tv Power Lunch CNBC September 18, 2009 12:00pm-2:00pm EDT
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more water efficient -- >> concrete? >> maybe plants. >> i'm always watering my street. i really, i take my dog out and i water my street. >> that's not a good way to do it. but look -- >> okay, larry, you're done. go have lunch. >> turf grass industry is seeing red because of this. it affects their bottom line. you've got investments in landscaping, you want to pay attention to this. going forward, i think people need to look. do they need as much as they have? can you put other plants. the whole point is have things that are water efficient that make up a good balance. >> the whole point is just have the right grass in the right place. do you need kentucky bluegrass in nevada?
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>> we have these little tree boxes on our street. >> i'll have a camera up outside your house. >> we are out of control. it's so obviously friday. that's it for "the call." thank you, wendy. >> and i'm larry kudlow watering my turf grass. i'll see you tonight. and now, "power lunch" is up next. whatever happened to dichondra. >> i thought you were going to talk about marijuana. >> speaking of grass. >> out in public, there. it is obviously friday as melissa said. welcome. stocks have been higher on this expiration day. the major averages touching new highs. we also have at least ten stocks in the s&p 500 hitting new
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52-week highs. starbucks and juniper networks. and speaking of 52-week highs, google looking to grab a bigger slice of the $15 billion online ad market. we'll tell you about their latest move. sweeping changes for executive pay. this new plan being considered, it would give the federal reserve the power to cut banker bonuses. is this a good way to limit risk taking on wall street? i'm diana olick in washington. the big homebuilders are rallying on an upgrade by jpmorgan, but a big downgrade at the fha. the insurer is running low on cash. billions in new, risky debt deals coming to market, setting a year-high record yesterday. how about your portfolio?
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we're at the new cowboys stadium. we'll give you a behind the scenes tour, tell you what $1.2 billion buys. >> we're looking for ward to the big game sunday night. should be a great game. let's get to the markets. the dow and s&p, on track now for their best quarterly gain in more than a decade. in fact, the nasdaq is on pace for a seventh straight month of gains. get to our reporters here. bob pisani at the new york stock exchange. >> every day, folks. up 20, 30 points in the dow doesn't seem that exciting. we're up 200 points this week on the dow. it's a lot of talk about cash on the sidelines come ng. is there cash on the sidelines? there is, but not as much as before. the percentage, the ratio, money market funds, u.s. equity capitalization, right now, 30%.
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in march, it was almost 50%. the answer is there is cash on the sideline, but there is not as much as there was in march. still plenty of powder around here. how about the movers this week? the big names were all flat, but had great moves this week. lot of international exposure here. and again, you get individual days where the stocks started to move to the upside. we've had a lot of interesting housing related news and airline related news. fortune has some good comment this is week. brian, we're up on the nasdaq for the week as well. >> we just turned negative for the day, although very, very slightly. it would make it eight of ten weeks to the upside. research in motion bouncing back from yesterday's sell-off. apple up .4%.
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google, colin stewart has a $600 price tag. dell is down, ebay down. yahoo down 3.5%. and then a situation where piper jafry has an overweight rating on starbucks, but underweight on sonic's. their deserts are great. and an upgrade into neutral. let's go to the nymex with sharon. >> the biggest story in the energy markets has been what has happened to natural gas. that rally doesn't seem to be wanting to stop. prices are up about 18 cents on the session and we've rallied for natural gas about 40% in the last two weeks.
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in crude dollar terms, if this was oil, we'd be talking about the $12 jump in just two weeks time. a lot of short coverings there. in terms of food prices, we are up for the week, down a little bit today. the dollar and stocks have been the main reasons we've seen the rally in oil. if you look at what's happened to products, that could put a lid on oil going back toward that $75 mark. >> thank you. in contrast to the action that sharon's seen, stocks are kind of quiet. it ain't over yet. let's gather our "power lunch" task force. welcome, gentlemen. richard, sometimes we see a lot of the volatility other times we
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don't. what do you make of this market over all? >> i think it's going to be similar to days we've had over the past several weeks. we've had a very nice, steady, gentle uptrend. these days tend to be a lot less volatile than one might think. triple witch weeks are less volatile than normal. i don't see any fireworks coming here. >> but kevin, do you think the nature of this market could change now that expiration is upon us? >> i don't agree -- i don't think that most long-term investors are particularly interested in short-term -- hth way i look at it, investors are
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positioning themselves for the long-term. we've gone through a very gut wrenching correction. there has been buying in the market and whether you're owning equities directly or indirectly, there has been an increase in terms of putting risk on the books. so i think that these drives for markets end up being the individual one way, shape or form. >> earlier in the year, you told clients to up their exposure to equities, going from underweight to neutral. are you ready to go from yut ral to overexposure? >> that's all depending on how the economy transitions from what i would call a purported recovery, where you've had over $10 trillion worth of loans and guarantees thrown at the financial system. interest rates at zero percent. and the federal reserve
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purchasing securities this year. all of those things have been helpful in getting risk appetites back, equity prices up and suggest that the economies are healthy. but the contradiction in that is that if the economy is so healthy, then what would happen if you took the supports away. we think we're transitioning into a period of time where the federal reserve is -- we've been increasing all along. we're tilting away from gout towards value. particularly in health care, technology and staples. >> richard, what are you buying right now? >> well, right now, i think you're going to continue to see retail do better. technology is also another area, especially in the small and mid-cap space. it's continuing to improve.
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>> it's had quite a run though. are you worried the market is going to retrench? >> no and in fact, it's that kind of skepticism we think will fuel the rally. it's being put into the market in dribs and drabs and so the slowness of the rally has really reflected that caution and that is the good thing for the continuation of the rally in technology. >> thank you, both. remember, september 2008, the credit markets were frozen. september 2009, we have a record amount of corporate bonds hitting the market right now. is the credit crunch over, he asks, and our they a good bet for your portfolio? also, google ramping up the saddle with online ad market.
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and get ready for the "fast money halftime report" coming up in just about a half an hour. ♪ today ♪ must have been one of the strangest days ♪ everyone may face the same uncertainty. ♪ some would say that you won't find ♪ protecting yourself, however, requires good decisions. find strength and stability with mass mutual, a company owned by its policyholders. ask your advisor or visit ♪ yes, you're lovely... ♪
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we have a lot of ground to cover this morning. >> fed and central banks around the world inject $180 million. one year ago today, pretty good gain for the dow. we didn't always have down days back then. there was talk on this date in 2008 of a possible government bailout program. and that pushed the major averages higher. the dow finishing the day up almost 4%. one year ago today. credit markets that day were frozen rock solid, but this
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year, a record amount of corporate debt issued in september. should you buy it? what about the old stuff? rebecca jarvis looks at the climate for corporate debt. >> risk is coming down, spreads between investment grade are back down below their 2001 levels and deals are getting done. they're happening at terms analysts say have huge upsides for investors, especially on the riskier side of the business. yesterday was the biggest day, 3.9 billion in new debt came to market, making it the most active day for deals since january of last year. and with deals flowing, they are successfully raising capital. while a lot of the capital is being used for balance repair right now, brian reynolds says if the trend continues, and he
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thinks it will, the excess liquidity will go towards building those businesses. that will eventually lead to higher stock prices. from a technical perspective, things are more positive. the last we were at these levels, the s&p was trading at 1400 and the significant default risk has really come out of the market as well. now trading at its lowest levels since may of '08. he says if that holds true that the market is looking fundamentally cheap at these levels. he's advising clients to hold on through the first half of next year and early second half of next year to sell credit and get into equity. >> when you think about it, this is the perfect time. just like it makes sense for the government to be borrowing at
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these levels. for a corporation, do you issue stock or debt? debt makes every bit of sense right now given how cheap it is to borrow money. >> on top of that, a lot of companies are quartered right now. they can't issue their equity to pay down their debt, but a lot of them are facing these problems. >> almost like refinancing. >> what's even better, makes them refinance. >> that's really freed up since april of this year. we really started to see the deals after that march bottom really start to free up. >> and we're seeing now in the last couple of years, where ever the debt markets are going, means equity. thank you. >> thanks. coming up, google firing another shot in the battle over the $15 billion market for online display ads.
