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tv   Fast Money  CNBC  July 26, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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i will break you. >> within our mandate, the ecb is ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro. and believe me, it will be enough. and the market explodes higher. >> big story today, the rally that we will see likely across the board given the comments made by ecb president saying they stand to do anything necessary in order to preserve the euro. >> but tomorrow's trade will be determined by a much more formal individual, mark zuckerberg. >> if he decides he's not the one to be on the call and he's doing something else, that's
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fine with me. >> why ? he's the ceo of facebook. you're a shareholder hoping the stock goes higher, and you don't give a darn whether mark zuckerberg is on the call or not? >> will the hooded one finally share his wisdom or keep his vow of violence? time to find out. fresh on the trading floor, this is "fast money." live from the nasdaq market site in new york city's times square, i'm melissa lee. what we're seeing in the after hours session, a disaster for the most heavily traded ipo in history. facebook plunging to an all-time low. the stock is down 8.5%. we're waiting for the conference ta call to start. it is moments away. two key points here. as for a the quarter, joe, what do you make of it? >> i think there's two important questions that fundamentally when you look at the stock you have to ask yourself.
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number one, are they experiencing fatigue? i truly think they are. ast it's an all-in-one product. when you compare them to what others may do on linkedin, it really boils down to needing to go on the platform or wanting to go on the platform. in the case of facebook, you just want to go on the platform. they're experiencing fatigue. for the call, you have to hear how potentially they're going to be able to monetize mobile. that's the one fundamental element that potentially gets facebook off the trough. >> this is a number that is staggering, the rising cost number. $1. 3 billion. this is up from $488 million because of compensation as well as that transition to mobile. actually, mark zumer berg, i'm told, is on the conference call. let's listen in.
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we'll await him. mark zuckerberg, that is. >> so i think one thing that you take away from this call, looks like they came out with almost 1 billion new users. spending is up a lot. it was a disaster of a quarter. but i think down here i believe facebook has a long-term story here. i don't think this is -- comparing it to linkedin, i'll take facebook any day. >> why would you take facebook any day of the week? on what basis? linkedin has already monetized mobile. facebook, it's still a big question mark. >> i think linkedin could be gone. i think facebook could swallow, up go into linkedin's business area. facebook, they haven't figured out how to monetize it yet, but
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there's a lot of talk about a want button. >> there's plenty of things we use. you use sirius radio. it doesn't mean the stock price is going to go through the roof. >> i'm sorry to interrupt, guys. mark zuckerberg is on the call. let's listen in. >> -- with a clear sense of the investments we're making to create value over the long term to make facebook even more valuable. we ended june with 995 million active monthly users, over half of whom use on a daily by sis and half of whom use from a mobile device. growing the network of people who use facebook and expanding the social experience is available to them remains the foundation of our efforts and the key to our future success. i'm going to focus the rest of my comments today on our top priorities across our product areas for 2012, specifically
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mobile, platform, and social ads. let's start with mobile. mobile is a huge opportunity for facebook. our goal is to connect everyone in the world, and over the next five years, we expect 4 to 5 billion people to have smart phones. that's more than twice as many people that have computers today. so building great services for these devices is essential for us to help people connect. we also think that people are inherently social and having a device with you wherever you are created more opportunities for sharing and connecting. we're finding people are quickly adapting to our mobile services. as of the end of june, 543 million people were actively using our mobile services each month. that's 67% more people than the 325 million who were using our mobile services just a year ago. we've also found that people use our mobile services are more active facebook users than people who only use our desk top services. on average, mobile users are around 20% more likely to use facebook on any given day. so mobile not only gives us the
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potential to connect more people with our services, but it also gives us the able to provide more valuable in and a more deeply engaging experience. we don't just want to have the most widely used mobile apps. we want to build the best apps and want to build experiences that are as deeply as integrated as possible into every device and mobile app people use. we're investing very heavily in improving our mobile apps. this involves billing out world class teams with competencies and different technical stacks improving the technical foundation of our apps and designing new products into these mobile systems as deeply as we can. we've made some good progress in our past quarter as we released our new camera app, agreed to acquire insta gram -- >> you've been listening to mark zuckerberg on the first ever conference call as a publicly traded company. mark zuckerberg emphasizing the
