tv Mad Money CNBC December 10, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am EST
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>> i'm jim cramer and welcome to my world. firms are going to go out of business and he's nuts! they're nuts! they know nothing! i always like to say there's a bull market somewhere. "mad money," you can't afford to miss it. hey, i'm cramer, welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. other people want to make friends. my job is not just to entertain, but i'm trying to teach you, to educate. so call me at 1-800-743-cnbc.
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do we pay too much attention to apple? do we pay too much attention to the fiscal cliff at the expense of everything else? averages once again around the flat line with the dow up 15 points, nasdaq rising .530%. we talk about how the transports fare well, or how i like the new honeywell application. where you should buy the aig over the dip. it's fun for us to puzzle over the strength of hewlett packard. deckers down $3 because of the warm weather impact on uggs. is that what's behind coach today? that's what i regard as productive use of my time.
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but unfortunately, that's not the case for many of you and in many ways, it's not what you need to hear. in fact all those issues i just mentioned aren't even mildly important compared to the big stories we battle every day. first let's tackle the fiscal cliff. i'm beginning to hear a ton of blowback about how we talk about it way too much. jim, give it a rest, will you? i'm getting feedbck how our rise above campaign is stillborn because the politicians aren't going to rise above, stop kidding yourself cramer. yes, yes, yes to my no vacation without legislation mantra. even has its own hashtag on twitter. i wish i never had to talk
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politics ever. one of the reasons that i started "mad money" was that i would never have to talk politics. that's something personal that shouldn't even be discussed on air. i don't have any choice. i know everybody's hostage to washington these days. i can isolate some cloud plays. there's some trends that can trump the government, health and wellness maybe? breaking up is easy to do stories. better than expected retailers, in the end when it come to the fiscal cliff, the longer we delay a deal or can't do a deal at all, it's worse for all the shareholders and the investors and the stock market. yes, a deal that does nothing, it simply keeps taxes where they are right now and doesn't cut entitlements, that's what everybody wants. what does matter, believe he, i mean what's going to happen if
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we do nothing except keep things exactly the way they are now, and just vote to undo the cliff? the rating agencies, they'll downgrade the u.s. debt. but that's it. by the way, we have already proven through nine ways of sunday that the agencies are ridiculous. when our credit rating got downgraded last summer, well, bonds went up in price and down in yield. so why not do nothing? why doesn't the president say we're just going to keep bonds the way they are? and we're not going to cut entitlements because we know if we don't cut taxes, the republicans will go along with their no tax pledge and the markets will go higher and no one will care, for now. but he told us that's not going to happen, and he got re-elected.
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why doesn't the president get off the higher tax thing? what does it matter? it doesn't raise a lot of money. why didn't he just say that we're taking the social security to 68, cutting the military budget. the democrats will be committing political suicide and the republicans. that's why i was hoping that congress would rise above and figure out a more reasonable way to spend less and take in more money over time and get the budget deficit under control over time. the moronic cliff doesn't hurt. what do we need? i have to use his words because it's like a curse word. compromise. it used to be the american way. almost impossible to find. compromise, that's considered to be sinking below. you know i favor higher stock prices, that's my mantra. i'm not sure that cutting all these programs quickly, that's what the cliff jump would do is the way to get to higher stock
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prices, austerity means that tax hikes will go higher. unlike the rest of the 98%, you won't hurt the market as much as if you make everyone pay. the 2% save more and the 98% spend more. but what hurts the most is no deal at all. the president ran on a platform of tax increases for the wealthy. he won. the majority of americans voted for him. but the republicans in the house of representatives, hey, they won too, and they're for keeping taxes low. they won. so how the heck can both sides come together and make a deal? they probably can't. as long as we're stuck in washington, we're stuck with the lower spending higher tax promise. and then we're stuck on wall street. that brings me to apple. i think apple is going down pretty much every day for the simple reason that there are more sellers than buyers, but
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the vast majority of people who own the stock will be capital gains and they'll be taxed at a higher rate anyway. so does it matter how apple's quarter is? which if it happens to be the last day of the year, logic is stunningly simple. selling should go on and then it should let up when they can't get the tax break anymore. if i told you that sales taxes are going up, maybe big, on say large screen tvs come 2013, wouldn't you go buy one now rather than wait until 2013? if the president were to say that taxes aren't going up, there's no taxes on apple if you sell it, i think the selling would be done immediately. in short washington is driving this, not apple, it's an inexpensive stock. here's the bottom line, i would do anything not to focus on washington, anything. but we can't go much higher
