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tv   Fast Money  CNBC  February 15, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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dropped from an all-time high above $526 a share. that's what the guys on "fast money" will talk about coming up now. >> stay tuned. thanks for watching today. see you tomorrow. i'm melissa lee. here are tonight's top three trades. apple's shares plunge. plus deutsche bank says the u.s. faces the worst oil shock since the '70s. and we've got boone pickens to weigh in. catching in on lin-sanity. how he's keeping up with demand for number 17. this is "fast money." let's get straight to that monster reversal in shares of apple today. it was funny, joe, because you were -- you're laughing at what? >> to me, that's pit bull. i know you're a rock head from the '70s. >> what was that? what show is this?
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>> it's hot out there right now. >> if we're going to be soul train, let's do it the right way. that was not -- >> let's get back to apple here. >> huge reversal today. listen. i fully believe what happened here after the january 24th earnings is you had many such as myself that were waiting for a pullback in apple. never got it after earnings. and this ultimate chase where the stock just going parb o rks lic. it's trading like a future. and today's price action is indicative of the type of price action that i'm not necessarily saying you go out there and you get short, but you have to take a look at your position if you're long and your position should not be as long as it was yesterday. because today's price action definitely tells you that. >> this is the question i pose
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to any options guys. but it seems like guys were using apple, taking that up to get underneath and short the s&p. when you consider the move in the s&p this year, how much apple has been part of that, it's been very easy if you've been playing apple versus the market to kind of sneak underneath this market. because without apple, you haven't had much. >> in terms of apple's contribution to the decline today in the market. about half of the nasdaq decline was apple. about a fifth of the s&p's decline today was apple. you mentioned the options activity. when it comes to apple options. mike, the equivalent of 100 million shares traded in the options pits. >> these are really staggering numbers when you think about it. those are big numbers. but we're talking about a $500 stock. that really is much bigger still. this would be like a billion call options trading on a $50
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stock if you want to think of it that way. what tim was saying was interesting, although i don't know that much of the options activity we're seeing is necessarily trying to play apple out or under performance relative to the market. i will tell you this. most of the people doing this are making trades on a very short-term basis. and all of the options activity, most of it is feb options that expire on friday. they're playing the call options. i think people are really using apple right now as a trading medium. which is interesting for a stock that size. >> that's what karen was doing early on in the session. >> yeah. we sold some apple. it was ridiculous. i couldn't agree with what joe says more. the idea that apple within about two hours had a $30 billion change in their market cap really made me nothing, nothing happening in their business is disconcerting. as an apple owner, we're not in it in the hopes we catch the sentiment right. it's not the greater fool
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theory. but trading like this makes you think that's what's happening in apple. >> just to add to the insanity -- >> not lin-sanity. >> no that's later in the show. >> i'm only talking about paul pierce. >> come on. >> back to apple. all the global guys i talked to who spend their whole day trading currencies and fixed income kept hitting me saying if apple turns, the market turns. so that is how insane this has gotten. if you just looked at the apple chart, it's complete blow off. it made me want to short it except it's apple. they have lines out the store. it's hard to get short. but i agree with joe, you want to be less long. >> if we just put up a chart of apple, technically you would say sell this chart. whatever it is, sell it. >> if you put that in front of me and i didn't know what it was, i would say sell. >> that's like apple coffee roasters. i still love it.
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there's a lot of value there, but this is just -- >> but what do they have in their disposal that you don't want to short the stock? that's the ability and the knowledge potentially you'll get a special dividend at some point from apple. could be in the next few weeks, month, next few months. i think that's the reason why you don't. i think there are trades when you go second derivative off of apple you can look at. nuance communications. earnings last week were not good. this is a name i would not be long. i would consider buying puts below the 25 strike. >> and just quickly, this is a market conversation. if you look at the other moves, the dollar has caught a bid. it's getting back near its 20. treasury yields have gone to 204. we're back to 192. when the dollar and the treasury start showing me this, again i go back to where is this market without apple? i think people are a lot more nervous. the news has been okay. >> in terms of the rumors that
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might have knocked apple lower in today's session, this was one going around the desk today. and that is that the nasdaq 100 would be rebalanced. so that apple's impact on the nasdaq 100 b would be lessened. we saw this happen back when apple's weight on the nasdaq 100 was around 20%. where was it at the height of the market today? around 20%. we asked the nasdaq what their response would be to this, this sort of notion. they could not comment specifically. but they forwarded us the rule on nasdaq rebalances. they say the rule that was applicable to this was it would be triggered at 24%. but last year april 2011 it happened at 20%. >> and it still went higher. so i don't know. i would discount that rumor. it certainly could happen, but apple still went higher. and it's not going to happen today. and if you still want to like apple, you're not going to worry about the rebalance.
