tv Street Signs CNBC September 5, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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inequities. we'll see. i don't know if that's the case. >> so the debate goes on. can you have stock rising when yields are risrising? >> they want to see how the g-20 summit plays out, so there are a lot of issues. >> that's it for us today at "power lunch." "street signs" begins now. that seems like an appropriate song today, "shiny, happy people," because we're going to run down the reasons to feel better about the economy, and maybe one or two to leave you concerned. everything else is getting more expensive in life. one very important part of your life is actually getting cheaper. what that is ahead. plus the bizarre thing happening in the real estate market that basically never
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happens. and for all you high flyers out there, we'll give you an inside look at the incredible round-the-world jet trips. >> good news. a cornucopia of u.s. market news giving us a gain of about 1.5%. this is along a global move higher in interest rates which is the interesting thing here, so let's go straight to the trading floors. normally we would start with nyc, ladies first on cnbc. but rick santelli, all the action is happening on interest rates. you've got the 10-year at 2.16%. has the fed achieved what they wanted? the market has tightened up, we adjusted our expectations. could the actual taper, when it happens, be a non-event? >> the first part of your question, maybe you're on to something about being more clever.
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maybe the fed in 2007 when ben bernanke said there would be no spill-over into the mortgage market based on subprime, maybe he was just trying to get a bigger role in being a regulator. no, i don't think it's about being clever at all. as to the second point, i think what's going on in the 10-year is good. i think normalization is good. i think it will raisin vee inve confidence in the end and i think that's what we should pay attention to the most. >> what is normal these days? that's my question. i'm going over to mary thompson in the nyc. forget stocks, right? i think they're talking about gold. >> it's been an interesting move in gold in the last few days. first of all, mandy, take a look at the chart. gold has a very strong move in the last two months, but it has been down in the last five out of six sessions, breaking through that critical $1400 level earlier. the reasons, of course, concerns, or it's giving up some of the gains it had with the
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run-up on concerns about a strike in syria. but wane on gold today in particular was the strength we have seen in the dollar. in fact, the corresponding gains in the dollar pretty much reflecting what's happening with gold in the last week. so, what's happening in the stock market, the miners are among the least performers. as you can see, they are lower on the board. >> it is a gorgeous day here in the new york area. it is the beginning of the jewish celebration, and it's my friday. all good reasons for a recap of some of the positive data we have had lately in case you're new to the product. hopefully you're not, but we have a segment called hat full of hopium. the four-week trend is what you care about and that was the best in more than five years. you heard phil lebeau talking
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about auto sales running at more than a 16 million annualized sales pace. we don't know if we'll keep it up, but right now very, very good. according to corelogic, home prices up in 49 of 50 states year to year. in case you're wondering, the one state they weren't, delaware, oddly enough. home prices doing well around the country, and finally ism manufacturing data was solid, and a cnbc contributor, mike greenhouse, called it a, quote, blowout. don't forget the nasdaq up 20% this year. so a lot of hat full of hopium on "street signs," but the good times won't roll forever. so it will be fair of us to ask what could help this. anika, we got to say the data
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habgood. but what do you see out there, whatever it might be, that makes you nervous? >> well, you know, we clearly saw some weaker numbers in housing. we had new home sales that came in weak in july. we also had single-family housing starts and permits that were also weak. but we think these are temporary factors that will be washed away by next month. the other thing to pay particular attention to is real gdp in the third quarter. most forecasts have it somewhere between 1.5, 1.7%, and that is simply due to inventories and slower government purchases. >> here's the thing, steve. brian calls it his hat full of hopium. you might even call it a goody full of goodie bags. meaning they're willing to pull
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a taper. agree or disagree? >> i agree. i think the feds will do something. the question is to what extent do they do it? is it 15 billion, 20 billion? i think something clearly will happen in september. i think there has been a lot of concerns on their part as to maintaining this qe and being able to tiptoe out of this garden they've created. i think definitely something will happen, and i think the data we've seen in the last week and a half will give them the ability to point to something when they do it. >> when the taper actually happens, when the announcement comes out and there's some action in the market, is it possible it will be a non-event because it has been so well flagged and interest rates have moved accordingly? >> i don't think it's going to be a non-event. i think it will be an event, the question is, will it be the same kind of event that we had in june? i don't think it will be. i think the market has become sensitized to this issue, but i