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without a deal, even a bad deal. and a deal is going to be made or not made in washington, not wall street. and i have to go up there tomorrow. i don't want to do it. given that the president won re-election, and he ran on the fact that he's going raise capital gains, these are what i call facts. i hate the facts. meredith in california, meredith. >> caller: hi, sweet jim cramer, from devore, california, thank you so much for helping beginning investors like me. >> well, thank you, that's what this show is about, how can i help? >> my stock is ingersoll rand, there has been rumblings about a spinoff of security tech
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business and possible announcement of share buyback program and i would love to have your input. >> a lot of people thought it wasn't enough. i saw this when it came over, i think it was right before the arizona cardinals decided that they were going to throw the game, excuse me, it was more like when the new orleans saints decided they were going to throw the -- it came in the afternoon. what happened is i thought the stock would be $50.51. it went down to $47. i want you to stay with ingersoll rand. we have found when you buy with him, you make money. i like it. jude, my home state of new jersey, how are you? >> caller: thank you for helping me make a lot of money and i have a question for you. >> you bet. >> caller: the rumor that beam is going to be acquired by diageo or a japanese company, is that good? >> the beam numbers are great. don't buy it on takeout, buy it
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because their earnings are going higher. i feel the same about brown forman but my favorite is diageo. let's go to michelle in florida. >> caller: jim, i look forward to your show every week night, it's enlightening and energizing. i have noticed that retail sales are up in china almost 15% and i would love to hear your thoughts about retail stocks that have exposure in china such as tiffany. >> i'm not a big fan of tiffany. that stock has been a very, very difficult stock. i do think that you want to look at pvh because of the warm weather in america, but after they bought calvin klein, that's the one i think you ought to look at. let it come in, warm weather is going to cause everybody to have jitters. i wish we could forget about politics.
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i'd love to discuss decker's or coach. until we get a deal, it's bad news for the market. even for cheap stock like apple. "mad money" will be right back. high on biotech. medical innovations continue to help us. tonight, two companies with breakthrough products that are leading the charge. cramer is talking to the ceos of immunogen and seattle genetics, just ahead. and later, reenergized. pipelines, they're america's energy toll road and can provide investors with a secure source of dividends, but his investment in north dakota's oil rich bakken shale continues, cramer's looking for companies that are ready to expand.
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moments like this when everybody is terrified that our economy could slide back into a government induced recession next year, i got to start looking at high quality companies that are immunized against this slowing economy. for example biotech companies that can thrive even during a recession, because that's the type of thing you don't cut back on, no matter what. this week we caught one of those medical conferences that will tell you which ones have the most upside. it's the american academy of pharmaceutical companies. i'm highlighting not one but two small cap biotechs. let's start with immunogen.
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it develops next generation cancer drugs that allow chemotherapy agents to directly target a tumor. immunogen rose from $11.50 to about $18 on bullish expectations about a breast cancer treatment. then at the end of october, the stock got pulverized when we learned that immunogen has a less than optimal royalty with this drug. even if the drug becomes a blockbuster, some people feel that immunogen is going to only get a small part of the pie. just today the company presented some positive data on its small
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cell lung cancer drug. unlike tdm-1, this one is wholly owned by immunogen. they don't have to share the profits. it's only in phase 1 of development. final phase 2 data not expected until last year. so could it be big? how big? as the company got a number of cancer drugs that could also be big, including one for ovarian cancer and one for lymphoma, despite their recent sell off immunogen, the stock has given me a 50% run. let's find out more about how these drugs are progressing and where his company is heading. welcome back to "mad money." >> nice to be here, thank you. >> we are very excited because of the release that you put out late today which talks about a
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small lung cancer phase two driver in your pipeline. today was phase one data, but it looks like you have all the money that could come to you in this one, you don't have to share with roche. can you walk us through what the data showed and why this is so important to the company? >> this is data that came out at the conference. in multiple myeloma, about 80% of multiple myeloma patients would express this target. across the patient population, some patients had not received the drugs previously. we saw very good efficacy in the patients that haven't received it previously, 88% of them showed some level of partial response.
