tv Fast Money CNBC June 19, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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all ben bernanke is saying is that our economy is out of critical care and needs to start walking under its own power. with all the cash on side lines i still see a day like today as a buy on the dip. that's been the mentality until now. we shall see if our economy is getting better. that will do it for closing bell. thanks for joining me. i'll see you tomorrow. fast money begins right now. >> life in the nasdaq market site in new york city i'm melissa lee. taper games. the market having its worst fed day since september 2011, the dow dropping 206 points and the ten year yield surging to a one year high. also suggests a possible taper scenario still ahead this year.
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everyone wants to know what is the trade you put on right now. josh, kick it off. >> right now i would continue to do what i've been doing since we talked about this going an on going correction. only high conviction names. it wouldn't shock me. you typically get one a year. this is a very interesting day in that the staples got crushed and the best performing sectors were energy and the materials names. both sectors down less than one percent. you want to focus on the names that act the best because that could be the leadership group coming out of that marketplace. i'll tell you this, you really don't want to see a continuation of no volatility because that could drag this out. the vix was platt on the day, telling us this could be a nonevent. >> i would take issue with that. if you look at the eem and it
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was down two percent from that policy statement, there was volatility there. i think that's where the fed chairman's statements made some sense to me is that he's talking about things are a little better here. well, they're not good overseas. that was very evident by the eem down. the interesting trade to me is the dollar which has shown relative strength a couple months ago and really got nailed. to me i think as our rates are going higher whether you like it or not, they did today even though he said he's not tapering right now i think the dollar benefits in this environment over the next few months. >> my actual apprehension last week was it was going to be a sell to news event. how long does it last though. i've been waiting to buy google which has been bulletproof when it comes to the marketplace. i'm hoping for a little bit more weakness tomorrow to buy some names that definitely have been bulletproof. >> you think that the
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bulletproof names will be immune to a deeper selloff? >> more so than the overall market. everything is going to take market which takes the least of the impact. >> i thought it was spot on. i think again people are trying to get ahead of the fed here. from what i heard and from what he said, these are going to be thresholds. it's not an absolute number. as we get to those thresholds, they may start lightening up. he kept using that reference about a car and obviously teslas have very fast acceleration like that faster than virtually anything else, but when you are talking about this economy, it has nothing as far as the accelerator pedal being pressed down, takes forever to get this thing going. >> by the way, ben bernanke stuck to his guns, which was interesting, did not back off one bit. i'm not sure how an investor would look at that as bearish. he's saying there's no rush to do anything.
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obviously the inflation numbers give him coverage on that. we're worried about the economy getting better. let's refocus and think about why we're having this discussion to begin with. >> maybe it's the fact that he's saying a taper could begin by the end of this year. if you look at the labor marketo oh. >> the taper has gun. >> the labor market, there are no data points here in terms of average payroll added. >> which still keeps you luke warm. >> josh, it's exact tagss. >> a big part has been investors have been big blindly based on taper continuing indefinitely. either quantitative easing, it doesn't matter. for them they have been so confused. >> we got the shot across the bow at the end of may that this would not be indefinite. since that date you saw the -- >> now the focus is on a couple of things. you have earnings coming up the second week of july. then you have to focus back on europe. you have to focus on asia.
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there's not a whole lot for the average investor to get excited about other than the only place for them to get -- >> you're watching levels throw. >> unfortunately 1630 was one of my tight levels and we broke it slightly today. >> guys, it brings us back to this whole notion of decoupling. right now the u.s. is a safe hafen. the shanghai and the hang sang are down five percent. nothing is working now. growth is desil rating all over the world except we're growing at five percent. the fed misread the strength of our recovery is telling us that things are getting better. >> bottom line though you're talking about the difference of five words in the fed's statement. i think what you want to do here -- >> that might be part of the problem though. people were looking for
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something to give them a little more advice going forward. the fact that he changed very little in his statement is aggravating a lot of the marketplace, right or wrong, doesn't matter and we have to price in. is this about earnings, growth or is this just about purchases of assets on a monthly basis. >> before we move on i want to get the trades from these two guys. doc j you like eem. >> yes. this thing just moved too far too fast. these are 100,000 option prints as far as they're buying 200,000 puts at a time. they have made $18 million the first week of june. they made another $25 million this week on the trade, mel. in fact obviously a lot of that coming from that three percent selloff that dan talked about. i had to take some off the table. i think this is a one or two day event. i don't think we continue down ten percent here. >> josh? >> look, brazil by the way down 20% in four weeks.
