tv Power Lunch CNBC October 22, 2012 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT
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maker. >> paul wednesday. >> boeing. very low expectations. >> excellent, guys. good show. catch more "fast money" at 5:00 p.m. eastern time. "power lunch" begins in two seconds. >> announcer: halftime is over. "power lunch" and the second half of the trading day start right now. they're running towards me here. it is a make-or-break edition of "power lunch." first, microsoft, windows 8 and its new surface tablets rolling out this week. critical test for that struggling tech giant. and its ceo, steve balmer. the third and final presidential debate tonight as a new nbc news poll shows that the race is a dead heat. a make-or-break moment for the candidates with the election just two weeks and a day away. and it is a make-or-break proposition for millions of americans, saving for retirement. we've got $3.5 trillion worth of advice now on how you can catch up if you're a little bit
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behind. let's check in now first with sue at the nyse. >> hi, ty. stocks beginning the week on a down note. that follows last week's big sell-off. still some fears about corporate profits persisting out there but we are seeing a bit of a rebound in technology which of course was key in last week's sell-off. we'll see whether or not it can maintain its leadership. bob pisani joins me on the floor of the nyse. not unexpected that we would continue to see a little bit of selling but it certainly doesn't have the pressure build-up. >> are we at a bottom in earnings at all. it's still out. what's encouraging, tech stocks, a horrible week last week, a lot of companies disappointed, microsoft and ibm. a little bit of stabilization here. that's good to find some kind of bottom. ibm has stabilized, but general electric hasn't. we're down again today after some disappoint yesterday. one of the biggest volume days i've ever seen in general electric on friday. heavy volume again today. down almost 7.5%. ge in two days?
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that's enough to get technicians noticed, talking about it. earnings today, we had caterpillar. bottom line, they talked about 2013 being flat but the stock is stable here, sue. apparently the street wasn't too worried about that. $80 is where that stock bottomed around near. that's looking very stable. coal stocks are up as peabody energy did well. freeport macmoran, down but a good report from freeport. let's bring in our guest today, our special guest, rob capito, president, founder and director at blackrock, the world's largest asset manager with $3.5 trillion under management. we'll talk about the markets and retirement. rob, it's graek great to have you here on "power lunch." welcome back. >> sue, great to be with you. you're a real professional. >> aw, thanks. i appreciate that. well, let's talk about the professional that you are, the money manager that you are.
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is the beginning of save for retirement week which is something near and dear to both my heart and ty's heart because so many people in this country are not saving for retirement or are not putting enough risk in their portfolio. correct? >> well, there's a lot of savings that's sitting on the sideline and at today's interest rates, those savings are not going to last to retirement. so we need to come up with some good ideas and blackrock is taking the responsibility of coming up with those ideas to create more income for our clients and what we're going to call a new world of investing. i hope to be on later to give you some ideas of where you can find some of that good income, because there are opportunities in the marketplace today. >> yes. we're going to keep you with us for quite a bit of time here on "power lunch." one of the reasons that people are worried about putting risk in their portfolio is because of the kind of move that we saw in the market on friday. speak to me about the market in general and how you view it right now.
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>> well, there's just a little too much uncertainty in the market. you've heard a lot about our risk-on, a risk-off trade, and i think it is making clients very uncertain about the future. obviously the elections are another thing that are making people a little nervous to put their money to work right now. but there is a cost of cash. and we have to help people guide through that uncertainty to start committing money to a couple areas, high-yield in particular has got some great returns. some of the equity dividend funds that are out there have some really good returns as well. we're seeing a lot of interest in the emerging markets through our product in ishares. so there are opportunities out there even though the market is choppy. >> one of the things you're worried about is the fiscal cliff and the inaction right now that's taking place around trying to resolve that problem. >> well, look. it is just more uncertainty. we can't afford now to have an
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economy that goes in to a recession. so we have to do everything that we can to provide some growth. i was watching some of the earnings this morning. some of that top line growth is not what we all thought it should be. companies are the beneficiary of low rates so that balance sheets look better. they've been watching their expenses. they haven't been re-investing, so they can actually go out and buy back stock and raise dividends. but the issue is, is that top line growth going to be there for us to see another bull market in equities. >> we'll talk a little bit more about that later on. thanks, rob. we'll see you in just a little bit. ty? back to you. sue, get ready for round three. president obama, governor romney gearing up for their third and final make or break debate. this time focusing on foreign policy. it comes as a new nbc news/"wall street journal" poll shows the two men in a dead heat, a tie.
