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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  June 25, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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works better. ♪ i'm jim cramer. welcome to my world. >> you need to get in the game. >> firms are going to go out of business, and he's nuts. they're nuts. they know nothing. >> i always like to say there's a bull market somewhere. >> "mad money," you can't afford to miss it. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to make you money. my job isn't just to entertain but to educate and teach you. call me at 1-800-743-cnbc. why not just fold up your tent and sell everything? who needs this miserable aggravation? why put yourself through this pounding day after day including this one where the dow drilled you for 138 points, s&p took a 1.6% haircut and the nasdaq
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imploded down 1.95%. i heard it all day today. the misery, the feeling of defeat. the notion you will be annihilated by europe, that it's coming to an end. i heard the word armageddon twice today. let's throw in apocalypse for good measure. how about prozac? wait a second. how many times has it come to the end already? wasn't it the end in november and the europeans financed bond purchases? was it in june after the horrendous employment number met with some give by german chancellor angela merkel and recognition that the fed would have to go from neutral to aggressive to keep things on track. understand, it's not like i'm unwilling to say sell, sell, sell. i have done it before. unlike others i said say sell in 2008. i didn't say it. i shouted it. if you listen you sidestep the 4,000 point decline in the dow
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jones average from a lower level than we are now. look, it's on record. i have no fear of yelling fire in a crowded theater in order to save as many as i can, but only if there is a fire and i believe i can get you back in at lower levels when the fire is out. the simple fact is we are not ablaze. good things can still occur. things i will spell out in a moment. unlike 2008 and 2009. i don't know if i can get you back in because of the speed with which we could fall, the depth to which we could fall and the bounce i would expect soon after. let's tick down why i think we'll be staying in here. even as i reiterate that i dislike the text. many financials and industrials yield less than 4% and most of the oils. i think an investment case can soon be made for the latter. not far from these levels. those bets i made at the end of the quarter hurt me today, hurt the trust and will hurt you until next week. what are the positives? first of all, contrary to
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popular opinion, europeans are not brain dead. they read the paper and watch tv. we think of europe as a suicidal group of nut jobs who want to bring down the western world. that's not the case. europeans have been effective at preventing everything from blowing up in their faces. i sense they could do it this week at the e.u. summit. they have been miserable at actually solving their problems. nothing has been done of any consequence to solve anything or try to grow the economy. there have been three bailouts, portugal, ireland, greece, that have accomplished very little. spain and italy seem like they have to be bailed out. a lot of money lost, nothing to show for it. in fact, all the europeans have accomplished is to not have a lehman brothers event. as long as they keep the balls in the air we can have winning domestic stocks and we have winners. i went through the charts. a lot of stocks are at or near 52 week highs. they have proved they know how to keep the balls in the air in europe.
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they're very good at that. they have not been forced into anything but incremental action. germany is pretty much in control of the whole shebang and they haven't felt much pain yet. germany's employment is about the best it's ever been. the stock market is up for the year. so far the only thing the germans are feeling is good. that could be changing with the recent economic news. in germany, they may have to do more than simply win at soccer. plus, those nations are liberal enough to take heed of articles like this morning's piece by paul krugman in the new york times, talking about it's incumbent upon the solvent nations like germany and the united states to help the losing nations if we are going to avoid financial armageddon. i haven't always been on the same page as krugman over the years. no one is more spot on than him when it comes to europe. second reason to stay in the game, how about president obama's expensive and some say punitive to business health care
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plan gets overturned later this week by the supreme court. we know the cost of doing business would go higher. this would be in conjunction with the fiscal cliff we hear about. you scrap obamacare, you take pressure off the u.s. economy. like it or not, that's what happens. third, the more the global economy seems like it's rolling over, the more oil goes down. nothing is better for an economy than the decline in oil. the rise in oil prices is a tax on the american consumer and the corporation. the decline is a tax cut. who thinks it's bad? a colossal tax cut's good. all we are feeling today is the negatives from oil's collapse. we presume the world is slowing so much that nobody will make the numbers. they start the quarterly numbers in a few weeks. many companies will make the numbers because of the raw cost declines. we are profiling them tonight. fourth reason not to sell everything, what makes you think you can get out and get back in with tremendous ease? that's always been something people say, oh, get out now. i heard a guy say, get out now and when it's safe, come back in. [ laughter ]
