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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  May 17, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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closes at 50. >> keith? >> i'll go with the number 7 horse, 47. >> joseph? >> 55.94. >> all right. we'll see who is right. i'm melissa lee. special edition of jim cramer and welcome to my world. >> you need to get in the game! >> he's going to go out of business and they're nuts, they're nuts! they know nothing! >> i always like to say there's a bull market somewhere. >> "mad money," you condition afford to miss it. >> hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." other people want to make friends. just trying to save you a little money. i'm trying to educate and teach you how all this works. so call me at 1-800-743-cnbc. maybe i'm too skeptical, maybe i'm a creature of history but when it comes to facebook, i'd rather be a seller than i buyer,
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once this deal, which is priced tonight at $38 at the top of the range starts trading. if a broker comes to you between now and tomorrow and says psst, i can get you 50 shares at the offering price of $38, i want you to take that, take that. but so much of what's going on with this deal with the stock market in general, the dow plunging 150 points today make me feel queasy about the prospects of making money in facebook by doing anything other than flipping it, selling that stock right into the after market and certainly not buying it despite its growth. if it's possible, i want to step away from facebook for a moment and look at the panoply of the market stretched in front of us because sometimes the canvas does matter. we are right now after one more day of hideous losses after what i regard as my own proprietary
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measure, a full krom moment where the stock market could roar or plummet. the stakes now are the highest they've been all year, right now. at the same time we have this facebook frenzy, which isn't good because i hate frenzies, we have a total breakdown in europe, that i always feared could have. ref our defcon system? as long as europe remained in flux i said we have to stay at defcon 2. i kept us there despite the subsequent rally because i want to believe the countries of europe will grow up, the traffic in you'reos must be solved. the more dithering they do, the worse things get over there. things have gotten worse. my biggest tear was that people in greece, spain and italy would rip the money from their own banks because they fear getting booted from the euro. say you're a citizen of greece and you get kicked out of the
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euro area and have to create your own currency. one day you have $10, the next day you have $5. you pull all your euros out of the bank while they're worth $10 before spain comes up with its own worthless euro so if greece goes down, you're prepared for spain to go down, too. it's no different in italy either. you don't want that new currency if that happens. runs on the bank is one of the most dangerous things in the universe. lack of confidence is one of the mow dangerous things, you don't know what happens once it's started. we had the much hated but most successful tarp program that saved our system, they have no tarp strategy and they have a weak central bank compared to
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our strong one. they fiddle while rome, madrid and athens burns. we saved our system. since the europeans have done nothing to shore up the weaker countries like a tarp, the people who live in those countries are fearful of loses every they saved that's in the bank. who can blame them. what's the problem. they're acting rationally if they pull their money out, which is so daunting about this whole exercise. usually it's irrational to pull the money out like fdic assets in the bank. you're pror tekd. not unless you're reassured money -- today is saul about the clamor in europe, banking panic. again, we got a huge data point. we had the most important data point we could get, which is ai mazing report from walmart. a third of the country shops
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there. they were robust. so why isn't just a dreadful moment to sell, sell, sell? if we get a coordinated solid plan of action, a rational thing, the dow will rally here, probably in a heart beat. if we don't, the dow will give up the last of its gains for the year and then some. some stocks more vulnerable than others, a thought up, a thousand down. walking around with tons of stock i don't think is right here. it's not prudent. again, this is a moment to be diversified, have cash to be opportunistic if the sea saw comes down. that's what i've been doing all week. here's the hardest part. after the push down that i expect if ufrp drops the ball,
