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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  September 21, 2009 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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i struggled all day to try to figure out exactly the difference between the two. and i think it's like a comic. as a matter of fact, it's right out of that "highlights" thing. remember "highlights"? the thing your kids read right before they get their teeth pulled at the dentist's office. here we go. dell is goofus. hello. my name is goofus. and -- just a sec. props of course. goofus. all right. you got me? hewlett-packard of course is galla gallant. gallant buys electronic data systems in october 2008 for 13 billion. that was a brilliant deal that allowed the company to cut costs and expand into the lucrative consulting businesses, services. goofus trying to diversify away from the pc is buying perot to
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try to mimic gallant's success. but i think they bought the worst possible company for the highest possible price. goofus could have tried to branch out and do something different, maybe take a shot at palm to get in on the mobile internet tsunami/smartphone revolution. instead, it tries to do what gallant has already done before, only worse. stick with that analogy for a second. hewlett-packard's a teeth cleaning. dell's a root canal. all right. let's look at the details. hewlett-packard bought eds, one of the largest consultants with $20 billion in revenues. this is a really key number. remember, i always try to match apples to apples. they spent 60 cents on the revenue dollar to buy eds. dell bought perot for $1.60 per revenue dollar. gallant buys a best in breed consulting company for a cheap price and then reaps billions of dollars in cost cuts as the first of many are rewards. goofus overpays for a
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second-rate health care i.t. consultant. the afterthought, the guy who created eds made after he left eds. i don't think they'll see much synergies. gallant's acquisition makes hardware, a very tough business, by the way, into a much smaller part of the company p. perot barely moves the needle for goofus. after buying a company in a deal that will be dilutive until 2012. since 2005 when the great mark hurd took over at hewlett-packard dell's share of the pc market has gone from 19% to 14%. while hewlett's has gone from 15% to 20%. so gallant takes big share in printers and computers from dell and just keeps on expanding. goofus loses share and gets increasingly desperate as he eats his ham sandwich. gallant will tell its story on thursday, hewlett-packard's analysts day. you should expect a great show. you can watch it on the web. goofus just spent tons of cash to get into the health care business. it seems like all dell does
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these days is get pantsed by hewlett-packard. or simply pantses itself. remember, there used to be a time when dell was indeed a great company. it dominated the pc industry for years. but i think it got fat and lazy. unlike hewlett-packard dell didn't think strategically about its future. judging from this acquisition, still the case. hewlett-packard bought eds to diversify from hardware into services because it's more stable with more recurring revenue. by the way, recurring revenue now makes up 40% of hewlett-packard's sales. i think has headed to 45%. that means consistent, which means people will pay up for its earnings. i think dell bought perot really to try to look like hewlett. and that's a better reason than the others i could come up with. now, i see many analysts, all of whom have buy ratings on dell, actually applauded the perot deal today. these lap dogs -- these analysts don't know what they're talking about. there's really not much to say about this other than it just proves dell is goof tous hewlett-packard's gallant.
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i say maybe treat every one of these analysts to a subscription to "highlights." maybe then they'll get the gist. maybe that's the missing element. maybe they don't get "highlights." dell said it was building an anchor by acquiring perot and expanding its enterprise services business. an anchor? maybe like dell's drowning and it threw itself an anchor? cement galoshes? it's paying off for perot, but once again, this is a business with weak growth in all of its segments. revenues declined nall three of perot's main segments with health care, 48% of the sale, down 1.9%. commercial down 20%. government down 3.7%. what a steal. compare that to eds, which in hewlett-packard's most recent quarter had nearly 80% sales growth year over year. and for this largd dell's willing to pay a price we haven't seen since back during the tech bubble. $30? what dels paying is close to the price perot was trading back in 1999. hmm. they certainly must be partying like that at perot today.
