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tv   Street Signs  CNBC  May 14, 2012 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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first european crisis happened. >> i picked the copper market because if you're worried about global growth, this stock and chart certainly confirms what people are saying, that global growth is indeed slowing. ty. >> sue, thanks very much. thanks to all of you. that's it for "power lunch." >> "street signs" begins right now. it's a pretty tough monday on "street signs." the bad news, the dow now down eight of the last nine days. the good news, we're still only about 4% from a four-year high. and with so many headlines clouding the picture, we're going to clear it up for you. we're going to walk you through the good, the bad and just plain weird of this market. should he stay or should he pay? new calls for jpmorgan chief jamie dimon to give back his bonus after his bank's billion dollar blunder. plus, score one for the activist. yahoo!'s head hon cho is gone. done anyone think the new guy can turn the company around?
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and tweet at your own risk. a social media firing, mandy. >> hello, everybody. happy monday. i'm mandy drur ri. checking in on the markets with two hours to go, the dow is in the red adding to the losses over the past two weeks. today off the triple digit drop we saw earlier on in the recession, the index still up nearly 7% year-to-date. and the nasdaq up about 12% year-to-date. along with the broader market, it's off about 0.5%. in the meantime down to bob pisani on the floor of the nyse. as brian said a moment ago, bob, there are a lot of headlines out there and some of them are conflicting. what are the most important headlines that traders and investors need to focus on this week? >> i think we're going to see some of the u.s. economic numbers. money is coming here to the united states. yes, it's a safe haven, but we're outperforming. for example, we're going to get retail sales tomorrow, mandy, for april. numbers are generally not going to be that bad. and a number of the retailers, believe it or not, are in positive territory. wet seal, children's place,
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chico's, fred's, buckle, all in positive territory. that sector is up. another sector, home builders, that group's held up very well. we're going to get some of the numbers for the number ofs on wednesday for housing starts. so we have an upgrade from guggenheim, stocks like d.r. horton and other stocks in positive territory, lennar, toll brothers and pultgroup fractionally to the downside. there are groups doing fairly well on kppsations and better economic dos. >> let's hope the expectations turn into reality, bob. thank you very much. >> well, between greece, spain, yahoo! jpmorgan, chesapeake and earnings, there are more headlines than you can shake a chalet lee at. most of the news seems negative. there's also some big positives out there, mandy. >> okay. brian and i are going to play our version of dualing banjos, no ban joes of course with
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headlines going yin for yang. >> start with the downside, the bad news. the disasters clouding this market. first off obviously the greek tragedy, right? just when we thought the drama was done, new fears bubbling up post-election that greece could be the first country to exit the eurozone as they struggle, mandy, to form any kind of a government. >> take this. there is some sunshine out there. for example, we have the u.s. consumer, if you remember numbers we got out on friday, consumer confidence here in the united states is at a four-year high. >> true dat. but here's another negative. china more and more of the data showing the world's second biggest economy is slowing down. i know you're a big china bull. >> i am -- well, i don't know about that. i'm a cautiously optimistic china person. i'm certainly not that big. also more signs of a strong housing recovery here in the united states. that underscores what bob was saying just a second ago. sales are up, even home improvement is doing better.
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diy more people fixing up their fixer uppers. >> are you talking hopium? >> i am. >> what about the chesapeake story? we're calling it gas pain. it's just a single stock, folks, but it is another blow to investor confidence. >> but what about the gas gains? natural gas is still down more than 19% year-to-date. crude oil sitting around a five-month low. lower prices, good thing for the consumer and economy. >> i will trump that with more negative news from the stock market, right? the yahoo! debacle. scott thompson announcing his departure in the wake of the resume scandal. again, the second black eye in five days for the individual investor. >> okay. i'm going to trump that with the u.s. dollar. your beloved u.s. dollar, mr. patriot. with europe woes, the dollar has been on a tear up 11 straight sessions. 11 for 11 by the way. that's only the second time in history that the dollar has been 11 for 11. >> somebody's been a dollar bull recently for a couple years. >> i am in u.s. dollars now too.
