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tv   Fast Money  CNBC  April 10, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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welcome back. before we say goodnight look at the day on wall street. another all-time high of 14,802. nasdaq up 59 points. s&p all-time high with a gain of 19. have a fantastic evening and i'll see you tomorrow on the "closing bell." here's "fast money." >> live from the nasdaq markets i'm melissa lee. tonight bankable earnings, wells fargo giving mere fuel to that? the hospital stocks are taking a beating, should you be buying the dip here, two trainers take it on in a "fast money" street fight. in yen terms money is flowing out of japan where is it going? but first, breaking news, the latest developments
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regarding the early release of the fed minutes and who might have benefitted from that. >> earlier today we learned the fed had accidentally released the minutes a day early to some 100 people, but we had no idea who got them. we were there were people on capitol hill, staffers for many senators and congressmen received the e-mails. but more importantly, 12 banks came up, we now know, we have the list, that these thanks that you see, jp morgan, goldman sac sachs, got the e-mail a day early. so did some hedge funds. so far as we know, none of these banks let on to anybody else outside that they received the e-ma e-mail. we have calls in and there are more details at >> thanks for the update. the question we ask here, if you had the minutes early yesterday, would you have been able to anticipate, given their statement, what the market
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reaction would be today? therefore, would you be able to game this and make a profit? >> no, i think i would have entirely backwards. glad i didn't have them ahead of time. sounded to me they were going to cut back in the second half. >> right. which should have been negative to equities. >> so if they had them and traded it the way i would have, they got smoked today. >> karen? >> agreed. same thing. i would have looked at it as the punch bowl getting taken away. >> the fed is very much a chairman's board. only so that it goes on the record, but they know full well that they're talking in the bubble eye, even if it's a delayed release. the other thing, it's a delayedery lease. we know there's been reams of data since then. so we can use it to contextualize, but to day trade based on minutes from february, who cares? >> the week has a lot of other
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points to trade off. it's japan and the earnings coming out later in the week. so to trade off of the fed -- >> l the one mark busy reaction that made sense, was the move in the bottom section. if you were going to believe the fed would stop buying bonds, then maybe this is the reaction you would see. >> equity's got the -- >> into equities and out of -- >> like a chicken and egg sort of analysis here. interesting news. we'll keep you poft posted on the story. meantime, a record setting day in today's session. tech finally seeing a turnaround, leading the market to these all-time highs. let's trade all the action here. let's say it. technology finally the leadership group. when was the last time we were able to say that and do you
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think it marks a rotation into more cyclical areas. >> i think that would be interesting. it's less cyclical than it used to be in general. but it's based on global demand. it's relative to the s&p of profits and revenues from overseas. it's a good sign. when i talk to people fighting this rally, i say, what do you think? you have 19.4% of s&p 500 made new-year highs today. advance decline is a new year to date highs. versus only 49 lows. what are you looking for? what else do you need to see? >> how much of this was the rotation from guys selling winners, getting nervous, trying to rotate the underperforming stocks. -- >> year to date, not week. >> when we look at these names, they're starting to garner a lot more attention this week specifically. >> the trailers. >> if you're a smart investor, here's what you're doing. you're saying to yourself
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emerging markets were down 15% last year and another 6% in the first quarter of this year. how am i not looking at these names? coal and steel has been trailing. these are the names that the savvy investor said, okay, i understand they're terrible, but everyone knows they're terrible and the market is now an expectations game. and how much more do they have to go down versus what they could do to the upside, especially given 40 central banks around the world pursuing easy money. so that's where i would look. >> do you buy into that thesis? investing, that is buy the beaten down stocks where the expect itionations are down so much. >> no, i don't. i understand why people do it. but they haven't moved to the upside. >> he's saying you're wrong. >> we're talking about a difference in time frame. i said i savvy investor, not
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trader. >> if you're looking to build a business on the market in six months, i'm saying, those are where the best buys are. guy and i can both be right concurrently. >> kind of like ackman on herbalife. >> early early on the call today, i was wondering whether they were levied and if they are, we just picked letter x for example, you could own some bottle rockets that just take off. >> the expectations first solar, 30% of the flow was betting against it. the company says, it ain't that bad. >> you can make the same argument with intel. when was the last time you saw intel move 5% in a session. >> to your point, people say intel is lagged, take a shot,
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and it's worked. but we'll know a lot more a week from now, specifically about intel. and microsoft obviously as well. the movement in microsoft, although we haven't seen microsoft move that way in three or four years. >> and apple, you throw these names together and people's expectations have been lowered to the point where people, to take a flyer, may not be so bad. >> i'd sell microsoft, it was up 6%. i doubt there's a takeover in the offing. so i had to take some money off the table. >> microsoft hasn't been above 200 since last september. >> we'll get more on that in a minute. meantime, top trades for today's session. grasso? >> everyone's looking at the s&p. that's your high from 2007 opinion everyone was eyeballing that. we flirted with it. on the trading level, still long on coal, sold a lot of my positions. i think we're frothy here. if banks are good, the market's good.