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gains they've made. he also emphasized the need and importance of deep experience. deeply engaging experiences. when he started speaking, the stock moved off of its lows in the after hours session. this, though, is still -- or would be a fresh 52-week low. >> imagine that. the ceo and founder of a public company is actually on the call, so the stock bounces. at the end of the day, i made this mistake coming out of the box. i like the stock coming into the ipo. the best decision i made was changing my mind. this has been a disaster from the start. never mind the 29% user growth. growth is slowing. it's slowing at amazon and starbucks. that's what's beginning on in the world, which is a different world than what facebook came public. >> i'm curious whether or not the weekly options were heavily traded into this earnings call. >> staggeringly active. facebook was easily the most
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active single stock option today. in fact, i think maybe the most interesting statistic is that facebook options actually represented almost 7% of all the single stock options that traded today. the puts represented almost 9% of all the options traded today. it was interesting because this morning what we saw was a lot of people thinking, maybe the zynga was a knee-jerk reaction. we saw people buying the 29, 30, and 31 calls. it was a good thing these people did that too because you might have spent a dollar, risk a little over 3% of the stock's price but the put buyers took over towards the latter stages of the day. we're sort of seeing why that might be the case. a lot of people are staring at the stock. a lot of people are using the options. maybe some of the 1 billion users that log in fairly regularly mean you don't buy the stock. >> our good friend, the goer
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negotiator, will always tell you price it truth. it also has a way of motivating management to get more aggressive in their strategy. we talk about mobile. we talk about monetizing mobile. based on what you're seeing in terms of performance of the stock, you will see a facebook phone in the next 12 months. >> why would this new low be any difference from the previous new low in terms of motivating management? >> well, this low is significantly lower than the previous low. the previous low was, i think, 25.52 or somewhere around there in the middle of june. you've now sunken below that. it doesn't appear in the near term you're going to be able to formulate any type of bullish momentum. you're going to get all the analysts wrong on this. that's going to be the condition. i think the trade off of all this going forward is the expectation in 2013. you get a facebook smart phone. >> why should we believe that management gives one iota about the stock and what it's doing? i mean, from the s-1, we got the indication they were not --
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>> then you're in essence owning something that in the long term just imimplodes. >> i built my own company. i'd be publicly embarrassed. at a point, you are publicly embarrassed by what your stock's doing, what people are saying about you. you have to start to react to that unless you're just completely non-human being in this case, which he may not be. i have no idea. >> he's looking at the very long term. mur murph, if sounds like you are too. what, six months out, year out? >> i'd like to see it bounce -- last time when it was down in the 25 range, it moved up in two weeks' time. i'm looking at it from a long-term perspective. i think facebook will be around a year from now, two years from now. the largest shareholder is zuker bigger by far. >> people say, i like pcs. but they may not be the best stocks out there in terms of beta and making a profit. >> doesn't make a difference.
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if you like the product, love the product, can't live without the product, it doesn't equate to a high stock price. i use the example of sirius satellite radio. a lot of us have to use that. it equates to a $2 price. at that point, they have to monetize. facebook has to learn how to monetize. that's the biggest issue. >> we want to go back to the conference call. mark zuckerberg is now addressing advertising revenue. take a listen. >> one important aspect of social ads is that since they're based on social activity, they've been to our news feed on mobile and desk top. this is important because mobile users already spend so much time reading their news feed. that gives us a clear path to building a strong business on mobile. we recently began to roll out our sponsored stories. by the end of june, sponsored stories in news feed was at a run rate of over $1 million per day in revenue. half of that coming from mobile.
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this is an encouraging start in our effort to generate revenue from the mobile use of facebook. we know social ads perform much better than non-social ads. overall, i hope my comments here give you a good sense of our priorities around mobile platforms and social ads. we have a lot of interesting things going on here. there are a lot of challenges, and these are the types of problems we like to work on. we're working hard to staff up across the company, especially in the technical groups to make sure we make progress against these goals. we just announced we've begun recruiting engineers to work in our london office. we're pleased that the company and culture are centered -- >> listening t mark zuckerberg on the facebook earnings call for the second quarter. he is, as i understand, wrapping up his comments at this point. we'll bring you the developments as they happen. as for a facebook shares, a big haircut here. they are trading at fresh lows on this session. take a look at some of the other social media stocks. they, too, are falling in the
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after hours sessions. z zynga, huge haircut today. linkedin also feeling the pain. investors wanted to believe this was the next growth area, that this would restore investor confidence in the market and get investors back in. now what do we have? >> i think we have something to steve's point, you know, for every sirius that's a $2 stock, you also have apple that the stock has exploded. i put facebook more in an apple camp. >> all right. coming up next, we don't monitor the after hours action. plus, it's a strategy warren buffett wishes he could get in on. up next, we'll talk to an investor making money by actually doing it. what is it? we'll tell you after this. my volt is the best vehicle i've ever driven.