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still think there will be a reaction and you'll see yielding type securities continue to get sold off, but not to the same extent we saw in the early summer. >> anika, every year it seems the world of economics gets noisier with twitter and everything else. we've got data coming out of our ears, literally, and for me that's a lot of data. i want to ask you, what is the number one thing you look at? is it the monthly jobless numbers like we're getting tomorrow or something else? >> yes, clearly it's the monthly jobless numbers, non-farm payroll number that comes out tomorrow. and, in fact, with positive data we've seen so far, including initial jobless claims, including the ism non-farm numbers in the employment component, we could see a print upwards of 200,000 with the unemployment rate staying at 7.4%. and that is going to be good news and continues to give a signal that the fed will probably announce tapering in september. >> yeah, but not to poo-poo on
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the payroll number, because if this number always gets revised, and steve said on his fine show earlier this week, isn't it amazing it's come down to a fine razor's edge that we're basically watching this number to see whether or not the fed will go ahead with his tapering? >> i think you raise a good point, so it's important to look at not only the non-farm payroll establishment survey but to look at the household survey and other secondary employment indicators. and they all show a labor market that is continuing to improve. even if we delve into some of the longer term issues of the unemployed and underemployed, that u-6 number is coming down, and it's coming down from 17.1% to 14%. so we're seeing overall gains in the labor market that are sustainable. >> terrific. go ahead, steve, last word. >> i was going to say the one indicator that no one talked about today was the challenger
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job cut which was back high. that was a data number that came out today that was negative on the job front. >> thank you very much for joining us. appreciate it. see you soon. >> thank you. on deck. an unprecedented moment in housing. something has happened, mandy, in the mortgage rate market that has never happened before. we'll tell you what it is. and is jc penney now saying martha stewart's brand is not a good thing? aren't they fighting for her in court? we're going to break it all down, next. to trade.chwab is the pe tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 call 1-888-284-9410 or visit to tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 learn how you can earn up to 300 commission-free online trades tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 for six months with qualifying net deposits. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 see how easy and intuitive it is to use tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 our most powerful platform, streetsmart edge. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 we put it in the cloud so you can use it on the web. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and trade with our most advanced tools tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 on whatever computer you're on. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550
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here's the answer to our trivia question. jumbo mortgage rates. yep, those interest rates on more expensive homes have dropped below those on traditional mortgages, something experts say has never happened before. our very own dana orlich reported this last week, and it's getting attention and we really want to know what it means for the market. what does it mean, jed? >> let's start with why it's happening and then turn to what it means. consumers are looking for a loan. there's a couple reasons why this happened. first of all, the guarantee fees that are packaged into conforming mortgages have gone up. it's gotten more expensive to get the type of loan that might be guaranteed by fannie or freddie, so that has raised those rates even more than for jumbo loans. there's also more uncertainty because of tapering affecting the conforming loans than jumbo
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loans. both of those reasons have meant that spread has flipped, it's inverted. but the bigger point is mortgage rates have gone up both for jumbo and for conforming loans. they've gone up by a little more than a point for conforming loans since may, they've gone up more than a little less for jumbo loans, but they've gone up. that means if you're looking for a jumbo loan or a conforming loan, they've gone up a little bit since may. >> it's good news if you're looking for a more expensive home, but what if you're not? >> it's good if you're looking for a more expensive home, and prices have gone up year to year according to our price monitor we released today, but at the same time the conforming loan limits haven't gone up in step. that means the same people are now being pushed more into jumbo range than they were a year ago before we saw these big price increases. but for everyone, it means that rates are higher, but remember,
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they're still low compared to historical norms. whether we're looking at jumbos or conforming, rates are still very low compared to where they were last decade and before. >> and these jumbo loans are because of two weeks of federal backing. >> that's right. people across the political spectrum are hoping to reduce the government's role in housing. people, of course, disagree on how much to reduce it, but we all want to see the government ensuring or guaranteeing less than the high 80 or 90% of loans that they are right now. the more people looking at jumbo loans away from conforming loans, that's one more step toward reaching that goal. >> jed, we have to leave it there. thank you so much for joining us, jed. appreciate t. >> thank you both. there will be much more on housing in the "closing bell." do not miss frank blake, he's the chairman and ceo of home depot that's at 4:00 p.m.