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we should get a terrific bounce because it's not ours, right? we went through this in 2008. it lab combination of recession-resistant stocks and stocks that offer what can only be called domestic security. remember that term. think domestic security. and you know what i mean. the all american ones i've been stressing, utilities, telecon providers, health care stock. if they're going to hit just everything. they're dpog hit everything, including the banks and industrials but i think they'll bounce back and bounce back hard. you got to be ready to buy them before the smoke clears. they have domestic security. can't remember that, it like the preamble to the constitution. these stocks can provide for the common defense and promote the general welfare. you have to understand, though, and take a different risk with this philosophy. there's a risk to my strategy. you have to respect the fact that you won't make as much money as the people who are
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buying tons of industrials and financials and tech stocks on the way down betting that europe will do the right thing. hey, these buyers aren't crazy. they saw the signs that gold is going to go up, a sign they might print a billion or two. they saw the euro didn't go down today. it seemed to be a signal that something's in the works to save the eurozone as it's currently configured. these are happy people, they expect the best from the germans. that's nice. i guess it makes me a skeptic. which brings me back to facebook. put aside the rich valuation of the deal, put aside where it gets bid up tomorrow at the opening and i suspect it will be a hot, hot deal, forget they're brilliant people that can figure it out better than we can,
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ignore it's the subject of an after market frenzy, choose to overlook that i brought a dot-com company public 13 years ago that was priced at 19, opened at 62, traded up to 67 mid-morning and then proceeded to go down $66 to a buck and small change. yes, deep six all that story, cautionary knowledge that gets in the way of the dazzle or excuse it because facebook's profitable, my company sure wasn't, fb has 900 million users. remember this, facebook is a stock that doesn't fit in well with the domestic security scenario i just outlined. it need as robust advertising market worldwide to do well. it means millions of ad time when gm dramatically cut back its ad time because it didn't feel it was working. it has no dividend protection. it will have a host of share hold eshs who will be up huge at
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the opening, many of whom are aware of the perils that i've mentioned. those shareholders, they are your enemy if you buy this stock. they are dangerous opponents. they got nothing to lose from selling and everything to gain. they'll take those gains at your expense if you're a buyer once the stock opens, especially if you place a moronic market order, i'm speaking people who it h stocks on the deal. here's the bottom line. we're at a full krom moment where we could gain or lose a thousand points depending on what happens here today and in you're. if everything goes right there, i still don't think you'll make money biography facebouying fac. if everything goes wrong, i can't think of a worse stock to
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buy. skip in florida. >> caller: thanks for taking my call. >> great to have you. >> caller: as an investor i just turned 60. about two third of my portfolio are in bonds and preferred stocks. with the situation in europe, should i be concerned about my position in deutsche bank? >> i think deutsche bank is a very well institution. i don't want any european exposure at all. how about this, deutsche bank is my least worry of all the bank stocks in worry. that's the own guarantee can i give you. maybe you don't think that's much but that's how i feel. this is a full-krom moment on the seesaw of finance. facebook, if europe goes bad, i don't like it. "mad money" will be right back. coming up, social anxiety? while the world waits for the
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first share of facebook to trade, cramer's logging on to see how a company that changed the way businesses communicate is faring. get your earnings edge next. and later, making dough? whether it's fried, fruity or covered in cream, the returns from these food franchises have been sweet, but in cramer's world, only one can truly rise to the top. tonight an all-out slug fest ensues to crown one company king of the confectioneries. all coming up on "mad money." miss out on "mad money"? text mm to 26221 to get cramer right on your phone. for more info visit madmoney
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when we think of file computing, we think of sal
6:15 pm we've been through the facebook mill today but i got to tell you i think sales is the equivalent of facebook for the enterprise. some people say facebook on steroids for the enterprise. it the way people stay in touch with each other to generate superior returns for their companies, one that's done it time and time again. it's got the best growth of any tech company i follow but it richly valued because it has that consistent gross. when reports, it trades wildly up or down. the quarterly reports for this company are extremely important. everysongle word is parsed, everything statement pored over, every piece of data is analyzed. the last time the company reported, it delivered terrific growth and the stock soared and rallied up.