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>> and the aussie dollar. we won't talk about that. then of course there's jpmorgan reigniting the regulation debate. heads rolling at the nation's biggest bank. and jamie dimon's image perhaps tarnished a little bit. >> looking down seeing the white shoes with a little scuff. despite the negative, the market's been actually quite resilient. here's the thing, the dow is still up just under 5% this year. the nasdaq is up 12%. the proof could be in the pudding after all. >> all right. so five bad, five good, which of us has the right read? let's bring in dan greenhouse, chief global strategist at btig and chief market analyst and portfolio manager at loom is sales. >> thank you. >> dan, you know this. the nature of news tends to be negative. unfortunately that's just a by-product of our business. but to mandy's point, the dow still up more than 4% this year. so all the negativity has not brought us down. how do you read the macro scenario right now? >> well, that's only if you think we're not going any lower at all.
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i would remind you we were up in the double digits earlier this year. but to your question, our read on the situation is that it's still an extraordinarily volatile environment. there are severe ll lly by fur here. we've been advocating people adopt a wait and see mode even though we're off 5%, 6%, 7% from the high, we're holding to that. >> wait and see feels like a nothing kind of strategy. like panic is not an investing strategy. david, what would you be doing? ask which headlines in particular would you be clinging onto? >> well, you make money where opportunity comes out of chaos. you're absolutely right. the fed growing money at 10% year over year and maybe most important is on a microbasis, individual companies are still quite positive on their operations in north america, cautious on europe but very positive on north america. and in that environment where the average stock is off more than 10% from its 52-week high,
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i think you use maybe further weakness in the market to be a net buyer. those could be names like qualcomm, which is 9% off its 52-week high yet growing earnings at 15% growing its dividend at 15%. on the aerospace side where industrials are doing quite well, b.e., which makes interior products for aircraft including the good news we're seeing out of boeing with a 6% free cash flow yield, i think that represents opportunity. finally, on another name, small on the tech side first fx data systems. i think there are more opportunities than not in a market that has near-term headwind but valuation as it will and always will prevail. >> can i just add real quick? first of all btig has a sell on fax ed. i would disagree with that. anybody that sees what's going on in the financial industry, we can fight about that another time. >> it's going to gain share and it's going to gain share not
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just on the equity space but in the fixed income space where it's grow sglg that's fair. i'll let mark palmer argue with you on that. but to the larger point, i think, you know, i don't disagree with anything david has to say. but this idea somehow because equities are cheap they must go up, is an idea that's been floated now for more quarters than i care to count. certainly provides downside protection, but does not guarantee you upside protection. >> let's go deeper into the fiscal cliff theory we've talked about end of this year, early next year, the market tends to price in things now they believe will happen. we see where greece is going no matter if they leave the eurozone or not, it's still a train wreck whether they're in or out. we've got deficits coming, the elections coming, whatever. when does the market then begin to take that turn down? well, i mean, again the idea that the market is a discounting mechanism is probably true. i would argue that the people like my good friend who we're talking about the housing bubble in 2006 and 2007 would tell you
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that the market wasn't much of a discounting mechanism until october. but that said, you know, at some point people are going to have to wake up and realize that if and when this greek election goes the wrong way -- >> dan, just hold that thought for two seconds. we've got some breaking news with michelle caruso-cabrera. what's happening with greece, michelle? >> speaking of the greek elections, we understand there will be yet another round of talks tomorrow amongst the parties to try to form a coalition government. the difference between today and tomorrow is that the leading candidate, alexis tsipras is going to attend that meeting. the explanation i get from the spokesperson for his party is that because all of the parties have been invited tomorrow. so all six representatives will be there. today there had only been four. and originally there were only discussions between the three. so bottom line, guys, we don't have an answer yet as to whether or not there's going to be another round of greek elections. there will be more talks tomorrow. back to you. >> michelle, thank you very much for that. let's get back to dan and david.
