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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  June 19, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> final trade. >> melly time. >> due pont. >> kol fax. >> cabella's. >> back i always like to say there's a bull market somewhere. i'm jim cramer and welcome to my world. you need to get in the game. they're going to go out of business and they're nuts. they're nuts! they know nothing! i always like to say there's a bull market somewhere. "mad money" -- you can't afford to miss it. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." welcome to camerica. other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to save you come money. my job is not just to entertain you but educate you so call me 1-800-743-cnbc. today we got a glimpse of what could happen if the european mess ever get solved. with the dow climbing 97, the nasdaq climbing 1.19%, we saw how the market could easily
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rally to all-time highs on even a whiff of worldwide growth. >> all aboard! >> everybody who focuses on business news spends a tremendous amount of time fretting about what could go wrong. >> boo! >> they can easily see big banks in spain come crumbling down, spanish interest rates go too high for the government to help itself out without germany. any day now, italy might not be able to pay for its bills. we get that a greek coalition might be feckless and the country will just run out of money again. we know things are hanging by a thread and that the euro almowe down the tubes this very different. but today was different. today was different. today the market sensed a turn. it may be premature, but i'm just telling you this. it sensed the euro is going to be intact for some time as evidenced by the euro versus the dollar. why the optimism? because now that the greeks have voted for pain, they're going to be rewarded with easier credit
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terms that can help the bedraggled country grow its economy. that's a huge change. it says to these struggling countries, look, if you do what's right for the european union, the union will do right for you. this got people thinking the jack boot of austerity will be listened and maybe angela merkel, the german chancellor is just tired of fighting tooth and nail against growth that she thinks is going to cause inflation. and growth, i don't talk about it enough, but growth is a magic elixir. spanish bond yields fell dramatically last night. with a hint of growth, a bailout of spanish banks seems far more practical. we've seen housing inflation come crashing down. giving the chinese central bank much needed breathing room to
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cut interest rates and there's still a lot left to cut. of course, there's still hope the federal reserve tomorrow recognizing the that employment is still far too weak might have something up its sleeve -- don't have those cards today -- to improve the economy. is this all pie in the sky? maybe a better way to look at it is europe might not be so awful. and it can still pull out of its tail spin before a fiery conflagration ensuing. hey look, employment in europe, it is horrendous. except, of course, in germany where it's almost at all-time highs. but if you eliminate the all-time might, you get a seps of a comeback. something that seemed down right inconceivable a couple of days ago. that's the real issue. we can't be in an armageddon-on,
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armageddon-off atmosphere. we will never get a sustainable rally in this environment where one day is armageddon and the next day isn't. we'll see what happens when you do believe. you'll see what happens with hope. or you'll see what happens when you're smoking the opium. just today we did get a host of positives. first, fedex did report an okay number. not great last night. this morning. talk about punk volumes. it cut its forecast. that's the kiss of death, right? whenever we hear a cut forecast, don't we get train wreck, you know? >> sell, sell, sell. >> house of pain. >> on a day when spain was splipterring, that would have just the start. take cmi, the best of breed engine maker. a major firm spoke negatively about the company's weak worldwide growth. two weeks ago, that stock would have been down 5% to 7% on that
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same exact report by the brokerage house. but today comes 2.4% higher. hopium. third, oil is going down, taking the entire complex with it. but when you get a weaker dollar, that sends the price of oil up. when you have restoration of global economic growth, including the possibility of china using more energy, you get what actually looks like to be a bottom in the price of crude oil. that causes everything from the independent natural gas companies to the master limited partnerships, they've been stinking up the joint to major oil and gas companies to spike! i'm putting that rally right at the feet of the apparent save of the euro which then got stronger versus the dollar. fourth, when a day of greek banks, two of europe's largest financial institutions, we dismiss these as one-off items.