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can it keep up that pace? let's ask the chairman, ceo, co-fonder of about the better than expected quarter his company just reported, that's better on every single key metric and get color that can help us make the best possible decision of what to do with this most rapidly growing tech stocky follow. welcome back to "mad money." >> good to be here. thanks for having me, jim. >> you've now given us everything. what happened? why are you giving every single point, including the ones the bears said you couldn't come up with? >> what's exciting, jim, is look at the numbers for the quarter, $645 million in revenue, up 38% year over year. it's pretty awesome and over $200 million in cash flow. book bit off and off the balance sheet is now more than $4 billion for the quarter, up over 400 million since the last time i was on the show. it's been an unbelievably great
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quarter for we're opening the kimono more than ever so the fundamentals can be see how great it really is. >> i'm a businessman first, not a hedge fund manager. i like to gauge companies by their operating cash flow because that shows me whether they're really making money or not. i want to drill down. you had $213 million operating cash flow, up 53% year over year. doesn't you regard as i do that that's really what you're doing? >> cash flow is outstanding, jim. that's the result of just incredible revenue growth. now, you're right, there's no better predictor in future profitability in the success of any business than its cash flow, it one of the things we focus on on you've seen us consistently deliver increases in that cash flow quarter over quarter. we've been on the show now for so many years and no you're
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seeing this huge cash flow number. it's really awesome. >> a lot of people are worried about europe. there's no way could you do these numbers unless europe was better than expected. >> we had a great quarter in europe and a couple of large deals that we did in the quarter including the royal post office in the uk and vodaphone were european deals. we had a great quarter in japan with a lot of large transactions. we had a great quarter in the united states. it was all of our markets performing well to deliver this first quarter. >> people still don't understand what you do. i'm going to ask you on voed phone, what did you sell me and why am i happy? >> for our customers today, they have to delight their customers in a whole new way. you talked about facebook. facebook has changed everything. it's changed how we use software, but it also changes where our customers are. what lets you do
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is market to your customer in the most modern way. that's why hundreds of thousands of companies are use our user interface is patterned after facebook. it's that social user nt fact, that focus on mobility and we deliver it all in the cloud, there's no hardware or software to buy. social, mobile and cloud. this is the modern era of computing. if you're not organized around those three axes, you're not experiencing the growth we are. that's why you see tepid growth from oracle. customers aren't buying as they are on >> oracle's got a user installed base, sap, we've had them on a number of times, they offer a lot of products and often are in
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conjunction with you. so you're not the enemy of these companies but you provoke them and they do have consistent growth. >> so many of our customers use products from oracle and sap. the raeality is we do a great jb of working with those companies. you look at a great customer we have that you've talked bonior show, kimberly clark, which has rebuilt their customer management systems as well as how they've built a social enterprise at kimberly clark and they've done that owl with we've become the front office and oracle and sap have become the back office. that's how can you look at this total story. >> why is it better to be the front office? >> well, it better to be the front office because there's much, much more growth. crm remains the number one technology that companies want to buy this year according to gardner. the reason why is where your customers are have changed. we're going to let you find those customers and close deals
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with those customers, service those customers and market to those customers much more aggressively than any other vendor. >> obviously we had the facebook tonight $38. i can't ask you to owe pon but facebook is part of a general revolution you have talked to me about ult many times. is there a price you wouldn't pay for the revolution? >> i love facebook and facebook is a big customer of sal you know we run their front office and we've pat rnd our technology off facebook. there's a couple of key areas you have to think about when you think about facebook. first of all, you've never had an application like this, a billion users using an application and half of them logging in every day, unprecedented, incredible. that's number one. number two, you've never seen this kind of fundamental growth in a company. i mean, this company really has command and control of the most important market today in
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computing which is social computing for the consumer. that's number to. number three, you've got a great ceo with mark zuckerberg who has developed himself and shown the market he can lead and execute. those are three great things coming to the and it's why facebook will be the largest ipo we've ever seen. >> i didn't want to bore our viewers but everyone's beat. and imyou're someone will quibble over deferred revenue because it wasn't exactly -- >> you can't ask for more, 38% revenue growth for the third quarter. what every enterprise software company wants but only is delivering. >> i don't have any other 35% growers than you. thank you marc benoff.
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>> this squaur shows salesforce has real growth, unlike almost any company i follow. >> coming up, making dough? whether it's fried, fruity or covered in cream, the returns have been truly sweet. but only one can rise to the top. and later -- >> what the heck? >> despite a pending patent cliff, shares of this pharmaceutical giant seem healthy. is this the work of a market placebo or medical miracle? cramer is breaking down the miracle behind this company's market resilience. all this coming up on "mad money."
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high schools in six states enrolled in the national math and science initiative...
