tv Fast Money CNBC March 14, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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i'm michelle caruso-cabrera in for melissa lee. dennis gartman weighs in with his top trade. apple options are on fire. the stock nearing 600 bucks a share. and then march madness is upon us. we're going to hit the wing trade with the ceo of buffalo wild wings. this is "fast money." let's start trading. straight to the market. what did you think of the moves or lack of moves today? >> that was it. the lack of moves is what it was
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about. yesterday big move. you wouldn't somewhere thought it would be that big of a deal to see a pullback, but nothing. >> what happened to your blow-offtop? >> no, no. welcome back mcc. our tops are still on. good news for the audience. it's not a one day event. probably going to come across over the course of three, four days. the fact we didn't hand off more than a few handles is bullish frankly. i still think we're headed to 1425. pete can speak to the vix. i still think there's handles. >> and the vix did rally off the lows. but we're talking low levels. 1550ish for the vix right now. yes we got higher but finished around the middle section. we climbed throughout the day. i was looking all day for opportunities. i wanted to see what was going to get hit the most.
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one of the areas where i found opportunity in the day, citi got hit hard early. then there were some upside calling. started to get my attention. i'm back in citi again in the options. bank of america same story. i looked at the april 9 and march 9 calls. you're looking at over 900,000 options today. 970,000 of that, 700,000 on the call side. the majority of those focused on the nine calls. folks out there believe bank of america is going through $9. >> okay. ron? >> i like today's action. although i don't think we're in the blow-off top phase. that has markedly different characteristics. volatility is way too low for this to be a blow-off. not to say you can't have a professional rally that ends in a professional crash, but i don't think we're close to that. the backup in rates will correct
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itself. the markets still look clean for awhile. >> all right. next up, let's trade the hemorrhaging in gold. it continued today dropping under 3%. key technical levels. does the weakness provide any buying opportunity? or is it a key to get out? dennis gartman of the gartman is joining us. what do you think here? we're looking at a $49 fall just today. >> you've had extraordinary weakness in gold in u.s. dollar terms. that is the way most people trade gold. i have no interest in gold in dollar terms. i have a great interest in gold in yen terms. gold in yen is up 9%. gold in dollars is barely higher. gold in euros is actually lower. gold in british pound sterling is unchanged. it's become a currency trade. it's a currency dross trade. i'm afraid there's more liquid dags. what bothers me is etfs, the gld is increasing in size. >> whey is that problematic?
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>> that means nobody has li liquidated their position. that usually is not a good sign. >> hey, dennis. i read through the notes and saw you maybe believe qe-3 is off the table. is it possible that a meltdown around the world is off the table? that the end of the world sp off the table? we may still get qe-3. irrespective of these other issues maybe moving to the sidelines. that's not gold's biggest problem right now. the world is safer than it was a couple weeks ago. >> i think you put your finger right on the problem that gold is facing. i think the concerns about a global meltdown are gone. they shouldn't have been on the table in the first place. the world rarely melts down. it'll only do it once and it's a bad bet. i think what we're seeing a global growth solidly, pleasantly, i think sustainbly.