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in fact, oracle's view that things are better than we think, it caused s. a a.p. to go highe. in other words, we believed in oracle. the skepticism for a day dissolved. because of the growth hope and the jackal being removed from the jugular of europe. honeywell, which has a dominant aerospace business talked about slowing in europe. that little mention called two big dow stocks to be knocked off their trajectories. but today, honeywell seems like old news. we all note the auto market is on fire. but you call in on the lightning round, i always have to say the same thing, stay away. the auto makers have tremendous european operations, and that's what's kept iron lids on both foreign and general motors. those lids popped off today. hope that europe favors growth. finally, we know our financials
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can't rally if europe's banks are rolling over. we all think the banking systems are just too interrelated on the bad days, that is. today we saw the good side. i know i feel strongly the relations are way too overstated. my trust has been buying a ton of jpmorgan thinking while jamie dimon lost control of europe, that's going to be a one-time event. he made it clear in his senate testimony and house testimony today, last year's losers can become today's winners. the material stocks like coppers and coals ralied on the whiffs of chinese rate cuts, not europe's issues. and i am not for a moment saying that the current fundamentals justify this leg of the rally. obviously the fedex business wouldn't be so easily overlooked if it weren't for hope. and we might look a little manier askance at oracle's numbers.
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the continued rally in the rail seems down right fanciful given the dramatic use of coal in this company. in fact, without more concrete evidence that europe will do the right thing, we have to believe that stock prices have already overrun where they deserve to go based on any near-term corporate prospects. but the cold hard facts dissolve in the face of a future that looks better. here's the bottom line. you get europe back on any growth plan whatsoever, you'll see a major rally that takes us higher than anyone believes. europe has picked austerity over growth time and time again, thanks to the germans. nevertheless, as demonstrated by today's wildly positive action, it's not too late to get the course correction that will turn around the world's fortunes in a dramatic and positive fashion that the germans have been against, but maybe they're changing their tune. i'm going to pennsylvania. >> caller: thanks for all the
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great advice the past few months for the home gamers. appreciate you foop. >> you're terrific to say that. i'm out there every day trying. what's going on? >> caller: not so much. i have a question about credit card stocks. i have mastercard, visa and discover. this isn't diversified, but they've done well for me. i wanted to get your 25ik on the category overall and see if there's one company you prefer over the other. >> you are so right, this discover was just a fantastic quarter. i was kind of blown away by it. i do like american express, has a little more europe to it. visa and mastercard are more technology plays. i like visa a ton. let's go to cory in massachusetts, please. cory? >> caller: hey, jim. thanks for having me on again. what's going on? >> not much. how about you? >> caller: not much. i just got a quick question for you. ticker is arna, arena pharmaceuticals. >> most asked stock for me at
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jim cramer on twitter. here's what i'm going to say about it. i believe obesity is a major problem. i think the fda has finally recognized that and they're fast tracking arena. yes, even though it's been going up a lot, i say stick with it if you're speculatively inclined and i'm redoubling that today saying stick with arena pharma. everyone who keeps tweeting me, you have now heard. okay, today we saw what can happen if europe continues on path of growth. and if the germans just get tired of fighting it, there could be a lot more days like this one. "mad money" will be right back. coming up, positive pipeline? from the lab and into our lives, biotech firms are finding innovative ways to keep up healthy. tonight, cramer is giving a pair of pharma companies a check-up. and later -- just doing it? it's the star of the sports world. but is nike a buy before the
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olympic torch is lit? find out if the swoosh is ready for a sprint as cramer checks for any technical fouls in an all-star edition of "off the charts." all coming up on "mad money." don't miss a second of "mad money." follow @jimcramer on twitter. have a question? tweet cramer. send jim an e-mail or give us a call. what happens when classroom teachers get the training... ...and support they need? schools flourish and students blossom. that's why programs like... ...the mickelson exxonmobil teachers academy...
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...and astronaut sally ride's science academy are helping our educators improve student success in math and science. let's shoot for the stars. let's invest in our teachers and inspire our students. let's solve this. totell congress we can't wait.eo firecongress refuses to act.s, would you mind if to be i go ahead of you?omer. instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fifty thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer.
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people don't like to miss out on money that should have been theirs. that's why at ally we have the raise your rate 2-year cd. you can get a one-time rate increase if our two-year rate goes up. if your bank makes you miss out, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense.
