tv Mad Money CNBC June 7, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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>> house of pleasure. >> i spend a lot of time analyzing the data. significant pronouncements and important events in the stock market, and i have discovered a key pattern. when you have an upcoming data point that inspires dread in the marketplace, plenty of people step aside from buying, and others ring the register in order to nail down profits before the information gets released. once the event occurs, though, regardless even of whether the substance is any good, you get a relief rally. semplly because the big bad event is finally in the rearview mirror wrush got a slightly better than expected jobs report, it kept the momentum from yesterday's turn going, and that led to a sensation of selling along with a return of buyers who have been paralyzed
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because they feared what would happen when this prospective number came out. now we need to know if it can be sustained. later on i'll have some concrete data points that must be met down the road if this advance continues. right now we need to fire up the game plan for next week's event. first off, most people have simply given up on china. hey, i don't blame them. every bit and bite of info from the people's republic feels disappointing. be prepared to come in monday after scrutinizing depressing chinese industrial production and retail sales number and just accept that they're bad, right? why mention them at all? because the expectations have gotten so low for china that if we get numbers showing even one-tenth of a percent of movement, it will -- next up monday kicks off the apple developers conference. you're going to hear endlessly about this. endlessly, all right? right now people have thought that apple has lost its creative
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spark. samsung did terrible last year at the conference. this conference can change that if apple unveils some major "omg" products. if they don't dazzle, i feel that apple will be totally dead money until they report their quarter. we have a great gatsby, which is l lululemon. lulu's stature was increased by taking the clothes off the market. it's had barely a day's breather, and it might be ripe for profit taking, something l lulu has done. go check what's happened when it reports. i suggest a register ring ahead of the day reporting of stock. simple bnny, and i think this high organize mick food stock could struggle too. strug the way that haynes did. i like the natural organic theme, and i know that annie's has that cohort. no fret.
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maybe comes in. buys some. tuesday we have real work to do. we have two ideas. cody's, the cosmetic company and gigimine. it should be red hot. cody will be a big idea with market cap expected to be $7 billion after it opens. cody tried to buy avon not that long ago. i'm sure that takeover talk will resurface. avon's last quarter was good. i bless that ahead of these ipo's. i'm saying that avon is going to get another lift after where it was today. also on tuesday we get results from ulta salon. this one worries me. it's a full hair service/cosmetics chain. i'm worried because goldman saks, which has been a big backer, decided to downgrade the stock just this week. let me ask you, why do you do that unless you're worried about a miss? we have perhaps the most important conference of all these conference that is we've been having that are going on in the month of june, and that's the morgan stanley financials conference. so many people are worried about a slowdown in mortgage originations. when it comes to the banks, i
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care more about the net income market. the difference between the rate pays you for deposits and the rate they charge for loans. i have been watching cd rates like a hawk. even as treasury rates flew higher this last month, the rates for certificate of deposit didn't. that means the banks could be lap lending, coining money on those dpofshgs and interest margins are going higher. let's hope the majority of banks -- the big banks because they're all at this conference, point out this extremely positive change about this cd rate versus what they can invest in rather than drawing on the negatives of bank regulation and all these guys like to do is talk about bank regulation. that's not going to the drive the stock up, guys. wear worried about retail after the weak numbers we got from vera bradley as seen in fran seveninga's the other day. i think we may hear a different tune wednesday when pvh reports. first, pvh already took its guidance down. that makes it less risky.
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g3, which is calvin klein licenses, shot the lights out reported this week. that could be a signal that this apparel company could be ready to roar. it's certainly got hit after that last quarter. we also hear from cramer fave five mroe. it's a sense of guilt by association to dollar stores. remember dollar general this week? i think the five below negative is behind them, and i like the company's expansion plans. i'm so concerned about a slowdown in consumer spend, i'm going to pay extremely close attention to the piper jaffray conference that's a consumer conference. we're going to hear the likes of michael kors. good numbers. stock didn't to that much. urban outfitters. reported good numbers, but the stock didn't do that much. gap record a good number, and the stock didn't go up. these are all doing well. on the other hand, we're also going to hear from vera bradley, which reported terrible numbers. maybe we can find out the real story from these conference presentations. here's also something to keep an eye on that we normally don't care about. the federal budget deficit.