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are we doing better? we're probably going to have gdp at 2.5 or 3? probably. i think the concern is other a demise of economic activity where egregiously overblown. gold got over expensive. >> it's karen. what would make you change your mind in gold completely? i know you've been in and out but generally long. what would make you change your mind? is it fundamental change around the world against their what is it? >> again, i own gold in yen terms. it's not as -- i haven't been hurt at all in fact. what's getting me to come out of gold completely no matter what currency it's in is the fact stocks are doing better, bonds are breaking down telling me that economic activity is probably doing better. you're seeing gold no longer being the place where capital flees to. money is moving to productive
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plants and equipment and equities and getting out of the debt market. the economic activity is proving that gold's bullish case in any currency other than yen is a difficult case to be made. that was an old case. i think the capital markets are doing what they're supposed to be doing. drawing money from other areas. >> ooims i'm sorry, michelle. i think the pushback is people buy gold worried that the sun's going to exp and things. i think the bigger play has been as the race to zero across the globe in currency continues, the winner of the fiat currency is gold. my sense is with central banks still probably being the buyer of last resort, none of the miners looking to hedge candidly. i still think the upward trend is intact. thoel the selloffs can be painful. >> how about the folks who made the implied bet on owning gold
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and did it the wrong way by buying the miners? >> you've been on the show enough. we've always told folks if you want to play it, play with the gld. when you own stocks, you have market risk, you have company risk, you have sovereign risk at times. we've always said the gld is the cleanest play. although i think miners could potentially be interesting once again. >> all right, guys. dennis, thanks for joining us. we're going to stick with gold for another round here as we talk to mike khouw. mike khouw is joining us now. options trade on the gold miners. you're bearish on the gdx, so what are you doing? >> it's interesting. earlier today it was a well-timed trade. we saw a large options trade in the gdx which is the etf that represents the miners. considering this is down probably 25% over six months. and it's tough to try to diffuse the bomb after it's gone off.
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shorting it when it's already depressed might be a challenge. one way people could make a bearish bet. or if they want to hedge it could be to buy the june 46 puts. spend about $1.50 for those. and to put that in perspective, that's a relatively low number. this has been moving around quite a lot. the important thing to do here is if you are going to put a trade on, look to spread or roll out of it. >> sounds great. thanks so much. catch more "options action" every friday at 5:00 p.m. follow the show on twitter as well @cnbc options. >> when you're looking at these metals right now, i'm looking at copper. had a great january. continuing to trade nicely. if you believe about the economic recovery at all. then look at the underperformance. obviously they do have gold exposure. i think it's getting oversold
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based in freeport. but i still look at fcx as far too cheap. there's plenty of upside if you believe the economic decisions are getting better. >> i thought we were in times square. >> you go down there often. >> i'll bring my moraccas tomorrow. former executive greg smith slammed the firm's culture and identified in a "new york times" article this morning. lloyd blankfein responded soon after. i look at the bottom and see he's worked there 13 years yet never became a managing director. he quit after his last bonus which obviously wasn't very big. >> fair. i would say this and i read it completely different. i read here's a person that cares deeply about a firm he's been at for over a decade to write something like that fully realizing what the ramifications
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of that would be. nothing like a jerry mcguire moment. i don't think this is a disgruntled employee at all. i think this is someone who cares about the firm. i would agree with him. i think the culture is nowhere near it was when i was there from '95 to 2001. i think by definition you can't maintain a culture when you go from 6,000 people to north of 30,000. i think he makes some points. what i would take away now is there's always going to be people who put crazy things in e-mails. i don't think that embodies goldman sachs. i think the message was sincere. >> what did you think of lloyd's response to the message? >> what else could he have said in a public response? i'm a little disappointed but i understand. >> he said he did it knowing the ramifications. what were the ramifications? he was going to quit. >> i wonder if he gets out all his stock? >> he's going to get somewhere
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else. >> if he hadn't resigned yet. >> one, it was odd that it showed up from a relatively unknown employee. interesting comment on the culture. two, i would never trade the stock based on what he said, because right now investment banks are having a good quarter trading. i wouldn't want to be confusing this perspective with whether or not goldman is going to make money. >> bottom line, if you believe as a client of goldman you're getting ripped off every day, your business model falls apart. can be problematic if it turns out to be true exclusively to goldman sachs and not every other trading house out there. doubtful. right? >> that's a key point. >> i've spoken to people in the hedge fund industry that believe that and do business with them anyway. >> bingo. >> next trade, 16 out of 19 financial companies passed the stress test. but who is the best bet? our next banks picks also