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company announcing plans for an automated exchange. >> no help for google. yahoo! is trading at 17 bucks a share. you're watching cnbc and "power lunch," first in business worldwide. nal, i go right past the counter... and you get to choose any car in the aisle. choose any car? you cannot be serious! okay. seriously, you choose. go national. go like a pro.
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the dow 10,000, take a look at stocks hitting 52-week highs today -- some have turned negative, but still. let's head over to matt nesto for the realtime flash. what is on your radar today? >> you look at the markets here today and say, what's going on? why is the dow up and s&p and. >> alana: lower. the answer is two letters. they go to buy from hold on pg. the stock is trying to get back to even, but the big, 3% move. it moves the dow two and a half times as much in terms of its weighting. it's ranked seven in terms of its impact, but 4.4% of the dow is p and g.
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the upgrade says investors will warm up to the fire. the new fire in pgs belly, which is fine by me. if you get some fire in your belly, go visit pg. also on my radar is another chapter of when the worst become verse. the worst on the day among the best. so, there is some value coming in to this, some value hunting, i should say. verizon, at&t and sprint getting slammed here today. also with a peak is chevron. credit suisse thinks that they can maintain production, even grow it. and lastly, sirius xm. they say you better split or be delisted. and there you go.
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66 cents. that one is one to watch for that. >> thank you, matt. at the other end is google, which is going after yahoo!'s share of a display share ad market online. the launch of double click ad change. will google take a bite out of yahoo!'s business? joining us, steve, good to see you. there had to be a reason google bought double click after all. >> i think there are a lot of reasons. this is just one of the things they're going to be able to do with the technologies there. >> but eric says this is the great opportunity for them now. do you agree? >> i think the ad exchange is an interesting opportunity. there have been a lot of exchanges out there and they're definitely gaining momentum in the market. i think they're still relatively small. >> you sound skeptical this is
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going to be able to topple yahoo!. >> i think yahoo! -- yahoo! owens the media, which is one of the first real successful marketplaces. one of the keys to driving that to the next level is bringing yahoo! inventory into the marketplace. google has a lot of network partners, but not really their own inventory to bring in a large volume of high-quality inventory. i think google has more work to do to make their marketplace successful where yahoo! has some advantages. >> can you explain the user experience when it comes to an ad exchange? i'm a client. i want a display ad. what am i going to do? >> it allows an ad agency or advertiser to take a look at what type of inventory's out there. they'll bid on that.
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say, i'm willing to pay x-amount for this inventory. if you're the high bidder, you get it. that's helping improve that, that second tier class of invento inventory, a lot of which would be just bundled into a broader box. as far as premium inventory, that's done on a direct sale. >> how do you rate the stocks? if you had to make a choice, you have them outperformed on both. why is that? what makes those two an outperform? >> i think there are different reasons for each stock. if you look at the parts and their investments in yahoo! japan, the public and private pieces and their cash balance, the operations are valued at nothing. >> no place else to go, in other
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words. >> i think there are going to be improvements and they're going to benefit from that. i think yahoo! looks good in that record. whatever looks like, those trends favored to be better than everyone else. >> thanks for joining us. have a good weekend. coming up, banker bonuses are in the cross hairs. reports that the federal reserve will regulate how much bonuses will be. sparks are going to fly on the debate. >> they're already getting ready to fly. time to get ready for the "fast money halftime report," melissa. >> we've got lots to talk about including an insurance stock. what do the options markets say about what is next?
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and after dispointing results, should you buy? all that and more on today's halftime report, but first, more "power lunch." right after this. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 if i'm breathing, i'm thinking about trading. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 i always have my eye out for a stock on the move. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 doesn't matter if a company sells computer chips tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 or, i don't know, fish and chips. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 i'll look at all kinds of stocks before i settle on one. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 if i think i'm onto something i'll check it out, tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 you know, see what other traders are up to. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 when everything feels right though, tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 that's when i get serious. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and the minute i get into something, tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 i already know when i want to get out. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 of course, every now and then i'll talk with somebody tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 who knows what i'm trying to do. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 (announcer) switch to schwab today. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 you'll get the tools, the technology tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and the support to trade your way. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 go to
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welcome back. we're almost halfway through the trading day. the major averages hitting highs for the year. we have at least ten stocks hitting new highs. ebay and pepsi bottling among them. jpmorgan's optimistic on the housing sector, saying the market is through the worst of it. and shares of starbucks up by more than 3% today. the coffee chain is the biggest percentage gainer in the nasdaq 100. the federal reserve is seeking to put bonuses under their watch. part of the plan to hone in risk taking. bankers take sweeping curbs on pay. firing up is our grid -- 20
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seconds to make your case. jason, we'll start with you. what do you think? >> it's a horrible idea. what does some state-chartered bank in georgia have to do with last year's meltdown? the federal reserve had the authority to regulate earlier, why didn't they prevent this systemic risk? look, this is a naked, federal power grab to get the compensation and it's going to reduce sales. >> liz? >> i think it's a great idea because these guys are being paid big bucks at what turns out to be taxpayer expense. we had to bail them out. it's i approve of the move. >> the obvious response is take away the taxpayers bucks.
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you're going to subsidize bailout, then regulate and control. the other, free markets. let them succeed or fail. every time we bail these people out, somebody like liz says, don't worry, we'll regulate next time. we've bailed out citigroup, two, three, four, five times, and the bailouts are not end in sight. >> listen, it's going to be human nature that if you tell someone they're going to make more money, they're going to do everything within their power to make more money. some people will actually ruin the american economy in the process. we have got to step in and begin to look at what caused this recession and how we can prevent it again. >> do you accept the premise that the way compensation is structured leads to excessive risk taking? in other words, if you bet the farm and you get it right, you get a big bonus, but if you bet the farm and lose, what?
