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tv   Power Lunch  CNBC  March 22, 2013 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT

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5,000 data samples per second. which is good for business. because planes use less fuel, spend less time on the ground and more time in the air. suddenly, faraway places don't seem so...far away. ♪
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well, the results are in, and you voted on twitter and said that pete won our tiffany debate. pete? >> i don't know if i'm happy about that necessarily. oftentimes i like to go to the other side. >> he just has a bigger family than me. that's the only reason he won. >> he's got an excuse for everything. >> got to see the other side of the trade. >> all right, joe. speaking of joe, final trade from you? >> good luck for him in orlando. financials, tcbi. haven't talked about that in a while. it's named and i believe it goes
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higher. >> pete? >> good luck in orlando, but bristol myers and goldman sachs says their earnings will double by the end of the decade. >> weiss? >> good move picking me for atlanta. bhp on the short side. it acts bad, even in a day like today. this stock is going a lot lower. >> doc. >> needed a great golf partner, ea, electronic arts. i'm long that one, stock and options, unusual. >> that's why he picked me. "fast money" returns on fridays. melissa will be live tonight obviously at 5:00. "power lunch" begins now. have a great weekend. >> "halftime" is over. "power lunch" and the second half of the trading day starts right now. >> scott, thank you very much. europe playing a never-ending came it appears of financial whack a mole. you thought cyprus was the big problem. just wait, another country, maybe one you couldn't pick out on a maybe may be in need of a bailout. where does it all end? trying to get to the bottom of that? are we about to see a national internet tax, a tax on everything you buy online?
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it is on the hill today, and you need to see this report before your next click. and no more carrots. remember those thing. american tourist. you couldn't fit that in a carry-on if you tried. a major carrier experimenting with no more carry-s on. leave the luggage behind. you goat sit down first. it's a big change in the way america waits in line and flies away. sue is off today. simon is at the new york stock exchange. simon? >> and tyler, i'm slightly concerned for your european whack a mole you seem to have a very brutal hammer. let's move on and check where we are with the markets. after so many golden weeks of gains, it's been a little bit rough, but about 90 minutes ago we went positive. the dow went positive for the week. we were up over 90 points just shy of that, as you can see. let's have a look at where we are on the s&p right now. 1555 as we head into the weekend. we'll check on golds and brented a we work our way through the
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program. let's see what the mood of bob pisani is as we go positive for the week. >> the important thing is 14,514. believe it or not. keep on going on either side. need to be over 14,514. the worst week of the year. goes to show you how great it's been for the year that we're basically flat and this is the worst week of the year. take a look at some of the shipping stocks. i've been asked about why they are all up. shipping stocks have been destroyed in the last year, but they are all rallying, a conference here in new york today and yesterday there was a lot of talk about demand for particularly oil transports. ships might be improving, the pricing might be going up and even some of the guys who do dry bulk shipping like dry ships are on the upside. a very tough call, but they are moving on a lot of speculation right now. meantime we've got five trading days left in the quarter, and look at this. the dow is up double digits. still an indication of how strong things are, that we're considering this a very disappointing week and by and large flat. >> on a day like today.