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include a loser. gerard cassidy is here. good to see you. >> thank you. >> 24 hours ago we were looking at the four failures selling off dramatically. now we've had a nice 24 hours to understand that citi didn't fail, they asked for a dividend when bank of america didn't. if they hadn't, they wouldn't have failed. >> you're right. the three banks that didn't get to pay a dividend passed the stress test. they just weren't given permission to buy back their stock. the bank of america comparison is right on. >> should you buy those four that so-called failed? >> ally financial did really fail. plus they're not public. but i would say sun trust and citi are stocks to look at. the underlying economic growth of this country will drive those stocks higher. >> meredith whitney was out earlier in the day. she said there's -- under no circumstances would she buy citi. marina asked when wha would change your mind, she said a new
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brain. she can't see a reason to own citi group under any circumstances. >> we have to look at the bigger picture. as the global economy improves particularly here in the u.s., it's going to lift all boats. citi will be lifted with the others. but you look at the condition of these banks compared to three years ago. it's totally different. and it's only going to get better as the economy improves. >> we're going to have sally smith on minneapolis, u.s. bancorp. we're trading at levels we haven't seen since 2008. do they deserve -- i think they do -- in your opinion, do they deserve a valuation higher than their peers? >> certainly they are the best bank stock in the united states today. in terms of management, they have delivered on the numbers. they came through the crisis well. they have real growth opportunities. it's their business mix. they've got a strong business mix with almost 50% of their earnings coming from fees. >> what's the multiple you put
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on versus a traditional fee. >> it's been a three multiple difference. so when you look at state street which is one of the big banks, they traditionally traded above a commercial bank. u.s. bancorp is going to be high. >> meredith is completely missing this year's move in citi already. what's a target level that's a legitimate number right now? >> i think when you look at the target level, the banking systems will get back to book value. $62. but over the next six to 12 months in the $40 price range is not out of the question. as this recovery hits, these will do better. >> what do you see tangible higher? >> jpmorgan is the bellwether. it shows you what the fed thinks of jpmorgan. very successful company and their numbers are going to be better. >> a lot of retail investors
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will see that think this is the strongest bank. that's the bank i want to buy. where could it go? >> we think into the mid-50s is a very fair target for jpmorgan over the near term because they're going to have a strong first quarter because of the fixed increase trading. >> gerard, good to see you. thanks for joining us. next on "fast money," apple auctions. pete breaks down the big trading that happened there today. plus how you can dmash on the nation's changing demographics. more "fast money" up next. choose control.
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>> they sort of -- they telegraph that this was going to happen before. but i think they hoped with the board changes going on after yang's departure there didn't need to be a fight. now from the letter -- and this is a toned down letter. this is a -- you know, it's trying to be constructive letter. i think the yahoo board will have a fight on its hands. >> is it going to move the stock? >> i don't know. we talk about the idea of a stuck holder. a stockholder who is stuck. this may be that situation. >> all right. shares of apple hitting new all-time highs every day this week. apple surging ever closer to 600 bucks paed. our own pete najarian saw wild activity. nearly 11% of all options volume today apple. that's extraordinary. >> we traded over 19.5 million contracts total today. 2.1 million of the contracts trading were in apple itself
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today. 1.3 million were just on the call side. then if you look from the 580, 585, 590, you're -- >> have you seen anything like this? >> no. this is a great example of everyone wonders where the volatility is. where's the volume? volume has been in the options market now for months, years. continues to grow. it's going to the options markets. this is one of those examples of that. this is day where february 15th was the highest stock trading day of the year. traded 53 million shares. these options are really something that are unusual and the volatility spiked up into the 40% in the near term. got above 35.5% in the near term as well. >> and the action shows people are expecting it to go higher. >> i'll tell you what the actions are telling us, people are coming in and trading this
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stock individually day by day. they're coming in, a mix of buyers and sellers today. they were coming in buying. they were coming back and selling. they were taking the profits off, rolling it up. i think that's why you're seeing such volume there. people in the 580s that had unbelievable performance are rolling into the 590s and 600s. >> so the downstream -- we talked about qualcomm you stay long. that i believe made a 52-week high today. but broadcom that we've talked about seems to have for whatever reason trouble. look at the action in broadcom. the two names that sort of derivatives are qualcomm stay long. broadcom though i love the story can't come above 38.5. >> i'm going back up stream as i often do. >> you little salmon. >> i'll be dead shortly. >> we all will.