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. >> last night i did a little anatomy lesson on "mad money." if you're smart enough to manage your own money, you can keep a single eye on the european mess, keep your other eye on the u.s. take bmrn. a biotech firm in the sweet spot of the orphan drug business. it treats rare diseases. why is this so special for you as a "mad money" viewer? the government gives these companies, known as orphan drug producers, extra special
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incentives, like enhanced patent protection and marketing rights. the company specializes in developing enzyme replacement therapies for extremely rare genetic diseases. because it's the only product on the market for these severe conditions, the company can charge literally a great deal of money for its services with some costs more than $300,000 for a course of treatment. they have three drugs and a fourth that's only approved in europe. but the real reason to own the stock here is because of its pipeline. phase two data on a sect drug known as pku expected in september and a new drug known as mps. the patient lacks a crucial enzyme needed to dispose of waste material and is fatal. b
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biomarin sold back on may 31 and it's now about 65 cents above that level or 52 cents off its 52-week high. they've given us a 70% gain since i got behind it in october of 2010. that's why i'm thrilled to have the ceo of biomarin pharmaceuticals. welcome to "mad money." >> thank you. good afternoon, jim. i'm very happy to be here. >> okay. i think people are going to be confused. i think the first thing people are going to say is why didn't you ask him, do they target certain niche illnesses or do they have a certain kind of drug therapy and then they find which
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niche illnesses can be treated by that drug therapy? >> it's a combination of both. we obviously have a very good understanding of the 6,000 orphan diseases or so, which one are in need of therapy and which one, and for which one there is a very well understood biology of the disease. and then through it rations, interactions with experts in different university hospitals, we come up with some ideas as to which molecule could be effective in those diseases. >> now, is there kind of a holy grail here where you're going to stumble on an enzyme that's going to be for more than just small populations? or does it matter? can you just have a whole mosaic of small populations and become a very successful drug company? >> no, that's correct. i think, you know, it's unlikely we would find an enzyme that's effective in a very large patient population. most of the time the patients we
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are treating are basically a mutation that is a rare mutation that makes them, you know, having a very debilitating disease. and but at the same time, we are the opposite of big pharma, generally big pharma looks at, you know, moderate improvement in efficacy in a very large patient population. we look at a very significant efficacy or safety improvement in a very small population. that's our business model. >> is that why, sir, the health insurance companies, which we all pretty much regard as stingy are willing to the pay the freight because of the remarkable success that you show for otherwise patients who might cost the health care system far more than $300,000 a year, say? >> no, no, that's correct. all the patient population we serve is extremely sick patients with most of the time life threatening disease, reduced life expectancy. they consume a lot of health
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care resources. they have multiple hospitalizations, multiple surgeries. and consequently, it explains why we can charge what we can charge for the price of our drugs. at the same time, these are extremely small patient population. our leading drug is only like 1,200 patients in the world. so we're never going to have a significant impact on the budget of those health insurance companies. >> right. now, i'm trying to understand whether the fda is more targeted, too, in the sense that you' got two phase 2 catalysts. typically, i don't like to talk about phase 2 drugs because it's so nar away. but in your situation, it seems like the population is so desperate that phase two is actually a closer milestone than most drug companies that i deal with. >> no, that's absolutely right. our development times are much, much shorter than industry average. oir drugs generalry are developed in four to five years from first in human they get
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approved because the patient population is so limited that regulatory authority cannot ask us for a very large chemical trial size. >> well, i've got to tell you, sir. i've been recommending your company for a long time. precisely, you're just obviously great scientists. and i was one of the early vest churs in genzyme. people dependent believe in that model. thank you so much for coming in to "mad money." >> thank you. >> guys, listen to me. genzyme was one of the biggest hits i have ever seen, okay? this company is son of genzyme, biomarin pharmaceutical. they don't need a takeover to make a lot of money, but i can't blooe these big pharmaceutical companies is going to let them stay independent forever. stay with cramer. >> coming up, just doing it? it's the star of the sports world, but is nike a buy before
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the olympic torch is lit? find out if the swoosh is ready for a sprint as cramer checks for technical fouls in "off the charts." and later, healthy outlook? pushing the science for neurological treatment to new frontiers. tonight, cramer is speaking to the ceo. to hear more about the new technology that's changing people's lives. all coming up on "mad money." with the spark cash card from capital one,
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olaf's pizza palace gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! pizza!!!!! [ garth ] olaf's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! put it on my spark card! [ high-pitched ] nice doin' business with you! [ garth ] why settle for less? great businesses deserve the most rewards! awesome!!! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet?