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you need the analysis of the director with o'neill securities and a cnbc contributor after so long. what do you think? >> i think i'm not surprised by this at all. quite honestly, towards the end of the week you said it, right, a push towards the end of the week to try to keep it here. the market is telling you it does not expect that cyprus is going to implode over the weekend. >> it doesn't expect or doesn't care? >> i don't think it expects that -- i don't think it expects. i think it does care, but i think the sense is that it doesn't expect it will happen >> increasingly you get analysts on, fund managers who say i don't care about europe anymore? >> right. i don't care like i used to care. >> if it implodes they will care because all of a sudden it will create. it will create chaos, right? >> remember, they are trying to form a government over in italy, so italy could be a big issue next week. most of us feel with the holiday shortened week, easter, passover, it's a little light, but a little action towards the end of the week when you get some of the pension fund
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rebalances going on. >> i think you're going to try to hold it here at the highs next week. will try to go out towards the highs. at the end-of-the-quarter they print the statement and everybody is happy. >> and come april a whole new game and quarter. earnings coming and had fed york and oracle disappoint so what's it going to mean starting in april? >> and then you get the sell away crowd. a very, very broad following here on the street. >> i was going to say we probably have four or five old wives tales in the space of about two minutes. back to you, ty. >> all right, guys. thank you very much. just been talking there a little bit about cyprus. does it matter, do we care or not? will we get a deal? checking it out. steve sedgwick in moscow earlier today. russia's been a big player in this drama but our international correspondent, chief international correspondent michelle caruso-cabrera is in cyprus for us now. michelle? >> reporter: tyler, the situation in cyprus is incredibly unclear and
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increasingly chaotic. the parliament of this country was supposed to vote ten hours ago to pass a law that would allow them to restructure the banks. we're still waiting. it's unclear if they are going to vote today at all. at the same time we're getting reports that maybe the european union is going to demand even more from this country. hours ago we were told by the leader -- the head of the leading party that they were extremely close to a deal and yet we still wait. the same time it's growing increasingly chaotic in this country's economy because the banks are still closed. they have been closed for seven days now. it looks like they will be closed for at least ten days. that means people running businesses can't do payroll, can't access their capital accounts. becoming incredibly difficult, become a cashless society because people are limited to 260 euros out of the atm. as a result, for example, gasoline stations only accepting the cash, the vast majority of
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them. some are accepting credit cards but only in limited amounts. we spoke with the owner of one gas station and he explained that his suppliers are demanding cash up front. >> they are a company that can bring us fuel only with cash, so we try to take as much cash as we can so it can bring fuel and not close the station. >> so they have now put a limit on the amount of money you can take out of atms, 260 euros, as i said before. a couple days ago you could have taken out as much as 1,000. what's unclear now is what's going to happen on tuesday morning. are they finally going to have a deal in place that lets the european partners give them the 10 billion euros that they need in order to be able to capitalize the bank and restore stability to the financial system here. back to you. >> thanks, michelle. a few moments ago our steve sedgwick who is in moscow, and we're trying to establish a connection back with him, shot
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disrupted over there, spoke with mr. barosso. let listen in to what he said. >> are we proving time and time again in europe that we're not understanding the russian national interests over issues such as cyprus and syria, trade, wto and energy and elsewhere else. >> i believe i understand the position of russia. i believe why russia has that position, but we have another perception, another analysis, and we define it another way. now the question is the difference or are the differences a real obstacle for achieving progress in the issues that we've discussed here from trade, investment, to energy, to mobility? i don't think it is. >> mr. barosso is, of course, the president of the european commission and the easy-going guy standing to his left, your right, is prime minister
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medved medveded. we'll talk about another country over there as we have michelle still waiting for us and simon down at the exchange. slovenia. see if you can pick slovenia off the map. if it flew under the radar screen, they became a member back in 2004 in the 2007 eurozone so it's a full-paying member, playing member. they have 7 billion worth of euro bad loans on the book, 20% of the country's gdp and they are looking at a june bond offering. one jer began economist as commerce bank, always looking on the bright said, said slovenia is likely to seam seek a refuge under the bailout umbrella sometime the second half of this year. i'mon, nobody real has their eye on sloefn yeah, but it does increasingly feel like we're looking at dominoes that one falls after another. >> yeah, can you see it like
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that or you can argue that american investors should be grateful that the eurozone is there. what are you going to see today in cyprus? likely you'll see screaming and kicking, cyprus politicians brought back to the deal to do a deal with the rest of europe because the need the rest of europe's case, need their aid and ecb to prop up their banks. maybe slovenia does have to ask for assistance and if the eurozone did not exist the markets one by one would be taking the small companies, throwing them at the wall until they smashed and you really would have a problem. you should be thankful for the eurozone and for the ecb, makes life a lot easier for american investors. >> i don't know if you were able to hear what simon just said. if you weren't, i'll pose the question to you then. are people in europe looking to the next country beyond cyprus that might end up in a similar state of extremus. >> reporter: yeah. i think the people of europe are
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worried about having to do bailout after bailout and wonder exactly when it's going to end. i think there's a bigger, broader message that maybe american investors might see in this situation which is when we look at what's happening with cyprus, something is becoming incredibly clear here. the european union has now decided that junior bondholders can be wiped out. senior bondholders and banks can be wiped out, and when a bank can finally be allowed to fail, which they have been unwilling to do for a lot of this time period, that uninsured depositors are going to lose. this has been a huge battle brewing here. we didn't know what would finally happen with senior bondholders. would they be bailed out over and over again as we had seen in europe? well, that's not going tonight case anymore so it's a stepping stone that anybody who is investing in europe really ought to think about as you see country after country starting to get into trouble again. >> all right, michelle. thank you very much. simon, final question for you. is somebody going to get booted out of the eurozone?