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...which helped students and teachers get better results in ap courses. together, they raised ap test scores 138%. just imagine our potential... ...if the other states joined them. let's raise our scores. let's invest in our teachers and inspire our students. let's solve this. even in a rock ey environme like this one, there are still areas that work, groups that are worth owning. you need to understand this is indeed a two-face market. the same across the board commodity collapse and industrials, it's a huge boone for commodity consumers and companies that thrive on lower
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gasoline price, especially if they have domestic security, meaning no europe. so while you can't go near most of the oil or coals or other retail stocks, the other side of the coin, american retailers and restaurant, the locals so to spe speak, they can be terrific buys right here on weakness. but which ones? here at "mad money," we never play a whole sector when we can isolate the best of breed stocks, the trick is to separate the proverbial weak from the rest. let's take the donut stock so we can learn how to do this. because everybody knows donuts. here in north america we have two thriving donut chains, the canadian based tim horton and the new england based dunkin donuts. everything from the box to the
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filling and declining gasoline prices will give each of them a nice boost to traffic. they're both regional players expanding across the couldn't net. class inc. growth stories max people boat loads money in the past if you get in early and it is still early. how do we tell which one to buy? who is winning the donut wars? both concepts are very similar. both dunkin and tim make the majority of their money selling people caffeinated drinks, mostly in the morning. i got to tell you, i don't have one after 6:00 because you see what happens? tim horton is the king of canada. out of every ten cups of coffee drunk outside the home in canada, eight of them come from tim horton's. they have 80% market share. where the's canadian anti-trust department when we need them? dunkin is the number two
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purveyor behind starbucks and the number one on hot coffee. and they own baskin robbins, which is the country's best seller of hard ice cream. do we go based on whose store we like better, who has the best coffee, who has the tastiest donuts? wrong! i like to express the importance of this qualitative thinking. to answer homer simpson's timeless philosophical question, donuts, is there anything they can't do? sadly, yes. they can't help you decide between dunkin and tim. you're not investing in the donuts, you're investing in the companies, tim duncan. can you imagine? different show. when it comes to these two companies, we really care about two things, the ability to grow and what do we always talk about because this is where management comes in, the ability to
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execute. i think dunkin wins on both counts. first let's talk growth potential. you may think because tim horton is smaller with about 4,000 locations, only about 700 in the u.s., they would have more room to expand, but that would be a mistake. even though dunkin has more locations, it nevertheless does indeed have the longer runway for growth. that would have been hot coffee all over the floor. management plans to triple its domestic store count by 2020. how is that possible? you think the ceos maybe have been drinking irish coffee? i like mine with jamison's in case you want to buy me one. as am bshs as that might sound, it not as crazy as you might think. dunkin is still mostly a regional chain. take a look at this map of their lowe cases across the country. it tells you everything you need
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to know about this story. dunkin has only barely made it across the mississippi river. they're a national brand that's only in 35 states and the only region that fully is penetrated it new england. in the red areas there's one dunkin for every 9,500 or so people. in the orange ones, there's 1 for every 24,000 people. how about the border regions? 1 duncan per every 97,000 people. the lines must be really long. mean they go could built ten times as many stores before hitting new england levels of saturation. in fact, unbelievable, they just opened their first store in california two weeks ago at a military base! this is -- look at this virgin territory here! just now do you know that this area right here is one fifth of america and they're not even there yet!
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dunkin has a proven concept east of mississippi. there's still tons of room to put up new stores. it this westward expansion that could lead to many years of growth. go west young donut shop. dunkin is also expanding internationalally but that's just icing on the donut. the company plans to double stores in the middle east to 1,500 while filling up eastern europe with new restaurants. du dunkin, hold off on that europe for a moment, please. the trouble with tim is management sees them maxing out at 4,000. plus the canadian consumer is in weaker shape than her u.s. counterpart. did you see the sears canada stores doing much worse than sears america stores? tim horton's does plan to expand aggressively in the u.s. but the company needs toop to build out
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the brand here whereas dunkin is well known, even in places where it has no stores. dunkin is expanding at a faster pace in the u.s. than tim horton is. while i like tim, most don't nn know his last name but everyone knows america runs on dunkin. so dunkin wins on growth. it also wins on, kugs. compare the latest quarters from both companies. dunkin delivered terrific numbers certainly it's done consistently since going public last year along with higher than expected revenues and they raised their full-year guidance. dunkin sees its domestic same-store sales chucking along, excellent quarter. plus dunkin has given you pro probable secondaries. let's hope facebook does something like that, huh? these have been great buying opportunities.