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that's clearly not something that can continue at this pace. i think the banks win either way. we started to talk about the financial, has a play on the yield supervisor steepening. the fed doesn't have complete control over it and you're seeing that in the out years. i would be looking for banking names that will benefit from making money in that spread which they haven't been able to do for years. >> lets further break down the fed moves day. chief economist at jp morgan joins us. what surprised me today was the labor market may compare to what happened in march. if you look at the average payrolls for three months leading up until may, until this meeting essentially it was 150 55,000. in march it was 207,000. why the upgrade do you think? >> i think they're feeling more confident that we are making it through the fiscal drags. i think that's why it was significant that we saw that
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mention of diminished downside risk. that may not look like much but the fed has been very cautious in removing or softening that statement. 00 i do think that's statement in terms of how they're looking at the economy now. >> there was an article in the financial times earlier this week and the reporter essentially eluded to the fact that the bar for being optimistic about the labor market and the economy in general has in fact been lowered and the fed may be satisfied with a little bit less than originally thought. would you agree with that? do you think that this is moving down? the fact that you are upgrading the labor market even though we see this average payroll lower than the past meeting, basically backs that up? >> i think there's something to that. when you look at their fast there was really little change in gdp growth for the nekd three years on average. meanwhile the unemployment rate is coming down which suggests they have less hope that the participation rate will bounce back up. >> michael it's josh brown. as you talk to institutional
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clients of jp morgan do you find a lot are positioned for an environment where bond prices are recorrelated and today in fact both trading sharply to the down side. if not, what will they do? >> may 22 was a wakeup call. the fed has been signaling for a while that tapering would commence some time in the second half. but beginning in may i think people really started to sit up and take notice of the fact that, you know, the fed won't be here forever buying assets. that's when you really had a change in investor attitude in my opinion. >> how soon do you think the taper begins? >> right now we're thinking december but that's contingent on payroll growth slowing. if it stays around 175,000 september would like more likely. it's really to repeat what the chairman said today very data dependent and the next three months are doing fob critical. >> based on the new fed statement and the press
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conference has your outlook for the taper changed at all? >> not really. i thought what he said about tapering was consistent with what has been in the minutes really since the beginning of the year. i actually found nor news worthy what they said about their forecast for interest rates which is to say it now looks like they probably on balance the interest rates rising in the first half of 2015 rather than in the second half. maybe not a huge move but it does look like they're pulling forward gradually expectations. >> thanks for joining us. mike khouw, i want to go to you. how do you trade this talk? >> people should continue the rotation into cycles. the market trading at 16 times whether you think that's expensive or not it's probably fair value. the fact that certain sectors are relatively cheap. basically the are downside risk is mitt gatd. if the fwed has to come back and they have to step on the
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accelerator again that should fuel them. if you see economic recovery, then that also creates some level of support. the energies, the things that josh was talking about, that's where i would want to be. >> red hat billings for the first quart in line with consensus. take a look at finisar, crushing expectations. and sand ridge energy, effective today new ceo james bennett had been serving as cfo for more than two years. still ahead the fed chairman sending the markets into a tail spin. some stops don't seem to fair about the fomc. we'll tell you how to get in. with the yield soaring to 2.5%
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how can you play the trades with the taper talk still continuing. we'll talk to the man with the bond fund and helped growing it higher than it was in ten years. manage your wires. watch out for space heaters. clean the chimney. get one of these. cool the romance. and of course, talk to farmers. hi. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum♪ it's easy to follow the progress you're making toward all your financial goals. a quick glance, and you can see if you're on track. when the conversation turns to knowing where you stand, turn to us. wells fargo advisors.