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>> i doubt it. well, i mean, they are prepared, i think, to boost out cyprus. i think they probably would be okay with that. tyler, can i draw everybody's attention to what's flashing at the bottom of the screen, that ratings agency fitch has played united kingdom on ratings watch negative. they still have it at aaa. there you go. i think that's to be expected. we've had a lot of noise to that effect from other ratings agency. there is a problem with the uk's finances. they are engaged in massive austerity, and, indeed, the question is to carney comes to the bank of canada and england in july, whether they will accelerate their quantitative easing locally which is half a trillion dollars. will it go beyond that? they say that maybe they will have to do that. the question is whether you get a sterling crisis. i mean, today the pound is higher against the dollar, but it's down about 7%. watch sterling during the course of 2013. >> all right. >> meanwhile, i was going to move over to steve sedgwick who
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i'm told we have on the phone from moscow. steve, we just saw one of your questions to mr. barosso of the european commission. why don't you fill us in on where things stand and moscow in relation to cyprus as well as you can say it. >> sure, what i'm going to tell you is the reason i'm on phone is rather than in vision because i've been shut down by the russian security police who don't want me shooting down the street when putin comes back with xi xingping. the russians talking to the cypriots who went home empty-handed. i said to barosso, you just don't get the russians, not because the russians wanted to offer any more money because clearliy will offered the cypriots nothing more and he refuted my accusations and i said to medveded, the prime minister, you're looking east at the chinese. you'll find deal after deal with them. got a 12% increase in your trade
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with them and you're going to get more next year and that's where you're looking. he said we can look at china and we can look at europe as well, but it doesn't stop the fact that earlier this week putin and moved yesterday were skating about europeans. and russia, what diplomat isn't here? obama, of course, in israel, the only one we haven't seen this week. >> very good. steve sedgwick, thank you very much for hooking up with us by phone there after they shut you down on the street. let's go to josh lipton who we won't shut down. he's got a market flash. >> we're watching apple here which is popping today in the green. apple trading above its 50-day moving average, first time that's happened since october. trades will tell you technically apple has been working better here, moved higher last week than digested those gains. apple up about 1.4% right now. simon, back to you. >> thank you very much, josh. everything you buy online in america may soon have a big fat sales tax coming with it regardless of how you bought it.
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that's if washington or some in washington get their way. john harwood is on the case. he'll join us live from d.c. in a moment and if you hate to fly we have two stories that are going to make you feel potentially worse. you might as we'll get them here before getting smacked in the face with them at the airport. more "power" in two minutes. at fidelity, we do it by merging two tools into one. combining your customized charts with leading-edge analysis tools from recognia so you can quickly spot key trends and possible entry and exit points. we like this idea so much that we've applied for a patent. i'm colin beck of fidelity investments. our integrated technical analysis is one more innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. now get 200 free trades when you open an account. no they don't. hey son. have fun tonight.
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♪ ♪ back against the wall ♪ ain't nothin to me ♪ ain't nothin to me [ crowd murmurs ] hey! ♪ [ howls ] ♪
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new clues about the state of high-end retail. tiffany out with earnings today.
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the luxury jewelry retailer beating profits estimates and revenues came in slightly short of expectations. the company says worldwide sales will rise 6% to 8% this year with growth in all regions, but importantly back in china. the stock is up more than 20% so far this year, and we're all keeping an eye on dell down here at the nyse. the 45-day go shop period for buyout offers ends at midnight tonight. blackstone group is seen by some as the most likely to make a bid that tops the $13.65 a share offered by ceo michael dell and a group of other investors to take it private, though the smart money says don't hold your breath. >> all right, simon. it's a topic that always creates a lot of heat. the idea of taxing internet sales. is it on the way now at a national level? not a state-by-state level. a lot at stake for companies like amazon and ebay whose share prices you see right there.