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>> a day like today, you have to point out the volume in apple. 53 million. the average day volume is 16 million. to see that surge in volume, again if you are long, you have to be less long right now. >> let's move to the next trade here. that is our call of the day. is the world on the verge of the biggest oil supply shock since the late 1970s? citing disruptions in the middle east and africa. and with troubles in libya, syria, and iran. >> i think probably coming out of -- there's actually a fair amount of oil even in this country. crude out of north dakota trading in the $70 a barrel range. i think the problem is more getting that crude to where it's needed rather than an oil price
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spike. >> what's interesting is also citi bank had a note out today. the u.s. gas and shell business has north america possibly energy self-sufficient by the end of the decade. we're 25% of the consumption of oil in this country. if you think about that prospect, i think about the here and now. longer term. deutsch's is medium term. i think in immediate term or if the economists come out starting to see $120 oil, i see turkey or india or places that are commodity importers, this kills their economies. what price is there that sensitivity to oil where people just can't use it and it slows down the economy so demand falls off. >> it's how long in essence you want to be. the position to have is to be long when you look at spare capacity. there clearly is a strain right now on global spare capacity. although you are seeing the libyans come back online must faster. the saudis are producing well in
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excess of what their production quota is right now. but i think it comes back to how do you play this in essence? a lot of the play has been through this spread. today was the first time in awhile where it out performed. so ultimately what i think you do in this environment, i own oxidental. a quality name to own. you look up north to sun core or canadian natural resources. and the best name out there would be hess which performed very well today and tends to rise with t.i. prices. >> speaking of energy, let's bring in oil legend boone pickens. he's been one of the biggest backers of natural gas. it is part of his plan to increase america's energy independence called the pickens
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plan. he comes to us today from dallas. great to see you. >> thank you. >> first i want to talk about the oil on the desk before we get to the natural gas conversation. do you agree we are facing perhaps the biggest supply disruption since the late 1970s. >> that's a pretty big statement. i don't know that, but there's no question, you know, chinese demand goes up emerging markets go up. and there's only one place that oil has been added to the equation. that's the united states. so hat's off to our industry in the united states. we have increased our production. and what do we have in the united states? the cheapest oil in the world. talking about north dakota, yes $70 a barrel. that's a temporary price, i hope. because the rest of the world today $118 wti, $101.
