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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  June 20, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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for androgel 1.62%. what are you waiting for? this is big news. i'm jim cramer. welcome to my world. >> you need to get in the game. >> firms are going out of business. he's nuts. they're nuts. they know nothing. >> i like to say there is a bull market somewhere. >> mad money, you can't afford to miss it. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to mad money. welcome to cramerica. if you want to make friends, i'm trying to save you money. other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to save you money. my job isn't just to entertain but to teach you. call me at 1-800-743-cnbc. when the stock market runs and rupps and runs in anticipation of good news and then you get the news and it's good, but not better than good, the market sells off like it did today. with the dow sinking 13 points, nasdaq edging up .02, think about it. for days and days we have been rallying on the possibility
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europe may try to start growing not just cutting back and that the federal reserve will aid the effort by keeping interest rates low. when ben bernanke says he'll keep rates low right after europe said it will try to grow, people ring the register. logical, natural and the way the market has always worked. why do people wait for the federal reserve announcement to sell? bernanke is clever enough that you never know when he may surprise us with something new and better than what we expected. this time he didn't have anything up his sleeve other than the decision to keep rates low which was the good news everybody anticipated so we sold off. not hard. it wasn't bad news. but we couldn't hold onto the rally. stocks were up because when the stock reports a good quarter not a great one you have profit-taking. here's the deal. i don't care what the fed calls the program to keep rates low. qe 2, 3, operation twist & shout, whatever. it's all inside baseball to me.
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i'm not bill james. we speak cramerican here in cramerica which is a derivative of english. what we heard from the fed was basically, hey, listen, we're bummed about the miserable economy and we'll keep interest rates low until it catches fire. why hasn't the economy caught fire already? think about it like this. it's summer and steamy. it's barbecue season. i love a good barbecue. call me old fashioned. there is nothing like a pile of kingsford in a weber, breaking out the lighter fluid, sit back and let it roar. bernanke strikes me as a barbecue fan. he has the economy, the kingsford and recognizes coals can't seem to stay lit. why? every time he stops pouring lighter fluid on the coals like when they are black with little edges of gray, you know, the weather comes in and put it is
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fire out. in the press conference we heard the housing market, european situation, tight credit market and worries about federal spending dropping away are coalescing, putting out the darned coals. somehow when you listen to the critics they want bernanke to do more. they want him to stop it with with the lighter fluid and toss on gulf gasoline. they can't figure out why he's sticking with lighter fluid. they want high octane. here's the problem with the analysis. bernanke may not possess octane. you can't take interest rates below zero where they are. beyond that even if there is something he can do, who throws gasoline on a barbecue except a maniac willing to get third degree burns all over the country's body. sticking with the metaphor, don't mind if i beat this one to death, bernanke is doing what we would do if we were in his shoes. every time a headwind puts out the coals he breaks out more lighter fluid. can't control the weather. no one can.
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and the weather is awful. what should we do? fortunately we stock market players are just guests at the barbecue. if things catch fire we're going to chow down on the industrial dogs and cyclical burgers. but the fire doesn't ignite, we'll switch directions. maybe go inside. eat a salad of food and drug stocks. at the end of the day bernanke has one weapon. the lighter fluid of low interest rates. he can't put people to work, can't buy houses or build them. he can't build tall buildings or leap them in a single bound. he's not more powerful than a lo comotive either. but there is a side effect that could help us make a ton of money. one of the salient aspects of the fed press conference i listened to today but hopefully you were spared because of the yankees/braves day game is bernanke pledged to keep pouring on the lighter fluid of low rates for a couple of years. fantastic news for those of us who love dividends, particularly the big fat ones. why? because i fear the competition
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when i own dividend stocks. the competition being higher interest rates around the corner. if we can go back to 4% to 5% from treasuries which are risk free people would be more likely to sell a terrific stock like at&t which yields 4% to 5% and is not risk free. if the barbecue stayed lit the fed would take rates up and that makes the kicker less attractive and we have to do some scrambling. today bernanke gave us the green light that we can't get much from bonds so stick around when the stocks have good yields because they are better than treasuries. this is important to understand. let me explain it using two household examples from today's market. procter & gamble and walgreens. procter said things were worse than we thought. and i thought they were downright horrible. like a train wreck. business is weak and getting weaker. in both emerging and developing markets.
