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tv   Street Signs  CNBC  August 27, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT

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to the downside. part of that is the flight to safety with the worries over what's possible to happen in syria perhaps later this week or weekend. declining interest rates and stocks, which you usually don't see. >> it's our job to keep you plugged in and we'll continue to do that on cnbc, that's all now fr "power lunch." "street signs" begins right now. it's a macro threat tuesday here on "street signs." reports say the u.s. may be ready to strike syria and the now annual debt ceiling fight in congress is back upon us. we have your safe harbor playbook. the end of an era for j c penny and now what for the retailer. do new products really help restaurant sales and their stocks? we'll dig in as mcd's gets ready to roll out wings and what state has the most casual restaurant.
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the answer will surprise you because here's the hit. it's also the state with the most thin people. >> riddle me that. syria, adding to what was already a tough trading environment. today the dow is hitting a two-month low at one point earlier, the s&p at its lowest since july the 8th. the nasdaq was clinging onto the positive hat but with today's drop that is being knocked off. let's get straight to the trading floors. bob, it feels like the syrian situation is adding to an already fairly lengthy list of uncertainties out there. to what degree are we seeing the war trade being put on? >> we are. i think you're right, syria was sort of the tipping point that pushed us a little over. but we had already been heading in that direction. let me show you the list of uncertainties. when i said how much is esyria hurting things? yes, the timing of the fed
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tapering and u.s. debt ceiling expiration and bernanke's successor, we're reporting today there may be a new front-runner of that. berlusconi may bring the government down in the next few weeks and in the german elections, it's not clear who's going to be the winner. what's it worth? it's worth a little over 200 points. that's what's been going on since the syria thing got serious since kerry talking yesterday. we're down over 4% for the month. we've been on a straight down trend. this is a little thing that happened in the last two days, 4% for the whole month because the economic data has been crumbmy and even though yields have been coming down the economic data is trumping things. we were supposed to get improvement in the second half fl year. so far the data isn't helping. >> it is not delivering so far. this is just a precursor to september which is historically one of the worst months for the
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market. rick santelli, there's syria on the front burner and bob just mentioned the increasing chatter that larry smerz will be named in the next few weeks. >> i'm sure there are bond traders that have varying opinions. i'll speak for the general population i talked to, the notion, for example, that he's much more or less dovish, i think that contrasting notion has been created by the administration, to contrast him with -- i don't know anybody on the floor i talked to has given me concrete reasons why he would be less dovish or the right man for the job. one thing we do know of. he put the tb in too big to fail banks in the late 90s, failing to jump on any type of regulation of derivatives that ultimately led to the big crisis. >> rick santelli, thanks for
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your analysis. >> let's get to the latest crisis in the middle east. nbc news reports that american military action against syria could happen as soon as 48 hours from now. chuck hagel telling the bbc is that the u.s. is quote, ready to go like that. cnbc's own national koerpt michelle ka russo cabrera is here. the conditionality of the red line had been met. yes, the use of chemical weapons for sure and they are convinced it was the regime who used it against his people. within hours nbc news reports that a strike -- military strike could happen as early as thursday and richard hagel joins us and tells us he's been speaking with rebels and they are desperate for some kind of action, a big action that they think or hope would destabilize the regime and shift the balance of power. within the last hour, jay carney came out and said, keep
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dreaming. regime change is not the mission here. the question is, what is the mission? what kind of strikes? how long will they go on for? what are you trying to achieve? it is just optics? if it's optics you raise questions about your credibility. the other issue we face is the price of crude. >> how much is about the u.s. credibility as to any stance against syria, they cross the red line. >> you'll listen to all of these people say we must take a stand against chemical weapons. don't believe them. this comes down to the fact that president obama said a red line has been crossed. he laid down a conditionality, we're there. what do you do, especially if you don't want to em bolden north korea and iran? there are analysts who argue for example that if you don't do something here, you risk a bigger wider conflict in those two areas. >> has to follow through.
