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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  October 13, 2012 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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i'm jim cramer, and welcome to my world. >> you need to get in the game! they are going to go out of business and he's nuts, they're nuts, they know nothing. i always like to say there is a bull market somewhere. "mad money," you can't afford to miss it. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money" welcome to cramerica. other people want to make friends, just try to save a little money. my job, entertain you and educate you, call 1-800-743-cnbc. the s & p dipped and nasdaq climbed .7%, we have to look forward, not back. yesterday, we'll be in the thick of earnings season where
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individual stocks control 100% of date-to-day action. what's our game plan? first monday we hear let's get right into it from citigroup. hey, look. nobody was crazy about any of the banks that reported today. wells fargo, jpmorgan. that's ridiculous. that group is cheap. the companies making tons of money and returning billions to shareholders, making gobs of cash, and citigroup reports it won't have enough mortgage business in this country to offset the weaknesses in the emerging market where citi sells. buy more wells fargo before i venture to citi. tuesday coca-cola reports. i bet it's even better this time than last quarter. dollar has gotten even better than the last time they reported. it will be potential upside surprise for this huge international company. and we are buying the stock for precisely this reason and for incredibly robust asian sales. we get results from goldman sachs on tuesday too. we heard from the statesman
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lloyd blankfein. has the government curtailed the opportunities that goldman used to make? and even as i once worked there, i got to tell you this is probably the least clued in i've ever been on whether goldman has a lot of earning power or not. johnson & johnson, they had time to figure out the lay of the land, lays the ground work for submitting up the company, ala abbott labs. j & j worth 15 bucks instantly if he pulls the trigger. ibm reports after the close. consistent grower, taking shares, and new hardware products. very few stocks give you what ibm has, charitable trust bets that despite the slowdown in europe, we see consistency. wednesday, we hear from bank of america. and the great inconsistency it
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has been cleaning up its balance sheet behind the scenes and buying inexpensive debt left over from the bad old days with foreclosures and major settlements, bank of america putting the ugly past behind it. bank stocks getting hammered next week like they were today and you come in, you know what? probably want to buy bank of america here for that wednesday quarter, and pepsico reports wednesday morning. remember the last quarter from pepsi? it seems terrific. restructuring paying dividends, i continue to believe pepsi's international growth will propel the stock, give it important upside it needs. i hope they break down the strength of particular brands on a country by country basis. not just because i like mountain dew and it's selling like hot cakes in india. pepsi, will they address healthy eating? look, it's healthy week at nbc universal. it's worth asking. union pacific pulls into the
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station on wednesday. this company gives so you much. great on its conference call. assessment of the coal industry, fracking, intermodal. and it's good for margins. you want to get in this stock, 115, 118 sweet spot. chipotle after the close. and a bunch of boutique investment firms, and they see same-store sales back on a higher projectry and those who said that sales would disappoint below 8. i don't know who to believe. unless we see % to 10% same-store sales, there will be a lot of downs. a lot of sellers anxious to push the stock lower. they talk about how mobile phones are killing the pc. how about a company that flies from mobile. i'm talking about google. we hear from on thursday. a company that is still taking share from everyone else. google, one of the hot stocks, deep in the money call by going into the quarter. talk about contrast.