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john harwood is our chief washington correspondent and will take time out from the duke game to tell us about it. >> a big sacrifice, but, look, we're about to have a test vote in the senate on a proposal to standardize the collection, not a new national tax, but would standardize the collection of state sales taxes for online purchases. right now 48 states require sales tax to be levied on online purchases and what it would do, including the brick and mortar retail industry as some as both parties, the marketplace fairness act, it would result in the collection of approximately $23 billion in state sales taxes not being collected. it would require the taxes to be levied at the point of sails rather than in some states on a tax form filed annually. a lot of taxpayers don't report online purchases there and would also require states that collect
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state sales taxes a way to collect those sales taxes. the question is does this get 60 votes in the senate to be attached to a budget resolution, not because it would become law, because the budget resolution isn't a piece of law, but it's a test to see if there's enough support so the advocates can pursue this in a very significant way later in this congress, in the senate and also in the house. you mentioned ebay. ebay is against this. they are proposing a carve-out for their business mold, but the brick and mortar retailers with support for some online retailers like amazon are pushing it, and haven't been able to get over the hump. probably faced difficult resistance in the house of representatives because of the no tax position taken by the house caucus but we'll see what kind of support they can muster this afternoon. >> we'll let you get back to the game. john harwood in d.c. while this federal debate, anyone who flies or works in the
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airline industry may be about to feel the budget cuts. hampton pearson is live in frederick, maryland. hampton. >> reporter: simon, one particular aspect of the budget cuts is what happens to faa-manned towers at regional airports like this one here in frederick, maryland, the second busiest in the state of maryland after bwi with about 130,000 operations a year. it is about to lose its contract faa tower. they are waiting to find out. they are on a preliminary hit list. sometime this afternoon the faa is going to tell us which of these contract towers, some 240 around the country, are actually going to be finally cut. now, understandably, both the airport officials and the general aviation people here are very angry and don't believe they should even be on this hit list in the first place. >> i'm totally stunned. this is a program that, again, is based on safety.
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it is among -- it's probably the most cost-effective program that the federal aviation administration has to offer, and yet the administration is shuddering the program. >> reporter: now there's a double irony here this. tower is basically brand new, opened less than ten months and built with $5.3 million in federal stimulus funds that it took to open the facility. now it's a potential victim of the sequester budget cuts. back to you, guys. >> all right. hampton, thank you very much. on the ground in frederick, maryland. a big change on the way up north in canada. it is capturing attention from prince edward island all the way to british columbia and to the yukon and will impact every canadian from skate to helmet and nike shares at an all-time high today. is that company still a value play? >> with this kind of spies, analysts think it's at fair
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value right now, but there are few stocks in the sporting space that might be poised to make such a move. i'll break down which names they are next on "power lunch."
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and his new boss told him two things -- cook what you love, and save your money. joe doesn't know it yet, but he'll work his way up from busser to waiter to chef before opening a restaurant specializing in fish and game from the great northwest. he'll start investing early, he'll find some good people to help guide him, and he'll set money aside from his first day of work to his last, which isn't rocket science.