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some of it undoubtedly due to 901. more importantly, the more difficult patient population are those who had received revlomid, and now came into in particular combination study. here about 44% of that population showed some level of response, a very good pr, which is a strong response. and even those that didn't show a response, about 44% of them showed stable disease. what it said to us, looking at it now importantly in combination, it reconfirmed to us that we think we have an active agent here. this was an important study from that standpoint and it also reaffirmed we can dose in combination without aggravation from the underlying agent. so we picked up some very good information from this study. >> we no from the ceo of celgene, is it possible that this particular combination
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might produce for your company a billion dollars in sales? >> it's hard to say for this combination. what we have done is the multiple myeloma data is very important. what we have chosen to do is focus on 901 and small cell lung cancer. that's where we have a randomized study underway. multiple myeloma is a heinous disease. people respond to the therapy, but then the disease progresses, there are a number of therapies available and more coming. so i think that our first entree with 901 would be with small cell lung cancer. this target is broadly expressed on a number of cancers. so the potential here, if we can
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show proof of concept is substantial. difficult at this point to say exactly how big. >> let's just go back to tvm-1, i know people were spooked by the economics of it. it is a fabulous drug. i'm just trying to get my arms around the idea that this could be just a huge drug and maybe your percentage will end up being a great deal of money. >> i think it's clearly going to be a very successful drug. the data that we have seen thus far in metastatic disease says this has very strong efficacy and provides them a much better tolerability compound. you're giving us something that works better and is more tolerable. that just doesn't happen in this space. what we disclosed in our last conference call is more detail around the royalty structure. it aligns with the guidance that we provided saying it's roughly
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a mid single digit royalty and we believe given the potential of tdm-1 as a compound and a range of applications because it's being developed in metastatic disease, and it will economically deliver a great reward to immunogen and its share holders. >> i want to be able to distinguish. these are wholly separate, there's no way that roche could say that they should own a part of img and 901, this is a completely different molecule, right? >> 901 is just one of three completely owned molecules, we have two other phase one compounds that we will have data on in 2013 as well as small cell lung cancer in 2013. we have a fourth coming into the clinic next year, so they are entirely separate from tdm-1. >> dan, this is great news, you
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have done a terrific job for people who watch this show, i'm so glad you came on. this is all yours, it's just gigantic, thank you for being on "mad money." that's the president and ceo of immunogen, it's imgn. they have got a lot in the pipe that is just theirs. i would stay with immunogen and stay with mad money. >> pipeliness, they are america's energy toll road. cramer's looking for companies that could be ready to expand, don't miss his exclusive with the ceo of n-bridge to see if there's growth in this pipeline. and later, best medicine? seattle genetics is pioneering
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it seems like an in increase oil production, transport oil from remote areas where it's pumped out of the ground to places where it's refined. this is a huge opportunity for the pipeline operators, enb for you home gamers, this is the canadian pipeline that operates the most efficient transportation system. we just talked about it in october, on the heels of its very strong analyst day. there's been a ton of good news for this company. it announced a $6.2 billion project on top of a new railroad joint venture. embridge now has $26 billion worth of commercial projects
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through this year. those projects are fueling the company's earnings growth which management projects will be upwards for four years to come. no wonder the stock is only a few cents away from its 52-week high. this story has only gotten stronger since we last checked in with management. let's check with al monaco. mr. monaco, welcome back to "mad money." >> thanks, jim. glad to be here. >> could you please explain to the american people how there are $26 billion worth of projects because there is that much oil and gas in north america that needs to be sent to where it can be used? >> that's right, jim, in fact we know there's been a huge renaissance in oil production, not just in canada from the oil sands, but obviously in the united states, and that's fueling the need for more and more pipeline capacity. at the end of the day, connecting these markets from