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sorry about that, folks. breaking news always takes precedent. david, over to you, we've been talking about the headlines to pay attention to, are there any headlines that have nickers in a twist that we need to put aside as noise? >> europe is not going to go away. the solvency issue is not going to get solved. it's going to be a headwind. and it's going to lead to 8% to 10% selloffs in stocks as we're probably likely to see. but when that happens with the backdrop that north american business operations for the majority of companies i'm talking about are quite healthy, you fight through the lousy news out of europe, the fiscal cliff that's not going away in the u.s. and you look at individual management teams that are still getting it right on an operating margin basis. and that's what you go by. names like qualcomm, names like data systems, discover financial services just to name a few. that's where i think you're going to make money in this market. >> dan, we put jpm up on the disaster side because it is a $2
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billion loss, heads are rolling, but if you look at what they did, what they were betting on $100 billion long debt on corporate debt. they were so bullish on u.s. corporations and corporate debt that they took this outside position. so if we look at the trade itself, don't you think we can gauge that at least many huge players are very optimistic about corporate balance sheets? that is the bet jpm essentially made. >> that's an inference a lot of people are making. i'm going to shy away from speaking about the trade specifically. i'll just make a larger point, which is $2 billion to jpmorgan needs to be kept in perspective here. and there's not to say that there's not a larger debate about the volcker rule and its implementation and by extension the effects on financials more generally, but a $2 billion loss for jpmorgan is, i think most people would agree, manageable. >> i'm not painting the loss as a positive. i'm painting that the underlying trade that they were putting on as a reflection in the belief in the strength of corporate
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balance sheets. >> fine. but they still got the trade wrong. >> dan and david, we actually have breaking news on -- we say it and it happens. jpmorgan. guys, thank you. mary thompson, what do you have on jpm? >> brian, source rs familiar to the situation say a further shakeup in coming in the chief investment office. of course this morning it was announced that ina drew, who was the chief investment officer for jpmorgan was stepping down after more than 30 years at the company. the chief investment officer reports the $2 billion trading loss. a london based executive who worked for drew will be removed from day-to-day operations. he will stay with the company, however he is expected according to people from his situation to step down in the future. news of the shakeup coming later this afternoon. these are all per orders the new chief investment officer replacing ina drew earlier today. brian, back to you. >> mary thompson, thank you very much. still to come on "street signs," the bourbon trade and the
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company many credit with helping the industry make its mark. >> ha ha. plus the author of the smartest guys in the room set to tell us if jamie dimon is still the smartest ceo on wall street and should he be one of his jobs be taken away in the wake of the $2 billion oops. that's coming up here on "street signs." like in a special ops mission? you'd spot movement, gather intelligence with minimal collateral damage. but rather than neutralizing enemies in their sleep, you'd be targeting stocks to trade.
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brian shactman here at the markets desk. we're looking at shares of shutterfly. "the wall street journal" said apple is working on improvements
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to the photo sharing elements of icloud. the broader nasdaq is up about 12.25%. it's underperforming and a lot from today. >> brian, thank you very much. you just heard the news from mary thompson that perhaps the changes at jpmorgan are not done. ina drew retired essentially pushed out over the weekend over the $2 billion loss. mary thompson just breaking in and saying more changes may be coming in that chief investment officer office. the question is though, if it ends there, is jamie dimon getting off too easy? shouldn't he get maybe more than just a black eye in the media for what is called an egregious mistake? is it time to claw back his bonus and maybe strip him of that chairman title? cnbc contributor "vanity fair" contributing editor and author of "all the devils are here."