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microsoft reports at the same time. a windows 8 multiple analysts telling you to be prepared for a shortfall. a shortfall from microsoft. ailing pc market. this is amazing, just amazing, they almost always tell to you buy microsoft ahead of the new product cycle. how bad will the quarter be? and the company does fine. i think the product cycle is meaningful. in the end, growth will pail in comparison to google. and it might be nothing but dead money, stocks are very inexpensive. friday morning, get results from general electric. last few meetings, ge is the most bullish from what i have ever heard from them. it was up a couple of weeks ago and maybe a bountiful dividend boost. charitable trust owns it, and bigger in the stock. honeywell reports friday. this is the only major industrial consistently guided above the street and during this period of trouble. the world slowed since it spoke
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last. and i fear the street may be broken. let's get into the 50s. are we ever going to go back to see where oil is at 80 bucks? so many bears tell me it's headed to 80. you know who will tell us, who has the voice of authority? the best oil service on earth, schlumberger. this company will go major oil company by major company and country by country to give you it's outlook and see who is spending and with what i think is the permanently higher oil price, i believe we'll be ready for a guideup of 23013. and this may be the cheapest stock, given consistent growth and immense profitability when oil hangs out 90 or above. the last debate was a buy, coal stocks. take a look at the chart. hilarious. is this a gallup poll? showing romney surge? a depiction of btu. peabody energy in the week before and week after the
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debate. look, the astounding romney win, the one of the let off the governor saying he would be more pro coal than obama. may i suggest that you buy puts on btu. because that will be my best short of the week if you think obama has his game back. right back to there bottom line, a lot of earnings coming out next week. a lot of process. you really have to process everything, just make sure you stop. you look, you listen, before you do anything hasty. that kind of information, we'll do our best to process and profit one of the busiest weeks we get every cycle year. greg in new jersey. greg. >> caller: booyah, jim. >> booyah right back at you. >> caller: jim, with the travel stock taking hate today, what is the future prospects for priceline, given the economic sluggishness, particularly in europe? >> well, remember, it's a beneficiary so far,
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and i hate to put priceline in the same sentence as travel zoo. travel zoo has been defrocked here. i still like priceline. people are ringing the register to raise cash in the game. you have a list of stocks to focus on and process in earnings season. remember, the best short of the week, may indeed be if you think the president has got game to bet against peabody energy when you go to work monday morning. "mad money" right back. coming up, check this spec. with 25 drugs in development, and a major fda advisory panel meeting next week, cramer is examining a stock that could be the next big thing in biotech. stick around. you can't afford to miss his prognosis. and later, hot to trot? all this week, cramer's finding the stocks that the big money is most likely buying hand over fist and should continue to rise until year end.
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tonight, the temperature reaches a featured pitch as he adds two biotech behemoths to his hot list. don't move, the big reveal is just ahead. plus, "mad money" at the movies." cramer has a theatrical flare. tonight, he shares the screen with the baddest cast member of "argo." don't miss cramer and cranston on one screen. all coming up on "mad money." don't miss a second of "mad money" follow @jimcramer on twitter. #madtweets. send an e-mail to or call 1-800-743-cnbc. miss something?
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different strokes here. want to be a good investor, you need to understand that managing your money requires more than
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simply able to be able to coldly analyze each piece of data. we're not computers here. we're human. with all of the weaknesses that entail. running your own portfolio, you so have tow about able to compensate for those weaknesses. after a lousy week, like the one we just finished. just a natural urge to try and ignore -- >> the house of pain. >> nobody wants to watch the market go down, the moment you stop paying attention, that's when you really do get crushed. that's when you lose it all. my mantra at "mad money" is buyer homework. it's hard to stay engaged with stocks after a week like this, especially when we all know there are many weeks where it doesn't go your way. and that's why we speculate. why we fool around with the tiny low dollar amount stocks. super risky, we talk about it at speculation friday.
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they are risky, but they can generate tremendous returns if everything goes well. speculation is the one part of this game that is undeniably exciting. not just some of the time, ball of the time. so to give you a good example, nps pharma. i recommended it back on september 18. 8.24. the stock shot up 19% today on positive comments from the fda. it seemed to indicate that mps' drug will get a positive hearing when they go before a panel next week. that's the power of speculation. you won't get that from at&t or verizon. two stocks i like very much. i think you should ring the register up here. no sense of being greedy. bulls make money, bears make money, hogs get slaughtered. and monday gives you a chance to take some profits. what do we want?