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monitoring your thoughts about facebook. >> facebook earnings are a hot discussion. surprisingly, a couple of bulls. let me get you the tweets. i'll start with the first one from apple somnia. facebook at $18 is a good entry point. keep your powder dry. a couple other bears, though. like your poppy always said, never buy a sock from a guy in a hoodie. lastly, the money that is drained out of facebook will probably roll into apple tomorrow. perhaps an interesting question if investors are reallocating capital out of facebook, where are they putting their money if they want to stick with social media? >> thanks for that. someone saying $18 is a good entry point, i guess that's a glass half full way of interpreting that comment. >> might have been a typo in the
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tweet. >> maybe -- no, 18. take a look at the stock. another leg lower. down 10.5%. but she does raise a good question. where do you go in social media? rvelgs you go to linkedin. they have the ultimate business tool right now. it's the way to get the edge on the job market. they're able to monetize the platform. it goes back to what do you want to do or what do you need to do? people are reliant on the linkedin models. they need to go on that to get the edge in the job market. >> let's go to starbucks. down about 9%. big earnings miss on the top and bottom lines. you're in this stock. wasn't it a disappointment to you? >> not a disappointment in that we're saying they were going to miss the quarter explicitly. we've owned starbucks since 2009. there's no reason to own it here. growth is slowing. at end of the day, an expensive stock can remain expensive if they continue to accelerate on the top line. that's simply how we look at it. starbucks is not doing that.
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sales are slowing and expenses are rising. >> you made the switch out of starbucks and into dunkin. that seems like a plan, the domestic angle of coffee. 75% of revenue for dunkin comes from the u.s. >> that was part of it. if you look at what's happening with earnings right now, you're getting a lot of slow ups. you're getting a lot of down 10, 15, 20%. we didn't want to own the name into the number. we saw dunkin trade off about 2.5 points today. we like them long term. >> it's interesting because some of the same store sales numbers were better. the u.s. came in at 7%. that's much better than was expected. they're taking shares in terms of the k-cup segment. i'm not happy about it tonight. i'm probably not going to sell it. >> let's move on here. home values with the first year
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over year increase since 2007. home builders are seeing improvements too. warren buffett talked with cnbc about investing in a housing recovery two months back. >> i was an investor that was a handy type, which i'm not. i could buy a couple of them at distressed prices and find renters. i think that's -- and again, take a 30-year mortgage. it's a leveraged way of owning a very cheap asset now. i think that's probably an attractive investment as you can make. >> our next guest is doing just that on a larger scale than just one or two homes. jeff pintar has bought, renovated and sold more than 1,000 single-family homes. he joins us now. jeff, great to have you with us. more than 1,000 single-family homes. over what time period, and primarily in what cities? >> primarily over the last four years we jumped into this phase primarily focusing in southern
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california. that's our core market. we've branched out into vegas, phoenix as well. majority of the homes have been in southern california. >> how do you achieve scale in terms of the upkeep of the home or renovation of the home? do you buy homes in concentrated areas? i think that's what a lot of investors on paper, it seems like a great idea. if you can buy five houses, but if they're five houses in five different towns, even if all in southern california, that's a lot of going around to different places. >> yeah, it's a very labor intensive business. that's one of the things that attracted us. you've got what we call a rapid fire cherry picking where we're buying homes in a one off basis. usually trustee sales or short sales, reos. you know, it does start out in concentrated areas where you can manage them effectively. over time as you're buying day in and day out, you assimilate a portfolio across the geographic area. >> jeff, warren buffett talking
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about a 30-year mortgage. are you doing that? are you taking advantage of lending rates, or are you not finding access to cash, or do you not need cash? >> our acquisition strategies are on an all-cash basis. i think he was referring to the homeowner where you can get in at a very low, you know, historically low mortgage rate. our model is more all cash acquisition. we may look at putting on some debt in a year or two after wing a regait a portfolio of enough size. >> seems like an interesting model upyou have. when you start to see the housing market turn, is that working against you? because the rentals are at historically high levels, which plays into your hands, i would assume. if it turns and you see housing move again, does it hurt? >> what's your exit? >> multiple exits. you can argue it either way if you're a bear or a bull. as the market recovers, you're
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talking about rising house prices, so we're buying at below market. we have embedded equity. as the values increase, it now increases your opportunity to sort of capitalize on that embeddembed ed equity. on the bearish side, if you think the market is going to stay in a recession, you're going to have a greater demand versus the supply. either side of the equation, i think it does well for us. >> all right, jeff. we got to leave it there. hope you'll come back soon. we mentioned a big surge in today's session. a lot of activity in the option on that. mike. >> yeah, this was very interesting. the stock obviously up very sharply and has had a heck of a hundred since october. up about three fold. the most active options traders today were buyers of the october '10. about 2,000 of those traded today. we know that was an opening interest because there was only about 700 open contracts before