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>> josh? >> i would say that the banks could work here, but i want to get back to the emerging markets point that i made. the under-performance there is such that you almost have to be looking at the sector if you have no exposure or little exposure. i prefer to do it through the prism. dividends. i can't picture a scenario where the u.s. continues to work and emerging markets stay silent. >> karen? >> microsoft sell. but realogy, we've been waiting for a secondary which they announced. and also slightly lower earnings. ended up closing down less than 1%. >> i lot of analysts will have to start raising their numbers especially in yahoo comes out with any upside surprise on the 16th when they report. stock hasn't traded here in a long time. >> let's talk microsoft here and
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get to the call of the day. the big one coming from bgc which downgraded the stock to a hold. joining us is the analyst to made the call. >> great to be here. >> we should point out, during the time when the stock was a buy, it went up by 32%. so it's been a good call overall. but right now you're worried about pc shipments. down in the first quarter 14%. that's confirmed. >> brutal. >> but you also don't like the competition from google. do you think that google is the biggest wild card? >> you go and you look at amazon, see what the top selling notebook is, it's the samsung chromebook. when you think about and droid and chrome is combined, and they'll start to build overlap in, so they can take the success of android and reflect that on to chrome and go after that segment. and you have the productivity app. so when you're microsoft, your
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windows 7 was about the enterprise. 8 is consumer focused. so it's starting to get old and we don't have good traction in tablets or smart phones. >> the bold case on microsoft would be that they basically on the enterprise on lock despite in-roads by other companies because think about how many programmers are embedded and if the company switches to another standard, they're out of a job. so they have a heavy role to bring products in-house. >> they do have great success there. but that's about 30% of total revs right now. if you think about windows 7, the refresh that's been driving results for the last few quarters, we're past the 60% mark. so we're past the peak there. again, we're not seeing traction on the consumer side. where we are seeing pc sales is
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in the lower value emerging markets. >> so in your space, what's the next big call? >> i'm going to put a pin on that, let me come back. >> just a pin, meaning you don't want to play anymore. >> not at all. >> are you going to -- >> we've been downgrading and names. so we're going through the entire universe and trying to refresh. we did the downgrades today because, like karen, we wanted to take advantage of the stock being north above 30. let's not forget the march quarter is when you get that $730 million eu fine, that's going to make eps look messy. >> how safe is steve ballmer? >> there's some talk maybe he could be replaced. i don't see that happening. >> so he stays? >> i think he stays. >> good to see you. colin gillis. >> you like microsoft, grasso? >> no, not my favorite. i would go with google, but
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looking for reentry. i sold it above 800. now i'm looking for re-entry and waiting for the market to sell off a little bit to give me one. >> josh, what are you watching at headquarters? >> falling in the after-hours. here's the news. young now saying that march same-store sales fell an estimated 13% in china including an estimated decline of 16% for kfc. young saying that publicity associated with the bird flu in china has had a significant negative impact on kfc sales down about 2% right now. >> all right, josh, thanks for that. young brands moving lower if the after-hours session. first we had that chick antibiotic scare in china. now the evian flu. >> you got to give brian kelly who's not with us, he won the
