tv Mad Money CNBC June 26, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am EDT
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so elevate your next car rental experience with the best. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz. i'm jim cramer. welcome to my world. >> you need to get in the game. they're going to go out of business and they're nuts. they're nuts! they know nothing! i always like to say there's a bull market somewhere. "mad money" -- you can't afford to miss it. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to save you a little money. my job isn't just to entertain but i'm trying to educate and teach. call me at 1-800-743-cnbc. how undervalued are stocks? what if you just looked at the linkage between a stock and the underlying company and then tried to figure out if the stock is simply not worth all that it should be because of the
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say we could get the formal announcement of this split thursday. investors liked what they saw when they realized with newscorp they had an entertainment company obscured by a relatively tiny slow growth print operation. plus, the breakup might insulate the b division from the hacking scandal. now what? i think the newscorp breakup is terrific. you know that i feel breaking up is easy to do. we have two different divisions with two various growth rates under one roof. that's the process of wall street. the growth-oriented money managers don't like owning companies who are rapidly expanding businesses held back by a slow one. like the red hot smoking entertainment business being kept back by the wet blanket of
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print. who can blame them? because as the brokerage firm noted today, news corp.'s entertainment assets are the fastest growing in the cohort. film division, growing 88%, satellite business, cable up 15%. compare that to the publishing division -- newspapers, books. newspapers decreasing 24%. wow. magazines declined 19%. you could argue a very small piece of this media empire may have prevented the other 93% from being being valued. yeah, the split's a brilliant idea. i've read enough reports that say the stock isn't done. i think the stock could trade drr 25 to $28 being a possibility. i have always been with rupert murdoch, always liked to worth with him, even though it led to him suing me. anyway, there's something bigger going on here, though, that isn't just confined in news corp. if you don't own newscorp, don't
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worry about it. let me explain it to you. something that has a much larger bearing on you and the stock market as a whole. not just the shareholders of newscorp. i'm talking about how undervalued many companies are, not because they have some division keeping them back. no, because of the negativity, because of the lack of caring. because of the fear. they have all combined to make stocks much less than they otherwise would be. think about it. you know what was going on here. it wasn't worried about the newspaper. here's what happened. every day rupert murdoch comes in, after he checks the ratings, he would say, wait a second -- this is him. because how the heck can this company be worth so little to the public markets versus what we know it should be worth? i'm sure he like everyone else thinks why should my stock be hostage to spain's finances? i don't do much business in spain. i'm sure he's been pondering how exactly does greece figure in? he doesn't do anything there. every day he must be wondering
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how much this stock is held down by high-frequency traders or by people who have fled the market, or the endless losses that seems to be inflicted daily by the new crop of ipos. so rupert did something about it, he decided to shine a light on his own company's business. not just the fact that it's a stock that should trade with all the other stocks out there, like one big commodity. he says it's not a commodity. his company is not a commodity. and this is not an aberration. we have seen kraft decide to split into faster and slower-growing entities. so has sara lee. the oil executive companies have had enough with these valuations. fortune brands, they had enough. unfathomable mismatch. now divide into a liquor company, abbott labs, a fast-growing research pharma company and a diversified medical products company.