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john harwood live at the debate site in boca raton, florida. >> reporter: tyler, it is 47%-47% among likely voters which tells you that turnout is going to be everything in this race. one of the functions of these debates is for each candidate to energize their side and pump up turnout. we saw that successful first debate that mitt romney energized republicans in a very major way. president obama did that to some extent among democrats in the second debate. but i want to talk a little bit about what has gotten the two sides to this tie. obama's been leading for the last several months. he had a three-point lead in mid-september but two things have happened to get mitt romney up to 47%. the first thing is he's re-asserted his edge on handling the economy. that was tied in september. now he leads obama 46%-40% on who would be better able to manage the economy. secondly -- this is crucial for tonight -- mitt romney has now pulled essentially even with the president on who could be commander in chief. obama has a lead that's just
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three percentage points. it was eight points a month ago. what that tells you is a couple things. one, the president may have sustained some damage over the attacks about benghazi and the violence in libya, but also that mitt romney has sort of crossed a threshold of acceptability which is critical for a challenger to an incumbent president. so he's going to try to take that last step to parody tonight. president obama will have to try to be aggressive again as he was in the second debate. but this is a race that could not be closer not only nationally, but in many of those battleground states, tyler. >> john harwood, thank you very much. one of the issues at the top of the to-do list for the next president of course is the fiscal cliff. will it get resolved before the end of the year? joining us from houston now with his plan to help fix the problem, representative kevin brady, a republican from texas. senior member of the house ways and means committee. representative brady, welcome. good to have you with us. >> thanks, tyler. thanks for having me. >> let's talk specifically about the fiscal cliff and what will happen after the election and
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let me ask you just very pointedly -- and i hope specifically -- what will you do specifically to help the country avoid the fiscal cliff, and as a second question, what, if anything, are you willing to sacrifice, to give, to ensure that we don't go over the cliff? >> absolutely. one, i think it's irresponsible to drive off this fiscal cliff. as house republicans we've already voted to actually extend all the tax cuts to do fundamental tax reform next year, to spur more revenue growth to help balance the budget, and also the fiscal discipline, the spending discipline that has to be put in place. we think that's the solution. what i worry about is the false choice we've been given right now which is either drive off that cliff and risk another recession, or raise taxes on the job creators and the professionals that actually would help get us out of the economy. i just think creating tax increases where we have fewer --
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lower wages, less jobs, and less investment in america, that isn't a good choice either. so i think the middle ground, the balanced approach, is fiscal restraint, spending restraint, coupled with economic growth. that's how we'll get out of this hole. >> you understand this problem, this issue a hell of a lot more in more detailed way than i do. do you truly believe in your heart of hearts that growth and spending cuts together, without any raising of revenue, can solve the long term fiscal problems that the nation has? >> well, absolutely. actually, if you combine spending restraint with economic growth, you create the revenues that actually balance the budget. and in truth, that's the only solution that does it in a way that also creates jobs as we do it. what we do know is that raising taxes won't balance the budget. we can double everyone's taxes in america. in truth, the president signed trillion dollars of new taxes in place already.