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street fight there and with the stock performance in the after-hours. i know he's watching. well done. >> karen, you like yum? does it get value-y right now? >> no. i think this will be one-offs for them. i don't think they're changing the chicken business. i really don't. i think it's short-term. >> ahead on "fast money," new ways to accessories your portfolio. we go shopping for retail names. and hospital stocks take a fall. we get a prognosis for health care in our street fight. more "fast" after this. a simple question: we wene how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed: the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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at the breaking news desk. >> an interesting quarterly letter out from the top hedge fund performer, dan loeb. he's increasing his position in international paper arguing that has a peling case for secular tail winds. they held this position late last year, a small percentage of their portfolio, but they're adding to it because they like the position in the container board industry. they also give rationally for
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why they got into virgin media. they say it was a cheap entry for liberty global and it's expected to take over v med at some point in a couple of months. they say generally they like european cable materially higher volume growth and a meaningful penetration offer relative to the u is. they talk about japanese macro which is a place they've seen favorable results from so far. the bank of japan is undertaking what amounts to a complete reboot of the japanese economy. and it's gone well for them so far. they plan to stay in that. finally he gives a market outlook and says in his view, the market is divided pretty evenly between bulls and bears, so is his portfolio. we see investors in two camps. in the nifrt, recovery, or along the market. in the other camp bears are considered about sdint gration
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in europe. slipping indicators in the economy and core market internals. so they're going halfies at this point. hoping select special situations are go to continue to benefit them. so a lot to chew on there. i thought the v-med little bit stuff was interesting because his timing was unbelievable on that one. >> that was perfect timing. in terms of the japan trated short the yen versus the dollar? all of that? >> he's been long nick kay since last year, i think they'll continue in that direction. they weren't in single-name stocks recently, though that may be changing as we speak. the early trade was a macro approach. >> any update on herbalife? i know it sold after the spike. any update there? >> no mention of herbalife here. so far we've heard and i know scott has also heard they had reduced their position in herbalife, that they might even be close to out of it, they don't address that here at all.
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there's no detail on it. so we're left with what we understand, which is a reduced position but not sure how big. >> thanks for that. >> grasso, in terms of the two camps, it's interesting to hear him outline the two camps, a bull and a bear, but invest accordingly for both of them. >> speaking of the two camps. look at the xlu's. if there's something that doesn't speak to it more than that, where it's risk on and people boat loading into the utilities. >> right. >> they want to play is safe, but they want expose your to beta. >> it's called chicken equity. this is how they leg in, start with what they feel comfortable with which is campbells and johnson & johnson and lollipops and rainbows. then they say, we can't pay 20 times earnings for a company that makes m&m's. ngets i shorted rainbows today.