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mcgraw-hill doing something similar to newscorp. they're all frustrated. they're frustrated with how their stock is valued in every case, the management of these companies are rebelled against the process of the stock market, how it works or how it got broken. and how it's pud putting a lid on what they're trying to do. i say that with these breakups, they are to a large extent truly just waving magic wands. they're not really creating any enter price value, but the execs are trying to buck the prevailing winds that are holding back so many stocks, not companies, but the stocks that trade off the company, or they're supposed to. you see, we've got a market that's hated, not just by you. it's hated by the professionals. everyone has been worn down by this house of pain. you hear this nonsense like risk on/risk off. we have to ban that term. i'm doing my best here. that's code for all stocks are no good today or all are okay to buy. as if the underlying companies
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mean nothing. all our homework we do in the show, comparing stocks, it people think it means nothing. it doesn't. these spinoffs and breakups are management's answer to the enui and revulsion from the risky equity class of assets. that seems to play out ever day now. by splitting up newscorp, murdoch is forcing the beleaguered portfolio managers to actually look at the value of the divisions and the compete they don't seem to like, and and get them out of the context of germany versus spain. the ratings of a spain versus germany football match matter more to newscorp than the actual tug of war between the two european powers. but no one thought of that until today. this announcement by rupert murdoch is the equivalent of howard beel's protestation that he's mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. and given how horribly this market trades for all sorts of reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with fox news or
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20th century fox or taking two for that matter, where liam neeson has particular skills without regarding the fundamentals. skills that make him a nightmare for people who sell stocks without regard to the fundamenta fundamentals. who can blame them? the bottom line, before you sell your stocks because you're worried because you're worried about the eu summit or the down trades, remember what rupert murdoch floated today. think how much money was made today by leaking news of a breakup. and remember, many, more companies as diverse as ebay, proctor and gamble and john & johnson or jack in the box were mad as hell and didn't want to take that euro market trash anymore. keith? >> caller: hi, boo-yah. >> boo-yah. >> caller: i heard that newscorp company is going to split. what effect will that have on
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the media industry? should i keep newscorp or dump it? >> you want to keep newscorp. any company that has a fast growing business in it. the immediate under the same roof as a slow one that's been constrained strained by all the nonsense constrained by europe, i think is going to see what murdoch is doing and take action. there aren't that many companies that have the flexibility as murdoch. let's go to connor in louisiana. >> caller: boo-yah, jim, from new orleans. >> nice to have you on the show. >> caller: thank you. linkedin, 106 today, almost back to the ipo heyday. i'm wondering if it's a good time to short it. i wanted to see how microsoft was going to affect it. >> look, i think it's overvalued. the valuation doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but that doesn't matter. we're in a moment where people like linkedin. if i check off on a short and it
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squeezes up, because of the way the market is trying to value these things, i'll have really bad. >> what's going on in all these extrainous companies that sometimes executives like murdoch realize they don't have stocks are undervalued not because of different divisions within a company, but because of what's going on in they extraneous countries that sometimes executives like murdoch realize they don't have to take it anymore. i know you're fed up. i'm fed up, murdoch is fed up. look what he did. look how much money he can create. "mad money" will be right back. coming up, this tech manufacturer surged earlier this years, but since then jabil has given up nearly all its gains. is it time to buy in as a serious discount in cramer conducts an interview with the ceo to find out, next. and later, delivery duel. two companies can get your goods from point a to b, but xh package giant's stock stands to
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track the best return. forts about first overnight. cramer is guarantees his answer within minutes. commodities have been falling off a cliff, but are the technicals indicating it's time to get back in? or is it still best to stay away? cramer's going off the charts to find out. all coming up on "mad money." [ male announcer ] this is the at&t network.
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operations, they go to jbl. notice i didn't say tech companies. they assemble set top boxes, computers, cell phones to industrial networks, clean technology and medical devices. it helps them save a fortune on manufacturing costs. now we're likely to manufacture the casings for the iphone and ipad going forward. apple won't say much and it won't allow the suppliers to talk. it's going to be a little bit of a black box on this issue. it's one of the reasons why i think jbl has been hammered mercilessly over the next three months. that could be going away because it's apple business. jbl is perceived wrongly as being all tech. jabil manufactures industrial machinery, health care equipment, instrumentations, components for clean energy. everyone still says when i hear, oh, it's tech. plus they delivered results basically in line.
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though the guidance for next quarter was seen as disappointing, the company's optimism which starts in september was enough to make the stock spike 6.8% the next day. since then, it pulled back to where it was trading before it reported. it's quite cheap given the stocks in this industry have historically sold from 9 to 14 times earnings. has jbl been punished enough? let's hear from tim maine, the always straight-shooting president and ceo of jabil circuit. welcome back. >> good to be here. >> kind of an odd thing on your conference call. we know the world is getting a little down beat. manufacturing worldwide is slowing. we know the quarter is not a traditional blowout, jabil, but the guidance for next year is really bullish.
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so i mean, am i -- how -- prove it to me. how about that? prove it to me. >> we said it would be below our trend line of 18% revenue growth and 4% eps growth. last decade eps growth has been a compound annual growth rate of 11.5%. this is a bit of a flat spot as we transition from relying on enterprise to high velocity growth to diversified manufacturing services. as a matter of fact, the last year as fiscal belt tightening has taken place and some of the other aspects in the macro economic environment has affected those areas, our manufacturing services, which you outlined in the setup has performed remarkably well, was up year over year, 22% in the last quarter.