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you get your base pay? which on wall street is like 250 grand, not so bad and no penalty really. >> you can't combine prooiflt profit with public risk. the federal guarantees -- >> i got that. but i want to separate that out. let's drill into wall street. here's what i don't understand. you bet the farm, you win, you get a bonus. you bet the farm and lose, should you be forced to give the money back? >> how about if you bet the farm and lose, you go bankrupt? how's that? >> as an individual. me, i'm an individual. how do you make sure that person doesn't go hog wild because right now, if it's tails up, you win. tails down, you win. >> these are strange times. if a shareholder thought compensation was out of whack,
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they could sell the stock. now, since the government has intervened, it's the view of bureaucra bureaucrats. we ought to be auditing the federal reserve and how they were responsible. we're looking at the wrong -- >> liz, you never did answer his criticism, the federal reserve. >> certainly. i think there are a lot of people who missed the buck. what we're trying to do now is try to keep this from happening again. the people who screwed up shouldn't have big bonuses. i think that's really simple logic. >> jason, you made a lot of money this year, but if you lose next year, you, the trader, you're going to have to give me back some of last year's money. >> they can set up private contracts any way they want. as you know, bonuses are going way down.
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this recession has not been kind to a number of these firms. you're looking at 5,000 firms, my of them state chartered banks. why are we reaching down and telling them the kind of commission schedule they've got to set up for their employee sns this is going to stifle innovation, reduce credit and weaken balance sheets. >> when ever you're going to increase regulation, you're going to give something up. >> there will be some greedy folks who decide not to go into this industry. that's just capitalism, right -- >> hold on a second. >> talking about greed. everybody -- >> bailing out big corporations. >> hey, you're the one who put them there in the first place! okay. >> all right guys. good to see you. that was fun. >> i like her.
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i like her. when we come back, a look at the most expensive football stadium in america. in fact, everybody right now is talking about the new home of the dallas cowboys. >> darren rovell is in the new palace of america's team. and he's got some lovely friends with him as well. >> hello, darren. darren? darren? >> you're a married man. >> hi. how are you? what were we talking about again? she's watching. we're at the dallas cowboys stadium. we're going to give you a behind the scenes tour. that's coming up next on -- >> "power lunch." could someone toss me an eleven sixteenths wrench over here? here you go. eleven sixteenths... (announcer) from designing some of the world's cleanest and most fuel-efficient jet engines... to building more wind turbines
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than anyone in the country... the people of ge are working together... creating innovation today for america's tomorrow. thanks! no problem! why is dick butkus here? i hired him to speak. a lot of fortune 500 companies use him. but-- i'm your only employee. we're gonna start using fedex to ship globally-- that means billions of potential customers. we're gonna be huge. good morning! you know business is a lot like football... i just don't understand... i'm sorry dick butkus. (announcer) we understand. you want to grow internationally. fedex express
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the dallas cowboys play their first regular-season game in their new, billion dollar stadium. it's against the giants on sunday night football. darren rovell is live at the stadium to give us a tour of what some are calling the most unique stadium ever built. is it that, darren? >> it's amazing and i'm glad i got the cheerleaders out of here so i can concentrate on what i'm
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saying here. they say everything's bigger in texas and this is no exception. there are so many incredible parts of it. let's give you a bit of a tour. we'll start with the exterior. they have glass, okay, 86-foot high glass, the exterior wall of this stadium. then, there's the weather proof part of it. this stadium features the largest retractable roof in the world. it's a tremendous structure. you've never really seen anything like this. and how about the largest hd monitor in the world that stands between the 20 yard lines. it's got a lot of preseason course because a punter hit it. aside from the 80,000 seats, there's the capacity to fill up 35,000 people in the standing
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room only areas. if you're in the front, you can't get a beer, otherwise you'll miss it. but it gives people the opportunity to be in here and it only costs $29. some bought their personal seat licenses said, well, we should have known about this before. >> when i designed this stadium, i wanted this area, probably spent about $1.5 billion to have these decks so our fans could create a collegiate atmosphere. i think it's going to be exciting for our fans. >> now, the most outrageous that i think you'll see is probably the miller light club. okay, it allows suite holders who have these suites on the field, they also have seats in the crowd. they can stand in this mill
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miller lite bar area. they can also watch the postgame press conference from the bar as well. now, there's one thing missing here and you see signs all over the place that are just blank. the reason for that is they have not sold the naming rights sponsor. it was said before everything went down and we a year ago went into the time we did, that this was going to be worth 300 to $4 million. at&t was rumored to be the possible company. now, it just seems like they're waiting for one. they're calling it cowboy stadium, but they're not putting logos where you would think so it's not more expensive. >> we kind of like the one behind you on the screen. >> we'll buy the naming rights. >> we're going to talk about it
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the next hour. about how they put together this scoreboard, which is 72 feet high and 160 feet long. >> you there to watch television or the game while you're there. >> bill wants to meet the guy who installed it. i want to meet the punter who hit it. still ahead, one year later. $50 billion in lehman brothers investments still sitting in london, locked up. some investors are curious about it and want their money. and the ceo of maxim will tell you why he's forecasting growth for his company. and we've got phil lebeau with bullish news on general motors.
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we're getting to the heart of the action. don't let those market numbers fool you. we've got a heavy volume day so far and could be setting up for a volatile afternoon. how should you position yourself for the weekend? let's get to the word on the street. our crew today -- what's it feeling like down there
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considering the volume we've seen in the past couple of days? it's been pretty good. >> the reason why is that people have been rolling their positions earlier this time than normally would wait for the actual day. i would assume we're not going to see anything dramatic going to day's end. most people have taken care of their positions. >> dr. j., are you watching in particular stocks? are you expecting some to gravitate toward their strike price? >> oh, i expect most of them to gravitate towards some strike price. there are a lot of stocks that have had pops this week and are getting pushed bad eed back. this one is moving back down and i'd echo what the governor said. heavy, heavy turnover, most of
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the sizing up has already happened. >> and bill, we had 2009 highs then kind of stalled out. what do you see next? >> same game plan. in may, when the s&p was 900, i said look for a move to 1,000. we're almost there. we hit 1075 other day. the short term momentum is still bullish. there's more to go on the upside. the only difference now is we're close to a major objective so we want to start to unwind the trade and take some profit. >> and brian, what you're seeing on the options market seems to confirm the optimistic forecast bill the giving. >> one interesting thing i saw going on about ten days ago carrying until today is option traders going out and buying s&p 500 downside puts at such a high level compared to the regular,
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100 s&p market. they're buying protection to the downside. you would think actually, they're buying put protection, maybe we get a sell-off, but actually, it's happened a handful of times to this degree where you get this kind of put buying and the market rallies. it's actually a bullish protection play. so when the market pulls back, we can rally to that 1100 or 1150 mark. >> volatility has been so lie that buying protective puts has been so cheap. that might be protective and bullish. >> that's exactly right. i'd echo what brian said there. if people already have protection, then you don't get a volatility pop because they already have protection. you get that so-called fear indicator jumping higher when people don't have protection. if they've got protection in
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place, you've got less an event risk. >> when we traded down, it happened in a week, so there wasn't that much buying occurring. you get those pockets as bill was saying, so we can go to 1130, 1150, even 1200. >> i guess the bears were wrong. >> homebuilders trading to the upside. jpmorgan getting bullish. saying that it believes the worst is in fact over for housing. at the same time, the founder, selling 1.58 million shares on september 16th. steve, how do you interpret this? we've got to take it as some sort of sign, don't you think? >> that's a problem. do as i say, not as i do, right. that is the problem, but there's still a lot more negative in
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this space. >> you saw the housing market, another 25% to come in. that's a major hurdle to cross. >> any sort of activity in the options market that would indicate big, smart money buying a lot of home building stocks right here. we've seen pockets of it, melissa, and a brief pop and they take it right off. they're not investing long term at all in this sector yet. >> let's move on to hot trade of the week. that is gold. giving up some of the gains for the second day in a row as the greenback in strengthening. the resistance man, you study these charts. what do you see for gold? >> that market has tremendous potential, and it looks like to us it's finally breaking to the up side. if you take step back and look at the price action, most of it has taken place between 800 and 1,000. now we're being able to hold
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above or around that $1,000 area. that says to us that there's a potential breakout to the upside. we had our clients get long over the last couple weeks at $988, $980. we think the next upside target is $1,175, $1,200. you may run into a little bit of profit taking around the $1,030 area, but the point is there's a big potential breakout to the upside. ultimately, we have a price objective up around $1,400. you definitely want to look to get long here. >> grasso, what are your clients doing? are they still buying in that trade? we had dennis gartman on satisfied and he said what many are saying, that this is an overpopulated trade. >> it's definitely overpopulated, but the problem is they have to have exposure to it. i still continue to see them buying the gold stocks and the indexes in the space. unfortunately, i think everyone feels it's going to pop, but not just yet. >> let's move onto the next trade. palm trading to the downside.
