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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  June 7, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT

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advantage of that by looking to sell premium here and there. that's what i would do. >> looks like our time has expired. thank you so much for watching. for more "options action," check out our website. see you back here next friday, 5:30 p.m. eastern time for more "options action." . my mission is simple, to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now! hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. other people want to make friends, i just want to make you some money. my job is not just to entertain you, to educate you, call me at 1-800-743-cnbc. the big bad event is now behind us! hallelujah! >> that's right, the non-farm
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payroll number has come and gone, it was just right, not too weak, not too strong, better than expected. the dow soared 208 points. subpoena svp climbing 1.28%. nasdaq only 1.23%. i think the most important factor here is the fear and trepidation are over! >> house of pleasure! >> i spent a lot of time an liegz big pieces of data and important announce wants in the stockmarket. i have discovered a key pattern, you know the upcoming data point, plenty people step aside, others ring the register in order to nail down profits before the information gets released. once the event occurs, though, regardless of whether the actual substance is any good, you get a relief rally, because the big, bad event is in the rear view mirror. when we got a slightly ex better than expected jobs report, that led to a sensation, a selling. along with a return of buyers
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who had been paralyzed because they feared what would happen when this perspective number came out. now we need to know if the momentum can be sustained, isn't that what's going on? later on, i'll have concrete data points down the road if this advance is going to continue. right now, we need to fire up the game plan for next week's events, first off, most people have simply given up on china. hay, i don't blame them. every bit and bite of info from the people's republic feels disappointing. so be prepared to come in monday after scrutinizing impressive chinese retail sales number, accept that they're bad, right? why mention them at all? the expectations have gotten so low for china, if we get numbers showing a tenth of a percent of improvement, it will have all the cyclical stocks here next up, monday kicks off the apple's development kaumplts you will hear endlessly about this endlessly, right now, people
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think it's created a spark if heardship to samsung, by the way, which did terrible last night in the conference. this conference, let's say it can change that if apple unveils some major o-m-g products. if they don't dazzle, i fear that apple will be totally dead money until they report their next quarter. we got a great gatsby reporting after the close on monday, that's lulu lemon, i have been behind since the pants recall. i said they would decrease not increase by taking the clothes off the market. still this had barely a day's breather since then, lulu has done more of its fair share. go check what happens. i suggest some register ringing during the day ahead of the report if you own the stock. also wale hear from manny's, simple bnny, i think this high organic stock can struggle. i leak if natural organic theme. i know that annie's has that cohort in its pocket. no fret, maybe comes in, buys
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some. on tuesday, we got some real work to do. we got to put in for not one but two ipos, gigamon, a profitable tech concern. it should be red hot. cody will be a big ipo with the market capex pected to be around $7 million after it opens. remember, cody tried buy avon. avon's last quarter was god. so i blessed speculation, ahead of these ipos. that's right, i'm saying avon be get another lift. also on tuesday, we get results from ulta salon. i'm worried about this goldman sachs, a big backer, decided to downgrade the stock just this week. let me ask you, why do that unless you are worried about a miss? we have some perhaps the most important conference of all these conferences that we have been having going on in the month of june, that's the morgan stanley financial's conference so many are worried about a slowdown in mortgage originations. when it comes to the bankings, i
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care about the net mortgage margin or nimm:i have been watching cd rates like a hawk. and even as treasury rates through higher this last month, the rates of sets of deposit didn't. means they can be kingdom money on those deposits and interest margins are going higher. let's hope the majority of big banks, because they're all at this conference, point out this extremely positive change about the cd rate versus what they can invest in rather than the bank declining mortgage application, all they want to do is talk about banking regulations. frankly, that won't drive your stock up, guys. we are worried about retail numbers from bradley the other day. i think we pay hear a different tune wednesday when pvh reports, first pvh took its guidance down on the last talk. they did it on our show. makes it less ricky.
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remember the cal 59 klein problems, the licenses shot the lights out reported this week. this power company could be ready to roar? it suddenly got hit after that last quarter. we also hear from cramer fave five below, it has been held back by insider selling and a sense of guilt by association with the dollar stores. remember dollar general, i think the five below put the negatives behind them. again, because i was so concerned about a slowdown in consumer spending, i'm going to pay extremely close attention to the pierp jaffray conference. they reported good numbers. urban outfitters reported good numbers. stocks didn't do that much. gap reported a good number. these are all doing well, we hear from the cnn bradley, remember we can find out what the real story is from these confrontation, here's something we care about the federal budget deficit.