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so when he when we look out over fiscal year '13, we see a return to significant growth in diversified manufacturing services of 20% to 30%, a more stable performance. that should lead to a year in which the company can grow at a 10% to 15% rate. if you can find a better track record, i think you should buy it. >> one of the reasons why i love having you on, the track record is absolutely incredible. but i also know tha t there are macro concerns galore that have to affect a company like yours. even though you've widened the number of customers, widened the kinds of customers, isn't everyone feeling a slowdown? >> if we look at our 10 largest customers, we had one at high velocity, one at enterprise infrastructure, one at diversified manufacturing services. two of those customers, revenue
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year over year, down $1 billion. then everything else, the hundreds of customers besides that are growing at a respectable rate this year. so these are some issues in customer concentration that jabil has got to move through. continue our trend towards diversification. as we do that, our earnings power and consistency will continue to improve. but again, diversified manufacturing services segment, 44% of our business now, i think in fiscal year '13 should be the crossover point where diversified becomes over 50% of our business. and then we can stop talking about some of these other distractions that i think have given investors a lot of concern over the years. >> and we've spoken before, i can ask you anything about apple and you're not able to answer. i'm not trying to dodge our viewers.
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they can not do it. that's how you lose apple's business. it's part of the deal. but research in motion reports later this week. research in motion has been a really important customer. there's not much you can do about their end market. are you still taking more of research in motion's business? how do you view a customer like that that is obviously very loyal to you, but is hurting and it has to be hurting the rest of your business? >> well look, without addressing r.i.m. particularly, but we did outline some of that conversation in our conference call, they articulated their intent to consolidate their supply chain to fewer suppliers in order to gain efficiencies and reduce their cost. jabil is one of the go-forward partners for that company. i think the way to look at it is not oh, gosh, they're increasing their exposure because we also said through fiscal year '13 we
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will expect the mobility customer to be 10% for revenue which is lower than it's been over the last couple of years. you talked in the setup, companies are relying on companies like jabil provided 100% in some cases of their manufacturing, service infrastructure, a lot of their design infrastructure. that value proposition would work. you can't abandon customers when they struggle. as long as the risk reward is balanced we feel the shareholders have a reasonable opportunity for a return on the investment and the attention it takes to run these relationships, then we think we need to continue to support those customers. i think customers today that are very profitable customers that were at one time out of favor as well. >> i have time for one quick question. this is something my kids asked me to ask you. you are considered to be a
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humane employer. are you winning business because some of your competitors are regarded as inhumane? >> i think that's probably true, jim, when we -- particularly when we talk about industrial accounts and clean tech accounts and health care and instrumentation. gosh, some of the things that are going on in the world today just scare the bejeebers out of them. and even when you look at enterprise infrastructure and high velocity customers, i think the flight quality and people that invest in sustainability and invest in human capital will win the day longer term. >> that's why i think you're going to win out in the end. thank you for being candid with us. thank you for coming on the show. >> thanks, jim. appreciate that. >> enough of a pastiche of business that i do not think r.i.m. can pull them down. obviously can't talk about apple, but the second half of apple will be pretty darn good. stay with jabil down here.
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♪ wait a minute mr. postman >> stock picking is the one area where there's accounting for taste. sometimes when you're trying to choose between two companies in the same industry, the decision only comes down is not to which company is better, but to what kind of name or stock you personally are looking for. in other words, when you're comparing stocks, you can't decide which is better, unless you know what you want out of a stock. that's why this week we're doing comparisons with household names to show you just how important it is to understand your taste in stocks, your temperament, what fits your risk profile if you want to get all wall street about it. tonight we're pitting fedex against ups. these shipping companies have been hammered of late because of worries about a slowdown in the
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global economy. and i think they come down to levels where they make attractive buys. but which one is better? fedex or ups? it depends on you. are you look for a quick trade that gives you gain over the next three months? in that case, you want fedex, no question. on the other hand, if you're looking for an investment, something that can generate hefty returns for many years, ups is the winner. and that's not a backhanded way of saying ups is better than fedex because investing is better than trading. i'm not saying that. i am neutral because the bank doesn't look at it and say how did you make that, trading? the truth is deciding between these two stocks is knowing about your time horizon and your risk tolerance. it's about you, not about fedex and ups. you can leave that decision for shipping something. for those of you who want something shorter term fedex wins hands down. fedex announced and went up. but since then it's pulled back.
