tv Street Signs CNBC August 1, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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points. ten-year yield climbing 2.7%. biggest winners today, itt corp, american express, bank of america and sandis. ty, that's it. >> sue, that will do it for this edition of "power lunch." >> "street signs" begins now. see you tomorrow. and it's all about street signs on today's "street signs." stocks continue on a tear. tech really soaring. it's all good news today. we're going to ask tesla if they still deserve your hard-earned money. looking for opportunities outside the country? what russia has done that should give you pause again. small is very big lately. the companies are doing better than the overall market. your guest has three new stocks
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picked for you. proceed with caution on jc penney. rumors flying all over the place on that name. and speed limit, 255. that's because that's how fast that 2.5 milli$2.5 million buga goes. i just test-drove it. i didn't do 255. i didn't do too bad, though. life as i know it is officially over. let's go to kayla tosh on "street signs." kayla? >> exactly how fast did you go in that bugati? >> i obeyed all street signs. >> new highs in the s&p 500. breaking 1700 fort first time. it's sitting just about four points above that 1700 level. the dow on a yearly percentage gain since 2003. triple digits after a panoplea
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of positive data. what are you watching? >> it's very simple. we've been promised all year that the second half of the year things would be better, earnings and the economic news. let's take a look. the most important piece, the first piece of data. on the sec half of the year, manufacturing turned out to be pretty good here. manufacturing is rebounding not just to the united states but it's also rebounding elsewhere in the world. u.s. and china, they said interest rates would be low in europe for a while. the big thing is can we take rates over 2.7%. that interest yield has been moving up and yet the stock market hasn't been falling apart. we're right near the rates we were at the beginning of july. the question is, can we take the higher rates? here's what's going on. look at the trend that's happening here. the adp report on wednesday came out stronger than expected, rates are higher, stocks are up. the ism, stocks are up, rates are higher. we have a trend.
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and what about these? if that happens there, it will indicate the stocks are comfortable with higher interest rates. we're at a very important point in the stock market right now. guys, back to you. >> thank you very much. we agree, and remember, that big jobs number is out tomorrow. should be a big day to cap off a big week. perhaps no group is as hot as tech. who has been the hottest of the hot? you're looking at the three best performers in the nasdaq 100. tesla, netflix and micron technology, incredible runs for all. let's find out if one, all or none of these still deserve your money. joining us now, barton crockett, drex ler hamilton, we're going boom, boom, boom. andrea, let's start with you on
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tesla. why is the stock up nearly 3% at home still good for our viewers to invest in? >> i think it's just a shift. people stopped asking what could go wrong with tesla and they started to ask, what could go right? >> what could go so right, andrea, then? up 2.4% a year? sales, 20,000 cars? you and i talked about how you value the company, whether it's a tech company or a car company. the companies you cover outside of tesla, andrea, they're tech. you don't cover gm. >> that's right. so tesla is both. the car is a platform where tesla can showcase its technology. and that technology ranges from everything from the thermal management system on the lithium ion battery pack to the fact that tesla can push out software updates remotely to the cars that then change the hardware's performance. so the car can groove ovimprovet
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while you're sleeping. then they benefit from a technology company cost curve, and that's disruptive in the automotive industry. >> andrea, there is a star stock bigger in boston who recently sold apple and replaced it with tesla. this is a guy at fidelity who has one of the best records on the street. do you think tesla at this point really deserves to be in a portfolio alongside mostly blue chip names at this point? >> yes, because the question what could go right is that they scale to more a mass market. they have a factory that can do 5,000 a year, and right now they're doing 20,000. i think the answer to that question is becoming more clear that a lot of things can go right for them, and they have the technology and the management team and the distribution strategy in place to make those things happen. >> all right, andrea, we'll leave it there. thank you so much for being with us. we're going to move on to netflix, barton. i'm looking at netflix now, 248.