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>> exactly. >> let's talk more about that. let's bring in jacob shapiro. you heard michelle's report and know the reports about the president considering limited strikes. do you believe that military action, missile strikes, whatever it might be against syria is a real possibility? >> i would say it's more than a possibility. i think that kerry's language and his comments on monday was particularly strid ent and once you make those kinds of comments, like was said earlier, you risk losing your credibility if you don't then follow through. that being said, there are a bunch of different missions that the united states could try to undertake in this mission. i think since we're looking at such a short time frame, we are looking at a limited punitive strike, one that would sort of indicate to the assad regime, this wasn't okay what you did and we did establish the red line and weren't expecting us to use chemical weapons in the first place. >> do you believe then it is a
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sure thing? >> i'm not going to tell you it's an absolute sure thing but there's a very high problem at there will be a strike in syria in the next few days. >> is there any scenario that the united states could intervene without it being a lose/lose in terms of all of the possible outcomes? >> i mean, i think for the united states they are still going to try to hold out hope this strong language will encourage some kind of political solution. but they've been waiting for progress on the geneva 2 talks with the russians and floated the idea that assad would step down in a political reconciliation thing would happen. i think we're really outside the bounds of some kind of political solution happening. i think we're really looking at the united states, they said they were going to strike if chemical weapons were used and chemical weapons have been used and now they have to follow through on their word. >> i read your report, the issue with north korea and iran, truly is that the greater point being made here?
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>> it's not just about north korea and iran. it's really about u.s. credibility across the world. think of saudi arabia just in the region itself. if you say to them, look, we're not -- people can't use weapons of mass destruction in the region, we're going to respond to people who use weapons of mass destruction and sutdly chemical weapons are used and the u.s. doesn't do anything. then they'll decide our interests don't line up with the americans maybe we need to look to the russians. if the united states isn't going to follow through on its word on the use of weapons of mass destruction, maybe they aren't going to follow through on other things. it has implications on how the u.s. deals with iran and north korea and effect on what the u.s. does with other countries and competition with russia and others. >> is there any possibility assad's military acted with the use of chemical weapons without his knowledge? he knows that that would be the trigger point for u.s. intervention, no? >> i think that's a great
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question. i think on the one hand, it's hard to imagine he would have done this. but at a certain point it doesn't matter. it could be his grandson tripped over something in the bedroom and chemical weapons went off and o a rogue military demander decided to use chemical weapons. what's important is that all of that is sort of moot. the united states said this happened, this is a moral obscenitity, this is wrong and terrible. we can speculate and we'll get clarity later on. in the eyes of the united states and much of the international community, it happened and happened by assad's people. >> indeed. now a decision has to be made. excellent analysis. thanks for joining us. >> another big threat to the markets, america's debt crisis. the debt ceiling could be reached much sooner than anyone expected. john harwood, walk us through the time line here. >> we've got three things that are in motion when congress
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comes back next month. you've got an extension of government funding, which runs out on september the 30th. you've got a continuation or not continuation of the sequester, which has been very controversial and some in both parties don't like parts of it. then you have the debt limits which jack lew, the treasury secretary said has to be raised by mid october. he said we're not going to negotiate over the debt ceiling but they are going to negotiate on the other two items on the budget and i asked him today, whether or not the administration could accept a continuation of the sequester as is. >> our goal going into debate is really quite simple. what do we need to do to keep the american economy growing? we know there are things we need to do. we need to continue to invest in infrastructure and invest in education and technology. we also know there are things we need to do for national security. across the board cuts are not the way to get there. >> is the only way sequester is replaced in whole or in part, is
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if republicans agree to additional tax increases or could you see a trade of entitlement cuts, some of which your administration has said are necessary for the discretionary cuts we've seen now. >> john, i think there should be sensible balanced approaches to medium and long-term deficit reduction. i don't want to get into the details of what a package would be because a small or large package might have different characteristics. i think that the president made clear he was prepared to do tough things on entitlement programs, but those tough actions require balance in terms of revenue -- both for fairness and because for economic results, that's what we need. >> there are two relevant points to that chunk we just paid. one is the difference between a large and small deal. a large deal is the one where balance becomes very important from the administration's point of view and tax increases do.