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i'm expecting a blowout number. typically, the number has to do with earnings. ah, this is a number that will show less spending and much more being taken in, in taxes. that in itself can cause interest rates to go lower and stocks to go higher because of the symbiotic relationship between bovendz and stocks, where stocks go down as yields go higher and vice-versa. thursday we get jobless claims. i find the numbers report is actually a pretty good deal because it either verifys or undercuts the big bad event you thought was in the past really isn't. we have to reexamine friday the number we got today when we see that thursday number. i think it's fine. someone always said, hey, you know what, that number on friday was rear view mirror, now we see the true number. i'm a little worried. watch for restoration harbor reports, this is a potential gatsby candidate t. stock like so many others require higher
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end consumer spending is vipping. it's doubled since the end of the year. i think restoration hardware has a real momentum because of the housing comeback. since it rallied, it went up 6 points. i bet it can still go higher. friday we have a number that starts to need being better, better now, certainly than it has been. that's industrial production. we had a huge move up in interest rates. we haven't had a concomitant in business. that's why it spooked people, right? because higher rates could throttle back whatever activity we have. we will get a handle on how saft the industrial economy really is on friday. here's the bottom line. hey, look, we had a decent relief rally now the big, bad event is behind usment we have to hear strong reports about consumer and industrial spending as well as a glimmer of hope in china. don't forget to got a few hundred shares in cotty and the red hot gigamon ipo.
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joe in oklahoma. joe. >> caller: boo-yah, jim, from oklahoma. how are you? >> real great. how are you? >> caller: the fact that today silver and wheat stock is plummeting. my question for you, mr. cramer, what is your outlook on silver and gold values on the long run and what do you expect silver and wheat stocks to do because of snit. >> i'm only recommending coins. i don't like the gld in that last breakdown. i certainly don't want to own any minors. if you have to you can own a basket of minor, not in particularly, we seen too many mistakes, i do not like silver wheaton, let's go to virginia in virginia. virginia! >> caller: boo-yah, jim. >> boo-yah, virginia. >> caller: over the weekend there was positive news on a chancer drug oncology. it shot up on monday and pretty much maintained the increase. i was wondering what is the word on clvs?
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>> we didn't do enough work on this run with. we have to do more work on it. this is a very big company. i did not see how they got, did the fiasco conference. i got to come back, for so many of these, candidly, look, i try to keep track of a lot of stocks, but the number of companies that spoke at asco, versus as many i was able to look at, i wasn't able to do my job. i will come back. big bad events that were threatening this week are now behindous. look what happens when they're done. "mad money" will be right back. coming up, seeing is believing. the summer blockbuster is back in season. and imax is getting ready to thrill theater-goers, will their box office numbers help the stocks soar? or will ticket prices frighten away customers? don't miss this feature presentation. and later, tgisf, thank god it's spec friday.
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tonight it's one of the top pornlg stocks since the market bought them. can its powerful pipeline drive it higher? all coming up on "mad money." don't miss a second of "mad money," follow @jimcramer on twitter. have a question, tweet cramer hashtag madtweets. sends him an e-mail at or give us a call at 1-800-743-cnbc. miss something, head to oh, he's a fighter alright. since aflac is helping with his expenses while he can't work, he can focus on his recovery. he doesn't have to worry so much about his mortgage, groceries, or even gas bills. kick! kick...
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feel it! feel it! feel it! nice work! ♪ you got it! you got it! yes! aflac's gonna help take care of his expenses. and us...we're gonna get him back in fighting shape. ♪ [ male announcer ] see what's happening behind the scenes at
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makes it easy for ann to manage her finances when she's on the go. even when she's not going anywhere. citi tablet apps. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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helps him deposit his checks. jay also like it when mother nature helps him wash his car. mother nature's cool like that. citibank mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank. i've always believed when there is a product, service or experience you really like the company behind that product, service or experience might be worth owning. no matter how much you love the product, you absolutely must do your home when the underlying company, make sure it is sounds before you can buy the stock. consider imax, seeing a movie in an imax theater has been an awesome experience. you and i know it. for years the company struggled to get its act together.