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it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. nike hitting an all-time high today. the stock jumping as much as 12 percent making it the best gain it's had since october 2008. athletic good night comfortably topping earnings estimates. gross margins rose, breaking an eight-quarter streak of declines. >> rivals like under armour and
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lulu lemon hit all-time highs last year and underperformed of late. we know a lot more than we want to know about lulu lemon. are these companies undervalued, or is it a trap? our sports business reporter brian schactman taking a closer look. >> what's very interesting about this one, look at nike another way. before today's pop, they were actually more than 7% away from an all-time high. who thought they would make it up in one day, right? >> good earnings will do that for you. >> that's what's interesting about the sporting stocks because as the broader market hovers near all-time highs, a bunch of names far away from their own all-time highs. under armour, usually the first name that comes up after nike so let's start there. having a great day today, right? but it's above 15% from an all-time high reached last season. i want to give people perspective here, because you talk about all-time highs. under armour since the dow last hit an all-time high in october '07. ua is outperforming the dow and
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the s&p 500 in that stretch. if you're looking for names well off of all-time highs to see where there may be room, finish line is one, tested highs last month and is down about 25% since that time. dick's sporting goods is another one. a big earnings miss a week ago monday and also lowered guidance. the stock dropped about 10% but on earnings day most analysts held firm on the ratings and in the day afterwards they were upgrades, goldman sachs, bmo capital to name a two and last weekend barron's said the dip was a great opportunity for long-term investor, so weather and lance armstrong's debacle were factors in the miss and if you buy into that, that's a stock buy into moving forward but, then again, have you to buy into that thesis. names out there that do have a way to go with upside potential. >> is springtime a good time for the sporting good companies? >> you would think it would be
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their sweet spot. >> baseball, golf, lacrosse. >> swimming. >> and especially these terms. a lot of people haven't figured out how to online shop, want to feel and hold them. dick's does well in the spring. >> canada, big news north of the border. we're listening to "o canada." >> a great anthem. >> it is. dropping its 18% tariff on hockey gear, eh, made outside of the land maple leaf. it's been a big bone of contention up there because now most of the gear, of course, comes from asia. we're talking all kinds of equipment, from the skates, all the way to the helmets, pads, girdles, yes, hockey players wear girdles, and don't give them, you know, any give about it. shoulder pads, elbow pads, face masks, you name it. hockey gear about to get cheaper in the land maple leaf, simon. >> that and lulu lemon, a big week. the world's biggest divorce involving one of america's top
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oil ceos and the custody battle may actually be over your money. plus, the blackberry 10 hit shelves. jackie d'angelis live at an at&t store in new york city. hello, jackie? >> reporter: good afternoon, simon. as the z-10 launched, the shot in the arm blackberry needs to make a comeback. >> reporter:? we're here at the at&t store and we're monitoring the sales and the foot traffic. the answer may surprise you. [ male announcer ] every famous curve
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i'm sharon epperson at the nymex. final trades coming in right now in the gold market. gold prices down on the session. right around 1,660 an ounce. a pretty decent week for gold. keep in mind we did come near that 1,620 level. the failure to break above that technical level, according to jeff nichols over at american precious metals advisers is significant and the question is for the next week will we see more long positions in the gold market with the gold trading in the 1,600 to 1,610 range? we did see gold post its third weekly gain and that's perhaps more information of an upward
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momentum in the gold market and the big jump we saw monday on gold is with cyprus and that's the key for the week ahead. all that have hinges on whether or not we'll see some resolution there, but we have seen gold for now come out of the doldrums. simon, back to you. >> sharon, thank you. speaking of things coming out of doldrums, the dow just keeps rallying, up 95 point just a few moments ago despite the fact that we've had bad news that the united kingdom may have its sovereign debt downgraded from a aaa rating by fitch. we've had other ratings agencies come out with that before. this is getting some wind under it now. >> yeah. we are exactly even on the week. 14,514. put up the dow. that would be break even for the week and we're essentially there. believe it or not, this would be the worst week of the year, was earlier in the day. shows you how strong the markets have been. take a look at the major sectors. 2-1 advancing declining to stocks. slightly more defensive tone of the market. when you get health care and