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bethany, great to have you here with us. do you believe that jamie dimon is getting off too easy? >> i think there's still a lot of unanswered questions about what this trade was. i've seen it described in various places as a hedge, a hedge that was meant to produce a profit. and as the investing of spare cash that jpmorgan had. and how exactly did it go so wrong if it was indeed just a hedge? did the answers stop with ina drew? or people further up the food chain should they have been asking more questions? on the one hand the loss is small in the context of jpmorgan's overall earnings and balance sheet. but it raises all these unsettling questions about the compliance with new regulations like the volcker rule and about how a trading strategy could go so badly wrong. >> do you feel that the right people are taking the fall? or is it just too easy to take at this stage? it feels like there are going to be a lot of people effected by this shakeup and wonder if some
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are scapegoats because someone has to be seen to go. >> right. it goes back to the unanswered questions of what this trade was. if it was a hedge gone wrong and the information about how it was going wrong stopped with ina drew, maybe plausible you could argue the right heads have rolled. if it was more of a proprietary trade, this london office generated a quarter of jpmorgan's profits in 2010, then there are a lot more unsettling questions. and you also have to ask in all of this, where were the regulators? where was the federal reserve? where was the occ? i think pointing a finger at jamie dimon is satisfying given the status in the banking world, but there are a lot of other questions here too. >> i think you touched on it. what we know the trade essentially that this one office in london controlled about $300 billion in assets. and this one trade was about $100 billion long bet on u.s. corporate debt. the losses came from the hedges. so you're looking at basically
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one-third of this giant office doing this huge long bet on u.s. corporate debt. it does seem unusual. and i hear you about the size of jpmorgan, bethany, to believe that nobody went to jamie dimon and said, by the way, we got one guy that's got $100 billion long position on u.s. corporate debt in a division that was, what, a quarter of our net income last year? >> right. especially when the press was reporting and other traders in the market were talking about how outsized this position was and how there wasn't a way out of it without it causing losses because the guy basically had become the market. so how could the information really have stopped with ina drew? it doesn't -- like i said, it doesn't -- all the pieces don't fit together for me yet. >> is there anything to be made of the fact that there's another really high profile corporate woman who's obviously lost her job here? i mean obviously news corp is another one that comes to mind in recent history as well. >> right. you look back on the events in wall street in the fall of 2008
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and zoey cruz was one of the casualties there. ina drew was extremely well-respected. she was a survivor of multiple mergers and really, really good at her job. so you want to say that something seems -- something seems unfair here. but on the other hand, you know, it would be less fair for a woman not to take the fall just because she was a woman, right? >> i guess. but your book, all this stuff, it's like the guys and where are the women, maybe we need more women on wall street in high ranking positions of power, i'm not saying that just to win points. the reality is that men seem to be prone to making these macho outsized bets, right? there's three initials that michael lewis detailed in his book that i will not say on the air. the whole culture of mine is bigger than yours. and i mean bets. >> there are two sides to that argument, right? if you want to say women are the better more controlled more reasonable ones, then you're also saying women think
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differently than men and then you're opening a whole hornet's nest. there are two sides to that argument. >> bethany mclean, thank you very much for weighing in. well, up next, mark zuckerberg loves his sweatshirts. he won't ditch his hood di. should he be suiting up? jane wells is set to tell us. >> and how the chaos at chesapeake energy could have a big impact on one of the hottest teams in basketball. that's right. the thunder and chesapeake energy, we'll tie those stories together coming up. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 we're hitting new highs. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 the spx is on my radar. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 and i'm on top of it all with charles schwab. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 tdd# 1-800-345-2550 i use streetsmart edge and its tools like... tdd# 1-800-345-2550 screener plus. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 i can custom build my own screens tdd# 1-800-345-2550 or use predefined ones to help me find tdd# 1-800-345-2550 possible trading opportunities quickly. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 i can also bounce my ideas off their trading specialists -
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siemens. answers. and do check out shares of groupon. that stock up 16.67%. the stock is soaring ahead of its earnings release after the bell. >> didn't realize it was cnbc italy. anyway, look at what's happening with facebook. some breaking news, kayla tausche is on the case. hey, kayla. >> hey, mandy. we reported on "street signs" on friday that mark zuckerberg would be ringing in the company's debut from the menlo park headquarters. we just confirmed facebook as a company will be ringing the nasdaq opening bell from its headquarters in menlo park.
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zuckerberg will stay at hq, the company will have a small executive presence in new york city. we're also told by sources that they'll have an event for employees to help celebrate the ipo as well. one that's said to be very unique to facebook's culture. we're all looking toward that friday debut for facebook on the nasdaq still unclear how they will celebrate at the nasdaq, but what we do know is that they will ring the opening bell similar to the way that zynga did it from their headquarters in menlo park. >> i wonder if you get an invite, kayla, for all this wonderful reporting. >> if you're a reporter, you just show up, right? >> why not. today it's so 1984. that is when mark zuckerberg was born. these were the top five tech companies 28 years ago. who would have imagined that facebook would now rival all of them. the social offering set to start trading on wall street friday. we just talked about this disrupting tick and wall street, zuckerbe zuckerberg's fashion sense inspiring a generation and rubbing others the wrong way. our jane wells joins us live from los angeles.