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not a dime went to reduce the deficit. all went to more spending. so that's that balanced approach, economic growth and new revenues from that, i think that's the solution. >> one real area of your expertise is social security. two questions here. should the payroll tax holiday be allowed to lapse at the end of the year? that's number one. and social security seems to me to be a relatively easy fix. how would you fix it? >> you're right on both. one, the payroll tax holiday is blowing a hole in social security which, by the way, has faced the largest deterioration in one year than in the past 20 years. and disability program will go bankrupt in just four years. so clearly we can't, as a nation, keep diverting one-sixth of the revenue stream to that important program. the solution is, if you want to keep -- we really have two options. if we want to keep social security as a pay as you go system, eventually over 30, 35 years raising the age retirement
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to 70, and tying benefits to real cost of living increases, that's the solution there. but there's some other options we ought to look at as well, including the galveston model that allows the option of putting a small amount of money in to a pooled system, interest-bearing accounts that generate more revenue for younger workers. you're right, social security is much easier to solve and it's ridiculous that we've waited this long to solve it. >> congressman, thank you very much. kevin brady of texas, we appreciate your being with us. >> thank you. >> you bet. programming note -- cnbc will carry the final debate tonight. coverage beginning at 7:00 p.m. eastern with "the kudlow report." it starts there and continues through the evening. it is your money, your vote. sue? indeed it is, ty. to a "market flash." hi, jackie. >> good afternoon, sue. we're watching shares of annie's today. "barron's" saying it is going to be tough for annie's to get into
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new categories other than the ones it is already in, also saying you have to look at the prices. a lot more expensive pricing than the competition. it is still double its march ipo price but we are down nearly 7%. >> jackie, thank you. a big week for technology. apple set to unveil its mini ipad. and microsoft windows 8 roll out its surface tablet this week. the big three u.s. carmakers have always relied on the american consumer to keep changing models every couple of years. well, don't bet on it now, detroit. new numbers that are raising some fears. and as we head out, the dow is down 54 points. some of the big monday movers on "power lunch" include a 17% move in cascade and a 2.33% decline in advanced micro. [ male announcer ] zeebox is the free app that makes watching tv even better.
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if your tv were a slow running teenager, zeebox would be a horror movie monster. together they'd create heart-pounding magic... ahhhhhhhh, i fell over. grooaaaaaarrrr! [ screams ] ...that would forever bring couples closer on couches. download zeebox free, and go... grooaaaarrr! ...when you watch tv.
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welcome back to "power lunch." dominion resources ticker d planning to shut down one of its plants in wisconsin in the second quarter of 2013. this would be the first nuclear plant to fall victim to that steep rise in power prices that we've been seeing especially as natural gas production is now redefining those markets. the stock is down 1.2% today.
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we're keeping a very close eye on technology this week following last week's tech wreck. the nasdaq was actually in the green, then it's turned negative. it's really straddling the unchanged line. right now it is down just basically it is unchanged. down .34. seema mody is at the nasdaq trying to keep track of last week's biggest misses. >> one asset manager i spoke to this morning said last week was basically a week of hell for technology. google being the big story there, missing street expectations by a wide margin. in response, analysts cutting their 2013 estimates. stock continues to move to the downside in today's trade. while this week might be a moment of truth for microsoft with that windows 8 release, the company also missing street expectations. pc demand being the key catalyst there. the stock down bert than 2%. lastly, amd, advanced microdevices, a big loser for the week. it continues to move lower hitting a new multi-year low in today's trade. analysts writing the struggling
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pc market puts and in a very tough position. stock down 2.3%. it is a big week for two of the biggest names in technology. apple expected to unveil its mini ipad tomorrow. but for rival microsoft it is arguely an even more important week. it releases windows 8, the long awaited operating system and the so-called surface tablet. spencer ante is deputy bureau chief at the "wall street journal." . this feels like a make or break moment for microsoft and the ceo steve balmer. it used to be any upgrades to the windows operating system was a huge thing. this time though it doesn't seem quite so much. >> right. there used to be a global hysteria around the launch of windows back in the '90s when microsoft was the dominant technology company. but that hasn't happened for a long time. now the hysteria is over apple products. that's why this is a big moment for microsoft. it is the biggest product refresh in microsoft in several years. they're launching their flagship
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operating system windows, new tablet computer, a new line of smartphones. they really need to get it right. the stakes are really high for microsoft. this is the first operating system that's been cross-platform for microsoft. it shows that it is the post-pc environment and microsoft is making an operating system for the first time that works on mobile devices and pcs. >> that's what i wanted to hear you say. it is really one that works on mobile things like the surface tablet, it will work on cell phones, work on the desktop. who needs a hit more, steve balmer for alex rodriguez? >> that's a great question, tyler. i think this week microsoft needs a hit more. i think last week a-rod needed a hit more. that's over for the yankees. the focus now is on microsoft. the risk for microsoft is, with building the system they're saying mobile devices is really where the emphasis of the company is on now. they're cannibalizing pcs.