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sure, the stocks got hammered as they should. but how low did p & g go? just $1.82, not bad given the horrible news. why do you think it only went down that much given that the stock at $60 and change could fall a lot? procter was protected because the stock yields 3.72%. you get 3.72% worth of dividends with the chance the payout gets bigger which they do even when business isn't that hot. the yield can act like a 4 that the fed could have taken away but it didn't. walgreens. they are spending a huge amount of money to buy a minority stake in a british drugstore chain. investors are fleeing the stock like a burning building. not only is walgreens doing poorly but it is paying a fortune to go international at a time we are begging companies to stay domestic. who wants to expand in europe
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when europe is the proximate cause of everything bad around the world now. how low has wal greens fallen. it seems to have a floor. found one here and now. when is the floor? where it yields 3.8% because the company pay as terrific dividend. who can pull the floor out from under walgreen stock? bernanke. but he didn't. he reinforced it. here's the bottom line. bernanke can only do so much when faced with weak housing, europe, tax worries. he's doing what he can to keep the kingsfords from going out. good news, his method is making our stocks more attractive than ever. he's supporting the higher yielders while we wait for the flames to kick in. talk about being paid to wait. thanks, ben. you're doing the best you can. we applaud your bbq skills. just a matter of time before things catch on for certain. let's go to andy? georgia.
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>> caller: boo-yah from braves country. i want to talk about extending operation twist. i assume it can only help the reits sector as rates are expected to stay low now to 2014. i have enjoyed the dividend from armour financial. when do you think the reit sector will lose their luster? >> that's a particularly leveraged to the stuff the federal reserve is talking about. the bond market is good for armour. i prefer anali. that's a better play. wayne in south carolina. >> caller: hey, jim. how are you? >> a little hot. how are you? >> caller: real good. i have a question about wendy's stock. watching it cyst at $5 for a long time. i like the restaurant. most of my friends like it. then i saw that burger king went public today. what's your feeling about those two? >> i don't like either one.
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i will send you immediately to mcdonald's which everybody hates. mcd. my charitable trust has been buying it on the way down. why? because of yield. that's the play. i don't want to be in the other guys. let's go to kyle in north america. kyle! what's going on? >> caller: big boo-yah from wilmington, north carolina. >> what's up? >> caller: bank of america is cutting executives and the u.s. trust unit and talking about selling parts of merrill-lynch. non-u.s. based account. >> right. >> caller: do you think this creates weakness in the company or is it an example of trimming the fat, cleaning up the balance sheet and indicating a better buy for the stock? >> here's the thing. i believe that bank of america is doing the right thing. cleaning up the balance sheet and doing better which is why i want you to own jpmorgan. they cleaned up the balance sheet, got a good yield.
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jamie dimon is humbled. he's been eating crow. where's my crow? did i call dimon a loser? when you lose money if it's in sports and you lose a lot of championships you're a loser. why is it any different? he's ready to be a winner. it's a new season for jpmorgan. now i'm -- buy, buy, buy. john in washington. >> caller: hi, jim. question on pg which i bought at 65.18. thinking it's going up a little bit and they have a good dividend. >> i have to tell you. i don't think it's going up. it can do down slowly or stop because it has a good yield but i'm being honest. i'm flabbergasted by how badly they have done. it's time for mr. mcdonald, soon i believe, to join, yes, the wall of shame. thank you so much. can only do so much to keep the fire burning. dividends conquer.
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the man is paying us to wait while he warms up the kingsfords. i think you'll have success and so will we. "mad money" will be back after the break. >> announcer: coming up, tech marks the spot. after a huge run this year, are technology stocks set to continue to surge this summer or will european weakness chip away at your gains? later, profits stat? oil's dramatic slide over the past three months has been crowd to statoil stock. could it be ready to reverse course? cramer is drilling for answers with the energy giant's top brass all coming up on "mad money." >> announcer: don't miss a second of "mad money." follow @jimcramer on twitter. have a question? tweet cramer, hash tag # madtweets. send an e-mail to or give us a call at 1-800-743-cnbc.
