tv Power Lunch CNBC July 15, 2013 1:00pm-2:01pm EDT
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currencies, rick reader on bonds and bill nygren. looking forward to that. final trade time? >> safeway, swy. >> judge? >> long emme c. >> simon. >> stephanie link won the debate. have a great day. "power lunch" starts now. "halftime" is over. "power lunch" and the second half of the trading day starts right now. >> welcome to "power lunch." worries about negative, yes, i said, negative gdp. the retail numbers were not good, but at what point does all of that start to bring down the big bad bull? the great gasoline question is out there as well. that could also have an impact on the markets as those prices creep higher and higher. and watching while you are shopping. we're going to show you why like never before the big-name retail names like nordstrom, what they have been doing and what they are looking for. tyler is out today. my partner is simon down at the
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nyse. >> thank you very much for having me. let's start with the nervous side of that trade. those retail sales figures which will disappoint so many people. let's bring in steve liesman, our senior economics reporter. steve, this is a huge disappointman after we've tried to get this economy going for so long. >> i think that's right, and i think when you put it in context, simon, what we're talking about is two of the last three quarters look like they are on track to have been below 1%. guys, we just calculated some of the incoming. this eats data right there. can you see there 177 and the one below at 1% 2013, the first quarter there and it looks like if we draw the jennings one it would be below 1%. guys, we just calculated using about eight estimates that have been changed today. the current gdp forecast for the second quarter, it's now below 1.. 0.9%. it should actually be a bit lower in there because one guy in there, ubs, up there 1.12%,
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that's the prior, and that is now down below 1, with the low being 0.3% so nothing really negative at the moment but we're getting there. retail sales disappointing, half the expectation. auto disease their part, ex-autos it the problem. it looks like to us that the consumer gave it up in the second quarter. the expectations, guys, are that the third quarter is going to be better, a little bit better income, still strong employment growth should help the consumer in the third quarter, but we'd have to brace ourselves to report later this month. that could be below 1% at this point, sue. >> all right. forearmed is the way we have to put t.retail sales, steve, stay with us. they were not good. sales rising .04%. take out autos and gasoline they actually fell a tenth of a percent, the weakest showing since june of 2012. goldman sachs just cut their estimates to 1.3% from 1.6% and
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then, of course, there's ben bernanke and the federal reserve. so we have sinking sales, shrinking gdp and the fed. could all of this in some combination or another derail the rally? j our guests join us now. jim, weigh in on this. retail sales were not good, especially if you factor out the two other elements. how do you view us going forward in terms of economic growth or the lack thereof? >> i think sales are critical. in fact, i look at sales as a key ingredient for stock valuations in terms of our work, and, you know, we would like to see, you know, retail sales and top line growth growing at 1% to 2%, maybe 3% a year, and that will help support higher equity prices, but i will also -- i did notice, and we have noticed, that consumer confidence and retail sales, there has been a gap, that retail sales year over
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year has been trading above where consumer confidence would suggest, and while consumer confidence has been rising and that gap has been narrowing we did expect that year over year retail sales would have to come down a little bit to close some of the gap that's formed. jim, what do you think? do you agree? obviously retail sales could not keep pace to what they were doing previous to that, a lot of discounting factors going into that as well. how do you view the economy? >> i think the economy is clearly slowing down, but i'm looking tat in how does it affect the markets? i like to procrastinate, if i have a meeting i don't want to go to, i push it back a couple of weeks and the markets do the same thing, push back the taper a couple months and that's why it feels good. that's why we're going higher. bad is good when it comes to stocks because people think that's old and trite. that's still the way it is, this number was more than mildly bad,
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as an aggregate numbers mildly bad, that to mean we can say that the taper will be off the table and the market feels good about that so as of today that's fine. >> when what then does ben bernanke say when he's on capitol hill two days late they are how does he communicate to the market? where is he now given that he'd raise tapering on may the 22nd, and could you argue the economy might not justify that at the moment? >> you remember, simon, that he did try to buy himself an out by saying data dependant, the fed has come back and reiterated that, this data dependant, so i do think this is a data item that would suggest that tapering, you know, need to be put off. in fact, you know, i would argue that the only thing that i think is standing out there that would cause tapering to occur before year end has nothing to do with the economic background and has everything to do with the fact that chairman bernanke is likely stepping down in january and wants to sort of complete the
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cycle on this program. >> what do you think, steve? >> well, i think there's an interesting question that's on the table here, and it has to do with the fed's perspective on substantial improvement. the more i listen to the fed talk, the more i hear, and even bernanke, pardon me, i hear the improvement being measured against when the program was first launched in september, and no matter what happens with this data, and i think, you know, barring a pretty big spike in the unemployment rate, the fed can argue there's been improvement since the program was launched in september a year ago or what will be a year ago, so i think the fed could still be on track to taper in september. remember, just bringing down the amount, not necessarily curtailing it. >> and risk the fallouts on the market and further undermining confidence. >> and risk that if it feels two things have happened, simon, and this has been a process that's been going on for almost a month now, longer than a month, is convincing the market that tapering is not tightening. >> exactly.