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pc growth is declining. risk is by emphasizing mobile, they could injure the core franchise of the pc because this is a whole new interface for the microsoft window system. it is going to turn off some people. it is going to be a hard change for people to get used to. if it turns them off, that could be a dent in windows. at the same time, if they don't get traction in mobile, then they get the worst of both worlds. >> quick question on the ipad mini. how important is it and is it as simple as saying this is what apple needs to do to protect its flank against the cheaper tablets? >> i think it is a very important launch for apple. the only area in weakness apple's seen in the tablet market which it dominates right now is in the lower end of the market where amazon has seen success with kindles, for the most part. google has seen a little bit of success with some of the samsung tablets. so apple is smartly addressing that weakness by what most
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people think is going to be a lower priced tablet, a mini tablet. the key question for apple though, is it going to be aggressively priced to go after kindle at around the $200 range? or is it going to be a premium priced product like a lot of apple products are in the $250 to $350 range. >> spencer, thank you. we'll have full apple coverage all day tomorrow on cnbc. the breaking news will happen during our hour right here on "power lunch." jon fortt and brian sullivan will be all over it for us tomorrow all day on cnbc. indeed, ty. another tech giant in the news today is yahoo!. right now down just a fraction at 15.75. it reports earnings after the bell. julia boorstin will get us ahead of the numbers. what can investors expect this time around? >> reporter: well, sue,
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investors expect marissa myer to lay out her plan to turn the company around and help it transition to a more mobile future. yahoo!'s expected to report earnings per share of 25 cents, up 11% from a year ago on 1% higher revenue. the big question is how display ads, which is yahoo!'s biggest business, at 40% of its revenue are impacted by the shrift to mobile where yahoo! has a relatively small presence. we'll be watching that cost-per-click metric which declined at google. yahoo!'s second biggest business is its search business. that's about one-third of the company's revenue. it will also be in focus. it continues to lose market share with just 12.2% of search in september. we'll see what myer has planned to build yahoo!'s mobile prices and keep consumers engaged when they're faced with so many competitors like google and facebook. myer is sure to face some questions about the report that she's interested in acquiring companies like open table, as well as ad tech companies like
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millenial media. what yahoo! do vs going for it, it is the fourth largest visited website in the world. we'll see how yahoo! can build on that strength. speaking of yahoo! in today's yahoo! finance poll, which of these tech stories will you be watching closely this week? microsoft, apple's mini ipad, facebook's earnings, yahoo's earnings. go to the results later on "power lunch." staying with earnings now, dow member caterpillar is out with its numbers. it misses on the top line, it cuts its outlook but the shares are up. we'll tell you why and tell you what cat's ceo fears most right now. plus, aig's ceo says he deserves a thank-you from the government after paying back billions in taxpayer bailout money. is he completely out of touch or does he have a valid point? we'll talk about that when we come back.
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and his new boss told him two things -- cook what you love, and save your money. joe doesn't know it yet, but he'll work his way up from busser to waiter to chef before opening a restaurant specializing in fish and game from the great northwest. he'll start investing early, he'll find some good people to help guide him, and he'll set money aside from his first day of work to his last, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. it's just common sense. mike rowe here at a ford tell me fiona, who's having a big tire event? your ford dealer. who has 11 major brands to choose from? your ford dealer. who's offering a rebate? your ford dealer. who has the low price tire guarantee... affording peace of mind to anyone who might be in the market for a new set of tires? your ford dealer.
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i'm beginning to sense a pattern. buy four select tires, get a $60 rebate. use the ford service credit credit card, get $60 more. that's up to $120. where did you get that sweater vest? your ford dealer. biggest sing week for earnings this time around. dow member caterpillar already out today. dupont, 3m, netflix, facebook, boeing, apple, among the big names also reporting later this week. there's the calist of them. congratulations on the irish. he's going to break down today's big report. let's start with caterpillar.