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i will expect a blow-out number. the blow-out has to do with earnings. this is a number that's going to show less spending and much more being taken in in taxes. that in itself could cause interest rates to go lower, and stocks to go higher because of the relationship between bonds and stocks. where stocks go down as yields go higher and vice versa. thursday began initial jobless claims. i often found that the weekly jobless number, the following week after the nonfarm pay roles is a big deal because it either verifies or undercuts the big bad event that you thought was in the past really isn't. we have to re-examine friday the number we got today when we see that thursday number. i think it will be fine, but i can't diminish its importance because someone always says, you know what, that rearview -- that number on friday was rearview mirror, and now we see the true number, and now i'm worried. we are also watching restoration hardware. this is a gatsby index candidate. the stocks require higher consumer spending. it's ripping. it's doubled since it became public at the end of the year.
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i think restoration hardware has real momentum because of the housing comeback. it did just do a secondary $50 a few weeks ago and rallied more than six points. i bet it can still go higher. finally, friday we have a number that needs to start being better and better now. and better certainly than it has been. that's industrial production. we had a huge move inspect interest rates, but we haven't had a rally in business. that's never the big reason why interest rates have spooked people. as higher rates could throttle back whatever business activity we have, and we don't have much. we'll get a handle on just how soft the industrial economy really is when we see this number on friday. here's the bottom line. hey, look, we have sdeept relief rally. now that the big bad event is behind us, but if we're going to sustain the run, we have to hear strong reports about both consumer and industrial spending as well as a glimmer of hope in china. don't forget to get a few hundred shares of cody, and more important anything in the red hot diggimon ipo.
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joe. joe. >> caller: boo-yah, jim from oklahoma. how are you? >> good. how are you? >> caller: good despite the silver stocks plummeted. what's your outlook on silver and gold values in the long run, and what do you expect silver stocks to do because of it? >> i'm only recommending coins. i mean, like the g-o-d where it didn't even stay within the range that i thought it would do with gold, and i don't want it on miner. you can own a basket of miners, but not many. we've seen too many mistakes made by miners. let's go virginia in virginia. virginia. >> caller: boo-yah, jim. >> boo-yah, virginia. >> caller: over the weekend i had positive news about a cancer drug, and then it shot up on monday and pretty much maintained the increase. i was wondering what is the good word on clvs. >> we didn't do enough work on this one, and we have to do more work on it. this is a very big company that
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i have to do some more work on. i did not see how they handled -- how they got -- how they did at the conference. i have to come back. there's so many of these. i try to keep track of a lot of stocks, but the number of companies that spoke at asco versus how many i was able to look at, i didn't -- i wasn't able to do my job. i will come back. big bad events that were threatening this week are now behind us. look what happens when they're done. "mad money" will be right back. coming up, seeing is believing. the summer blockbuster is back in season. and imax is getting ready to thrill theater goers. will the box office numbers help the stocks soar, or will ticket prices frighten away customers? don't miss this featured presentation. and, later, tgisf. thanks god it's spent friday. tonight it's one of the top performing stocks since the
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market bottom. since its powerful pipeline drive it higher? all coming up on "mad money". don't miss a second of "mad money". follow@jimcramer on twitter. have a question? tweet cramer _#mad tweets. send jim an e-mail at "mad money" money" or you can call us or go to "mad money" hey kevin...still eating chalk for heartburn? yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! [from the united states with postal serviceickup a small design firm can ship like a big business. just go online to pay, print and have your packages picked up for free.
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we'll do the rest. ♪ just by talking to a helmet. it grabbed the patient's record before we even picked him up. it found out the doctor we needed was at st. anne's. wiggle your toes. [ driver ] and it got his okay on treatment from miles away. it even pulled strings with the stoplights. my ambulance talks with smoke alarms and pilots and stadiums. but, of course, it's a good listener too. [ female announcer ] today cisco is connecting the internet of everything. so everything works like never before. investors could lose tens of thousands of dollars on their 401(k) to hidden fees. is that what you're looking for, like a hidden fee in your giant mom bag? maybe i have them... oh that's right i don't because i rolled my account over to e-trade where... woah. okay... they don't have hidden fees... hey fern. the junk drawer? why would they... is that my gerbil? you said he moved to a tiny farm. that's it, i'm running away.