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dell's paying 30 times earnings for a stock that was already trading at a 25% premium to the information technology services group before the deal. talk about highway robbery. and dell only expects 300 million in synergies to be achieved over the next two years. i regard that as barely cost savings at all. it's not just about money. hewlett-packard used eds to go more than 60% international. it's actually 62% now. dell by purchasing perot is actually doubling down on america as it's largely domestic. plus you simply don't get a lot of scale buying perot whereas hewlett-packard got a chance to save a huge amount of money wechlt ds. when hewlett-packard announced its deal, it it said there were $2.5 billion in synergies. it's already saving 3 billion a year later. that's ten times what dell says it hopes to achieve in the next two years. so what happens here? gallant does a superman acquisition. goofus, to completely mix comic books, let's go dc, bizarro superman. this acquisition?
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arms. that's right. putting arms on venus demilo. the bottom line, these two companies which seemed so alike couldn't be more different. it's not too late to swap out of the old goofus that is dell and into the gallant that is hewlett-packard. especially ahead of what i expect to be a terrific thursday analysts meeting when dell talked about the greatness of their own software/hardware information technology combination. i want to go -- erin's at the new york stock exchange. i'll go to erin in texas. erin. boy, she gets around. aaron. >> caller: yes. >> hey. erin? oh, aaron. aaron, not erin. that's like calling bevo a dairy cow for -- hey, you know, that's like elsie. >> caller: summer solstice boo-yah to you, jim. >> well, boo-yah to you, partner. >> caller: i kept my eyes open for that coveted oversubscribed ipo you talked about and i
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called my broker to get in on avgo, avigo technologies. my question is since this company plays both into the china and next great bull market internet theme of yours should i hold on to those shares or ring the "mad money" registers on the ipo gift scene? >> i was looking at this company the other day. i think you do have a winner here. i have to go back over avgo. i also have to go over winn solar. i i this you've got a good situation brewing there and you're absolutely right you want to look at the end markets. they're all great. even the automotive electronics. i don't want you to get rid of that. i want you to keep it. let's go all the way out west. let's go to david in california. david. >> jim, big sunny boo-yah from santa barbara, california. >> hey. uc santa barbara boo-yah back to you. >> caller: thank you for all do you. appreciate it. >> sure do try. i 4 a lot of guys coming up to me at the eagles game saying good things about it.
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but then they lost and people were tloingz at me. that's okay. that's the business i've chosen. >> caller: here's my question. do you think there's an equity bubble due to the government's cheep leaneding and the liquidity provided with tarp, does the tarp funds allow institutions more liquidity to be invested more heavily ton the equities market and if so what happens when they sell the equities to repay the taxpayer? will this not deflate the equities market at the expense of the retailers now getting in with mostly retiring money? >> i'm going to have -- i was telling my friends mika brzezinski and joe scarborough on their terrific radio show today, we have to have a little more faith in ben bernanke and tim geithner. i was skeptical. now i'm proud of what they're doing and everyone's skeptical. i think this will play out in a way that will not crimp things. no, we're not china. we're not that good. but i am less pessimistic than others about the extraction of
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the equity and the return of tarp to the government. who do you want to invest with? do you want to invest with goofus, or do you want to invest with gallant? i say sell goofus, buy gallant, and make sure you buy it by thursday's analyst meeting. hey, listen, this is a clash of the titans. there's only one winner. wrong! stay with cramer. >> announcer: coming up, are the building blocks of the economy solid? cramer finds out the answer as he goes on on one with ppg industries' ceo charles bunch on the executive decision. plus, will a big deal in macau mean a big payout for one stock? cramer looks at one ipo to see how it could make you "mad money." and later try to keep up with cramer as he takes your calls rapid-fire in an all new "lightning round." all coming up on "mad money."
