tv Street Signs CNBC April 9, 2012 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT
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if you've not remortgaged, another window may be opening. >> i thought it was long gone. nice to be with you both. that will do it for today's edition of "power lunch." >> "street signs" begins right now. and welcome to "street signs" everybody. i am brian sullivan. the jobs report hangover continues. stocks sliding again. the bears are crowing they told you so, but isn't this drop really just a drop in the bucket? we are going to take to the charts and add some context. surprise. there's a new chart in town that everybody is talking about and it's got some people very worried. we have it. e lie lily getting a boost in the fight against alzheimer's disease. a mayo clinic doctor will join us about a possible breakthrough. and forget mega millions. how you can turn just $50 million into $100 million overnight. it's just a snap of a camera. but first let's get to kayla
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tausche for a look at where we stand with two hours left in the session. >> selloff on wall street not as bad as earlier. all touching lowest points in nearly a month. take a look. the dow and s&p down for a fourth straight day. both were having their worst day in more than a month but both have come back. nasdaq having its worst day in four months but staged the best bounce off major lows than any of the major averages. a tough day for the little guys. the russell 2000 is leading. the small cap index was 40%, now the benchmark is down 7.3% since then. >> all right, kayla. thank you very much. not the prettiest of statistics. and, yeah, we are having a down day. in fact, actually, we've had a down couple of days as kayla told you. but when you look at this drop,
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keep it in context, right? and to do that let us check some recent history, okay. i went back to the dow the last two years and said how does it stack up? you realize, it doesn't stack up because it's not that big of a drop. okay, keep this in mind. from april 30, 2010, to july 2nd of that year the dow fell more than 1,800 points. that was a loss of about 14.6%. all right. everybody freaked out. guess what? we recovered. in fact, not only did we recover, we went even higher. and then from july 8th of last year, right, we started to see the dow move down. in fact from july 8th really about three months later the dow fell 18.7%. right. so that was a pretty big drop. about 2,300 points. guess what happened? everybody freaked out. then what happened? we recovered again. and we've made new highs. and now in our four-day drop we're down just under 3%. hey, this could be the start of something bigger. i'm just pointing out over the last two years this drop, a drop
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in the bucket. but all drops have to begin somewhere. does this tear drop become a waterfall? bob pisani, what do you think? the start of something more serious or a healthy pullback? >> look, we can get an advance in the stock market even with earnings growth slowing down. earnings growth has been slowing down. it's not the end of the world. we can argue for a multiple expansion in the s&p, for example, if the global macro situation improves. that's why these kinds of economic stats are so important, folks. so friday the global growth story was a little more cloudy. remember, a lot of this earnings growth that we're going to see this year is back ended towards the fourth quarter. a lot's going to depend on a company like alcoa. what do they have to say about global growth? what do they have to say about the strength in the dollar? and what about higher energy prices? oil has been coming down recently, but over the quarter they've been basically on the upside. alcoa's going to be a key company because that's so involved in global growth.
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part of the things that's horrible at alcoa is just aluminum prices. so a little bit of a move up in aluminum, brian, earlier in the year. but basically prices have come back down. it's a very, very frustrating situation. but i think we'll get a little bit of clarity by tomorrow on the global growth outlook. >> because before friday everybody was, to coin a phrase, freaking out about spain and bond yields. spain really the eighth biggest in the world at one point. what happened with spain? >> spain is still out there. what side of the global growth story are you on? are you above 2%, 2.5% on gdp in the united states? are you above or below 8% on china? and do you think the recession in europe is going to end by the fourth quarter? if you think forget about it, they're going to be in recession for years, obviously you're not going to be as rosy on the global stock outlook.