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>> i went long unicorns. >> in the container board industry, you like that or some other names there? >> beakers was on that story for a while. i think to me, the most interesting thing out of everything is the japanese. the dollar-yen is headed to 120, 125. >> four-year low today. >> it's going to keep on chugging. toyota motors, which you everylay a chart of the two, trades exactly the same. i think that continues to go up. so to me, as much as people want to say the yen is a crowded trade, i don't think it's going to stop anytime soon. >> chain store sales out tomorrow. higher gas prices and an increase in the payroll tax. will retailers be feeling the pinch? joining us now with her retail read is gabriella. great to have you with us. >> thank you. >> we've heard retailers talk about rising gas prices and the impact of the payroll taxes, we
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heard family dollar and delta talking about the sequester and the impact of consumers' willingness to spend. what are you seeing across your space? >> i think there's definitely less to spend and march is not cooperative from a weather perspective, so that put a damper on everyone out there. mall traffic was down significantly. so really there's less to spend, but really, where is the consumer going to spend it? last weekend it warmed in a couple of the markets. we saw quite a turn-out from the consumer. so they're ready to put their money somewhere. it's just really, where are they going to put it? >> that consumer, is that middle of the road, high end, low end, or across the board are you seeing some willingness to spend? >> i'd say it's across the board. i think the lower end consumer has really been impacted. i think it's been more of a struggle there. we've seen increased promotional
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activity, for example gap, old navy. i think they've had to be more promotional to get the customer in the store. so that's been difficult. >> it's josh braun. at every cycle regardless of the total consumer spending pie, there are companies taking share from each other. who are you most worried about in terms of losing their competitive position and who is gaining share and making the most of it? >> okay, focus on the teen space. what i think is interesting, i've liked american eagle outfitters for a long time. but they've had the edge and been the only game in town. abercrombie had a lot of missteps with fashion. last year they dropped the ball and missed the colored denim trend. eagle has shown consistency since then, raising price points. again they've had the edge from fashion. what we're seeing in the stores now is abercrombie is coming back. we really like the fashion. they had lean inventory levels
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coming into march, which might have not been bad timing because mall traffic was poor. but we're seeing that coupled with strategic promotions have gotten the customer back in the store and interested in the product. >> thanks for your time. we appreciate it. we should know, by at the way she also likes the accessory space. where do you go in retail and will we start to hear about the head winds from gas prices and payroll taxes? >> i think we will. what i find interesting, when everybody is looking up, iminclined to look down. if you look at xrt, you'll find it's basically at an all-time low. you can understand that in a broader index. but when you have a basket af stocks in the same space and there's risk considered to be there in any of them, i think that's a little bit toppy to me. i'm inclined to buy puts here.
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>> karen, your top retail. >> finish line and macy's. like them both. >> coming up next on "fast," how you can profit from the hottest trade in the world. and later, tomorrow is the final day to trade jpmorgan and wells. a look at whether they're right after this. ♪
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that, we thought that money was going to go somewhere, u.s. equities or elsewhere. in the past weeks, we've seen french and belgian bond yields go to record lows. so some suspicions that money is going to france and belgium in the credit markets. where do you think the money is going right now? >> i think the money is going everywhere. it's just getting out of japan. that's the first thing. you're seeing the evidence of that with the weakness in the japanese yen. it's weak against the dollar, weak against aussie and kiwi and weak against canada, incredibly weak against the euro, the rubel, the shekel. money from mr. and mrs. watt naby is leaving and it's going anywhere it can, u.s. stocks, canadian stocks, to gold, to commodity spekzalation. it's leaving and it's not going to come back. >> so what you're buying now, we have a list of commodity, gold, cotton, crude, cocoa, you're
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buying all of these in yen terms. so walk through for all of us confused people out here, what that means and how you put that trade on. >> the trade has been to be long of gold in yen terms. anyone who's been long in dollar terms, it's a terrible trade for two years. gold in yen terms is making a new all-time high today. so the easiest way to do it, most people will trade it by owning the etf, buy $2 million worth of the gld and then sell the japanese yen etf, an equal dollar amount. the way i do it, i'm long gold on the futures market and then i use the foreign exchange market to short yen there. i match my dollar amounts equally. but you'll start seeing japanese money moving into cotton.