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>> that bringing it down from 85 to 65 is still stimulative and that there's a disconnect, which there is, between the amount and the timing of a taper and the timing of a fed fund hike. >> steve, i think that that's interesting, if they are not fixing long end rates. >> >> definitely interesting, if nothing else. >> all of a sudden they hit the long end the destabilization in the markets is something they don't like. >> as the fed and the market have tried to do this very tricky communications job of tapering and not tightening. >> not tightening. >> tapering or not tyking rates. >> and i'm feeling that the market is kind of getting that. >> i hope you're right. >> we have to leave it there. to taper is not to tighten. >> nicely said, sue. >> thanks, guys, very much. simon? >> let's talk about boeing. shares of boeing up 42%. the last week obviously wasn't such easy going, however.
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the stock fell sharp friday when reports came out that a boeing plane owned by ethiopian airways had caught fire at hondon's heathrow airport. today, however, you have the bounceback. it is the top gainer in the dow. phil lebeau is live in chicago with brand new information on what might have gone wrong. phil, over to you. >> and it's still being investigated, simon, but the area that the investigators are looking at, as you take a look at this dreamliner here, right back here, right above this dore right here just above the final rows of seat, and back in that area there's a lot of wiring and there's a component back there called the emergency locator transmitter. essentially this is all plugged in, in every single airplane and it goes off if there's a crash, and they are looking at that as a potential source for location where the fire started. doesn't mean it was a bad transmitter or that that was the cause but that's slightly encouraging news for boeing for two reasons. one, they have ruled out that it was battery-related in terms of the lithium ion battery, and
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taking a look at production, keep in mind, there's so many miles of wiring within the dreamliners if they can isolate it down to one component or a component installed directly or a short within that component that happened in the manufacturing process, that certainly would be good news for boeing. as you take a look at how many dreamliners have entered into service. keep in mind there are 68 that have been delivered. 13 airlines around the world are currently flying the dreamliner, and those carriers are not reducing flights. why not? primarily because there's no indication that this is a systemic issue. this could be a component that just went bad in this particular plane, if it's in fact that component. they don't know what exactly went wrong, but can i tell you buys this. talked to one guy familiar with the investigation, and they said something very interesting today. they said, listen, there's no sense of panic here, no sense of immediate concern that there was back in january when you had the lithium ion battery fire in boston. at that time everybody said
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we've got a major problem and that's knows what's going on and all of that is starting to trickle into why we're seeing boeing shares move a little bit higher. >> though the volume was he have on the downdraft on friday. >> absolutely. >> while we've got you here. let me just change the subject. what do you think about asiana airlines suing the fox affiliate in san francisco of getting the names of the flight crew terribly wrong? >> not entirely surprising. anz yeah, you know, when we were working this story, they were pretty responsive, and they wanted to make sure that their side of the story was told as completely as possible, and frankly they are probably looking at what happened on friday and saying are you serious? how is it that this could happen? they gave us a statement saying this legal action is being taken because of the ktvu report, the san francisco station that not only disparaged asians in general through the use of air bally charged epithets but also severely damaged the reputation of asiana airlines. it will be interesting, simon and sue, to see whether or not
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this actually goes to court, if the suit goes that far, and what a court would say in terms of whether or not the one report, which the tv station apologized for, actually did damage to the airlines. >> phil, thank you very much. phil lebeau live in chicago. let's get a market flash with josh back at hq. >> hey there, simon. have a look at some of these casino names, mgm, lvs, wynn. analyst expectations were made. lvs gets about 85% of revenue from china and singapore. wynn gets 70% from china and mgm gets about 40% from china. sue, back to you. >> josh, thank you very much. take a look at this chart. it's our bob gasoline, up more than 8% in a week. what does that mean on wall street? you can see the chart for that, but what does it mean at the gasoline station and more importantly for the economy and retail sales?