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>> triple digit the said sets up for tapering. what are the best fed immunity plays. we played b 52s love shack because we heard you're going to the concert tonight. >> with my wife and a girlfriend. >> aka me. >> when we talk about fed immunity plays we talk about stocks that don't care about what the fed is doing at this point. >> at least not directly. obviously nothing was immune today. they all went down. stocks not specifically p interest rate have the capacity
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to return down the road. semiconductors are really strong. they're industrials, right, they're not reallyic tech. they put stuff into everything we use. it's not hit driven like tech is. they diverse fewed industrials like ge. they seem like they had some force behind them. >> of course, you take a look at some of these names, netflix, these are high fliers. >> then you had the call growth stocks that are their own ecosystem. the media stocks are trading high. they are expensive but they've been that way. >> do you buy the fact that sysco is immune to the fed? if companies are pinched by higher boroughing costs they not the be buying as much. >> this is a mine skul move.
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>> government spending and a better economy. it's not a fed stock. >> let's go back to the semis. this is a cyclical and commodities groups. earnings declined for the last three years in a row. i'd much rather than a ge than a similar conductor stock. we know these cycles are short. they are specifically focused. ge just had their mid quarter update. >> picking the one that's always kind of expensive. it's more boom bust than the ones i'm thinking of. >> applied materials? >> i would say so. google was up a fraction today. i see that as a media tech hybrid. that's doing its own thing well. >> people flock to the yield. they have the three percent
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dividend yield like intel, it seems like a crowded trade. >> it might be but i don't think it's because the effects of the fed beyond the dividend. i think it's more the bond effects of the stocks that dragged the market. mccormick spice was leading this market to new highs. >> you were actually way ahead. you were calling forkt market to pull back. you were right on point with that. do you think this is something that's going to have more long geoffty to it or do you think it's going to be one of those sell them and buy the dips again? >> i don't know if we're not even close to back down to the point where i thought we would sell off. i don't know if this is enduring. what i doubt is that there's going to be an immaculate rotation. rotation and adjustments are not necessarily seamless. the baton crosses and you don't have any index pain. i think we are adjusting to this world. i didn't see the pop and yields
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and to me the market was reacting today to the possibility of a disorderly selloff across the fixed income complex. >> michael, on google real quick, when you talk about stocks acting as though they were in their own universe, one of the interesting things on google, it looks like it wants to do the $90 roll. this is times ten. 920 is the old high. it seems like almost a magnet like it wants to take that level out almost regardless of what the fed does. are you seeing a little bit of that? >> something like that, too. what i also like about google is that unlike -- it got compared to apple too much. you would have to have the equivalent of $1500 targets out there to match the bullishness. >> we have to let mike go. he has a concert to catch. >> the go gos are playing, too. >> get a market flash here. josh lipton on nokia. >> we are watching nokia.
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microsoft was in discussions with them about business but the talks have fall tered and aren't likely to be revived. nokia up four percent in the after hours. >> thank you very much. dr. j. did you see any activity that backs this up? >> we did have activity in nokia today. but as josh detailed, apparently that's not going to come to fruition based on this. but maybe it means that people see more value to be lunch locked at nokia. i have no position in that name right now. >> let's hit pop and drops, the big movers of the day. adobe up six percent. >> this came in line, guided in line. let me tell you something, clouds, software and service this is where they're beating. they're making a good transition to cloud computing, licensing model here. that took the stock up. but let me tell you this is an
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expensive stock. multiple trading at 25 times. >> drop for sony. josh brown. >> i'm surprised because there was fresh saber rattling out of the camp. i guess this thing will continue to trade hostage to two things, headlines on the activism front and obviously the things going on with the nikkei. >> drop for sprint. >> they are finally starting to get dish off their back and now they have to worry about soft bank and they're going to afford them more money to compete with the likes of telephone and investigatorize on. i'm still long. >> bop for vivus. >> what drove them up today was it that obesity and the ruling that maybe this is a disease will cause reimbursements from the insurance side to be higher or was it the fact that they claim they have the fastest most effective e rek tile dysfunction drug which acts within 15 minutes.