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last week i introduced you to some of my new girl frerngsds the pollies, the elizabeth'lls, as in poppy propylene and ethylene and all the other gaet plastics plus caustic soda because demand for these chemicals are coming back. pricing is increasing. to me that says the real economy is coming back despite endless chat wrer that obama's policies and high unemployment make that an impossibility. the stock to own to play the chemical side of the rebound, i've been saying it's ppg. that's the old pittsburgh plate glass. it's an accidental mid-yielder. i like it very much, i own it for my charitable trust. you can follow along with that at ppg is up 31%. since the last time i spoke to the company's fabulous ceo,
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charles bunch. that was just on june 11th. he called the bottom in the cycle on the show. telling us, and i quote, "we are starting to see some positive volume in our asian businesses." the stock was at $45.45. it's almost at 60. you know what, that was a great call by him. i like ppg because it's mainly a specialty chemicals company not a commodity chemicals company. 70% of its sales from coatings. that go on everything from your living room walls to military vehicles. that said its commodities business is really starting to heat up. ppg specializes in core alkalide chemicals like chlorine, which is used for pvc piping. and caustic soda, which goes just into about everything from paper to nylon to herbicides, soaps. a lot of stuff. inks. the chemicals industry successfully pushed in a $225 per ton price increase in chlorine in the last quarter with another $75 per ton increase coming this quarterly. industrywide utilization is at
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75% up from its historic lows at 50% in december. this one is the best of breed. right now the u.s. is exporting pvc in higher amounts and that means chlorine producers like ppg have a cost advantage because the electricity they use to make these chemicals is natural gas-based. and even after the big run-up in natural gas prices over the last month it's still much cheaper and much lower than it used to be. as for caustic soda prices are down for the year, but imports from china have stopped. and i think we've reached the end of the trough as caustic soda demand usually lags demand for chlorine and pvc by a few quarters. caustic soda prices are $200 a ton. ppg has already announced a $60 per ton increase. wow. these are big increases. chemicals may not be a huge part of ppg's business but the segment throws off a lot of cash and helps capitalize its main paints and coatings business. these are the chemicals that go into the building blocks of the economy. and the bottom here means economic activity is picking up across the board, and that's good news for all of ppg
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segments. the company's been cutting costs aggressively. that allowed it to weather the downturn and come out in good shape. excellent balance sheet. $8 of cash per share. serial dividend raiser, upping its payout every year for the last 37 years. and i think ppg's being underestimated by the street. the analysts covering the stock four are buy, seven holds two, sells? i think we're going to have to take up numbers and upgrade as the economy picks up speed. i want to know more about the building blocks of the economy. how strong are they in and how much more up side is in ppg's future as the real brick and mortar and pvc piping economy recovers? which is why i want to hear again from a man who's made us an awful lot of money. let's go to charles bunch. he's the ceo of ppg. mr. bunch, welcome back to m mmd. >> thank you, jim, it's great to be here. >> sir, i've got do tell you. no matter where i go, i don't see any believers. i know it's tough out there. i know a lot of people have been
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laid off. but your price increases, your tone of your business tells me that things have to be a little better than they were three months ago in this country and the world, no? >> yes, they are a little better, jim. we've continued to see this gradual he improvement in asia especially but also starting here. >> now, why is it so difficult to convince people that anything could get better in this country? >> well, there is an awful lot of pessimism around this economic crisis. but here we're approaching one year now from the financial meltdown last year. we went through some difficult times at ppg in the fourth quarter of last year and the first quarter, but we've seen this gradual improvement, and i think gradually the rest of the economy and the consumers will come around to a more optimistic view. >> mr. bunch, is it more likely
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you will lay off more workers in the next year or bring some back? >> i would say that the bulk of our layoffs have been completed. we are still finishing up some of our restructuring actions. but i would say a year from now we're more likely to have more workers on the payroll than less. >> i think that's what y. this market keeps going higher, because it forecasts things like that pup made a european acquisition, sigma kalon, which was the largest in the firm's history, european coating. some people have criticized that as being poor timing, but isn't this actually ahead of plan? >> no, we've done very, very well there, last year and this year, both in earnings and cash flow. we're ahead of all of our growth plans. we've delivered on all of our synergies and cost reductions. so we're very pleased with the sigma kalon acquisition. and it's really balanced our portfolio, put more emphasis on coatings and geographically really strengthened us in europe
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and in asia. >> all day i hear people lament the fact that the dollar's gone down. i am an american who wants our exports and our companies to do well. surely, a weaker dollar's got to be great for you when it comes to acquisitions like the sigma kalon. >> yes, the weaker dollar has helped translate those sales and earnings on our profit and loss statement into higher dollars. it heaps our u.s. base manufacturing, both our plants for export as well as our customers. so net net we favor a weaker dollar, which we've certainly seen over the last few months here. >> okay. now, there's a lot of talk about goldman sachs getting involved in a chinese auto company. we know that you've got an auto business that i have to believe benefited somewhat from cash for clunkers. could you give me a look at what's going on in the automotive industry, and has it gone from being a drag to a positive now for your company?