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it's getting dangerously close to 295. what's the story? >> we're arguing this is a $320 stock in a year. what we think is happening at netflix, you have a company where kind of what your previous guest said about tesla, what can go right versus what can go wrong? you have a tv company which is a high end business potential. now they're doing exclusives. they have exclusive deals with dreamworks and disney and they're doing their own tv shows and executed at a higher level. they're low single digit, but their appears on hbo are 30-plus-year margins. i think as they get leverage on this and congress charges more for it, they can move up to hbo style earnings. the dollars we see here can be $10 in the next decade. that's what people are buying today, and i think there's momentum behind it.
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>> everybody talks about survivor growth at netflix, but one of the big problems they have is people share subscriptions. do you think within this where they're making you make your own profile, do you think that's a move toward making people get their own subscription? >> if a couple people share a subscription, you end up conflicting and a couple get bumped out rather than the two or three they limit you to on the subscription. they got great subscriber growth, it's a service people love. i think over time they'll be able to charge more for it because it's under priced relative to hbo and stars. >> netflix had been just a distributor, simple distributor, but it actually distributed media, not goods. now it's creating its own products. i hear ya. you look at comcast, our parent company. you look at time warner, the parent company of hbo who you referred to, they're trading at
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19, 20 times earning not as high as netflix. even if it becomes hbo, tell me why it's not overvalued. >> those guys are trading at 3 to 6 times revenues with not much margins. it's trading at about three times revenue, so i think our price has a limit of four in the range. you can look at the company going through a margin transformation which is what i think is happening at netflix. >> barton, we do appreciate it. have a good day. >> thank you. the top three in the nasdaq this year are micron technology. i thought this was the ultimate commodity company, low margins, no future. what's happened with mu? >> well, they helped consolidate an industry that 25 years ago was dominated by the japanese, and they've driven out taiwan competitors and they just announced yesterday that they bought the last remaining
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japanese memory maker of dynamic random access memories. there's another type of memory, nan flash, but the mobile market is consuming both of these at f foracious -- >> but if i'm in the market with buggy whips, i can say i've got the market with buggy whips! maybe i'm missing the story here. >> in order for apple and samsung to compete with one another in -- let me call it -- smartphones, pads and tablets. in order to compete performancewise, and they need much more d-ram than a year ago, and the road maps for samsung and all their competitors in the mobile space will probably increase the amount of d-ram per item, 50 to 100%, there is not enough supply to meet demand. >> do you think they're banking
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on apple too much for growth here, because they're really investing in the memory devices that work on apple devices, but we're seeing shipments are up now for this past quarter. but you really don't know where they're going to go from here. what happens to micron if apple breaks down? >> the platforms that are apple and micron's competitors use more per mobile, so everything ties into the cloud and micron has a very strong position, just as intel does, in data centers and they sell ram into those. you can't operate social networks and the modern world without memory. we're going to have a shortage in suppliers for a while. >> thank you very much. we have some breaking news out of italy. let's get to scott cohen. what's going on?
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>> the mibisconis. the high court is ordering a review of the ban on serving in public office that came as a part of that conviction. the public prosecutor had suggested that that be reduced to a three-month ban. nevertheless, his woes are not over yet. he still faces the conviction in june of paying for sex with an underage girl, and that would carry potentially a lifetime ban from public office. you're looking at a live picture of berlusconi's residence. we'll see what happens next. the supreme court ruling or the high court ruling technically restores his prison sentence, but it is reported, according to the associated press, that it's unlikely he would do any jail time because of the prison overcrowding in italy and because of his age. nevertheless, the high court upholding silvio berlusconi's tax fraud. >> it seems like he's had more
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than nine lives at this point. still ahead on "street signs," why the next edward snowden is more than likely sitting in silicon valley. plus, russia looks like a good investment, but you might want to proceed with caution. we'll have a bull and a bear on jc penney. don't forget the speed limit. it's a nice car, it's nice, we never got out of first gear. we got a test drive coming up for you. it's amazing.