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a smaller deal may not require that. the other is jack lew did not rule out a continuation of the sequester. and one of the things you might see next month is a quick extension of government funding at existing levels which means sequester levels while they continue to negotiate, including over what happens with the longer term spending as well as the debt ceiling, guys. >> thank you very much for that. as we now watch the markets, the dow is down 145 points. earlier just over 130. we're asking, you've got syria, inevitable fed taper, what does it mean for the markets together? let's bring in steve, portfolio manager. steve, maybe one of those factsers may not bring the market down, but all together does it feel like a perfect storm? >> i still think the big story that's going to be before us in september is what the fed does. i think that has the greatest implications to the stock market.
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syria is obviously big news and budget battle is big news. we talk about what is going to have the biggest impact on financial markets, it's going to be fed policy and interest rate policy. that is what has driven us to these markets over the last two years. >> how much of an impact could a taper still have considering we've been talking about this, isn't it already factored in? >> i don't think so. we have to wait and see what happens and what the game plan is for the rest of the year. some of it has certainly been factored in but it's triggered a lot of events elsewhere that have yet to play out. one of the things that wasn't mentioned, we have the indian rupee and a lot of dominos falling because of tapering in brazil and emerging markets. those are going to have a far greater impact on our markets than anything that happens in syria or the budget battle. realistically, both of those
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situations will sort themselves out. but we are on the precipice of a significant change in fed policy. >> yes, we are. >> that really has a big impact. >> i want to bring up a graphic. i looked at the dates the programs were announced. where the dow was and where we are from then until now. qe 1 announced 2008, qe 2, up 29. september 13th of last year, we're up about 11% since then. so we've seen a huge qe impact but it is minimized with each level. if and when we pull out of qe, will we go back to 2012 levels? will we lose 29%? will we lose all 74% we gained since qe 1 was announced? >> i don't think we'll lose 74% but i think we'll lose something. it's had a big impact on what's going on in the markets. it's driven rates to a negative
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number. i mean, that's essentially what it's done. now, any move that lessons will be a tightening by the fed and that will have implications on financial markets and will make these investments lessen t enti to investors. it's something people need to think about. i do think that is the important story. >> we're going to save that chart and bring it up often and tweak the numbers until now. steve, always a pleasure to have you on the show. thanks very much. on deck, home prices are up but mortgage rates are also up. so is that a big red flag for housing? >> also, later on mcdonald's ready to serve up chicken wingses, will they pose a big threat to buffalo wild wings or will it go the way of mclean. we'll dig into new fast food items. would you buy wings from mickey
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new data shows another solid pop for home prices. does that add fuel to a possible housing slowdown? what do you think? do two ups make a down? >> it could and we've seen that slowdown. prices were up solidly on the
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shill erin dex but you have to look at where it's coming from. you see prices in the top 10 and 20 city xpos its year over year in june. every city was up both on monthly and annual basis. this report is a three-month running average based on closings, you're going back to closings from april to june which were contracts signed back in february and march. interest rates were near record lows back then. now we've seen a big drop in new home sales and housing starts and mortgage purchase applications. >> there is a chance that there is weakening and all of this fear about the tapering, that is a cloud over the housing market right now. >> reporter: while all 20 cities were up, only 6 showed rising more this month than last month. like san francisco and vegas up 25%. none of these numbers factor in
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a full percentage point jump in interest rates and we know rates have a huge effect. >> in 2011, qe3 and 4, rates created 20% more affordability out of thin area. over the last 20, 22 months, house prices have responded to that. now that's gone again. we're back to 5%. >> reporter: of course you could make the argument that rates are stabilizing and people will get used to them at near 5% and leave the equation. but you still have the inventory problem, very little for sale and builders are not catching up. that will keep priprices high a buyers out of the market. >> we appreciate it. let's switch gears to retail. there's never a dull day in the ongoing jc pennys saga.