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>> i think as an individual engaging in prudent portfolio at this point makes sop sense. play with house money. something like that. replace some of it out of the money call options. there are increasing calls for the stocks to go higher. it's a great stock. it's a great company. but it's moving extraordinarily quickly. >> we're going to talk more about the technicals coming up later in the show. meantime, time now for the "fast money" portfolio. long-term investing meets the volatility of today's world. our next guest has focused on a few major themes when it comes to returns, inflation, and baby boomers. this is the only sub-adviser to pimco. he runs the all authority funds. good to have you. >> good to be here. thank you ffr the invitation. >> tell us what your demographics is. >> sure. we've written about what we call
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the 3d hurricane, the interconnected influence of deficit, debt, and demography. under generally accepted multiples. they're pull pls of the gdp reported. the debt burden is soaring as a consequence of that. hardly anyone realizes the next debt limit is going to be hit within a handful of weeks after or perhaps even before the election. this is going to be a key election issue. >> and demography? >> we're building a debt burden which we're asking our kids to pay off. and in effect running up entitlement obligations that are not pre-funded and we expect our kids to honor promises we made to ourselves. >> so you've already scared me to death. you want me to put money in a
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mattress? what's the result of what you just said? >> well, most investors invest primarily in mainstream stocks and bonds. that's the obvious go-to asset classes. if we decide to deal with the debt through inflation, reducing the real value of the debt by debasing the currency, both pillars crumble. so investors urgently need to build a third pillar. they need to invest in emerging market stocks and bonds. and high yield bonds and commodities. in anything that can serve them well in a reinflation world because that world is likely coming in the next few years. >> i think you make great points. what's the time -- i don't disagree with anything you've said. but in the meantime, the s&p has gone from 650 to 13 and change. i'm sure you've had this premise for most of that move. how much longer can that last
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for? >> firstly, into protection assets have done as well as stocks. so the diversify kags doesn't mean doesn't mean leaving aside opportunity to make money. secondly there's only two major economic scenarios to look at. all the hoopla about the recovery. and the recovery rolls over or it doesn't. let's say it doesn't. let's say the economy continues to sputter slowly but surely higher. well, then the stimulus that's happened in the pass, qe-1, qe-2, and europe's ltro translates into near term inflation could hit as early as next year. the other scenario of recession pushes back 2014 or 2015 but increases the scale of that inflation. because can you imagine our current fed not react bing to a
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private market. the shares post market place. herb greenberg has been all over this story and he joins us now with a special guest. >> thanks, michelle. greg broger is the ceo. thank you very much for joining us. >> happy to be here. thanks for having me. >> so you settled with the sec. you paid a fine of $80,000. the charges were that you engaged in securities transactions without registering as a broker/dealer. your business is the buyers and sellers of these shares. what happened? >> so back in 2010 our model were to refer our members to third party broker dealers and have the representatives of those facilitate our members' transactions. so it was part of the sec inquiry that came to us and said
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i think it is better for you to actually be a broker/dealer yourself. so we went out and we did that. then 2011 we acquired a broker dealer. and in december of last year, it was approved to begin operations. in addition in 2012, the sec accepted as an alternative trading system. >> how does that happen that a securities lawyer gets himself into this kind of mess? >> well, what we were talking about is a fairly technical legal issue. and there are a number of no action letters that we've looked at. always intended to be compliant. and understood that we were. without going into the details of the back and forth between the lawyers, we thought that that was less relevant and more important to move forward and serve our customers. >> now, you guys only engaged in the intermediary type processes.
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do you have anything like the special purpose vehicles that say investments that was also charged with the sec in this -- among these charges. do you have special purpose vehicles that you operate on your own? >> "street signs" pretty important to differentiate the kind of charges that came out in this sec press release. we've never had a customer complaint. and the sole inquiry was whether or not in 2010 we should have been a broker/dealer or not. >> let me ask a question here. what do you think about the fact they can create these special purpose vehicles, bring people in, and sell them the vehicles pre-ipo? what's your opinion of that? >> whether or not you aggregate customers' money into a vehicle or let them invest directly, that doesn't, to me, make that much of a difference.
