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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  September 29, 2009 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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i'm jim cramer and welcome to my world. >> you need to get in the game! >> he's going out of business and he's nuts. they're nuts. they know nothing. >> i always like to say is there a bull market somewhere. >> "mad money," you can't afford to miss it. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. some people want to make friends, i just want to make you
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money. my job, not just to educate, but also to entertain so call me 1-800-743-cnbc. this bull has become self-fulfill be. i want to take one look at today's headlines. "time and history are on the side of the market bulls," thank you money section "usa today." here's one. "is that a bull walking up wall street?" how about this one? creeping up to five digits yet again, "new york times." these were all lead stories of the business section of today's paper. i know the market was down, but this is a huge bullish changeup, especially when you consider how unreasonably negative the press has been for months as the markets soared ever higher. now at least we are getting glowing stories about the market on the front page. of course, there is a tendency among the professionals to glow up with these stores.
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where were they at dow 6500? s&p was 666, citigroup was at $1? wait a second. it's even worse, they leap to the conclusion the suckers are back, and when the suckers are back, the retailers are supposed to -- >> sell, sell, sell! >> it can't be good if retail investors, meaning you, are starting to buy. if you are a hedge fund investor, the smart-alecky way is to say i've got to get short and bet against these amateurs. typical negative thinking from a negative group of people. all these positive articles are well-reasoned and rigorous. i think they are full of compelling reasons to get back in the game. i don't think they are so easily refuted. "the washington post" cites a plethora of deals, including yesterday's blockbuster abbott acquisition.
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something i predicted on friday's game plan or xerox's computer deal. doesn't matter if it's questionable, what matters is it's exciting, noticeable and captures your interest. today this "usa today" piece which talks about how the endless chatter we are due for a big decline could be dead wrong. this is a refreshingly honest piece. it takes on the issues head-on, going from all the canards that kept people out of this magnificent rally. it starts with, stocks are tired, they've come too far, too fast and they are due for a pullback." then it says that it's party line. it debunks it with real facts from history indicating it's not too late to buyened a the rally is just final. it's really because of how kept cal everybody is that this rally is happening. that's the logic, the ironic logic the "usa today" is using. then as "the new york times" writes, many areas of the economy are actually better. it was nice to read that in the paper, including the financials.
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i've long held because the banking system is sound, the market can go higher. "the times" points out in a not cynical way the psychological pull of dow 10,000 to retail investors is a big part of the self-fulfilling bullish tie. i want you to take a step back. if you are somebody sitting on the sidelines, you read these articles, what is the essence of what they are saying? the economy is better, the market is better. you are missing an opportunity if you are not in it and you ain't missed nothing yet. there are trillions of dollars on the sidelines because so many people feel burned by the stock market as an asset class. i think these well-reasoned stories make an impact. this is just the beginning. any story that says, hey, come on back in, the water is fine. we are making money in mergers, making money in ipos like a123
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that i recommended or selectmed. as things get better, we get more positive stories that drive more money from retail investors into this market. that sends stocks ever higher. there's something similar happening with the professionals, which makes being bullish even more of a self-fulfilling prophecy. i actually think this may be the single best thing the bulls have going for them. when the market is -- i actually cough. we'll edit it out post production. when the market is big and you are a professional money manager, you know what? you look like a real clown, more bozo than the cavitiy crusty, if you aren't invested in stocks or haven't made money owning them going into the fourth quarter. hedge funds need to own stocks at this point or die.
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they ant afford to buy on any pullback, even the smallest. even like today. they might be in tomorrow. in fact, it's so bad for the managers that underperformed here and have been left behind the market, when i talk to my friends who have money in hedge funds, yeah, i've got rich friends, they're uniformly taking their money out of any fund -- >> sell, sell, sell! >> that didn't own stocks when the market was lower, and blasting the managers. >> boo! >> for staying too negative during what now looks like to be one of the greatest rallies of all time. i sense more antipathy to underperforming managers than he ever have in my whole life. i've been running money since 1979. the only way for these money managers to catch up to this market is by buying stocks. they will, in their own right, cause the market to be at least here, if not higher.