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>> he was until yesterday the largest shareholder, with ackman out of the picture, what's next for jc penny? >> is it side noiz? >> i'm sure the board is relieved. he's off the board and they are back to doing business as usual. they were doing the things they were going to do and changing the store back somewhat to where it was. they were already bringing in basics, that's not changing. they are bringing back st. john's bay and doing stuff at the floor level. nothing new. >> for the first 16 years of my career doing this, i don't think i mentioned jc penney once and now it has become a distraction. if you were the ceo of jc penny, would you try anything in your power to get out of the public markets and get out of the scrutiny of shows like this one? >> i think that was the answer
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when ron and his best friend bill ackman took over. they should have closed the bad stores and spent the five years getting it the way they wanted to and bring in the mill enial customer and change it over and come back out. now they've got so much debt they are carrying, still $3 billion of equity someone will have to buy out. it seems unlikely they could get that done. would it be easier if they were private? absolutely. would they like not to be on the show? absolutely. i don't think they are going to get there. >> i'll bit they cringe every time "street signs" come on. i want to ask about the stock price performance. to what degree do you feel it is a positive for the stock with ackman getting out of the way. >> today it traded six times its normal daily involve. despite that most of the day it has been up and counter trend to the market because the market is having a horrible day. clearly people are relieved this
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block of stock is gone. must be relieved bill is gone and people are buying in clearly. i think long term it's got to be good for the stock. short term i thought it it would be bad and it's okay. i'm pleasantly surprised at the way the market reacted. >> are you a buyer of the stock? >> i am not a buyer of the stock because i don't trade retail stocks. am i telling everybody i know to buy the stock, yes, i am. i think they'll have positive comps in the fourth quarter and the stock will go up and i am waxing nostalgic for the fact bill is gone and ron is gone, we're not going to get to see the store of the future. i'm feeling bad -- >> we've got to go, coming back to being montgomery ward, still around. >> yes and six quarters of positive comps. >> thank you, get out of here, literally. >> three five star picks for you on deck. diving boards and snack cakes. >> emerging markets have taken a real beating this year.
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down about 12%. should you be diving in for a bargain or staying far, far away? we'll have answers no that question. don't go away. ♪ the world is changing faster than ever, creating new opportunities for those who stand ready to seize them. in a time when the biggest risk is playing it safe, we believe outshining the competition tomorrow requires challenging your business inside and out today. at cognizant, our flexible, collaborative approach helps forward-looking companies not only run better, but run different...
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folks, we are at session lows, to 14,788. i want to give you the latest on microsoft, that is the worst performer in the dow. down and look at that chart, microsoft is inching back to presteve retirement levels. it's back to 33.27, the balmer departure premium has been slowly bled out of microsoft. the gold rally rolls on since
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hitting a low back in june. it's technically back in a bull market. jackie is following the trade for us. >> the theme here in the commodities pits is the fear premium. traders mulling over u.s. action potentially in syria, retaliating action about the use of chemical weapons, they are talking about timing and scale but no definitive word out of the united states on when we could see something happen. we are seeing that manifest itself in the gold trade today. closing above 1400 for the precious metal for the first time since june. there are a couple of other factors to consider that are supportive to gold prices as well. we are seeing the debt ceiling debate back on the table. concerns in washington and also we're seeing some pressure in emerging markets as well. these prices as they've moved higher, some traders are telling me funds are back in and they are buying and that is moving prices as well. a key technical level to watch is 1428, if we break through that level, it is game on for gold. meantime, i want to move on and
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give a quick hit on crude. brent around 114. we're seeing 3% moves in terms of both of these commodities for the day. remember that syria is not an oil exporter but the concern is that if there are or is a potential attack from the united states on syria, we will see further disruption in the region and that could take prices up. want to make one more point. there are bears out there saying we've seen prices move too far too fast. they don't want to get in on the upside and bulls say if the situation in the middle east does ignite, if the tinder box does erupt, you could see prices go up from there. the next level to watch, 113.25, brian. >> really big news, thank you very much. you mentioned the indian stock market, thailand, all down about 3 to 4% over the course of last night. emerging markets you probably noticed have been taking a nose dive so far this year.