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how do how do you tell the difference between a horrible and plaquable decline and a buyable pullback? right now we're in a moment where tons of stocks that have been hammered in recent months seem to be rebounding. how do we stort between the stocks that have truly bottomed and ones that are still dangerous? tonight we're going off the carts to help you answer that question with dan fitzpatrick, a brilliant technician. what separates a stock that's buyable to a falling knife, or a falling basketball. take nike. here's a stock that's rallied 160% from the lows back in march
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2009. but the length-term uptrend seems to have fallen apart. with nike down 10%, just the last ix six weeks alone, if you check out the daily chart, you can see some things that most technicians would consider serious red flags. ever since nike peaked at 113 in early may, the stock has been making a series of what we call lower lows and lower highs. boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. that is a classical technical signal to sell a stock. if that's all you considered, you would want to bail on nike here. however, fitzpatrick says the story is a lot more complicated than that. this weakness in nike looks more and more like an imminently buyable pullback, the kind you only rarely get in such a high quality stock. one of our favorite growth stocks from way back. what makes him more bullish about the situation? over the past few days, nike has been holding above two critical
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levels of support. the first is the hundo, $100. a key level of technological support. people say to themselves, okay, isle sell if it's below $100. okay, if it pulls back to $100, then i'll buy. nike has managed to hang on above $100. that's very good news to a chartist like fitz. the second crucial floor of support is nike's 200-day moving average. a long-term measure of the stock's trajectory that a lot of people key on. it's a quick and dirty way to figure out whether to buy or sell a stock. i know it seems extremely simplistic, but there are a lot of traders who simply are making simplistic decision. when the market broke down below the 200-day moving average, the parlance, the chapter was it's sayonara. down below 200, get rid of it.
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i think it's stupid. but that's okay. i'm not in charge. nike held above both of these levels, especially since the stock is trading 101 and change. that's just the beginning. the story gets even better when you consider the volume. on the two big down days, june 13 and june 14 where nike collapsed from 107 down to 100, we saw a huge sfiek in volume, to more than twice the daily average. now, the trading volume has quickly reverted almost to normal, nike is holding firm in leads fitzpatrick to the conclusion that nike's big selloff last week was a selling climax. in other words, it spiked and now it's back to where it normally is and that pretty much everybody who wanted to get out got out. and that means the selloff is likely to run its course. this is the climax theory. given the big shakeout has happened, fitzpatrick now thinks a lot of the risk been taken out of the stock and it's a
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relatively safe buy. in fact, he believes nike could be worth buying aggressively on any pullback close to $100. that's based on the long-term weekly chart. so take a gander. for fitz, this puts the entire chart back to 2009 in a beautiful perspective. when you go a step back like that it's like wow, that's a home run chart or a triple-double. the reason the breakdown in nike looks to be nothing more than a pullback to the 200-day moving average, which is also the 40-week moving average. each time nike has tested this crucial moving average, it's held. it's been a terrific buying opportunity. the stock has quickly resumed its long march upwards. during 2009 and 2010, nike pulled back to this line three time. and after each one of these moments, you caught a fabulous rally. then last year, nike was trading
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sideways, building a high base and it periodically went below the 40-week moving average. the high base was completed and the stock resumed its rally launching above its 40-week moving average and into the strat 12350er. support being the 40-week moving average. and fitz thinks it should be able to rally nicely from here. that's very contrary to what a lot of people are talking about. as long as the stock stays north of 100, fitz believes you're getting rare chance to buy nike at a low risk entry point. however, if it falls below 100, fitz says all bets are off. but he thinks that outcome is unlikely, though. my view, i think the fundamentals are pretty good. meaning nike is a bargain in any pullback. in fact, i would love it if nike dropped below $100. now nike reports next thursday,
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june 28. we know nike is in the process of putting through across the board price increases of 8%. the company is rapidly expanding chinese business. however, the last time nike reported in april, it had good results but then the stock sold off hard. nike has a key met trick you will find at no other company. they have a system that allows retailers to order merchandise five to six months in advance. the results are called futures orders. that's right, futures orders is the operative term. last quarter, these were terrific, up 15% worldwide, up 18% on a constant currency basis. but the key to this stock is the summer olympics, brought to you on nbc. nike owns the summer olympics. look, i've got to tell you, they will be carpet bombing our network with advertising. and what will the contestants be wearing? they'll look just like me. well, metaphorically.