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if these guys don't get with the program, we'll be the redemption song. investors will no longer stand aside and look as hedge fund managers kill their profits. bob marley, what a real investing seer he was. ♪ how long shall they feel our crosses ♪ >> that is incredibly important. i'm not saying i don't want to see better employment numbers. the market needs it. here's the fundamentals for anyone who wants to wait until we get better jobs numbers. if they get better soon, the market goes higher. if they get better later, the market goes much higher. if they don't get better, look, here, this is what they do if they don't get better. ain't bad, right? the numbers have been terrible. we had the best rally in ten years. the numbers have been awful, yet we still have very few defaults, very few bankruptcies, very few runs at the bank. they've been terrible, these
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numbers, but during the period when they have been terrible, we had triples in stocks like citigroup, aig after the split, quadruples in bank of america and household names if you trade the market like mbia, genworth or hartford. it's become all too obvious to regular investors that things just -- well, it just ain't as bad as we thought. maybe this is a beatles moment like the rock band disk i bought for my daughter. we have to admit it's getting better. getting better all the time. bottom line, i know it can be hard to believe things are getting better on a down day like today. i know that, but it's a whole lot easier to swallow when you look at the trajectory so far, which is what these great articles address. these are great articles. i'm very critical of the press. not these. these reach a positive conclusion with generally insightful noncynical analysis.
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i've been urging people be in this market for seven months now. if you missed it, you can count on a spate of ever-more cynical, less analytical articles coming up right at you, three days. how scary october is. oh, boy, i can print those in my head. how you have to sell like you were supposed to sell in may and go away. or sell in september and go away. or sell in rosh hashanna, for that matter. this one is by thomas. jack healy. adam schell. i asked the editors of these papers and owners, please don't get these writers in trouble for penning positive pieces. please save their jobs. i know you editors are furious
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at schell and furious at healy. you want to string up this by say. i'm worried they will lose their journals and papers as i did proudly so many years ago. art in new york. >> caller: an adirondack boo-yah too you, jim. >> i'll give you a lake placid boo-yah. or dylan ratigan. go ahead. >> caller: last week some of those ipos didn't go as said. should we go more defensive in. >> talk about what it means not to go well, okay? what it means not to go well is you may have a deal like select med, which i said would be okay? right i said it would go up. it didn't go up. i told people to buy it on, if you are ascriber where i'm chairman, i said at $9.90, buy more.
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it went up to $10.50. you can ring the register tomorrow. you won't lose anything. a-1 steak sauce, kidding, it's a123. >> want to make a fortune and not have a lot of downside. that's the ipo market. pat in yul. >> caller: a big hallelujah boo-yah from judson university today. >> right back at you. ♪ hallelujah >> caller: i bought mcdonalds as an investment last october when it dipped below $50. dividend to 50 cents put the yield at 4%. recent announcement of dividend increase to 55 puts the current yield at about 3.9%. relative to my purchase price, i'm looking at a yield over 4.50%. i know the hog gets slaughtered to make sausage mcmuffins, but how do you make a value?
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>> i don't want you to hold it. this is a high-yield stock. it's now an accidental high-yielder. the stock stuck in the 50s. numbers will be better than expected. you hear people talking about a weak dollar. unless you are going to the george cinque in paris, which i can't pay for by myself, don't worry. that's a cheap stock, well run. i say stick with mcdonald's. reading is believing. despite much of negativity, the media is finally positive or at least these three guys. before they lose their jobs for telling the truth, maybe we should think about doing some buying ourselves. "mad money" will be right back. coming up, which chart does cramer think is the worst one in the book? jim checks the technicals on one ailing health care stock on an all new "off the charts."
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plus -- wind stream may have a big yield. could the dividend leave your profits blowing in the wind? cramer goes straight to the source, ceo jeff gardener on "the executive decision." and later, can you handle the heat? cramer gets you fired up for a searing hot lightning round. all coming up on "mad money." missed out on some "mad money?" get your "mad money" text alert today. text mm to 26221 to get cramer right on your phone. this is my small-business specialist, tara.