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so today, for example, i bought a little bit of cotton for my own account and sold yen against it. i'm buying a little bit of crude oil, selling yen against it. i think you'll see the commodities markets in absolute terms moving higher, not in dollar terms, but yen terms. it's affected that way in gold versus yen. i think you're going to start to see money moving in yen terms over the course of the next two weeks, three weeks, six months, over the next year. >> great to speak with you. thanks if are your time. >> thanks. >> josh, you're nodding your head at the notion of buying gold in yen terms? >> not quizzically at all. i guess the idea of converting your currency and then doing that trade, i think for most people the way they've treated gold is hedge. and you needed a hedge against your hedge. gold going back to december of 2008 in dollar terms, now flat versus the s&p and underperformed by about 70%
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going back to august 2011, which is part of this recertainty trend. the danger now for gold is, we get another episode, another blowup in europe, and it doesn't make a new high. then you're locked in this downward channel. i could be wrong but that's my read. >> goldman cutting their forecast to 1375 by the end of the year, 1390. >> so here's what's interesting. sentiment in gold, melissa, is very, very low right now. but net spec longs are not. so still people left to sell. >> but in terms of the japan trade, the point is the simple way to do it, to short yen as opposed to overlaying it against something else. >> don't overcomplicate this. it feels as 98 or wherever dollar-yen is, it's headed to 120, 125. what they're doing is three times basically where we're doing here in the united states.
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think about it. >> let's move on. some shares losing shine after yesterday's incredible surge, but traders see more gains to come in the future. mike, what did you see? >> what we saw today, one of the most active options was the april 40 calls and early today we saw that over 5,000 of those traded at about 75 cents. this stock was over $38 today, $2 higher than it was now. so risking 75 cents to see if it could blow 40 is wiser than trying to buy the stock here. >> coming up next, how you should trade jpmorgan and wells fargo with one day until they report first quarter earnings, but first gloves come off over tenet health care. after shares close lower today. that street fight is coming up next. ♪ [ indistinct shouting ]
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welcome back to "fast," we are live at the nasdaq markets in times square. tenet health care is taking a
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beating today after deutsche bank downgraded it from a hold to a buy. the call sparking a street fight on this set. make your case. >> i'm going to kick it off. i don't like steve but i do love tenet health care. this is a stock we've loved since the reverse split. it sold off over the last week, understandably so. but the hma guidance was what really knocked them down. i think and maybe i'm wrong, it was hma specific, they spoke to the lack of hospital stays, more going to out-patient, which i think wins to tenet health care. that and and this is the first meaningful sell-off of stock since october. i think it's an opportunity and a dhans to buy the stock. >> hma is why you saw that collateral damage, he hit it on the head. tenet has been up 155% since the streak hearing that okayed or
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allowed obama care. it's two toppy. you can't be in the name. you're seeing the rotation out of it into hmo's. >> technical case scare you? >> it does a little bit. because as i just said, it's a pretty large sum. it was $48 stock a week ago, now here we are $41.5. >> it did break the 50 day which has been supporting the name since august 2012. so you have to respect these levels. it seems to me you're seeing that rotation still off those cma numbers and you're going to see hmo's. >> let's call this match. josh brown, what do you say? >> my favorite in the room is hca which warns, but i think guy is right and now is when you start to build the position but it's a long-term trend and i think it will work. >> karen?
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>> i don't know. did either make a compelling case for me. i'm not sure. >> sounds like she agrees with me. >> i'm not bullish on hospitals. >> i love you, i said it. >> all right, split decision here, obviously. but we want to know what you guys think out there. so tweet us at cnbc and we'll share the rumts at the end of the show. let's move on here. jpmorgan and wells fargo both out with first quarter earnings friday. take your position ahead of the report. charlie, always great to speak with you. >> hello, melissa. >> i'm wondering if you think the stocks will move on the backs of the earnings. will there be surprises on friday? >> i think these are relatively low volatility, relatively low-risk stocks and earnings numbers. i'm not expecting big surprises. there will be some positives, the mortgage businesses are good. credit defaults and losses are
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going to be low. but the net interest margins are lousy and i think they're getting lousier. so i'm not expecting big moves either way. these are not my favorite financials by any means. >> do you think the run-up is already reflected for decent earnings? i find them still cheap, but i wonder what your view is. >> i think people are assuming that the interest rate environment is going to get better. people are expecting them to go up and that will happen eventually, but they're already pricing some of that in, which is why the stocks have been so strong. so i'm worried about the net interest margin, i think that could put pressure on it. jpmorgan is still a wonderful stock, but i don't see a lot of upside from here. >> if these aren't your favorites, what are your favorite? >> short-term. we love kkr and black stone. there's a lot of short-term tail winds. they are going to have big sales
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of portfolio companies, big distributions out of the gain. they filed an ipo of sea world, $500 million. they're really going to work in the short-term. and morgan stanley and goldman sachs are going to have a very good quarter. goldman sachs i'm predicting will have a trillion dollars under management, a trillion with a t, that they're going to announce. that's a lot of money and they're making more money there than people think. so those four names. i'll throw in cow an here which is also very cheap. >> thanks for your time, charlie. >> thank you. >> coming up next on "fast," the abc's of designing a portfolio. what you can learn from the reformed broker josh brown. and our traders answer their favorite tweets of the day. so stick around. ou nia, i'm mike. what do you drive? i have a ford explorer, i love my car. and you're treating it well? yes i am. there are a lot of places you could take your explorer for service, why do you bring it back to the ford dealership?