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it beat the street expectations but revenue came in below forecast. the company also cutting its outlook. let's listen to what the ceo said today on "squawk box" about the biggest looming peril in the economy, the fiscal cliff. >> we've just seen back and forth and bashing and total gridlock and that has got to be solved because that uncertainty is driving into the economy, into our customers who are worried to spend their money because they don't know what's going to happen. >> talk to me about caterpillar. apart from -- you can pick up on what he just said or caterpillar's business. >> no news flash there on uncertainty. right? everyone knows about this. i'm impressed, this is the best third quarter profit in their history. no doubt about we've seen this price come down $80. i think it is a very important piece of a portfolio. we see the ebb and flow of global growth forecast as well as central bank stimulus. >> an important piece of a portfolio. >> to own. >> absolutely. moving on, freeport mcmoran
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missing estimates. big drop in gold production. >> freeport mac, largers copper producer, publicly traded company in the world. that is gold. one step below the global bellwether of cap. we're seeing uncertainty out of china. this is the biggest week of central banks. i'm looking for this as well to go up here. >> so that sounds like two bullish calls there. the apparel company vf corp., lee jeans, wranglers and all of those, bigger quarterly profit though revenues came in shy of expectations. company also announcing it is increasing its quarterly dividend by 20%. buy, sell, hold on vf? >> just like mkeep in mind, it e close last week. i'm very optimistic out here. they got hurt a glit in their european sales of northface. on top of that, lot of retailers are very conservative and they were's trying to be stung last year when they bought all that
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stuff with that warm weather. >> but, man, they sell a lot of those northface -- >> they are selling 23% more in china. on the trajectory it is going up. >> real -- comfortable -- jeans. all right, see you in a little bit. many americans facing an uncertain future with their retirement funds. what is the smart way to play catch-up? $3.5 trillion worth of advice for you from blackrock. the big three automakers have always banked on consumers changing their cars every four years. new numbers that are raising some serious fears about that one. we'll be right back. americans believe they should be in charge of their own future.
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how they'll live tomorrow. for more than 116 years, ameriprise financial has worked for their clients' futures. helping millions of americans retire on their terms. when they want. where they want. doing what they want. ameriprise. the strength of a leader in retirement planning. the heart of 10,000 advisors working with you one-to-one. together for your future. ♪
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welcome back to "power lunch." looking at the apparel retailers today, you mentioned, tyler, vf corp. and that weak revenue number. dragging down some of the other names as well. some names down more than 1% -- ralph lauren, gap, pvh. we're watching this market very closely. the dow jones industrial average ticked down to negative 90 on the trading session. but first, the gold market is
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closing right now. sharon epperson is track being the action from the nymex. a little bit of a move to the up side. >> a little bit above a key support level. we are looking at gold prices above $1,725 an ounce. this is actually a nice rebound from the lows where gold opened in the overnight session around $1,714 an ounce. a lot of traders are pointing to the fact that we're above a 50-day moving average. they're also though looking at the fact there may be more weakness ahead as gold has failed to get above that $1,800 level. we've seen net long positions reduced significantly because of that. back to you, sue. >> thank you very much, sharon. let's get the trading action here. bob pisani joins me on the nyse floor here. there is a little build-up right now in the market, a little bit of downside pressure billing. >> so far, earnings for this quarter, flat. third quarter, i mean. revenue is growing less than 1%. hard to grow earnings with revenues up 1%. take a look at the dow. we started on the 10th of this
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month with alcoa. we had misfortune of starting at four-year highs on the dow jones industrial average when we went into earnings. there since i think the 8th of october, down maybe 300 points. maybe 2% decline on the dow? not bad considering some of the commentary we've had. we'll get texas instruments after the close today but ibm at least stopped going down. it was a major problem last weeshg. still pretty flat on tech stocks. earnings, caterpillar's 2013 revenues were flat. stock is not down on that. that's a big move in this huge volume in that that's holding up peabody and all the coal stocks to the up side. coal stocks have bottomed out. freeport had a good number but when copper is down, freeport usually moves very much along with copper. >> thank you, robert. see you later. to the nasdaq right now, seema mody rejoins us. she's following the big movers there. >> the nasdaq did turn negative in the past 30 minutes thanks so
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some of those large cap tech firms like microsoft an google which continue to move lower but there are some bright spots. netflix, best performing stock on the nasdaq 100. a new study revealing 20% of online consumers consider online video as a replacement for pay tv. its earnings report is also expected to come out tomorrow. apple after four down days is getting a nice pop ahead of what experts believe will be an ipad mini announcement tomorrow. back over to you. let's check in on the bond market. frequently when the stock market starts to sell off we see the money moving into the bond market. very busy weeks for earnings and the economy. look at the 10-year notoriety now. yield on the 10-year is 1.78%. you know we had big moves in yield last week and the 30-year is now yielding just under 3%. we're at 2.94% on the 30-year bond. you're up to date on the bond market and that is your bond