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since the fwining of the year, developed markets have gone higher, 12% and if you're going to be throwing your money overseas, which emerging market is the cleanest shirt in the dirty laundry? tim seymore, are they all dirty or one maybe a little cleaner than others? >> mandy, some of these i would say are drip dry. you have places where you may be more leveraged, if you look across eastern europe, they've been much more defensive own the last couple of months as people have seen some reacceleration of the european economy. those producing toasters and autos. that includes turkey, definitely hungary and poland. you have a surplus, ka time when one of the problems har allocation and market employees,
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the easy money that flowed into the markets, the current account deficit countries have been getting hit the most. you mentioned a bunch of names last night that got killed. india and philippines, turkey, south africa, major current account deficit countries. these are places that if you continue to think the fed's tapering has only begun a flow of assets away from emerging markets, things could get worse and you have to be careful about that. >> here's the thing, right? i remember covering the asian currency crisis in late '90s and you remember it. now we're seeing the kind of declines we saw back then, maybe not quite the same magnitude or same reasons but nonetheless, if you invested then, you would have made a lot of money over a number of years. is there a possible if you have the stomach for it any emerging markets you would make money off by investing now? >> you are painting the picture for what maybe a fantastic
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allocation story if you have got a couple-year time horizon, india and brazil are very interesting if you look at valuations, the currency have a big reason why the markets underperformed. i don't think this turns overnight. the inflation growth tradeoff isn't something i hit just yet. if i look across emerging markets and say, yes, i want to buy best of breed companies that are either consumer cycleal or non, companies like aspen care in south africa and electronic payments in brazil. people are making a lot of money in these stocks. if you want to look at two to three years out, that's a time horizon people aren't comfortable with, you'll be happy investing in brazil. both the political concerns meeting the slowdown in china and meeting the currency issues set you up for a nice rally. >> understood. we'll look at brazil closer. thanks, tim.
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let's take a look at the u.s. markets because we're not quite at the lows of the day but close to it. you have a con influence of events with the crisis in syria throwing more fuel on this fire. >> down 1%. what's next? down 2%? >> 3%, 4%? >> every year for the last four years -- some stock picks for you. >> plus, the story hibehind the most amazing video of the day. you have to see it. ♪
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as we can see, the dow and s&p and nasdaq, moving to the downside. nasdaq by over 2%. the real action is going on in the oil patch. let's look at what crude is up to, 109 and change. about 3%. i do believe, brian, this is the biggest jump in crude so far this year as we head into a possible military action and intervention in syria. let's get back to what we normally do, street talk, if
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you're a regular viewer, you know that. today it is the seeds mattresses and shipping version. let's give it a go. control for a recent ipo is getting pretty strong ratings from analysts. >> we want to give you an idea, now that research is allowed, $25 target, the most bullish i've seen, initiating with a $26 target. the stock right now $22.28. we have an agriculture company, monsanto. >> corn is a very sensitive vegetable. allowing the focus to return to fundamentals. target remains $110 per share. >> we have stock number three, which would be select comfort and we're getting an upgrade pushing the stock higher. >> up 2.3%. $23.77, upgraded to a buy from a
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research, their target is $31 on select comfort, 31% more than last night's close. stock is down 8% so it could use the help. >> stock number five under the radar, we always have one. today it is -- a greek bulk shipper from a buy to a hold at merrill launch, jut over the market cap requirements, target is now $8, up from $6 a share. >> swimming pools and taste ykae tastykakes, should you be following? >> the five start rated balance fund, great to have you back on the show. last time you came on we were talking about the flash phrase. let's talk about your three picks. something we're increasingly talking about because it's much becoming mass market, 3d
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printing. to what degree will it revolutionize manufacturing? >> 3d systems, ddd, a 3-d printer manufacturer. we're long term oriented and n owned 3 d for ten years which is kind of interesting. now they have a $1300 what they call the cube you can find a staples and office depot, on the $950,000 printers and above, you can find these general motors is using them, mercedes bens and boeing and airbus, many different verticals, the ceo of general electric was saying you're not going to be able to do an entire jet engine but enough content to take 50% of the developer time out of the engine and 25% of the cost of the engine. i like companies that save their customers money and that's what 3d does. >> trading at 110 times trailing