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i've always believed that when there's a product, service, or experience you really like, the company behind that product, service, or experience might be worth owning, but no matter how much you love the product, you must do your homework on the underlying company. make sure the fundamentals are sound before you can buy the company's stock. consider imax. it's always been an awesome experience. you know it. i know it. for years imax, the company struggled get its act together, and the stock wasn't that great, all right? lately, though, that's changed,
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and the turnaround is a whole lot more about -- than the fact that the product has gotten better with the advent of 3-d. the movie studios in the old days couldn't have cared less about imax, but now they're desperate to have the biggest films shown on the network of gigantic screens. this is not just a domestic trend. as the company is expanding rapidly all over the world with 738 imax theater systems installed in 53 countries around the globe, and they're adding 110 to 125 new ones a year. for example, imax has 108 theaters in china. when ironman 3 opened earlier this year, they did 8% of the total chinese box office command. imax is indeed a china play. now, the stock is up nearly 20% for the year, and we are entering what is seasonally the best part of the year for these guys. the summer blockbuster season. a lot of it is looking good. new ironman and man of steel, which is the new superman movie, and fast and furious six. they're popular overseas. there are some worries from some of the analysts that the film slate looks light.
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that's a woet. let's go to rich, the ceo of imax. learn more about his company and its profits. welcome back to "mad money". >> thank you. >> rich, at the beginning of your most recent conference where you start out by saying the company has three priorities. penetration, differentiation, and scale. i want to know how far along you are with penetration both in the united states and the world. differentiation, i don't know who has anything like you, so i don't know who you need to differentiate yourself from, and scale. well, how big? how big? >> so in terms of penetration, we targeted certain markets where we're under represented, and those include latin america, where we have a fairly small presence, europe where it's been -- we've been a little -- because of how the size restrictions in europe about screens and because of slow growth and building permits, we haven't grown as rapidly in other places, and meerjing markets, like russia and china. actually, it's going great. i had a conference call yesterday with my sales force
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around the world, and we have a lot of leads going on. the tone of our business is very good, and 80% of our business is from existing customers, and as you know, that's what you want to see. there are exhibitors who are in our business and want more, and that's what's going on. in terms of differentiation, you know, we always try and figure out how to make the movie going experience better because what happens is stadium seating was actually an innovation by imax, like, 25 years ago. 3-d was introducedly imax about 20 years ago. eventually what happens is people copy you. the highest form of flattery. >> right. >> we always are trying to do more and get better, so we're coming up with new technology, which is laser-based, which will make the images even brighter and the contrast brighter, and particularly -- >> i have noticed when someone like me -- you would notice it? >> you would notice it. >> it's a needle mover. snoo especially in 3-d, you are wearing these glasses, so it dulls out the image. like, take "charlie and the chocolate factory" for instance. when you watched it without the
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glasses, the colors were spectacular. even avatar. when you put the glasses, on they washed them out a little bit. you'll really notice it. then there are films shot with special imax cameras, so star trek, j.j. abrams shot about a half hour of the movie with our cameras. hunger games, which is coming up later this year, every scene in the arena was shot with imax cameras, and then scale what i really meant by that was scaleability. the scale is enormous, and we are -- we have a long way to go in terms of runway theaters we could go into. what i really mean is we've grown about four times in terms of the network in the last five years, so we had just wanted to make sure we got it all right, but we didn't necessarily do it in the most efficient way. as you know, because i know you have a real retail background, the last thing you want to do is roll out things and they don't work well. we focused on having them work well and now we're focussing on efficiency and driving down the cost. >> okay. now, talk to me about china. the first thing -- it's not many the research. people don't talk tsh i'll ask