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what side of the global growth story are you on? >> all right. bob pisani, well-said. and you know i'm negative on china. jamie dimon's going to owe me a dinner at the end of the year. let's welcome in charlie rient and chief investment officer onset with us and getting all micced up and ready. nothing like action on live tv. amazing what starts here. charlie, start with you in remote tv land. i'm not making light of a 3% drop, but still comparatively we've had these, we've recovered. do you expect the markets to recover again from this? and move even higher? or is this the run for the year? >> well, we think that the rest of the year's going to be bumpier than the beginning of the year has been. the global economy is decelerating. these things don't last forever. it's important as an investor to keep a cool head. >> how do we keep a cool head? we've got all the things bob pisani just talked about. we're going to show another
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index, citi surprise index, which is negative or turning around i should say. spanish issue, keep our viewers from having a hot head right now. >> well, the most important thing is to have a plan. typically a plan will call for a very diversified portfolio of which equities are an important part, but so too are other asset classes like fixed income and even other investments. if you have a diversified portfolio, chances are it's not going to go up and down as much as the market does on any given day. and also when you have a well-thought out plan you can think a bit longer term. over time the world economy's going to grow. that's going to take profits with it. even if you had a tough year or tough period if you decelerate for a wliel, eventually you'll reaccelerate. and when that happens it will take profits and prices with it. >> chris, do we buy the dip? >> i think right now there's a lot of uncertainty. i think in the near-term it's going to take stronger growth to get investors coming back to the market. >> let me jump in there. when in the last hundred years
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has there been certainty? >> there's never complete certainty. >> i'm not trying to be flip, but you get it uncertainty is always there. >> i just think in the very near-term we're probably going to go through a little more of this consolidation. i think investors will come back to the markets. but we're going to need to see more certainty on growth. >> what would it take for you to be more certain? we have earnings starting tomorrow with alcoa. everyone says they're going to stink, it's a deceleration of earnings. >> i think people know earnings are going to come in relatively punk for the quarter. expectations have come down quite a bit in the last six months. in some ways it doesn't take a lot of expectation for earnings to do better than expected. uncertainty, global prices, what's going to happen in 2013. >> chris brings up a good point. which is expectations for the earnings season seem to be so mute that had if we get basically in expectations or
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slightly above it, couldn't that mean a nice pop for the stock market? it seems everybody is growing more and more concerned about earnings. >> what you really need is the forward guidance. it's not just the earnings reports today but how ceos and cfos see things evolving. and even then it involves also the state of financial conditions. so if growth comes -- if profits don't come in particularly robust and if the economy continues to muddle through and doesn't live up to expectations, you might see at that point in time, also policy plays a role and that the appetite for quantitative easing and other stimulative measures grows. >> a promise to bernanke discussion free show and you've already blown it in the a-block, charlie. that's fair enough. chris, do we have to rely on the federal reserve for the rest of the year? should we do it on our own with the help of bernanke? >> i think we need to do it on our own. the sooner the better. i'm confident the fed will come market read too much into those comments and i think we need to get away from this extraordinary environment of intervention. >> chris, thank you very much.
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charlie, thank you very much. while friday's payroll report still grabs the headlines, there's another economic report out there that has been getting a lot of attention lately. the citi group economic surprise index. basically it tracks economic reports' actual numbers against market expectations. as joe points out, the darn thing's been pretty accurate when put up against the stock market. joe joins us now, deputy editor for "business insider." welcome back. what is this citi group surprise index and why weren't we talking about it a year ago? >> well, some of us have been talking about it for a while. >> why aren't we talking about it? >> the basic idea is exactly as you said. in a vacuum a piece of economic data isn't necessarily good or bad for the market. all relative to expectations. so this index they've put together is an attempt to track on a daily basis how the data is coming in versus expectations. so you could have bad data. you could have falling payrolls. but if it didn't fall as fast as some people expected, that would
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push the index higher and so on. and over the last few years this index has had a pretty good track record of tracking what the market would do over the next two months. >> which is more than what you can say for many indexes. i've pointed out often that consumer confidence numbers and retail sales often don't look anything alike. people do and say very different things. >> absolutely. >> it looks to me like what you're saying is and your chart you always want to lengthen the chart out as much as you can, means this could be one of the top charts we need to be watching now. >> yeah. i've been a fan of it for a long time. i was looking at it last summer, and you could actually see it in the middle of summer when people were really sure that the recession -- everyone talking about a double dip -- >> not everybody. hopium, my friend. "street signs." >> and the index started turning around right at that same time the data started coming in better than expected. the great thing about it is, again, not just about the data but also the tendency of analysts to get excited and to get exuberant and when that