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historically, nike always outperforms the s&p 500 inner yaos we have a summer olympics. nike is up 6% year to date. which means it's lacking the s&p now up 8%. when the olympics come, you just know this stock is going to tack off and leave the s&p in the dust. which means you've got an incredible buying opportunity right here, right now. here's the bottom line, the charts, as interpreted by dan fitzpatrick suggest that nike is giving you a rare and precious buyable pullback. and based on fundamentals, i have to agree. if the stock sells off after the quarter next week or you can get it for less at anytime between now and the start of the london olympics, then i say just do it! tim! >> caller: hey, jim. love your show. >> thank you, partner. what's up? >> caller: i just had a question about sketchers. i bought it back too high but
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been buying it all the way down. now she's turning around. i'm making a little bit of money. should i sell that thing or do you think it's possible this thing may hit $30, $35 or am i just dreaming? >> i think there's a little bit of dream going on there, kind oof like -- i think you could get another -- look, this company is in purgatory. it missed a bunch of quarters. seems like it's gotten together. i think it will go to $25, not more than that. there i think you ought to -- but thank you for your confidence. may i go right now to jim in the state wyoming, please. jim? >> caller: boo-yah jim from jackson hole. i've been an action subscriber for a number of years now. what a good job you do. >> thank you. what's up? >> caller: well, i called on may 30 about wolverine worldwide, symbol www. and you had positive things to say about the stock. at that time, the stock was
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trading about 42 1/2 and it's come down over 10% since then. nike has come down about 6% over the same period. is wolverine stock price being unduly hurt by the stronger dollar? and what's your medium-term outlook for the stock? >> i think there's a worry there. and i think the shoe business in some ways has cooled off. don't forget, designer shoes reported not great numbers i'm sticking with wolverine. i think they're a good story. i do not want to get rid of it. i recognize the fact that it's had a good multiyear run. i say stay with the www. denise in new york. denise? >> caller: hi, jim. we've been saving up for our four kids who are in or approaching college. all of us watch your show and we just want to say thanks for your sound advice and navigating the stormy seas of the stock market. >> you're terrific for saying that. it's a very rough environment. what's up? >> caller: well, here's a big
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nautical boo-yah to you. given the recent pullback in lulu, which we own, despite good earnings report, do you think the drop might be an overreaction to the fact they brought down their guidance? do you think lulu's growth is slowing? or do you think it could be an example of underpromise overdeliver strategy? >> great question. i'm lumping it in with starbucks and panera and chipotle. people got too aggressive for what they were looking for. i think the bar will be beaten and i think lulu lemon is fine. all right, run, shoot and score! great! all right, give that back to me. i can do it. can do it. you just do it. buy some nike. stay with cramer. ♪
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[ engine turns over ] [ male announcer ] we created the luxury crossover and kept turning the page, writing the next chapter for the rx and lexus. see your lexus dealer. it's very important to understand how math and science kind of makes the world work. in high school, i had a physics teacher by the name of mr. davies. he made physics more than theoretical, he made it real for me. we built a guitar, we did things with electronics and mother boards. that's where the interest in engineering came from. so now, as an engineer, i have a career that speaks to that passion.
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thank you, mr. davies.
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it is time it is time for "the lightning round." are you ready skee-daddy? shawn in colorado.