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april is financial literacy month, in honor of that, we're going back to school, trade school approximate and how should beginners build a
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portfolio. josh brown has it for you. this is for beginners, what do you recommend in terms of allocations. >> beginners want to accomplish two things. the first is to get into the game. you do that via index vtf's. own it all. my suggestion would be, set up an automatic purchase so that each month you're buying a little bit. some mays you buy high, some low, but overall you'll win. with a portion of that portfolio, i want you to buy large cap u.s. stocks, buy a handful of names, you know the brands, companies you're interested in and use that as an excuse to every week read the news. every week read the earnings data, familiarize -- >> just get your feet wet. >> right. you should not expect to be vying with dan loeb for the crown your first year or two. what you should expect you'll learn what makes stocks go up and down, how they react to
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news. so i think the eft/individual approach will make you money and teach you a lot. >> which are your favorites? which do you recommend? >> keep it simple at the opening stages. what you want to focus on is just making sure you own the major asset classes. >> i recommend spy, then look down to a mid cap. i prefer the ijh, the cheap skpeft most proficient. another thing you can do, dip your toe in the water overseas. there really should be no difference in your mind. you should think about the planet and the percentage of people and the percentage of profits and it's a very big world. so the way to do that in my opinion, would just be straight up eem which is emerging markets. >> you mentioned putting money away every month. sometimes you're buying high, sometimes low, that's basically the importance of dollar cost -- >> this is one of my favorite starts. i sit with clients very wealthy and sophisticated people who have been investing by decades.
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even they're surprised when they see this. the green line is dollar cost averaging on a regular bases. the blue line is i threw a lump at the market and hope i got the timing right. notice the difference in volatility and you end up in the same place. this chart starts in december 2007. i promise you, there are few time frames when this doesn't outperform a lump-sum investment made at one time. if you're just getting started, remove the emotion. remove this question of, am i buying at the top or the bottom, forget it, just continue to buy, let time work for you and the magic of compounding. >> very good advice. time now for pops and drops. kick it off with a pop for netflix up 2%. >> got some good news here, reed hastings not going to face charges from the sec. so that's a positive.
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we also saw downgrade for -- this is a stock that the valuation is very hard to get your arms around. if you're looking at how much you pay on a subscriber basis, personally i'd stay away from it still. >> the xbi, did great. of course they're going to go up and they did. but we're hanging on. >> got a pop here for rider. >> this is one of those named that's been a favorite. it's up and it needs to stay above $60. you spread out the long-term chart, this has resistance in it. so in order to stay in the trade, it's got to stay above 60 if you're low. >> pop for yahoo. >> topped about it top of the show. i think analysts are going to raise numbers especially if earnings release is to the upside. i like it still. >> josh? >> this is a new low going back to july of 2009, new mont
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outperforms the stock market and they're gold related and they underperform gold. i'm not sure i'm interested in diving down for it. >> and a pop for parking. two brothers in england have mastered the fine art of parintellectual parking. they managed to squeeze a vehicle between two other cars with just 13.1 centimeters of space left over. the stunt was verified by guinness as the tightest parallel park of all time. >> i'm going to tread lightly because i have to -- >> are you going to say something that is racial or -- >> have you ever paralleled parked in your life? because i guarantee you, a hundred times you couldn't get your little, whatever that hugo or that car was. >> i bet you couldn't here with 13.1 centimeters left over. >> let's do it! >> let's do it! >> that's a smack down street fight. >> we'll see.