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report. today, it is national save for retirement week. it kicks off today and, according to a new blackrock survey, 46% of investors are initiating conversations with their advisors about retirement. that's up from 28% a year ago. with nearly two-thirds of blackrock's $3.5 trillion worth of assets and pensions and other retirement fund, you can bet the firm has a pretty good handle on their clients' investment needs in this area. more now from the blackrock founder, director and president, rob kapito. welcome back. start first with what you're hearing from clients. was heartened by the fact that a significantly larger percentage of them are actually initiating those conversations. that's a good first step, at least. >> well, look. real people are challenged. we manage two-thirds of our assets in retirement or retirement related products. these are for teachers, nurses, for firefighters, and it's our responsibility to provide them
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with practical solutions, because they're sitting with $10 trillion in cash. it's not that they're not saving enough. it's that they don't have enough income opportunities. and you just cannot build your future in the future. you have to define your retirement and you have to take action, and we're taking the step of responsibility to help them and provide those practical solutions. >> you make a point in an op-ed that you wrote this morning that you -- if you're in a conversation with a client and it lasts 30 minutes, that the first 20 should be the advisor listening to the client. the last ten should be the questioning. correct? >> well, there's too much people trying to talk about what product should they buy. the first thing that we have to do is listen to our clients, define their needs, and make sure that their savings has enough income to get them through retirement. now you know with all the studies people are living
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longer. when did living longer become such a problem? so we need to help provide these solutions, and that's what that article was about. it is our responsibility and we're stepping up to the plate to do that, especially during save for retirement week. >> a lot of people are a little gun shy of the stock market in terms of individual stocks. but what about the use of ishares and etfs to aid in retirement and does this provide them with the ability to catch up a little bit if they are far behind? >> well, ishares gives you tremendous access and liquidity in markets that many people do not have access to. so in all of the product areas that we're offering the basic securities for, you can also express that in ishares on the new york stock exchange and other markets. so for example, gold. very easy access in to our gold fund iau. if it's high yield, for example, which we love high yield,
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getting 90% on returns with 60% of the risk of the equity markets, and maybe a 5%-ish return, you can express that by buying a diversified portfolio of high yield or simply by going into hyg on the exchange. >> i was going to ask you -- >> that just gives you more access. >> i was going to ask you where you see the biggest opportunity. this is the second time that you've mentioned high yield. so it sounds like that's one of your favorite areas to get some sort of return. i would assume that that also helps catch up if you haven't been paying enough attention to your retirement. >> well, we like high yield because companies have been the beneficiary of low rates. their balance sheets look really good. and they're still offering some very, very good yields in the marketplace. i also like companies that are large company with good products that are paying good dividends because those companies are also beneficiaries. and what they're doing is they're buying back their stock and raising dividends. and in fact, this year we expect
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over $300 billion in buy-backs. there's not enough ipos going back into the market so that puts a good floor underneath the stock price with maybe 4% to 5% dividends in names like verizon, or at&t, for example. and you know, sue, that one of my favorite investments is also munis. you can get some pretty good returns, 4% to 5% on municipal bonds. and my favorite there is an infrastructure or transportation which we all know we need better infrastructure. so there are some really good opportunities to come out of that cash where you're not earning any yield whatsoever, and at least get some of that money working and get you towards your retirement plan. >> all right. good to see you again, rob. >> great to see you. >> come back and join us again soon. blackrock president and founder, rob kapito. back to you. sue, where's my thank you? aig's ceo complaining he says he deserves a thank-you from the
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taxpayers after paying back billions in bailout money. is he clueless or does he really have a point here? after all, the government is getting their money back, with a profit. speaking of bailed out companies, general motors has always relied on americans to keep changing their cars every few years. three, four years. but it looks like consumers are stepping on the brakes a little bit. phil, new numbers? >> new numbers, tyler. as gm and all automakers rely on us going into the show room every three or four years. but that's not happening anymore. gone are the days of constantly buying a new car. we'll explain when "power lunch" returns. one is for a clean, wedomestic energy future that puts us in control. our abundant natural gas is already saving us money, producing cleaner electricity, putting us to work here in america and supporting wind and solar.