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with the stock up 23% from the former, up 6% from the latter. how about tim horton's? the wednesday the company reported a 3 cent earnings miss off a 66 percent canadian rate basis. the company is being hurt by higher franchise and commodity costs. the slowing traffic in canada, i'm regarding that as a problem. tim horton's is a mature canadian business hoping to expand in the u.s. what about price? maybe that will help us determine things. dunkin sells for 22 times earnings, tim horton's 17 times earnings. dunkins has a higher growth rate. it's cheaper on growth and has a higher yield. here's the bottom line. it's a terrible environment for a lot of stocks but it is a good environment for restaurants. we only want the best, though,
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and dunkin brand wins the donut war hand down. i love the fact that donuts aren't staples in spain, italy or greece. you can't beat that or an extra large with a little bit of skim like i get every weekend at my own dunkin donuts in summit where not only am i regular but they know my drink and they have it poured by the time i get to the front of the line. robert in pennsylvania, robert! >> booyah skeedaddy. i have a question about rondy's. they plummeted after earnings. >> they put a a note saying don't fret roundy's.
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it rose puerto rico 1070 where we recommended it. it's a jpmorgan note. they're very happy with it, i'm going to go with what jpmorgan says. they're following it very closely. i think we're fine in roundy's. a lot of people asked me, that's why i know about it. mark in new jersey. >> caller: hey, jim, a big little silver booyah for you. >> what part of jersey booyah? >> caller: little silver right there. >> yeah, okay, i know that. i was thinking jersey turnpike. i forgot the garden state. what's up? >> caller: my question to is carlisle group. it ipo'd earlier this month and it wasn't a big hit. i have friends who work at booze allen, dunkin donuts was my first real on the clock job. what's the play here? can you hedge yourself or take some of these companies or just go straight with carlisle? >> i don't want you in carlisle
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at all. who the heck know what is they own. i got enough problems owning dunkin donuts. hey, life eaves tough enough. let's just face the facts! why don't you wake up and smell the coffee. america does well on dunkin, east coast at least. you want to think it's time to make the donuts, please make dunkin donuts, not tim horton's. tim? dunkin? take dunkin. stay with cramer. >> coming up, ride the lightning. stocks will ride as cramer goes stock after stock. all your calls taken rapid fire on the lightning round. and later -- >> what the heck? >> despite a pending patent cliff, shares of this pharmaceutical giant seem healthy. but is this the work of a market placebo or a medical miracle? cramer's breaking down the chemistry behind this company's market resilience.
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all coming you on "mad money."
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it is time for the lightning round!
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>> i play this sound and then the lightning round is over. are you ready? let's start with nick in arizona. nick. >> caller: hey, how's it going mr. cramer? >> real good. >> caller: what are your opinions on osh kosh? >> governments all over the country are cutting back. sell, sell, sell. buying equipment. i don't want it on a stock. susan in california. >> caller: jim, thank you for giving me the tools and confidence to manage my money. >> i want to teach you, not have me do it. what's up? >> caller: i recently inherited a stock and i found o ut there's been a major fight for major control. do i jump or or stay on the track with canadian pacific? >> i don't like the rail. they ship various things with
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oil and oil is going lower, as it coal. sell, sell, sell. >> robert in arizona. >> caller: booyah, jim. >> what's up. >> caller: i've been investing in intuit. >> it's a great franchise. i don't like to buy the stock after tax season. i feel like there's no catalyst. i'm going to say away. kucurtis in texas. >> caller: booyah to you. >> what's up? >> caller: not much. ww granger. >> here's the issue. a stock that's viewed as 150, $180 stock, it's viewed as a place to raise capital and decline. the fundamentals are good but the fact the stock is aing about
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dollar amount does make it for sale. kevin in new york. >> caller: how you doing? >> real good. >> caller: walter energy, funny sector, perennial takeover target, what's the story? >> i don't want to call it a falling out. why is it going lower? frankly because no one wants coal and coal is in the decline. i can't recommend a stock where the fundamentals are in decline. oh, no, that's it! ladies and gentlemen, that is the conclusion of the lightning round! the lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade. you'd spot movement, gather intelligence with minimal collateral damage. but rather than neutralizing enemies in their sleep, you'd be targeting stocks to trade. well, that's what trade architect's heat maps do. they make you a trading assassin. trade architect.