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consumer staples up there in the market leaders, that's a slightly more defensive tone. health care just went negative as you can see there. take a look at the earnings situation. mike ron for once didn't complain about pricing. we saw some nike on the upside as well, and tiffany also as well on their earnings report. oracle, fedex, caterpillar, that's going to weigh on the markets. here we are for the quarter. five trading days. you know what's remarkable to me, simon. back a year or two ago uncertainty in cyprus would have been a down day. they would have known what we're going to happen. call everybody and we think there's going to be a resolution over the weekend so the psychology is flipped around to the idea that it's going to be resolved. >> europeans have got their act together as well. we didn't know if they were asleep on the job. >> thank you very much. >> technicians are getting excited about apple. let's head down to the nasdaq. seema modi has all the trades there. >> rising optimism after the street that cyprus will reach a
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bailout deal is helping tech stocks move higher today. the nasdaq up about 30 points on the day, as you mentioned. apple shares once again in focus breaking its 50-day moving average of 459. that's the first time since october 29th of 2012, but the real kehoe is if the stock closed above its 50-day moving average. market technicians say that that will be a bullish indicator. keep in mind that hasn't happened since october 4. the big movener tech, mike ron technology, the best performing stock on the s&p tech index as well as the nasdaq 100. the company reported a quarterly net loss but they are getting the street excited. revenue and volume came in sharply higher year over year. multiple analysts, jeffrey's, you'll upping their price target on shares of mike ron, that stock up 60% year to date. simon, back to you. >> should mention shares of
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blackberry that are higher today as u.s. customers for the first time get their chance to get their hands physically on the new blackberry z-10 device. cnbc's jackie d'angelis is live in new york, just trying to gauge the degree of demand. where are we at the moment with that? >> hey, simon. well, close to the end of lunchtime here. only sold 12 phones at this location roughly so far. this is really a make-or-break moment for blackberry. looking to try to hit it out of park with the z-10 advice. i do have to say this device was available for pre-orders so a lot of people could be getting theirs in the mail just to be fair. the z-10 is blackberry's device looking to compete with samsung and also with apple. its completely touch screen and lost that keyboard that so many users like. according to com score blackberry has 8% of the smartphone market compared with
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50% with android and 34% with apple. blackberry used to have 39% of the share. we do have one of the phones here. looking at it earlier. obviously it's sleek. it's got that 4.2-inch screen, the touch screen that we talked about. it's got an 8 megapixel camera. doesn't have a lot of buttons on it, nothing like the iphone with the home screen and, of course, can you see that it's got the icons for the ap pz as well. 100 apps available at the digital store where there's 700 in the case of the iphone. simon, over to you. >> do you like it, jackie? >> reporter: you know, i liked it, but i think it's going to take a little getting used to. i do have an ipad, used the iphone of friends of mine. intuitively different, tried to make it different on purpose so i think it will take a while to get used to. >> the view on blackberry sales. let's check the bond market at the cme, mr. rick santelli.
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>> thanks, simon. a two-day chart of tens tells you everything you need to know. at 192 we're only up one on day. more importantly we're down eight on the week, closed basically at 2% last week. look at a two-day chart of the boons, and you can see that even at 138 it's still improvement. if you were long the market looking for lower rates because it closed at a 1.45 last week. simon saying all day, obviously the interest of cyprus and the eurozone in general, are keeping that flight to safety trade alive and well. the last chart, we're all hearing about fitch and the pound. there it is. you can see the intraday chart, and, yes, it has some volatility and yes, it's off its best levels. remember, close at 151.15 last week. it's still up on the week. tyler, back to you. >> thank you very much, rick santelli. one texas billionaire could be heading towards the most expensive divorce ever, and his company's shareholders might be
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paying some of the place and if you plan on buying long-term care insurance prepare for sticker shock. jane wells has the story. >> reporter: hi, thai tyler. millions of americans have it, millions more need it, but after the break find out why insurance companies are having trouble making money on it when we come back. [ male announcer ] when it comes to the financial obstacles military families face, we understand. our financial advice is geared specifically to current and former military members and their families. life brings obstacles. usaa brings retirement advice. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 opportunities are waiting to be found in faraway places.