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cheapest oil in the world. cheapest in the world $2.50. mideast $15. and we have $2.50 united states. so we're going to get industry back in this country because of cheap energy. >> let me get your forecast here to understand why you're pushing natural gas so much and why should consider using natural gas more. what are your forecasts for wti and brent versus where nat gas will be in 24 months? >> well, natural gas, it's obvious you're dealing with oversupply. that's why it's -- i don't want to be repetitious in the remarks. what a wonderful opportunity for our country. i think oil is going to move up from here. and where? it's a tough one because the
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world is using about 90 billion barrels of oil a day. that's about all the world can produce. so when you get production capped, the only way you will control the price is with demand. so if demand goes up, productions cap, you're going to run the price up. i don't know whether it goes to $125, i would say north of that at some point this summer. >> mr. pickens, it's karen fin r erman. are you surprised haven't seen this demand equation move in that some supply just comes off the market? >> well, i mean -- okay. i've been surprised that the producers have kept drilling. natural gas wells. and so i think you're going to have to lay down some rigs if you want to get the price above 250. but right now tremendous demand
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for natural gas. the heavy duty trucks are moving to it. navistar, they announced two weeks ago they're building a 12 liter engine that will be out shortly. all this is going to happen. if i'm running an 18 wheeler, 20 to 30 gallons a year which is common for class six to 18 wheelers. you're talking about saving $30,000 to $50,000 a year on fuel cost. >> folks watching this show right now, they're listening to you and me and others saying heck i got to protect myself against rising oil prices. go out there and make money off it. sounds to me like we're saying we can't drill our way out of this, can we? >> drill our way out of it? we've got more oil than we need. we don't have to drill our way out of it. we've drilled our way out of it right now. the cheapest energy in the world is the united states. so you've drilled your way out
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of it. you know, it's an unbelievable opportunity for our country to have the cheapest energy in the world. >> it's tim seymour. talk about the key stone pipeline. you're disappointed. you think this is a scuttled project that's a missed opportunity. are we going to get this thing done? or do you believe it's been halted? >> no. i think it'll be done. i'm not declaring disaster at all. we'll be stupid if we don't take the canadian oil. and if we don't take it, what's going to happen? there's great demand in asia. so they'll build a pipeline to columbia and it'll go to china. you're sitting here -- we just came out of iraq, so we have no control of what goes on there. so we got nothing out of iraq. their oil is coming up, they're producing more oil all the time. then you've got the iranian
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situation that you're looking at. and so there's so much political uncertainty in the world, and here we are. we've done a good job in america to protect ourselves. >> mr. pickens, brian kelly. you mentioned navistar a little earlier. i'm curious. are there any other obstacles for this to become widespread? and how big is that market for a navistar or your own company, the clean energy company? >> well, there are 8.5 million 18 wheelers in the united states. that cuts opec in half if you add all the 18 wheelers. is there any obstacle from that happening? not that i know of, because the fuel is so cheap. okay. go back to '72 when we switched from gasoline to diesel for our heavy duty trucks. well, what was that all about?
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price. diesel was cheap. how long did it take to accomplish it? five years. so '72 to '77 and you made the switch because of a cheap diesel price. you're at the same cross road today. it's cheap natural gas that competes with diesel. i don't see obstacles in front of it. >> boone, it's a pleasure to have you with us. boone pickens. no obstacles. did you think there were obstacles? >> yeah, i thought there might be obstacles particularly in the description area. but i think it's a no brainer. at $2.50 for natural gas. it's a no brainer to go this way. i don't know why more people don't adopt it. >> the u.s. is the saudi arabia of natural gas. up next, we're checking the charts to see if today's move in apple signalled a technical top.
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welcome back ta to "fast." got to hit the after-hours action in nvidia. i guess it's coming off some of the hard -- >> hard disk short amgs. that's the problem once again. cutting into the pc production. obviously the guidance here looks different than forecasted. nvidia had settled at around 16, 17 today. i believe i'm going to pullback if it's around 14.5. >> let's move on here. talk apple once again. finally taking a breather closing near the lows of the day. so what is next for the stock? let's find out what the charts are saying. carter braxtonworth.
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we were having a discussion on the desk that if you didn't know this chart was apple, you'd say sell it. what are you seeing? >> to put in perspective on the situation. basically stocks have intermediate moves. after any steep intermediate move, you have periods of give back. at this point, of course, this is a mature intermediate move. but the key is the way it behaved today. when you have sharp new highs then close on the absolute low and volume expands dramatically. by all accounts, that's what we're looking at. just to put this current move in perspective, 360 to 525, look at the weekly charts since the market lows in '09. for the first time we have come out of this well-defined channel. it has all the hallmarks of
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something one would want to take profits in, get away from, crowded trade. it happens when it's buying euphoria. it's a momentum peak, a blowoff if you will. a lot of risk to just staying blindly in the name which is what you all talked about. >> carter, brian. on a pullback it comes to the trend line which now support. and do we look for another leg higher. is that a three month period? >> no nap top implies many months. that should be in effect for quite some time. the top of the channel which you're suggesting, that comes in around 450, 440, that kind of thing. >> i'm sorry, carter. 450 is that the bottom? >> that would get you back down. it looks small here. if you would fall back to the top of the channel, that's 450. >> what's the bottom of the
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channel? is that the downside? >> that's down here at 360, 370. in principle, once you come out of a channel, you fall back to the top of it. that's your first reference. >> it lines up perfectly. 440 to 450 is where it took off and accelerated after earnings. that looks like the target. >> carter, you also brought along a chart of starbucks. why? >> essentially a similar circumstance. if you were to look at the current advance here, an intermediate move. how often can you go without having a trend. this move 34 to almost 50. exactly 46%, that's the same percentage that apple did by going from 360 to 525. in each case you have to wonder who is the buyer? you're going to sell it to someone higher. who is the incremental buyer? this is also something that should be sold.
