out and saying they're seeing growth in cargo, they think china and the u.s. is going to lead. earlier in the week. then we hear an upgrade on ups. then fed ex with a strong forecast, then some positive comments on the legacy carriers coming out. also from jpmorgan. then two upgrades in two days for general electric. just things like that. just continuing to power through and that's helping almost all of the sectors, the conglomerates and the services included. itw put on goldman sachs's list as well. so if you take a look at the real power within, the wonders over the past week, the past few days, textron very, very
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strong,ride sxwrerstrong, ryder, and ups. >> times square, new york city. melissa lee for a preview of what's coming up. >> we've got a big show for you. we'll talk morgan stanley. it's been just about 24 hours since we learned that john mack is out. we'll have a top-ranked wall street analyst. also former treasurer of morgan stanley, former cfo at lehman brothers will tell us whether morgan stanley is worth sticking with or you should move perhaps to another stock like goldman sachs, which by the way had a 52-week high in today's session. and we'll also have the outlook for biotech. biotech analyst from deutschebank joining us to give you his picks and pans for the next few months. all that and much more at the top of the hour on "fast money." and by the way, maria, happy birthday. >> thank you, melissa. thank you so much. we'll see you in about five minutes. it's something pirates would have loved to get their hands on. it was called the ship of gold. and it was lost at sea. find out how much the lost treasure would get at today's price when's we come right back. stay with us.
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