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this trade took place. we know it was buying. these are fairly substantial bearish bets. it's possible someone is hedging along position. but this is a place where options traders think maybe this has gotten a little bit stretched. >> all right. thanks, mike, for that. options actions tomorrow. also, follow us on twitter. we want to head over to julia for an update on the facebook conference call. >> well, the cfo just started talking. he said the number of ads delivered actually declined because more people are accessing facebook on their mobile devices. i think that's going to be a big focus of the q & a period, which will start shortly. we know there's a shift to mobile. they're going to want more details on what this means. ceo mark zuckerberg kicked off the call talking about mobile. that's going to be a big focus. also, the increasing capital expenditu expenditure. where is that money going? we'll continue to listen in and monitor. >> thanks for the update.
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from tech to commodities, we continue to break down today's big earnings from every angle. coming up next, we'll talk to gold corp. about the earnings. stay tune the. [ male announcer ] the markets keep moving. make sure the news keeps coming with thinkorswim by td ameritrade. use the news links breaking stories with possible breakout stocks, options with potential opportunity, futures and forex with in-depth analysis. it's an all-you-can-eat buffet for all things trading. thinkorswim by td ameritrade. it doesn't just deliver news. it's making news. trade commission free for 60 days, plus get up to $600 when you open an account. who have used androgel 1%, there's big news. presenting androgel 1.62%. both are used to treat men with low testosterone. androgel 1.62%
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welcome back to "fast money." take a look at the turn around in amazon in after hours. revenues were light. look at that chart now. up almost 2%. little bit off the highs. on the conference call, which i've been listening to, they're talking a lot about first mobile saying that smart phones and tablets are significant tail winds for their business. they don't break it out, but they said basically very nice impact from that. also, all this spending that's leading to this reduction in earnings, melissa, is they're saying they're seeing huge growth. they're opening 18 fulfillment centers. i want to point out there's no specific catalyst that would lead to this turn around. also, i've been having some discussions with people. they usually are strong on revenue, but the earnings are weak because they invest so
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much. it's a real discussion piece here because there's no one driver here in a headline after hours. >> thanks for that. what do you make of that turn around sparked by seemingly not much? >> i think if you try to look at this on evaluation basis, people get a little annoyed as far as amazon. we're joking about it off camera. facebook actually looks like it makes amazon look like a value play at this point. you have to look at what's rallied in the stock recently. joe talks about a smart phone for facebook. amazon is looking into a smart phone. i think they have a better shot at coming out with one versus facebook. they are an everything play for he. they're a tech play, cloud play, storage play, retail play. they cover the whole environment. >> doesn't that mean you get no leverage to any one area then? >> you get leverage to every area. how many people invest in etfs now? treat amazon as your etf. >> they are the ultimate e-commerce adaptation mechanism to play here. you've got ebay, which has worked really well.
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i think one of the reasons why you're seeing a trough here in after hours, margins here are fine. when you look at amazon, you really are a buying margin trough in 2012 both operating and gross margins coming in better here. i think that's one of the reasons why the stock looks pointed higher. >> all right. next trade. gold prices may be heading higher, but the miners aren't faring as well. a drop in second quarter profits setting lower gold prices and production issues. the company also lowered its 2012 production outlook earlier this month. gold corp. ceo joins us now to break it all down. chuck, great to have you with us. >> pleasure to be here. thanks. >> in terms of the price of gold, we've been stuck in a range for a little bit. people wonder what's going to get it out of this range. i wonder what you're seeing in terms of the average price for this year and next. >> well, i think as we've talked about before, you know, we're building mines that last 10, 20 years so we tend to have a fairly long-term outlook on gold price. i'm very positive on that long-term outlook. when you look at the supply and demand fundamentals, the kinds
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of issues that you just mentioned in our quarter in terms of production shows that it's very difficult to add new production in our business. so i feel positive on the long term. i think on the short term we're starting to see some movement. there's certainly a lot of noise around the world, including the statements this morning leading people to believe there's going to be more easing, loose monetary policy for some time. that should be positive for gold. >> all right. so positive long term, positive in the short term. not exactly a surprise coming from the ceo of a gold mining company. let's talk about what's behind getting that gold out of the ground. that is the cost of production per ounce. we saw a 59% increase in production cost. what's the major lever, what's the major head wind you're seeing embedded in that cost? >> it's actually labor. that's pretty much across the board. it varies by geography, certainly.