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yeah, i wish you could do that. oh, it's safe now. go back to the horrendous employment number at the beginning of the month. say you decided -- this is ridiculous. i'm not taking anymore because the germans are bent against helping and the spanish banking is falling apart, interest rates are going higher. the countries in the coalition, looks like it's about to triumph in greece. do you know the dow rallied 700 straight points after the litany of woe hit us. come back in when it's safe. when it was safe was the least safe, most ugly moment. i don't expect that run from these levels. we have lots of selling that seems downright knee jerk. came off oil or the dollar. dollar goes up, people sell. oil goes down, people sell. it's like a machine. they have levels. the machines work like that. unlike 2008 and 2009 there are things that can be done. europe can adopt an aggressive strategy. it could happen. china can get serious about avoiding a revolution, come up
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with growth programs that work. they can happen. our congress might recognize something needs to get done to make things better or else. for those of you who believe romney is better for the market, the worse the data the more likely he wins. you should think about it. finally someone in government could wake up to the fact that the natural gas glut in this country is an opportunity to be energy independent, put millions to work building gas stations to pipelines to the engines themselves all the while cleaning up the skies the way every good environmentalist, i thought, wanted. isn't it so obvious even someone in washington might see it? here's the bottom line. it's easy to say get out now. i come in, say sell everything. many stocks are still at their highs though or at least within a few points. to make some sweeping statement that now is the time to sell everything is a big mistake during every one of these european-inspired declines. i'm not willing to bet this time is different.
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ray in illinois, please. ray. >> caller: ray morgan from the windy city of chicago, illinois. >> excellent. >> caller: i was wondering what you thought about -- comeback. >> to buy a tv company? >> caller: right. >> no. someone put out a note to buy corning off that. i think this is just a terrible business. i've got to tell you. buying sony is bad. corning is down a lot today. i'll say no to that trade. michael in arizona. >> caller: b-b-boo-yah, jim. >> nice stuttering boo-yah, right back at you. >> caller: with the pending acquisition of modelo for anheiser-busch do you think it's an opportunity to buy on the dip? >> this is an amazing stock, an amazing company and a growth industry taking share. the answer is yes. it's a good stock. brian in california, please. brian. >> caller: hi, jim.
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>> you're up. >> caller: brian from california, boo-yah. >> boo-yah! what's going on, partner? >> caller: how you doing, man? >> i'm doing okay. it was a down day. what's up? >> caller: i was wondering about nokia. is it going to zero? >> i don't think it necessarily has to go to zero. it can be a walking dead stock. you know, maybe like sprint was for a long time. sprint got its act together. maybe nokia gets its act together. i'm not selling you to sell a stock at 2 i told you to sell all the way down. at two bucks let someone else tell you to sell. i don't care anymore. get out now? i say no. "mad money" will be right back. >> announcer: coming up, food fight. cramer's bringing some fresh ideas to the sour market after scanning the aisles and mapping the menus it's time to check out his top plays on produce, freezers and french fries. it's a food play buffet all night. stick around to get more than
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just dinner out of your next food run. all coming up on "mad money." >> announcer: don't miss a second of "mad money." follow @jimcramer on twitter. have a question? tweet cramer, #madtweets. send him an e-mail to or give us a call at 1-800-743-cnbc. miss something? head to sea't tourism season in years. in florida we had more suntans... in alabama we had more beautiful blooms... in mississippi we had more good times... in louisiana we had more fun on the water. last season we broke all kinds of records on the gulf.
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this year we are out to do even better... and now is a great time to start. our beatches are even more relaxing... the fishing's great. so pick your favorite spot on the gulf... and come on down. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home.
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♪ after a truly hideous day for the market it's more important than ever to circle the wagons around the best stocks and only the best. an environment that's as difficult as this one you want to own the names in which you have the most conviction. at times like these the difference between a good stock and a great one really matters. you do not want to stick your neck out for something that's merely good. and that's why tonight we're doing an all comparison show on
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"mad money" where i'm going to pick three pairs of stocks against each other to teach you how to spot the difference between a good stock and a great one. that's right. we're going into full "mad max beyond thunderdome" mode with not one, not two, but three steel cage stock death matches. last friday i got a call from armin in connecticut. he wanted to know about the fresh market. tfm for all you home gamers. they sell natural and organic foods. we can't really talk about the fresh market without comparing to cramer fave whole foods. they are both in the same organic food space which is the fastest growing segment of the business. whole foods and the fresh market are two of the fastest growing food retailers out there. trader joe's isn't publically traded. it's tfm versus wfm.
