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tv   Street Signs  CNBC  October 5, 2009 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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love it or hate it, find out why twitter may be fueling a whole new kind of capitalism. first, let's get to the white house and the second stimulus thing that's kind of floating around. chief washington correspondent john harwood, you have new details on that, john? >> reporter: well, mark, whenever the white house does something to spur job creation, they won't call it stimulus because they think that word has become discredited, associated with deficits and general motors and the financial sector. they are looking at ways to use tax reduction to spur job creation. some of those are things that have been done in the past. a tax credit for first-time home buyers, accelerated depreciation. loss carryback for businesses. others are potentially new like a tax credit for new hires. this was considered in the initial stimulus debate but was rejected because of concerns that employers would play games with their payrolls to take advantage of the credit. but it's very, very clear, mark,
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why the white house is doing this. 9.8% unemployment. mark zandi tells me this will go up to 10.5% by next june and the public is filtering the sense of whether barack obama's economic program is working or not by that unemployment rate rti, and democrats facing election in 2010 want something done about it. they may find that the political pressure, mark, is strong enough they have to do it earlier like sometime later this fall. >> you know what, john, if they give me a tax deduction, i guarantee i'll spend it, okay? >> i believe you. >> so they ought to give it to me. i'll spend it and i'll stimulate. stimulus or no stimulus, health care reform, the supreme court back in session. a lot of noise coming from washington today, but none of it matters unless one thing happens. cnbc's senior economics reporter steve liesman is here, and he is
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fed up. stevie. >> after those hearings last week, it looks like the critical job of reforming the banking system has as much chance of success as health care. we might close guantanamo bay before we revamp the regulatory system des sight an urgent need to fix it. barney frank has decided to handle the overhaul altogether. let's see where things stand on the issue of too big to fail. the outcome so far undecided. major financial institutions remain in the same status they were a year ago. too big to fail. the government has made no progress. government can't really decide how to resolve these giants. worse yet, we can't decide who should be on the too big to fail list. item number two, protecting the consumer. treasury made creation of this consumer protection agency the centerpiece of its reform proposal, but it's been severely criticized by republicans. the industry has a massive fight
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against it. they want the power to remain with the fed where it can be mixed with regulating a bank's safety and soundness that. doesn't seem to be going anywhere. on the issue of systemic risk regulator, who knows. until recently most thought the fed would be the overall systemic risk regulator. last friday ben bernanke through his weight behind a council. it looks like that's the way it's going for now. never mind these issues are far more pressing than health care. what's most outrageous is we haven't even made the most basic progress. we can't prevent the last crisis from happening again, let alone the next one. all of this might resolve itself, but what's obvious now is the process of reforming the regulatory system itself needs a major overhaul. >> you sound like you're a little worked up about this, steve. >> if we can't get regulatory reform given what happened a year ago, i'm not sure what we
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can do. >> that's true. i mean, if that kind of crisis -- >> doesn't lead to -- >> yep. all right. stick around steve. we want two experts to weigh in onned administration's progress. joining us is dan mitchell, senior fellow from the cray tat institute and chris weller. gentlemen, let's get started. professor, i'll start with you. do we really need financial reform? >> we absolutely need financial reform. we need to address the too big to fail problem. we need to make sure we get a handle on systemic risk. we have lived with large-scale systemic risk since the early 1980s and we finally need to face up to the fact it costs us trillions of dollars every so often. and finally we need to get a handle on consumer protection. it's very scattered the way it's handled right now. i think we do need to do a job
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from a policy perspective to protect people's money better. but i hear steve's frustration with this, but i think it's also fair to say that this is -- there are a number of balls up in the air. i don't think necessarily bernanke disagreed with geithner. the council had always been part of the original proposal. the consumer protection safety agency is moving forward. >> wait a minute. >> frank is saying he's going to have legs laying soon. so i think we need it and the political side is moving forward, especially on the consumer protection side and -- >> isn't risk taking at the heart of capitalism. >> there's risk and there's excessive risk. if you look at the 1980s, what we have had is we have had excessive risk that often the market was not pricing in, and what all of the literature says, all the research says is you liberalize the markets, you need more transparency and more efficient regulators. that's really where we have fallen down on the job.