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jane wells is live in northridge, california, with the impact for us. hi, jane. >> hey, sue. as you mentioned earlier, gasoline, one of the few things that saw an increase in retail spending over the month. aaa says the price of an average gallon of gas in the u.s. rose 14 cents in a week to 3.61. 14 cents in a week. here in california we found one of the few stations where can you get in just under $4. 3.999, of course, if you're paying cash. prices go up like a rocket and down like a feather but commuters like jasmin figures she's now spending 60 bucks a week. does it change your buying habits? >> it does, somewhat to answer tent but in my mindset i know what it takes up to fill up my car so i prep myself for it. i mean, it sucks but it is what it is. >> if i had the old load, the old price, i'll keep it down, but as soon as i guess my new load in with the new price then
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i have to go up. i'm a businessman. >> fairly bleak for the next few weeks, gas prices will be going higher nationally, anywhere to the tune of 10 to 20 cents a gallon. >> reporter: a couple of reasons for that. turmoil in egypt, higher than expected u.s. demand, a few refinery glitches, but this isn't a refinery problem, i'm told, but we're still not neither peaks we saw in gas prices. in fact, let me show you a couple of photos. this photo i took last year in calabasas where all the cool kids lived 4,.99, this station this morning $1 less but it doesn't feel like $1 a less. next up on "street signs," gas prices, gas taxes and behavior modification, also an important report coming out wednesday. back to you. >> that's the nature of working for the west coast, jane. have you to get up earlier than the rest of us. jane wells there in california. okay, it's a very busy week for corporate reports. we're kicking high into earnings city. citi coming out with figures, profits at the financial giant
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surging. you can see where the stock is $51.88. adjusted rises to $1.25 a share. comfortably beat analyst estimates and stronger home prices helping to lower costs on mortgages and trading revenue also rebounding. revenue rose 8% from a year ago to $20 billion. topping expectations. breaking it down revenue from fixed income rose 18% while equity market revenue rose 68%. citigroup's net credit losses declined to 6.61 billion as house prices lifted the value of home mortgage assets that the company has held since the financial crisis. checking out citi shares this year, the stock is up a whopping 31%. and the last few years, as you probably know, goldman sachs has had more than one or two bruises. one of the first names to bring on the public beatings was
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fabrice taure. fabulous fab as he's known is in court today and mary thompson is live in new york with the story for us. mar? >> reporter: hey there, sue, a jury of five men and four men including a retired stock broker, episcopal priest and retired school principal will decide the fate of fabrice tourre. the judge is keeping things moving at a fast clip promising jurors the trial will not last more than three weeks. 59 foot 5 frenchman speaking with lawyers during jury selection but deshrink to answer questions from the press that surround him as he entered the courtroom this morning. he's denying the s.e.c. allegations in a case where the judge is admonishing both sides to keep it simple telling them have a heart with this jury. don't use jargon. doesn't want to hear words like swaps and securitization and long and shorts thrown around.
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also wants to limit sidebars, again, because she wants to keep this case moving. it's, of course, a case that wall street will be watching closely. among the witnesses expected to be called to take the stand, hedge fund titan john paulson. his firm the short side of the fund abacus at the center of this case. tourre kept information from investors who were long. paulson made $1 billion on that cdo. the long investors, of course, lost $1 billion. opening arguments from both sides will begin at 1:30 eastern in just about 15 minutes. they both expect to take about 50 to 55 minutes and then the first witness will be called to the stand. i'll be back in "closing bell" with all the details. sue, back to you. >> look forward to it. over to josh lipton for a quick market flash. >> have a look at qualcomm today.