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happens it makes it very hard for the data to match expectations. >> before i let you go, i'm going to go off script here a bit because i know you used to be a correspondent for paid and allen and that whole they've done a great job with the media and online world. you've got to have an idea as to instagram, right? a billion bucks, not sure the company has any discernible -- as i tweeted out, a billion dollars for instagram? >> i think it's a good move. >> a billion dollars? >> they're never going to on any sort of price to revenue whatever basis, sure, it's ridiculous. but everyone uses it. it's another awesome foothold onto mobile which is where everything is. facebook is this huge photo sharing site. but i think that would be an in-road to facebook's core
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business and they can afford it. >> so pay up to protect. >> defensive plus i like there's another big move onto mobile which is great. >> 12 times the market cap of kodak. >> it's wild. no doubt. >> joe, thanks very much. could natural gas fracking be causing earthquakeearthquakes? a new report suggests it can. and the geological survey guest who wrote the report. and is your home the next gas station? it could be with natural gas. we're going to show you how to fill up at home when our nat gas focus continues. a lot more to do. don't go anywhere. choose control.
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natural gas prices are down again today. the lowest level since 2002. well, what's new? we've been hitting near decade lows for natural gas nearly every day for the past year. there are so many angles of the natural gas stories to hit including a new one today in a report that suggests fracking may actually lead to earthquakes. we are going to get more on that in a moment. first, let's go to the demand side of the story and back to rick santelli who's going to show you how to fuel up your natural gas powered car right at home. because that's a big concern, rick, yeah, i'm interested to do it but i'm afraid i won't find a place to fill up. how do we make our home a filling station? >> well, here's the box. and obviously it isn't mounted or hooked up, but it gives you the idea. you mount it against the wall. you'll have a technician do it. this box is a more economic box for smaller tanks.
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it's around $5,000. the price of these things continue to come down. bigger units that will pump the natural gas at a higher volume pace will be probably another $2,500 or so. here's the nozzle. all you do is you pop the back, put it on, put it in, twist and turn the nozzle on. i'm not turning it on, of course, because it's not hooked up. but it will take a bit. if you go to an actual station, it will take three to four minutes, about the same time for a large tank for a car. if you're doing it at home with the right unit, it's probably going to be a four to six-hour scenario. do it at night when the car's in the garage. three things real quick, we've been doing this all day and if you watched, we want to make sure you understand. number one, this is not something we want anybody to do at home. you want to go to a certified installer. our point was today to show that the internal combustion engine needs virtually no modification to run on natural gas.
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second issue is when i talk about 80 miles per gallon, it's a dollar equivalent. look at how much you pay for regular gas, little less than $4. you can pay $0.66 at home. dollar adjusted on a 15 mile per gallon vehicle to come out to 80 miles per gallon. that's pretty much it, sully. >> it's right there. six hours or so. do you feel like as a consumer, rick, that's too long for you, or is that cool? are you good with that? >> not at all. you know, first of all most people aren't going to drain their tank on any given day. so routinely just put it on when you pull the car in the garage and it will just top it off. but, remember, sully, this is the key point, it runs on gasoline -- regular gasoline or natural gas. you can switch back and forth to your heart's content. it's a little button. >> we like little buttons. rick santelli, thank you very much. you do great work all day. >> thanks, sully. >> well, from filling up to fueling the world, global natural gas demand is booming. eamon javers joining us now with
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the international side of the nat gas story. eamon. >> hey, brian. here in washington really the fight over natural gas as we see it being deployed in situations like we just saw on your show is a political fight. it's a political fight about taking credit for what's going on in this natural gas boom we've been seeing all across the country. the president has been traveling the country making the point that natural gas is a good thing. take a listen to what he said back in las vegas earlier this year. >> we've got to take advantage of this incredible natural resource. and think about what could happen if we do. think about an america where more cars and trucks are running on domestic natural gas than on foreign oil. think about an america where our companies are leading the world in developing natural gas technology -- >> both parties here in washington are angling to take credit for this natural gas boom. when you talk to the folks at