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we want to own the next nps. so i've got another terrific orphan drug play for you tonight, also going up in front of an fda panel next thursday. talking about a company calls isis pharmaceuticals, isis for you home gamers. a company that's developed an entirely new rna-based drug discovery platform that is down right revolutionary and is the buzz of the industry. this platform has given us a huge pipeline. 25 different drugs in development. and every year the pipeline is expanding by three to five new ones. isis is an innovation machine. it's real impressive, the pipeline. this is a $1.27 billion company and this will attract people and i stay with some chagrin. it's a $12 stock and that will make you more interested. an article in bloomberg with
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this staggering title "toddlers facing heart attacks await ruling on new drugs." i'll read you some of this, because one of these new drugs is from isis. is the quote. "like any patient at risk of a heart attack, kennedy thompson has been counselled by her doctor to eat a low-fat diet and reduce cholesterol. she is three years old. her cholesterol is pushed four times that of a healthy adult. the disease, called homonyguz familia hyper cholesterol can spur a heart in tack in teens. this only inflicts 3,000 people in america and 3,000 in europe it causes ldl cholesterol to be extraordinarily high. i don't mean like 130, and you think you ought to eat less ice cream. people with this condition who are untreated have ldl cholesterol levels of close to 1,000. even with statins, the ordinary life expectancy with someone with this disease is only 33 years.
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they have a drug, coming up before an fda panel and it help reduce ldl cholesterol by 25% to 47%. that equates to a risk of cardiovascular disease this is a big deal. now, before i tell you, you got to go buy, buy, buy, there is a contingency here. there is another company with a cholesterol lowering drug for the same condition. going before an fda panel on tuesday. aegirion. it has had a strong result with its clinical trial. why am i recommending isis instead of aegirion. i think both drugs will probably get approved despite safety concerns surrounding each of them. if things go the wrong way, downside is much greater for
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aegirion. and puny pipeline for aegirion. isis has $360 million in cash on the balance sheet. if the fda asks for more safety data or puts up roadblocks, isis will hold up better. isis' drug also reduces other types of fat in the blood and if they can get approval into other types of patients with high ldl cholesterol, we're talking about a billion dollar market opportunity. plus isis isn't just about one drug. they have a whole drug discovery platform that i mentioned. last century, every pharmaceutical company has designed drugs by binding to individual proteins within the body. isis has a different method they developed drugs that work by binding to rna. rna takes the blueprint from the dna and turns it into various proteins that are the various building blocks of life.
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if you can change what the rna is doing, you can treat a whole host of diseases by changing what the body is doing at a much more fundamental level than what we see from traditional drugs and that's why isis has a done of partnerships with pharmaceuticals. they could generate as much as $3.5 billion simply in milestone payments as they developed the 25 drugs they mentioned in the pipeline. now look. everything is dicey when it comes to biotech. be careful. this stock will be a wild trader next week. i have a strategy. if you wu it, must use limit orders. don't pay up. i think isis is owning, going into the fda panel on thursday. don't chase the stock. buy half your position on monday. do not pay up and if it spikes based on what i'm talking about, let it go.
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that's okay. we'll take a pass. if aegerion gets thumbs up, isis will probably pull back hard and that will give you a chance to buy more ahead of thursday's meeting. here is the strategy. half on monday as long as it's not chasing up and half after the aegerion panel on tuesday. to take advantage of any dips. i imagine it will be 12, drops to 10. maybe it doesn't drop at all. and have you half a position. if you want to stay engaged with the market you have to speculate. i sanctioned that, i have to make you interested. ring the register with nps pharma and we move on to the next. >> hot to trot. cramer is finding the big stocks that big money is buying hand over fist. tonight, the temperature reaches a fevered pitch.
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as he adds two biotech behemoths to his 4q hot list.
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all week i've been telling you about the fourth quarter momentum, where traders take some of the best performing growth stocks, most obvious winners and winners for the rest of the quarter. all about the mechanics of the market. and it happens every year. fund managers want to show the best stocks out there, and they own a lot of them. and that's especially true in an environment like this one.