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what are we supposed to do with technology? what do we do after oracle says europe's not so bad and signs
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deals with huge twists in french banks? intel tells us demand from emerging markets are strong and we shouldn't worry about a near term change in the product line if it could dampen gross margins. microsoft is competing against dell and hewlett-packard with a tablet. apple has a gap in product courtesy of the coming shift from iphone 4 to 5. what about google now that it's europe centric and europe's in trouble? the answer is clear. you can hold onto tech but if you have gains after these runs you should trim. trim all but apple. if you have profits in tech, take them. cut back on technology here. i don't think the quarter will be strong. oracle and microsoft have rallied on recent news the state of play is weaker than we like. this is the most seasonally weak group in the market. it always was a positive moment for the market but since tech became more europe centric, 20% of tech sales come as europe experiences the summer slowdown
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we have seen selling in tech that kept a lid on the market. the chaos in europe will accentuate this tech slow down and the reason oracle went higher after it reported had to do with the belief that europe must have been horrendous for them. it just turned out not to be. now that it isn't that bad tech stocks are back on track. that raises the bar too much for me. it's not worth having as much tech. nobody ever got hurt taking a profit ahead of reporting season which is around the corner. why not sell apple then? unlike the other techs which you don't hear much negative about everybody is factoring in the change in the iphone line-up. we all seem to be aware also that the telco companies are pushing other phones but apple is a terrific late second half story. i fear not catching that late second half move. then the blow out tablet sales to the holidays. the new iphone 5 and the buzz about how it lasts.
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we might have a tv that we might have a tv that responds to voice commands, a la siri. i would junk my tvs for new models if siri can get them to find and switch to what i want. that's the holy grail of tv watching. i want it. when it comes to tech i say trim, trim. except apple. take the pain of apple to get the gain. for the others, take the gain and live less dangerously. let's talk to sarah in new york. >> caller: hi, jim. boo-yah! >> boo-yah. >> caller: uh-huh. listen, cramer. i have microsoft. i want you to tell me something about it. i know microsoft has come out with a new tablet now. >> right. >> caller: by the same token i have also dell computer. >> uh-huh. >> caller: i want you to tell me really, should i worry? what should i do? >> i'm concerned about dell, sarah. i'm very concerned about dell because microsoft is gunning for
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them. microsoft had a huge run. i don't think microsoft is expensive. but i am in favor of selling dell but trimming a little microsoft. we have a good gain. the stock comes back to 29 and we can pull the trigger again. that's how we'll play it. after the break i'll try to make you even more money. >> announcer: coming up, profits stat? oil's dramatic slide over the past three months has been crude to statoil stock. but could it be ready to reverse course? cramer's drilling for answers with the energy giant's top brass. later, send an e-mail to or tweet him @jimcramer # madtweets. he might just answer you on the air. on a new edition of mad mail coming up on "mad money." 
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lately we have seen some of the most ghastly redeclines in the price of oil i can recall. now we have seen a glimmer of hope that worldwide economic growth can get better. europe may partly abandon austerity. this could be a good time to build a position in the oil
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complex which has been viciously hammered along with the commodity. but which oil stock we want a company growing faster than any other oil company on earth. in short maybe the best oil name is statoil, the huge norwegian oil and gas company, the largest offshore operator in the world by production. statoil is safe. gives you a juicy 4.84% yield. they have their own currency. statoil's technology is so advanced that this is almost a tech play. they're a leader in deep water and subsea technology. they can drill places others can't and they are an aggressive explorer. they are making discoveries all over the globe including big ones in braville, tan zane i can't and others they have off the coast of newfoundland in canada. just today statoil was the highest bidder in leases in mexico.
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first leases sold since 2010. this is not just an offshore play. last year stat oil brought brigham exploration for $4.7 billion giving them exposure to the ball can shale in north dakota. they have assets in the eagle ford shale, marcellus near pennsylvania, canadian oil sands. statoil gives you tremendous international offshore business and a big move into some of the hottest on shore plays we talk about in north america. plus stat oil is paying you. let's talk to the executive vice president of production north america of statoil to get a sense of where the company is headed. welcome to "mad money." >> thank you so much. >> after many years of my thinking you were slow growth, relying on norway have turned on the jets. what's driving your company's decision to be the fastest growing major in the world?