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priced earnings? that's a lot -- you're known as a pretty stable mutual fund manager, high end, high risk for you? >> i think this will be truly revolutionize manufacturing and i think the earnings will be higher than people think. >> i agree there. flowers foods, suddenly a big jump, 22 bucks a share. people don't know the name but know the brand. >> they were founded in 1919 and second larger baker in the u.s. tasty kakea and naturer's own. they bougt wonder bread and other breads and four different bakeries. this will work out well for
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people. >> it's like toothpaste, you're still going to use bread. the largest distributor of products for swimming pool construction. why do you like it stock? >> i love companies that dominate their niche, i also like boring businesses if you will. and pool is one they do repair and maintenance on swimming pool. if you think people will continue to put chemicals in your swimming pool and won't let the pools turn green or black, this should do pretty well. i was talking to danny perez. >> there is a company that is literally located in your backyard, pun intended? >> that's exactly right. >> you're around management and know them? >> they are in covington, about an hour from my house. we know them well and able to get in touch with management often. we've been a large shareholder for a long time. i love the certaintity of what they bring to the table and manny was saying they should be able to grow 20% assuming no
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house recovery. new pool construction lags housing by 18 to 24 months. that's going to be a tail wind as well as the fact there's 2 million pools between the ages of 6 and 15 years. once they hit 7 or 8, you have to replaster and if you own a pool you know what i'm talking about. >> absolutely. if you never ever use your pool, you don't want it to use green or black or have a colony of frogs living in it. i have had that situation. >> the former hedge fund billionaire is living a bit of a highlight behind bars. >> and mcdonald's rolling out new wings. will it be a threat to buffalo wild wings? we'll find out. bill, what's coming up on "closing bell". >> coming up on the bell, we'll see how much of today's down market is due to the events in syria. we'll look at the russian and chinese factors as it pertains to syria and the impact on the president's options. plus, the debt ceiling is rising
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up again and "closing bell" will rise above and look at the fiscal dilemma this fall. what do apple stores and used car dealerships have in common? more than you might think. apple is about to enter the used product business. we'll see you at the top of the hour for "closing bell." quts street signs is back after this. buildi ng a nimatronics buildi is all about getting things to work together. the timing. the actions. the reactions.
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all right, there you go, the markets down, dow down 137 points, 14,809. earlier two dow shocks were up, now three, coca-cola and chevron and pfizer. >> a hedge fund billionaire is living high on the hog behind bars. you'll remember raj rajaratnam. this is all over the news, big pictures of him having a bit of a fun time behind bars. >> absolutely. if you've wondered what it is like when the rich guys get locked up. according to the new york post he has his own bathroom and adjustable bed and balcony and private man servant. it's all part of the convicted
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scammer's alleged deal and according to the post source, he is living like a king. the one time hedge fund billionaire apparently got a prime cell in the big house typically used for the sickest inmates who can't get around. according to "the post", if raj doesn't feel like walking to the mess hall, his man servant whips him up something in the microwave. >> when you think of prison, you get pictures in your mind of those movies with rows and rows of guys behind bars. it wasn't like that for wise guys, wasn't that bad. >> most inmates at the prison aren't living it up. they share cells and bathrooms but for some reason, think about t. raj is apparently getting special treatment. he has diabetes and may need a kidney transplant, but we don't know if that means he's too sick to make his way around the place or share a bathroom. we reached out to the federal
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prison and they refused to comment on this story. meantime, raj's lawyer, john dowd calls it all complete rubbish and post saying that servant is taking care of raj because he's hoping to have his driver when he gets out of jail. there you go. >> do we know how much the man is being paid? >> i have no idea but i guess he's looking forward to making money one day, right. >> that's crazy. >> i would like a man servant. >> send one my way. >> don't you have one? >> will mcdonald's new chicken ways go the way of taco bell's dore reet toe locos? >> the biggest jump for crude, up 2.8%. stocks are solidly moving in the opposite direction, down 2% and making losses for the other two. we're back after this break. (announcer) at scottrade, our clients trade and invest
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america certainly is a fast-food nation. a new group study shows there are on average five fast casual restaurants, places like five guys and panera.