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growing supply, with refinery markets and demand markets, means ultimately lower fuel prices for consumers. >> let's talk about that. if we were to use natural gas as a surface vehicle fuel and we got all the oil that you're talking about to the refineries, do we see a world where we could have gasoline back to $2.50? >> well, i'm not sure about $2.50, jim. ultimately the price of oil is determined on the world market, so we're probably going to be a ways away from 2.50, but what you will see is better connectivity between supply and demand. that will ensure efficient pricing. >> how does your business work? let's say a bunch of guys wanted to do railroads, a bunch of guys wanted to do pipe. how come it's going to end up being you and how do you beat out the other guys. >> although rail is a very good interim solution in that it gets
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product to markets very quickly, ultimately we feel that the lowest cost transporter needs to be pipelines. and ultimately that is because we've got the scale and we've got access to the right markets and that should happen once we have got all that tied in. >> now, if you guys are the best builders and the other guys who might say, well, jim you're slighting trans canada, but transcanada has a keystone problem. is there a way your company can do exactly what the keystones are doing or wants to do without damage to the acquifers? >> this goes missed because we have established a link right now from western canada all the
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way to the gulf coast and by the way, from cushing into the gulf coast, that is a key market because you've got 8 million barrels a day of refining capacity. so we have got a link right now all the way from western canada to the gulf coast, via or main line, then we have got our spare head flanagan south and that's linked up from cushing all the way into the gulf coast into the market with our sea way project. and by the way, that project is linked up with our partner enterprises. >> i mean why do we need keystone? >> like i said, we have got a lot of crude oil supply coming out of western canada, certainly it's another conduit and producers want other options so that's part of the reason anyway. >> how do you feel about the department of energy study last week that said we ought to be allowed to export our natural gas? >> natural gas? >> yeah. >> you know, if you look at the pricing of natural gas in north america, it sells way below world gas prices. and ultimately, with connectivity to markets
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worldwide, it makes sense to do that and to get the world price for natural gas. right now we're selling at a huge discount for natural gas as well as crude oil, in fact, in north america. >> okay, al, continental resources last year say a lot of people say this is going to run out. a lot of people think we're just scratching the surface. which is a more accurate description, scratching the surface or being tapped out in ten years? >> it's somewhere in between, jim, the reality is that the pace of drilling continues to grow out of the bakken, it's a great reservoir, and it's very high quality crude. i think that producers in the area have cracked the code as far as being able to drill up economically and there's probably a lot more room to run in the bakken. >> where is all this natural gas going to go?
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because the guys from dominion, is many years. where is all that natural gas going to end up? >> the natural gas from canada will end up in asian markets. if you think about gas as a long-term fuel that really is going to be, i think a fuel of choice. so exporting natural gas is going to be a big part of it. certainly feeding the petrochemical demands in the u.s. is going to be a big part as well. >> thank you for coming and talking to the "mad money" viewers. >> this is the most consistent best growth pipeline story, you keep raising the dividend, you can take a look at their long-term plan, i like these guys so much. president and ceo of enbridge. what a winner.
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it is time, it's time for the lightning round. are you ready, time for the lightning round. i want to start with sam in florida. sam. >> good evening, professor cramer. >> thank you for tenure, what's up? >> you're the best, a big boo-yah from venice, florida on the gulf. >> i do love venice. what's up? >> caller: what is your feeling on first energy? >> first energy has been going down along with the rest of the utilities. you take your first tranche. don't buy it until it gets to $6. >> i'm going to new york and marc. >> caller: i just know what i should do with mellonox.
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>> i want to sell the stock. let's go to lewis in florida. >> caller: jim, boo-yah. i'm interested in northern tier energy. nti. >> i don't trust that yield. i don't trust that yield. let's do more work, the yield is gigantic. i think it will end up being a red flag, it's a challenge flag and i think it's going to be a good challenge. let's go to tom in wisconsin. tom? >> caller: hey, jim, i'm calling from a nursing home. i want to ask you about a company rbc, regal bowling corporation. >> listen to me, partner, first of all thank you for calling in. that is a great industrial company, it's done nothing for a long time. i want you to stick with it. it's got a good yield, it's a really well run company, i have liked it for 35 years. stay with that one. let's go to jason in virginia.