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>> you know, we have a very good position in norway. we have had it for quite some time. we wanted to keep the base at 1.4 million a year. with the discoveries we have made that's been fairly well assured. we want to grow on top of that. you look around the world. where else a place where we can do business, a place where our skills match what the opportunity set is. that was north america. >> wait a second. all we hear all day is people griping that this is a crummy place to do business. obviously not true. >> we like north america. we came back in in 2003, 2004 from a base of nothing. we started in the deep water gulf of mexico, farmed into licenses. bought deep water assets, built a sizable position producing from six fields. eight fields in development. you already talked leases. >> yes. >> we then bought into the marcellus. we bought oil sands. eagleford in 2010 and you talked
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about the balcan last year. it's been a nice run for us. production has gone year on year we're up 75%. >> incredible. most companies are fighting to keep production flat or if we get high single digits from the majors, that's a shock. >> we're a smaller subset. >> look. you're not apache or anadarko. those guys are pure growth. they don't give you yield. i like the combination of growth and yield. of the companies i follow in the oil patch with more than 4% yield you have much greater growth than everybody else. >> the growth story for us, in a sense, is we can grow the deep water given our experience from norway. we -- >> deep is the most hazardous place to drill. >> absolutely. we are learning the on shore business. with chesapeake we -- >> the ceo of chesapeake. >> yeah. to 13 people in oklahoma city starting to learn the business.
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when we went in with telesman it was 50/50. we start taking over operatorship now. and with brigham it's brought us up to speed. now we can hit the ground running. >> of the huge payments today, to the u.s. treasury for the leases, you've got to believe oil isn't going too low or you wouldn't make these expenses. >> it's a long-term business. >> you think longer term than most companies. >> i have been doing this 32 years. how many cycles have we seen in that time? i was telling somebody this morning. remember at the end of the '90s when oil was $10 a barrel? as an industry we saw our way through it. we buy leases now. drill the wells three to five years out, developing them. seven years later is first production. you have to think long term. there is no choice. >> with all the big acquisitions on shore you believe we'll be an exporter of natural gas or we'll
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use it for more than just utilities. natural gas is saturated in this country now. >> natural gas prices are in a bad way. >> a glut. >> fair enough. you have to believe in long term natural gas as the fuel of choice. >> for surface? not just for power? >> there are lots of options. >> tell me what they are. i'm the only one who thinks it should be used for surface. >> sure. why not vehicles? >> right. >> or trains. >> yes! >> natural gas toward the future is a wonderful thing. we do believe in it. it's a bit rough at the moment. what you see us and others doing is diverting cap ex. >> capital expenditures. >> away from dry gas and more towards oil. with chesapeake we have taken some of the rig count down in the balkan. >> chesapeake rumored to be doing more deals. they have a funding gap. you are their partner.
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will they turn to you? if they did turn to you to sell assets you've got capital to buy, right? >> we have capital, but we have to be careful how we spend it. chesapeake, in my view, has been a wonderful operator for us in marcellus. they do a really good job. i'm rooting for him. i'm a fan. he's done a wonderful job for us. >> one last question. as between the balkan and between eagleford, which is the most like the big find in the north sea that stat oil originated. >> you have to talk to the balkan. >> you do. >> i do. there is the three forks. is there one, two, three, even four? if you start thinking about that besides what we have talked about in the balkan the size gets mind numbingly huge.