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welcome back. it was a big story today. nsa leaker edward snowden has left the moscow airport and is now living in russia. we'll get to the ramifications this has on u.s.-russia relations in just a second, but first he's live with the biggest hacker conference in the year. he's looking for where the next snowden leak could come from. what do you have for us? >> this is one of the biggest hacker cybersecurity conferences ever, and as you know, edward snowden has been the number one topic at this conference. everybody trying to figure out where the next snowden hacker will come out of. a lot of them are independent
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cyber hackers and intelligence experts. but we talked to the organizer here who said that in his view, the next snowden will not necessarily come out of the government. take a listen. >> maybe edward snowden is the tip of the iceberg, but i'm waiting for the facebook leaker or the amazon or google, some other search engine, somebody that has more data than we understand that they have. >> so that's it, is the next hacker going to be coming out of google or facebook or one of these private companies? do they have information they think the public might want to know? that's what they're talking about here. they're also talking about nano quad hackers, one of these little helicopters. we had a couple women dressed up as the knights of the round table. it's vegas. what happens in vegas doesn't necessarily stay in vegas when it's on tv, kayla. >> thank you for that. >> your last tip you had some thing, i don't know if it was a robot or a guy in a suit pop locking behind you.
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was that a dude? was that a photo bomb? >> it was a photo bomb. the guy dressed up as a giant robot. this is a robotic helicopter. i don't know if you can see this thing. it's hovering in mid-air right behind us. it's battery powered. all the companies are presenting here on the floor of this convention. they're using these to advertise all the different companies that are out here. everybody has a gimmick. the robot was a gimmick, the helicopter is a gimmick, but we're not above using it on television as a television gimmick as well. >> and it's hovering right in front of the television camera. >> i just happen to have a robotic helicopter right here in the shop. in light of all this news, is it really worth investing in russia? after all, that market is one of the lowest pe ratios anywhere in the world and the company is massively oil rich. but that said, the russian stock market lower than it was back in 2008. it's been sliding lately.
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let's bring in steve leashman, because what you might not know about steve leashman is this. before coming to cnbc, he lived in russia for years. you know the economy. every time russia seems to do something like this, they seem to do something stupid. >> snapping it out of the jaws of victory. any time things are going its way, it finds a way to mess it up. the recent arrest of former rinaldi is a good example. you could see the stock market drop the day he was arrested and the charges became public. this is a time when russia could be doing great, commodity prices reasonably high, oil prices reasonably high. what you have is you have sort of a political dutch disease over there, brian, and what i mean by that, it's what happens when the company has very high oil prices, it makes other goods uncompetitive. the political leadership is taking as much money -- as long as the oil money flows in, they have no need to reform their
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country. so the time to invest in russia would be low oil prices. low oil prices might prompt the leader -- >> it's counterintuitive. but you're saying the netherlands, they had natural gas, natural gas, everything went to natural gas. they woke up and realized they had nothing else, the bottom fell out and they were done. >> when oil prices are low and the government is motivated to move their oil structure. don't get me wrong, people have made a lot of money over there with appropriate timing. when this sells off, it is relatively cheap, about six times earnings, five times earnings, about 7% cheaper than the united states. >> we were looking at the top ten imports, aluminum, gems, iron and steel. particularly the impact it had
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on edward snowden and now we're hearing he's been given asylum in russia. some lesser known imports that we have from eduador, frozen broccoli, canned artichokes and cut flowers from eduador will be subject to tariffs and actually will hit the consumer because of that relationship that has now remained frayed. do we have a similar ingredient with russia and are there products that we could see -- >> i don't know exactly. but i do know that russia has exceeded to the wto. there should be good reasons for investing in russia for that reason. but again, it's an extremely distasteful place to adjust. that's not my phone, brian. that's kayla's phone. >> tv amateurs. both bringing black bberries on the set. give them to me. i'm going to smash it. >> i think ultimately you want to watch for political reforms
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over there for long-term investing. there are guys who have made, and i know these guys have made unbelievable fortunes by getting the timing right. to me it's a very distasteful place. it's been very disheartening to see what's happened to the reforms over there and what happened to the promise in the ' '90s. >> you know what else you know well? it's music. on this day in 1942, the late, great jerry garcia. we know you're a big fed head and a deadhead. you got to chat with bob. >> bob gave me a memory of jerry garcia in the middle of the franklin tower. they were all having a great time and jerry said to bobby, i could live here forever. that's the way i feel right now, i could live here forever, but i guess we have to go. >> just ahead on "street signs," the earning squad takes over
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with the three big names reporting after the bell. >> can you guess today's mystery chart, smartie pants? the stocks up more than 300% since the ipo. here's the chart. what is it? later o maybe it's not the car of everybody's dream, but if you have a cool $2.5 million laying around, the bugati not a bad car. we'll test drive this coming up. [ indistinct shouting ] [ male announcer ] time and sales data. split-second stats. [ indistinct shouting ] ♪ it's so close to the options floor... [ indistinct shouting, bell dinging ]'ll bust your brain box. ♪ all on thinkorswim from td ameritrade. ♪ time to have new experiences with a familiar keyboard. to update our status without opening an app.