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i know landscaping, but i didn't know how wireless could help my business. i just don't know how wireless can help my business. tara showed me how i could keep track of my employees in the field and get more jobs done faster. i was blown away. i'm blown away. only verizon wireless has small-business specialists in every store to help you do business better. we should get you a hat. now buy any blackberry, like the new tour, at our lowest prices ever, and get one free.
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we've got a genuine mystery to solve on tonight's "off the chart" segment. someone knows something. maybe something big when it comes to the health care bill working its way through the senate. i thought there were some
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opportunities in the hmos. i didn't believe the democrats have the numbers to pass a truly industry-destroying, turning for profits into nonprofits health care bill. well, poipoint was my favorite. the charts have all broken down. two weeks ago they looked fine and dandy. now they're some of the worse charts out there. unh, wellpoint, humana. the technicians talk to all think they're terrible. so what happened? typically when the charts break down like this it means somebody knows something you and i don't. remember, charts are like sherlock holmes. they're like poe's purloined letter hidden in plain sight. i look at these charts and i think, boy, somebody must know
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something i don't. maybe they've been talking to senators who just aren't on my rol-o-dex. first we'll look at the technicals and then the hunt is on. the hunt is on to find out what's driving the stocks lower from the fundamental point of view. charts that look like they fell down the ugly tree, got hit by the ugly stick and hit every single branch all the way down. why don't we take a look? first, unh, which my colleague dan fitzpatrick at real money, the paid site, which i'm chairman, said this is the worst chart in the book. that is like saying that's the worst book in the library. it's like the worst fantasy team in my league, which happens to be me. anyway. this is a stock that's been trending higher until it utterly
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broke down. will you look at this train wreck? look at this thing! okay. every time unh rallied up to $30, sellers had come in to take the stock back down. as it went higher, each low is generally higher than the last. see this pattern? that's a good-looking pattern. that to a chartist indicates there is more aggressive demand for the stock. buyers would pass on unh whenever it pulled back to its 52-day moving average. that's called support. last end, slowly it fell below its 50-day moving average. boom. see that? it fell below it on heavy volume. and it kept selling off. remember the technician's volume is like a polygraph. it's not an extended waterboarding session. it lets you know whether or not a move is telling the truth. i believe dick cheney is a closet chartist.
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fitzpatrick thinks the upward pattern is broken by this and investors will sell unh as it approaches its 50-day moving average from now on. this line was support. now it's resistance, according to fitzpatrick this. one is headed lower, perhaps much lower. in english, the pristine floor is now a cheap linoleum ceiling. the same thing happened to wellpoint. this is a call-for. i'm calling for the chart of wellpoint. buyers had been increasingly aggressive. see, every time it bounced off this thing, it came in and bought. at the same time sellers had become increasingly eager to sell. as long as wellpoint buyers were more aggressive, the stocks trended higher. the lows and highs were converging. this is another technical thing i'm giving you. when you see that converging,
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that means there is less and less pay-off for owning the stock. wellpoint broke down below its 50-day moving average, plunging lower. fitzpatrick thinks the shareholders got nervous and slammed this one. they are worried about the lack of upside, just like unh, he says this should be sold, sold, sold! especially as it approaches back its 50-day moving average. finally, fitzpatrick thinks another one, humana is right for a big sell-off of a its latest pullback. the technicals are obviously telling us something, right? what we need to find out what we need to look at here is my sherlock holmes thing. you like that? okay. we need to find out what the heck happened right here. okay? to these hmos on the fundamental side to explain why this stock broke down -- get me unitedhealth. this is again another call-for. unh, something happened here, right here, okay?