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>> yes. i think you're going to see here as we move into the second half of this year that the automotive business for us, which is automotive coatings for the most part, will be a positive. china has been the big story. production is up 90% year to date in china. so their automotive industry continues to be on fire. and we're seeing for the first time here in this country the benefits of cash for clunkers, which you and i talked about earlier this year. it's really helped clean out some of the inventories, got the consumer back interested in automobiles. and we're going to see here over the second half of this year the beginnings of a rebuilding in the automotive industry. we're not going to get back to 2007 levels for a couple of years, but certainly we've come off the bottom, and we're a little more optimistic here in north america about the coming
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quarters. >> while we're speaking here, the g-20 meeting in pittsburgh. if you had them in your office right now, what would you tell them? >> i'd tell them that ppg is a great company. we have operations in all 20 of the g-20 companies. or countries. and i would tell them to continue to work on a coordinated economic policy. we've seen stimulus plans working in china, beginning to work here. we've had similar automotive scrappage plans in europe that have helped cushion this fall. so i would tell them that the most important message for the economies and for our consumers around the world is to continue this positive coordinated economic response to the crisis. >> mr. bunch, first i want to thank you for the straight answers. i also want to thank you for being willing at a time when most people were unwilling to say anything positive at all, being willing to say that your
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book of business was turning. i really appreciate your being on the show. thank you so much, sir. >> thank you very much, jim. good to be here. >> charles bunch, chairman and ceo of ppg. we get these ceos on, we ask them tough questions. when they give us good answers and they're right, you know what? >> buy buy buy! >> and ppg's included in that. after the break i'll take to make you some more money. >> will a deal in macau mean a big payout for one stock? cramer looks at an ipo to see how it could make you mad money. plus, lightning strikes. cramer goes lerg taking all your calls in a spine-chilling, overcharged "lightning round." all coming up on "mad money." when this shoe store added aflac
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to its employee benefits package at no direct cost to the company... it was a perfect fit. find out more at aflac!...