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>> caller: i need some help, the stock emed, they reported last month double digit profit, double digit earnings, i'm down 34%. do i add more here? >> we have to do more work on that, we cannot tell you get in and jump in with both feet. i will come in with more at the end of the week. i need to go to mark in ohio. mark? >> caller: emt bank is a buck. >> i don't like pnc bank, they have not been able to make the numbers like i thought, i do not think this is as good a bank as i used to. i'm going to sell that stock. paul in illinois. >> caller: i want to talk about tesla.
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the cars are good looking. the stock is very expensive, the ceo did tweet the other day. i actually like a little longer term view. i do not like tesla, but that does not mean it couldn't go higher. and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the lightning round. >> the lightning round is sponsored by t.d. ameritrade. coming up, best medicine? seattle genetics is pioneering ways to help americans fighting cancer live longer lives. don't miss cramer's exclusive with its ceo.
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of data. right now we're right smack in the middle of the american hematology conference. seattle genetics, this company is like immunogen. kill cancer cells without doing a ton of damage to the rest of the body. seattle genetics just released a bunch of data on their cancer drugs that treats a number of different types of lymphoma. right now seattle genetics is studying the drug to see if it can be used more broadly. this is a battleground stock. it was up 60% for the year. because nothing game changing seems to have happened, seattle genetics again today got slammed. hey, maybe this is a buying opportunity.his is a buying seattle genetics has a number of intriguing drugs in its pipeline, although they're mostly in early stage
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development. however it also has licensing agreements with a number of big players. bayer, glaxosmithkline, pfizer among others. and this company is poised to make money from milestone payments on drugs they have. and after today's pull back, got to wonder, maybe there's some room to run, so let's talk to clay segow, president and ceo of seattle genetics. welcome back to "mad money." >> thank you, jim. a pleasure to be back here. >> all right, clay, walk us through, including some of the data that just came out today, that makes seattle genetics more attractive to investors than it was 72 hours ago. >> well, first of all, we put out a lot of data and it really shows that we're helping a diverse set of patients, and that's our goal is to really make a difference in patients'
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lives, and we're looking to make it into a blockbuster drug looking to the future. last night we put out a set of data on t-cell lymphomas, and we showed a 100% response rate in front line t-cell lymphomas and the way we did the trial is to get rid of one of four drugs that causes neurotoxicity, and replace it with drugs that were already approved in the relapse setting and it resulted in an 88% complete remission rate and a 100% objective response rate. that came out last night and we were delighted with those data. and we just released a press release about tonight's data. that's after market. and tonight's data is from hodgkin's lymphoma.
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this 96% complete response rate is also with less toxicity because we get rid of the worst drugs in the standard chemotherapy, so we see no lung toxicity and we see an improved complete remission rate. >> you already have something that's been approved so you don't have to worry about anything coming along that has a side effect that isn't quite evident now. is the fda going to look at this and say give us a couple more years of studies and maybe we'll use it, but right now we have something that works. >> that's exactly what happened. we have met with the fda and we have what's called a special protocol agreement, it's an spa. and this agreement is for the conduct of a pivotal phase three trial and we have one for hodgkin's lymphoma and an spa for t-cell lymphoma and the
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t-cell lymphoma trial should start within the next month or two and we're really excited to do those trials, get them done and then become the standard of care and really redefine front line therapy for all these patients with two different types of lymphoma. >> when you say front line therapy, how much is currently spent on the system, the frontline therapies and the cocktail that's used for the front line therapies? >> i can tell you about patient numbers. in front line hodgkin's lymphoma, it's about 9,000 patients a year just in the united states. and if you look at the t-cell lymphomas, it's roughly 5,000 to 6,000 patients in the united states. so that market opportunity is substantial. >> you have currently said, you went through your most recent
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conference call that you are going to have substantial sales next year, so i want to tell an investor in my show that absolutely wants to buy something, how do you balance flat next year with the possibility of a very exciting pipeline for 2014, 2015? how do we view this? >> i think it's a good question, what you're asking. first of all, we didn't provide guidance yet for 2013 formally until february, which is our fourth quarter conference call, so then we'll be clear with what our guidance is for 2013. we look forward to a lot of catalysts coming up, we expect early next year approval in canada, we just recently got approval with our partner, approval in the 27 member countries in the european union. we are submitting early next year two supplemental or sblas for two additional indications
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with the fda, we expect a plethora of data with more than 10 different trials, in fact we have more than 20 trials under way, but expecting a lot of data over the next year. and we have a full pipeline of other products, so there really is a lot of catalyst looking forward and we're very excited about how we're helping patients. >> i want you to stay in touch with us because every time, you know, you have made us money, a lot of people, it's money of the most asked about stocks on the lightning round and from the people i see on the street, so please come back when you have more data, because i think it's a very compelling story and i'm glad you came on "mad money." >> i would be delighted to. >> that's the president and ceo of seattle genetics, i know many of you follow it. i like the data, remember, 2013, we don't know if it's going to be flat or not. we just know that the pipeline is filled with drugs that could help people a lot. ally bank.