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and i have one other. >> hold on, karen has a question on starbucks first. >> for starbucks, where does the volume fit into that. do you have to have a huge volume? >> we don't have a q reversal day in the classic sense that you have in the apple. what you have is sort of a drifting away. there is, in fact no volume. it's quite the opposite. so apple has sort of a euphoria, epic, everyone in. where starbucks' problem is there's complacency. no one is afraid of anything. everyone just stays with their starbucks. nobody sells it. it's a crowded trade. >> melissa saying it's spooky. >> everybody's complacent. >> we're all holding starbucks cups under the desk. >> you actually have a buy that you brought as well. >> there's always something to do. that's the beauty of the market. freeport. this rather than being too much of a good thing, this is a stock
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that's been quite poor that's in the process of healing. what i would characterize as a bearish to bullish reversal. where about to flatten. and you have a nice entry point on this dip. we've just dipped from 49 to 42 down to what will be a level of support at the moving average. i would play at 42 back to 47, 49. >> all right. thanks for coming along. we appreciate it. mike khouw, you actually have a trade on starbucks here? >> what's interesting in starbucks, it's really unusual because most equities you see higher call open interests. there's a good reason for that. people like to overwrite their interests. for the past three months, we haven't seen that in starbucks. i think we'll see increasing skepticism, one of the questions we would have asked carter, is if there are people hedging their positions on the put side, does that mitigate the downside risk? >> carter?
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>> i'm not sure it does mitigate the downside risk. i think the risk here is -- and you just saw it actually. they put out fairly good numbers. when you can't go higher and higher and good news keeps coming, it starts to effect there isn't an incremental buyer. i would say the downside risk is not mitigated. >> thanks again, carter. >> i think carter made a great call on freeport. what's gone on in the markets and whether we're talking about apple or in general, the major rotation going on. i don't think there's enormous weakness ahead in the short-term unless we get into macro issues. i think you have very good opportunities. if you look at the underlying commodity chart, the price of copper is actually trading in a constructive tone. even people like deere who reported today talked about what's going on in mining around the world. and i don't want see any falloff. >> starbucks on long.
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i'd buy more on a pullback. next on "fast," auto renaissance. more "fast money" coming up next. laces? really? slip-on's the way to go. more people do that, security would be like -- there's no charge for the bag. thanks. i know a quiet little place where we can get some work done. there's a three-prong plug. i have club passes. [ male announcer ] now there's a mileage card that offers special perks on united, like a free checked bag, united club passes, and priority boarding. thanks. ♪ okay. what's your secret? ♪
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at your ford dealer. you're a doctor... you're a car doctor. maybe a car doctor... [ tom ] we invented the turbine business right here in schenectady. without the stuff that we make here, you wouldn't be able to walk in your house and flip on your lights. [ brad ] at ge we build turbines that power the world. they go into power plants which take some form of energy, harness it, and turn it into more efficient electricity. [ ron ] when i was a kid i wanted to work with my hands, that was my thing. i really enjoy building turbines. it's nice to know that what you're building is gonna do something for the world. when people think of ge, they typically don't think about beer. a lot of people may not realize that the power needed to keep their budweiser cold and even to make their beer comes from turbines made right here. wait, so you guys make the beer? no, we make the power that makes the beer. so without you there'd be no bud? that's right.