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a disappointing forecast as well as news of a secondary offering of 16 million shares. brian, it wasn't too unexpected given the put activity prior. what's happening now in the options maushrket? >> we mentioned palm before and all of us were a little negative on this. palm has this $2 billion pocket it needs to fill in revenue and market cap space compared to its earnings, which are revenue. that's a lot of bearish activity. you've seen a sell-off now and it's going to take a lot for palm to push higher. you're protected a little to the high side when you're selling a call spread. i think it starts to trend lower now and this could be a -- >> what's pad for palm, is that good news for rim? how is that setting up? we have earnings next week. >> let's keep in mind, too, they did a lot better on the epf side
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than expected. they crushed on epfs, but they still lost a dime versus 25 that was called for over in palm. but i will say that i do like rim an awful lot better for a whole host of reasons. a bunch of different phones, some new, some of the old line that continue to do very well, and there's a huge gap, melissa, from 9753 to $77 that was last september. 25th through 26th. you look at that gap, we're now at roughly $83, $84. i think we will fill that gap if we get some positive news. momentum next week starts moving in there, then watch those calls. we're still getting 2 to 1 call buying in this game ahead of the earnings. >> time for fast and furious. we kick it off with the price target being raised to $600 a share at collin stewart. do you get in on it? >> i still get in on it. they have a host of new products coming out and they have a segue
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into different services and other things. i would still be buying going. >> rim higher ahead of earnings. are you saying buy now? >> i am still long rim and i'm looking for an indication that institutions are believing what i'm saying. if i see that, then i'll buy a bunch of it next week. >> oil trading lower today. is this your buying opportunity? >> melissa, if we can hold $72, $72.50 over the next couple days, we will make a move to the upper end of the range. >> and united airlines giving up its gains. what do you do here? >> i'm not a huge fan of airlines. they tend to underperform the rest of the market. if the economy continues to recover, they will move higher, too. >> we'll hit the pause button. do not mice karen finerman's one-on-one with hilda solis. coming up next, "power lunch" has the pulse of the sector with the ceo of napson integrated. this market can't be stopped. er from off hitting new highs
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can the momentum keep going after the best week since july? we check the charts for your outlook. and can stocks keep going without jobs? the chairwoman goes straight to the source with an exclusive with the labor secretary. plus, it inspired a new movie. >> they will make me the next president. >> with the ad names hitting the big screen, we give you the pharm trade hollywood style on america's post-market show tonight. i've been growing algae for 35 years. most people try to get rid of algae, and we're trying to grow it. the algae are very beautiful.
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they come in blue or red, golden, green. algae could be converted into biofuels... that we could someday run our cars on. in using algae to form biofuels, we're not competing with the food supply. and they absorb co2, so they help solve the greenhouse problem, as well. we're making a big commitment to finding out... just how much algae can help to meet... the fuel demands of the world.
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welcome back to the "fast money" halftime report. time to call the close. do you buy or sell. >> i'll be buying to close. everyone thinks we're due to a sell-off. >> dr. j? >> yeah. i don't think we can get two days in a row. not yet anyway. i'm a buyer into the bell. >> phil. >> stay long, melissa. looking for 1100, 1150. >> and brian. >> i'm a little neutral.
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congratulations on the nomination for "options action." i knew you would take the show destined for greatness. >> i'm blushing, brian. thank you very much. "options action" is tonight at 8:30. that does it for us. we talk to the brains behind vegas' latest craze, live sporting events betting. coming up, the "power lunch" debate. what's the smart play, dividends or real estate. >> ron einsana is in the house. we'll talk about general motors. plus, angry investors pushing for $50 billion in money tied up in lehman brothers bankruptcy. we'll talk to the attorneys who are trying to sniff out that missing money. around new york's football team won't be the only giants at the new dallas cowboys stadium when they square off this weekend. back in a minute. this is news now. partsmaker vison is asking a bankruptcy court for permission
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to drop various contracts it has with general motors. fha commissioner david stevens says home prices will fall about 8.5% more before rebounding. and the cdc says orders for h1n1 vac sign will start to arrive the first week of october. that's news now, first in business worldwide. i'm mike huckman. time marches on. welcome to the second hour of "power lunch." i'm bill griffeth. stocks are getting a lift on this expiration friday helped in part by the upbeat analyst call from jpmorgan on the home building sector. as for the blue chips, proctor & gamble, pfizer, and hewle hewlett-packard are fueling the dow jones.
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>> i'm sue herera. we'll have a "power lunch" exclusive. >> i'm michelle caruso-cabrera. and mary shapiro due to give a keynote speech, one day after her agency voted to propose banning flash trading. we're going to monitor her remarks and bring you the latest developments. >> meantime, give it up for our power player today. ron insana, cnbc contributor. let me finish. and portfolio manager with the's market movers. how are you? >> you cannot resist laughing every time i'm on the program and i don't know why. >> you make us happy. >> we're at a point where economists pretty much agree that we are out of recession. the stock market seems to reflect that here, but at some point they'll have to start nudging the punch bowl away. i can't imagine you're going to say we're that close. >> there are a variety of reasons why not. number one, first and foremost
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on everybody's mind is the commercial real estate exposure large regional banks have. consumer credit card debt is still problematic. >> although that is coming down. >> coming down a little bit. but you also have one reason the fed can't raise interest rates is the wave of resets on mortgages in 2010 and 2011 may very well be larger than what we saw the first time around. there won't be any interest rate shock this time, but people will still be hit with principle paymen payments. the underwriting on that portfolio was just so bad, haven't a huge percentage of them already gone to foreclosure regard snls. >> i don't think so. >> not yet. but it's one of the restraints on the fed. they will begin to dismantle the various programs. treasury is talking about letting some programs die. >> the guarantees on the money market funds dies today. >> yeah. and with very little impact.