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tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 call 1-800-308-1280. for current and former military members and their families. get advice from the people who share your values. for our free usaa retirement guide, call 877-242-usaa. americans are living longer. medicare won't cover many long-term care costs so long-term care insurance has become a popular product for insurance companies. until they realize they weren't making any money on it. jane wells is here with what happens next. what does happen now? >> yes. well, change is afoot, simon. 8 million americans have long-term care insurance, but prepare for sticker shock. insurers have been caught off guard by the costs, and they are raising rates big-time. renee is a retired california teacher who bought a long-term
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policy 17 years ago. her rates are going to go up 85% on top of previous rate hikes because calpers can't afford to cover her for the rest of her life and 100,000 other members so after paying 60 grand over the years into the policy may cancel because she can't afford the new $5,300 a year premium. >> people like me, we started out working with the intention to take care of ourselves, take care of our families, not be a burden to the government, contribute our fair share, and take care of ourselves when we got older, so now the question becomes how are we going to do that? >> there's a point in 2030 where we're projected to have 24% of california residents need long term care. >> that's just in california. why the rate hikes? insurers have not gotten the investment returns they expected
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and almost no one is dropping their coverage. >> even with the rate increase the consumer will still be paying far less if they were to buy newly priced coverage in today's market, and that's assume they could health qualify. >> genworth is the largest provider of long-term care but stopped selling in california because the policy wasn't profitable. they are waiting for the state to approve new products which does not provide lifetime coverage. insurance companies figure 3% to 5% has dropped the coverage, 1% has dropped the coverage and that's caught them off guard. >> continental resources ceo harold hamm, ranked 35th in the "forbes" 400 richest person list is involved in a divorce that would lead to a record-shattering settlement. shares down for the second day in a row after news of the
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divorce hit the press. check out its weak showing against its rivals this afternoon as we compare continental with some of the others. it's down. joshua snare brought this story for reuters. welcome and congratulations on the scoop. this is an interesting story not nearly because of the size of the estate or the assets involved because the estranged wife of mr. hamm also worked for the company or works for it. >> indeed, tyler. sue ann hamm, harold's estranged wife, was for many years an important executive at continental resources. her bios say that she began the oil and gas marketing divisions of the company. she clearly was part of the brains behind the operation so another reason why, according to oklahoma family law and the
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equitable distribution in a divorce there, she may well have a claim if there was no pre-nup to a considerable slice of that fortune. over $11 billion credited to mr. hamm these days. >> we'll have you stick around, joshua. clue us in here. continental and mr. hamm were deeply involved in the initial finds and initial developments of the batchenfield up in north dakota, am i correct? >> first of all, he's believed to be the biggest donor of oil in america, credited with the discovery of the bachen field in the 1990s of the continental has added more than 600 million barrels of proved reserves in the last four or five years alone just by drilling in the bachen formations and there's 20 billion barrels of oil that could be recovered so just a huge bount.
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>> more of your scoop on harold hamm, the oil barron, and what could be the most expensive divorce settlement ever and among the most expensive divorce settlements in history, there you're looking at, rupert and anna murdoch in 1999, 178 billion, bernie and slavi ecklstone 1.2 billion.
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coming up on "street signs," some of the best stock performers year to date were real dogs. some you can understand and some you really don't. we'll reveal what they are. also, is the ethanol boom meeting an untimely demise? one of our guests goes so far as to say ethanol is the enemy, and brian and i will be performing the ultimate taste test, a taco shell made of bakeon. can't wait to get my mouth on that. now back over to "power lunch." >> talking about harold hamm, multi-billionaire founder of continental resources who could be headed for one of the most costly divorces in history. back with us joshua snare who broke the story with reuters along with cnbc's wealth editor joshua frank. what do co-we stand to lose, could he lose up to 50% of his fortune to his now estranged
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ex-wife? >> i'm not a legal expert but according to oklahoma equitable distribution family law the accrual of wealth over the course of the marriage could be considered marital property, so assuming, and we can't really assume this the absence of a pre-nuptial agreement. everything that's been earned over the course of the marriage could be considered fair game for some kind of an asset division and that makes the stakes very high. >> tell us what you know about mr. ham and his wealth and how he accumulated it and why would someone in his tattus, the obvious romantic reasons would be one, but you would think that most folks with that much wealth at stake would have a pre-nup. >> first of all, congratulations to reuters, a fantastic story and great scoop. oklahoma law, it's equitable and