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you directly. wanda buys amc. talk about about flattery being a form of what you kind of don't want in china. your copyright, your patents work there? they don't just decide to jam your stuff into that chain? >> as a matter of fact, wanda has a cop cat sort of theater, but they only put it where they can't put an imax theater, which means we have exclusive zones, so if someone else has a zone and wanda can't go in that zone, then they'll put in the copycat, but they recognize the value of the brand and the value of our relationship with the filmmakers and back to what we were just talking about, differentiation, think understand the differentiation. most importantly, consumers in china really get brands. you talk about louis vitton. they can't tell they are friends they went and saw it in an imax theater, and that's the water cooler thing that keeps china so
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brand conscious. >> i want to go back to this -- when you talked with you last, i had gotten excited about titanic, and you said, listen, jim, don't because it's going to be a very short run. i realized that there is a dispute between how good the film slate is. i want to know how important the slate really matters. they say the film slate looks light. i know the movies. i don't think it looks light at all. should i even care? do i even have to worry about a quarter's films? >> that's a great question, jim, and the simple answer is no. if you go back over the last three or four years, our per screen per year has been surprisingly constant. around the $1.2 million mark. we're going to be wrong sometimes, and we're going to think we have a hit, and it turns out not to be a hit. it will be a disappointment. then along will come an avengers, and who saw avengers box office coming out? >> nobody. >> over a big portfolio and a long period of time, it balances out. by the way, i have to say you were right about "titanic."
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i was wrong. it actually turned out to be a big hit, and especially in china where it hadn't played before. it was a real success. >> i didn't get to it. i'm trying to figure out how long -- they should have kept that in the theaters longer. sdmru you have too many other good things coming on. one thing you'll find interesting because we generally didn't do re--leases, but now this fall we're going to do "wizard of oz" in 3-d. >> i just saw that announced. >> re-released exclusively. for a whole generation that couldn't see it, can see is t in 3-d, and they'll have a chance to see it. >> the black and white, i don't put the glasses on. the moment when it becomes color, is that when it pops? >> i think you put the glasses on at the beginning, and you let it pop when it pops. >> i really want to talk about the box office looks like it's going up, but they've raised the price of the ticket. is the experience still there away from imax? i don't find it as wonderous anymore, frankly, unless it's 3-d, unless it's got this kind
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of surround sound. i'll stay home and watch the great table shows. sfwhoo you're speaking for the general public, and i think that's what the movie industry is strug lingwith. how do you get people all of the couch and away from their 55 inch or 2 pinch televisions and i think that's the wind at the backs of e max. that's forging the macrotrend is people, you know, when they go out and we're social an malgz. dwoent want to just sit in our living rooms. we want something special when we go out, and i think that's the wind at our backs, and that's helping imax. >> we're running out of time, but are there rich people who really do put this in their homes? >> there are rich people that -- >> guys who are really rich, right? like on their yachts. >> we have a surprisingly big market for people that want home imax theaters. it's a bargain at $200 million a piece. >> you know what, maybe that's what the rich really needed to distinguish them. they're kind of out of things that make them seem like they're richer than the other guy. you can do it. >> anybody could buy a
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to everybody watching the show at home, you should know i take your phone calls and your emails and, of course, your tweets @jim cramer very seriously. i think it's maybe a little mild exaggeration when i say that "mad money" is the most interactive program on television. when we get repeated questions from callers about a stock that i feel like don't know enough about, you better believe i'm going to drill down. do your necessary homework and come back with an informed answer. take jazz pharmaceuticals, sim balance jazz. this is a speculative $4 billion irish pharma company that we've gotten so many calls about. most recently from ariel in new york last month. you guys have asked about this one so often it's like serious satellite and sprint, and upon further review i think the story is so compelling i'm devoting a full segment to jazz right here right now for speculation friday. now, before you go crazy with this one, let me just point out that jazz is already craze xwri.