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in all the countries that we operate in, finding that talented, skilled, professional labor is a challenge. it's added cost to our business. there's many projects being built around the world, not just gold mines, but the same kind of talent goes into a coal mine or an iron ore project or oil sands project. that's the primary driver. >> it sounds like labor is a cost that will continually go higher at this point. i mean, you are bullish on the price of gold. that doesn't really bode well for your margins. if you had told me energy was the highest cost, at least there are peaks and valleys. labor is an upward trajectory. >> yeah, it's the biggest moving piece. it's sticky. you don't reduce labor rates once they move up. however, in our case, we've been able to generate those margins and maintain those margins through building new mines that are higher quality and lower cost and bring down the overall
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portfolio costs of doing business. so this quarter we reported earnings at about $370 per ounce of the gold we produced. and that generated a very strong gross margin, and we see those cash costs actually coming down over the course of this year and into next year as we add new lower cost productions. so there's other ways to deal with that cost pressure besides just accepting it as part of our business plan. >> all right, chuck. great to speak with you. thanks for your time. we appreciate it. >> pleasure to be here. >> ceo of gold corp. keith, we're hitting a second derivative play. you differ in your opinions. >> yeah, listen. basically, the hallmark of the bull case on gold is that ben bernanke will retain his job. draghi can do what he did this morning. that will go on and on and on. the gold price is up 12 consecutive years. there's nothing else that's done that in global macro. if the dollar continues to
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strengthen, the gold price continues to make lower highs. if a company like that ends up in a position of rising expenses, they got a problem. >> in terms of the specific -- i mean, you're looking at the pawnshops. usually people want to sell their gold when prices are decent. >> yeah, so pawn players, this is interest. these stocks have been absolutely tattooed in the last two days. cash america is the latest. now, 42% of cash america's sales are -- >> sorry to interrupt. ceo mark zuckerberg of facebook is answering his first question of the conference call. let's listen in. >> what we're seeing is pretty steady growth in engagement in all those cohorts, including the younger ones. so really nothing out of line with the overall metrics there. on your second question about the overall size of the company, you know, we've always been significantly smaller per employee compared to the number of people who we serve in the world. so it's really baked into the company that we have to build systems and software that take
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into account the leverage that employees here have. that's one of the reasons why a lot of people love working here and one of the biggest reasons why people cite for wanting to join the company and staying here. so it's also affected the strategy. i mentioned, you know, we believe that all these consumer products and maybe even more than consumer products that people use will become social over time, but we can't build all those things ourselves, so we focused on building this platform. over time, it might make for sense to build these things ourselves, but because of the scale we're at, we focus on the three things i laid out today. this shift towards mobiles, incredibly important. building the highest quality applications is really critical. building a platform so that the million more developers who use facebook can build these products. it's the highest leverage thing we can do. we think social ads are going to monetize much better than non-social ads as we increase the percent of our overall advertising that has social context in it. so that's kind of where we are.