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the obama administratioadminist make several key points. u.s. natural gas production grew by more than 7% just 2011. and the department of the interior wants more than 75% of estimated new available oil and gas on the outer continental shelf to be available for exploration and exploitation. and the department of interior held 32 on shore oil and gas sales in 2011 that was 1, 755 parcels representing more than 4 million acres. when you talk to republicans on capitol hill, they say the obama administration simply isn't doing enough to exploit this natural gas boom and in fact might be getting in the way. they say that the administration's hydraulic fracturing could add delays to the shale gas industry and say increases in production can be largely attributed to presidents clinton and bush and their pro-energy policies. not so much to this president and this white house. and they say that total on shore
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acreage leased under obama in 2010 and 2011 were the lowest in two decades. very much a tale of two parties here in washington. >> certainly the red tape issue might get more tape pi after this next story. eamon javers, thank you very much. >> you bet. >> could boosting our natural gas production turn into a nightmare? a new report next week links oil and gas production to manmade earthquakes. that's right. let's bring in bill elsworth, the lead author of the report and also bill richardson. first to bill els worth. a dozen earthquakes hit ohio in the past year were nearly certainly caused by fracking. you also had quakes in oklahoma where rick santelli just was also said to be related to fracking. your report is more national in scope. how convinced are you about the relationship between fracking and earthquakes?
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>> well, there's something we have to clarify. there's almost no relationship between fracking and earthquakes. and this has really been a problem in the media confusing the process of stimulating the reservoirs so they produce gas. this does not produce earthquakes that are of concern. what we found is there are earthquakes associated with locations where waste water is being disposed of underground. this is not news. we've known for decades that under certain conditions it's possible to trigger earthquakes by the pumping of fluids underground. we're pumping more fluids underground as a result of more production. and being done safely with little or no change in earthquake rate activity. >> which is interesting because if you google fracking and earthquakes, you're going to be led to some pages that suggest the opposite. that fracking is a part of this situation. >> yeah. it's really unfortunate that so much misinformation is out in the news these days. i'm hoping this type of energy will help clarify this. fracking is a process which it
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stimulates the formation to produce more gas as it does that it also produces more water. once that production begins, you begin to withdraw the gas and some of the formation fluid comes out as well. it's necessary in many cases to dispose of that formation water safely. we can't just simply dump it into streams and lakes. and that's often done by collecting the water and injecting it into deep disposal wells that are specifically designed for that purpose. >> bill richardson, you know, obviously the president is in a tight spot where he wants to grow jobs but he's also got to make sure there's not a lot of ecological damage and also got to play a little to the environmental base that he's got on the left hand side. you take a report like this to bill elsworth point of view i'm looking at stories from reputable news agencies that suggests fracking and earthquakes go together. if you're in washington, d.c., how do you navigate, which is obviously -- you know, it's technical and it's complicated. how do you navigate this
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situation politically? >> well, what you try to do is keep the politics out of it and listen to people like bill elsworth who's a scientist, the usgs is a very reputable agency. and he's basically saying there's no connection between fracking and earthquakes. now, i think there's some environmental issues surrounding fracking that need to be settled at the federal and state level, but they should be settled scientifically. in fact, i think what the usgs report also says is that while the earthquakes may be caused by manmade efforts, we're not sure that it's even oil and gas extraction or extraction methodology. so i think we got to be very calm. we've got to be careful. i think the president has been correct in stressing the environmental components of fracking. he assembled a task force of scientists of policy people that basically said we've got to be careful but we should continue this practice. and keep the politics out of it,
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brian. because that's what's destroyed our ability to come up with a comprehensive energy policy that reduces gas prices, that makes us more reliable on renewable fuels and renewable sources. >> but, bill richardson, before i get to the final question, bill elsworth, again, if we talk about waste water runoff that might be related to the increase of natural gas extraction and production, whether it's fracking, whether it's -- whatever the actual cause is, if you can link the causation between the quakes and drilling, isn't that enough to shut it down in some places? >> well, yeah, if there is that connection. but that connection has not been established. and what we need to do is be calm. we should listen to the usgs, the scientists, the national academy of scientists, the scientists at the epa, the