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jazz pharma has been totally on fire. it's up a quick 15% in the last month, and i think the stock might need to chill out, cool off just for a bit before you buy more than a token position. in other words, you brought 100 shares, i'll give you 25 on monday. even after the trip, jazz still sells for -- that's having a 16% growth rate. this stock dollaring 68 now, $85, and that's another 20% higher than where it is trading. even though sxwraz would be at a significant discount at that level, you know i'm not going to hype it. could it go to par which is general win wall street jeb jiber yish? but listen to it. why does the jab have such a cheap mobile? how do you think who i deserves to go hard? much like how the intir northeast was covered with clouds from tropical storm andrea today and crew kept
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telling me about flood warnings everywhere. see, the company gets 69% of its sales from a narcolepsy drug. it's an orphan drug for rare conditions. something we love here on msnbcing "mad money", and that's because they can solve -- no compensation. you have narcolepsy and you are falling asleep all the time and when you are driving, you can take it for fewer neck lapsy pack. first is t doesn't extire to 2019. you think we're in the clear. right? right? this is the dark clout cloud. those pat i wants vash stopped the company called trying to develop and get nda approved from a generic version. this is something that just fair fiz. this not unlike when the tether drug that the stock went from $60 to $40. if the generic hits the market, then more than half of jazz's revenues will be at risk. can you tell how much of an
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issue this is because when you consider what happened last time where he they reported on may 8th. i feel like i'm so excited. i said wow. either than expected numbers. most important management also dramatically raze the the full year enkz forecast. multiples of any pharmaceutical, but jazz didn't immediately rally on that news. instead, stock dropped $4. why? because the ceo made a kind of off handed comment about a potential -- potentially genairish campaigner, and that caused people to freak out. >> -- >> sell, sell, sell! >> it's totally overblown, and when the stock got slammed, it gave you a fabulous entering point virtually monday stop for the next month. we don't like to bet on litigation, but pass -- this seems like a darn clear cut race to me. i don't know play a lawyer on tv, i actually we want to law
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school. i don't see genabic -- the company is working on a safer company of zi rim and it could be a patent extender which means you're going to get a whole more life. it has such a well. it's mobile. she wants us to get it cleared up. that's it. jazz is really just a one step bottom of. the company has nir own psychology franchise. within oncology jazz lent rye anneded a trug called emrlema sfwl e. imagine your generate -- companies will have an extra venus slergs of this drug. thus, they could rake even more money. it's in early stage development. plus, another plastic leukemia drug. we should get phase one trial data on september. i know phase one is very, very early. that would be a nice catalyst. >> jazz has a pair of smaller
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trurnks. it's a hard core anti-psychotic that is the drug of choice in homeland, although it's also going very generic. they also are going to make "luxoo "they're developing a troemt for graph versus host disease. that's where the body rejects the tissue that's been transported from another person. especially bone marrow. this drug is currently in phase three in europe. it can only help jazz dwirs few from the channel fries down the road. they've got a rapidly growing drug franchise that should last until 2019, and the patents start to require. especially in that anti-cancer space i described. it's less depending on one big drug. this stock is being head e held back. i would be overwloen blown worries about your competition
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that i don't see happening. here's the bottom line. jazz pharma has -- while i this i they can have more room to run, this is a speculative company. if you speculate wisely, let's pull back before you starts buying. i like the story. that's no reason to chase. even as the stock is pretty darn cheap on an earnings basis. even after this incredible rut. let's go to sellest in connecticut. releste. >> my stock is catamaran. i bought it again. although it was up today, it's been mostly down. my question is do you still -- >> yes, i do. yes, i do. i don't know if it's right, but i was surprised to see it down. high multiple stock. every high multiple stock has been coming down. suddenly they levelled off and today they took off. i think you're fine.
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i think this is beginning of another leg for stocks doing well. i want to go to mario in california. mario. >> hi, jim. how are you? >> how are you? >> caller: i'm wonderful. i'm one of your best friends. i was calling in just to find out from you what do you think usna. the supplement company. you know shlgs i can't -- that's a tricky company, and i'm going to have to do more work on it. i have been around with that company, and i know there are issues that i think trump the earnings. light go to mark in my home state of new jersey. >> caller: jim. beg danny boo-yah to you. >> got my same accent. must be down from the same block. >> caller: wanted to ask you about some biotech. i bought the viral pharma and
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also the fidelity was formed. that's great. what do you feel about those of those? >> i used to go to the manager really. the previous manager who was great. this is a good -- great way to play it, and biofirm is from my all after around town, and you're going to win both ways. i'm a little aelgs jazzed up for jazz pharma. it's not perfect, but it is speculation friday, and i want to thank all the people bho have brought this company to my attention. i would he otherwise want have examined it. stay with cramer.