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why they have a raise your rate cd. tonight our guest, thomas sargent. nobel laureate in economics, and one of the most cited economists in the world. professor sargent, can you tell me what cd rates will be in two years? no. if he can't, no one can. that's why ally has a raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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where do you get your investment ideas anyway? the worst ideas surprisingly come from the business sections of the major newspapers. why are they the worst? simple because everyone reads the business section, because it's the most read. my best ideas tend to come from the other sections of the paper,
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the ones that aren't supposed to have investment objectives. the reporters aren't business writers. that's not what they there for. this weekend, i missed a sad story in the "new york times" about a prank played by a couple of australian radio jockeys royal kate middleton has been recuperating, and that led to a suicide of a nurse that told the little tidbit. four years earlier, the daily mirror published a series of photographs of inside buckingham palace, showing that the queen's cereal was brought to the table in tupperware containers. i was more focused on tupperware than the actual thrust of the story. because i interviewed tupperware's ceo on "squawk on the street."
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somehow, someone sold the british royal family some tupperware containers and that's a reminder that this company is not a mid level marketing company where the majority of sales stay in the system, the product still resonates with the most prestigious customer in the world. when i asked who sold the queen on the containers, he said basically the queen has good taste, so of course she uses tupperware. but unlike herbalife or avon this is a pristine brand and a history of long beating the loftiest of expectations. tupperware is indeed firing on all cylinders. particularly in latin america. the organic growth is about 6%. and that laps some very difficult 10% comparisons.
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one of the most exciting stories regarding tupperware is how the very populous country of indonesia has become a market. indonesia grew at a stunning 30% clip in the most recent quarter, and that was on top of a 50% increase last year. india is up, too. to me these numbers speak to the universality of these numbers and the acceptance that tupperware's product is superior to goods that can be bought in a retail store. when i asked him this morning how he can police his company and make sure that a big chunk of his sales don't go to other people whom salespeople are trying to recruit as distributors, that's the herbalife model, he made it clear that less than 10% of his customers are sellers. the company spews cash. when i asked him if he would
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nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. thanks. that's the cold truth! progressive direct and other car insurance companies? yes. but you're progressive, and they're them. yes. but they're here. yes. are you...? there? yes. no. are you them? i'm me. but those rates are for... them. so them are here. yes! you want to run through it again? no, i'm good. you got it? yes. rates for us and them -- now that's progressive. call or click today. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. to(all) the gulf!ion spot on earth.
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it doesn't matter which of our great states folks visit. mississippi, alabama, louisiana or florida, they're gonna love it. shaul, your alabama hospitality is incredible. thanks, karen. love your mississippi outdoors. i vote for your florida beaches, dawn. bill, this louisiana seafood is delicious. we're having such a great year on the gulf, we've decided to put aside our rivalry. now is the perfect time to visit anyone of our states. the beaches and waters couldn't be more beautiful. take a boat ride, go fishing or just lay in the sun. we've got coastline to explore and wildlife to photograph. and there's world class dining with our world famous seafood. so for a great vacation this year, come to the gulf. its all fabulous but i give florida the edge. right after mississippi. you mean alabama. say louisiana or there's no dessert. this invitation is brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home.
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