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analysts in lizard capital markets shift. qualcomm down today and also down for the year. simon, back to you. >> thank you very much, josh. are you hungry for profits? well, wait until you see what food stocks are doing this monday. plus, while you're shopping, they are watching and they are not looking for shoplifters. they are watching your behavior. see who and what in two minutes. ♪ [ cows moo ] [ sizzling ] more rain... [ thunder rumbles ] ♪ [ male announcer ] when the world moves... futures move first. learn futures from experienced pros with dedicated chats and daily live webinars.
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some of the food stocks trading at new multi-year highs. general mills a new high and whole foods a new high. conagra at its highest level since december of 1997 and tyson foods up as well as a new record high. simon? >> brick and mortar retailers are taking a page from online rivals and now we're relying on high tech and software to spy on you as you physically shop through their stores. for instance, nordstrom is testing a smartphone tracking system that basically identifies it through your wi-fi and keeps tabs on you and your behavior us a move about the store. here to talk about the different ways that retailers are now tracking you as a shopper, we're joined by cnbc contributor and
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merchant forecaster mary f-program and mary, people know stacy well. you go out around the hedge funds in the world to see what's happening and report back? >> yes, u.s. malls and outlets. we do digital media and we do parts of asia now. >> as anig cogniuld go ne -- an as anig cognito shopper. >> they are using different things from satellite to evaluate the mall traffic and how many cars are going into the parking lots and are they shopping at nordstrom's, macy's or jc penney. that can give that information as well as a number of things like we read about in the nordstrom article, basically everything that they can use to evalua evaluate the shopper. >> what are they looking for?
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>> nordstroms is being called out today because they told their customers, they are saying if you opt into our wayify network we're tracking you and check out what you doing, hanging out in the shoe department so they are using this to schedule labor and using this to figure out what's working in the stores and what's not, and one of the technologies that i find a bit creepy, they have the new isee mannequin which has video with eyes that track where you're going. next time look at the eyes of the mannequin because they are watching everything you're doing. >> i should point out that nordstroms tested this and is not now employing the technology, just for the record, there. >> true, true. >> seems to be more about when you're not buying. they want to see from what point you walk away from an area and how they can change their practice. >> for 25 years we've been able to get a lot of data on who is buying and then get more information through the sales associates and their profiling. however, we don't know who is not shopping there and why, so trust me, i don't believe
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nordstrom would do anything to compromise any customer standards. they are all about doing what's right >> i think the issue, stacy, while people might be okay with being tracked online and for the internet to recognize them on a site and customize the experience, people may not be as ready to be tracked in this way through the stores. is there an issue there? >> that's true, and i think there's a lot of concerns around privacy. again, everybody is picking on nordstrom. nordstrom disclosed this so that, you know, a lot of retailers have been testing this and not been telling you about it, but it is a way to gather information. you know, market share battles are tough now so every extra piece of information that can help guide retailers to help them understand why you're not visiting certain parts of the store or maybe how they can remerchandise to move you in different parts of the store makes a big difference for these retailers. >> a fascinating, fascinating situation. ladies, thank you. stacy and mary. >> thank you. >> and in our yahoo! finance question of the day, does it
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bother you that some brick and mortar stores are now tracking the way that you move around their premises? vote at results later on "power lunch." okay. let's get a market flash now with josh lipton back at hq. >> simon, we're watching deckers here, still well in the green. analysts at pirp jaffrey take this one to overweight. the price target $68. they say the company should benefit from stronger orders of its ugg shoes and higher marginsch the analysts say their survey indicate that upper income teenage girls now favor ugg shoes more favorably this year than last year. up 40%. >> sue, back to you. i think that means i have to buy the kids new once. thanks very much. chocolate. who doesn't love chocolate? well, demand is apparently heating up. what's driving it and what it means for cocoa prices and the marijuana mom is back in court and andrea day is live with her