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>> let's let dan mitchell weigh in on this. >> two things i think are important. number one, the most important thing that should happen is we need to learn from the government mistakes that caused the current financial crisis. so hopefully in the future the fed will not be creating excess liquidity. number two, hopefully fannie and freddie will not rise from the graves like financial vampires to haunt the american economy. so just avoiding those mistakes in the future would be a big step in the right direction. beyond that i agree with christian about how dealing with too big to fail but the key way of dealing with too big to fail is to let the institutions fail, and i have always been a fan of what's known as the fdic resolution approach. shut an institution down, wipe out the shareholders, fire the managers, and pay another institution to absorb the one that went bankrupt. that's the only way to avoid moral hazard and, unfortunately, i think the administration's plan is moving in the wrong direction.
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as a matter of fact, the administration's plan is all about moving the regulatory boxes around on the bureaucratic flowchart. >> let me jump in here very quickly. i think there's a little bit of a disagreement and i think it fundamentally shows where dan and i are coming from. i think what we want is actually to create new boxes. the systemic risk regulator and consumer protection are new things and it's about preventing the next crisis from happening. rather, as dan would like to do, stepping in in a different way when the crisis happens. and i think that is fundamentally where i think the rubber hits the road in the discussion. what can we do to prevent the crisis rather than stepping in after things have gone wrong. >> steve, are these gentlemen making sense to you? >> they're making sense. the only thing that didn't make sense is how you listened to the hearings last week and feel like things are on the right track?s didn't seem to have coalesced around general principles. it sounds like moderates and
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liberals are arguing. the industry is on the other side. the republicans may be closer to industry. it doesn't sound like we as a nation are any closer to figuring out how we want to fix this thing. you would have thought by now we would have had more of this together. i agree we need to take the time to do it right. i think the biggest problem is that health care sucked the energy out of the more critical issue, which is regulatory reform. >> i think that's the point, steve, right? we started off with like a major financial crisis, but then there was also a recession that took a lot of energy, and now health care reform but also energy and a number of other issues have taken precedence. i think the regulatory issue is actually moving and especially the consumer protection piece is moving forward probably not as fast as we would like, which also means that quite frankly the systemic risk regulatory issue has taken a little bit of a backseat. >> is this something you see passing by just the democrats do it, it's not something that's bipartisanship and if it gets by the house, big deal, what's going on in the senate?
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how close are dodd and frank right now. >> that's a key thing to understand is that the democrats completely control the house. they completely control the senate -- >> and can't do anything. >> this is a giant feeding frenzy for the lobbyists and the politicians because it is nothing but rearranging those boxes on the flowchart. >> welcome to my outrage. >> adding more bureaucrats is just going to make things worse. with he don't need more regulation. with he need less government interference. governments cause the problem. >> and if i could, there's one other level here, mark, which is even let's say we get the entire united states to agree what's going to happen, nobody is going to do anything until there's agreement with international partners in part because we don't want to set higher capital ratios or lower leverage ratios than our competitors over in europe and and the uk. >> not to be a doom sayer but i will ask dan first, perhaps the opportunity to reform has
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passed. you know, the political will has been diverted to other issues. what do you think, dan? >> the question is will nothing pass or will something that's just a fig leaf pass so they can say they did something? i actually prefer that outcome because i don't want more regulation. i don't want more interference. i worry that politicians will subsidize excessive risk and not deal with it because i agree with christian. we need to deal with it, but the definition of excessive risk is government subsidized risk. we saw that with fannie mae and freddie mac. when government subsidizes, it distorts market signals and we get financial crises. >> the that is a nonissue. they're in the really the cause of the problem. we have a clear issue here, and i think the chance is there. i think congress will deal with the consumer protection issue because i think consumers are outraged that in the middle of a crisis banks are very profitable
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because of fees and stuff like that. the systemic risk issue is something that will be dealt with because we have a lot of systemic risk still this the markets. i think ultimately voters will respond to massive bank failures. >> got to leave it there. thank you very much, christian, dan. >> thank you very much, mark. >> and steve. >> thank you. it is being called the tipping point. the east rising, the west in decline. is that actually happening? are we at a crossroads for the global economy? we will look for some answers next, and then a twitter economy? how some companies are actually making money off the social networking. you're watching "street signs" on cnbc. national car rental? that's my choice. because with national, i roll past the counter... and choose any car in the aisle. choosing your own car? now, that's a good call. go national. go like a pro.