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there are eight ipos expected to price in the united states this week. and while i'm talking about some of them in a multiday know your ipo series, the most important ipo of all isn't happening in
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this country. it's not listing on the nyse or the nasdaq. no. it's in championa. on the hong kong stock exchange. i'm talking about the wynn resorts ipo of its macau business. the road show for this one where the company and underwriters go around trying to drum up demand for the new stock starts today. we expect it to list in hong kong on october 9th. now, other shows talk about the ipos and we've read a lot of articles about it. they tell you this is going to be interesting but they don't tell you whether you want to be in them or not. in "mad money" we try to teach you how to analyze ipos and use these filings as examples of how the ipo market can be played to help you try to make the most money with these deals. of course, while taking on the least amount of risk. i don't want you going all the way to hong kong to buy shares in wynn's macau business, although i'm sure it will be a bang-up ipo. the best play here is the one i've been pushing for months and
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that's by buying wynn. because by selling off 25% of its macau business it can finally free up what's called hidden value in this company. right now there's no way for investors to independently value wynn's piping hot mechanical operations but when the ipo happens that will change things. and even though the stock is already up huge in anticipation of the ipo, wynn is up 73% since i recommended it on this show on july 21st at $39. precisely because i'd gotten wind of this deal. i still think there's room left for wynn to go higher, but i do believe it will stall out here as people who watch our show and knew this filing was about to occur sell the news. because if you bought wynn when i told you to, you are being a little piggish if you don't sell something. as a matter of fact-i think this is the perfect opportunity to take some profits. play with the house's money, perhaps. in a great ka seepo stock. and then i hope it comes down
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over the next weeks leading up to the deal. i guess what i'm saying is even though i'm a huge backer of wynn, i want to sell lit of the hoopla here and buy the substance at our price, not the market's. why am i so confident that there's still some up side left here? we know that chinese communists love to gamble in macau. the one place the whole people's republic for many gaballing is legal. it's the only one. it already is the largest gaming market in the world. this has been a huge secular growth trend for years that has made boatloads of money for the six casino operators that have been granted concessions for macau gaming operations. now, i'm betting the chinese investors are looking for a better way to play macau and would rather invest in it directly, which is why it's going to be sizzling. given the valuation that's chinese stocks are currently getting its listing part of its business in hong kong is a great way for steve wynn to boost its share price. steve wynn has been fabulous for shareholders. he's also made you money in a bond. he's a remarkable figure.
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the details -- 25% of its macau business, 1.25 billion shares, between 8.52 and 10.08 hong kong dollars apiece. under the ticker 1128. trying to give you all the background i can. raising as much as $3.6 billion for wynn. we've got jpmorgan, morgan stanley, and ubs running the show. wynn's already secured investments in it from a number of tycoons in hong kong, but i expect buyers to come in from all over the world given how hot macau is and the fact this will be the best pure play on it. we don't have a lot of pure plays. there was this one i told to you bet out of, melco, the the disappointing australian attempt to capitalize on it. this will be much better. right now wynn has two hotels in vegas and one in macau with the second expected toown open in the first half of 2010. unlike other ka seepo companies wynn is funding construction costs out of cash flow for operations. so many of these casino operators gamble.
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they gambled taking down enormous amounts of debt, which makes this plate safest way to play macau. steve wynn was incredibly bullish. you've got to listen to them on the conference calls. he's such a natural. he's incredibly bullish on the new macau res ovrt ort on the conference call. here's what he said. "it's on skernlgs on bunt, it's being built out of revenue it will open this spring and it's the best thing that we have ever done in our lives. it is the most beautiful building that we have ever built at least in my 40-year career. ten rooms of floor. a completely integrated 415 all suite and village hotel with its own spa, casinos, and other things right smack in the middle of macau. it is my job to tell you who has credibility, and steve wynn has credibility. the last time he made these other promises you got a huge gain. he does not say things idly. in the last quarter macau made up more than half of wynn's revenues, 60% of its profit earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization. macau is basically bigger than the u.s. for this company