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today. it's terrific. we've dpom up with a new clean look that we hope makes easier for you to use. we are also rolling out live streaming tv so check it out. the new check it out today. take a look at this "wall street journal" headline. chocolate demand heating up cocoa. the commodity rising over 2.5% hitting a four-week high on friday and the european cocoa association saying the demand for chocolate products today rose 6% in the second quarter compared to the same period a year ago. north american data is expected a bit later this week so is there potential for cocoa to keep rising? from the cme group, alan nutm a joins us. good to see you. >> thanks very much. >> had a big move on percentage terms. how much do you think is left in it? >> looking at this market, a lot of soft combments have been
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really soft. cocoa kind of bottoming out here. if you look at it, we have a series of higher lows over 2011 and 2012 and 2013 so we can kind of lean on 2100 level. at 22.50 now and you're moving to the demand size of the equation where it was procubs and overproduction which has weighed on the market to push it down to the low, low levels. >> what's the trade? >> the wealth effect, maybe it's going to spark some demand here, but technically speaking if cocoa can move back up to the 2400 level. trying to pick a long-term bottom in a market lays i want to use limited risk call options in this example. want to buy some march options to give myself six months of time and thereby with a general bottom with liked risk and have staying power so a 2400 call in cocoa gives me exposure for when the market movements the catalyst could be any political
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instability. the price shock potential in these countries, ghana, ivory coast and indonesia, anything political that happens can put a damper on production and that could cause the market to move upward. >> thanks so much. appreciate it. simon, down to you. >> thank you very much. let's catch up with all the markets. we'll kick off with gold. prices closing right now. bertha coombs is tracking that action at the nymex. over to you, bertha. >> after a pretty strong week last week, gold edging higher today. the cftc reported that funds increased their net long positions in gold by 4%, but hsbc also notes that speculative short positions are at record highs which makes for a very interesting tension. one of the interesting things that we're watching today, gold and silver both edging higher, but take a look at the etfs, they are not going along, and, guys, you've got to think when they come out with funds interesting to see what they have done with the etf holdings. back to you. >> thanks very much. let's check in on the equity market action with bob pisani.
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it's worth pointing out that last week was phenomenal. >> yeah. >> had a 3% gain on the s&p and this is really just a pause. >> we're sort of either side of positive or negative. 3-2 advancing to declining stocks and put up major sectors and i want to point out we're getting a great day with utility stocks and that means we've got one heck of a heat wave going on here in the united states. temperatures could hit 100 degrees today in new york city. midwest is also in the middle of a heat wave so take a look at some of the utility names. everyone up 1% to 2%. con-ed had a statement earlier, prepared for possible outrages. there's con-ed on the bottom. china announcing a fivefold increase in installed solar capacity. you think that's got any influence on solar stocks? take a look at these, up double-digit gains. economically sensitive cyclical stocks doing well. citigroup had good numbers again. third big bank that had good numbers overall. china gdp, exactly what they were forecasting, up 7.5%, isn't
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that amazing, so the emerging market stocks are all doing a little bit better today. the emerging market sectors, a little cynicism. >> hey, let's check in with what's happening at the nasdaq. seema mody is monitoring the action there. hi, seema? >> technology is a bright spot in today's trade. google, microsoft, amazon, all these stocks hitting new all-time highs and regardless of the price tag of the blackberry z-10 being cut in half at at&t and verizon stores, seeing shares of blackberry move to the upside on heavy volume, i might add. blackberry's chief marketing officer says it's part of life cycle management to tier the pricing for current devices to make room for the next ones, and lastly, simon, take a look at apple shares moving to the upside. iphone 5s production will begin this month. back to you. >> thanks so much. let's check in with rick santelli in chicago. the bond market action is fascinating, rick. >> it really is fascinating.