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you're getting fedex real cheap. sells for 11 times earnings. it's a lower multiple than ups, which sells 14 times earnings. you've got a good entry point for the trade right here. obviously it would depend on the growth rate versus. 11 versus 14 for apples to apples. the real reason fedex works as a trade is because it has big near-term catalysts. things that could really drive the stock higher. first of all, fedex is divided into two separate businesses, the ground biz and the air shipping division. and right now, the express side of fed ex is going through a major restructuring. company is likely to retire some of its older, less fuel efficient aircraft and lay off a decent chunk of its work force. i think this move could pay off with serious cost savings rather quickly. that's what happened the last
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three times fedex restructured, and then with the ground business last year. it's a very clever company. the best thing about the restructuring, though, it will give fedex a ton of positive things to say at the analyst meeting october 9. so far, the company hasn't given many details. the stock could react positively when the management goes into more depth in october. i think fedex could be a terrific several month trade going into the analyst meeting. i already said the stock is cheap, but i think you might get a chance to buy it cheaper if you wait until after the eu fiasco meeting later this week and the friday employment fiasco, which could be real bad. either could give you a viable pullback. then once the october analyst meeting happens, ka ching. after you get the catalyst and people decide hey, you know what, i'm going to be interested, you've got to ring the register. you're in it for that. if you're looking for a longer-term investment, fedex not the answer.
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we know for the last century, 40% of all gains have come from reinvested dividends. and that's among the reasons why ups with its 2.98% yield makes a better investment. ups is much better organized than fedex as well. they provide more real-time information on demand. it's more consistent than fedex, too. then there's the fact that ups is buying tnt. the big europe-based international shipping company for $6.5 billion. you might question this deal given that it makes ups the largest shipping company in europe. although when fedex reported last week, they told us europe was doing surprisingly fine. however, the deal also gives ups substantial exposure to asia and latin america. two rapidly growing regions even with the current global slowdown. plus a deal is expected to be
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additive to ups earnings. imagine if they can get $1.3 billion in cost savings. tnt will give ups road freight service, which is something the company didn't have before and had to outsource. on the europe side, i'm regarding that as worrisome. the people running ups, they're no dopes and they wouldn't have pulled the trigger on tnt if they didn't believe latin america and asia and the addition of services would more than offset any potential -- >> the house of pain. >> -- coming out of europe. ups might be more expensive, roughly the same growth rate, 13.15%, that's why i said apples to apples. but you're paying up for that higher dividend and greater consistency. and when you're investing, those things are worth the price. here's the bottom line, very few companies can be all things to all investors. the fact is whether you choose one stock or another in the same industry often comes down to what kind of play you're looking for.
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if you want a shipping trade, then fedex is the way to go. if you're looking for an investment, the winner is the one with the nearly 3% yield. in other words, go brown. what can brown do for you? how about making you some long-term cash, as well as making you a snappy dresser. or at least half a snappy dresser. let's go to duane in utah. >> caller: utah boo-yah to you. >> second utah boo-yah in a row. >> caller: i've been watching the aerospace industry for several months. i listened to boeing's conference call. they raised earnings guidance. i bought a few shares at 74. then i heard nothing but good news. they had the biggest backlog of orders in their history and they were taking market share from air bus and other companies. of course, that meant the stock price dropped and i bought more around 70.