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scientists at universities. let's study this. you know, this is new. the boom in natural gas production is new. it's causing a glut now. but there's some pleasant potential because even though it's a fossil fuel, it's clean. let's be sure the environmental challenges like fracking are settled and improved on the basis of science and environmental studies rather than politics and who's going to get the best got cha statement. >> well-said. bill looking at a very reputable site on the web, not going to say by name because we all make mistakes, summary report is geologists have made some links between fracking and recent earthquakes. that sounds like you're saying that's a completely incorrect statement. >> it is incorrect. what we've found is there's a link between disposal of waste water and earthquakes. and many of these cases it's been fixed by either shutting down the offending well or reducing the volume that's being
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produced. so there are really straightforward fixes to the problem when earthquakes begin to occur. >> bill richardson and bill elsworth, gentlemen both a complicated issue. you made it clear. thank you very much for joining us on cnbc. >> you're welcome. >> take care. just ahead on "street signs," what some are saying could be an alzheimer's game changer. we're going to take a look at what the newest tool in the battle against the disease that impacts 35 million and their families really is. and picture perfect, more on facebook's billion dollar deal to buy instagram. plus, herb, he's got his disaster. and herb is up in sepia fresh tones right after this. ♪
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apple hitting another all-time high. even with a downgrade -- a rare downgrade for apple to a neutral rating by securities firm btig. all right. let's talk more about that facebook deal to buy instagram. for those of you who may not know, a photo sharing app, a postca postcard-type and kayla tausche and jon fortt are with us as
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well. kayla, i think last week you reported instagram just closed another round of funding from venture capitalists and the blog tech crunch also noting that that funding has turned $50 million into $100 million overnight. is this getting out of hand? >> so we should clarify that it was in early march. it was a month ago that they were close to closing this round of financing that valued it at $500 million. now, a month ago being close to closing around financing, that can take anywhere from a day to a week to a month to an hour. so what's interesting is that tech crunch piece saying that that money got deposited by a wire on thursday night. i think a lot of us expected that had already closed a long time ago. but think about the numbers. instagram what you're really buying, it's not making money but you're buying a nucleus of users. marc zuckerberg before you saw this posted on facebook's blog or instagram's blog, this was
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posted as a status update by mark zuckerberg and explaining the rationale behind investing in instagram and buying as a whole. 64,000 likes on that status. 7,000 shares in 30 minutes alone. and instagram only has about ten employees. we were talking about the gilead deal, seven employees. they made out well. think about those employees. they have won the megalions. >> whether it's overnight or a month is making out pretty well. jon fortt, you've been to instagram's headquarters. to kayla's point about ten employees. i mean, these people are now wealthy beyond their wildest dreams overnight. i mean, this deal to some now if you look at the twitterverse suggesting this is the sign of the ultimate bubble. do you agree or disagree? >> no. it's not. i did spend time there at the time when i was there they had maybe half a dozen people. spent about half an hour sitting
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down with kevin. he's really interesting. you've got to keep in mind they've grown to 30 million users very quickly. in december they were at 15 million. so there's this almost parabolic growth going on. kevin is extremely focused. a few interesting things about him, just to let you know, he's from boston. he graduated from high school in 2002. he's around the same age as zuckerberg. his mom worked for monster growing up. so his parents worked for start-ups. he was thinking deeply about this idea and what made it grow. he told me that it was focused on the speed of uploading photos. focusing on the beauty of the product. and focusing on their ability to post to multiple networks not just picking one. and all those things are being maintained in this acquisition. i think very interesting that facebook is protecting that original vision. when you think about mobile, its importance to facebook, the fact that kevin a year ago told me that the great mobile business model has not yet been created but that's one of the things
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that they were focused on. that's a problem that facebook really needs to solve because as people move to mobile, facebook makes less money off of them. so he's getting one of the top mobile thinkers in tech right now joining his team. that's what they need. >> jon, you talk about parabolic growth as far as user base. but i'm interested in your opinion on the more users take photos via instagram, the fewer users of facebook are using the facebook proprietary photo sharing platform. they've invested in higher quality photos. was it just they weren't working and people were leaving facebook to use instagram where you can like pictures and share them on a separate platform? >> you know, i might liken this to a mainstream car company buying a fine stream company. in zuckerberg's wall post he noted they're willing to take some of the features instagram has and done well at and import them into facebook's products