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lately, though, that's changed. the turn around here is a whole lot more than the fact that the product has gotten better with the advent of 3d. in the odd day the movie studios couldn't care about imax, now they're desperate to have it shown with the network of gigantic screens. plus the is not a domestic trend. the companies are spreading rapidly the 78 theater systems installed in 53 companies around the globe. they're adding 110 to 125 new ones a year. for example, imax has 108 theaters in china. when "ironman 3" opened this year, imax did 80% of the demand, to a lers extent, imax is, indeed, a china plate. the stock is up nearly 20% for the year. we are entering what is the best part of the year, the summer blockbuster season a. new "ironman," a new "man of steel." although there are some worries from some of the analysts two to
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three films late looks light. that's quote. let's check in with rich the ceo of imax, len more about his company and prospects. welcome back to "mad money." >> thank you. >> rich, remember at the beginning of your most recent conference, you started off by saying the company has three priority, pen trax, differentiation and scale. i want to know how far along you are with the united states and the world, differentiation, i don't know who has anything like you, i don't know who need to difference chayet yourself from. scale, how big? how big? >> so in terms of penetration, we targeted certain markets that were underrepresented. those include latin america, where we have a fairly small presence, europe, where we have been little because of the size restrictions in europe because of screens and slow growth building perms, and the emerging markets like russia and china. actually, it's going great.
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i had a conference call yesterday with my sales force around the world. we have a lot of leads going on. the tone of our business is very good and 80% of our business is from existing customers and as you know, that's what you want to see. there are exhibitors who are in our business and want more and that's what's going on. >> okay. in terms of differentiation, you know, we always try to figure out how to make the movie-going experience better. what happened was stadium seating was an invasion by imax like 25 years ago. 3d was introduced by imax about 20 years ago. eventually what happens is people copy you, the highest form of flattery. so we always are trying to do more and get better. so we're coming up with new technology which is laser-based, which will make the images even brighter and the contrast brighter, particularly 3d -- >> someone like me, you wouldn't notice it? it's a needle-mover? >> especially in 3d, you are wearing these glasses, so it dulls out the images.
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take "charlie and the chocolate factory" when you watched it without the glass, it was smart when you put the glasses on even with "av tar" you notice it. there were films shot with imax camera, "star trek" j.j. abrams shot it. "hunger games" every scene in the arena was shot with imax cameras. scale, what i meant a by that was availability. the scale is enormous. we have a long way to go in terms of runway theaters to go into. what i mean is we have grown four times in terms of the network in the lost five years. so we had just wanted to make sure we got it all right. we didn't necessarily do it in the most efficient way as you know, because i know you have a real retail background, the last thing you want to do is roll out things and they work well. we focused on them working well. now we're working on efficiency and driving down the costs. >> talk to me about china.
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it's not in the research. wanda buys amc for 2.5. talk about sincerity, flattery being a form of what you kind of don't want in china. your copywrite, your patents work there. they don't decide as to jam your stuff into that chain. >> well, as a matter of fact, wanda has copycat sort of theaterment but they only put it where they can't put an imax theater, which pines we have exclusive zones, so if someone else has a zone, wanda can't go in that zone. then they'll put in the copycalifornia they recognize the value of the brand. they recognize the value of our relationship with the film makers, back to differentiation, they understand differentiation. most importantly, consumers in china really get brands. so you talk about a louis vitton or chanel. >> they love brands. >> you can put up something that smelled similar.