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some of the insurance programs that were effectively counted as dollars spent and really weren't are just going to disappear. >> the other problem with the resets is a lot of them were jumbo mortgages. they have tried to refinance but they can't get the refinancing at a decent rate. that's why they're worried about the resets. >> we're talking about dow 10,000 again, right? >> yeah. the fed is not going to raise interest rates. the economy, i think, having traveled around the country in the last several weeks, i think there's a lot more going on than people realize. i don't think the consumer is nearly as dead as economists would suggest. they're deleveraging, but you go around, restaurants are full, disneyland was packed when i was there in august. it's 72 bucks per person without food and the place was absolutely packed. new york restaurants are -- i have been saying this for weeks -- very, very busy. i'm not sure things are that bad. >> ron insanaa is op at this misstick. >> and has been. this is something general motors has not had to deal with for a while and may signal some
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optimism in the automotive sector. phil lebeau is here. >> a little bit of optimism here. we shouldn't be surprised. here is the bottom line. general motors dealers are asking for more vehicles than the people at detroit at the gm headquarters were originally expecting the dealers to ask for. the reason why is primarily due to the fact you saw such low invoi inventories due to cash for clunkers. this inventory being at record low, they are at some point saying, hey, we need more vehicles. now, gm was forecasting that their dealers were going to ask for substantially less than what was requested. this is not uncommon. this is sort of a fluid process month by month when gm dealers request certain amount of vehicles. and tough look at gm sales right now to realize while this is encouraging, these guys are a long ways from coming back. keep in mind, overall industry
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sales are down about 33%. chevy a little better than that, but buick, gmc, and cadillac are all below where the industry is. the money back offer from gm, this is going to be the one thing that will determine whether or not we see substantial improvement over time. there you see gm chairman ed whitaker in the first of many commercials that are going to be coming out. by the way, they have these comparison commercials that will start next week. i have been told by people in general motors, they are going to be no holds barred in terms of here is our vehicle, here is the competition. it's a no-brainer in terms of which is a better vehicle. at least in the eyes of general motors. so they're optimistic that next round of commercials will spur more traffic and bring more people into the showroom. bill, we have seen this with ford. we ever seen this with chrysler. they're all generally ramping up their production at a gradual pace but ramping up production because the dealers are saying we want more cars. we believe traffic will pick up. sales are going to be terrible in september and october because we're coming off of clunkers,
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but there's a belief we are going to start to see more demand gradually build through the end of the year. >> let's be clear, they anticipate demand will pick up or they are already seeing a pickup in demand that -- >> they anticipate, but, bill, part of this asking for nor cars is coming off the record low inventories. they want to build that up. it's more in anticipation. traffic right now for september is not good. >> by the way no, disrespect to ed whitaker, but he's no lee iacocca when it comes to doing television commercials. >> i don't think he would say he is. i would agree with you. but i think -- but i do think what they're trying to do here, not sell him as a lee iacocca because he's not going to be around in future commercials, but their trying to become much more, hey, this is the blunt facts in terms of gm. >> thanks, phil. >> one year after the lehman collapse, about $50 billion tied up in bankruptcy still in london. these big-time investors want their money back.
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let's bring in stuart casswell, general counsell of the managed funds association. good to see you, stuart. >> nice to be with you. >> if i have an account at a brokerage firm in the united states that goes bust but i've got stocks in there, whatever, that's still mine, even when the bankruptcy process -- i don't have to worry about it. why is it that all these funds had some money in london and they still can't get it back a year later? >> well, you're right. in the united states an individual, for example, a brokerage house would have their money in an account. it would be a separate account under the segregation rules of the s.e.c. and that would be covered. if you're above the $500,000, then it gets a little more interesting. in london they didn't have that arrangement or tv waived. there's an candidate, we all kn -- there's an account, we all know the money is there. but the people who really own that are the institutions, the pension funds, the universities, the colleges. >> what is it about london that means they can't have it back? >> they have been interesting
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bankruptcy approach. the uk bank just said that the -- they didn't have jurisdiction to approve the scheme of arrangement. that was a compromise that would work out the differences among the creditors. >> my understanding is the way bankruptcy works over there, the person who is administering it is liable for any mistakes they make, so their incentive is to hold onto everything until the bitter end to make sure they get it right. >> i think that's right. i'm a u.s. lawyer not a uk lawyer, but i believe you're right, and i think that's part of the problem. i think there's a bigger problem, which we all have to get together to solve and that is saying this money is tied up. we have a pretty good idea of who it belongs to. more delay, more expense, more lawyer costs isn't going to help the ultimate people who own these monies, and so we should do everything we can to try to get it back in the hands of the institutions that really own it. >> am i naive in thinking that somebody in the united states, some regulator, some administration official, some member of congress couldn't pick up the phone and say $50 billion
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that belongs to u.s. investors can't we have the money back while you're figuring it out? in fa >> in fact, a couple members of congress have done that. congressman meeks of new york has introduced a resolution in the house urging that the u.s. government work together and then senator menendez has also written a letter to secretary geithner. these are positive steps, and i think it's one of these situations where if everyone gets together and says, come on, we should have adult supervision here. let's try to get this worked out in a quick way. >> ron insana, speaking of adult supervision, the very investors who have their money tied up were among certainly the last to put it this way stand by lehman. there were others who got their money out far sooner than any of these institutions. what was wrong with them that they left it in until the bitter end. >> this was lehman brothers. if you had said to me -- >> i understand but don't forget -- >> it was a train wreck that we watched and saw live on
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television here on cnbc. >> there was time, not a lot of it, but there was some time. >> i think that at the time if anybody had said we are going to see lehman fail, i would have said that's just silly. it can't happen, and they were worried it was maybe the hedge funds weren't going to be the ones. well, the reality is the opposite. hedge funds, whose customers are the investors, are now the ones sitting there without the dough for their customers. >> is this just hedge fund money? >> and that's the point i really want to make. it isn't the hedge funds money really. it's their customers. it's the endowments, it's the pension funds, the universities, and where is that money going to come from? if you're a pension plan and you owe money to your retirees and your money is tied up in london where is that difference supposed to come from? >> if the letters don't work, what would work towards resolving this? >> ultimately, this is a problem in the you think lish courts and
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a problem for the uk government. i think they will see this as important to restoring faith in the system and in the uk as a place where people want to bring their money. >> i think it also may question whether or not you want to put your money in london period and then as a result undercuts their viability as a financial powerhouse as a city. >> i think that's true, but my feeling is eventually this will get sorted out. my hope is it will be sooner than eventually and it will get done promptly. >> amazing. >> stuart, thank you. >> i hate to say this, but we had fewer options than before. if you're a large hedge funds manager. the whole notion of too big to fair and the president was out saying we have to get rid of that doctrine. >> they're only getting bigger. >> if i'm an endowment for a university or something and i know that my -- the hedge fund is in lehman, that's conservative money by deaf significan