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fair distribution but doesn't necessarily mean half. this is important because a judge could say to -- to his wife, he could say, look, no difference in your lifestyle whether you get 2 billion, 5 billion so we'll limit your share to 1 billion. even if he does that, $1 billion, the vast majority of the couple's wealth is the shares. hard to see a scenario where you would divide the assets and wouldn't have a large number of shares being sold in the public market either by her or him to pay her share of the divorce, so i think that's why these shares are under pressure. that's the really important point. investors have to say what does this guy's course have to do with the share price of this very successful oil company? >> if a lot came on the market, as you point out, joshua, krmgs
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on the stop and robert frank, great to see you as always. time for the "power" rundown. part one, simon, jane wells joining the discussion. first up, american airlines apparently testing a new boarding process to let passengers without carry-on luggage board first. let's see what you said on yahoo!'s finance question. 67% said yes, anything to get on and off the plane faster. simon, jane, is early boarding incentive enough for you to ditch your carry-on? >> look, i fly a lot. i think this is a great idea because other people will do it and that leaves more room for me and my bags, because until american approves its lost baggage policy, i'll going to be the horrible person who comes on with my one-ton suitcase and my small carry-on to make sure my luggage arrives. >> if you were thinking of carrying on or checking, now because you want to get on and off quicker, you're going to check and they are going to charge you for it. >> that's one way of looking at
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it. i think it's simple math. want to get as many people on the plane as fast as you can before they get stuck behind people like jane who have packed so much in their bag they can't lift it off the floor and everybody is cueing right the way back up. it's a great idea, great idea. >> i love gate check-in. that's what i love to do. gate check, they bring it right to you. >> that's a win-win. >> you don't have to pay or carry that stuff on. stay where you are, because we're going to pick up on the rundown after the break a tax on internet sales. i incorrectly characterized it as a federal tax. it is not. john harwood correctly set me straight. your health insurance rates may skyrocket and guess who just joined a major corporate board. viacom is the company and guess who the person is. we'll tell you in two minutes. o. with a deadline. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle...
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the big three indexes all with green airo. a little higher. back with the rundown. the senate floating a proposal that would require americans to pay sales tax when shopping online. supporters say it's going to add billions to state coffers. big box retailers are in favor as well. but opponents say it's going to crush small retail startups. there are obviously, jane, constitutional questions here because there are prohibitions about taxing the exports of states, but what do you think about this? >> reporter: i'm not going to come out in support of paying more taxes on anything, tyler. i think what bothers me, particularly about this, it's an amendment to the bill to keep the government running for the next few months, so, of course,
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it's going to pass so it's one of those amendments i feel is being snuck in. >> how about you, simon? >> i think taxes should be fair and i don't think they are fair at the moment and would i go further. i don't know why in this country there isn't a debate about a national federal sales tax. we have it, for example, in every other european country. it's at 20% in the uk but you get free health care at the point of delivery as a result. >> you're e-mail box is going to fly off the wall. >> and the first e-mail is from me. >> all right. moving on. on the eve of obama care's third anniversary, passed basically this day three years ago, health insurers are warning that premiums for individuals and small businesses could rise sharply as a result of the health care overhaul. simon, should we be surprised? >> i was going to say is that real a surprise? premiums might go up. i would also say the more that i learn about the health care insurers in this country in detail the less sympathy i have
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for you. they would tell you white was black if they thought you could make an extra buck out of it. >> jane wells. >> see if the premiums really do go up that much and here's people will do, will pay the penalty and i was researching what happens if you say forget, it i'm not going to pay the penalty either. they can't put a lean on your house and can't throw you in jail so i'm anxious to see if america says, you know what? i'm not paying for the health care and i'm not paying the penalty. come get me. >> the reason the premiums go up because the health care law bans the lifetime and annual limits on payouts by health insurers and also says that they can't keep out people with pre-existing conditions. that's -- and they are going to charge more for it. >> correct. >> finally, do we care? are we outraged? tv personality deborah norville joining viacom. >> she's lovely. i like her. here's my thing. why hasn't someone who makes ratings, who is in front of the camera for these media cameras
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ever been put on one of these boards. clearly she will be more helpful to viacom than i ever would be to comcast but i find that very interesting you've never had on-air talent on the board of one of these huge media conglomerates. >> i think jane just nominated herself to comcast board. >> if asked, i will serve. >> as far as comcast is concerned, it would either be because -- either be matt lauer from the "today" show or arguably yourself as a veteran of cable television, tyler. maybe i should nominate you for the comcast board. they do pay very well at the top of the company, i'll tell you that. >> thanks very much. an enjoyable conversation. see you next week. have a great weekend. two hours to go until the closing bell. can the markets finish higher for the week? it's ban bumpy ride. cyprus to blame. let's see how it ends up. we'll be right back after this. . investor. yeah, ibut i'm a busy guy.or
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