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though all energy development comes with some risk, we're committed to safely and responsibly producing natural gas. it's not a dream. america's natural gas... putting us in control of our energy future, now. i was downstairs making coffee, and we heard it. it just came crashing through the roof, out of nowhere. what is it? it's our ira. any idea what coulda caused this? maybe. i just sorta threw a little money here, a little money there. and i loaded up on something my dentist told me was hot. yeah. ♪
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and the nasdaq which had been flirting in the green for much of today has now turned negative by about nine points on the trading session. >> reporter: transports are off 60 points. ty, some of the internal components don't look that healthy right now. >> one of the worst three-day losses for the major brohm terse in months. today's yahoo! finance poll, we asked after a rough week last week, it is a big week for technology. what will you be watching this week? people say -- here's what the people say! 22% say apple's new ipad mini launch. 18% say microsoft unveiling windows 8. 10% say they're going to watch facebook's earnings. 3% say they'll watch yahoo!'s earnings. and 47% say they just don't care. tech is a wreck. let's see what's coming up on "street signs." >> lots of things, ty. well, are things really that bad out there? we've got a wlerg doom and gloom playbook to keep your money out of the red.
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microsoft has big hopes for windows 8 but is friday's release dead on arrival? as we prepare for tonight's debate, cramer joins us with the unissue that he thinks will decide this election. there's your tease. watch our show at the top of the hour. >> thank you. checking out how auto stocks are trading right now, you look at the two that are publicly traded here in the u.s. of the american companies, ford down 12 cents at $10.06. gm at $24.31, down about 28 cents. general rule has always been that americans buy a new car or truck every three or four years. but will that rule hold in this tough economy as farce, phil lebeau, get better and better, more durable and durable. >> that rule's already gone out the window. take a look at this new analysis that we've just received. numbers have been crunched how often people are buying a new car. pre-recession in your lifetime you were likely to buy 13 new
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vehicles. today, that number has dropped down to 9.4. couple of things factoring in here. first, americans are holding on to their cars for an average of 5 1/2 years, and as they're doing that, they're also stretching out the length of the new car or truck loans. you combine that with the fact that reliability of new cars is at an all-time high. we aren't seeing them being brought in for repair as often. the average age of cars on the road is now 11 years. put all that together and there's a change in how often we will be buying a new car or truck. >> when we were younger, we had to replace the vehicles out of necessity. that's not the case anymore. the vehicles are much better quality, they're lasting much longer, and so really there's no need to replace vehicles. >> you might look at this and say, so what? we won't buy cars as often. the implications for the automakers are huge, because if you were going in every four years as the industry used to expect, the chance for the automaker to steal you as a conquest buyer, they were more often.
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now it is going to be stretched out a little longer between purchases. as a result, it gets tougher for automakers to keep you as well as to steal you away from a different automaker. >> will these imperatives, phil, increase the amount of leasing that detroit and the other automakers tend to push? in other words, that's a way to keep people rolling over cars. >> we're already seeing that. leasing rates right now, penetration rate is back to where it was back in 2007. i'm not sure we're going to get back to where we were in 2000 but we're going to continue to see that be a popular way for people to get rolled in to a new car at a dealership. >> phil, thank you. down to you, sue. we're going to jackie for a "market flash" and it concerns monster. >> that's right. we're watching monster beverage, down 9% at this point. a big drop today. on reports that five people may have died after drinking monster energy. this according to incident reports that were released by the fda but these reports, remember, do not prove that there is a link between monster energy and the deaths.