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let me give you some of the radinociations i've got. i thought the stock was incorrectly marked down by people who believed we would get an industry-crushing term for profits in a nonprofit health care bill. if we got what was a more moderate watered-down version because that's the only kind to pass the senate. has something happened in the last ten days here to change the health care calculus we don't know about? we know this is political. it's not the numbers. if somebody knows something, it's not coming from wall street. it's coming from washington. last week everyone knew the senate finance committee would be talking about the public option today. and that olympia snowe, the one republican democrats need to get pass put up her own watered-down version. the public option was killed this afternoon, i think, as five democrats voted against it.
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that caused unh to rally. while those votes couldn't be expected, we didn't think the public option would pass anyway. this whole period we didn't think there would be a public option. i think the public option has been killed, okay? with an amendment sponsored by senator schumer. that's not something we didn't know. no public option, we knew up here. all the big boys knew we would be in for a round of painful headlines this week. they bailed on these stocks before hand. what makes this case stronger is that the stocks were the hedge fund trade over the last few months. the trade appears to be over. hedge funds made big money on these stocks betting that health care reform wouldn't be its owners as originally expected. now that it looks like something might be done, they are clearing out. this man won't stop, he won't
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stop. when they realize he's still talking about this instead of jobs, they got scared. the baucus plan which was introduced by senator max baucus of montana? it's being marked up by the senate. it's got a lot of negatives from these companies. i think someone knows those negatives and we don't. i think it will cause them to cover more services. the excise tax could hurt them. they wouldn't be able to deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions, which is one of the main ways hmos avoid paying insurance. some of that baucus stuff is going to be in. it's going to make it. most people in this country, the hmos are the bad guys. obama needs a win. he is going to replace the greedy hmos, right? he is going to replace the greedy bankers as villains with greedy hmos. that's how he is going to say he won in obama care.
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does anyone you know say, well wow, i have a great hmo. my hmo is great. does fin not want more competition with these guys? any kind of competition? i'm trying to think of a movie that celebrates the hmos. all i can come up with are the ones that demonize them like "the rain maker." think about it. have you seen this one? denzel washington stars in "the man who denied your mri?" how about this new vince vaughn comedy. "denying coverage." i haven't seen those and i don't expect them to happen. have you seen this, "diagnosis negative," man. you've got to love that. not everybody loved it here, but i loved it. bottom line, charts are saying you can't own the hmos. health care reform will hit them harder than we are expecting. based on what i'm seeing, i'm going with the chartists.
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skeedadle from this group. let's go to bill in ohio. >> caller: big boo-yah from upper ohio. i have aflac for 11 years. should i think about selling some of it because of the health care reform? >> well, you know? aflac had a big run here. it is a quality company in the industry. you know what? no one ever got hurt taking a profit. if you've got a little money in, taking a little off the table. let's take a little money off the table and then we will be -- >> ♪ alleluia." >> the prognosis for these companies is weak. this portfolio could make you sick and the movie, "denying coverage" starring vince vaughn won't cheer you up either. after the break, i'll try to make you more money. >> windstream may have a big
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yield. could the different send leave your profits blowing in the wind? cramer goes straight to the source, ceo jeff gardener. plus -- jim goes fast and furious as he faces a nonstop barrage of calls, giving stock after stock their final verdict on "the lightning round." and later -- cramer takes all your questions and gives you the quick-fire responses you crave.
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looks like we're in for a bumpy ride. go ahead, ignore me. but in this turbulent market, you're going to need help... protecting some of your assets for retirement. an axa equitable annuity could give you...
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guaranteed income for life. i'd call them, but what do i know? i'm just the 800-pound gorilla in the room. don't worry. i'm here. want guaranteed income for life? axa equitable is redefining what you expect from annuities. ooh, peanuts.
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a stock with a notoriously big juicy yield can be a beautiful thing. it can also be a huge red flag. i'm not talking with a stock with a 4%, 5%, 6% yield, i mean a mega yielders line windstream, win, with the yield over 10%. the beauty of a stock with a 10% yield is pretty easy to appreciate. on december 10th of this year, of just last year, i recommended windstream after interviewing its ceo. at the time the stock was trading $8.99.