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we're basically growing by trying to find as many talented engineers as we can r the most part. but i think for the forseebl future, we're just going to be way smaller than other companies with comparable user size bases. >> there you have it. mark zuckerberg answering his first question in the quarter conference call. talking about the need to attract the best talent out there in order to make his vision of a social networking company come true. there we are facebook shares down still almost 10% at this point. this is heavy volume, guys. we should note, sometimes we take a look at a stock in the after hours session and there's not much value youm here. so far they've traded the equivalent of a whole day's volume in the shares. heavily traded stock in the after hours. we continue to monitor the conference call. meantime, we'll get the streets reaction to the earnings and up to the minute
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developments on the conference call with an analyst who has been listening in. plus, it's a name that's taking printing to a whole new dimension. we'll talk about the third quarter results after this. acceler-rental. at a hertz expressrent kiosk, you can rent a car without a reservation... and without a line. now that's a fast car. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz. to experience the ultimate expression of power -- control. ♪ during the golden opportunity sales event, get great values on some of our newest models. this is the pit of perfection. with the spark cash card from capital one,
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blk back to "fast money." let's dig deeper into facebook's results and welcome herman long who joins us on the fast line. he just hopped off the call. what's your first impression of? >> i think they're identifying a lot of the top priorities in the business with mobile as well as how they're actually doing the platform. i think a couple new stats they kind of gave -- actually, hold on one second. >> must be important. >> we said that he was on the earnings conference call. he went back, i think, to listen to something. so we might have -- >> hold on one second. >> that's always good for live television. >> he just had a sneeze. nothing to do with the conference call. >> possibly. okay. you know what? as we await herman, let's check in with herb greenberg, who's been following the starbucks conference call.
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herb, don't leave me hanging at this point. >> i won't, melissa. as you might guess, howard schultz put a pretty positive spin on the company's disappointing results. when he explained the disappointment, he went through all of the macro issues you might expect. interestingly enough, based on the european economic situation, they're going to start to reassess their european portfolio of stores. they expect to close european stores over the next few quarters. they don't know how many stores they're going to close or what the charge might be. they're going it open their first store in india later this year. the company also said that asia-pacific, over the past two years, there's been a 38% comp store growth. they said now it will be moderating down to a more sustainable level. on the single serve front, which i know a lot of people are interested in, the company says it controls 22% of that market. that includes k-cups. but it also said, it was kind of
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interesting, howard schultz was talking about the market of k-cups. he said we're going to be producing new coffee for green mountain's new brewer, which had is already on the market. then he very quickly said, but later this year we're going to be introducing our new virisimo, which he said will be a game changer in this market. he went on to talk about what a great product it's going to be. he sort of glossed over the green mountain, talked about his initial sales. >> just got a question for you. green mountain shares, take a look at them on these starbucks comments. they're trading lower. >> at least he didn't blame the olympics like reed hastings in netflix. did he talk about what the opportunity will be when you look at the single cup strategy in international expansion? >> no, he really didn't talk about that, at least that i picked up on the call so far. instead, he talked about so many other things. the evolution fresh. sales are much better than expected. look, i think if you take a look
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at this, and something i tweeted out, which i think is very interesting. when you see this disappointment, no matter what the reason, you have to say to yourself, this is what -- this is sort of a preview of the slowing growth at starbucks at some point, which is why they bought the bakery business, which essentially is a new diversification. they're getting ready for it. they're getting ready for the future today. >> herb, thanks for that. meantime, 3d systems reporting earnings in line with street expectations today. the 3d printer manufacturer up 52% year on year. up more than 130% year to date. as major companies like boeing and honeywell explore ways to integrate 3d printing. joinings now is the ceo. great to speak with you once again. >> good to see you, melissa. >> i want to ask you because there are so many fans of your stock on the street. how can you not be a fan of a
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stock that's more than doubled in the past -- this year alone, in fact. but one of the knocks on your company and your stock is the exposure to europe at this point. of course, not many investors want to embrace a company with european exposure. i understand your exposure to europe is about 35%. what can you tell us in terms of demand there and your business there? >> well, i can tell you that our business in europe grew 33% year over year for the second quarter. demand remains strong in europe, and we have not seen any discernible difference in any of our european customers. we attribute that to the fact that most of o customers in europe have to continue to invest. they're under pressure to stay competitive. new product development cycles are compressing. that allows us. >> are you saying at all that perhaps your stock -- you live in a sweet spot in a way that
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because you enhance productivity -- i'm asking you this because we're up against a tough second half of the year in terms of these macro head winds. are you seeing evidence of that? do you have visibility into the second half of the year? how far out do you see? >> we have pretty good visibility on our services and consumables and what we have in backlog. our backlog actually increased 28%. it's fairly representative of north america and europe. we have not seen any discernible difference in our key customers' behavior across europe. what we believe is that it's not just the productivity, but it's also the fact that companies are increasingly under pressure to innovate faster. new product development cycles are compressing. they have to manufacture more new products faster. we fall right into the sweet spot in the value chain of design to manufacturing. i think that makes us somewhat