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where so many hedge funds are lagging the market and so few really hot growth stocks. these guys are fighting for their professional lives, people. so they know they can't afford to have their clients ask them, you moron, why didn't you own google or visa or amazon or vista ulta salon or tractor supply, sherwin-williams or diageo. i believe they have been anointed by growth oriented portfolio managers. if it's a really bad market it won't matter, but i had stay focused on the hot list between now and the last week of december. and that brings me to two new ones. the last anointed names that round out the series. two smoking biotech stocks that have been rallying like crazy. first one is alexion, up 56% for the year and gilead, up 66% over the same period. alexion is one of these orphan drug companies, solarus treats rare blood disorders, called pnh
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it can lead to anemia, clotting and death. when you have a drug that treats an ultra rare, often lethal condition with no known cure like alexion does, you can charge any price. what price can you put on a life? a year of treatment can cost more than a half a million dollars. that's why even though not many people have the blood disorder pnh, this is already a billion dollar drug. it got fda approval for a second condition. a kidney disease that can be deadly. ever since, solarus got fda
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approval, it is consistently weighting the streets' expectations. how big could it be? solarus could mean $2 billion and this kidney disease could be another $2 billion. and the data on each of these has been pretty darn good. altogether, worth as much as $2.5 billion for one drug. why don't we add it up. it could be $5.4 billion in peek sales. up from $1 billion right now. that's not a terrific long-term growth trajectory. i really don't know what qualifies it. now, obviously it's not undiscovered. the stock up 231% since i first identified it two years ago in october 2010, and i've reiterated time and time again. it keeps rallying until the end of the year. and funds accumulate. and they want to show investors they own such a fabulous winner. this is the stock when you get off the desk, with portfolio managers, they all whisper, how
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did i miss alexion. what about gilead? a tremendous hiv franchise. they are the top player in the hiv market. and the company just combined four drugs into a single pill. the big opportunity is not hiv, it's in treating hepatitis c. something we talk about incessantly on this show. even if this disease doesn't go away after you get a new liver, a number of companies that potentially revolutionized the market. when and when it was just pooh-poohed he everywhere, they became the leading contender, and bristol meyers, had to drop
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out of the race due to safety concerns, and it could be worth $18 billion, and gilead's drug could be a game changer. my best guess, it would get the thumbs up. right now, hep c, the only treatment is no get injections of interferon, and they have some truly horrific side effects. if you go through the whole regimen for the full 24 weeks, only a 50/50 shot you'll be cured. now, get this. gilead's drug is better in just about every way imaginable. you can get it injected, orally, just 12 weeks, based on trial results, patients would have a much higher chance of actually being cured. some cases as high as 100%. if the fda approves this drug, it will be $5 billion in sales
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by 2016. $5 billion. makes $11 billion it paid to acquire this, look like a pittance, when there is a lot of chatting that gilead lost its mind. gilead has strong management teams and they don't need a strong global economy. secular growth stories will continue to make money, and the world economy smashes into a retaining wall. you don't stop taking life- saving medicine because of a recession. bottom line, the next 2 1/2 months, gilead and alex i don't know -- alexion are going higher, and every manager wants to show they own what's hot and what's not is not in their portfolio. you can pick these stocks up, and frankly between now and year ends on any weakness. and i speak to elizabeth in florida. elizabeth. >> caller: hey, cramer, solid growth offset concerns over the euro, do you see a 20/20 buy or a glaring pass with luzotica. >> on "60 minutes" this piece came on, and they did an amazing
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piece. and i said everybody in the world knows everything about luzotica, what value can i have? when everyone knows everything, it's too late to own. need a dose of year-ends momentum, amazon, google, visa ulta, alexion, vista, master card, and gilead. don't move, the lightning round minutes away. coming up, "mad money" at the movies. cramer has always had a certain theatrical flare and he shares the stage with a star of the silver screen. cramer welcomes argo's baddest cast member to talk business.
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it is time, it is time for the lightning round. and i say, buy, buy, buy, sell, sell, sell. and when you hear this sound, the lightning round is over. are you ready, skedaddy? shawn in new york. >> caller: booyah, jim. eli lily. >> eli lily, down grades today. i looked at a piece "the new york times," and it looks like real hope for alzheimer's, early on seth. it's still a buy. mississippi, david. go ahead, david. >> caller: cooper tire company? >> no, i don't like any tire companies. get monroe if you need to be in that industry. mark in maryland. >> fussion io. >> i'm not going to do that, i'm
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sorry. mirad in new york. >> caller: hi, jim, how are up kmi, kinder morgan. >> kinder morgan partners with kmp. report next week. let's take a look at that. carol in michigan. >> caller: hi, jim. booyah. >> booyah, carol. >> caller: i have a question of nyvdia stock? >> it's a semiconductor stock. a lot of problems, and i think it's too hard to own. let's wait until the group comes down, and it could be a sell. and ladies and gentlemen, that is the conclusion of the lightning round. >> the lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade. ♪ such a pretty dress, such a pretty face ♪ >> here we go again. what does a beauty retailer have to do with a tractor supply
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store? it has the kind of growth that makes money managers salivate. like the dogs at the track trying to get the mechanical rabbit. tractor supply's chief merchandising officer. i don't know where he gets the stuff, he's very good. he's improved, and i don't think we have anything to worry about. ♪ >> after the break, i'll try to make you even more money. >> booyah, from sacramento, california. >> i lived there, unfortunately, not an apartment, it was a street corner. in a '79 ford fairmont. >> caller: we love the way you sleep in cars. >> it's really nasty.