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they can't tell their friends they saw it in an imax theater. that's the brand that keeps china so brand conscious. >> when i talked to you last, i had gotten excited about "titanic." you said, jim, listen, don't, it will be a short run. i realize the dispute between how good the film slate s. i want to know how important the slate is. they say it looks light. should i even zmar do i even have to worry about a quarters films? >> that's a great question, jim. the sim pal answer is no. if you go back over the last three four years, our per screen per year has become surprisingly constant around the $1.2 million mark. we will be wrong and think we have a hit. it turns out to be not a hit. it will be a disappointment. along will come "avengers." who saw the box coughs coming out over a big portfolio and a long period of time, it balances out. by the way, i have to say, you
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were right about "titanic." i was wrong. it actually turned out to be a big hit, sample i in china where it hadn't played before. >> i wish it were longer. they should have kept that in the theaters longer. >> well the problem is you have too many other good things coming on. one thing you will find interesting, we generally didn't do re-release, now this fall we will do the "wizard of oz". >> i just saw that. >> re-released in imax theaters exclusively. that's a give i different differentiation. a whole generation that couldn't see it, let alone in 3d and imax. >> the black and weather, when you put the glasses on, that when it pops? >> no, i don't think so, you put them on in the beginning, let it pop when it pops. >> i want to talk about the box oflgs looks like it's going up. but they've raised the price of the tickets. is the experience there away as imax? i don't find it wond russ,
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unless it's 3d or has surround sound. i'd rather stay home and watch the great cable shows. >> you are speaking for the general public. that's what the movie people are struggling with, how do you get people awie from the couch and their 72-inch televisions? that's forging the mark trend macrotrend is when people go out, we want something special. i think that's the wind at our back, that's helping imax. >> right. i should running out of time, but are there rich people that put this in their homes? >> yeah, there are. >> even guys that are really rich, on their yachts? >> we have a surprisingly big market. it's a bargain at $2 million apiece. >> you know what, maybe that's what the rich really need in terms of distinguishing, they're kind of out of things to dwhash they are richer than the other
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guy. >> anybody can gooi buy a lamborghini, but a home imax. >> you see why i like this stock. it changes the experience and the experience needs changed or else we are going to stay home on the 72-inch and watch those great cable shows. rich gelfond the president of imax. good to see you. . .
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show at home, you should know i take your phone calls and e-mails and of course your tweets @jimcramer seriously. i say "mad money" is the most interactive show on television. within we get repeated questions about a stock i feel i don't know enough about, you better believe i will drill down, do the necessary homework and come back with you with an informed answer. take jazz pharmaceutical, symbol jazz, this is an irish biopharma company we have gotten so many calls about. you guys have asked about this one so often, upon further review, i'm devoting a full segment to jazz right here right now for speculation friday. before you go crazy with this one, let me just point out that
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jazz is already crazy. jazz pharma has been totally on fire. it's up 15% in the last month. i think the stock may need to chill out, cool off, just for a bit before you buy more than a token position. nerksdz you have 100, if you bought 25 on monday, that's about fit you did the research. jazz still sells for nine times next year's estimates. it's having a long-term growth rate. if it traded with other simple biopharma names, this stock $65, $85. that's another 125% from where it is trading. even if jazz were at a significant discount at that level, i will not hype it. could it go to par? which is wall street jibbers for $100? yes. listen to the negatives, why do i think this stock deserves to go higher? the issue here is that jazz has a dark cloud hanging over it. much like how the entire northeast was covered with clouds from tropical storm andrea today and the crew kept
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telling my about flood warnings everywhere. see the company gets 69% of its sale from a narcolepsy drug. it means jazz can charge $48 to $97,000 a year for a standard order of treatment. if you have narcolepsy, you are falling asleep during the day, you take this drug. jazz pharma has a patent, the first of which doesn't expire until 2019. so you think we're in the clear, right, right? this is if dark cloud. those patents haven stopped a company rocksy labs from developing and get fda approval for a generic version. now, this is something that terrifies investors. not when a drug was challenged that caused it to go from 60 to 40ment if generic xyrem hits the
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market, more than half will be at risk. you can consider what happened the last time pharma reported was may 8th. it knocked it out of the park. i was so excited. xyrem sales rising 60%. most important, management dramatically raised their full-year earnings forecast. probably the most of any pharmaceutical. but jazz didn't immediately rally on that news. instead, the stock dropped $4 bucks. why? because the ceo made a kind of offhanded comment about a potential jenner competition. caused -- generic competition and that caused people to freak out and sell, sell, sell. here's the thing, the stock got slammed, they gave you a fabulous entry point before jazz rallied virtually nonstop the next month. we normally don't like to bet on litigation. jazz is sug roxy. this seems like a clear cut case to me. i simply don't see generic xyrem