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definition. i want that out of there. >> between bear stearns and lehman, we know plenty of people who pulled their money from lehman prior to the collapse. the whole thing during that period of stress from last fall to early spring was reducing your exposure to anybody who had the risk of, not the probability of, but the risk of going out of business. >> hindsight, 20/20. >> this was happening during. >> it was a run on the bank. >> they know how they should have but they didn't. we'll get back to the markets on this expiration day. the major averages are starting to move higher. >> also ahead, why jpmorgan is putting out a positive call on the home building sector. diana olick will explain. >> call it big hd in big "d." the dallas boys new stadium has the world's largest high
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higher by 52. here are some new 52-week high. bed, bath, and beyond, conagra, mylan and watson form suitcles. cnbc's diana olick joins us. high, diana. >> the big builders are on a big tear thanks to a big upgrade by jpmorgan this morning. the bank is adopting a positive sector stance. kb home features smaller, lower price homes. he says toll will see above average growth. one hurdle for the home builders as for the rest of the real estate market is news today that the fha will not meet its 2% capital requirements. all thanks to falling home prices and rising delinquencied. while the commissioner promises no bailout is necessary, he's basing that on home prices
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falling 8% more over the next year. if they fall further, he admits that would put the fha at additional risk. >> fha has gotten so big in the marketplace they're very sensitive to economic changes. if unemployment continues to go up and home prices continue to decline, that puts fha in trouble by virtue of their size in the marketplace. >> now, the fha is implementing many new restrictions and credit scores for borrowers. they're also going to hire a chief risk officer. they haven't had one in 75 years. i have to ask why haven't they? especially in the last two years. tell us what you think about that. we are blogging on it. reali
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>> how is that possible. >> especially in the last two years, when all we talk about is risk, how could this ballooning agency not have a risk officer? >> well, they will now. >> the entire story of the last seven years, failure of risk manager. >> but wouldn't you have gotten one in the last two years? come on. >> one would think. >> thanks, diana. let's talk more about the markets with bob pisani down at the new york stock exchange. how are you, my dear? >> very good. and good volume down here, great exploration, over 1 million shares just here at the new york stock exchange. look at the s&p because once again the middle of the day quietly we moved up. all we need is 1068. anything over is a new closing high. important thing we've seen a little volatility in the middle of the day. europe, london closed at 11:30. let me show you some stocks traded internationally like budweiser. that's anhueser-busch which started trading in the new york stock exchange just a day or so ago, came back here. that stock moved around a little
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bit around 11:30 eastern time. can't pull that up. if you look at some of the other names, some of the european stocks. the boards are frozen, folks. we had a little gyration. i think that's probably expiration related here. another stock that will have a little action at the close is citigroup. the s&p 500 is reweighting some of the stock. this happens every quarter. we had that big change in citigroup from preferred stock to common stock. let me know on a day there's not a lot of big action in the international higher beta names, we're getting some moves in the defensive names. proctor & gamble which had some interesting xhents frcomments f analysts. brian, how are we looking at the nasdaq? >> steadily improving up 0.3. intel up a half a percent. sandis upgraded to a buy. it's up 3.9% on the day.
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big move. another big name, maybe the best performer of the big names, research in motion up 1.5%. got hit hard yesterday. maybe short covering going into the weekend. they report next week. to the downside, yahoo! down 2%. palm down 4.4%. the analyst community very frustrated there aren't specific numbers on the sales of the palm pre. allscripps with an upgrade. let's go to sharon epperson. >> you heard steve grasso talking about gold a few moments ago. his brother, lou grasso, lass trades gold futures. talking to him and a number of the traders on the floor, they're looking at gold here firmly above $1,000, and they see perhaps next week a run toward that $1,033 level. that was an all-time high back
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in march of 2008. we are seeing a little weakness in gold as we have a little bit of a recovery in the dollar and the dollar is going to be key here as to whether or not we go through that all-time high once again, whether or not the dollar recovers. the dollar also having an impact here on crude futures and we're looking at oil prices that are lower and, in fact, next week, next tuesday, october futures expire. we could see volatility going into that. >> up next, another "power lunch" exclusive. maxim international's ceo will tell you why his company is on a roll. >> we'll show you the stock charts up 60% right now. any moment now. >> let's just show them the dow. >> everything is down except for the dow. it's up 46 points. we're back with more "power lunch" on cnbc where we are first in business worldwide. ♪ so blessed with inspiration ♪ ♪ i don't know much
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♪ but i know i love you ♪ and that may be ♪ all i need ♪ to know (announcer) customers love ge aircraft engines almost as much as we love making them. innovation today for america's tomorrow. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 i want everything right where i can find it. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 anything that makes trading easier. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 i want to be right in the middle of the action--
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tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 you know-- i have to see what's going on. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and when i pull the trigger... tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 ...i've got to get the best price out there. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 (announcer) try the new tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 for yourself. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 call 1-888-4schwab tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 or visit today. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 'course a trade doesn't always work out my way. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 but when it does... tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 do i love that feeling. was it really for fun, or to save money on heat? why? don't you think nordic tuesday is fun? oh no, it's fun... you know, if you are trying to cut costs, fedex can help. we've got express options, fast ground and freight service-- you can save money and keep the heat on. great idea. that is a great idea. well, if nordic tuesday wasn't so much fun. (announcer) we understand. you need to save money. fedex
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mack yim maxim, these are the workhorse companies. their products are found in everything from the cell phones to the laptops, lcd tvs. with annual revenues of $1.6 billion. it's posted a profit every year since it's gone public. year-to-date, the stock is up 60% year-to-date. let's meet the man behind the move in a "power lunch" exclusive. the ceo joins us from san jose, california. thank you for joining us, sir. >> it's a pleasure to be here.
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>> a highly fragmented industry still. i would have thought after all these years there would have been more consolidation, fewer players, bigger players in this industry that make such important circuits for so many different industries. why haven't you had more consolidation in your business? >> william, our business, as you said, is very fragmented. we service a lot of markets, and mostly the analog chip companies do very specialized products, and they have a very huge product portfolio like us, and each one of us has our own proprietary technology and techniques for designing these parts. it's really very difficult for -- in an environment like that to be able to consolidate. >> 27% of your revenues come from the consumer division, cellular hand sets, flat panel tvs, cameras. what can you tell us about the state of the consumer? >> well, the state of the consumer actually is going very
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strong for us right now. there was a lot of inventory build toward the end of 2007. that's all behind us thankfully, and our businesses are picking up. we're seeing particular strength in products that go into lcd tvs, products that go into cellular products, and -- >> so demand is going up? can we say -- are we passed the bottom based on what you're seeing? >> for us definitely it's past the bottom. our minimum quarter in revenues was in march. now we're definitely up, and especially in the cell phones. our product strategies have worked really well. we've got a lot of design wins. these wins are going into production, so we're very successful in that market. >> and is that how you intend to -- i see from the notes that basically say your growth target is not 2% to 3% a year. it's a gain in market share in excess of 2% to 3% per year.