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take your pick but either could have driven the stock up. >> let's talk about the next thing that pops up. >> i'm moving on. drop here for blackberry down four percent, mike khouw. >> a lot of problems with them are well understood. i think what's interesting is that this is a company that has over $2 billion in net cash on the balance sheets. they're basically saying not only do they not think they're going to make money in the near term but they don't see them having any kind of resolution to their problems. this is a stock worth avoiding. >> a pop for smelling like a superhero, what better way to impress a date than by smelling like the incredible hulk. stan lee has released a signature cologne which is set to combine the scents of heros and vil ans with ginger and white pepper. it's under 25 bucks a bottle. grasso? >> i like it. >> still ahead a tale of two
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so you can capture becyour receipts, ink foression all business purchases. and manage them online with jot, the latest app from ink. so you can spend less time doing paperwork. and more time doing paperwork. ink from chase. so you can. >> welcome back to fast money. i'm josh lipton. some news here for gamers. microsoft changing its position on used games to the x box 1. microsoft will allow trade and resale of used games without restriction. you can have a look at game
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stop, gme up more than six percent in the after hours at its highest level in more than four years. melissa back to you. >> dr. j. that's the trade here? >> michael pack ter said it when he talked with him last week. we both love game stop. that's the play here. gme screaming higher as josh just said, $2 through the old 52 week high. i got to like this one still and with the new games and new consoles coming. and i think this is another reason to keep owning this stock. >> time for our top three trades for today. first up fedex delivering ond beating the streets estimate. still underperforming the market so far this year. mike khouw. >> this is an interesting case because like a lot of stocks trading, the top line growth isn't doing fob that great over the next couple years. still we're looking at solid
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earnings growth, probably better than 7 bucks a share, next year close to 9 the year after that. i'm not sure what people are afraid of. >> next up shares of apple dipping to their lowest level in over a month. this is goldman sachs reiterated its buy rating. does the drop signal a further break down in apple which is 40% off all time highs of last september. >> goldman is doing a marchton dale strategy. keep reiterating. there's the problem with apple, 420 is a significant level from a technical standpoint. if it breaks through it definitely revisits the high 3s. 385 would be the next rational level of support. short term trader, this is probably one that's best to avoid. >> finally tesla continuing to drive higher today despite an announcement that the car maker is recalling certain model x vehicles due to a mounting bracket issue in its seats. >> talk about teflon stocks. this is one that was literally
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open down in the day. that looked like the headline out of the gate could take air out of this thing. it's up 200%. they have this meeting tomorrow where they're going to introduce a battery pack swap or something like that. i said it last night. this seemts like one that wants to be bought on every single deep. it's a mania and you have to stay away from it on the short side. >> not long ago grasso was defending it. based on the action in the stock today would you say that maybe you called that one wrong? >> no. absolutely not. >> all right. >> let me ask you a question. you have a bag. you know there's $10 in it and someone is asking 50 bucks for the bag do you buy it. maybe that's what you are betting on but that's not the kind of trading i like. >> is this a big bag and is there a tesla in it? >> go buy the car. i wish i had bought the car myself. it's probably a good buy but the
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stock i don't think so. >> michael, was the valuation reasonable at 40, 50, 60, 70? >> you heard my answer. i said there's 10, 20 bucks in it at best and it's trading at 100. >> 2013 has a huge year for hewlett-packard. is it setting up for a hard fall. street fight, 90 seconds to make both cases. >> i bought this stock around $13 and sold it around $22. i felt like i was being greedy but i bought it again today, the power of low expectations. this name, everyone is talking about printers and pcs. you're big it for cloud, for moon shot, their new server. it's going to reviet lies the tech space. don't worry about printers. that's the old hewlett packard.