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it's an all organic smackdown. they are similar and the stocks are both up 9% over the last 30 days. even the tickers are similar. the big difference is whole foods is bigger with a 17.5 billion dollar market cap and three times as many stores as fresh market. which one wins in a stock death match -- whole foods, the wily veteran with the superb track record, or fresh market, the up and comer with the young and agile store base. it's the battle of the high growth, high multiple supermarket stocks. who can keep its luster and who's about to beg for their mama inside the steel cage match? which one of these can we make cry? when you go to the supermarket and see highly similar products what's your first instinct? you check the price tags, right? in this case fresh market is
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cheaper. sells for 30 times next year's earnings. it's not that much cheaper given that whole foods sells for 34 times next year's earnings. that's a simple algebraic expression there. if all we cared about was price we would take fresh market to the cash register and be done with it. that would be a mistake. shopping for stocks isn't like shopping for produce. whole foods is more expensive because it's best of breed on "mad money." we are always willing to pay up for best of breed merchandise. what makes whole foods better than fresh market? fresh market is like the mets. they're a younger team. it's pretty good. whole foods is like the yankees. the greatest baseball franchise of all time. as we saw from the subway series this weekend the yankees, they crushed the mets. don't get me wrong. of these companies, they're both going to do well. kroger reported terrific results.
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if they're in good shape you've got to believe whole foods and fresh market are doing better. if i had to choose one it would be whole foods. think of fresh market as the little brother of whole foods. 116 stores, 21 states. primarily in the southeast, midwest and midatlantic. management thinks fresh market can ultimately expand to 500 locations in the united states. company is growing square footage by 15% a year. that's a healthy clip. in the latest quarter they saw same store sales increase over 8%. that's pretty impressive. last week piper jaffrey upgraded the stock on the notion it has room to improve its margins in an environment where commodity costs are plummeting though corn was up because of bad weather. fresh market did a second
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offering june 13 selling more than ten million shares at 50.50. after today's decline the stock is still up $1.50 on the trade. you're still making money. but the proceeds went to selling investors but a sign of strength after the horrendous pasting you made money on the secondary. however, whole foods, frankly it's just better. last year fresh market sales per square foot came in at $500. at whole foods they were up 971 in the recent quarter. one square foot of whole foods is worth nearly twice as much in sales as a square foot of fresh market. at the beginning of may whole foods reported a spectacular quarter. it was real. a 5 cents earnings beat off a 59 cent basis. whole foods posted a 9.5% increase in same store sales, better than the increase at fresh market excluding the stores the company is remodeling which were stronger. the real deciding factor for me is that whole foods is accelerating the new store build-out.
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that is so important when you're trying to choose between stocks. looking for that melon. when you're trying to choose between stocks you look for fast growth. typically the reason you favor a junior growth stock like fresh market is the smaller player will expand more quickly. whole foods flips that logic on its head. right now whole foods has 328 stores in 38 states. district of columbia, canada and the uk. it is expected they could expand to more than 1,000 locations. last year the company added 18 new stores. this year, 24 to 27. next year they will add between 28 and 32. not only do these stores have more sales per square foot than fresh market, they are much larger. the average whole foods 35,000 square feet. fresh market, only 21,000. whole foods can come into a town with no natural foods place and own it.
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whole foods enjoys stronger traffic, broader selection of products. you can make the case of fresh market as a regional chain going national. it's what we favor but it could struggle as it expands. fresh market is well known in the southeast but unknown nationally. while the company heads west it will struggle in areas where it has to compete directly with the king. bottom line, the organic foods segment is hot enough to contain both whole foods and fresh market but they aren't the same. whole foods is the stronger brand, better same store sales growth and the company is accelerating the new store roll out. if there was only fresh market versus safeway and kroger, easy call. that's fresh market by an early round knockout. whole foods versus fresh market lost in the supermarket no longer. it's whole foods on a tko which means on weakness, whole foods is the heavyweight to bet on. up next, a battle royal, a royal with cheese style fast food smackdown. we are crowning the winner of burger wars.