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to hit the markets until the patents expire until 2016. it can only end up serving a patent extender, meaning you will get a few more years of life on that patent. these are the concerns that jazz is so cheap. once it gets cleared up, i think the stock could roar higher. not that it's a one-hit wonder. it has an oncology franchise and within oncology, jazz added a drug for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. imagine generating $150 million in sales. the country is the developing an intravenus version of this drug. it's still in early stage development. jazz has another lymphoblastic leukemia drug. it's in the pipe. we should get phase 1 in september. it's very early. it could be a nice catalyst. on the psychiatric side, jazz
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has a pair of smaller drugs, a hard core anti-psychotic. it's already going generic. theyals make luxor for depression, ocd anxiety. this is a fantastic franchise. jazz has a treatment for graft vs. host disease. that's where the body rejects the tissue transplanted from another person, especially bone marrow. this drug is currently at phrase 3 development in europe. it could only have jazz diversify away from the core narcolepsy down the road. jazz isn't a perfect biotech company. they have a franchise that should last until 2019, by that time the xyrem will expire. especially in that anti-cancer space i described. it's less dependent on one big drug. for now, though, this stock is being held back. i regard as being overblown worries about the competition for the biggest drug that i
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simply don't see happening. here's the bottom line. jazz pharma has roared. while i think the stock has more room to run. you have to understand, it is a speculative company. you should wait for jazz to pull back before you start buying. i like the story. that's no reason to narrator, even if the stock is pretty darn cheap on an earnings basis even after this incredible run. let's go to celeste in connecticut. cleft. >> caller: hi, jim. my stock is ctrx catamaran. earlier this year i sold the stock when it was up 78%. i bought it and liked it again. although it was up today, it's been mostly down. >> yes. >> caller: so my question to you is do you still like this stock? >> yes, i do. no, i don't have a target price. i was surprised to see it down. it's a high multiple stock. every high multiple stock has been coming down as interest rates are going higher. suddenly they all levelled off. today they took off. i think you are fine.
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i think this is the beginning of another leg of high multiple stocks doing well. i want to go to mario in california. >> caller: hi jaim jim, how are you? >> i'm wonderful. >> caller: jim, i'm one of your best friend out there. i was calling in to find out from you, what do you think about usna? >> oh, usna, the supplement company, usana. that's a tricky company. i have to do more work on it rather than say how i think it's going to do. because i having around with that company and i know there are issues that i think trump the earning, but i will come back and do more rather than shoot from the hip on usana, which is a very kofrl stock. let's go to mark in he home state of new jersey. >> caller: yo, daddy, skeedaddy, boo-yah to you. >> he has my accent. >> caller: i bought the viro pharma and also the fidelity
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biotech fund which has done great. what do you feel about both of those? >> i love that fidelity. i used to know the manager the previous manager who is great. this is a good, a great way to play it and enviroafirma is from my hometown. you will win both ways. i'm jazzed up for jazz farm massachusetts it's not perfect but it is speculation friday. i want to thank all the people that brought this company to my attention. i otherwise would not have examined it. stay with cramer. [ music playing ] at honda, we know some people are never satisfied with a good idea. and work day and night until they end up in a place that no one ever dreamed of. because they know that things can always be better.
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well, us, too. introducing the redesigned 44-mile-per-gallon-highway civic hybrid. the best civic hybrid yet. made possible by honda.
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[ music playing ] >> it is time, it is time for the lightning round! i tell you whether to buy, buy, buy or sell, sell, sell. then you hear this sound and the lightning round is over. are you ready, skeedaddy? it is time for the lightning round. i want to start with burt in north carolina. burt. >> caller: jim, i have a question about southern company.
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i have been hitting some southern company stock. i saw where 14th of may you said it was a buy, 29th you said it was a death trap. >> well, you know what, what happened is we found out about that coal plant and the overrun. i mean, the overrun was, i couldn't believe how much it had overrun, that changed everything. made the me say, listen, this one is too dangerous. they spent too much on this so-called coal plan. you had to have an aep. i didn't change my mind. they change how much they're losing or at least told us. let's go to seth in maine. seth. >> caller: mr. cramer, i really enjoy your show. i have been watching youior years. >> thank you. >> caller: my question is about a recent ipo pays a massive dividend per unit. cvrr. >> yes, i talked with dan dicker, the energy expert on the street on the board where it was founded. dan thinks that yield is good. i did a video where him and i think that that's an interesting place to be. the margins are contracting.
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i don't know, but he feels that that yield is good to go. the payout's for real. that's why i say you can own that stock. let's go to carlton in california. carlton. >> caller: boo-yah, jim, this is carlton from the golden state. i love your show, absolutely love it. >> i need that man, long week, what's up? >> caller: a really quick question, do you like trans-canada as a long-term investment and do you think obama will pass the keystone pipeline and if you can give a boo-yah to my son jake. >> boo-yah, jake, i think trans-canada come down where it gets a 4% yield. that's what i have been waiting for, i would pull the trigger, buy, buy, buy, it has the most growth of every company. michael in pennsylvania. >> caller: a sad pittsburgh penguin boo-yah to ya. >> that is bad. i thought that was a shoe-in.