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for a day, it's home free. your place or mine, never have to worry. >> i need your best medical advice as soon as possible. not too good at anatomy, but i have a bad pain in my assets area and it's spreading to my wallet. >> well, i'm not a proctologist, but -- the bull's alive! >> don't you dare drink it all, cap pain. smirnoff, kettel 1. cuervo, my cat used to be named cuervo. johnny walker red. it goes down like paint thinner. 67-year-old man running around on the set. or pay more for johnny walker black, which my staff didn't bother to get. they started drinking gold. i'm not sipping cheap scotch on dirty linoleum floor.
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they are going to fire me.
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there are only bad options it's about finding the best one. >> don't have a better bad idea than this? >> this is the best bad idea we have, sir, by far. >> "mad money" has been called an untraditional business show. we talk about stocks, how to profit from them. i try to keep telling you how to make money from it. how about the way real business works? business itself. supply, demand, inventory, selling, wholesaling, besting the competition or trying to
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wipe them out entirely. i got to tell you, do not do enough on that topic. nobody does, except oddly one show i watch religiously. a show i tell my daughter, when we watch it together, is the best show about business on tv ever. even as it is a fictional show, and it's about an entirely illicit trade, the drug trade. the best business show on tv is "breaking bad" an mc, starring the great serial emmy award winner, bryan cranston. you could learn from the parallels of breaking bad from a dozen books on the subject. good to great has nothing on "breaking bad." it's about a guy who wants to be the steve jobs of crystal meth, getting a better product, getting distribution, getting all in there. and i'm so happy to talk to bryan cranston.
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i went to see argo because i heard bryan cranston was in it. he plays cia officer jack o'donnell. welcome to "mad money." >> caller: jim, thank you so much for that introduction. that's fantastic. i saw the other night busy talking to a reporter and you caught my eye, hey, there's jim cramer. she prompted me back to a question sorry i didn't get a chance to say hello. >> i am honored you noticed me. i thought this movie, argo," very realistic. you spent time with the cia learning how to do this character best. >> well, it was interesting, because i went into langley, virginia, cia headquarters,
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thinking i was going to experience something completely different than i was familiar with, and what i came away with, yeah there, are similar aspects to it, namely, that you have to be so secretive and clandestine as we want in our spies. but they complained with bureaucracies they have to deal with, stale coffee in the break room and having time off to spend with your spouse and things like that. so there was some very common things that i got too, and i was trying to get a baseline character to be able to portray them honestly. and -- and in earnest, so that when they watched the movie, they go, yeah, yeah, you got it right. >> that brings me to the logical question, if i am a member of a cartel. if i were involved in this illicit drug trade, "breaking bad" is an incredibly realistic depiction of how it works. >> caller: it is. there is a hierarchy.
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from where walter white operates and where gus freeman operates, another character from the show it was on a level of organization that is emblematic of a successful business, as you said in the opening. no longer are they -- are they, you know, reduced to this kind of dirty kind of corner street dealing. this is a high-end, very efficient operation. and very smart. they are very careful. and in one way, when i play a guy like that, it makes me feel, you know, accomplished in that. but i start thinking, god, if this is really happening this way, we're in deep trouble. because there are so many layers to this that we don't know about. >> if you don't mind for one moment, i'd like to play a clip of you, and you play walter white, the ceo of a small
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business and we all revere small business in this country. so let me show you this one clip for one sec. >> do you know how much i make a year? even if i told you, you wouldn't believe it. do you know what would happen if i suddenly decided to stop going into work? a business, big enough that it could be listed on the nasdaq goes belly up, disappears. >> a business listed on the nasdaq, and the character you play i think is somewhat motivated by the fact that he was not in a deal that was the biotech equivalent of facebook. >> caller: that's a good observation. a very good observation. would you recommend your viewers invest in an operation such as mine?