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had a strong empire of very weak retail sales. retail sales is the trump card with respect to those two data point and intraday clearly shows you what happened at 8:30 eastern. we lost a bit of ground in the form of buying of treasuries pushing rates down. two days show you even though you had a ten-basis point range, we're still not below the low yield which is around 2.52 on friday. open the chart up which is fascinating, the huge run ups from the 1.60s into the 2.70s, looking like a top. the retracement puts you back 2-2/8. the dollar index is key to all of this because many believe it's double tops and the lower dollar could mean more buying, pushing and rates down. that seems to be the big bond fund strategy. i'm op, back to you. >> fascinating, rick. thank you. let's get a market flash with josh lipton. >> simon, power integration on our radar, the circuit supplier surging on heavy volume boosted
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its the second-quarter outlook for revenue and gross margin. the ceo seeing the company enjoyed stronger than expected demand in the second quarter. that stock is now up nearly 50% this year. sue, back to you. >> josh, thank you. the woman that is now known in all of new york tabloids as the marijuana mom is in court today. she's charged with running a huge growing operation from her suburban home in westchester county new york. snoebs's andrea day is live in federal court in brooklyn with the latest for us. >> reporter: that's true. andrea sanderlin walked into court alone and her hair in a tight bun and looked stressed out and they are vows. here's what happened a few minutes ago. andrea, you're accused of a massive put grow operation, is any of that true? do you have any partners that you work with? just tell me why you did it, how you did it. do you have anything to say, andrea? are you sorry about what you did? the 45-year-old single mom not
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talking to me but prosecutors say she's behind the $3 million operation. she was living large in a house? scarsdale driving her flashy mercedes suv every day to queens to check on her crops, and we're talking about thousands of pot plants she allegedly had growing inside a warehouse there, and this was no joke. sanderlin had the best, most sophisticated growing equipment around and more. we also caught up with her on her way out. can you tell me what you did with all that money. this is a big deal, major accusations, you're accused in a $3 million pot grow operation. can you just tell me what you were planning to do with all the money? was there a big plan? what about partners? do you have any partners in this case? and sanderlin's attorney told the judge inside the courtroom they are working on a plea deal trying to avoid going to trial in this case.
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they selected a date, september 23rd, that's when they will all be back in court to start again. sue, i'll send it back to you. >> andrea, thank you very much. some big calls today on tiffany and yelp and yahoo! and shares are on the move, but are those the right calls? we're analyzing the analysts after a quick break and another sign of the housing recovery. the number of $100 million homes is on the rise. we'll take you for a fantastic tour and meet the man who caught four foul balls at one major league baseball game. if you're serious about taking your trading to a higher level, tdd#: 1-800-345-2550
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sue, over to you. >> simon, thanks. it's time to analyze the analysts and there were three big calls on this monday. jim iurio is back with us. tiffany stock up nearly 40% so far this year. what do you think, jim, do you like the little blue box as well? >> i do, and i like the call. what they said is basically the wealth effects from increasing the stock market and probably increasing real estate as well and that's the soft under belly of low interest rates for such a long period of time that the rich are getting richer. however, it's been on a moon shot for 40%. would i wait until about 76 to buy it. >> has a big percentage move today to the upside. >> let's move on to the ubs downgrading yelp from neutral to buy noting valuation pushes us to the sidelines at this point and take a look at the chart. year to date the shares have
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actually doubled, so, you know, the old saying, jim, pigs get slaughtered so maybe it is time to take money off the table on this one. >> what do you think? >> we should switch spots. i like yelp. there's good reviews of my restaurant on yelp. i like it, but i agree with the call. it's time to take money off the table on yelp just because it's had that huge run. the business model doesn't seem all that good to me. don't be short. someone will announce a takeover and you could be wearing those shorts. >> all right. mkm initiating a buy on yahoo! the firm notes that this is a team with a pedigree and a product focus. this week marks the one-year anniversary of marisa mayer taking over at yahoo!. the shares are up over 70% and now the company is putting a buy on it. i mean, what do you think about that, jim? >> i disagree with the call. the sarcastic in me loved the note. let's wait three years and we can love that new management team because that's what seems