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we are back and we're having a pretty good day here. bob pisani at the big board, mike huckman at the nasdaq. bob, lead it off. >> 3 to 1 advancing to declining stocks. remember this morning with you we were talking about goldman sachs upgrading the big financial names. that's not what's been dominating the trading. it's the dollar. you know what happened, folks. dollar down, global stock, multinationals up, particularly commodity stocks up. so as we hit the lows of the day, about 1:15, guess what happened? the big stocks hit their highs. very predictable relationship. take a look at gold. all the commodities moved up. copper, oil, gold.
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gold is nearing its old highs, folks. gold stocks and gold on the upside. copper and oil look the same way. look at the gold stocks. again predictable. you have the gold stocks moving up. all moving to the upside. there's your highs for the day moving sideways now that the dollar has stabilized. alcoa, freeport, all the big commodity names also moved up as the dollar weakened here and are sitting at their highs for the day. mike, i know tech stocks aren't moving quite in the relationship, but they have been sideways sitting near the highs of the day. >> pretty much stead as she goes for the nasdaq. up 0.7% or 16 points. it's all about the dollar at the nyse. here it's all about the dollars that could be spent in tech, m and a specifically with "the wall street journal" saying
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brocade could be up for sale. it is off the highs, retreating on the back of a reuters report quoting a source saying hewlett-packard might only be interested in some of the assets and not the whole kit and caboodle. also net op shares up 4% on a baron's report that it, too, could be up for sale. causing all sorts of strength throughout tech. for example, the philadelphia semi-conductor index up 2% right now. the lone glaring standout though, mark, is microsoft, down 1.5%. farmer's hsbc is doing a report called the tipping point. this report claims the west is falling and the east is rising, and emerging markets are going to dominate the global economy for years to come. so we post a question to our panel. have we reached a tipping point for the world economy? here is debate, andrew busch,
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ant peter navarro uc-irvine professor, cnbc contributor. professor, i would start with you. have we reached a tipping point. >> in they should have called the report the $2 trillion tipping point, because that's how much money china has of ours. george bush spent eight years digging our grave without any trade policy and obama is going to spend the next four burying us with a lack of fiscal displan and china basically owns us. american business, they're the pallbearers because they're exporting our technology either through forced technology transfer. the biggest thing that worried me is we're moving all our r&d facilities over to places like china and india. without a manufacturing base, no prosperity. they boom, we bust. >> well, i am not totally bummed. andr andrew, can you say anything? >> well, don't be because we still have a $14 trillion economy, and things -- yeah, things aren't good in the united
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states. it's really a question of what we do from here. if we get a health care plan in the united states that has a public option that jacks the fiscal deficit even worse, yes, you know, we continue to prolong some of the problems. as steve mentioned in the earlier package, we don't have financial regulatory reform yet. that needs to get done. overall before we all start jumping on the china bandwagon and india for that matter, we have to take a look at how those economies are predicated. they're predicated on the u.s. consumer. so while china has some great growth potential, they still need the rest of the world to grow. it's hard to see the chinese spending their money that they have. the chinese consumer, unless china does something about health care, pension -- >> please let him finish, professor. i think he's finished done. >> go ahead. >> here is the way it's going to go, andrew. they're going to gut us over the next couple years just the way they're doing. the consumer is already retracted, and the worst part now about this relationship that
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they call the monetary merry go round in that report is that it's not consumers spending a bunch of stuff and helping the global economy, it's our government basically borrowing a burvelg of mon bunch of money. what's going to happen is over time china is going to value the one up, their consumer sector will grow fairly heavily internally. they have over 100 cities with over 1 million people in it. things are booming over there. we'll recede into nothingness because we lack the fiscal discipline. obama needs to understand no manufacturing base, no growth. we're just going to go up and then come crashing right back down with the cheap money and the budget deficit. >> you know, peter, i think you're right as far as the -- i think we need to see that happen. the chinese worker needs to have their purchasing power go up. i think that would be great for the world economy. >> and it's a great trade. >> don't count us out. i think, you know, we're a pretty resilient nation. we have some big problems and you hit the nail on the head.