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i hope you're hungry. "mad money" is back in a couple minutes. >> announcer: coming up, burger wars. still hungry? the all night food fight continues as the golden arches square off against the king. find out who's got the special sauce that could satisfy your craving for profits. and later, healthy choice? after the slide in commodity prices, this company is licking its chops. could worldwide expansion heat up the story for this freezer find? cramer gets things cooking just ahead. all coming up on "mad money."
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how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. ♪ cheeseburger in paradise stock picking is not an objective science. sure, we use lots of objective metrics to judge companies' earnings, revenue, same store sales and try to quantify the value of a stock by looking at the book value. at the end of the day deciding between two stocks -- let's say it's more of an art than a science. as with all art there's nothing more crucial than taste. your taste. a stock that some of you find
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beautiful, others will consider hideous. that's okay. when you're investing, knowing yourself is as important as knowing about the companies. i don't mean to go all zen and the art of portfolio maintenance on you but a risk averse person wants a different stock from a thrill seeker and a 73-year-old retiree should not have the same taste in stocks as a 20-year-old college student. what do i mean by taste? let me give you an example using the ultimate stock taste test. mcdonald's versus burger king. it became publically traded company last week via a reverse merger. we have gotten calls about which is better. how do we tell? should we do a blind taste test? i did it with herb greenberg with soda stream. soda stream won. a lot of good that did. maybe force ronald mcdonald to duke it out with the king or tick through the key metrics and
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see who comes out on top. we could do it but it wouldn't get us anywhere. why not? with these two it all comes down to taste, not the taste of the burgers, but your taste in equities. see, it's subjective. you have to know your time horizon and risk tolerance before you can buy either one. right now burger king is a terrific trade. mcdonald's is the better investment. they are very different which is why we'll spend time using these two examples we all know to explain them. if you're looking for a short-term gain, i think burger king is the one to buy. i expect analysts to roll out positive research coverage. oh, buy, buy, buy. on the same short-term horizon there's not much happening at mcdonald's. if you're investing for the long haul mcdonald's is a terrific franchise with tremendous staying power and most
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importantly a juicy 3.18% yield. you can put that dividend away, reinvest it and you make a ton of money. burger king, no dividend. a lousy long-term pick versus mickey d's. the other component is risk tolerance. how much uncertainty and fear can you put up with? how much money are you willing to lose if things go wrong? burger king is in the middle of a big turnaround. it's not for the faint of heart. who knows how long it will take? we have seen turnaround -- on friday we did jack in the box. that took several years. mcdonald's is a nice low risk play. the stock has already come down a huge amount. $14 off the highs trading at 14 times earnings which is as cheap as i have seen it in a long time. it's not as simple as buy one, sell the other. it depends what you're looking for. burger king has many elements of a grat trade. the company has compelling blood
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lines which is important with a newly public firm like burger king that changed ownership so many times. you think the buyers and sellers are playing a game of hot potato. hot fries. the current incarnation of burger king has smart people invest in it. as part of the merger, the firm that took burger king private sold a $1.4 billion stake in the company to justice holdings which was founded by the aggressive activist investor behind pershing square capital. he made a killing in distresed real estate. this could be frankle's next big thing. he's the executive ceo now of jardin. he made a ton of money over the years for us. he's up 50% since 2009. maybe burger king could be jardin 2. i will make sure i have the right title. he's now the chairman and founder.