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>> it's great to hear from an optimist. you're american but you work for norway and norway is more bullish on america than america is. great business people. thanks for coming on the show. bill maloney vice president of development and production for north america for statoil, sto. great yield, great growth. hard to come by. stay with cramer. stay with cramer. coming up, the clock is ticking. call cramer at 1-800-743-cnbc. find out how to fire away at cramer on the lightning round. can he with stand your thunderous onslaught of stocks? later, how do your stocks stack up in a mystifying market? cramer makes sure your portfolio makes the grade on "am i diversified"? all coming up on "mad money." ♪
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>> announcer: lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade. before we start the lightning round i have to tell you about my pal brian sullivan. he has a special on tonight called "getting back to business." aol cofounder steve case, spanx
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founder sara blakely and other entrepreneurs i love. i love brian sullivan. don't miss it tonight at 9:00 eastern. and now it is time. it is time for the lightning round. tell me your stock and i will tell you whether to buy or sell. when you hear this sound -- buzz -- the lightning round is over. i'm going to start with peter in illinois. peter! >> caller: boo-yah from illinois! ross department stores. >> i believe they will be down. bed bath and beyond people didn't like it and they go together. when ross doors goes down, i want to be out. i want a buy, not a sell. salvatore in florida. >> caller: hi, jimmy. boo-yah from florida! >> nice. nice sunshine. what's cooking with you? >> caller: i have cisco. what's your opinion?
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>> i would have been on the fence but i had a chance to listen to jbl conference call last night. they are speaking positively about the networking business. what does that mean? we think cisco is doing better. it's 17 and a half. here's one for you. you want to own it at 17 and a half. maybe not 19. but at 17 and a half, yes. jason in massachusetts. >> caller: jim. this company doesn't have much debt. the share price has surged. there's a lot of insider activity. it appears to be mostly buy. cybx. >> i know them from when they came up with the seizure device. i have been a huge backer even when the company was being way too aggressive in terms of what they were saying to the fda. this is a great speculation. i should be doing a session on it because it's exciting.
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david in utah. >> caller: boo-yah, jim. >> boo-yah. >> caller: i have to say i just love your theme song. i hum it all day. that's a great tune. >> it is humable. steven sondheim says that's a sin, but i love it. what's up? >> caller: i got some hershey and i have been enjoying the sweetness ever since. what do you think? >> i think the price of chocolate is coming down. i think hershey management is maybe one of, if not the go-to names in the stock market on weakness. so buy, buy, buy. hsy is a great stock to own. let me throw in mccormick, the other consistent food company. how about mike in virginia. mike? >> caller: boo-yah, jim. thank you for everything you do for the average joe. >> no problem.
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>> caller: s.u., buy, sell or hold? give me some info. >> i will say hold. don't sell. it's come down so much. that company is not one of my favorites. when i have a slow growth oil company, i want yield. otherwise i want fast growth chg put me in the anadarko camp. this isn't one of my favorites. i'm sorry. john in california. john. john! speak to me. >> caller: how you doing? >> pretty good. how about you, john? >> caller: not bad, jim. how about a happy boo-yah for me. it's my 49th birthday. calling from california. >> i'm giving you a triple birthday boo-yah! ♪ hallelujah >> caller: i'm on the golf course. quick question.
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fremont mac moran copper and gold, fcx. >> the interview i saw today, "the wall street journal," was so good this is one of the companies. can i just say mr. ackerson is a bright guy and yield is good. any time the stock yields almost 4% you will hear me cut the trigger. we need china to cut rates before we get too aggressive. let's go to carl a in california. >> caller: boo-yah, jim. >> boo-yah, carl. >> caller: i'm a young investor. i was wondering your thoughts on digital filming domain group. >> because you are a young investor, that's okay. these guys are animation players. they have good technology. but it is not a blue chip for you. buy, buy, buy. otherwise i don't want you to be there. right now i am going to jeff in
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texas. >> caller: hi. mr. jim, thank you for taking my call. i am management and executive leadership of a company, consider success investing for growth. sandridge energy. >> it's built on the idea that oil is going higher not lower. west texas wouldn't be at 82. think sandridge is hard to own here. a lot of chatter that maybe they will step up and buy chesapeake. that's untrue. it is a hold. you have to believe oil will go right back up in order to use it. it's just too low. and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the lightning round. >> announcer: the lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade. you'd spot movement, gather intelligence
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>> announcer: when wall street hits turbulence. turn to a pilot with 30 years of market experience. >> ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. please fasten your seat belts. >> announcer: "mad money" with jim cramer. cnbc weeknights. when i tell you i think you should own a stock that doesn't mean you should throw all your eggs in one basket. uh-uh, my friend. diversification is the only free lunch. that's why we are playing am i diversified where you call or tweet me @jim cramer. tell me your top five holdings and i tell you if you are diversified enough or need to mix it up. let's start with @tomtraveller. he tweets, # madtweet, am i diversified in this crazy market? bgs, prgo, sep, tal, bip. learned a lot from action alerts, plus. thanks for all you do. thank you for complimenting me on action owners b & g foods, relentless on that.