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>> stock is up 80% since the year started. you can do much better in other areas. the problem with them, while they might have something interesting that comes out at some point in the future, 40% of the business is pcs, 20% is printers. it's important to the company. easy money has been made. it's run right into resistance. >> let me jump in, with printers though, if you look at margins, printer margins grew 15.8% and gross margins have stayed consistent over the last 8 years. >> there's the most bearish thing though -- >> real quick, technically i look at 29 level but if it breaks out of that level you're looking at 35. that's a large percentage for it to run. it does seem to unwind over
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bought. >> you can do much better on sysco. the problem with hewlett packard, so much of the business is in an area of decline. forward expectations of zero percent growth for the next couple of years. >> dan, verdict. >> spirited debate. i have to go with josh. 60% of their sales are coming from legacy products, i don't see it. you're going to have to see really good -- this company needs to be broken up. >> by the way that breakup value that tony put out was 28, 29 dollars. >> i like how you guys sneak in a by the way after the buzzer has run. that's not how it works. >> tweet us at hashtag bull or grasso or hashtag bear for josh. coming up a look at the
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headlines sure to rule tomorrow's market. long term treasuries were still the best bet heading into the second half. what will john brynjolfsson have to say? he joins us live right after this. em show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed: the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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welcome back to fast money. we are live at the nasdaq market in new york times square. here's what the bond king and jeffrey gun lack had to say earlier. >> the one place that you are likely to make money in the next several weeks or months is actually, believe it or not, the most hated asset class on the planet, long term u.s. government bonds. >> our next guest spent 19 years at pimco directed their assets. now he's founding and chief offer of global wolf. john brynjolfsson joins us. you agree with jeff in terms of where the opportunity is, correct? >> yes. it's a lot easier to agree with him now that yields are in another 10 or 15 basis points higher. i'm bullish on bonds because the
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economy is slowing, the global economy is glowing. we see weakness in china. we're going to watch the hong kong shanghai bank pmi come out tomorrow mortgage. emerging markets is slowing. europe is imploding many frankly i think there's a lot of headwinds in the u.s. >> how do you see the taper playing out then? >> well, it seems like ben bernanke has got some kind of agenda. he certainly a lot more hawkish than i would expect. i think what he has also done though is keeping his options open. every time he mentions tapering he mentions it's going to be driven by the economic can data which is pretty weak. we have rising taxes, rising interest rates. we've got a number of headwinds that will make it very hard for the fed to taper at the end of this year. >> i'm curious if you think the fed may have rose yer classes on than perhaps back in march given
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the state of their outlook for the labor market when not much has changed. >> some of the fine tuning of the economic forecast seems to suggest that they think things will be weaker. in all the stats i've seen say that all the stats coming out of the agencies and economic reporting organizations have surprised economists on the done side. the backup in the bond market is odd. not only that you have the higher mortgage rates being a headwind on the committee. >> it's josh brown. what do you make of the argument that we're already having a de facto tapering when you look at fed funds futures having moved up at least a year at this point to the first tightening and stocks and various asset classes are acting as though we're seeing a taper? can they just play itself out in the short term and not have a major disruption?