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>> you'll luss lose. >> where are you going to get the two other cars to volunteer? i'm not participating. >> coming up next on "mad money," cramer's got a profitable answer ahead and the next big investment with pharma. meantime, which tweets made today's cut? we'll trade them live,s in. next.
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>> let's play good, bad and ugly. >> love this game. >> starring karen finerman. earlier this year she was up for a healthy surprise for a pharmacy play. take a listen. >> i been a fan of cvs over walgreen's i think the management is far superior. however at this valuation differential, i think it's okay to own walgreen's there. >> nice call, shares of wag green's up third% since that
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call. what do you do here? >> no. and i've been selling ccs also. we're paired down. >> during our "fast money" contest, karen revealed her position on a stock that's taken a beaten of late. here's what he said. >> i'm going with apple. >> i agree for a lot of reasons. rp is up about 70%. i think they'll run out of gas early. so apple, which i am long. >> and it's down like 180%? >> 4.5% since then. but you're long apple -- >> i mean, it's down, really, not up. i am still long, it doesn't matter to me, a lot of people say we've owned it for a long time, we have a big gain in it. that's not relevant.
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do i want to own it now and i did then and i do now. >> the ugly is going to be when you get behind the wheel of a car and wreck it. >> that's the rat dog. [ laughter ] >> that's not fair. i have no control over that. >> exactly. that's the beauty of it. very ugly. >> good job. you tweet it, we trade it. this one is for the rat dog over there, guy. do you like buying silver while selling gold for a move to 45-1, the ratio? >> historically that ratio is about 17-1, and here it is trading close to 50. so i'd rather by silver outright. although selling gold has been the right. i'd like to own both. i think silver is going to sky rocket one of these days. >> does a run at johnson & johnson continue? >> i've commented that a lot of
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steady stocks seemed stressed, but johnson & johnson doesn't. i think it's still a safe bet if. if you're nervous, put on a 75, 85 collar to protect your game. >> this is for karen. thoughts on kors. >> just too high. for me, it's macy's. >> grasso, looking to start a position in google. at what level would it be a good entry point? >> i'm trying to do the same thing. it traded down to 770. i'd rather buy it on momentum above 795 or wait till after the bank's report because that will be the test on the market. >> it was interesting to hear them outline google as sort of eating away at that space in terms of having a lock on chrome as well as android. people that are buying laptops
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are buying the chromebook. everyone wants a tablet, everyone wants a smart phone. but if you're buying a laptop, you're buying the chromebook, it's light and the price point works dramatically better. they're going to own that market, don't sell googem short just yet. >> trading lower on the back of the idcpc data. so look at names like microsoft and intel. those are names that could be under pressure tomorrow as they are under pressure in the after-hours session. meantime, still to come, we name the street fight winner, plus your first move tomorrow. stay tuned. with fidelity's new options platform, we've completely integrated every step of the process, making it easier to try filters and strategies... to get a list of equity options... evaluate them with our p&l calculator... and execute faster with our more intuitive trade ticket. i'm greg stevens
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met over lunch and shared a vision. that's the power of connecting an idea to a community. that's bank of america. >> all right, who won the street fight on tenet health care? guess. >> steve won. >> you're right. >> what a cute little dog. >> who would vote against that? >> final trade time. >> options market isn't expecting a lotd out of earnings on banks. puts are cheap, buy some to protect your game. >> i warned you pfizer would break out. happened today. i'm staying long.


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