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shawn? >> caller: hey, jim. big boo-yah from boulder, colorado. i was wondering about atvi? actyvision? >> i think that business is die on the vine. i want out. >> sell, sell, sell. >> rex. >> caller: yes, rex from paul springs. the symbol is bbbt brett burn energy partners. >> no. i would go with better growth prospects. steve in florida. >> caller: i've got a boo-yah. >> nice. boo-ya h-back. >> caller: florida boo-yah. agnc, american capital agency. >> it's okay, but 17 is a better buy than agnc at 32. joe in ohio. >> caller: jim. i want to thank you for such a great show that you've given us. and i think it's been a
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wonderful invention. my question is tractor supply. >> this has become a bed noir of the short sellers. they don't like it. i think the model is good. i know the stock has come down a lot. but i'm going to stick by it. johnny in california. johnny? >> caller: b-b-b-b-boo-yah, jimmy. >> first stuttering boo-yah of the round pop i just got married and i'm setting up my i.r.a. would you recommend me taking vmware or emc. >> i prefer emc. little less wild, little less crazy. big data was the subject a lot of the oracle call. i want to buy emc. i need to go to lee in pennsylvania. lee. >> caller: hi, jim. how are you? >> all right, how about you? >> caller: go phillies. >> can't beat that. >> caller: okay. the stock -- next week, maybe
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the supreme court will be giving information about the health care law and i want to know about quest diagnostics. >> i don't really -- i have a feel for quest. i think the stock is moving up. i haven't looked at it in a long time. it had been soft for a long time. it is a fine company. but i'm not sure how it dove tails with what may happen with the supremes. shelly in new york. shelly. >> caller: so nice to have you on tv. thanks a lot for helping the small investor. >> quite welcome. that's what i'm trying to do. . >> caller: a great big boo-yah from shelly in brooklyn. >> i'll be there later this evening. what's up. >> caller: over a year ago, i bought citicorp incorporated, symbol c. it was only $4.40 a share. i bought a couple of shares, then it split, which i thought was a good thing. but they gave me very few shares at a higher value.
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but i have lost about half the money. >> it's too low to sell. it's too low to sell. it is not my favorite bank. i like the domestic banks. i like -- look, i have sdsh i like jpmorgan. my travel trust bought that today. i like them better than citi. that's the conclusion of "the lightning round." like in a special ops mission? you'd spot movement, gather intelligence with minimal collateral damage. but rather than neutralizing enemies in their sleep, you'd be targeting stocks to trade. well, that's what trade architect's heat maps do. they make you a trading assassin. trade architect. td ameritrade's empowering, web-based trading platform. trade commission-free for 60 days, and we'll throw in up to $600 when you open an account. 
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like i told you earlier, if you want to speculate in this environment, you need to do it wisely. you have to find small, relatively undervalued companies who don't rely on a vibrant economy in order to tlief because we don't have one. in other words, this is a pretty good time to speculate in the right biotech companies. they live and die based only fda approval aun second susz or failure of their drugs once they hit the market. this is a parallel university where we don't have to threat about the big macro worries that drive the market on a day to day basis. acor is a $960 million biotech firm that is actually profitable. back in 2010, it received fda
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approval for an incredible drug that helps people with multiple scleros sclerosis. it could have multiple indications, meaning it should work on additional diseases. that's the holy grail of the pharma business. right now, acorda is seeing if it can help people with strokes and cerebral pal now, goldman sachs put a sell rating on the quarter because the company doesn't have any late-stage products in its pipeline, something i have to know more about because the future is so important for these companies. on the other hand, i think their main drug seems quite promising. i want to talk to the founder, president and ceo of acorda therapeutics to find out more about the company and its prospects. welcome to "mad money."
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>> thank you very much, jim. it's great to be here. >> point blank, how wig can impura be this year and multiple years given the multiple indications it might be good for? >> well, we've projected we will do between 255 and $27 5 million in sales this year. we have not projected into future years. but we believe that there's a long way to go. there's a lot of people wims wh who have not yet tried the drug and we believe they should. >> how does that work? i would think if i had this terrible disease and i had trouble walking, i would meeldly call my doctor and say how do i get on impera? >> well, the -- as you say, the drug something that no other drug has done before, which is improve a fundamental ability of people with ms, the ability to walk. if you're responsive to it, it can be a really terrific, terrific thing. our challenge going forward is
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to make sure that as many people with ms who have a walking problem know about the drug and know that they should be asking their doctors to try it. >> okay. now, in germany, there's some talk that it's not -- that it may not be as big an opportunity. some people are actually challenging this as physical therapy could be every bit as good or better. you probably have physical data that shows that's not the case, right? >> there's a new process in germany -- actually, the launch done by our partner outside of the u.s. has been going extremely well in germany and other places in europe. people with ms are just as excited there as they are here to be trying the drug. i think what people have been responding to is there's a new system in germany for evaluating how they're going to reimburse various therapies. and the body that does that, came out recently as they have with many drugs they've been evaluating saying well, we compared it to, in this case,