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it's really what we see coming out of d.c. if they continue to spend like this, we've got some major problems that will be happening down the road. but the chinese have a lot of problems themselves. so, you know -- >> agree with me on this. >> don't think they're going to be the engine of growth forever. it's not going to happen. >> look at washington right now. it's total gridlock and the democrats have a supermajority. we can't do anything in this country. we're paralyzed and obama and geithner and bernanke want china's money more to finance their budget deficit than they want this country to be rebuilt with a manufacturing base. i thought it would be different when we had a new president. it's not even the same, it's worse. >> all right. >> well -- >> i'm sorry, we'll leave it there. >> are you going to leave it there? >> we have to. time and tide wait for no man. thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. just ahead on "street signs," the supreme court is back in session, first monday in october. we have the supreme implications for business.
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plus, could twitter be the new m and a master of the universe? there's something cooking there you're probably not aware of and we're going to look at it. "street signs" is back right after this break. it's gmc truck month. shop sierra 1500 slt with the 403 horsepower 6.2 liter v8. it's the most powerful half ton v8 in its class. step up to the best. it's gmc truck month. get 0% apr for 60 months on 2009 gmc sierra or get $6,000 total cash back on select 09 sierra 1500 extended and crew cabs in stock. see your gmc dealer today.
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we're back. a deal between blackstone and anhueser-busch, in bev, could m come as early as american. they're looking to unload the busch entertainment unit. the deal is seaid to be worth u to $3 billion. stock is down 10% over the last year. jeff bukes and rupert murdoch have a new competitor to worry about, china. last week china's state council announced it would spend billions of dollars and loosen strict government controls in
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order to create immediate. >> -- media companies they hope will compete with global competitors. just as sonia sotomayor begins her first term as the supreme court gets back to work, the docket is loaded with cases that have impact on businesses. cnbc's hampton pearson is live outside the supreme court. hampton? >> reporter: hi, mark. as a matter of fact, the supreme court has already today issued two rulings of particular interest to wall street. refusing to hear former qwest ceo's josef yacchio appeal of his conviction. the government's effort to collect nearly $20 billion in royalties on offshore oil leases has been rejected by the high court. the justices agreeing with the lower court that the interior department could not collect royalties even as oil prices and company profits rose. two new rulings on what is
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already a very business-heavy docket for the security. more than two dozen cases focused on things like executive pay, intellectual property, even opening the door to a partial repeal of sarbanes oxley. the top business case, bilski versus kappos. is a commodity hedges strategy worthy of a patent. jones versus harris associates. the high court must decide whether shareholders have scan . >> it's a huge case for the fund industry obviously and for investment advisers. it's a huge case for shareholders because it will govern how much these people can charge. >> reporter: one other huge case, free enterprise fund versus the public company
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accounting oversight board. it focuses at what point does lack of presidential control over an independent agency violate the separation of powers agency. it's an important line in the sand. mark, by the end of the term we will know a lot more about what this high court has to say about regulating business. mark? >> thank you, hampton pearson. up next on "street signs," get ready to stop trading with cramer. and a little later, what every investor needs to know about the latest wrangling over health care. welcome to the now network. population: 49 million.
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welcome back to "street signs." rick santelli on the floor of the cme group. the big supply in ernest starts tomorrow with a three-year note, $39 billion, and keep in mind that october 1st was the beginning of fiscal 2010 for the u.s. that's their fiscal calendar. why do i bring it up? a lot of news today was maybe half a trillion less issue witness of t-bills at a time when so many want t-bills we're already debating whether there's going to be a new stimulus plan. many are pointing to the fact that deficits are big, they haven't moved rates lower. look at these charts. rates basically at the lowest level since april or may. the credit markets are looking at a different outlook than the equity markets. the battle continues. mark haines, back to you. >> rick, thank you very much.
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all right, everyone. it is time to "stop trading." bus the mad money maestro jim cramer is here. hi, james. >> good afternoon, mark. >> good to see you again. one of my favorite reasons for filling in for erin is i get to talk to my old pal, jim. god, we go back a long ways. >> yes, we do go back a long time. >> let's get to business. how about caterpillar. what are you starting a construction company? >> caterpillar announces price increases for 2010? i would have thought they would be announcing price decreases. that tells me the rest of the world is recovering faster than we are otherwise they wouldn't be able to put through these price increases. i know a lot of people were short thinking this move is over and then, boom, they're taking them right back up.