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here we go where we dissect the earnings stories everybody is talking about ask hend help trade the stories you may have missed. herb greenberg and cnbc contributor stephanie link. a direct seller of anti-aging products. >> this is a heck of a story. a company came out today, had guidance that seemed a big
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guidance. 173 is what they said. they said my head is spinning over this guidance. the company, there's a little h hum-na-na on the call. this is a corrected release. they said, there was a typographical error. i got to tell you, 163 to 170 down to 140 is a heck of a typographical error. today if you take a look at it, it was a heck of a move. >> but amazing, amazing growth rates. 18% in north america and the america's 244% growth in main land china. operating margins better than expected. >> assuming you believe the model. underneath it there are issues. >> understood. >> talk to me about meacham. >> up 22 years to date, and this
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is on top of yesterday's. i think you'll have good residential construction numbers, auto, aerospace all in their favor, probably offset by non-commercial construction. any kind of synergiesynergies, becomes the key because it's a much less cyclical company with cooper. >> they've missed revenues for several quarters in a row. their guidance has been below expectations. they point out we're at mid-point of guidance. i often begin to wonder if these guys lowball, lowball, lowball and now they're on the hook for guidance this quarter. >> they really lowball, but it's going to be in margins. it's going to be in every sector of the company no matter the demand revenues. they have done a great job on the margins side. >> you're such a purist. what about weight watchers? >> we're doing weightwatchers.
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>> weight watchers, last quarter they said the dieting season is challenging. >> let's see if they make progress on the on-line initiatives. those are very big initiatives, and 35% of the population is obese. >> watch the margins. watch the margins. intense competitions equals promotional. >> guys, it's great to see you. thank you very much. that's it for earnings squad today. melissa will be back tomorrow joined by herb and josh lipton. brian, back to you. >> simon, thank you. up next on "street signs," one of our former managers joins us for his top picks. but first, here's a look at one of the cars most people can't
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sorry to interrupt, i just want to say, i combined home and auto with state farm, saved 760 bucks. love this guy. okay, does it bother anybody else that the mime is talking? frrreeeeaky! [ male announcer ] bundle home and auto and you could save 760 bucks. alright, mama, let's get going. [ yawns ] naptime is calling my name. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. state farm.
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we have four stocks you must know about. brian, stock one. yelp. look at it right now, it's up 25% just today. it was upgraded to overweight from neutral at jp morgan. how do you feel about it? >> if i was an investor, i would feel fantastic. it's up $10 a share. they're reporting a quarterly loss. came in above expectations. incredible run. up 172% just this year. people said four square would kill them, facebook would kill them. guess not. >> we're also looking at baker hughes. that's particularticker bhi. a weakness in the oil sector that oil field services is doing as well as it is. >> baker hughes is up just about 2%, august up into a hold. not a huge bullish call, kayla, but hold from a sell. revenue looks good, improved cash position for the company. most analysts say it's pretty bullish. watch the rig counts.