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perrigo, i like that. tal international. transport. brookfield is an international company that's -- call it mining. let me just get this. infrastructure assets. energy and timber and spectra energy. you have energy, food, knockoffs, intermodal and knock offs. that's great diversification with value and growth. jim? >> caller: i have five stocks that will hopefully pass the cramer test of diversification. they are caterpillar, chesapeake, cliff natural resources, alcoa, and magna international. did i pass or fail?
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>> all right. there are two ways to look at this. i could be a stickler and say chesapeake's resource, alcoa is resource, cliffs is resource, magna is auto and cat is resource related. four of a kind would be terrible but this is nat gas, aluminum, cliffs -- we have to get rid of one of these. alcoa is too low to sell. magna is car and caterpillar is machinery. we're going to get rid of cliffs. i do like it. you can only have one. i would like to see a health care company. pick up some eli lilly. that's true diversification. david in new jersey. >> caller: all right. marstown, boo-yah! >> you're kidding me. you're right down the road. what's on your mind? >> caller: i'm heavy in american capital. >> okay. >> caller: consolidated edison.
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mwe, markwest. >> okay. >> caller: nov, national oil well. i wonder about wprt, westport. what's going on here? >> let's take a look. wprt, westport is in the speculative part of the portfolio. this is the biggest technological manufacturer of drilling equipment. markwest, this is a company that's oil and gas. american capital is a high yielding reit and con-ed, a high yielding reit. pipeline, oil well drilling and nat gas. i'll say it passes muster. that's good enough. a stickler may say i don't like the combination. i don't mind it. keith in florida, please. >> caller: hi, jim. boo-yah. >> boo-yah, keith. >> caller: i have five stocks and i want to see if i'm diversified.
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first is sherwin williams, shw. >> uh-huh. >> caller: next is clx, clorox. then berkshire hathaway, part b. brkb. next one is brown and foreman. bfb. and the last one is spectra energy. s.e. >> very interesting portfolio. okay. let's go to work here. spectra is a 4% yield. i like them. nice pipeline growth. clorox, charitable trust says it's doing a terrific jobs. brown forman. we like spirits. berkshire hathaway includes piping, housing and railroads. sherwin williams is a pure housing play. paint, housing, utility, household products, liquor and diversified conglomerate.
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perfect. that's the best one of the lot. stay with cramer. zblt family and i appreciate the expertise, getting us back to even. >> i am back at even. couldn't have done it without you. you're the man. >> let me give you a thanks for giving me the a plus boo-yah! >> in tough times, don't get mad, get ""mad money."" careful, pringles are bursting with more flavor.
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[ crunches ] mmm. [ explosion ] [ crunches ] [ explosion ] [ crunches ] [ explosion ] [ crunches ] [ explosion ] [ male announcer ] pringles... bursting with more flavor. buy 4 cans of pringles, and get your speaker... ♪ [ cheering ] ... to turn up the flavor!
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[ crunch! ]
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before we take some mail and tweets time to do some homework. on monday, jerry in new jersey asked of smart balance, smbl, could get a boost from health conscious consumers. i said i would get back to him. jerry, i think you've got horse sense. smart balance, the food company that makes milk buttery spreads, is a play on healthy eating. that's a growth trend we have highlighted with whole foods and haines celestial and dean foods, too. that stock is going higher. this is a small company, $490 million market cap but also transformed itself over the past couple of years with a focus on
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natural and organic brands. in fact, spreads, one of the least healthy product categories is now 36% down from 68% in 2010. they bought oodi's foods which is a play on the gluten free category. one of the strongest natural food spaces expected to double in size by 2015. it is expected to double in size. how about this? wait for a pull back rather than chasing it. stock sells for 24 times earnings but has a 20% growth rate. it isn't unreasonable but we never chase here. buying after a big gain in less than two months is the definition of chasing. if you like smart balance, wait for it to come in on one of the sell-offs. please, only limit orders. you will move this stock if you come in too aggressively. on monday, frank in new york asked about shutterfly. i happen to like the concept. internet-based photo service company. i have used it. it's terrific.