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leaving instagram also as a stand alone product. i think that's a key of what they're doing here. they're getting smarter from a mobile specialist. >> and think about how many people have been scratching and clawing to get into these facebook shares pre-ipo. you wonder what sort of shares instagram's team is getting. it's a split. the billion dollars is split cash and shares. it's supposed to close before facebook's ipo actually happens. i would be interested in seeing that money that's already doubled quadruples. >> yeah. i'd be interested to see the balance and income statement since it's a free product with no advertising. just throwing it out there. sometimes i guess balance sheets don't matter in some cases. if you've got to make the defensive play, maybe facebook is terrified google plus. >> one point -- i actually downloaded instagram yesterday, ironically. >> have you taken any pictures? >> it's terrific. it's a fantastic program. you've never given them a dime.
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>> unleash your inner hip ster. that's what i do. >> well-said. up next on "street signs," a money manager with $46 billion under his belt gives you advice on where to invest right now. and darren rovell and the business of bubba and the green jacket day with the pink driver. it's a color coded "street signs" coming up here. stick around. ttd# 1-800-345-2550
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it's certainly been april showers for the market bulls so far this month. and at this hour stocks are extending last week's losses although they've come off their lows, the dow down just double digits right now although the dow and s&p both down for the fourth straight session. and your next guest says that we have had a good year of gains just in the first quarter. so quip aside, does that mean he sees nearly no gains for the rest of the year? alan gail senior investment strategist, got about $46 billion under management. alan, welcome back to "street signs." i love your point. i get the humor. but are you saying that the next nine months are going to be flat? >> no, i don't think so. i think we had an understandable -- and i think appropriate downward correction to the weak job numbers that came out on friday.
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and so i'm not surprised after the first quarter numbers that we were able to post we are seeing some give back in here. but the work that we've done with the allocation strategies is based on three things. we look at valuations, and those are still attractive. the macro tailwinds that we're developing still look sustainable. i think what has come, i guess, a little bit ajar has been the technical picture. we think that the market got so extended during the first quarter, which is why we say we had a really good year first quarter. so i think we're getting a useful correction. but i think ultimately this market's going to be heading higher over the course of this year. >> why do you believe that? what are the one or two or three main bull points that you can make right now, alan? >> well, again, fundamentally we look at valuations based on absolute and relative. and they are both still attractive. the headwinds -- excuse me, the
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headwinds we've been seeing over in europe appear to be dissipating. the tailwinds that have been developing here in the u.s. have been improving. i do not expect the 120,000 that we saw last friday to be the expected number going forward. so i think we're going to be seeing some better news. and so now it's up to companies to execute. and that's why we're watching the earnings picture very closely. make sure those tailwinds are executing. >> as my colleague herb greenberg always smartly says, it's really what the ceos say about the forecast rather than the backwards numbers that matter. so with that in mind, alan, what are you expecting -- what do you want to hear from alcoa and other big names over the next few days to convince you we're on the right track? >> well, i guess the areas that we're going to be looking for are forward sales. we are overweight the gross dial and we are going to be looking to see whether or not we're seeing some pickup in brazil, in china, for example, in the emerging markets to see whether
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or not there are some acceleration in demand there. so if we can get some sense that this global recovery after taking a pause is regaining its traction, then i think that's going to be a good signal that this market can move higher. >> alan, always a pleasure. see you soon. thanks. >> thanks. >> all right. certainly not that hard to find a disaster today, but leave it to herb to find an under-the-radar name. live by the momentum, die by the momentum montra. >> the name is mytech systems. makes mobile imaging software. got to look at this one. take a look at this chart. but in the past two weeks it has lost half its value. that's after nearly doubling since january. seems today's slide is the result of a downgrade, but the plunge action started a few weeks ago when the company was sued by united services automobile association relationship on mobile deposits chrks is a big part of mitek's
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business. taking a big hit here. that's what we see the stock actually doubled from the beginning of the month -- >> which is really interesting. and i know given mobile imaging solutions, right? that's what the company does. instagram was just purchased for a billion dollars by facebook for providing photos with a little bit of 1970s or sepia or black and white action sort of around the sides. i know they're not the same, but you get my point. >> i get the point. >> disaster. >> i would be careful -- everyone who wants to bash this instagram deal in a fairly significant way on our twitter feeds and wherever, and i think you just have to wait and see how this whole thing evolves because what they're getting for obviously is more than meets our eye. this thing happened so fast, i understand. boom. >> all i'm saying is that the company has no discernible revenue anybody knows of. maybe they do.