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burger king clearly knows how to play the trading game. they put out a release saying they will build 1,000 stores in china. what a great way to juice the stock since you don't have to build them. you just have to talk about them. from jack in the box we know raw costs are coming down. we talked on friday about beef costs are down. these are all components of a terrific short-term trade. i think this stock -- burger king -- can go higher short term. mcdonald's, my charitable trust owns mcdonald's. it's not like i'm biased in favor of burger king. you have to believe wall street will roll out coverage of burger king. it's gotten lukewarm on mcdonald's and hates wendy's. these analysts need something to recommend. i think they will salivate over burger king. especially because they want the underwriting fees from insider stocks. fact of life. you're gaming the roll out of coverage here basically playing the wall street promotion
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machine we love. in the meantime don't forget the dine out restaurants are a hot group and you have a trade down story going on here. consumers seek value where they can find it. burger king's real inexpensive. the best way to look at it is through the prism of school grading. burger king is a c plus student going to a b student. analysts love that arc. it's like an arc on a long cable show. mcdonald's is a straight a minus kid. that's not something people get excited about. especially with the new ceo taking over. jim skinner, the outgoing ceo will give his last interview on thursday to "squawk on the street" when carl quintanilla goes to chicago. i bet skinner reminds us how deep the bench is at mcdonald's. bottom line. mcdonald's versus burger king. deciding between these two is all about taste. if you're a trader, burger king is the winner. as you're going for roll-outs
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and the analysts want new names with potential second offerings to buy on the cheap, since the owners want to ring the register that will get attention. as an investment, few stocks will ever beat mcdonald's for the long haul. burger king is certainly not one of them. let's go to morris in new york, please. >> caller: boo-yah, cramer. >> boo-yah, morris. >> caller: how you doing? >> all right. how about you? >> caller: i'm okay. it's raining. what can we do? we've got to work. >> it is raining. someone on my staff said it was nice out today. that's firing grounds. go ahead. >> caller: what would be the best strategy for sara lee shareholders before the split. >> i like holding them both. you have the dividend. nothing the matter there. the food group is so much better than almost every other group. my charitable trust got clocked. owned oils, techs. shouldn't be oil or tech for now. maybe next week. david in arizona.
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>> caller: mr. cramer, hello. >> how you doing, partner? >> caller: good. i have a question for you about dole. i understand they are going through a strategic business review. i was wondering what makes that stock go higher? >> oh, boy. that's not been a good stock. you know i struggle to figure out how to make that thing do better. i don't see a good case to own it. a lot of guys understand the near term fundamentals are bad. possible spin-off, take over. i prefer the food stocks that are doing well, not the ones where i'm speculating. whopper is king? if you're hungry for the short term. but mcdonald's for the long term let's say, i'm loving it. stay with cramer.
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>> announcer: coming up, healthy choice. after the slide in commodity prices, this company is licking its chops. could worldwide expansion heat up the story for this freezer find? cramer gets things cooking ahead. [ male announcer ] trophies and awards lift you up. but they can also hold you back. unless you ask, "what's next?" introducing the all-new rx f sport. this is the pursuit of perfection. introducing the all-new rx f sport. in here, every powerful collaboration is backed by an equally powerful and secure cloud. that cloud is in the network, so it can deliver all the power of the network itself. bringing people together to develop the best ideas --
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and providing the apps and computing power to make new ideas real. it's the cloud from at&t. with new ways to work together, business works better. ♪ choose control. introducing gold choice. the freedom you can only get from hertz to keep the car you reserved or simply choose another. and it's free. ya know, for whoever you are that day. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz.
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>> announcer: lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade. [ bell ringing ] >> it is time. it is time for the lightning round. we take your calls and you tell me the name of the stock. i tell you to buy, buy, buy or sell, sell, sell. when you hear this sound -- buzz -- the lightning round is over. are you ready? it's time for the lightning round. let's start with melissa in illinois. >> caller: hi, jim. boo-yah from rockford, illinois. >> nice. >> caller: i'm calling to get your opinion on sprint. >> when i was going through the charts i said, i hope this one comes down so i can say something positive. i have liked the stock since we sat down with dan hesse recently when we went to the wireless conference. now we wait for the pullback. i'm getting bullish as they keep getting the rollout done. henry in new york. henry?
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>> caller: yeah, henry from long island, new york. boo-yah, jim. >> boo-yah, buddy. what's up? >> caller: yeah. i'd like to get your take on bed, bath & beyond, jim. >> when i looked at it all they have done is shelved it back to where it was not long ago. that's not good enough. i need a total break down of the name before i can tell you this is where i want you to buy. there is still too many sellers in the stock. meaning they are just trying to get out. they don't care about price. angelo in new jersey. >> caller: first time caller, jim. i want to buy basic energy trust. >> the trusts are ratcheting down. don't buy right now. walter in illinois. >> caller: boo-yah, jim. >> boo-yah, walter. >> caller: hey, in this unpredictable market what's your
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take on parker hanafin corporation? >> you can't buy it. it doesn't have the magical 4% floor. believe me, it will turn to a 4.5% floor if they do something wrong in europe. it doesn't yield enough. when they don't yield enough there seems to be no floor underneath. i can't put you in it. bill in florida, please. >> caller: hi, jim. i want to send you a big tarpon boo-yah. >> i wish i were fishing. you've got the edge on me, buddy. what's up? >> caller: i'm interested in ncp. what's your take on the sector? >> no, no. when the market's bad you can't get involved in that kind of spec. it won't hold up under scrutiny. paula in iowa, please. >> caller: hi, jim. thanks for taking my call. >> my pleasure. >> caller: my question concerns frontier communications, ftr. what's your outlook for the stock? >> i do not believe the dividend is sustainable. i don't believe it. i have seen it happen. once they go down it becomes difficult.