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>> the economy has been basically flat lining for two years. that's going to be put in jeopardy by these higher rates. it's as if the market has done the tapering which ben bernanke has planning. >> to japan which was a subject brought up at the fed press conference essentially. what's your take on avi nom iks. who you willing to write it off at this point? >> in japan it's probably the only country in the world where we've seen surprises to the upside. over the past couple weeks the japanese economy has surprised on the upside. we've seen strengthening in the yen. so far the jury has to be off on abenomics and ultimately we're all betting that it's going to work because that's what the globe needs. if it doesn't work we're in
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trouble. >> that's an interesting point. isn't this what ben bernanke has been pushing japan or at least suggesting that they should be doing for a very long time and do you think that the volatility we've seen in the yen and in the nikkei and in bonds is scaring the day lights out of the fed here is that one of the reasons they're using terms about taking their foot off the pedal? are they worried about creating that risk asset volatility here in the u.s.? >> although you really have to think in terms of two separate things. one is the market and the other is the economy. the economy i would even earnings. so the economy has been slow. earnings have been zero growth year after year. that's what is really going on. the markets are of course trying to be forward looking in recent days with the huge backup in bond yeelgds it's as if the market is pricing a recovery that's not there.
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the market will be in for a big correction. >> john, great to speak with you. thanks for your time. >> thank you. >> john brynjolfsson. let's hit our top three trades for tomorrow. oracle. fourth quarter results after the bell tomorrow. what about all the recent cuts in it spending dr. j.? >> larry probably cracked the whit and i think this won't be a disappointing quarter. however, guidance, that's where i worry we'll get disappointment from larry and mr. hurd as well. i think they're going to have a positive number but i don't know if it will be enough to carry the stock up. >> may existing home sales out at 10:00 a.m. eastern. >> you had a lot of weight on the building stocks, home builders today. i think you're going to see a pop. but remember, building permits, that's the leading indicator these are all lagging. >> lastly from the housing
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market to social media facebook hosting a media event. the rumor mill is buzzing over the report that the big unveil will be the introduction of something on inta gram. >> they have tried to make a big deal out of products that are going to stave off the competition in what i believe are secular trends in social media. if they are going to introduce something that's going to push back pressure on vine, it has to go over well. the stock is at a huge technical level. zuk has to get the street behind him. it's been a bad 12, 13 months. >> still ahead, not so fast michamike kho khouw. later on you tweeted it. viewer tweets for our traders later on. before a credit solution
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>> dj benny b and the fab fed have whipped up a new dance. the taper and, yes, everybody is doing it. >> the taper -- >> tapering is further off. >> tapering is the first thing. >> the taper -- >> taper on, taper off -- >> what the hell is tapering? webster sees it like this. taper, a gradual decrease. wall street sees it like this. this, my friends, is enough to give your investment portfolio a bad case of taper worm. it seems any time someone says or writes anything about when the taper will happen, stocks go for a ride. >> stocks are on fire. >> the markets are off highs, fed likely to signal tapering move. that's the headline. >> the dow has fallen 125 points since that article hit. >> there's even a guy named at
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the presenter tepper who talked about the taper. now finally the moment we've all been waiting for. sweet clarity. >> we will continue to reduce the pace of purchases in measured steps through the first half of next year ending purchases around mid year. >> kids, get on that dance floor and do the taper while you still can. as the dj said, if it numbers add up, this dance craze may be over by this time next year. something tells me that taper talk. >> taper talk -- >> taper -- >> won't be tapering off any time soon. >> so true on so many levels. >> do the dance, melissa. >> no why don't you do it and show me. >> i will. >> do it. >> it's the forbidden dance. >> anyway, getting back to the point. you said five words were different in the fed statement. 40 dow points each word.
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>> they were i guess fairly important points. the vix didn't spike. citigroup down today. >> what are you talking about? look what the ten year did? . josh, are you basically saying that we are going to decouple from what's going around the whole world? you're saying that one day the vix didn't move, that didn't mean crap. there was stuff moving all over the place. look at bonds, currencies -- >> dr. j., come in here, hello, hello -- >> you don't know if this is going to freak people out for a prolonged period of time. >> dr. j. >> i could agree with both of you at certain points in your arguments, but to the vix point we got right down to the 200 day moving average. we could not break through the 200 day moving average for the vix. that was the spot but it is calculated off of july. no longer these front months.