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you know, steve jobs was famous for his black turtle neck. wouldn't be seen anywhere without it. so why not zuck's hoody? >> i'm here in silicon valley in facebook's old backyard, and mark zuckerberg's sister $148 executive pinstripe hoody may be "opening bell worthy" made by brand in san francisco. they just sold out because zuckerberg showed up in his traditional work attire to sort of wow wall street maybe last week when he was in man tat han. now zuckerberg is not the first high profile person to go casual. he's not the first leader to wear a hoody. the hooded sweatshirt is bill belichick's favorite attire. when it comes to casual, as you mentioned, no tech work uniform was more iconic than steve jobs. he always wore the same thing, mock turtle neck and jeans. before jobs was afore billionai he did suit up. and right in the building behind me where facebook had old quarters is black diamond sporting goods where executives
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shop for, yes, hoodies. >> i think most people around here are tech folk. and i think all of them own at least one hoody. >> founders and start-ups, they are just, you know, walking around in their pjs half the time. >> you fly on an airplane, you'll see half the businessmen are wearing jeans. >> i myself don't look good in hoodies and i don't like them on myself. but, sure, if you've got a great idea and you totally support it, then, you know, let them know who you are. >> now, zuckerberg's hoody has taken on a life of its own. someone posing as a famous piece of clothing. i asked about the comparison to jobs' mock turtle neck, tweeted back to me that's a level of clothing unmatched. finally on twitter i've been asking for suggested birthday gifts for mark zuckerberg "a wardrobe consultant adds a ryan
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townsend" tact from backer justin and freedom has value "a good lawyer, the man who has everything gets sued by those who want a free lunch". >> i wonder in 20 years time still be wearing a hoody. how does that look like on 48-year-old guys getting around in a hoody. i find it interesting the company obviously that founded the whole executive hoody, the fact they put it out there on their think tank online feedback site where people could basically give their response to whether or not this prototype would fly. and the overwhelming response really kicked the whole thing off. i thought that was fascinating. >> yes. you know, what i found interesting is a lot of people on twitter were really down on zuckerberg wearing a hoody to wall street. thought it was disrespectful or immature. not here. that company beta brand in san francisco, they started a second run on these things because this is the last one. i have the last one. and they are selling like crazy. >> jane, do we know if he has just one hoody?
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or if he just has a closet full of the same? if that's the effort being made, you could argue he's trying harder than the guy in the suit. >> well, you know, but steve jobs had a closet full of the same thing. he didn't want to think about what he wore. he had a closet full of it. i have not been in mark zuckerberg's closet. if i do get there, you will be the first to know. i will be taking pictures. >> that is your next assignment, jane. thank you so much for that. all right. if this market is making you say, i need a drink, don't worry. we will deliver coming up. >> okay. well, the story about maker's mark and how this kentucky brand saved the dying bourbon business. and "the avengers" bringing in big bucks at the box office. we have a five-star fund manager with a way to make superprofits from super heroes. >> fantastic movie. saw it yesterday.
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okay. well, the markets are down but definitely off their lows. of course you've got a couple things in particular weighing on the markets this morning. the fear that greece could leave the eurozone. that could send yield in other periphery countries spiking higher. and of course china.
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did cut by 50 basis points as some people were expecting over the weekend. whether or not that will do anything in terms of freeing up some credit and whether or not that's a good thing is completely a different matter. anyway, we're off the lows. let's talk a few stocks right now. it keeps ongoing from bad to worse at chesapeake, right? >> it's unbelievable here. i guess on the upside reports carl icahn will note a stake in the company. company saying it's going to sell $9 billion to $11 billion in assets. it delayed its quarterly report on friday. brian shactman hit that after the market. stock got crushed. it's back up. this still, mandy, just a super tug of war. and later on we're going to talk to d ro about how chesapeake's financial troubles could spill over into the nba. >> yeah, the stock's down around a three-year low. next up, we're looking at >> yeah. nbc -- you may have heard of it, canceled the show called "who do you think you are" and they used technology. that stock down more than 13%.