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what would you suggest i do with boeing? buy more, sell or just hold on to it? >> stephanie link and i have been puzzling over the same thing. we want to buy more and get even bigger. they're having a gigantic air show in july. i think they'll announce a huge number of orders. i say you stay in boeing and at $68 buy more. let's go to stafford in oregon, please. stafford. >> caller: hey, jim, how you doing today? >> real fine. how about you, partner? >> caller: good, thanks. my question is with the price of gas going down, will this be a positive for transportation stocks? >> it depends very much. a lot of them have what's known as a fuel surcharge. trucking companies in particular, but so do railroads. that means they aren't as levered to it as you would think. the airlines, however, do. but you know what, last time i looked, hades has not frozen over. when it really gets down there,
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i may actually recommend the airline stocks. let go to marissa in arizona. >> caller: hola, jim. what do you think of amazon coming out with a new kindle soon? >> i'm so glad you asked about amazon. i did a spontaneous pro-amazon burst this morning on squawk on the street. look, does anyone watch this stock? this stock does not get hit. on good days it goes up. on bad days, it doesn't go down. my thinking is this is a stock that is telegraphing a really good quarter coming up. i want you to own amazon. both fedex and ups could bring profits to your door. it's entirely possible. it just depends on what you're looking for. if it's short term you've got to look to fedex. but if it's long term, ups is signed, sealed and delivered and it's yours. stay with cramer. coming up, ride the lightning.
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take a nonstop thrill ride as cramer goes stock after stock. all your calls taken rapid fire on "the lightning round. and later, technical buy? commodities have been falling off a cliff. but are the technicals indicating it's time to get back in? or is it still best to stay away? cramer is going off the charts to find out. all coming up on "mad money."
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it is time for the lightning round. buy, buy, buy, sell, sell, sell. when you hear this sound [ buzzer ] the lightning round is over. are you ready? i want to start with tonto in florida. tonto? >> what's happening with windstream? >> they blew the quarter. i'm completely on the fence until i hear from them directly about why the quarter went bad. not recommending the stock.
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john in alabama. >> caller: how you doing, boo-yah? rndy? >> i'm sticking with it. i know people are worried about the quarter. i think it's a very inexpensive stock. >> caller: jim, what do you think of banco santander? >> i think the stock is a sell, sell, sell. >> let's go to nancy in massachusetts. >> got a question for you. southern company. buy, sell or hold? >> buy, buy, buy. >> elliott in california.
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>> jimmy, need your opinion on semiconductor equipment manufacturer klac tencorp. >> i think that's as by make. i think the company's business in this quarter, i don't know, but next year is going to be good. let go to greg in ohio. greg? >> caller: booyah, mr. cramer. >> rkt is the ticker simple. >> no, international paper is superior. tom in oklahoma? >> caller: my question is spr. >> you know what, why should i own it when i can buy boeing ahead of the big air show? >> i need to speak to peter in new york. peter. >> boo-yah from staten island, new york.
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at long last, could natural gas finally be bottoming? for years its felt like this commodity has been in a death spiral. even two months ago, it looked like natural gas prices were headed straight to 0, or definitely $1. but as shocking as it might be, it looks like nat gas should be making a comeback.
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we're going off the charts with tim collins, my colleague, sister site of the is figuring out if the natural gas bottom is for real and what you should do about it to make money. take a look at nat gas, you can understand where he's coming from. in the second half of april, the fuel got just slammed, falling below $2. but since then, it's been coming back. natural gas has made a higher low, and that's always a good sign, okay? from a technical perspective. but really, you see higher low. what really does it for collins isn't that. it's the fact that nat gas seems to be making a very large w formation and he loves w formations. that's a classic bottoming formation. it's an extremely bullish sign. in other words, chartists say wow, here it goes. the key level has been 275, the
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ceiling of resistance. natural gas has been banging up against it a number of times. but this morning, collins told me he thinks this time is different. this time natural gas has a chance to have break through that key 275 level. sure enough, that's exactly what happened today. see this tiny little thing here? that's the breakout. how did collins see this coming? why is it so significant? take a gander at the triple exponential moving average. when it comes to technicals, tricks, not for kids. this is a leading momentum indicator that technicians use to figure out when a security is going to change direction. it can often detect big moves before they happen. what we see here is that the trix is currently making what's known as a bullish crossover.