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it is time -- it is time for the lightning round. sell, sell, sell. wait until this, and then the lightening round is over. are you ready, skee-daddy? it is team for the lightning round. i want to start from burt in north carolina. burt. >> caller: i have a question about a southern company. i have inherited southern company stock. i saw where 14th of may it was a
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buy. the other night you said it was a death trap. >> we found out about that coal plant and the overrun. i mean, the overrun was just -- i mean, i couldn't believe that much in the overrun, and that changed everything. that made me say listen this is too danger are you because they spent too much on this so-called clean coal plant. you have to be an aep. i didn't change my mind. they changed how much they're losing. lease go to seth in maine. seth. >> caller: mr. cramer, i really enjoy your show. i have been watching you for years. a 20% dividend per unit. >> i talked with dan dicker, the energy expert at the street where i'm on the board. dan thinks that yield is good. i did a video with him, and i think that's an interesting place to be. the margins are contracting. he feels that that yield is good to go. the pay-out is for real, and
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that's why i would say you can own that stock. let's go to carlton in california. carlton. >> caller: boo-yah, gem. this is carlton from the golden state. absolutely love your show. >> thank you. thank you for that. i need that. long week. what's up? >> caller: just two really quick questions. trans-canada, do you like them as a long-term investment, and do you think obama will pass the keystone pipeline and if you can give a big boo-yah to my son, jam tom? >> trans-canada has now come down where it gets a 4% yield. that's what i have been waiting for. i would pull the trigger. it's got the best growth of almost every pipeline company. let's go to michael in pennsylvania. michael. >> a very sad pittsburgh penguins boo-yah to you. >> i hear you, man. this is something to boo-yah. i thought that was a shoe-in. >> caller: buy, sell, hold on ruth crist steakhouse? >> i like the steakhouse
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business. i like the restaurant business. i like darden very much. i'm going to say this is good. i never forgot that episode of the wire where they went to ruth crist and how stunningly difficult it was for the kids to nabbed. let's if to bill in florida. bill. krirchlgt boo-yah, jim. >> boo-yah, bill. >> caller: the ceo was on your program a short time ago, and since then the stock has had some large sales to its hedge funds, and it's not performed well. it's clean harbor. >> you know, it's -- jeez, you know what, it has been disappointing. it has been disappointing that last acquisition. remember, not a lot of drilling going on. they paid too much. let's just stay cool at this point right now. don't want to push it. don't want to push it. got to have seen a better quarter than last time. let's go to liara in alabama. krirjts how are you? big boo-yah to you from gulf shores. >> oh, nice. how are you? >> caller: doing great. just wanted to talk to you and
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get your opinion on kimberly-clark. >> all right. it pulled back the 3.5%. it's a high quality company. 3.5%, i think it's become safe to buy. it has come all the way down from 106. i think that that's okay. i would buy half my position now. >> buy, buy, buy. >> and then let's see if it can come down more it buy the rest. let's go to justin in indiana. justin. >> caller: boo-yah, jim, from southern indiana. >> nice. like it there. >> caller: oh, it's lovely. hey, got a question for you. down 30% on recommendation i've had about a we're ago. i have hcbk. >> they're getting bought, soy think you just are going to go away. i wouldn't worry about it. you know what, you can sell it because you're not going to get much more money from it. i bless that. you know, that bank has doubled. has had some problems and got bought, and there's not much else to it. let's go to john in washington. john. >> caller: boo-yah from the great columbia gorge in
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washington. >> i wish that were -- >> caller: it's nice. in the 80s. my question is about nuvera. environmental solutions with a recent pullback. is this a good buy? >> you know, if i'm going to be in the water business, i have to go with aqua meredith. that's the way to go. and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the lightning round. >> the lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade. ♪ >> where is the other tent? ♪ >> tonight's show, it's going to be intense. there are the hiders, and they are the seekers. nobody likes a two-camp market. let's hope this tent is bullet