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piper jaffry and goldman out defending saying buy the stock on weakness. you can look up the great history of the drury's in tasmania. >> i've done it. i think it's a fantastic site. bmc software spiking on news of what? a hedge fund acquisition? >> sort of a yahoo!-like situation with less visibility. eliot associates acquiring more than a 5% stake saying they're going to nominate a slate of five directors to the board, bmc software adopting a poison pill takeover defense. point is another takeover activist fight could get nasty. >> nasty can of worms. finally, beleaguered nokia now a $3 stock. who would have thought? >> socgen cutting from a sell to a hold. they basically said if handset sales nokia will burn through much of its available cash. when you talk about burning
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through available cash -- >> what's the end game? >> you either make more cash or there is an end game. and the end game is not a good one. soc gen out with that note. bertha coombs live at the nymex as the final oil trades roll in. >> the only thing up here today was a little bit of volatility as we continue to see funds really starting to take the short side now in oil. we are closing here at a new 2012 low. the final settlement not come in yet. we did come off of the lows of the session. couple traders saying watch 93, if we break 93, held it earlier this morning ahead of the opening. below 93 not a whole lot of support underneath there. meantime brent continues to hold up bouncing off the lows along with the rest of the market. holding onto $110 a barrel. and brent continues to be up although we did see funds last week cut their net long positions in brent by 77%. so that's something to watch
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overall. overall, a number of funds also cutting their net long positions in commodities. and today the to theson jeffrey crb hitting a 10-month low. >> we're starting off the week with a bit of a manic monday. our next guest says equities are still underowned and sees a buying opportunity. craig hodges, what are you telling people right now when they come to you and try to get you to make sense of what's going on in the market? >> well, before we go there, mandy, i heard your earlier segment about 48-year-olds and will they still look good wearing hoodies. i'm 48, and let me tell you something, i look really good in a hoody. no, but -- >> we're going to hold you to that. next time you come on, craig, you are going to wear your hoody. i'm sorry. >> this one detaches. we're telling people to take a longer term view. you know, here at the hodges funds we're investing mostly domestically. and domestically things are
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still pretty strong. you know, we are kind of stuck in a range and investor sentiment is still bad, we're still susceptible to all this headline risk out there. but fundamentally there are still good ideas. if you're looking longer term, opportunities are really outstanding in our view. >> all right. we argued at the beginning of the show, debated, discussed, argued, whatever you want to call it, about valuations and 13 times earnings do we care? because of all the other stuff, greece, all this other garbage going on around the world, china slowing down, can we make just a fundamental argument about valuations? or do those headlines pretty much trump the idea that 13 times earnings appears cheap? >> you know, historically 13 times earnings appear cheap. this news cycle in europe, i think we're almost at two years now. eventually this will wear down and people will start focusing on domestic issues and actually fundamentals again. stocks aren't trading on a
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fundamental basis at all. so, you know, greed will return at some point. i don't know if that's six months or a year, but you've had four years of domestic selling of equities, people buying now bonds and money markets and annuities and such. >> right. >> as soon as rates start going up and they see their statements and they're down 5% and 10% in their bonds and that sort of thing, you're going to see a rush back into equities, i believe. >> okay. you've got three stocks that you've come along here today saying that you like. but i just want to just point out to our viewers that last time you came on was in late march. and there were four stocks you gave us, two of them have gained since then. and two of them are down. one of them in particular, trn, down about 24%. so firstly, are you kind of sticking by those four names that you gave us still back in march? >> sure, yes. you know, most of these stocks, for example, trinity, the trn that's down, they're making rail car and inland barges.
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two dynamic growing businesses. they had a little bit of -- when they reported earnings, they said the quarter may be a little light, which in any quarter-to-quarter that can happen in any time. but the stock we still believe at this price trades at a very low multiple. and the growth rates going forward look pretty good. >> i'll go the other side. texas pacific land. i know you've liked this one before and it's up more than 30%. so you're still net positive over trinity if you were equal weighted. you still like it. a stock that's run this far, give us the bull case when you've had a heck of a run already. >> yeah. tpl is one of the most interesting stocks i've ever come across in my 25 years. tpl basically is a self-liquidating trust. they've got a little less than a million acres in west texas. and it was set up in 1888 by the bankruptcy of the texas pacific railroad. but what it is, they only have seven employees, and the only business they have is selling land and retiring stock. and this land is in like the
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perm ean basin area, if you know what's going on in the drilling especially this wolf camp area where a lot of their land is, what you have is a decreasing share base and you have an increasing land value over there. we've done a lot of work on this. and we think the land is worth -- we think the stock is at current price is worth, you know, $70 a share. as oil revenue continues, all they're going to do is continue to retire stock. so in five years this stock should be extremely valuable. >> okay. tpl. also atwood and sin mark holdings. craig, thank you very much for joining us. a quick programming note because disney's bob iger will be on "mad money" money tonight. and big investors driving change at widely held companies like yahoo!. but is their agenda profitable for the little guy as well? >> it's happy hour on "street signs." how maker's mark made their millions and some arts and
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crafts with their signature wax top. tyler mathisen getting dirty coming up. off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. today is gonna be an important day for us. you ready? we wanna be our brother's keeper. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities.