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>> i like a business that has a superior product with a ceo with a superior attitude and does not have a distribution network and has to tap into someone's distribution network and runs the whole thing top to bottom. that's what steve jobs did with apple. >> caller: that's true. one of the things you talk about on your show is the risk factor and going into a business like walter white, that's very high. >> well, i think that's true, and if we were to look at say the s-1, the ipo document for mr. white or for hisenberg corp, the level of risk factors might exceed most, but when we see the cash the thing throws off, the only time i have seen a pile of cash as big as in "breaking bad," in the locker, your ex-wife had, would be steve jobs $10 billion that apple accumulated. >> caller: yep. he is -- he is an empire of himself is what he created, and that's walter white's ambition as well. >> one last question. when are you doing it my daughter watches the show with me. you do try to be as realistic as possible. to what a guy has to do to build
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a small business, even in a trade that is not a legal one. >> caller: absolutely. i mean, i think a lot of people misconnect the idea of an actor being a liar. you know, coming up and and pretending to be someone they are not. and the whole focus of an actor is to find the truth. find the honesty in characters. for instance, when i was told i was going to play this role, the first thing i did was contact a professor, head of the chemistry department at the university of southern california and able to follow him around for a few days, just to get the sensibility, to understand that universe, that culture of science. because it's been a while, and so you become like a student of it. and fascinating at this juncture to understand how important
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chemistry is in society and creating this product. it is a business empire. >> anyway, bryan, thank you so much. we're not trying to encourage anyone to be involved in drugs, but a realistic depiction of business is hard to find, and have you done it. bryan cranston, star of "breaking bad" and "argo," my academy award pick for the best movie of 2012. coming up, liftoff. this cloud soared to the sky, but will the laws of gravity bring it back to earth? or will it continue to fly? get cramer's take.
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sometimes even when you get it right, it doesn't matter. the stock of initial public organization, work day, a cloud based company, opened at its highest $14.
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just like that. four times sales. not 40 times, 4 times sales. the cycle most richly valued company i follow. it is spending aggressively, taking a share in the cloud space. hire work day, and taking out costs that are largely related to personnel and human resources and hardware and storage expenses by putting data in the cloud. the whole thing is absurd. the stock is so overvalued. it's as if we went back in the way back machine. in the epicenter of the dot-com bust. we shouldn't blame management or the underwriters for this travesty of evaluation. this was no facebook. they really did everything right, these guys. management didn't choose to sell, and the insiders bought on the deal. morgan stanley and goldman sachs nor management raised the price anywhere near where the demand was. so as not to be too greedy. not one of the little sliver deals, where so little is offered it has to pop no, matter what.
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and most important, the share and coceo wasn't perturbed or upset that the bankers left so much on the table. they told me and my colleagues at squawk on the street that they wanted it priced to close to the comparables and not a penny more than that. he didn't care about extracting the last dollar. anything but abboritious. even though as everyone involved did everything right, we're stuck with an opening and closing that took the stock to the stratosphere. how can that happen? this is a tech company with sustainable long-term growth when one of the largest sectors has little growth to go around and a pathetic parody. when the personal computer market away from apple is shrinking when spending on hardware curtailed, because of the cloud, but also the economies, and two cell phone companies crushing everyone else and no one wants a pc, a
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terrible dearth of high-growth companies to work with. even as prices were richly valued, the need for high-growth entry and any manager drove the price. they figured it was better to pay up and get a full position in the aftermarket. and you saw the crazy aftermarket buying and after the opening buy. it gives customers the average basis and above the actual price is below where it will ultimately hope. and they pay at $48 and divide by two. and as work day opened at 48, as illogical as that is, when you consider the ice cold sector, needy buyers, reasonable sellers, make as a ton of sense it opened at a $20 premium, even as you need an oxygen mask to fathom it all. stick with cramer.
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