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since then the stock, the actual capital appreciation stream is up 9%. including the dividend, it's up 20%. ♪ hallelujah >> for over the last three years, considering it is down 25%, but including its dividend, you would only have a 3% loss. a lot of people lost a lot of money during that period. at the same time you have to be careful with these stocks with massive dividends because that mega high yield might be just a sign that the stock has been crushed and it will have to cut its dividend or maybe get rid of it entirely. windstream is a rural telco carrier that made a couple of decent size acquisitions lately. when i saw in today's "wall street journal," that an outfit called fair point which shouldn't be in the same sentence of windstream, this is another regional telco company. it's the same kind of company. this was once a super high yielder. they say it might have to file
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for bankruptcy in part because of its $2.3 billion acquisition of verizon's land lines in new england. i get concerned. windstream is the better company by far. today it made a number of announcements that indicate it's got some, i don't want to say liquidity issues. it's wall street speak for cash. i've got to get more concerned. windstream is looking to raise $400 million in debt to pay for the cash portion of two acquisitions and trying to renegotiate terms with some of its creditors. when you see that thing from a company with a 10% yield, i've got to get worried, a little worried about the dividend because you've got to be intelligent in this business and skeptical. i'm not just taking away from it -- i joked about the reporters who told a positive story, but i don't want to be overly skeptical then i'll miss the return this thing is giving us. in windstream's case, i think there are a lot of reasons to believe the dividend is secure. when i had the company ceo on the show last december, he made promises about the safety of
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windstre windstream's dividend. all have been kept. we put the ceo's feet to the fire. unlike fair point or verizon's new england land line, windstream's two acquisitions in may and lexcom earlier this month are expected to be additive to earnings their first year. third, this company throws off a lot of cash. it's expected cash flow for 2009 is $2.16 per share. more than twice the dollar per share dividend payout. remember, sometimes you have to look at the cash flow as the test. because half of windstream's access lines have broadband services, they provide higher, more stable cash flows. now when we evaluate the safety of a dividend we need to look at debt. windstream doesn't have any coming due until 20136789 the company has plenty of time to raise money, order refinance and there is nothing that puts the dividend in immediate danger. windstream is a good phone company. it has a churn rate of 5.5%, well below the 10% average for its peers. i think windstream's mighty
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dividend is safe. begin the fear i read when i get the fairpoint piece, similar company in terms of the actual business, and i read that company could be headed for bankruptcy, i've got to make absolutely sure. let's hear from a straight shooter, jeff gardener, the ceo of windstream to alleviate our concerns. welcome back to "mad money." >> good afternoon, jim. how are you? >> i'm great. how are you? >> very good. >> i read in the paper and the press release you are doing debt refinancing for acquisitions we like. you need to negotiate some terms. when i renegotiate terms, i think of companies that aren't doing well. please allay that fear and tell me in the context of what you are doing why that's not dangerous for the dividend? >> okay. that is a great question, jim. actually, what we are doing here increases our financial flexibility over the long term. we have a different profile from the companies you mentioned previously. when we spun off from alltel three years ago, our target
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different send payout ratio was 70%. we managed that down to 60%. in the acquisitions we are doing, considering the financing we are doing, allow us to improve that payout ratio each time. we are doing accretive deals as you mentioned. importantly, we are focused on managing our leverage, as well. targeting our leverage range of 3.2. and the financings are about taking advantage of some very good financing markets today. >> i read about the acquisition and i like them immediately. i read about the fact your core business is stronger than most telco companies. yet i keep thinking, what are people confusing about your company versus some other companies where business is weaker? is this totally cohort oriented? i could argue your yield should be lower than verizon's given your strength of business, verizon about 6% yield. >> we are in the right markets. we are a rural telephone
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company. our access are 19 per square mile. that fits great with a p company trying to sustain our cash flows. while we've been managing the business aggressively, we are transforming it from one that was much more reliant on a residential voice model to one that is more focused on broadband and the enterprise space. broadband and enterprise, we are going to see growing revenues over the next few years. i thing that is a great opportunity. today enterprise represents about 1/3 of our business. that will grow over time as the residential base continues to shrink. we have done a great job bundling our customers and we are very focused on the future. i think importantly when investors like most about windstream, if we manage this transformation to a broadband enterprise company aggressively, but we maintained our payout ratio, actually improved upon it and maintained our margins throughout. >> this is what gets me. people call constantly on