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well, we like you. [ laughter ] ♪ welcome back to "fast money." we are live at the nasdaq market site. is this a fear flag for you? mike khouw on the options desk. what do you say? >> i think this is really interesting. because one of the things that drives the vix is of course rising options premium. are people buying more puts. it is more heavily weighted to puts specifically. and are people buying more of them. self-directed investors, the spy, and all the sector etfs
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we're seeing it pick up significantly. it's buying. they're driving premiums up, post interests up. that this sentiment and the options market is increasingly bearish here. >> it's brian. quick question about the vix and the etfs. a lot of people have said they're not as connected as they used to be. is it better to be in? >> vtx is what tracks a rolling future in the vix. i think the important thing for people to recognize when they look at the vix, the number that we commonly quote is actually not a tradeable instrument itself. and the options you trade is on vix futures. for most people, those nuances make it challenging. the best thing for people to do frankly is to trade on effs they think mirror their portfolios.
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i think that's the most direct way to purchase insurance or hedge your portfolio rather than trying to fool around too much with the insurance premium that is reflected in the vix itself. just know it's a barometer of sentiment. >> let's move on here and talk lin-sanity. it is taking over new york as the knicks continue their winning streak to 6-0. jeremy lin merchandise is flying off the shelves. let's go to richard modell for what they're doing to keep up with that demand. >> this is amazing. i have been in this business for 11 years. i've never quite seen anything like this. the jerseys are behind me. there's boxes coming every second. they're standing waiting. joining me is mitchell modell. tell me about how crazy this is. modell's has been around how
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long? >> 122 years. and in my life i've never seen a player -- it's like rudy in real life. if you saw the movie "rudy," that's what jeremy lin is. when someone's on the front page and back page of sports, that's incredible. >> thank you for not saying lin-credible. i'm sick of the puns. you told me yesterday you got 60,000 pieces in here. you like to take huge risk. >> that was yesterday. we're up to 168,000 units. we had to tie up every local printer. took every white blank from reebok. took every jersey off the shelf in kids and mens. put a lock on everything on lin. >> i know that you had -- before the giants won the super bowl, you bought $322,000 worth of -- i'm sorry 322 items, $10 million of stuff.
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that would have been garbage if the giants loss. how do you do this risk stuff? jeremy lin had a great game last night, what happens if it stops? are you ever concerned? >> you know what? when you saw the emotion from the fans. when you see them on the opening segment on every news. by the second day when my daughter says dad i need a jeremy lin jersey. if my daughter 16 years old knows he's hot, i knew we're on to something. we put a lock on lin-sanity. we're the only store besides that has insanity. >> i wonder what pricing is like. are you charging a bit more because of lin-sanity? >> are we getting gouged on your lin jerseys? >> absolutely not. t-shirts for $19.99. i got to tell you. u.p.s., sales number for the
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month of february already this week. >> can we get the camera to turn around for one -- this is real lin-sanity here from a cnbc perspective. the speed these guys are looking at. the people hanging around to get their stuff. >> turn the jersey over, the t-shirt over. >> mitchell modell always selling. >> you buy any lin jersey? maybe on valentine's day. >> my sweet heart got a lot more than a lin jersey. but what i will say is it's very difficult to get to know mr. lin if you're priced out of the garden and you can't watch knicks and rangers games. >> of course it would be lin-sanity. >> it's particularly frustrating this is happening. the knicks are finally a watchable product and you can no longer watch these teams in new york. >> i understand the concept of
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purchasing a jersey, but buying a basketball jersey like that in the middle of winter, where are you wearing it? >> over all your other stuff. >> over your hoodie, joe. >> okay. just checking. >> anyway, next on "fast," will gm deliver in reports tomorrow? we've got the trade. karen has the fine print on the president and budget proposal. more "fast money" coming up next. [ male announcer ] the draw of the past is a powerful thing. but we couldn't simply repeat history. we had to create it. introducing the 2013 lexus gs, with leading-edge safety technology, like available blind spot monitor... [ tires screech ] ...night view... and heads-up display. [ engine revving ] the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back.