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proof. investors are hiding a bond market equivalent stock. they were like frantically trying to -- they felt exposed. meanwhile, i'm doing some camping here. that's why i like the tent. i like to camp. did anyone see the pork pine in that video? a porcupine trying to stop a honey badger from eating something? second, if you can penetrate a can of coke, and then the porcupine shoots its -- the kills at the honey badger. the honey badger is totally unphased. >> nothing can stop a honey badger when it's hungry. >> what kind of animal is that? >> the honey badgers are just crazy. >> shredded wheat, waffle crisp, pebbles, grape nuts, raisin
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brand. "mad money". host is a giant. better. [ indistinct shouting ] [ male announcer ] time and sales data. split-second stats. [ indistinct shouting ] ♪ it's so close to the options floor... [ indistinct shouting, bell dinging ]'ll bust your brain box. ♪ all on thinkorswim from td ameritrade. ♪
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he great ...and a great deal. thanks to dad. (gasp) nope. aw! guys! grrrr let's leave the deals to (nice bear!) ooo! that one! nice! got it! oh my gosh this is so cool! awesome! perfect! yep, and no angry bears. the perfect place is on sale now. up to 30% off. only at a talking car. but i'll tell you what impresses me. a talking train.
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>> before we answer your tweets it's time to do more homework. back on the 16th scott in florida asked about chuy's. this tex-mex restaurant chain has been up 55%. it's added another $1.70 today. it's a super fast grower that's increasing its store base, and the execution has been persistent. it trades at 42 times extra earnings. even with the company's growth rate, that's too rich for me in
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this environment. chuy's is worth revisiting if it comes down because the market brought it down and not because the earnings have slowed. what else? well, on may 22nd they called about nextera. that's the owner of florida power and might. i wasn't on my game. that's the largest utility in the sunshine state. it's one of america's largest independent power producers focused on nuclear wind, solar, and it's a fwood company. i cannot bless it as a stock. at least not right here. utilities are very much out of favor right now. at the moment the 3.5% wreeld isn't big enough to protect you. that can be around 4.5%. if you think the utilities have bottomed, it could be one with the hire yield. duke energy, that's well run. how about con-ed. that's better too. last but not least, mark in alabama asked about infinera. this is an optimal teleco -- juniper networks at a conference
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and store ruls from seena. finish are a itself record a -- i like the equipment plays. it's got a real lead with the faeser, new generation 100 gigabyte technology that everybody wants these days. it's $11 stock. it's run up a lot. maybe you put some, on approximate and buy back the pull back. that's when you pounce. let's fwet to your tweets. rex murray at murray underscore rex says what's going on with ny today? that's waist management? there have been talk. i even asked mr. steiner about whether there would be a real estate investment trust made up from waste management. one of the reasons why my charitable trust owns this stock is because it's got a good yield, but maybe it could be even bigger. he said he couldn't speculate. there was a ruling that came down from the irs, they're doing a kind of group meeting to figure out whether these kind of
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nontraditional real estate investor trusts should be allowed, and that's why the stock went down. so did a couple other like -- iron mountain. that's a storage records play. people are just kind of saying, oh, i guess they can't do that and that's what drove waste management down. we bought some sfr charitable trust today. next a tweet from @yhase. this facebook is killing me. do you think we should hold it or bag it for something that doesn't drop every day? this is a reference to the fact that will say subscriber. we bought face back and bought it badly. the quarter was great. i thought that the stock would go up. it's been a free fire zone short. morgan stanley said something good. we had two upgrades this week. i'm not going to sell it. my charitable trust is not iffing to sell this stock. you may want to sell it, and i know that on twitter people mate hate me for this. i did a lot of work. it seems like it's doing well as a company, and it's doing badly as a stock. our next tweet is from tim
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35473. which did better phillies or las vegas sands? phillies won five games, and now everybody thinks they're going to go to the world series. las vegas sands is a better bet. charlie, no offense whatsoever, and, sir, dominik brown, you come public, i'm a -- "mad money" is back after the break. uh-oh! guess what day it is?? guess what day it is! huh...anybody? julie! hey...guess what day it is?? ah come on, i know you can hear me.