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"lightning round." i say it's good we had mr. gardener on. how would you compare the growth rate of your company to at&t, verizon's growth rate? the blended variety of verizon into at&t. how would you consider your growth rate which is landline versus them? >> we have wireless customers with half the return rate. those business models are more focused on wireless and fios in the more urban area. there is quite a big difference in terms of how we are treating residential voice customers. we are doing a great job there. we not only do better than those two big companies, but better than most anyone in our space. while we know the world is changing and broadband and enterprise is our future, we are paying attention to the voice business that generates a heck of a lot of cash for us. >> how much more does a broadband customer make for you
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than a regular plain old telephone wirer? >> we are getting about $30 incrementally for broadband customer. our customers are only consuming about 1.5 and 3 megs today. as broadband increases, we'll have the opportunity to sell up and get more revenues from those customers. >> do you see a time when you'll be on the show and be 70%, 80% broadband? >> i think when you look at enterprise and broadband, they are going to continue to be a bigger part of our business. i don't know if we'll reach those kinds of percentages. we are always going to be a significant player in the residential voice market. another area that we are benefitting from that i know you like is what's going on in the wireless side. you have to remember they need connections from the cell sites back to the public switch telephone network. >> you are part of the mobile internet tsunami, right? >> hour business is benefitting and growing from the iphone and
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blackberry. >> how do you feel about your dividend today? >> i feel great about it. we are doing all the right things in our business. we manage this business in a detailed way. we've done a great job managing the business for three years. we've got a great track record. on our acquisitions, we've been very disciplined doing the right kind of acquisitions. i feel very good about what we've been doing. >> mr. jeff gardener, president and ceo of windstream, thank you very much for coming on "mad money." >> great to see you again, jim. thank you. >> the guy is doing everything you want. you get a 10% yield. how do i get yield, my tv is 1.5%. listen, the guy is money good. we've got to start trusting some people. i trust mr. gardener. i trust windstream. stay with cramer. >> next -- try to keep up with cramer as he takes your calls rapid-fire in an all-new "lightning round." e-mail us at and jim could answer you on the air.
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starting october 1st, you can enter to win the great cramerican challenge. you could win a trip to see a live taping of the show, meet jim cramer and take on the "lightning round." $$$$$$$
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how you could start saving. oh, man, is it ever time. it's time for the lightning round. you know what? i'm dedicating this to mike from vanguard and all the eagles fans with me for the win. when you call i tell you whether to buy, buy, buy or sell, sell, sell. these often suspiciously look like giants scores, don't they? are you ready, skee-daddy?
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the cowboys score, stupid. stupid! are you ready, skee-daddy? it is time for "lightning round" on cramer's "mad money." james in new jersey. james? >> caller: jim cramer, how you doing there? big sunny boo-yah from point pleasant beach, new jersey. >> oh, man, i love the amusement park there. >> caller: i heard you talk about that. >> jenkinson's is the best. i don't like to bring my kids, unfortunately, it's that good. okay. >> caller: i'm wondering about bucy. >> doing a lot of work right now on joy global and i had bucyrus in the same piece. it is a well-run company as is
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joy global. not hostage to this country. and certainly taking advantage of the incredible chi-com economy. october 1st is the 60th anniversary of the greatest capitalist who ever lived, mao se-tong. >> caller: i live near a 44-foot yacht and the boat next to me is called "boo-yah." >> i've got a yacht, a horse in california, i don't have any of these things. >> caller: medtronic. what do you think? >> no. if i want anything to do with heart, i go with st. jude on one hand and abbott labs. who owns it for
6:47 pm who predicted friday they would have a merger? was it kyle my stage director? it was me. ruth in pennsylvania. ruth. >> caller: jim, new york mets boo-yah. >> i'll give you a boo-yah. they can't hurt me because they are not in my conference. that said, i must tell you that rex ryan is a great dad and a great member of the community. i don't want to reveal where he goes on friday. then everyone will follow him. that guy is for real, man. he's for real. so is qadry. >> caller: i'm excited about them this year. my symbol is dry ship. >> you come to me with the jets then you suddenly hit me with the kansas city chiefs of dry ships? what about the oakland raiders of the shipping group?