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i want to say hold off. let's go to robert in utah, please. >> caller: jim, boo-yah. >> boo-yah. >> caller: this is bob from the great state of utah. >> good to have you. >> caller: jim, i'm a long-time holder of kimberly clark. a few months ago you had a segment on your show where you said -- you mentioned the stocks were the good, the bad and the ugly. kimberly clark was the bad. in the meantime the stock has gone steadily up. in fact it's reached all time highs. >> i like kimberly clark, sir. it has a good yield. i don't think it is -- you know, since oil and gas came down, remember, this is a heavily -- heavily use of natural gas and oil products. i think kimberly clark is terrific. when i started with "squawk on the street" i said this is the stock to own.
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i'm not against kimberly clark here. john in nebraska, please. >> caller: jim, thanks for taking my call. >> you're welcome. >> caller: could you take another look at zynga, possibly as a spec play? >> i saw notes that said it's actually doing okay. the question is what's the traffic flow and are they able to make money off the coins? meaning when you play and buy new coins, i think zynga at 5 is at a bottom. i need a reason to buy it. it seems wrong to sell it here. let's go to ken in new jersey. >> caller: hey, jim. how are you? >> how about you, partner? >> caller: good, thank you. >> what do you got? >> caller: i have a question regarding ironwood pharmaceuticals. >> i do not know ironwood. i have to do work on that. it's had a very big run and i don't know why. therefore i can't comment.
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ladies and gentlemen, that is the conclusion of the lightning round. [ buzzer ] >> announcer: the lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade. like in a special ops mission? you'd spot movement, gather intelligence with minimal collateral damage. but rather than neutralizing enemies in their sleep, you'd be targeting stocks to trade. well, that's what trade architect's heat maps do. they make you a trading assassin. trade architect. td ameritrade's empowering web-based trading platform. trade commission-free for 60 days, and we'll throw in up to $600 when you open an account.
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in this market you need to play defense and protect your portfolio. that means owning the safe defensive stocks that are resistant to the recession and pay juicy dividends. this is a good time for a consumer packaged goods play. think about products as you walk down the aisles of the supermarket. at any moment there are packaged goods stories moving up and others moving down. especially with food. it's a cut throat business. i think we are witnessing an important reshuffling of the rankings. a bob dylan times they are achanging moment where the loser now will later win. con-agra was among the worst for years and reported its first good quarter in ages last week. yields 3.8% right below the magic 4% level. it's a floor for most high yielders. could be the perfect stock to
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buy as we go into armageddon. kellogg which was the best run of the group has stumbled. there is no telling when it will find its footing. if you are looking for security and after today you should. it's now in con agra. if i were in the hedge fund i would go long con agra and short kellogg in order to bet con agra will outperform kellogg for the foreseeable future. i'm sure you know their brands. egg beaters, healthy choice, hunts, orville redenbacher, hebrew national, pam. you probably have some in your kitchen now. we know their products can be found in 97% of american households. i have the orville redenbacher, the pam, a lot of the stuff. not all of it. they have 25 of their products ranked one or two by market
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share in the category. the brands you know. for a long time they had a problem. i thought they were the most levered to inflation of all the food players. when commodity costs were on the rise that seriously crimped their ability to make money. now although many agricultural commodities are in decline. gas prices are flat year over year. oil is down big. the head wind holding con agra back will be a tail wind to push the company forward. everything from the ingredients they use to make the food to paper and plastic used to package the stuff has become cheaper. that should be a boon to the company's gross margin. con agra makes a profit off every dollar of sales. just as they were the biggest loser as commodities edged higher it will be the biggest winner now that the same commodities have come crashing down. that's just the icing on the cake. as much as con agra benefits from lower commodity costs it's not something management takes credit for. some say it's luck.