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obviously, some of those strategies must be employed. tell us about that. >> absolutely. first of all, our market -- the analog market is about a $36 billion market. it grows roughly in the high single digits every year. our market share in that market is only about 5% so we have plenty of runway to be able to grow the company, and our goal is to gain market share, which we've been doing recently, and gain it at above 2% to 3% above the average growth. so our growth targets are a lot more than the first numbers you gave out there. >> correct me if i'm reading your statement wrong. total revenues of $1.6 billion. your growth profit was $848 million. when you get down, it drops to $34 million. why is there such a huge cost of running your business when particularly in the technology business margins tend to be considerably higher? >> actually, we've been doing quite well financially as well. we've got a great balance sheet.
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we have no debt, about $1 billion in cash, and from the $1.6 billion in sales we had last year, we had $350 million of free cash flow. so from a cash flow basis, the company is doing exceptionally well. we pay almost 4.4% of dividends. so that also helps our stock. >> thank you for joining us today. >> you're welcome. >> the ceo of maxim integrated products. >> just three hours left in what has been quite a bullish week for many investors. we'll get you ready to make some money next week. the triple play is on deck nex. >> let's show you some more 52-week highs. coach and positiresession cast . >> sure, your charts come up. sfx:racking of a taillight.
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where were we? >> i didn't know -- >> you have no idea what goes on during the commercial break. >> sure, you do. >> you try, but it just doesn't work. let's get you ready for next week's trading. >> don't go there. don't do it. >> the trader triple play. >> look who's here. >> bobby hiller and jack and ray
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c . i'm going to start with you, bobby. we'll finish out a pretty bullish week, but does it hold until next week? >> i think this market is going to have legs a lot longer than anybody thought it might. i have been talking so some money manager. they have been holing out a little more cash than usual than they have in past years. they're hearing customers now saying why aren't i as involved in this rally as i want to be? so i think they're starting to send more cash in. i think we'll continue to see it go higher. >> jack, but once the retail investor starts to demand that, isn't that the sign it's getting long in the tooth. >> we have been saying that for the past few weeks if you think about it. what we've been witnessing over the course of the last week is the fact that somebody is sweeping the street of inventory. they're buying everything they can. it's coming out of the eft market. probably one of the manager of
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these large index etfs i should say. what is happening is you're seeing fresh money coming back to work. one clear indication was today's settlement. september s & p contract which was higher than the high of the day in the daily cash trade. that tells you something. that tells you all of the stocks opened up on their highs. if this morning's explore ration w was a buy, this afternoon could be as well. >> ray, for oil next week, i mean we could talk about that, but natural gas is still on fire as they say. will that continue do you think? >> nothing like a short covering rally and i think that's all that is. for crude oil, we have the u.n. meeting next week. we could have the iranian president here. all the iningredients for the dollar is there. if equities do keep going up and that sticky money comes off the sidelines, then we might have a rally. >> could it go into gold as
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well? went above $1,000. some of the traders there are talking about reaching that $1,033 mark. >> and crude has lagged behind. everything has broken out for the upside except the crude oil. not making new highs like the gold. >> if gold goes to $1,033 and then it technical breakout from there, what happens to stocks? >> i don't know. i think the stocks are going to keep rallying. gold is one of the commodities that are really going wild. so is oil. i think you should look at steel. steel has really risen in the last few weeks, and i think to me that's a sign that people are ramping up their demand in the future, which may hold gold back a little bit. >> jack, with this meeting coming up, the president is going to be meeting with heads of china, of russia, what kind of movement will we see in treasuries, particularly as it pertains to the conversations with china. i know they'll be dealing with trade issues. how is the debt market going to handle it? >> i think the debt market is probably going to be more keyed
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on what comes out of the fed than what comes out of the g-20 or these discussions. remember, we've already seen past presidents actually get into these tiffs with china. we have seen the action taken with the import on the tires. >> and chie chicken. >> the fed is probably more important. and more important are going to be the housing numbers, existing and new home sales which could drive the long end of the curve. >> thank you, gentlemen, very much. appreciate it. which brings us to -- >> a perfect weg say. >> our discussion about chicken feet. >> they weren't criticizing about the chicken feet per se. >> it's an important business story. >> i have writ ten an response n cnbc. >> i know we're doing this to
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empty calories. but we're trying to drive people to michelle's column. you can watch and go read michelle's column. >> exactly. the federal government is out with its state by state employment reports based on august data. cnbc's bertha coombs is here to take us inside the numbers. bertha? >> michelle, one year after the financial meltdown we're seeing a spike in unemployment in the states that support wall street's employment. new jersey andn s new york seeia jump in unemployment. new york city saw its inemployment above 10%. private sector jobs are down 3% from a year ago which is a decline in the financial industry at this point at twice that rate. nearly 43,000 finance jobs have been lost in the last year. 30,000 of those jobs disappearing from the securities industry with the disappearance
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of lehman and a lot of other layoffs. new jersey is now at the national average of 9.7% unemployment and while the state saw a net gain of jobs in august thanks to private sector hiring, manufacturing jobs continue to fall. they had risen earlier in the summer. finance jobs are down 5% last year. and connecticut is still below the national average, but it ticked up above 8% in august with 3,700 job losses. the biggest losses in southeastern connecticut's new york corridor, that's home to hedge funds and big bank trading floors. professional services are off nearly 8% for the year. finance jobs down nearly 4%. we're seeing the aftershocks of wall street still rattling this region. . >> thank you, bertha, thank you.