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it's just a -- the special purpose vehicles, there's lots of them out there, used primarily to aggregate members' investments so they have as a group enough money to transact with shares that doesn't want to sell in smaller than a million dollars. >> okay. listen, we really appreciate you joining us. and greg broger, the ceo of sharespost. >> thank you. the bears are banging the drum about dow theory and how the transportation stocks are supposedly raising red flags through the rally. >> started coming out last week. between the transports and the industrials which show the output. it's the oldest form of technical analysis in the market place. and these two diverged by a modest amount last week and everybody was talking about a dow theory. a sell signal in respect to dow
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theory is a process. the two diverge. one rallies, one fails. then you can call it an actual sell signal. that has not happened yet. we've only moved apart a little bit. now they're on the same path. it's something noted this week. the transportation average is catching up to the dow again. unless it were to diverge right now and you get a selloff and a retest, it's not a signal at all. >> do you think it's going to do that? >> there's no reason to believe it will right now. you need a catalyst for that. either the transports typically tell you that in advance. and 4% pullback is not enough to be that worrisome an indicator just yet. >> we're going to do analysis after this. we're going to get technical take on dow theory. plus look at what's happening with apple. we talked about the move. should you trust it? and the bull running bonds.
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is it finally over? more "fast money" coming up. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 let's talk about the cookie-cutter retirement advice ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 you get at some places. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 they say you have to do this, have that, invest here ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 you know what? ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 you can't create a retirement plan based on ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 a predetermined script. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 at charles schwab, we actually take the time to listen - ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 to understand you and your goals... ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 together we can find real-life answers for your ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 real-life retirement. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 talk to chuck ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 and let's write a script based on your life story. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 [ kareem ] i was fascinated by balsa wood airplanes since i was a kid. [ mike ] i always wondered how did an airplane get in the air. at ge aviation, we build jet engines. we lift people up off the ground to 35 thousand feet. these engines are built by hand with very precise assembly techniques. [ mike ] it's gonna fly people around the world. safely and better than it's ever done before. it would be a real treat to hear this monster fire up.
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[ jaronda ] i think a lot of people, when they look at a jet engine, they see a big hunk of metal. but when i look at it, i see seth, mark, tom, and people like that who work on engines every day. [ tom ] i would love to see this thing fly. [ kareem ] it's a dream, honestly. there it is. oh, wow. that's so cool! yeah, that was awesome! [ cheering ] [ tom ] i wanna see that again. ♪
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playbook. financials have been on a tear. jpmorgan up by more than 30. if you are long these names, should you buy some downside protection? we bring in pete najarian. >> it's a simple answer. when you look at the names and the move from the upside, throw in citi, bank of america. massive moves since the beginning of the year. when you're talking about 35 to 45% moves to the upside and you got to see what we saw today was volatility in those. the implied volatility of the options getting slammed today. it gives you an opportunity now to buy that protection. a lot cheaper than you would have had to buy. now is the time to protect those profits. you can hold on to the stock for any run. talking about citi potentially over the next six to 12 months in the $60 range. jpmorgan in the middle 50s. these numbers.
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i don't know we'll see any of those numbers any time soon, but at least you have the opportunity to stay in these names, protect yourself, and ride to the upside. >> thank you very much. let's check out the charts and talk about apple and the transports. abigail doolittle is here with a longer term view of dow jones transports. but first we're talking about apple. welcome. the parabolic chart. what do you make of it? >> apple is all about the parabolic move. if we look at the chart of apple this year, we see just a huge move to the upside. and marking that upside move is a trend line. what we're really watching because a parabolic move cannot last forever is a reversal. right now apple's trend is very much up. the minute it goes beyond that -- which will happen -- it is going to drop quickly back down. one reason to think this will happen is an ascending trend
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channel. it's likely the support and resistance in this channel is going to pull it back down. plus there's a huge gap here. all in all, apple's trend here is up. when it begins to reverse, the level is 540. it moves up just a bit every day. then it's probably going to fall back down quickly to close gaps at 552, 477 and above 430 or so. >> i dig your work but i would push back. you've seen -- i can probably rattle off ten stocks that have gone from basically 30 to 60-ish over the same time period that apple's made this move. yet we don't talk about them. so although i don't disagree with your pullbacks and your trend lines, i think it's growing into its valuation here. >> it'll be interesting to see. the nature of a parabolic move is it's reversing at some point.