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still, the market is not lifking this news and we are watching the stock down 8% at this point. the big banks got the big bailout during the financial crisis. but they weren't the only ones. hundreds of smaller banks got some help, too. while the government has wound down its stake in the big players, it is still struggling with exact lip what to do and how to do it with the smaller ones. kayla tausche is here with details with a new plan to move them and the surprising people who might be ready to buy into that plan. >> well, remember during the crisis, treasury propped up over 700 banks. even t.a.r.p. is a distant memory for the likes of bank of america and citigroup, nearly 300 banks still have it. there are auctions planned for two-thirds of the stakes. slices of some 200 banks totaling nearly $2 billion are about to come to the market. an auction for about a dozen of them actually just kicked off today. but some of the investors circling these sales are mega
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money managers eyeing these small t.a.r.p. slices as a yield play. pimco, alliance bernstein and wellington management are set to be among the large cap investors swooping in this an attempt to get some yield. on the smaller end, the lesser known ejf capital. but how exactly will they get yield? in these auctions, investors have a chance to buy the stakes well below where treasury invested at some points nearly 20% discount. they also inherit a 5% preferred dividend that ticks up to 9% late next year. there's the potential for a premium if the bank buys it back at its original value, you get to capture that difference. there is a catch, too, this time around. banks can actually find their own investors and send a prenegotiated deal up to treasury. deals for this batch of 200 banks are expected to kick off over the next three months with a 12 to 18-month timeline being eyed for exiting the remaining
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90. for more, go to time for the power rundown. joining us, cnbc's john carney. kate kelly, good to have you with us. aig's chief wants a pat on the back. robert benmoshe says the government deserves a thank-you from the federal government as his company has repaid what amounts to the largest government bailout in history. is this cheeky or deserved? >> i'm not a clinical psychologist, but this guy's arrogance borders on insanity in my view. he's been this arrogant from day one when he took a vacation right away when he first started working at aig. the whole point of aig bailout was to allow the company to have an orderly dissolution. he managed to twist that into becoming a successful company again. he owes us an apology and we don't owe him a thank you. >> i think this is taken a little bit out of context, though i agree it is juicy. here's a guy that took a job that was sort of unfillable. edward liddy left because he couldn't stand the frustration.
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hank greenberg was run out on a rail. benmosche came out of retirement for this. i think he wants a thank you for the turnaround and stability he's brought back to the company rather than the fact he's paid back taxpayers for something they didn't largely want to do. i agree the rhetoric is a little bit rich. if you look at it in a broader context, he has done a lot for the company and for investment community. >> tyler, in my view, aig is still a permanent stain on the market. no, thank you, to him at all. >> who deserves to thank whom. we'll come back and talk a little bit more -- remember greg smith? the former goldman sachs banker who wrote the fiery op-ed on the bank back in march? there he is. he made muppets very popular even before mitt romney and big bird and all that. he is out selling his book and he is topic two in the rundown when we come back. bob...
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great! it's always good to have a backup plan, in case i get hit by a meteor. wow, your hair looks great. didn't realize they did photoshop here. hey, good call on those mugs. can't let 'em see what you're drinking. you know, i'm glad we're both running a nice, clean race. no need to get nasty. here's your "honk if you had an affair with taylor" yard sign. looks good. [ male announcer ] fedex office. now save 50% on banners.
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>> this is a tough one. i haven't read the book but i have to say based on what i've seen in terms of the "today" show and "60 minutes," he either needed the good names, numbers, or be the next michael lewis which is tough shoes to fill. >> being a great writer to be able to tell a -- >> a great stylist capturing a moment -- >> he might not be the greatest literary genius of our age, but i think it is useful to have this come out. some of what he says -- those cynics like us know already. but it is useful to have it said again and again. goldman sachs does in fact allow some of its clients who might be not as sophisticated as others -- they're all big institutions so they all count legally as sophisticated clients. we saw them sell products to german banks that didn't know
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much about the mortgage market. >> we've known about this critique since at least 2010. the cultural critique has been there a while. unless greg had something fresh to say -- >> we're not hearing that. disney revamping its website for kids for the third time in five years. the wall street hoping the ceo hopes to turn around disney's gaping and mobile unit after 15 straight quarters of losses. john, have you just welcomed a new baby into your fold. congratulations. madeline mabel. >> i have a 3-year-old who might be getting in to disney at some point. though i do have to say, i looked at this new website. it is a little bit dumb to me. there's a lot of stuff going on. i don't know that they ever said to themselves, who is it that we're trying to attract for the disney website? the truth is, these big corporate home pages don't make as much of a difference, probably people are googling disneyland, and then trying to
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find it that way. people are wreck it rich or whatever hs nais name is. the characters they google. >> i have a slightly different take on this. john and i have kids that are similar in age. nick, in my household at least, is all over disney. in this "new york times" piece the disney television is referred to as the front door that brings you to the website. he think that's the case especially with young kids. i think nickelodeon has done a better job of drawing that audience in. >> you have two children. any advice for he who has just added a second. >> do the best you can to take naps. anything your wife wants, you should do. >> i will do everything she asks. >> it is said right here! on the record! whoa! okay, mrs. carney. in the next hour we're going to look at the one bright spot in this rather lackluster earnings season. that's on street signs. the four names you should
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