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fewer rig counts, more profitability. they're having trouble finding qualifiers for their rigs. >> we're also watching a name in the news because of bill ackman. that's air products, apd. interesting name that he would choose to move into this one this time. >> upgraded, target increase to 130 from 126 bucks. so about two bucks of upside, according to them. they make chemicals for things like antifreeze, semiconductors and food. hopefully not in that order. >> there was a failed deal before that was attempted, so we'll see what happens with that one. chinese travel service, >> they cite better performance in mobile. also believe the company will have targeted annual growth. up nearly 90% this year.
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all right, when is smaller bigger? the answer? when it comes to stock market returns. the russell 2000 hitting an all-time high today. it's up 20% this year. that, my friends, beats the dow, s&p or the nasdaq. it is also the best performer of any major index last month. and joining us now with three star picks, mark travis. mark, welcome to "street signs." good to see you again. what's your first pick today? >> brian, you're too kind. my first pick is a place that we've looked long and hard because it's one of the few places that unfortunately in the short run has been overlooked by he can with itequity investors. it's a company called panhandle silver, phs. it's got about 4 million in cash, no debt, and we think there is a disconnect between price and value. we think the shares are worth in the high teens. as we like to say it, you get
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paid to wait with about a 4% dividend. right now the mining sector has gotten beat up pretty heavily since kind of mid-april when gold took a tumble down into the sub-1200 dollar range. >> you also found a gem in the software space. tell us a little bit about that pick. >> well, checkpoint software, kayla, is the name that you're referring to, chkp. it's about $11.2 billion market. it's a bit bigger than we typically look at, but again, a balance sheet built to last. one of my favorite quotes for being with equity investors. it has $3.5 million in cash. two israeli co-founders own 23% of the company and it has incredibly good margins. all the news, nsa leaks and that
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type of thing, people are more and more concerned about cyber security, and i think checkpoint will do well. >> mark, i'm seeing your last pick is global payments. the payment space has been extremely hot, but there are a lot of picks you can have there. e-bay for one to get access to paypal. i want to know why you think global picks is the winner in that space, and a $3 billion market cap. is that a small cap? >> if you look at the average of russell now at a new record, it probably is in the range of russell 2000. you know, it's a payment processor kind of between merchants in the banks growing internationally rather than domestically. we've owned in the past quite successfully first data which was lbo. it has some interesting characteristics that are similar. we also own western union, which has worked out quite well year to date. so those are ideas a little bit off the radar.
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again, we think there is a disconnect between the current market price and a conservative estimate of prime market value. >> mark, we've got our eyes on you. pan american silver, checkpoint software and global payments. we're on to you. look how powerful you are, mark. you turned off the lights in our studio. >> that's it. we're done. we're just off the air. thank you so much, mark, and up next it's a jc penney street fight. should you proceed with caution or go full speed ahead? >> can you name today's mystery chart. the stock hitting a new all-time high today. we've got a fast car. faster than tracy chapman could ever sing about. in fact, it's the world's fastest car. we took it for a spin. it was unbelievable. but first, something else unbelievable. what's coming up on "the closing bell," griffin?
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>> we have exclusives coming your way. jeffrey housenbold. when will he hit a profit? also, find out how higher material costs are affecting the maker from everything from bleach to charcoal. earnings after the bell tonight and per tradition, robert be benmosche will be here from aig. more "street signs" after this. including the es and rx. ♪ this is the pursuit of perfection. otherworldly things. but there are some things i've never seen before. this ge jet engine can understand 5,000 data samples per second.