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appreciate it. s.e.c. chairman mary shapiro is speaking right now. let's head to hampton pearson for some breaking news headlines in washington at georgetown university. >> hi, bill. s.e.c. chairman mary shapiro really just getting into the meat of her speech. part of a global symposium on market regulation and reforms. among other things highlighting moves made late yesterday by the s.e.c. where it put out a series of new proposals and actions regarding credit rating agencies, including disclosing the past history of ratings. also, a proposal to discourage rate agency shopping by issuers of financial products, if you will, and, of course, the other big news out of the late yesterday meeting banning flash trading which only accounts for about 3% of market activity. her theme in all of this, better disclosure, better transparency, and business leaders as well as investors can only make good business decisions based on the quality of the information they're getting. that's one of the true
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overarching lessons of the football crisis we've gone through. obviously her speech very much still a work in progress. also a q&a special we will contin monitor for you. >> we will bid a sweet adieu to ron insana. >> the high frequency trading component of it has not been dealt with in its entirety. >> what do you think they will do? >> you couldn't ban the telegraph, couldn't ban the telephone, a whole host of technological innovations. the question is whether or not into the process they're front running clients or whether some large institutions have access to order flow and information flow not available to everybody else. >> but that's different. that's the flash trading part but not the high frequency part. >> it could be part of the high
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frequency part where there's an osmotic affect. they can pick up information from the exchange computers. i would are more concerned about one large firm that has access to almost all information and order flow. has a large presence on the floor of the new york stock exchange and no one says a word about them. >> who is it? >> i love osmotic effects. >> bye, ron. >> these are the times when you leave thankfully. >> there's a new dallas cowboys stadium. it has the biggest most osmotic, snappiest scoreboard ever built. >> and since we simply can't get enough football around here, leads head back to our own big "d," darren rovell. >> thanks, sue. if everyone had a tv like this at home, they'd never show up to the games. luckily for the cowboys and jerry jones, they don't. we'll go behind the big business of the world's largest hd video board. that's coming up next on "power lunch." natural gas is a cleaner burning fuel,
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yet a lot of natural gas has impurities like co2 in it. controlled freeze zone is a new technology... being developed by exxonmobil... to remove the co2 from the natural gas... so we can safely store it... where it won't get into the atmosphere. exxonmobil is spending more than 100 million dollars... to build a plant that will demonstrate this process. i'm very optimistic about it... because this technology could be used... to reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly. ♪
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the dallas cowboys new $1.2 billion stadium opens for the regular season sunday night. you'll see it on nbc. but there's already one part of the stadium that's gotten all the buzz. darren rovell is live with a special guest. darren? >> that's right, bill. you know, this diamond vision's video screen is unbelievable. people are taking pictures of the screen instead of the field. it's 72 feet high, 160 feet
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long, and it's made by mitsubishi. joining us from pittsburgh is mark foster, general manager of mitsubishi's electronic diamond vision systems. mark, thanks so much for being here. how do you build such a thing and how do you assemble it here? >> this was an incredible project for us. thanks for having me here, darren. we started this about two years ago with this project and the design and engineering. we built it some right up in pittsburgh, pennsylvania, at warrendale, our factory there, and the rest came from nagasaki japan. en exciting project. it took us six months to do the entire installation and about six months to fabricate the screens. >> okay. so i have to ask you about this. in the preseason people know titans punter who is now former titan punter a.j. hit the video board and there was a whole
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controversy. they decided they weren't going to raise up the video board at all. >> right. >> a lot of mitsubishi mentions. how was that for you guys? >> you know, we enjoyed all of the publicity around that. obviously it allowed a lot of people around the country to see that screen and you can't look at that screen and not realize what a super looking product we were able to deliver there, and i think sunday evening when the cowboys play the giant, national tv, everyone is going to get a real good look at what we're able to deliver there for the dallas cowboy fans. >> is this a real profitable business model for you? i mean, you have done diamond vision score boards or video units throughout the country. is this more of a play on brand or is it generating real pofrofs
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for you. mitsubishi considers this a marquee problem. it's about a $30 billion company. we do about 10% of that in the united states. we're a very, very small portion of, that however we're very visible. it gives us an opportunity as an engineering-driven company to do a little marketing. it allows when people are looking for a television and they walk into the home theater center, people mention mitsubishi, they'll stop and listen as to why our product is best. if you're an architect and you're thinking about elevators, you're going to think about mitsubishi electric when you see the quality products we can deliver here. >> mark, people talk about stadiums after 20 years kind of going their own way and now all of a sudden they're old. how long does it fake for something like this which is so great and new to become obsolete and how does mitsubishi help the
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cowboys protect against that. >> well, the cowboys really look to the future. they wanted a full 1080 progressive high definition. we believe able to deliver that. they had a vision to make the video screen part of the fan experience. we heard jerry jones tell the story about visiting our installation in las vegas for celine deon and he was looking for that same type of fan experience with the video board. so he bought a product that certainly is going to be a long time before anybody will be able to outdo this. we have the current guinness world record installation in atlanta. certainly this installation will surpass that, but it's going to be a long time. >> mark, thanks so much for joining us. we really appreciate you coming on and, of course, the note the giants and the cowboys are kicking it off at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. football night in america on sunday night is at 7:00 p.m.
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eastern time on nbc. guys, back to you. >> i'm waiting for the time they hand out 3d glasses to all the fans. >> i'm just hoping the "power lunch" logo has been up long enough to be burned into the screen. i'm only kidding. >> the bulls have been charging, but plenty of investors are still looking for income in addition to growth. what's the best way to go there, dividends, real estate? and here is a look at some of the stocks with usually high trading volume. huntington bank core, nicor, johnson & johnson, chevron corp, and cintas. we're back in a minute.
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performing stock. that's coventry health. harmon has a big short interest. i think people are running scared on this one. huntington bank, we showed you one of the volume actives. kb homes upgraded at jpmorgan. all doing more than almost double their average volume and it's only "power lunch" time, sue. back to you. >> thank you, matt. according to standard & poor's, 250 companies lower thaed their dividends. are dividend stocks still a good bet or how do you pick them or might real estate and reits be good for you. gentlemen, welcome. nice to have you here. >> thanks for having us. >> scott i'm going to start with you. dividend stocks have traditionally been a good bet but in the last year or so we've seen a lot of companies be forced to cut the dividends. how do you know when you're in a
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stock that will give you a good and secure dividend return? >> when we first pick a stock for its dividend, we make sure there's enough margin of error. we look at the payout ratio f you look at the projected earnings, let's say it's $1 and the diffident is 50 cents. you have 50 cents of cushion. that's a lot of protection in case earnings don't come through. >> how do you allocate a typical portfolio? how would you divide it up for me? >> well, we have a strategy, a high-yield dividend strategy that employs three strategies in one. half the portfolio are invested in what we call trophy dividend growers. these are companies that raise their dividend year after year, have low payout ratios and above average growth rates at attractive prices. the other 40% we put into portfolios invested in what we call high yield dividend growers. they pay out a little above average, maybe 60% of earnings.
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they have a steady history of increasing their dividends as well. >> okay. so then, greg, play devil's advocate. why would i not go into dividend stocks. why are real estate and reits a better bet? >> great question. let me start by saying this, yes, i'm taking on the side of the real estate, but i would be the first person and i think matt would as well, that a prudent investor uses both stocks and bonds in their portfolio. taking the side of real estate what i would say is it really comes down to the predictability and the likelihood of a dividend being cut. as you mentioned before, we have more zero dividend-paying stocks today than we've had in the last 50 years. the s&p 500, i don't have to tell you is down to an average of 1.87. the dow is actually up a little bit but at 2.87%. the real estate side, however, the same fundamentals apply. good value, strong fundamentals, and then the likelihood of a
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good, strong return. but it comes with a little bit more. it also comes with great tax advantage through the fact that you're able to use pass through depression yatio depreciation. this could be a qualified company, a good credit tenant, is actually paying the rent versus trusting that company to pay a dividend to me is a major separating point. >> thank you, gentlemen, very much. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> straight ahead. we have a new way to tally up the national debt. a friday serving of empty calorie sincerely on the menu next. um bill--
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why is dick butkus here? i hired him to speak. a lot of fortune 500 companies use him. but-- i'm your only employee. we're gonna start using fedex to ship globally-- that means billions of potential customers. we're gonna be huge. good morning! you know business is a lot like football... i just don't understand... i'm sorry dick butkus. (announcer) we understand. you want to grow internationally. fedex express
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it's massmutual. find strength and stability in a company that's owned by its policyholders. ask your advisor or visit welcome back. empty calories. it's time. we have a new calculator. >> a new calculator. >> what did you say recently when we were talking about the size of the national debt. in jest you said they need to make calculators with more numbers. >> they sent us the big red national debt calculator. you have room for
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