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>> it comes down to positioning. people are hedged up and they feel okay. to me it makes perfect sense. >> got to move on. from the taper to the airlines. the low cost carrier ryan air finalizing a deal to buy $16 billion worth. the largest single order placed with a european airlines group. >> usually when stocks rise and this stock has risen a lot this year, what is see is the price of options, the implied volatility tends to drop. in the case of boeing it's going the other way. options are more expensive. even though the most active today were the weekly 105 calls, what might be going on here is people are looking to sell out of the stock, buy some calls in case it goes higher but i think it's expressing concern here that it's come too far too fast. the fact that it finished on the dead low in down suggests that
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maybe they stretched this too far. >> meryl lynch had great data. boeing rallied 20%. they announced a lot of these contracts and in the 15 trading days it's down two percent. i don't see the risk reward. i'm playing for a short term selloff down to mid to high 90s. >> that might be it because they've got a 7 year backlog. >> more options friday 5:30. our viewers have questions on everything from domino'ss to google. we'll ask our traders your viewer tweets right after this. ♪ [ cows moo ] [ sizzling ] more rain... [ thunder rumbles ] ♪ [ male announcer ] when the world moves... futures move first. learn futures from experienced pros
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>> not so fast. mike khouw, our traders are quick but not always right. back in april mike weighed on green mountain during pops and drops. listen. >> yesterday the stock got hit on news that there was aggressive discounting of the starbucks k cups at grocery stores. today investors were dejesting that news and thinking it might
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not have as much of an impact. the stocks looks expensive to me. >> is that stock is up 49% since that call. mike? >> the first thing i would say is josh was probably bullish on the stock at the time and this is one of those situations where -- >> mike, you didn't just do that. this guy's head just blew up. you have no idea what happened over here. >> he probably was and he was right for those people that followed him they got good advice. >> are you saying i like pigs? >> who is to say it's a pig when the things goes up 50% in your face. basically i'm saying that when i look at these things i look from a fundamental perspective and also the stock actually did deliver much better than i expected. we saw good revenue growth and they widened their margins somewhat. actually some of these move was justified. the market probably saw it before my analyses. >> do you want to change your
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stance on tesla? >> no, absolutely not. if the thing hits 150 i'll be the first to tell you i didn't see that coming. >> let's get to our tweets. domino's pizza appears to be setting up and restaurants trading well. your thoughts here. >> i liked dominos probably from the $30 range but people think it's over valued but they haven't looked at the international side. i still like the name. >> intuitive surgical had a nice run up on volume. time to go long or short? >> it's at a pivot spot. the stock is trading 5, 10 or thereabout. i'd say if we can make that 514
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which is a pretty easy make, i think this goes higher. >> one for mike khouw, is the stock high? >> it's a little like hugh let. it good exceptionally cheap but the long term story is impaired. >> coming up next hour on mad money. restoration hard war has doubled since its ipo. cramer has the founder and ceo. that's must see. that and much more on mad. up next on fast your first move tomorrow when we come back. stay tuned. [ male announcer ] my client gloria has a lot going on in her life. wife, mother, marathoner. but one day it's just gonna be james and her. so as their financial advisor, i'm helping them look
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>> who won the street fight tonight? josh brown, the bear. >> that's a miracle. >> it is a miracle. did i say or think that? time for the final trade. mike khouw. >> esp on the long side. >> dr. j? >> iron mountain. lot of call buying. >> steve engrasso. >> hewlett-packard. >> dan nathan. >> i'm taking my q in financials to the european stock.
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>> i like that piggy bank up there. josh brown? >> energy was one of the best groups today. we really like the ieo, all the names in the basket or you can buy the here tomorrow at 5:00 for more "fast." meantime, "mad money" starts right now. my mission is simple. to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere. and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to save you money. my job is not just to entertain you but to teach and coach you about what happens on days like today. so call me at 1-800-743-cnbc. how could something that's been so good for the stock market suddenly be so bad for it? i mean, come on. federal reserve's been buying bonds for ages to keep interest rates down.
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