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this is the pursuit of perfection. i'm hampton pierson in washington where we're just getting news from the state department about a plan this sunday to close a number of embassies and consulates in what's being described as a precautionary measure. we don't have the names or how many, but the state department saying on august 4, some embassies and consulates will be closed because the state department has been, quote, apprised of information that has led to security considerations. spokesperson marie huff did not specify which embassies would be closed, but they go on to say the department of state has
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instructed certain embassies or departments to remain closed. the department has been provided information that out of an a n abundance of caution of care that indicates we should institute those precautionary steps. they will take steps like this to balance issues with security and safety. again, the state department announcing precautionary measures on sunday, on august 4, a number of embassies and consulates will, in fact, be closed. kayla, back to you. >> thanks so much, hampton. we'll keep our eye on that story for more information, especially which specific embassies will be closed this weekend. we appreciate you bringing that to us, hampton. it's time to reveal today's mystery chart. we showed it to you earlier in the show. it's 331% since its ipo. it's linked in. it's hitting a new all-time high just ahead of its earnings. the options bulls are piling into the stock. they think there is more room to
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run. we have julia borsten with us. there are good news on the stocks and certainly a lot of people who are happy about this. >> absolutely, kayla. linkedin shares are up and they will grow in premiums, subscriptions and advertising. it's expected to grow revenue 55% to $350 million while linkedin's profits are expected to shoot up 90%. another stock in the same social space, yelp had a quarterly report that sent its shares flying higher than 21% after it beat expectations on both revenue and earnings. it's also been a great time for facebook. its shares are up about 3.5% today, but over the past week, that stock is up about 44% on the heels of reporting better than expected earnings results last wednesday. now, kayla, we're waiting to see where linkedin moves after its
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earnings this afternoon, and we'll have ceo jeff weiner coming up on "squawk on the street" tomorrow to discuss those results. in the meantime, jc penney shares bouncing back after denying a report that the shipments were cut off by the lender ift glup. what exactly is going on here? there may be some market manipulation going on here. you've also got him still bullish on the buy. debra weinswig just diving to buy this stock this morning. why do you think there is no goodness going on here? >> either it's bad reporting or there's no goodness because the article came out. the company denied it. i don't think the company is lying. >> the stock tanked when the article came out, by the way. >> exactly. so the post had the story all wrong or somebody fed them bad information. if they did and it traded bad
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stock, that's a bad thing. >> i think they called cit, no comment or something. if you've got a story that's fund mentally wrong -- and maybe this story will turn out to be true. jc penney denied it, but hey. you have to say something specific, and i think cit's lack of doing that hurt this story. >> it certainly hurt jc penney's stock price. they could say, no, we didn't, instead of saying we don't comment, right? you're still bullish on this name. how come after all this? >> i'm bullish for a number of reasons. number one, the biggest ability for this company was having enough cash to make it through a tough financial period. so these guys came through this quarter and gave them a chance to maintain cash and availability to get themselves through -- they're moving from now a new ceo was once an old ceo, changing their operating model in a number of ways.
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they need cash to do that and they have it. >> but were they really banking on this back-to-school season and they're really operating on borrowed time. that's why i think the market moves so much when you see reports like we saw yesterday about cit maybe changing its financial structure for jc penney. what do you think the company has left in the next six months? you have back-to-school season and you have the christmas season, and if it doesn't maintain very good relationships with those financeirs during that time, they could be in trouble. >> we saw the journalists reporting that jc penney has the traffic right now for back to school. they were outside of the top 10 last year of t. they've made progress on that front. that's a very good preliminary
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indicator. >> deborah, you downgraded it. you think this management team is not the team that could lead this company back to the promised land? >> this is no team, right? since michael came in, there have been ten people who have departed the company, and you have no marketing, no chief marketing officer, no chief technology officer while you're in the midst of a significant three-year oracle implementation. going back to priority point, that's great that on-line is good, but on-line is only 8% of your business. >> i agree that the big deal here is the management team not being fully in place. i still think they're going to be down mid-single digits or so even with the home being down big double digits, and i think their gross margin will be down around 30%. if that's the case, what happens