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growing at a much larger clip. and these numbers are from a quarter where macau revenues were down 25% because the chinese government tightened visa restrictions on mainland china. that's right. so it was under a difficult situation. all right. then you have to say why is macau so great, why don't i think plain old wynn is the way to do it, why not just jump on the hot hong kong ipo? because buying wynn let's you play it with less risk. remember we're already up 70% in anticipation of steel. and i don't think it's unreasonable to see more gains ahead. it's all about unlocking value. currently, win's race to acquire at the current share price is $11.6 billion. but the street thinks the macau portion of their business could be worth 7.2 billion. if you look at the details of the deal, what it says is macau's business -- wynn's macau business is 7.4 billion 37 so what's that mean for the rest of the company? it's being valued at a little
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bit more than 4 billion. okay. that's not quite as undervalued as when i was recommending the stock in july. but i think wynn's macau business will end up worth even more after this huge andpot hotly anticipated ipo. which was the talk of the whole world today. and it will send prices of the parent company higher. get this. it is possible, and i've seen this happen only a couple other times. i saw it with palm once. it'll it is possible we'll see the macau portion of wynn be worth more than all of wynn itself. that's the tail bringing up the doing. we want to oent dog. here's the bottom line. i don't think you should try to get in the wynn macau. i want you to stay in wynn, wnn. i think this will probably stay great play, at least until las vegas sands starts diluting the market it its own macau ipo. you won't win because of me. you bought 39 because of me. ring the register a little. you want to get in on wynn? let the profit taking occur, and
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then pounce. i sense the stock will retreat to 64, 65, before bouncing up to my $90 price target by year end. when we see how much value macau's creating for awful wynn's shareholders. let's go to mary in new york. mary. mary? >> caller: yes. >> how are you? >> caller: great. and you? boo-yah! >> boo-yah. great to have you on the show. how can i help? >> caller: i'm just wondering about las vegas sands, lvs. >> yes. >> caller: i bought it because i heard that it was going to come in for the ipo and all that. and now i've doubled my money, actually. but now it's going down in the past three days. i'm getting a little nervous, and i was wondering, could you tell me what i should do, should i keep it or should i sell it? >> no, mary, you doubled your money. let's just use mary as an object lesson. okay? we've been very bullish on the show, relatively close to when the market bottomed. we've made some very big gains.
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mary is up 100%. i don't care if mary's up 100% on something i absolutely think is the greatest thing since sliced bread. mary, i want you to take your profits. you can either take half and let the rest ride or take it all because i no longer like las vegas sands at 18. we've ridden that one up. i'd like you to ring the register and go and just celebrate that you were able to have such a big gain and didn't give it back. tonight and all week we're going to know our ipos and how to value them. we're not going to be in the macau wynn. we're going to stay in wynn. and if you've been in it from 39 to 68, 69, take a little oft table, just like i've advised mary about the las vegas sands. we refuse to give back gains in "mad money." we refuse. stay with cramer. >> announcer: coming up -- try to kaep up with kra to keep up with cramer ease takes stock after stock on an all new high impact "lightning
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round." plus, cramer checks his in box on an all new "mad mail." all coming up on "mad money."
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it is time. it is time for "lightning round" on cramer's "mad money." what's they'll about? rapid-fire calls one after another. you say the name of the stock i tell you whether to buy buy buy or sell sell sell. just to be clear i don't know the callers or stock questions ahead of time. my staff prepares the graphics on the fly. we play till you hear this sound. and then the "lightning round" is over. are you ready, skee-daddy? it is time for the "lightning round" on cramer's "mad money." why don't we start with mike in d.c.? mike. >> caller: big boo-yah, jim. how's it going over there? >> not bad. how about you? >> caller: pretty good. but i want to know about mpel.