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the chenture capitalists doubled their money overnight or within a month. the wire transfer was made thursday night. >> great timing. >> literally 24 hours which some people are probably going to find sniff fi, who knows. also at the same point, herb. you've got kodak sold their gallery service to shutterfly for $24 million last year. >> yeah. >> which maybe shows the problem with kodak. >> well, the problem with kodak and not what is really under the hood here. this will be a great one to follow. >> all right. today's sunshine stock is las vegas sands. it is trading at levels not seen since june of 2008. maybe a solid economic sign as well. gambling to most people is purely a discretionary endeavor. up next on "street signs," forget phil's rolex. it was all about the pricey ring on bubba's wrist and what's in his golf back.
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bell," tech has led the market rally. is it time to dump your hot tech names as fears of a correction creep into the market? plus, we're about to kickoff what's expected to be a weak earnings season. will disappointing profits send stocks spiraling even lower? and steve forbes joins us in an exclusive interview to explain why the fed's policies are hurting the economy and why fed chairman ben bernanke should be replaced when his term expires. first, more "street signs" with brian. scott, thank you very much, sir. well, bubba watson's emotional masters win not only a boost to his career and bank account, but to bubba's sponsors as well. darren rovell is here and the pink driver sure made a statement. >> it did. but now how does ping cash-in? obviously bubba watson winning the masters yesterday in sudden death as they went to that second extra hole. and his winning putt goes in. a lot of tears and crying. start with the watch he was wearing because he is from baghdad, florida.
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he's the average kind of guy. but this is a richard mile watch. $525,000. he is sponsored by them. he has some signage. now let's go to the driver. ping just told me, confirming -- >> $500,000 watch? >> yes. it doesn't actually have numbers on it. to the ping driver, ping just told me they are confirming that they are not making any special limited edition drivers. now, some people are calling for this saying this is a wasted opportunity. the hot r 11 driver, the white driver, maybe pink is the next big color. they don't think so from a business decision. i like bubba from a marketing perspective because, first of all, his original name. >> james lester. >> jerry lester watson. >> oh, the middle name right.
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>> bubba is much better. this guy is like johndaily. he bought the original general lee. >> and he had real emotion. he was heartwarming. if the guy really cared. you could tell it wasn't phony. >> no. it was real. >> briefly, can i just ask you, darren, what the heck is going on with these golf fashions? >> the belts? the greens? >> yellow shoes, yellow belt. some of the shirts are skin tight, which no offense to anybody, some of these dudes shouldn't be wearing skin tight shirts unless they're sponsored by the bro if you know what i mean. >> these guys think they're fashionable. you don't. >> i was in cargo shorts yesterday. i was? jorts yesterday. who's going to be on tomorrow? >> bubba watson, in studio. first interview outside. >> the price is right.