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to back to school, as you just said, and if back to school turns out to be decent, and i think it will be, and in the fourth quarter turns out to have positive comps and i win my bet with brian, then i think they'll have plenty of money to get through 2014. >> i'm looking at deborah's note, and you can comment when i ask will about this, but retalg a -- retailing all the other stuff you did, jan, this is it. inability to connect with the customer, right? why should i give jc penney my money? what do they have that should lure me into the store? >> they're going back into discou discounting. i think for a long time you had the home department under construction. it's not an attractive place to go to. you don't want to go into an area where they have a band saw operating in the middle of the day. now they have a clean area back in the store and discounting on
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top of that, i think it's a much better offering for the customer, the casual traffic going into the store, than it was just a couple months ago. >> i want to end with a question to deborah which is closing arguments between jc penney and macy's. i think the legal department expects macy's to come out ahead in this ruling, but do you think that's going to have effect on jc penney's bottom line when it actually comes down to it? >> home is an important department. it used to be over 20% of sales. it was the main traffic driver into the store. now down to 12% of the total company, and as jan mentioned previously, their komps are pretty negative. i would tell you, yes, the home department was under construction, it was an issue, but i don't think it's driving traffic and i don't think it's driving conversion. the big thing you didn't see in the second quarter and you're going to see in the third, if there are going to be massive markdowns, and the way this deal was written, i don't think they
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can go back to the vendors to get markdown money, so you'll see additional gross margin pressure and that's what keeps me up at night. >> double digit risk in terms of comps in the fourth quarter. we are now negative 5% in fourth quarter. so i think that because you don't have traffic. and you get the traffic in, they are not converting. you rolled out 18 shops in the spring. and you didn't get the traffic and comps that they expected. >> deborah, thank you very much. i can taste dinner, deb. >> double-digits. >> fine, double or nothing. i'll expense it anyway. up next, this -- >> 16 cylinder. >> 16 cylinder. >> 1200 horse? >> yes. >> yeah.
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>> so if someone wants a little drive way eye candy, how many did you make? >> we only have about 40. >> did you say that half of the owners have more than one of these? >> more than half. once they buy their first one, they tend to want a different configuration. maybe they started with a coup and then wanted the top-open car. the moment extreme, a gentleman purchased 11. >> now what is next? you have the fastest car on the planet, the most expensive. what is your next car going to be? and by the way, you can break news right now, feel free. >> we do have a few things under development. there is a four-door on the internet the past few years. >> is that going to happen? >> it is still under consideration. we're not sure which thing will be next. and whatever it is is two plus years away. it is still in development.
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>> i know why you have to own more than one. i think i figured it out. >> why is that? >> tires are $34,000, right? >> about 35. >> so if you blow a tire you need another car. $35,000 for a set of tires, robert. >> yeah. >> think about that. >> if you can pay $2.5 million for a car, you don't care. >> you drove it today. what did you think? i race cars and this is faster than any -- we went out with a butch, a well known race car driver, somewhere around here, and he said it is faster than his cars that he raced in. >> it is. it is faster than a formula 1 car. everything about this car is designed and built so we can achieve 250 miles plus an hour. >> i'm an very experienced driver, and i felt very comfortable and i love this car.
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>> we have to pair bill so we can get a bugatti. take a quick break. we're back right after this. [ male announcer ] these days, a small business can save by sharing. like carpools... polly wants to know if we can pick her up. yeah, we can make room. yeah. [ male announcer ] space. yes, we're loving this communal seating. it's great. [ male announcer ] the best thing to share? a data plan. at&t mobile share for business. one bucket of data for everyone on the plan, unlimited talk and text on smart phones. now, everyone's in the spirit of sharing. hey, can i borrow your boat this weekend? no. [ male announcer ] share more. save more. at&t mobile share for business. ♪ [ chainsaw buzzing ]
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>> yes. >> i dressed to match this car. >> you have the driving skills, but i have the key. >> yeah, but i -- >> you win. >> we obeyed all speed limb pipts. >> posted or unposted. >> yeah. 40 miles an hour. >> add good day on wall street. even better day out here now that we've had john in this beautiful car with us. "closing bell" starts right now. hi, everybody. back to the record books we go. once again, we are in rally mode. record territory for the dow and s&p. >> i'm bill griffith. it'll be hard to come up with enough is ysuperlatives. since yesterday we've had positive numbers on manufacturing. the jobless claims number was lower than expected, which is
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