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so long the move is on, it is on. and it's in effect. apple could ride up higher. but again, at some point, it's likely to make that pullback. maybe when valuation becomes richer. >> let's talk about transports. you heard what ron was saying earlier. what's your assessment of the transportation average? >> here's a different look at the transport average. this is a long-term weekly chart and it is bearish as you would not be surprised to hear me say. making it bearish are a rising wedge. both of those patterns right now are confirmed to the downside. the smaller one 4,000. however, to rob's point, the divergence has not been proven yet. the best way to watch whether or not it will be proven as the last high around 5400 and the last low of 5000. it would seem there's going to be a rally. but that divergence may begin
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and it's likely they will continue to go down. they're supported by a larger bearish head and shoulders pattern that carries a similar target to the smaller rising wedge around 4,000 or so. >> abigail, what is considered a divergence? what makes a divergence a divergence? >> i think you would probably want to look -- it depends on the technician, but i think you could look at anything from 10 to 15%. around 3 to 10% is where you want to take note. >> abigail, isn't the process in the dow theory that the dow industrials would go on to new all-time highs and the dow transportation average would break to the lower lows in that process. it's not necessarily just the amount of pullback in the transportation average. it's actually a directional change for the two averages. >> exactly. and what we'd want to be seeing here is to see the dow transports break down from that rising wedge as the dow continues to go higher.
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whether or not that happens is to be seen. but the rising wedge, two in the dow transport certainly suggests or supports that that possibility could occur. whether or not the dow rises as that occurs, it's to be seen. that chart overall is bearish. long as the transports are below 5400 or so. >> thanks so much. >> thank you. >> next trade, march madness. it's in full swing with round two kicking off tomorrow and though no bracket is a sure bet, chicken wings certainly are. last year more than 63 million wings were consumed throughout the tournament. guy had half of them. >> no. that's petey. and all his crazy brothers. >> will this march be a boom for buffalo wild wings? the ceo is joining us now. good to see you. >> hi. >> football is big for wings. is march madness as big? >> march is really our biggest
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month certainly led by the basketball tournaments. we love march, our guests love march. as you noted by the end of last year's tournament they consumed 63 million wings. with a hundred more stores this year, that number's going up. always a great start to the year to get through march madness. >> your company's a monster. you just said i think you opened your 900th store this year. i think you have plans to hope 1500 in north america. what's the time frame, number one. and is that do able, i guess is my question. >> we've really taken a look at the u.s. market and b the canadian market. we said some years ago that we wanted to have about a thousand restaurants by 2013. and we will achieve that number. as we look out and look at the rest of the markets, we have very little penetration in -- on the west coast. certainly we have great opportunities. and in the northeast.
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two on the outskirts of boston, a handful in the new york area. so still great opportunity. we think that in the next five to seven years we can certainly achieve that 1500 unit mark. >> how are you called buffalo wild wings but only have a few in the new york area? is. >> in the -- >> i was probably born about two minutes away from where these things were presumably invented. but you're effectively a sports bar with chicken wings. that's the attraction on tvs everywhere and people are watching in malls or wherever. >> most of our real estate is outside of malls, but yeah we're a sports grill and bar. we cater to the sports fan. but we have a diverse fan base. our guests, families make up a large part of our guests. they're taking their kids to little league games and things like that. it's where the team can converge.