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the third one we've had this year. boy have these been accurate. boom, boom, now this one. the last two times this happened, we caught some nice rallies. but both of them terminated at the same point. this time the bullish crossover signaled a rally when it was only a few cents below 275. this one started right underneath it. it blew through the key ceiling of resistance. and now the next stock could be over $3 by the end of august. so we could be looking at a nice healthy rebound in natural gas. it's the first time in a very, very long time. you know we don't like playing commodities here. nat gas is going to rally, we have a much better opportunity to own a natural gas stock and collins agrees with me. he concluded that ultra
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petroleum had the best chart, that ultra was the cleanest way to play this move. shocking. why ultra? let's check out their daily chart. unlike natural gas, ultra petroleum did not make a higher low earlier this month. that's not so good. however, if you look at the relative strength or rsi index, that's a momentum indicator that can often lead to the price of the actual stock, the rsi did make a higher low. this is what technicians like collins call a bullish divergence. the rsi was basically predicting that ultra p would go higher. if you take a look at the trix, sure enough, we are seeing again that exact bullish crossover pattern we saw with the chart of natural gas that collins thought was so positive. one more element of this chart collins really likes. the ultra petroleum is making a cup and handle formation. it's called that because it looks like a little teacup with a handle on the right side. spotting these patterns may
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sound silly. to a chartist like collins, a cup and handle may be the single most reliable predictor of a rally out there. if it can break out of the resistance from the top of the cup, around $21.50, only a dime higher than where it is right now, he's predicting a huge move up in if ultra. bingo. just like with natural gas, he believes we could see this move by the end of august, if not sooner. that's why he says ultra p should be at the top of your radar screen, if not at the absolute top. if you get a breakout, could make a move up to $24, $25. according to collins, we only need one of these things. either natural gas or the broader market, but not both, in order for this extremely bullish scenario to play out. if you look at ultra's weekly chart, collins thinks it's very
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similar to what we saw with the daily. you see the same cup and handle formation beginning here. same price target, $25. my view, for ages now, every time somebody has tried to call a bottom in natural gas they've been burned, singed, mutilated. but i'm agreeing with collins here. i think this time could be different. natural gas companies are cutting back on unnecessary production. got action in the nat gas surface vehicle space. westport, remember we talked to them? even without washington's backing, i think natural gas can go higher. and if anybody in the federal government has the brains to government has the brains to realize the natural gas reserves gives us a once in a lifetime opportunity to crush opec and become energy independent, we'll have cleaner skies. ultra is historically one of the best run natural gas companies in the country.
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[ male announcer ] this is the at&t network. in here, every powerful collaboration is backed by an equally powerful and secure cloud. that cloud is in the network, so it can deliver all the power of the network itself. bringing people together to develop the best ideas -- and providing the apps and computing power to make new ideas real. it's the cloud from at&t. with new ways to work together, business works better. ♪
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shocked me, just shocked me. first it's said vultures are circling around regions financial. on top of that, i read that bbva is going to put compass on the block. bank deals used to be a staple in this country. banks simply overthrown their areas, needed to expand. but others needed to acquire competitors. you had banks that were playing defense against and outsider and you had banks that would seize the moment when they could buy assets less than they were worth. all this stopped during the great recession. first wells fargo, jpmorgan and bank of america were allowed to expand beyond the 10% rule, no bank was allowed to be bigger than that for fear of too big to fail. this was the single biggest
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greatest banking aggrandizement in history, wells fargo making 1 out of every 3 loans. thank heavens they're a good lender. second, there are so many bad loans out there, tangible book, it's meaningless. simply didn't matter as a way to value banks. everyone just presumed it was overstated. acquiring banks like fnfg got clobbered when they bought other banks in the open market. unless fdic overpaid, the stock was punished, sometimes ridiculous. what looked like a brilliant acquisition, the takeover of new alliance turned out to be onerous and value reducing. yesterday, we got in a good string of nice housing numbers. today we got case-schiller. home prices are going up throughout most of the country. if a bank is long houses, they're already written down, you could be getting that bank at a discount if you buy it. suddenly the regions and the bbva rumors don't seem that farfetched.
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not all banks think about what's going to happen next month or next quarter. some think about multiple years. i don't know if regions is for sale. i don't like the bank. i think it's a second-tier player. i wouldn't buy it. but bbva desperately needs the money. this deal would not shock me. and for once, i think the stock of the acquirer of compass could go higher. there might be a sweet deal for compass, given the tsunami in spain, it makes too much sense not to happen. stick with cramer.
11:59 pm
look, everyone was really negative yesterday, suddenly get an uplift. use the uplifts if you're really negative to lighten up. we should be getting that kind of end of the quarter buying tomorrow. again, if you're nervous, take some profits or lighten up. i'm not telling you you've got to be there. but i am saying there's a lot of value. witness rupert murdoch waking up and saying let's go bring out a of
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