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nordic american put out a great release today, and you come to me with the kansas city chiefs and -- you know what? even the bengals are better than your team. i want you to sell, sell, sell! i am not kidding. the dolphins even with pennington, without pennington better than your pick. cat in texas. >> caller: boo-yah from san antone. >> i want to reit right your town looks like venice. >> caller: point star? >> i think it's gone with the movies and taking over the country, blockbuster. there's a lot of value there. let's go to -- no, no, no! i haven't touched on half the nfl yet. plus espn. did you see me on espn? how did thayou see that?
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"college game day." >> caller: i think you are a national treasure. >> thank you very much. >> caller: i like banks because they have everybody's favorite product to sell, money. i like small banks that are well run with good underwriting standards and i think i found one, signature bank in new york, sbny. >> you are absolutely -- do my viewers have horse sense or what? you are absolutely right. this is an incredibly well-run bank. however, it sells at twice book. be careful. you are paying up for a well-run bank. one more. don't give me that wave. you came back from maternity leave. i was in charge out here. now i'm nothing, i'm nothing. she tells me what to do. let's take the next caller and go to darren in indiana. darren, i'm handling your question. >> caller: cramer!
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boo-yah, u.s. steel, letter x, what do you have for me? >> letter x, all right, letter x. good you got dressed up there, lady. letter x is okay. i prefer nucorp. dan d'amico is the only guy who gets this issue. that's the one i want to be in. penn state, but oh, my -- >> boo! >> what can i do? iowa beat them twice. stay with cramer!
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before we get to the mail, nike reported a good quarter.
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remember i told you nike and darden would be good examples. nike, good quarter but darden, red lobster, olive garden, they're down. they're really a push, just like this market is. some good, some bad. here's one from mike in nebraska. you think the -- you think the cornhuskers would ever invite us? ixnay, not a chance. not even on the radar screen. this one is from mike and it says jim, it is hard not to get excited about the mega mobile internet tsunami that's upon us. which companies will be the stronger players? companies in the transactional areas such as visa or wireless carriers or banks such as wells fargo. i know i speak for millions when i say thank you for your dedicatidea dedication to the show to both educate and entertain us. i guess what some want for me is to be cancel.
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i believe apple is the number one player, and i believe that at&t is the safety play. so there you go. that's what i say and the cornhuskers, i'm ready. because i am in charge of college game day now. maybe not. here's from david in houston. where the cougars, i don't know. kevin kolb. this one goes jim, thanks for informing and inspiring the small investor. i watch your show every day and find your insight helpful and entertaining. quick question -- is the job news on friday poor, which industry sector will be hit the hardest in their stock prices? david, first of all thank you and thank you mike for saying these nice things. it really is terrific and makes it know so i know why i'm doing. it will be the banks. the banks need to be hammered. they're levered only to america, not china. you have to sell the banks if we get a bad number on friday. bad meaning a lot of jobs lost. i don't want this show to end. puppet master, can i keep doing the show for a little? $$$$$
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♪ love stinks! >>'. >> don't be scared by all the october chatter. i promise to find a bull market just for you right here on "mad money." i'm jim cramer and i'll see you tomorrow. >> up next on "kudlow." senator kyl tells us if the government takeover insurance plan is really dead. an early and harsh exit strategy from the fed and the ceo of lor don taylor on christmas shopping. i'm robert shapiro. over a million people
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