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last spring when con agra was being strangled management developed a strategy to promote growth. that's paying off. this is the difference between con agra and kellogg. con agra has a plan. kellogg is just putting out fires as they crop up one after another. contrast is as stark as they come. a year ago john bryant took over at kellogg. i have debated putting him on the wall of shame. there is a lot of reason to believe he deserves it. kellogg saw the sales decline 1.3% year over year thanks to customer disputes and lack of product innovation. to make it worse kellogg cut the full year guidance. they see the operating profit declining 2% to 4% and they are losing share. they seem to be driving customers away. the cereal business is an enigma
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to them. the yogurt space, the competition is eating their lunch. ceo says they think they are being cannibalized by greek yogurt. kellogg cut the buyback, too. compare it to con agra. they posted the first year over year increase in comparable profits in some time. con agra declined in value by 5% which is not good. the segment posted a 6% increase in sales thanks to higher prices. they took a big price increase and gained recent acquisitions. they protected earnings per share growth. the numbers could be too low and i was blown away. they could be way too low. when i look at the basket of goods they buy and what they have to sell it's possible that management is low balling the earnings estimates which is what we want.
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con agra has become total upod. underpromising and over delivering. we need that. con agra has $780 million, about 5.7% of the market cap and a higher yield at 3.8% versus 3.5%. think their stock will go up so the yield shrinks. how do they do it? some of it has to do with the strength of their frozen potato business. the frozen french fries are selling like crazy, especially internationally. strong presence in latin america. think of all the new restaurants mcdonald's and yum brands are opening in china. they go through a ton of frozen french fries. what else? couple of acquisitions. national pretzel, del monte canada. they are moving into greek yogurt which kellogg said is taking share. the healthy choice brand is launching greek frozen yogurt. i'm stopping to get some of that. i love it.
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they are also making knock off brands for supermarkets. how about perrigo's 52 week high. we have value conscious consumers. we have seen that at dollar tree. con agra has a lot of value brands. the ceo talked about a leftovers economy. this is a company that understands what the consumer wants. that's why they are leaving kellogg in the dust. i feel great things are breaking for them. if you are looking to protect your portfolio, forget about kellogg. buy some con agra which at last is in the early innings of a miraculous turn. if only they could come up with a hebrew national slim jim. then we'd know they have a miracle going. "mad money" is back after the break.
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>> i'm not stupid. i don't own any oil. i don't own any oil futures. i don't unnatural gas stocks. i saw this decline coming and i sidestepped it. therefore i am brilliant. that's the list to me we're going to hear from money managers as the quarter winds down this week. and entire complex, a whole segment of the market is being thrown out now without any
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consideration to all your any thought of potential reversal. it's breathtaking. i have never seen such hideous charts. think it deserves analysis. first what's driving the oil and nat gas futures lower although the latter had a lift lately? the perception is a dramatic slowing in demand. we believe china's economy is ratcheting back so fast they aren't using the gas guzzlers they bought. europe, despite the fact that economic activity hasn't ceased and parts of the continent are robust it's a given that oil use is curtailed dramatically. we haven't seen any real sign this is the case. hey, but with brent crude at 91 down from 125, gospel. then there's the u.s. we found more oil than we expected even two years ago. if i told you in 2009 north dakota would surpass california and alaska in oil production you would have laughed at me. the only reason it didn't pass texas is texas has been even better. one of the major reasons the oil
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market has fallen is we have too much. set no one talks like that. in other words the demand isn't as important as the excess of supply. it's not just the united states that might have a glut of oil production. the saudis have been determined to keep crude cheap enough so we don't develop our own oil and gas reserves and get energy independent. they have put pressure on prices when they reach levels that make it worthwhile for us to drill everywhere. the floor has been 80 bucks. if the oil companies can't get more than that it's not worth it. the saudis are curtailing our drilling and hurting our employment. we can say it isn't just the demand side it's the supply side. no one is thinking like that. the people who blame demand for the decline in oil have a vested interest. they have thrown it away or shorted it. these money managers will have to reveal their holdings. this is a quarter where if you
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own these stocks you were revealed as a stock charlatan. doesn't matter we could be on the verge of growth initiatives in europe. the group is controlled by money management. at this point the oil complex is way too depressed to sell. take some pain here. in fact, my instinct is to buy them and wait a week into the new quarter to see what happens. stick with cramer.
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11:59 pm
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