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>> caller: i want your holdings on ruth chris, i own some. >> i like the business. i like the restaurant business. i like darden very much, that state business is coming back. i will say this is good. i never forgot that episode of ruth chris and stunning it was for kids to understand. let's go to bill in california, please, bill. >> caller: boo-yah, bill. >> boo-yah, bill. >> caller: the ceo was on your sale, it's clean harbor clh. >> yeah, you know, geerksz you know what, it has been dispinting, that last acquisition. remember, will is not a lot of drilling going on. last acquisition they paid too much. let's stay cool on this one right now. don't want to purpose it. got to see a better quarter than we have the last time. let's go to leara in alabama
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ka. >> caller: boo-yah from the gulf shores. wanted to get your opinion on kimberly clark. >> it pulled back to 3.5%. it's a high quality company. at 3.5%, i think it is safe to buy. it has come all the way down from 106. i think that's okay. i would buy half of it now. boy buy, buy, buy, then come down more to buy the rest. let's go to justin in indiana. >> caller: boo-yah, jim from southern indiana. >> nice, we like it there. >> caller: always lovely. a question for you, down 30% on a recommendation identify had about a year ago hudson city bank corps. hcbk. >> yeah, they're getting bought. so i think they're going to go away. i wouldn't worry about it. you know what, you can sell it because you are not going to get much more money from i. i bless. that you know, that bank stumblinged, had some problems, got bought. there is not much else to it.
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let's go to john if washington. >> caller: boo-yah from the great columbia gorge in washington. >> boy i wish i were there. >> caller: it's nice in the '80s. my question is envira, environmental solution, with the recent pullback, this a good buy? >> now know, if i will be in the water be vito go with aqua america. that's the way to go. ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the lightning round!
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>> tonight's show is going to be great. investors hiding in bond market equivalent stocks? they were like frantically -- they felt exposed. meanwhile, i'm doing some camping here. that's why i like the tent. i like to camp. did anyone see the porcupine video in the porcupine trying to stop a honey badger from eating something? at first it shows it can penetrate a lion, it can penetrate a can of coke. then the porcupine shoots its the quills at the honey badger and they bounce off the honey badger, the honey badger is totally unfazed. >> nothing can stop the honey badger when it's hungry. >> what kind of animal is that? >> owe the honey badgers are just crazy! >> shredded wheat? waufle chris him? -- crisp?
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oh, he's a fighter alright. since aflac is helping with his expenses while he can't work, he can focus on his recovery. he doesn't have to worry so much about his mortgage, groceries, or even gas bills. kick! kick... feel it! feel it! feel it! nice work! ♪ you got it! you got it! yes! aflac's gonna help take care of his expenses. and us...we're gonna get him back in fighting shape. ♪ [ male announcer ] see what's happening behind the scenes at
6:46 pm
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before we answer your tweet, it's time to do some more homework. back on may 16th, scott in florida asked you about chewies. i said i'd get to it within i get back. this tex mex restaurant cane increased its store by 20%. the engineer has been very consistent. it trades at 42 times earnings, even with the elevated groat rate, that's too rich for me in
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this environment. it's definitely worth re-visiting because the market brought it down. what else? on may 22nd, andy in florida called about nextera energy, nee. that's the florida power and light. i wasn't off my game. that's the largest utility in the sunshine state as well as nextar resources, focus on nuclear wind, solar. it seems like a good company. i cannot bust it like a stock. the utilities are very much out of favor. at the moment the yield isn't big enough to protect you. i need that to go around 4.5. if you believe interest rates have stopped going up, though, i would much rather have you be at one with a higher yield, duke energy, that's a low run, con-ed, that's a good one, too. mark in alabama asked about infinera, this is on optical maker that got it from juniper
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networks and strong results from sienna. i like the optical equipment plays. infera has a strong lead technology that everybody wants these days. look, it's an $11 stock. you buy back, put some oranges buy back on a pullback. remember, jdsu is still good, too. a lot of these stocks are very, very high. they tend to pull back. that's when you pounce. now, let's get to your tweets. rex murray at murrayunder score rex says what's going on with wn today? that's waste management. we have mr. steiner on all the time. there has been talk about whether there will be a real estate investment trust made up from waste management. one of the reasons why my travel trust owns this stock is because it has a big yield, maybe it can be bigger. he said he couldn't speculate. there was a ruling that came down from the irs. they are doing a group meeting figure out how these non-real estate investment trusts should
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by a loued. that's why the stock went down. so did a couple others. iron mountain, a storm and records play. people say, ah, i guess they can't do that. that's what drove waste management down. we bought some from charitable trust today. next at y haste, jimmy, this fb facebook is killing me. should we hold it on bag it for something that doesn't drop every day? this is a reference, we bought facebook, we bought it badly. we bought it badly t. quarter was great. i thought the stock would go up. it's been a free fire zone short. morgan stanley said we had two jup upgrades this week. my charitable trust is not going to sell the stock. you may want to sell it. i know @jimcramer, people hate me for this. i did a lot of work. it is doing well as a company, it is doing badly as a stock. next is tim, which is better bet
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today? phyllis or las vegas sands? you know what, the phyllis win five games everybody thinks they will win the series. las vegas sands is a better bet. charlie emanuel, no offense, whatsoever. circumstance domenic brown, you come public. "mad money" is back after the break.