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>> dwight global, the name is familiar. >> pure china coal play. the chinese are trying by 2020 to be more ecologically sensitive. in the meantime, they have to keep digging coal. that's what you use joy for. >> wells fargo. >> look, goldman sachs came out today and said that you really want to be in the big banks, not the regional banks, and that the valuation of the big banks is a little bit strange versus the smaller banks. giving the earnings power. as soon as i hear earnings power, i think goldman knows the quarter is good. if i was short wells fargo, i would want to cover. they don't do a q&a on their conference call. you figure any insight you can get is just a great call. the goldman call looks like a great call. >> now, wells sucked up wachovia, right? >> right. >> is that a plus or a minus? >> that's a definite negative.
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i noah cove -- the real issue here for wells is that the lending standards were much worse than what wells uses. how, hopefully wells has got it under control, but given how wells is never willing to take any hard questions, we have to think goldman has a handle on it. we don't know what wells fargo really has internally. >> you're looking at another stock, brocade. >> trade 180 when we were together. >> brocade. >> what do you hear? >> greg, i hope he beats that rap. this is a company that's a defensive company. they're the competitor to cisco. maybe if you're hewlett, oracle, there's a lot of companies that want this company. i was surprised to see how little it is up given the fact it trades much more cheaply than some of its other competitors.
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and this is a company that is unique in the sense that if you don't snap it up, you're going to have to deal with cisco, and a lot of these companies want to come in and compete with cisco like hewlett-packard and ibm and oracle. i think this thing is going to go for a much higher price j and fed ex, what's that all about? >> people were shorting fed ex all last week because employment was bad. i use this as kind of a really just a microcosm of this market. remember, we did have at 8:30 on friday a terrible number, and people seemed to have completely forgotten it or else they wouldn't be taking up this ultra consumer name. >> wait a minute. you confused me. >> people forget that employment was bad. >> right. >> it's like we go over the weekend, on "morning joe" talking about how bad it was for obama and the economy. i come in here and every stock that does poorly when the economy is bad is roaring. it's almost as if we forgot what happened friday morning. >> so you would short fed ex? >> i think fed ex is wrong
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technically wrong. i guess there's a lot of liquidity here. but employment does drive these kinds of companies and employment is bad. >> that's what i would think too. >> all right, jim, see you tomorrow afternoon. >> terrific. >> more of jim on "mad money." 6:00 and 11:00 p.m. eastern time right here on cnbc. if you tivo it, you can watch it at 7:00 and 8:00 and 9:00 and 10:00. tonight jim has the ceo of sales joining him. so don't miss it. is twitter worth $1 billion? believe it or not, some people think so. there are companies making money from twitter. we will look at some of them. president obama has more than 100 doctors make a house call while the senate does some surgery on the health care bill. will any of this help get an overhaul for the health care
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system. all the recommendations expressed by jim cramer are solely his and are not the opinions of cnbc and may have previously been disseminated by him. before acting on recommendation, consider its suitable for your circumstances and consider seeking advice from your own financial adviser. illy buholzer and i buy the hops for the michelob brewing company. there are hundreds of growers here in the hallertau region of germany, so it's important to know all those growers. we go with them out to the fields and they tell us, you know, this spot has the best quality hops. they tell me, you know, willy, those hops are for you. the dunkel weisse, pale ale, amberbock are great beers, but it takes great hops to make them. so we get the first pick and everybody else is getting the rest. [ male announcer ] there's a family behind the michelob family of beers.
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we are back. president obama is inviting 150 doctors to the white house today, including one from each state, at least one, right? 150, average of three. they're going to talk about health care reform on the hill. the senate puts the health care bill on the operating table slicing and dicing it to get the support of 60 senators, which, of course, would be a supermajority. couldn't be filibustered, stop the republicans kind of thing. joining us now to find what this week in health care means for wall street is dan and rick.
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basically what these two guys do is try to figure out the impact of actions in washington on investing. so, i will start with dan, and, you know, let's preface this by saying this is still a moving target, but -- >> very much so. >> what do you think the impact is going to be? >> well -- >> who wins, who loses? >> you have to slice and dice that a little bit. like you said, this thing is zil a moving target. there are a number of obstacles in the path while this thing plays out. in the near term, what we are -- i think what we can look for this week is possibly a vote coming out of the senate finance committee, and i think for the most part that that is baked into the market. the market is anticipating that that's going to pass, and we think it will. if there's a surprise out there, we think what the market is not anticipating and this opens up a can of worms, is that ultimately the health care will will not pass.