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mike mike mike mike mike... what day is it mike? ha ha ha ha ha ha! leslie, guess what today is? it's hump day. whoot whoot! ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? i'd say happier than a camel on wednesday. hump day!!! yay!! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. [ lorenzo ] i'm lorenzo. i work for 47 different companies. well, technically i work for one. that company, the united states postal service® works for thousands of home businesses. because at® you can pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. i can even drop off free boxes. i wear a lot of hats. well, technically i wear one. the u.s. postal service®, no business too small. we didn't have u-verse back in my day. you couldn't just... guys... there you are. you know you couldn't just pause a show in one room, then...
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the momentum that started midday yesterday with that amazing reversal and continued through today. could this indeed be what the rate late great mark called a rouch bottom where everybody who needed to sell has sold and buyers are attracted to the market? well, first we need interest rates to stabilize or at least at the very least go up at a slower pace than they have been as the economy recovers. this morning's employment report was slightly better than expected, which could provoke a gentle rise in rates. ideally you want rates to come back down. something that's very hard to get if the economy isn't improving. we want the velocity of the rate rise to abate. that's what i really care about. you can't have a rapid fly up in interest rates without causing havoc throughout the system, which is what happened in the last month when rates exploded higher even as they remain at historically low levels. you want to see us go back to new highs? you have interest rates back to where mortgages are below 4%, so
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sideline potential home buyers say thank heavens i didn't miss the bottom, and i have to move now, or you would never get another chance to buy. that would put us back on course for the housing recovery and all that goes with it. you know i talk about it all the time. just the sensation of the huge jump higher in rates could do the trick. we've getting getting better than expected rates out of europe, and that's shocking of itself. it's confirmation that not only is europe a bottom, but it might be showing genuine improvement. my theory until today is it's just bottomed. many of our companies have huge businesses overseas. it turned in europe to be a god send. third, we have to see stabilization out of china. europe could really help, and they take so many chinese imports. they've been huge, huge, huge, say, 25% of china's business. okay? that's gigantic. we need the potential trade war between china and europe over solar panels to be nipped in the butt. got some hope last night.
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gap reported a good one. three huge disappointors, but who actually the outliars. gap is a huge chain with a handle on business, if these three other companies don't have. we hear from pvh and apparel company that's hit every major department store and it could provide continued positive momentum. fifth. we need to see some stability and commodities to verify the things around the world are getting better. not worse. i rely on iron ore, copper, aluminum, and lumber as sign posts of improvement or deceleration, and all those have been terrible performers of late, except for lumber, which just started advancing. that's a terrific sign, but others need to follow. finally, we saw our leadership groups come back today. the' aerospace transports, techs, and biotechs. the latter being the most visible sign of a good market. if those build on today's advance, we have a fighting chance to say that we've seen the bottom and the worst case scenario is off the table. that's six themes to watch for. unfortunately, you didn't need
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all six to go right if we're going to take out the levels where we were before this all began. i would say we're out of six and provide with the pivot we saw yesterday was indeed a woosh bottom, and that means point-blank the worst is over. stay with cramer. [ male announcer ] it's intuitive and customizable,
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[ male announcer ] at visa signature, every upgraded experience comes from listening to our cardholders. visa signature. your idea of what a card should be. and why not make the day unforgettable? with two times the points on travel, from taxis to trains. you'll be asking why not, a lot. chase sapphire preferred. there's more to enjoy.
12:00 am
. >> we need a couple of things to go right to sustain the momentum. otherwise, let's just say what a great day. right here on "mad money", i'm jim cramer, and i will see you monday. >> america gets half its electricity from coal. the problem is, that process creates tens of millions of tons of waste loaded with toxic metals. this muck is called coal ash. never heard of it? neither had most of the people in kingston, tennessee, until a retention pool buckled, shooting a billion gallons of coal ash into the river and engulfing area homes. [ticking] >> the oilmen up there aren't digging holes in the sand and hoping for a spout. they're digging up dirt-- dirt which is saturated with oil. they're called oil sands,
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