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melco crown and -- >> no, we have gotten wind. we do not need to go to melco. wynn you'll be the beneficiary of the hong kong spinout. you'll let's not outthink this. >> caller: a boo-yah from sunny st. pete, florida. >> never rains there. >> caller: ivan. >> this is ivanhoe has been one of the great speculations of all time. now, i have never gotten behind ivanhoe, but at the same time i like walter scott. not bad. at the same time i like the idea of speculation. so how do i jibe these two? if someone wants to have this as a speculative situation -- if someone thinks ivanhoe belongs in the same category as an exxon or a chevron which i own for my, my charitable trust, or marathon or conoco or a shell you're greatly mistaken and -- >> sell sell sell. >> let's go to randy in ohio. randy. >> caller: hi, jim, i'm trying
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to get back to even by watching you every night. >> well, october 13th get back to even. get the hard copy tomorrow of my book. how can i help? >> i bought kbr at about 14 and the new clean coal contract in china sounds very terrific. should i hold on or sell kdr? >> okay. do you know -- oh, boy, i'm going to steal a whole show here. on thursday of this week i was preparing to put kvr in the sell block. why? because when that stock was at 14 i must have told the world to buy it. i hit it over and over and over again. $14 in cash, you've got to own it, you've got to own it. it went to 24 last week and i said you know what? i've got to tell people to sell because i don't want that gain given back. >> that was easy. >> so i've got a front return right now and i want to tell you. go buy ourselves a cashmere sweater. >> andrew. >> caller: this is andrew from -- i got a motor boating
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boo-yah for you. >> i'm liking that. very good. maybe best in show. i bet you no one k tops that the whole week. we may have to play that on the highlight reel. >> caller: nve corp., nvec. up or down, baby? >> oh, man, i have lost so much money in companies that are involved with magnetic materials, but i shouldn't necessarily lose this year because it has a great military component. it's a very small company. it's only $270 million. therefore, i am going to reserve judgment and do more work on it because i am very loath to comment on these companies under 300 million until i've done a little more work. so let me, if you do not mind, let me put that in the tickler file and do more work on it right now. >> don't buy. >> hey, listen, better than saying hey, i love it. if i don't know it -- i mean, i can be a joker, a toker, a midnight smoker, but i've never been in he steve miller's original album thatch a fan. robert in florida.
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>> caller: great boo-yah from fort lauderdale, florida. >> holy cow, i'm liking real estate down there. i'm not kidding. also preferred county. i'm liking commercial real estate according to my florida trend magazine i get every day. >> caller: wendy's. >> wendy "uss a win. notice by the way yum very critical comments came out today saying taco bell's not good, pizza hut's not good -- i like wendy's. and i'm reiterating my buy right here. i want to go to ken in ohio. ken. >> caller: buckeye boo-yah, jim. >> ohio state looked good this week but that pint punt may not have been all that strong. go ahead. >> caller: buckeye headquarter krueger -- >> no, athat quarter was not up to snuff. i am not going to get behind companies that don't deliver. i've got so many others that in
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this difficult environment are delivering. chris in utah. chris. chris? >> caller: hey, jim. >> you've got to speak to me, chris. i don't know what stock you want. >> caller: capital one finance. it has been a great run. is it still okay to hang on? >> i've got to tell you it's had a very big run. i know when i was reading through the discover finance piece last week when they reported, they 4 good things to say about the credit card business, a lot of people had good things to say. still -- >> sell sell sell. >> take a little profits and ring the register. i do not want to give that gain back. it's just too hard to get gain to give that gain back. i want to go to neil in new york. neil. >> caller: a big brooklyn boo-yah. >> from what part? familial boo-yah. what part of brooklyn? >> caller: we wanted to know about cft. dupont favreau technology.
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it's an internet infrastructure play as pure as you can have. >> i don't know a "lightning round" where i've been stumped twice. but you know what? i believe that the only way to approach things in life is to rather than say at some point is to just own up, i do not know dupont. i know duh pontd letter dd. i know dupont favreau, the guy that did "iron man." we're going to -- i feel like taking my pants down. i feel like just taking them off and showing you my briefs. that's how embarrassed i am. i am beyond belief embarrassed. do you mind if i call one more phone call? the off chance there's a third one around now, let's roll the dice here, let's really pants me. tyler in california. >> caller: cramer, this is tyler from california. >> how are you doing? >> caller: pretty good. yeah, i want to be on one of your soundbites. so here's a he great big td aher i traid boo-yah.
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>> an e trade boo-yah, goldman, how bay bank of america -- offloegd the whole kit and caboodle boo-yah. >> caller: i want to know about chipotle mexican grirl. >> i was talking with sid at the newsstand about chipotle. that's where i get my newspapers, from sid. we talk stocks every morning. i think even though it's already had a good run i am with danny meyer who wrote "setting the table," and we think chipotle is a great buy, cmg, even in the 90s. that is a recovery stock, and thank heavens i actually know it. the "lightning round" is over!