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we don't think the 60-vote majority is available in the senate. we don't think they'll get it. >> rick, what do you think? >> well, i agree i think this week's vote in the finance committee is likely to be fairly pro forma. there's really no reason why even critics on the bill would vote no in the committee and kill this. i think the vote in the senate on the floor will be very tough. this is a period that goes behind closed doors which is always very dangerous for investors. the rumor mill cranks up even more than it is normally. it's really retail politics as reid and baucus and others go door to door to find out what members want. i think they will find the 60th vote. that doesn't mean all the folks would vote for the bill on the end, but i think they will find the 60th vote in the end. >> once they get the 60th vote, that means it can't be filibustered or anything like that, correct? >> correct. >> okay. so then you will get an up or down vote, right? >> i think you will. >> okay. will the bill pass?
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>> i think a bill will pass. >> a bill will pass. >> yes. >> will it be -- is it bigger than a bread box? i'm searching here. what's the impact going to be? >> well, i have to admit i say these statements without a lot of conviction because this is a very close call at this point, but i think what you've seen in the last couple of weeks with the finance committee is this bill has gotten progressively worse for the insurers. i don't think it's going to get a whole heck of a lot better before it goes to the floor. i think it might get better for the device makers. >> buy the device makers, short the insurers. do you agree? >> yeah, i do. we see it a little differently from rick, but he's been very eloquent about how it works. i think the way there's an interesting way to some money in the market, we think that 60th vote is not going to come. that's the difference between our points of view. when that happens we think the
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markets will rally a little bit on the news. >> would you agree the insuresers have been beaten down? >> absolutely. i think certainly all the xon he wants of the health care sector are going to do well by this. we think the broad market will as well. health care is 17% of the economy. a lot of the provisions in the bill, a major one for example says that any employer is going to have to pay a penalty if they don't insure their workers. that applies across the economy. >> and there would be no tinkering with taxes. they'll pay for it. that's a positive, from business' standpoint. >> i might add, i think hospitals if the bill were to fall apart, hospitals might be looked at as losers. if the bill were to fall apart or if it becomes a much scaled down bill that's really nothing more than a medicaid expansion, i think hospitals might be lookloo looked at as net losers. >> thank you for sharing your thoughts. a big reversal in the oil
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market. let's get to sharon epperson for the details. sharon? >> mark, we've seen a $3 move here in oil prices from the morning lows, and, in fact, oil settling right now above $70 a barrel. $70.41 the settlement price today. we saw a number of factors, namely the dollar's weakness contributing to the rise in prices and stock strength, but also a number of refinery snags. exxonmobil in torrens, california, and in baton rouge contributing to a rise in gasoline futures. that also helped oil prices rallying here. add to that, they are still looking at this $70 mark as being an important magnet. we've been trieding around this level for the better pardon p-- part of a week. we're settling in this turnaround above 70 bucks. back to you j thank you, sharon. final oil trades coming in. big reversal. we'll stay on top of it, and we're going to stay on top of everything. so what do we have coming up?
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lots more stuff. the dow up 115 points now. sell your company in 140 characters or less. that's what happened when one man started tweeting about his company being for sale. remember we teased you on this one. well, we're going to get some cyber history. the man who sol his company using twitter joining us next. you're watching cnbc. someday, cars will be engineered using nanotechnology to convert plants into components. the first-ever hs hybrid. only from lexus. the same tools the pros use, so you can be a disciplined trader. by selecting from eight advanced triggers, your order gets executed, even when you're busy. and with trailing stops to help you lock in profits and minimize risk, you can be confident in your strategy,
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ooh, peanuts. we're back. traders talking about an imminent correction. heck, we've been hearing that for, what, ever since we -- really ever since we crossed 9,000. the market's up triple digits today. jim is here to give us an update. from tjm institutional services. and at ubs financial services. okay, you were both on this morning. jim, you're afraid of a cascade
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downward, right? >> i'm not afraid of it. that was the point i'm trying to make. you accuse me of being a bummer this morning. a correction is not a bummer. it's a healthy way to krim the edges. the last thing we ever want is to overextend like maybe we are right mou and create this kind of a bubble thing. then the cascade will be a lot more serious. right now i think we're due for a correction. it doesn't seem to be coming. i'm thinking probably it's the weak dollar trade, which i thought there had been a dee coupling of the market going up. the economic news has to put up or we're going to start a little bit lower. it hasn't happened. i'm a little bit discouraged because we're rallying a lot today. unless the market can trade above the 1041, 1042 area, i think technically we should correct. >> art, do you think the next week or so is going to tell a tale? >> absolutely. and today is kind of an anomaly, because they're doing very well. a lot of it on the weak dollar.