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eastern. jc penney plans to drop martha stewart's line from its stores, and we hadn't heard from martha stewart's company until just now. they just responded. courtney reagan has that and she joins us now. courtney, how are they responding? >> i'm going to go ahead and read this statement directly from martha stewart living. j.c. penney remains one of our retail partners. our agreement with them is in force, and we have no intention of ending it. we have committed to working with them to design high-quality, beautiful and affordable product for consumers around the country. we reached out to j.c. penney, and they said they are awaiting the judge's decision. they're fighting about martha stewart products in court right now. the judge has yet to render a decision. macy's sued martha stewart and then j.c. penney saying they breached the exclusive contract martha stewart has with macy's.
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right now martha stewart living on new media says, hey, our contract is still in force. the products are still on the shelves, they are still on line. yes, they're on sale, but so is the rest of the home department which we know didn't perform very well last quarter. >> thank you very much. courtney reagan has been all over this story as well. a guy who has, too, is jan rogers, a guy who has been all over this story since we've been hammering it. it feels like two years now. jan, your take on this story. does it matter? because now it seems like they both wanted it and they're like, eh. >> i've contended all along that it doesn't matter. >> why? >> because i don't think it's that big a deal to macy's, i don't think it's that big a deal to penney's. i think, yes, if penney's wins the suit, maybe it's marginally better thfor them, if macy's wi it, maybe it's marginally better.
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i don't think they have to have martha stewart products. i think they'll be doing less, perhaps, of martha stewart going forward, more of other things. i don't think penney's is thrilled with anything in their home department right now, and martha stewart is just one of those things. i don't know if penney's wants out of martha stewart. i have no knowledge of that. but i also don't think it's performing for them, so i think whatever the judge says or whatever they decide to do is not going to change the fate of the home department at penney's, and it's certainly not going to change the fate of penney's. penney's is going to get better going forward. it's going to get better with or without martha, and there's nothing the judge can say that would be a big negative to penney's. >> didn't you pull up some great stats earlier? i think it's young, but month to date, is it j.c. penney's? >> j.c. penney's the best performing stock in september. number 1 stock in the s&p 500 this month. >> optimism warranted?
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>> i think people generally believe that this past weekend, labor day weekend, was good for department stores in general. i believe they also think it was good for penney's. and i think that was driven by the fact they started a big sale on wednesday, they promoted, they marketed, they did all the things traditional retailers have always done. they did what penney's did for the first 100 years of their business and the customer responded. so i think we saw business get better in august. i think we saw it get better for department stores, we saw it get better for penney's. i think we're probably seeing that in the stock. but the other thing we're seeing is the overhang of the ron johnson/bill ackerman shares being gone, ron's ideas getting to be less important to penney's. mike's new product coming in and selling off the shelf and people recognizing and starting to work. >> i also think there is a momentum behind these big funds moving in to take long positions in j.c. penney. we can't deny some of the news we've seen about different
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companies upping their stake there. there's got to be some trading momentum we're seeing in the first few days of the month. we have that going in j.c. penney's favor as well. >> what could derail this and allow brian to win his bet with you over j.c. penney? >> very little could allow brian to win his bet. it seems unlikely we'll see real slowdown in consumer spending the better half of the year. i think we'll see better action in discretionary retail than what we've seen because cars and houses will be less important. and i think penney's will actually gain some market shares in the back of the year. >> why do you say cars and houses will be less important? >> because it's the fourth quarter. what do people buy in the fourth quarter? christmas presents. >> they have those lexus commercials with the wrap stuff. let's get on the record here. i hope you win the bet that you