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we'll guess the price and try to get closer to the hole. combine shows. >> i'll lose. >> darren, thank you. coming up, a new weapon that could i'll lose. >> r>> refereer >>. >> revolutionizing the treatment of a disease that affects families all around the world. well speak with the mayo clinic physician about potential good news in the fight against alzheimer's, coming up. polar shifts will reverse the earth's gravitational pull and hurtle us all into space. which would render retirement planning unnecessary. but say the sun rises on december 22nd, and you still need to retire. td ameritrade's investment consultants can help you build a plan that fits your life. we'll even throw in up to $600 when you open a new account or roll over an old 401(k). so who's in control now, mayans? when you open a new account oare you still sleeping?k). just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule.
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the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. is now providing siemens. answers. need. let's start with car insurance x. this one does save people a lot of money and it's very affordable. it was very delicious. could you please taste car insurance y? this one is much more expensive. ugh. it's really bad. let's see what you picked. oh, geico! over their competitor. you are a magician right? no., oh. you're not?, no., oh, well, give it a shot. i am so, so sorry. it was this close.
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potentially some good news in the fight against alzheimer's disease. a brain scan approved that can help doctors identify a plaque which may lead to alzheimer's. >> brian, more than 35 million people worldwide are living with alzheimer's and there's no accurate test that can diagnose this disease. but as you pointed out, eli lilly is trying to change that. a dye that can help detect alzheimer's disease early on just got fda approval. however, it comes at a high cost $1600 a pop. that doesn't include the brain scan, which on average costs around $5,000. usually between 3 to 5,000. neither the drug or company is covered by medicare. however, lilly is working on
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reimbursement. without reimbursement, $6600 if you were to take the scan. if coverage is obtained. the pharmaceutical farm could add up to $500 million with yearly sales. however, without medicare, fewer patients are expected to opt for the expensive treatment and thus sales could be less than $100 million. those estimates according to isi group. >> thank you very much. here to explain how the new test will help with the diagnosis and hopefully the treatment of alzheimer's disease is dr. ron peterson, director of mayo research center. dr. peterson, thank you for joining us on "street signs." how will this new test change the way that we diagnose, evaluate and treat alzheimer's patients? >> it is an interesting question, brian, because it's unclear right now how it'll be used in clinical practice. interestingly, the approval indication by the fda is sort of
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what we call a rule-out diagnosis. that is, it's informative to the clinician and patient if the scan is negative. so for example, that means if somebody comes in with forgetfulness or problems with thinking and they get the scan and the scan is negative, it means at this point in time, it's unlikely that their symptoms are due to alzheimer's disease, because the scan is meant to pick up the protein an lloyd associated with all zramer's disease. but a whole different issue to rule in a positive sense. >> some folks suggest this is great except the fact we don't really have drugs to treatment alzheimer's. so if we identify it earlier, from a treatment perspective, it may not matter as much. i think that's a bit after cynical view, but i believe their point. do you believe, doctor, this
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will help speed development. >> absolutely. i think it is a very vital tool for research and particularly for drug development. for example, if a drug company develops medication or vaccine or something that is meant to actually work on this protein, say remove it t from the brain, we now will have a detection method of seeing how much is in the brain before we treat the person, treat the person, and measure how much is in the brain afterwards bp. so it'll be very vital in that context. >> when do you believe we will see a new break through on the drug side, the treatment side for alzheimer's? are we any closer? we have a lot of family friends of mine, i'm sure yours, everybody is touch bid it somehow. where are we in the fight? >> well, at any point in time, there are probably 50 to 100 compounds in various stages for the development of treatment for alzheimer's disease. but many will never make it to the clinical lab.
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so right now there are three or four kbouncompounds that are in final stages of evaluation. such that if they are positive, they will really give us a boost towards treating alzheimer's disease. some will be announced later on this year. if they're effective, i suspect the interest in this imaging compound will go up enormously. >> dr. peterson, thank you very much for your work. you're fighting a good fight. good luck. keep us informed. thank you for watching "street signs." we are down but well off our lows. in fact, on our best levels of the day, down just .6 of 1%. "closing bell" begins right now. of the benefits of shopping small. on just one day, 100 million of us joined a movement... and main street found its might again. and main street found its fight again. and we, the locals, found delight again.
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