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to happen in yahoo! all the time. i don't like the call. it's had a big run. i don't see it as fresh and current as some of the other things. however, they report tomorrow. they have beaten a few times in a row. if that stock can go above 28 and feel comfortable, i change my mind but until then i disagree with the call. >> appreciate it. >> over to josh lipton with the quick market flash. >> radioshack moving higher in today's trade. the ceo could be preparing the company for sale. that's according to reports in the the steps he's taking are like the ones he took at duane reed, according to industry watchers. remember, last week radioshack came out and said its balance sheet was industrial strong after a trade publication was thinking about hiring a financial adviser. stock up about 50% so far in 2013. simon, back to you. >> thank you very much. ahead in the program, big money and big sports, the top five franchises in the world. that's next, and homes worth more than $100 million. robert frank will take us mega
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mansion hunting, robert? >> that's right. the number of $100 million listings may have hit a brand new all-time record but it's not kitchens or media rooms that make these properties so expensive. we'll tell you about the one must-have amenity for the super rich coming up after the break. customizable charts, powerful screening tools, and guaranteed 1-second trades. and at the center of it all is a surprisingly low price -- just $7.95. in fact, fidelity gives you lower trade commissions than schwab, td ameritrade, and etrade. i'm monica santiago of fidelity investments, and low fees and commissions are another reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. now get 200 free trades when you open an account. peace of mind is important when so we provide it services you bucan rely on. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you'll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on. multi-layered security solutions keep your information safe, and secure.
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let summer try and pass you by. lease this cadillac srx for around $369 per month or purchase for 0% apr for 60 months. come in now for the best offers of the model year. in today's yahoo! question we asked you does it bother you some brick and mortar stores are now tracking your physical moves. 48% yes, it's an invasion of privacy. 17% say no, it's worth the deals. 35% say there should be limits on what they can track. so what's the most valuable sports team in the world? according to "forbes" it's the spanish soccer giant real madrid valued at $3.3 billion. in second place, manchester united which is, of course, owned by the glazer family, and in third place, yet another soccer team, real madrid's arch rival barcelona.
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where are the new york yankees, i hear you say. well, they came in number four, worth $2.3 billion, and the american football team the dallas cowboys coming in fifth, valued, sue, at just over $2 billion. i want to ask which of those you're rooting for. >> i'm a big soccer fan so i'll leave it at that. >> really? >> i actually am. >> or football fan i should say, probably. home prices are certainly on the rise, and if this is anything to go by, the number of $100 million homes is on the rise. cnbc's wealth editor robert frank who has the best beat here at cnbc is taking us for a tour. i can't wait. >> yeah. listen, $1 million listings, so yesterday. the number of $100 million list some things back, and there are more of them than ever. more than a dozen homes now on the market or quitely listed for $100 million or more. that tops the previous peak of 2007, the latest mega trophy listing is here in martha's vineyard, 5,600 square feed, a media room, tennis court, pool,
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wine cellar that holds 12,000 bott many but the big value here is the land. three parcels totaling 314 acres with a 35-acre pond at 1,200 feet of ocean front beach. the price for all that, $118 million where it can be split up into three parcels for between 31 and 44 million. the most expensive home on the market is copper beach farm in greenwich, connecticut, 15,000 square feet of living space and the offering price, $190, steve cohen's penthouse in new york city priced at $115 million, maybe to offset his new beachhouse in the hampton, but $100 million listings rarely sell for $100 million or more and some are already dropping in price. the former versace mansion in mime, originally listed at 125, but the price was just cut to 75 million. litigation and financial disputes related to that property. hard to call $75 million a
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barringan, but, sue, still a $50 million price reduction. >> that's right. >> such a deal, right? >> thanks robert, very much. >> thank you. simon, down hue. >> shares of the electric car-maker tesla hitting new highs today t.joins the exclusive nasdaq 100 list, but are investors in for jolts? get it, and what are the chances of catching four foul balls at a baseball game? not good for sure, but it happened yesterday. it's all in the power rundown next. delivering alpha. we have a tax system that's as broken as it can be, and if the only way we deal with this is jiggle the rates, we fail. >> i think the american people have to understand far better what's at stake and i think we may be in a stark crossroads. >> be a part of this year's exclusive gathering with over 100 institutional investors representing more than $2 trillion. go to and reserve your spot now for july 17th from institutional investor