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but after looking at the stock rather than the product i think it's too risky and too rich. there are positives. they can buy the kodak gallery for a song. poi 23.8 million. and the quarter was solid. the company is facing increased competition from snapfish and potential encroachment from various cloud offerings like apple's icloud. this competition is terrible for pricing. seems like the business is becoming commoditized. not good when you're trading at 58 times next year's earnings. way too expensive. stay away. as a matter of fact, it's a real sell block name if you want to know the truth. first tweet is from @tweeting stocks. curious why you are against mdrx at this level. insider buying, board shake up for the good and i think cerner is looking at them. i don't know why because cerner is kicking their butt. maybe the stock bottomed.
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we have at least two quarters. the last quarter was so horrible it would be wrong to declare the company innocent after that just horrendous performance. let's take a tweet from @the lowden kid. is abercrombie and fitch a buy? it's over sold like crazy. stop trying to guess teen apparel. you can't do american eagle, aeropostale. it is too hard. nothing but guess work. stick to tried and true retailers like walmart or gap. @leroy says, how do you feel about buffalo wild wings. chicken prices are coming down. corn prices are coming down. coffee prices are coming down, which is why i like starbucks. buffalo wild wings will benefit from margin expansion and a
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great store model. still going fascial. it's for me. next tweet is from @jpr july 47. first tweet. you are down on hpx. looking at insider purchases there are stunning numbers by a couple of directors. what's up? normally i would go to the file to see what i have done wrong, take a look. i don't think i have done anything wrong. i need to see solid quarters. they don't have the growth. microsoft is coming right into the tablet turf which meg whitman says they have to build. hewlett packard is a challenge company. i don't want anything to do with it. you have six months from when they can sell. i say let's wait to see why they are buying. give us a couple of quarters. now an e-mail. hi, jim. boo-yah from a fellow and sad phillies fan in california to another. yes, indeed, we are sad fans.
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i have a question about bellwether versus best of breed stocks in sectors. would you provide examples of some that are not both? i know you emphasize doing homework. should we do as much analysis on established best of breeds or bellwether as a those that are not? >> no. it's not the best of breed i would argue is. take a look at pharma. people think merck is a bellwether but it's not best in pharma at all. you have to be careful. i care about best of breed. i'm willing to pay up for best of breed. we like the growth. we are drawn to starbucks. we are drawn to companies like allerjen. i'm a buyer. another. jim, my wife worked at exact target and participated in the stock plan prior to leaving. we are sitting on 4,000 shares and looing for advice on what to do after the 180 day holding period. we are in our 40s and have a decent retirement nest egg built up. i would love to hold on to the stock and save money on the gains.
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sell half. let the rest rub. why? we are not a situation where you get your hard earned money back. e.t., good company. cut throat business. take half off, let the rest run. uh you will never regret it. "mad money" is back after the break. ♪ [ male announcer ] ok, so you're no marathon man. but thanks to the htc one x from at&t,
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with its built in beats audio, every note sounds amazingly clear. ...making it easy to get lost in the music... and, well... rio vista?!! [ male announcer ] ...lost. introducing the musically enhanced htc one x from at&t. rethink possible. how math and science kind of makes the world work. in high school, i had a physics teacher by the name of mr. davies. he made physics more than theoretical, he made it real for me. we built a guitar, we did things with electronics and mother boards. that's where the interest in engineering came from. so now, as an engineer, i have a career that speaks to that passion. thank you, mr. davies.
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11:59 pm
[ engine turns over ] [ male announcer ] we created the luxury crossover and kept turning the page, writing the next chapter for the rx and lexus. see your lexus dealer. family comes first for most of us. not for everyone. on american agreed, watch a money manager scam, everyone he can get his hands on, including his own mother and father! what a scoundrel on "american agreed." i want you to scale out, people didn't like that number much.


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