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i got stumped once last week and then twice tonight. before we get to the rest of the mad mail. let's take care of one of those stumpings. on thursday, craig from oklahoma asked about applied signal technology. the symbol is apsg. this is a small capization defense play and it sounds like a good one. they make signal intelligence equipment that lets the military eavesdrop on enemy communications. nsa, cia, these are the large customers. they recently did a contract of recompeting contract with the dod on the next generation signal intelligence. valued at $200 million plus many more projects are in the pipeline. important, the country's emphasis is on intelligence and counterintelligence as opposed to armament systems which is getting less and less focus. the company is developing a
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cybersecurity business and they are getting the u.s. cybercommand up and running. they recently bought pixis, a service company providing software engineering, cybersecurity and other services. this stock looks like a great speck. you know we think cybersecurity ask really important. cybersecurity defense intelligence, okay, limit orders, please. once again, our viewers have come up with a terrific stock idea. here's one from jonathan in atlanta -- jim, over the past few weeks, you've been focusing on natural gas prices and the potential upside over the next few years. i agree. however, i think that much of this expected upward movement in natural gas is already reflected in a lot of the natural gas stocks. over the last few months companies like apache have moved steadily higher while the price of the commodity has gone down. i think the market has already expected these higher moves in
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the commodity and i've been lightning up on my position. what do you think? nobody ever got hurt taking a profit. 93 on friday and they opened today at 90. it makes sense. i'm working with a terrific outfit called i to work on all the public filings to see who's the most and least ahead. later this week, i'll tell you whether i think where you should be with apache and some others but i respect the fact that you have a big gain. give it back. don't give back the gate. it's important if i teach you anything, don't give back the gains. here's one from alex at purdue. they have a thriving investment community, many of whom i've communicated with. i'm a new investor out of college and love the show. should i sell walmart and pick up care mark for the upcoming
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swine flu season. i realize you're busy but if you get a chance to respond, i'd appreciate it. >> i'm never too busy to talk stocks. that's what i like to do. i like to do it to people down the street. to people at the eagles' game. the answer is, yes. i like the idea. i think the drugstores are a great swine flu place and i think walmart is stuck in the mud right now. as much as i think it's a great company. make the switch, alex. it's a good one. "mad money" after the break. $$
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sure the market should have been down and it wasn't. that's the sign of strength. our aims, know your ipo and ring the register. don't give up the gains. i'm jim cramer. see you tomorrow! up next, the index of leading indicators predicts a barn-burner of economic recovery. think about that. the g-20 meeting has nothing for investors or businesses and adviser peter schiff runs for connecticut senate.
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tonight on ""the kudlow report"" today's stheers no one wants to talk about. leading indicators up for a fifth straight month. here's my question. despite the gloomers. might this be a barn-burner of an economic recovery? now comes the g-20 meeting in pittsburgh starting thursday, so far i don't hear or read a single pro growth measure for these guys. nothing for investors. nothing for business. nothing to nurture the global rebound. plus a fed meeting tomorrow on wednesday, another big event. so fed, what about the plunging dollar, soaring gold and a stronger-than-expected economy? do they have an exit strategy from future inflation? and investment adviser peter schiff, throws his hat from the ring for the connecticut senate race. we'll visit that and talk all
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about it. fasten your seatbelts. "the kudlow report" begins right now. good evening. i'm traveling around this evening and i'm still larry kudlow and welcome back to the kudlow report. first up tonight, a story that no one apparently wanted to talk much about today. the index of leading indicators up for a fifth straight month. so question. is there a barn-burner of a recovery out there? it's time for some kudlow 101. let's go right to it. this is the monthly changes in the index of leading indicators. okay? we're up 1, 2, 3, 4,


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