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>> is what has to go right to
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maintain this momentum. it started yesterday with that amazing reversal and continued through today. what is to go right that this, indeed, was what the late great mark haines called a roosh bottom where everybody has sold and buyers are attracted to the market. first we need interest rates to stabilize or at the very least go up at a slower pace than they have been as the economy recovers. this morning's employment report was slightly better than expected, which could invoke a better rise in rates. something that's hard to get if the economy isn't proven. sec of all, we want the philosophy to abate. is what i care about. you can't have a rapid fly without causing havoc throughout the system. which is what happened in the last month when rates exploded higher as they remain at historically low levels. you want to see us back to new highs. you get to where mortgages are
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below 4%. they say thank heavens i wouldn't miss the bottom. would put us back on course with the housing recovery and all that goes with it. you know i talk about all the time, still, though the cessation of the huge jump high ever in rates could do the trick. sending, we have been getting better than expected data in europe lately. it is confirmation that not only is yours a bottom, it might be showing genuine improvement. my theory is that it had bottomed. many of our companies had huge businesses overseas. third, we have to see stabilization out of chosen. europe could help here. they think so many chinese imports. they did the huge, huge, huge, say 25% of china's business, okay. that's. >> tim: gaventic. we need the potential trade war between china and europe to be nipped in the bud if that's going to happen. fourth, we need to get a seen all is not lost. we got hope last night gap reported a god month.
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something that shows vera bradley may be outliers. after all, gap is a nationwide chain with a real good happenedle on business these three other companies don't have. we will hear from the power xaen company in every major department store that could provide continued positive momentum. fifth, we need to see some stability in commoditys to verify things around the world are getting better, not worse. i rely on iron ore, corner, alluminum and lumber as signs of deceleration. lumber just started advancing. that's a terrific sign, be i the way, others need to follow. finally, we saw our leadership groums come back. the aro space and the latter the sign of the market. if those continue to build on today's advance, we have a fighting chance to say we have seen the bottom and worst case scenario is off the table. that's six teams to watch for. unfortunately, you didn't need all six to go right.
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if we're going to take it up to levels where it began. i'd say three out of six we saw yesterday was, indeed, a worst bottom. means point blank the worst is over. stay with cramer. is the nsa tapping your phones and reading your e-mails? i think no fed tapering for the rest of the year? and does president obama need a scandal czar? there are so many of them now. next up on "kudlow." ♪ [ male announcer ] just when you thought you had experienced performance, a new ride comes along and changes everything. ♪ the 2013 lexus gs, with a dynamically tuned suspension and adjustable drive modes. because the ultimate expression of power is control. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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>> all right. we can sustain the momentum. otherwise, let's say it's a great day. i promise to find bargains for you right here on "mad money." i'm jim cramer. i will see you monday . our goal is to stop folks from doing us harm and if every step we are taking to try to prevent a terrorist attack is on the front page of the newspapers or reason television, presumably the people who are trying to do us harm are going to be able to get around our preventative measures. >> all right. that's president obama speaking out today defending the widespread computer under surveillance and phone record-keeping program at the nsa, but is this really all there is to it? and isn't this the kind of


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