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welcome back to "fast money." we are live at the nasdaq market site in times square. let's take a quick check on shares of cliffs natural. disappointing earnings when it comes to the eps. revenue also came in short. 1.62 billion versus an estimate of 1.66 billion. so we are seeing that stock sag in the after-hours session. bk? >> it was really about the margins here. they had cost increase about 38%. that's the problem with what's going on here. they weren't that bad. actually i was really looking at it to see what kind of demand
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for iron ore was out there. i think it was a question of margins. >> if tells what we talked about in the show earlier about nat gas. you're seeing a inverse effect. but we're seeing coal prices thermal especially starting to tail off a bit. that, to me, is weighing down the entire sector. i think people are picking up on a structural issue. i'm buying a company that's cheap relative to itself. so nine times i actually can own this company and i think it does have that risk. there is a lot going on in the sector. just the beginning of minors getting bigger. >> let's also take a check on cf also out with earnings. it does look like it is trading lower. although margins improve here. you're an owner of this stock. >> i am. it's -- i mean, it's had a very nice run. did trade adds low as the 130s.
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i don't think 173 is enough of a pullback. >> on the bottom line it looks like their a little bit light. top line looks good. some of the problem may just be that they're taking a 47 cent loss on their natural gas derivatives play. cf is one of the best out there. it's highly k lly correlated to price of corn. it's a name you want to own. and i do think that when you look at tonight's price action it's not really that overally concerning. >> let's move to the next trade. general motors. post its best profit in its 103 year history. somewhere around $8 billion. but analysts are focusing on something that could be a negative for the auto maker. that is the european operations. mike ward joins us on the fast line. great to speak with you. >> thanks for having me. >> the yooumpb operations have
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always been plagued with production problems. and here we are also in the midst of a debt crisis. >> i think that's right. any time you have volatility like you're seeing right now in europe, it intensifies the weakness you might see in a vehicle manufacturer like general motors. >> brian kelly. i'm curious. we've seen the average car on the road now is about 11 years old. i think that's a record or close to a record. and we've seen a lot of replacements. and companies put on the third shift we read about. do you get a sense or feeling this is sustainable? or is it simply people replacing cars that are falling apart? >> right now the average is 10.8 years. that's higher it's ever been. unless people start driving or unless husbands and wives start sharing cars, we're at the beginning of a cyclical recovery. >> so it's joe. how do you want to play this?
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you want to go gm? downstream? johnson control? what's the play? >> i think in 2012 you're probably going to get the most bang for the buck with the vehicle manufacturers. our top pick. the need for further restructuring in europe. it needs more restructuring. and so i think that's going to weigh on the stock in the near term. i think gm will be set to benefit. they'll have record earnings in north america this year as part of the restructuring they went through in the courts. the suppliers on the supply side we like crw and warner. for safety, fuel economy emissions. and they should benefit longer term. >> all right, mike. great to speak with you. mike ward. which ones do you like? >> i like gm. again, yes, this has been price
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pd under stog. i think the questions around overhang and gm have plagued the company. i love the fact that they are competing in china. at least the next few years until the chinese throw them out. i like chrysler. i like fiat. i think fiat is in a bad neighborhood in its primary business. chrysler continues to be profitable for them. i think you buy that on weakness. next on "fast money," is michael kors as hot as the stock? we've got your exclusive behind the scenes look and the trade. all that coming up on "fast money." stay tuned. [ male announcer ] we know you don't wait until the end of the quarter to think about your money... ♪ that right now, you want to know where you are, and where you'd like to be. we know you'd like to see the same information your advisor does so you can get a deeper understanding of what's going on with your portfolio. we know all this because we asked you, and what we heard helped us create pnc wealth insight,
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to take charge of my financial future. [ bell dinging ] next hour on "mad money," do not move. cramer's got an exclusive with the ceo of in orderic american tanker. this week i got the chance to sit down with designer michael kors. fresh all time high in today's session. we talked about business post-ipo and he took me to the behind the scenes of the fitting.