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let's solve this. in the midst of the facebook frenzy and the european madness, it seems to drive us lower day after day. i think it's time for a little sanity check. because in an environment that's this insane, you need to pick some stocks like a crazy person in order to win. case in point, eli lilly. this old fashioned big phrma
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company is about to fall off the big patent cliff. zyprexa sales are down and sim balt a goes off patent next year pnd there are more patents that will blow a huge ol' in eli lilly's bottom line. this used to terrify investors. the s&p 500 is down 6% and right now it's just a little more off a point. a little more than a point off its 52-week high. so what the heck is going on here? why is lili pulling ahead when it should be falling behind given the patent cliff, right? has the market totally lost its mind? no. we looked into this. in fact, i'd say lilly's holding
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up this well because it's a rare sign of sanity in an otherwise psychotic market that could probably benefit from a zyprexa/cymbalt an cocktail. it has a secure dividend that yeeds 4.8%, a strong pipeline of new drugs in development and a healthy balance sheet. it lacks exposure to the trouble in europe, the pain in spain falls mainly on companies other than eli lilly. it's not all that vulnerable because people don't cut back on medicine during a recession, especially in socialist european countries. sure there could be some cutbacks. maybe that's why lilly doesn't trade even higher. this is a drug stock which means it's about as recession resist ant as it gets. the know orriously big yield gives you income and protections you from eroding short sellers.
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when you're short a stock you're responsible for paying the dividend to whoever they borrowed the shares from. you have to pay them. eli lilly should be working in this environment. there's nothing nuts about it. it may not be finished going higher. it may be a go-to name i talk about when the fulcrum happens and europe goes the wrong way. why am i confident about this? there are two big catalysts coming next month, the american society of clinical oncology meeting on june 5th where we could hear more about the company's huge pipeline. more importantly, the nan you'll meeting of the american diabetes association coming up june 11th where the company plans to release information about diabetes drugs it's developing. 79 million have diabetes, millions more expected to develop diabetes thanks to the
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obesity epidemic. lilly might have an answer for it. i think it's kwort getting ahead of the stock before the conferences. it expected to kout out with important phase three trial results, including an important new alzheimer's treatment. the time frame might even be two years but i think this is one of those cases where it doesn't pay to be overly skeptical. revenues may be declining thanks to the loss of zyprexa but when they reported, they raised their full-year profits. a really well financially managed company. the rest of its portfolio is doing pretty darn well. the kaeps non-zyprexa portfolio
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grew 10%. lilly is paying it away with that juicy 4.8% yield. why the heck is eli lilly rallying when the rest of the market gets hammered? it's a safes are resistant company you want to own in a tough environment, especially with that bountiful dividend. slow and steady safe companies like eli lilly will indeed win the race. "mad money" is back after the break. break. [ female announcer ] e-trade was founded on the simple belief that bringing you better technology helps make you a better investor. with our revolutionary new e-trade 360 dashboard
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retail's in my blood. ever since the times my father took me to see his customers with boxes, bags and gift wrap when i was a little boy, have i been enthralled by retailing. but believe me, i know how hard it is. my mom worked the lits, my dad at gimball's. almost every single customer has folded. retail is tough. it's about as hard to discern what's happening in retail now that i recall. for the last few years the dollar stores figured out how to take shares from the big stores and today walmart blows it away. i believe walmart has figured out an every day loaf prices scheme with the right
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merchandise. judging by this run in the stock, we have a first class break in retail market. it seems to be fueled by short sellers who are hoping that the investigation into walmart's mexican practices will lead to indictments. this quarter is the best can i recall from walmart in many, many years and that matters. but the worst quarter can i recall, that's from jcpenney, down 19% comparable store numbers, about as hideous as it gets. it tells me that jcpenney is inning about trouble, target, macy's, gap, maybe sears might be beneficiaries. we have no tangible seens the turn is working or that the ceo knows that it isn't. but what about sears in a few months ago it was on life support. this quarter, however, dispels the notion of liquidity
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problems. while the company doesn't have positive comp stores, it making money and it's seen improvements in some key shocking categories, including apparel. could that be the jcpenney effect? possibly. i believe they will cover their shorts and the stock can be squeezed higher than the buck and a half it rallied today. three retail exthree balls of confusion. suffice it to sassy as jcpenney goes to a tail spin, another comes out of one, sears and boy have we ever seen a turn in walmart. stay with cramer. optionsxpress, where you can trade your favorite products
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the top academic performers surprised some people. so did the country that came in 17th place. let's raise the bar and elevate our academic standards. let's do what's best for our students-by investing in our teachers. let's solve this.
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just seconds away on "the kudlow report," investors are worried. no tax extension deal in washington, europe falling apart, the dow and ten-year treasury rate plunging. and house speaker john boehner and republican nominee mitt romney has president obama boxed into a corner at the edge of the fiscal cliff. plus there they go again. senate democrats are on a ridiculous witch hunt to chase down americans living


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