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welcome back to "street signs." brian shactman here at the markets desk looking at shares
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of pitney bowes. it's been a value play for dividend, but it's been a trap. stock down 23% year-to-date down again today touching a new low of 14.24. of course frantically trying to diversify away from mail services. so far not having a whole lot of success. let's see about what's going on in "closing bell," mr. griffith at the nyse. >> hello. thank you very much. coming up from here at the new york stock exchange, groupon is set to report earnings after the bell. that stock has been beaten down since the ipo. it's rallying today though. is it the deal of the day ahead of that report? we'll look at that. plus gold despite today's upturn is still negative for this year. and commodities king, jim rogers, thinks that has created a golden opportunity for buying the precious metal. we'll get his investment strategy coming up in a little while. and happy birthday to mark zuckerberg who turns 28 today. is his age a strength or a liability when it comes to
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facebook's future? we'll look at that as welcoming up. maria and i look forward to seeing you at the top of the hour on "closing bell." >> we look forward to seeing you, bill. thank you very much. now, if you were long this market, you might need a stiff drink after a day like today. here's a little check of some of the boozemakers. as you can see all trading lower on the day in particular constellation is off by just over 3%. and tonight on an all new "how i made my millions" the bourbon boom. >> how maker's mark earner is making his mark on kentucky's red hot whiskey industry. >> by the 1950s, bourbon drinkers outside of kentucky were few and far between. that's when bill's father, bill sr., got inspired. in 1953 he bought a bankrupt distillery and farm in lo reto for $35,000 and set out to make bourbon that people would actually want to drink over and over again. >> he wanted to create a bourbon that actually tasted good.
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>> he called it maker's mark after the signature made by fine pewter craftsman. his wife, designed the bottle, hand cut labels and fine cognac makers of the day came up with the distinctive hand dipped red wax top. but it was not an instant success. >> that's an understatement. dad's definition of making money was being able to meet the payroll. >> when was the first profit? >> it was about 20 years after we started. >> our own tyler mathisen, aka the guy that gets the best gigs in cnbc, joining us now. >> i have to sacrifice. >> you sacrifice for the people. >> we have brought the folks from the distillery makers have brought some signature red wax. they just won a trademark suit on this today. it was a challenge. and they beat another -- another company wanted to dip some wax. no, no, no we're not going to let that happen. let me show you. you pick it on the side, folks. this wax is 300 degrees hot. >> hence the gloves. >> hence the gloves.
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you take that, you troll left, you troll right. and then with a firm bang to create the tend riels that come down. we ought to have signatures on these and auction them to a favorite charity. >> i'm going to put you on the spot. how many do they do a day of this? it's kind of like mandy, fondu night. >> i did probably 30 of tem and they were coming at me like -- >> you did 30 cases? >> i did 30 bottles. so some of my children from the maker's mark distillery are in bars and in homes around the world right now. you really get into it. i got to say, it was kind of fun. some of the nice ladies down there at maker's mark did it. >> is this like willy wonka? does that give us a trip to the distillery? >> that's a great idea. >> detroy themselves by eating or drinking too much. >> of course maker's mark sold
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around the world. the trademark red bottle -- look at that. >> look at that. >> that stuff is hot? >> can you feel it through the gloves? >> right. it's burning me right now, ladies and gentlemen. i think i'm going to have to take a drink after this. you don't want to do that. maker's mark, tonight. >> thank you. thank you. >> thank you. >> and be sure to catch tonight's all new "how i made my millions" at 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnbc. well, "vanity fair" michael wolf joins us next. he's on fire over yahoo! dan loeb and the other michael wolf joining the board. and the oklahoma city thunder on a hot streak. they could be in trouble because chesapeake energy in financial fallout of the team. >> he's one of the owners, correct? >> he might need one of those. >> he's going to need one of those. >> back after this.