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take a look. >> this is where it -- hopefully it's magic. ♪ >> how's life changed since the ipo? >> i'm as busy as i was before. quite honestly, it hasn't been a huge change. i've always kind of felt a kinship to my consumer. >> do you feel like the pressures are different at all? not only facing the critics but facing shareholders this time. >> i have faced for over 30 years a very vociferous and opinionated group of women from my mother to my friends to all of our clients. so i've always thought about i have to do what's right in my gut. it's interesting to see what people react to and how they respond. >> what are some of the trends to watch for for the spring? >> i have been spending quite a bit of time in africa. here you have this incredible nature surrounding you.
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no black. i wanted to take all those natural colors and things that are artistic and figure out how to people wear that when they go to work. this is lace, but it's gray flannel lace. so who says you can't work on wall street and wear this to work. >> you can wear this to work? >> absolutely. >> do these trends reflect what's going on in the broader economy? >> i think fashion reflects the mood of the moment. we're in uncertain times. you want something that feels cozy. and of course i want to grab my blanket but in this case it's cashmere. >> what's the one must-have thing for this spring? >> you want to have a accessory with texture. >> and for kors, the company handbags and shoes very important. >> so much is about the functionality. you can wear it on the shoulder. double it up and then when
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you're also able to do that. we're starting to play with sporty details on shoes. which i think allows you to wear it more ways. >> what's your favorite piece in this collection? >> if you had an unlimited budget, i'd say i'd buy a hand painted python trench coat. if you can't do that, i would get a faux snake skin wallet which you can probably do for $95. >> that's reasonable. that's more my speed. >> all this talk about accessories because accessories are about 60% of michael kors' revenue. do you have a snake look? >> when i go snake skin, it's not going to be in a trench coat, probably just a belt. >> no shoes? >> not really how i roll. >> sporty details? >> the man purse for you. >> on your handbag, do you do a flannel or what do you go with there? >> look. i tell you what, i've got a
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wallet in my pocket. it's not snake skin. that's all i can boost. >> i thought it was a satchel. >> would you pay for michael kors stock at this valuation right now 80 times forward earnings? >> 80 bums me out as an earnings multiple. i owned it. i sold it quite some time ago. so i wouldn't reup here. >> lot of analysts in the last couple days came out raising the price target. 45, 46. one as high as 50 we got today. >> what was the 50? i'm curious. >> jeffreys. >> who was the lead underwriter. >> harvard girl. >> what man carries a wallet in his back pocket? >> this one. >> hold on. right here. there it is. >> still listening to the '70s music too. >> what you doing? just a money clip, big boy? >> let's do some options action here. mike khouw, what you got?
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>> cvi emergency. if you hold the stock, with icahn supporting the stock a bit by suggesting there might be some buyers and on the top end keeping it range bound, if you own you might look to sell calls against it. i was looking at the june 30s. that will collect 7.5% or so on a stand still basis. and you still have some upside if some buyer were to emerge. >> catch more "options action" every friday at 5:00. much more "fast money" coming up next. we're answering your tweets. stay unto do. [ male announcer ] technology accelerates at a relentless pace. anything not moving forward... is moving backward. [ tires screech ] [ engine turns over, tires squeal ] introducing the 2013 gs, with the lexus enform app suite -- the most connected information and communication technology available in an automobile.
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welcome back to "fast money." we are live at the nasdaq market site in times square. let's get the tweets out there. answer your questions. is there any explanation for the sizable downward move in railroad stocks today? on huge volume at that. >> lot of folks that i talked to was exposed about the coal exposu exposure. especially csx. good portion comes from coal and natural gas taking over.
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>> i've got some rim. what should i do outside of looking for a high bridge? first of all, i hope you don't do that. >> the only thing i can say is go out and buy him ipad products and he'll understand why rimm's going down. >> why did he buy it? did he buy it for a takeover? that's a bad reason. if he bought it for he thinks the installed base is of great value, then i would hold on to it. doesn't matter what your cost is right now. >> every day you're choosing to own that stock. got your first move tomorrow when we come back. stay tuned. laces? really? slip-on's the way to go. more people do that, security would be like -- there's no charge for the bag. thanks. i know a quiet little place where we can get some work done. there's a three-prong plug. i have club passes.
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