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in addition to sports we have great trivia. i think we offer a really great food value of price. great food at a good value which really allows us to meet the needs of a lot of our guests year round. >> what's the biggest threat is it employment or gas prices or a competitor that is looking to eat your lunch, no pun intended. >> i think the thing that we really focus on is how are our guests' tastes changing. what is our guests looking for not only have food but from the audio/visual experience they have at a buffalo wild wings. we spend a lot of time talking to our guests doing research. then how do we modify and expand our offerings to continue to capture that change in taste. i would say that's the number one thing that we spend our time as i think about our competitive advantage that we want to make sure we're still up front with
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that. >> sally, good luck on your brackets. >> thank you, michelle. >> thanks for being on with us. >> i have a question quick. this is for the twitter people. fifth player in the brad park phil ez pi see toe trade. somebody knows it out there. >> how do you trade buffalo wild wings? >> the fact they're just in 40 stays and the fact they haven't penetrated here in the u.s. and also going into canada. i think there's huge growth possibilities they can still tap into this. they're gaining market share in what they've got. when you look at this company, there's a reason they're higher than competition. i think sally does an unbelievable job. >> what if gas prices rise. >> any retail including restaurants, as long as they're in the growth fa phase, the problem is when they get to same store sales. that's when the stocks typically
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falter. >> okay. thank you, ron. next on "fast money," another kind of march madness comes to the mix and msg. plus pete's going to tell us about some unusual options activity in a high-end retail name. more "fast money" up next. so uh this is my friend frank and his, uh, retirement plan. one golden crown. come on frank how long have we known each other? go to e-trade. they got killer tools man. they'll help you nail a retirement plan that's fierce. two golden crowns. you realize the odds of winning are the same as being mauled by a polar bear and a regular bear in the same day? frank! oh wow, you didn't win? i wanna show you something... it's my shocked face. [ gasps ] ♪ [ male announcer ] get a retirement plan that works at e-trade. moments you're looking forward to. what if they were stolen from you? by alzheimer's. this cruel disease is the nation's sixth leading cause of death, affecting more than 5 million americans.
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coming up next hour on "mad money," congratulations to cramer and the entire team because tonight is their seventh anniversary. and jim is celebrating with the seven stocks that have made you the most money since the show started. that is at the top of hour. don't miss that party. speaking of parties, it's march madness. also madness as madison square garden. the resignation of d'antoni sending shares of msg down. >> knowing the knicks, some will say this was lin-evitable. now the knicks have lost seven of eight, are on the outside looking in on the playoffs. their head coach and the team parted ways. d'antoni winning 42% of the games he coached over the past
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three and a half seasons. the stock plunged down as much as 3.6%, popped back up to close there. analysts have been bullish on msg. and a ticket insider told me he doesn't expect the knicks will have problems selling tickets even now, but things are sensitive. today the team auto-e-mailed the ticket invoices to fans. those fans who got the e-mail after d'antoni's news came out feeling a little bit strange. mcc? >> all right. anybody trade based on this news? no. okay. next on "fast money," it's time to trade your tweets. more "fast money" coming up next. carfirmation. only hertz gives you a carfirmation. hey, this is challenger. i'll be waiting for you in stall 5. it confirms your reservation and the location your car is in, the moment you land. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz.
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welcome back to "fast money" live at the nasdaq market site. let's hit the twiker and trade some tweets. where do you see stocks going within the year? >> i'm looking at the coal stocks oversold. when you look at the commodity space, you get the overbought, oversold. i think we're in the oversold phase. i also own a bit of tck.
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>> does anybody believe in jcp anymore especially at these levels ron, you do. >> i like the advertising campaign. i like the ceo. my wife came home and i trust her shopping intuition. she says the stores are meticulous, the branding has changed, the quality is changing. she noticed costco years and years ago when we should have bought it. >> you're channelling the guy whose wife came home and talked about -- >> actually i'll tell you -- >> you're married to peter lynch? >> your first move tomorrow when we return. more "fast money" up next. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 i'm constantly working my screens.
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