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well, tomsohn is out of yahoo!. ross levi nsohn is in. brian sullivan, the other brian
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sullivan, chairman and kre o, michael, brian, thank you very much for joining us. michael, you say this is a total calamity, but what would you have done differently? >> i would have sold the company a long time ago. i don't see any future here whatsoever. you have a broken company. you have a company now without a ceo. you have a company being run by an activist investor who likes nothing about this business. he's putting people on the board who know even less. this is a terminal situation. >> brian -- i'm so used to calling everybody anything but my own name, but, brian, do you view in as terminal, ugly, obviously disastrous? >> there is no doubt with the way the search firm interacted with the ceo. it is a fiasco. i don't know if it can be confirmed through the operating basis or not. but board has got to get tlir arms around getting a search
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firm if they are going to go that route that has access and did get the right person in place and get this ship righted again. >> clearly, a different search firm from the one they used owe rid originally to get this guy. how much do you think is caused by recruitment in the industry? >> mandy, this hired three years ago when they hired them to put carroll barts in, that's fine. they placed two people on the board, okay. then carroll barts is a failure. they go back to the same search firm, who by the way, is one of the largest in the industry, which people think is a safe haven. it is just the opposite. they have so many clients and so many contacts that they can't steal from their clients and they won't steal from their friends. so as a result, you have a slither of the pie that's tiny from which they can draw. that is all started off with the scott thompson placement because he was a client at ebay pen pal.
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they couldn't approach him directly so it was wink-wink nod-nod stuff and his background isn't vetted. this is a disave the. >> going back to yahoo! proper is what is incredible, taking away tim coogle, that road the way up, the last time stock was up 200% in his reign and he was forced out. >> listen, let's look at this. this company is as troubled as you can get. it is troubled because they don't know what business they're in. so it is not just that they hire people who don't know how to do the business they are in, they don't know what the business is and this continues on. i mean, let's look at the situation. they now have an activist investor who is running the show. let's put everything else aside. he is as tough as they get. he forced out ceo. he is in charge. but he knows nothing. he even knows less than anyone
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else. and he is putting people on the board who, i mean, one of the people he put on the board, i'm in the unfortunate position of sharing the same name with this guy. so i know all about him because we get each other's mail and get each other's phone calls. and he is, what people are always saying, oh, you said such and such. i said, wait a minute, i didn't say that. that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard. and it is this guy, who i would submit, used to be the stupidest person in the old media business, now he is the stupidest person in the new media business. >> we had ceo of francesca's, not a huge company but it is public. and ceo is fired. he tweeted out two months ago actually, it was just caught, g, just had board meeting. good numbers equals happy board. he was fired for that. your taken a when you vet a ceo, are you going to go through all
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the tweets, facebook, friendster, whatever they have done in the course of their lives to make sure this stuff doesn't haunt them? >> absolutely. and third part oy independent referencing to make sure this guy isn't anthony weiner and making sure he isn't sending pictures of himself all around the internet. this is serious and boards have to turn it up a notch because you've got people's lives, people's careers and shareholders like the companies in the firemen and teachers have invested in these stocks. come on, let's cut it out. these boards are not clubs any more. >> there is another point here. which is that is not the fault of the search firm. it is not the fault necessarily of even the people taking the jobs. it is the fault of bad companies. and bad companies have a singular problem. good people don't want to work for them. >> well, that could be. however, i can guarantee you that it wouldn't be difficult to get top caliber people's interest in yahoo!. now, how much support the board has -- >> there is nobody in their
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right mind who would go to work for yahoo! at this point. >> i disagree. >> is that best job out there? because there is no expectation of success. >> but there is almost a certainty of a fail tour. >> it is a heck of a brand and heck of an operating. so we could fill that ceo real quick. >> who at this stage. >> that's a good question. i think it'll have to be broken up. i think the pieces will good where they will good. i think there is probably no single buyer for this whole company. >> michael, thank you so much for joining us. brian sullivan as well. thank you for joining guys. >> see you tomorrow. "closing bell" coming up right now. now. [ shapiro ] at legalzoom, you can take care of virtually all your important legal matters in just minutes.
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