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recession proof. certainly our performance in our outlook is very optimistic about europe. >> how about pricing? have you been able to keep that up? there was a note saying they called around on the pro-jet 8000. they got an offer for $350,000 versus a list price of between 425 and $450,000. what can you say about pricing? is are you making cuts in order to get that customer in the door? >> well, actually, melissa, we have been over the last six quarters systemically moving prices downward. we've been very publicly outspoken about it. it has increased unit sales up to 112% over last year. and our gross profit margin on printers is a category increased for the quarter as did our consolidated gross profit margins. i'd say net/net or strategy is working. it's not discounting. it's repositioning and realigning the printer formula to increase adapgs, which comes back to us in the consumables,
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which were up 60% for the quarter. i'd say our strategy is working well. >> all right, abe. pleasure to talk with you. home you come back on "fast" sometime soon. >> look forward to it. >> let's take another check on facebook shares. still sitting at fresh lows in the after hours session, down by 9.9%. the q & a session continues. we'll bring you all the developments on that stock and the conference call right after this. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 you should've seen me today. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 when the spx crossed above its 50 day moving average, tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 i saw the trend. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 it looked really strong. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and i jumped right on it. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 since i've switched to charles schwab... tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 ...i've been finding opportunities like this tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 a lot more easily. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 like today, tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 i was using their streetsmart edge trading platform tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and i saw a double bottom form. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 so i called one of their trading specialists tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and i bounced a few ideas off of him. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 they're always there for me. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and i've got tools that let me customize my charts tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and search for patterns as they happen. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 plus webinars, live workshops, research.
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all right. he's back. herman long rejoins us on the fast line. herman, actually, you had to drop off because you got called pong during the conference call, so what did you ask? did you get a good answer? >> yeah, sorry about that. i was, you know -- i was the questioner at that time. i was asking about the coverage in terms of social. they said basically half of the ads today are social. they do see higher engagement rates there. i thought it's encouraging, but i think the market reaction on the stock is obviously not that great at this point because numbers probably just came in line. some, i think -- there were some people that expected guidance, which was not provided by the
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company. i think the questions that followed were just trying to get more answers around that. >> just quickly, on a 10% decline in tomorrow's session, buy, sell, or hold? >> we have a buy rating on it. we like the stock. >> so you like it more? >> yep. >> all right. herman long, thanks a lot. meantime, coming up next, the conclusion of the e lustrous "fast money" olympics. stick around. [ male announcer ] when this hotel added aflac to provide a better benefits package... oahhh! [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees. [ duck yelling ] [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] ♪ ha ha! with the fidelity stock screener, you can try strategies from independent experts and see what criteria they use. such as a 5% yield on dividend-paying stocks.
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welcome back. mark your calendars this sunday, july 29th at clum yo university, rbc university will host its annual decathlon. joining us is the rbc capital market's head of equity sales, who is also participating. bobby, great to have you with us. wall street has always been a very charitable bunch. so this year how is the fundraising going? >> well, melissa, great to be here. so far the fundraising is going very well. we are thrilled to announce today we're through $1 million and still going. we're really excited to be the title sponsor of the rbc
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decathlon, which benefits the oncology unit. everything raised goes to the 20% of the kids that don't respond to traditional treatments. >> wow. most people who decide to do these events, i mean, it's a big undertaking, a big commitment of time and effort, of course. what draws you to this event, personally? >> personally, i was drawn to the fact that we're raising money for kids with cancer, and we're harnessing the competitive spirit of wall street. no greater cause. bring the greatest elements of wall street. and really, the training, the grueling training that's brought all of our people together, all of our competitors together has allowed us to raise a lot of money for the kids. >> all right. good to see you. good luck, july 29th. again, the decathlon takes place. there you have ways to sign up and contribute. i look at her, and i just want to give her everything.
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event. today we're giving you our best stock market picks from around the globe. joe, what's yours? >> the thesis is this. look forward 12 months. what's going to outperform the overall msci world index? it's the ftse itself. go back the last six olympics from beijing all the way to seoul. you'll see an outperformance of .8%. >> keith? >> i got to go with what's gone down the most. i don't think anything is really going up much. i'll go with the chinese. they're very good at synchronized diving too. >> murph? >> i will be over at the olympics. i'm going to stick with the usa. i think the russell 2000 has broken out here. it can hit new highs in the near term. >> i'm going to do it to the ftse 250, not the 100 like joe. i'm doing that through the insession. >> mike? >> what moves faster? brazil. you have to go with brazil here. >> all right. that does it for us here at


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