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a lot of it on the upbeat report on the banks. some of it also on the service number out this morning. but just look at the volume, mark. we're going to be lucky to make $1 billion at this rate. this is going to be a lot tougher than anybody thinks. >> and that means what? >> it means you don't have the validity. volume gives you validity. you won't have a gull lup poll on the presidency with 30 people, okay? you would want to have 1,000. and if you don't have the volume, you can't be certain that what you're seeing is an accurate reflection of the supply and demand. >> jim, the two veteran market watchers. thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. sell your company to the investment banking divisions of goldman sachs and citigroup? why? you could sell it on twitter. one man did that. greg, founder of job, joining us also is scott from the boston globe, innovation
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economy columnist. now, scott, you sold your company via twitter? could you explain? i'm sorry, craig. >> yeah, i actually sold the company. >> how does this work? >> i'd been looking to sell the company for about two or three months. and decided that the best way forward was to just post it on twitter. and instantly i had dozens o people contacting me that were interested in the company. >> and the company was job vent. does that mean you could go to this website and vent about your boss? >> that's exactly what it was. >> no kidding? >> people were writing reviews about their companies. they were posting scores in different categories about working at particular companies. and people with go, before they would sign on for a new job, and read reviews about the company they were about to sign on with. but towards the end, i got tired of running it. that wasn't my main focus
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anymore. i was able to find other people who were interested. like the acquiring company that was doing something very similar. and i found them via twitter. >> scott, you are the innovation economy columnist, and so you know full well, a lot of people have been scratching their heads, how do you make money off twitter? is this the beginning of answering that question? >> you know, initially i thought the main value proposition for twitter is telling people when celebrities died. michael jackson dies, or whoever the celebrity du jour was passing away. the thought there would be a test to the newspapers and take away our death notices business. now it looks like potentially in a few cases, maybe they're going after investment bank commissions. and helping entrepreneurs like craig sell their company. i sort have been following twitter just like everyone in the tech world is, wondering how are they going to make money, will they make $1 revenue before they acquire them, one day an
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ipo candidate. the local connection there, between twitter, which is a san francisco company, and us here in boston is that two of the venture capital firms that have put money into twitter are basically in the boston area. >> you still don't sound like you think this is going to be a really big deal. making money, i mean. twitter obviously is a big deal. but it doesn't sound -- maybe i'm just reading too much in between your lines. it doesn't sound to me like you think people are going to make a lot of money here. >> twitter is is making money off the sale of my company. they're still kind of a third party that is, you know, not involved in this transaction. >> and historically, mark, i look back to a company line youtube, wofs the last big sort of silicon valley success story that attracted this giant audience of millions of people, but didn't have a dollar of revenue. google bought that company in 2005. i forget the purchase price was
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$2.5 billion. google is still trying to find out how to turn youtube into a profitable business. >> it's a fascinating story. thank you both for your input. appreciate it. the dow up # 36 points. looking for baseball tickets? you might post the message on twitter. if the yankees make it to the world series this year, you better know someone. we'll tell you why, next.
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baseball in the bronx, actually, october baseball in queens would be better. a limited number of yankees play-off tickets going on sale on the web this morning. but if the yankees make it all the way to the world series, it will be next to impossible to get a seat. and here's why. the first world series ticket buy goes to the 37,000 season ticket holders, right? okay. the players in the press then get 3,000. major league baseball gets almost 10,000. leaving the public with 735 seats. now, this is not the yankees' fault. they've added seats for the postseason. but major league baseball doesn't account for how small the stadium was. got to go. maria's next. see you tomorrow. dow chemical shares up about
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4% after positive analyst comments about the electronics business. white house spokesperson robert gibbs said the president has no plans for a second economic stimulus package. universal pictures named adam foeg elson as the new chairman. langley has been named co-chairman. that's news now, first in business worldwide. i'm bertha coombs. live picture of the new york stock exchange. monday afternoon on wall street. we enter the final stretch. a nice little rally under way. highs of the day, financials lead the way upwards. welcome to the "closing bell." i'm maria bartiromo on the floor of the new york stock exchange. pretty good market activity as we kick off the week after weakness at the beginning of the fourth quarter last week. gold man sachs today, part of the reason raising its outlook


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