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we want to show you the shares of honeywell primarily because the company is now invited to participate in the investigation into the boeing 787 fire at heathrow airport. the company says it is premature to speculate on the fire's cause. honeywell makes the emergency locator transmitter on the dreamliner and there's some indication that that is the source or played a role in the fire. we have not heard an official confirmation from honeywell to us. those comments, by the way, coming to us from reuters. we did report earlier this hour that investigators are focused on what's happened near that emergency locator transmitter, and just for some perspective, guys, that elt, there's a battery that supplies power to that elt at all times, and the purpose of the elt is that it goes off if, for instance, there's a plane accident and they need to locate the wreckage. again, they are looking into whether or not the elt played a role in the fire. they are not saying that is the cause out of london and at this
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point honeywell is telling investigators or telling reuters that they have been invited by investigators to join in the investigation. that's the latest for now. now back to you. >> thanks very much for the update. appreciate it. the focus of today's quick power rundown is magic and new beginnings. simon and bob joining me from the new york stock exchange. apple reportedly looking for fresh talent to develop the any iwatch. the new hires are not from within. some say it's an indication that they are having trouble solving engineering issues. >> you listen to an aible sider, it will be like a slap bracelet that goes around. if they can pull that off, amazing, but disappointing if it's not until the end of next year. >> having trouble getting excited. the only thing that interests me is the biometrix part which has personal information and that could be used as an ultimate
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personal identifier. you know it's bob pisani because the biometrix say so. everything else i don't get excited about. maybe i'm missing something. >> we'll wait and see what it looks like. tesla motors has a market cap 150 billion compared to oracle's 148 billion. the tech company of the future or not? >> they have been firing on all cylinders, excuse the pun, but they will sell 25,000 electric cars. proven they can sell them. keep bringing the battery costs down. i think this may be a truly viable competitor out there in the electric car market. >> what do you think, simon? >> i think it's great to see. there are challenges and yes, there are issues but look at the stock chart. >> absolutely. down a little bit today but it's had a huge run. j.k. rowling admits to being
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the author of a crime novel and the book has received pretty good reviews since coming out in april. i wonder whether she did this because everybody was waiting to see what her post harry potter ewould would look like in terms of writing. that's a lot of eyes watching her. a billionaire and still trying to push her craft forward. i mean, ironically there's an honesty to doing itig could ig >> i don't know, it's a white lie. it bothers me a little. >> all right. let's move on to this unbelievable faunbelieve able story, one lucky fan caught
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four foul balls, caught one and accord toeing to espn the odds that happening are 1 in a trillion. better odds in the stock market? >> we know it's better than 1 in a trillion because the guy did it. the only thing i want to do is go out and pick some lottery numbers with this guy. >> he should buy a lotto ticket. >> i was going to say exactly the same thing. hey, gave the fourth ball away as well. >> he threw it into another part of the stands for another fan. >> and they won three games. three in a row, i think. >> all right, they did. thanks. coming up, today's biggest moves right after the break.
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they chose a partner to help manage their wealth... one whose insights, solutions, and approach have been relied on for over 200 years. that's the value of trusted connections. that's u.s. trust. we have an upward bias to the markets, nothing spectacular, but remember last week was the biggest weekly advance. we got on the stock market for seven month with the s&p for one, up 3%. interesting that boeing has turned around so dramatically after that heavy selling we had on the fire at heathrow airport on friday. up 3.3%, almost erasing its losses and disney is the worst loser on the dow so far today. "the lone ranger," sue, not
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helping there. >> i think the stock may be playing a little catchup to the reviews for "the lone ranger." that will do it for all of us on "power lunch." have a great afternoon. >> "street signs" begins right now. seems like everybody is buying a car or a house, so is anybody buying anything else? retail sales disappoint, but still stocks are mostly higher. are we still stuck in the old bad news is good news news cycle? boeing's 787 may be made of carbon fiber but stocks made of teflon. off the hook now for its latest problems. and blackberry may have another problem on its hands and another big name in the music world slamming digital. >>
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