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physical therapy, and we think it's about the same. we don't believe that that is true, and further more, there's a big difference between someone going to physical therapy every day for the rest of their lives and taking a pill twice a day. >> could that be because in europe they're trying to cut back where they can cut back? >> i believe that certainly plays into it. >> okay now, goldman, because i want to approach it head on. may 18, they say sell it. they say we see as unlikely a meaningful acceleration, key catalyst of the shares, driven by marketing efforts. especially given the first quarter miss. we also see downward revision risks to earnings per share because of impura sales and profitability in the u.s. that doesn't seem to jibe at all with what you're saying. >> that was one analyst report. i think we have a dozen following us. that's not the opinion of many of the other analysts, certainly
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not our opinion. we did have a nis in the first quarter, and that was due to a seasonal issue in january, which is complicated so i won't go into it right now. but what we've told everyone is our prescription and sales have actually been going up progressively every month since january through the last time we told people, which was through april, through the end of the april. we're actually very pleased with the way the drug is going in the just. and further more, we're seeing responsiveness to our efforts to get to the consumer, people with ms and to have them be aware of the drug and what it could possibly do with them. so we think we're seeing responsiveness now to those marketing programs so that more people are asking their physicians and getting on the drug. >> doctor, we have david pyatt on and we talk about botox being a pipeline in itself. it just has many, many uses. could impura be a similar pipeline within a pipeline for multiple illnesses.
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it does seem like in's a lot of al qaedaities here for a lot of different diseases. >> we are very excited. we have to make sure everyone understands we are in development stages. for example, in preclinical or rat studies of stroke, it was shown several times already that giving this drug to rats with chronic strokes, stroke that was done months before improved limb function. so we're actually very excited about that. and we just started a human clinical trial in people who have had a stroke in the distant past. at least six months ago, years ago. and hopefully by early next year, we'll have results and we'll see whether this might actually help people with chronic stroke as well. and we're also doing a trial as you mentioned in people with
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cerebral palsy, which is a terrible condition and hopefully we'll have data towards the end of the year with that condition as well. it sounds like a very exciting story. thanks so much for come on the show. >> thanks, jim. >> guys, profitable biotech company, multiple different uses, potential for a very big drug. i think you should check it out. this has nothing to do with the economy. and today the economy seemed sock, but we know better when the economy once again rears its ugly head, which will probably be in the next couple days. think about acorda therapeutics. stay with cramer.
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in business, in business, there's a lot of ways to win. you can outexecute your competitors. you can build a better mousetrap. and then again, sometimes you can win by doing nothing. nothing but going against flailing competitors who seem to be flummoxed and floundering in unfathomable ways. you would be lucky enough to compete against jcpenney and walgreens. michael francis, the key executive brought over from target to help ceo ron johnson turn the company around. francis was part of the dream team that johnson land of apple put together to reinvent jcpenney in a fresh, imaginative w way. johnson who, i believe, is way over his head in this attempt to turn around has racked up a horrendous 18% decline in
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comparable store sales. now it intends to take over merchandising as well as the overall running of the stores. frachkly, jp penney, while early on in the reign of ron johnson is in its way. some of it might be because the company has no raise on debt. and long-time customers can begin to fathom what's happening. there are billions in sales up for grabs and those sales are going to target, macy's, walmart and even sears. pennies is the gift that keeps on giving, not just short sellers, but to competitors like sears. we've seen things like walgreen's. it seems to be all downhill for this gigantic drugstore chain. customers have been fleeing to competitor cvs. rather than stem the defections, today walgreen's announced it
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took a 45% stake in alliance boots, based in the uk for $6.7 billion. what the heck? how does spending a fortune to buy a piece of this global drugstore chain help reverse the defections to cvs? retail is a tough business. going from domestic, which is one of the things i liked about walgreen, to international just doesn't make a lot of sense to me. especially when, like walgreen, you pay a price per earnings that's much higher than the target than you trade at yourself. in other words, they are really overpaying versus their own metrics. getting in, going in a host of directions at once as pennies is trying to do doesn't make any sense to me either. maybe walgreen's and jcpenney can pull off the growth plan, but maybe they're reasons to buy, buy, buy their competitors. as customers fall right into the hands right next door to their own operations.
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