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not necessarily fast food. five for every 500,000 people in the u.s. sounds like a lot. earlier we asked a question. which state not only has the most fast casual restaurants, surprisingly also the least percentage of overagt aweight a obese people. the answer, colorado. tleep co three colorado cities than anywhere else in the u.s. >> and mcdonald's adding chicken wings to its menu. move the needle, or a plot. take a look at the performance of other fast-food eating restaurants. digging mandy, attention. rolling out mighty wings starting september 9th trying to boost sluggish sales. the wings available through november. fans can choose from nine sauces including the one i'll have, tangy barbecue. and thinking there will be plenty of interest as the wings did very well in test markets
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and the potential to drive sales higher, they say, but will it really work? fast food chains appreciate the power of innovation. in fact, we found out just today that burger king will start offering a french fry burger. that's a beef patty, topped with fries, in case you think i actually am reaching for a fry is too much trouble. sometimes these items pan out. who would have thought taco bells dorito locos tacos would be such a hit? a shell made from dorito chips? brian sullivan is a fan and not alone. taco bell boasting success -- >> a taco? >> you are now, brian. >> 600 million of these tacos sold since march 2012. analysts at s&p estimate the tacos boosted sales between 3% and 5% per store at launch, and how about wendy's pridsal bacon cheeseburger, all on a soft
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pretzel bun. even though priced a dollar higher than the average item on the menu, o koocconsumers like willing to pay for it. the back half of the year, all things equal, this burger pre pretzel bun is doing well. and the tenders without the coating, kfc fans wanted the fried stuff. >> you are correct. appreciate it. and bob, you heard josh's excellent report. now we're owl starall starving. >> we do the headlines. do they matter for stocks? are wings going to re-ignite mcdornld's? >> they operate one of the world's largest restaurant chain es and more money in ads that
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most chains have in stores. i suspect successful for them, however, i would also challenge it wasn't that long ago that i think a lot of folks were saying mcdonald's entry into coffee would put starbucks out of business. we all know that result. >> and to what degree would other companies like buffalo wild wings, kfc and various or companies like pop eeye's, shou they be worried about this? >> there's different niches within the market. buffalo wild serves a very, very different product than that that i've tasted of the mighty wings mcdonald of will sell that typically is a fried and battered product, a little difference in size versus the larger product that's not breaded that buffalo wild sells, and i think the experience
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between the two brands is dramatically different and i think buffalo wild will serve a niche. mcdonald's will serve a niche and the high likelihood, both very successful. >> of course, here on "street signs," i think we should do, when they launch september 9th, bring out the mighty wings, do a blind taste test. all lined up. do a wing-off. you versus me. >> we'll bring some by. >> we'll invite you along as well, bob. thanks very much. coming up next, the video of the day. it's a scary one. a good ending. if you're serious about taking your trading to a higher level, tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 then schwab is the place to trade. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 call 1-888-284-9410 or visit to tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 learn how you can earn up to 300 commission-free online trades tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 for six months with qualifying net deposits. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 see how easy and intuitive it is to use tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 our most powerful platform, streetsmart edge. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 we put it in the cloud so you can use it on the web. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and trade with our most advanced tools tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 on whatever computer you're on. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550
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a racer's fear is really fire. as the speedway, michael rolled his car. gas inside the car. modified pap hard roof. luckily, not only did michael get out of the car safely. somebody ran over, but he raced, i believe, a backup car in the feature. finished fifth in the race. did well. michael, lucky guy. that's the greatest fear of any racer, got to be fire. >> huge relief. >> a rush coming out. michael, glad you're okay. >> absolutely. the dow off by 142 points. not quite the low of the day, not looking great in light of what's going on. a confluence of factors helping push the market lower. for example, fees about a fed taper, also the escalation of the syrian crisis, the debt ceiling thrown into the mix. crude up significantly and the dow down by 143 points as we
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speak now. >> thanks for watching "street signs," everybody. certainly more market information to come up on the "closing bell." and we do welcome you to "closing bell." i'm bill griffeth here at krpt nx world headquarters today. >> i'm kelly evans down here at the new york stock exchange in for maria bartiromo and on a day when global tension is getting stocks -- >> have some water. we just started, kelly. >> we've got a long program to go. >> we do. >> and concerns topping the list. syria a major concern and the late-day sell-off from yesterday is happening again. dow down 145 points. >> here's the deal. we've had other potential conflicts around the globe for a couple of years now, and the markets did nothing with it. this one, they're paying attention to, and in the usual ways finally. stocks


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