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see that means j.c. penney's comes back. my bet is they won't have positive comps in the fourth quarter. i think you're right because my family went to a penney's in their home store in virginia. packed. could have been back-to-school shopping, but it was lots of things being purchased. it looked good for you, my friend, concerning j.c. penney sales. >> my experience over the weekend was the same. the store looked good, the store was busy, people were carrying bags, they were shopping. that makes they think things are getting better. we haven't reported the third quarter yet nor the fourth quarter. so there is two quarters of store sales that could be positive. they may well be positive in the third quarter, but i'm convinced they'll be positive in the fourth quarter and i'm expecting double digit positive comps in the fourth quarter. >> if j.c. penney's wins, does somebody else lose out in terms
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of customers? >> it is pretty much that way. >> is that the big m? macy's? >> it's not good nor macy's, but it's tough on bonton, it's tough for dillard's -- >> kohl's? >> -- it's not good for kohl's. >> i had a guy tweet me today that said his wife used to shop at kohl's, and now she's switched over to j.c. penney. >> all those department stores i named got something out of the penney's debacle. >> what have you experienced? are the stores full, are they busy? >> it seems as though the traffic has picked up. they don't sound as robust as the stores you guys visited in the last couple days, but it does seem better. we had this teen retail walk-through with a number of teens last week, and i asked them, do you go in j.c. penney? and they said no, just to get
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into the main part of the mall. but the older gentleman who was 18 said, i go in there to buy my arrow jeans. i said, have you noticed any changes? he said no. >> that's a guy thing. he may not be thinking about the jeans, but he's thinking about something in the jeans like his wallet. >> jan, courtney, thank you very much. coming up next, good news if you are a frequent flyer. plus, could america's auto boom be bad news for auto parts stock? >> the news on smartwatches. they must have one thing in order to succeed. we'll tell you what that is. [ female announcer ] it's time for the annual shareholders meeting.
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i was wrong. they're up now 14.5%. j.c. penney stock is up 6% today. >> we've got jan on j.c. penney's side, and of course he's one of the biggest cheerleaders out there for the store, so there you go. >> nice pop for j.c. penney. big news for frequent flyers. they are expanding their program to 60 airports. it's currently at about 40. they put them on a fast track in security lines and the checkpoints should be ready by the end of the year. you saw the august auto sales number yesterday, right? wait until you see what the luxury auto market is doing. >> these are strong sales numbers for everybody, but when you look at the luxury brands, i think people are a little surprised at exactly how strong they are. overall luxury auto sales last month up 31.5%. compare that with the overall
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industry of 17%. you go to a cadillac showroom right now, it's buzzing with people, in part because they have new moldel and see we'll talk about that in a little bit. luxury auto sales are almost double overall. bmw led the way up 45.7%. there you see cadillac followed by lexus, audi and mercedes. at the bottom, up 15.3%. we were talking about why these luxury autos are in demand, in part because they are offering more generous and attractive leases fuch leases. if you look at a bmw 3 series right now, you can get into one for $450 a month. the i.s. lease payment is 259 a month. either way, these are incredibly generous and attractive offers, and that's the reason when you take a look at the auto stocks right now, yes, you're looking at the overall brand -- in this case, it's toyota -- but you want to take a look at what the
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luxury brands in each of the automakers is doing right now, because that's where we're seeing the strongest growth. i mentioned cadillac at the top. the ats is off to a hot start. it's the entry level market. that's where a lot of buyers are coming in right now and it's a big reason we saw strong numbers last month. >> here's the bad news to that story, and i decided to get negative for no good reason. if you're buying a new car, you're not fixing up your old one, most likely. pepboys down 11.5% last month. now they're up today. but genuine parts, autozone, o'reilly. effectively, bill, can they both rise? what do you think? >> i think you should keep in mind the auto parts stocks had a strong year. even though new car sales are growing, brian, look at the overall age of vehicles in this country. still the average is 11.2 years, which is a record high, and then when you look at how many are 16
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years old, you're looking at 20% of the vehicles in the united states over 16 years old. there is plenty of business out there right now for the auto parts. >> creating a lot of pent-up demand. thank you so much for that, phil. what happened to your hat of hopium? >> i just did the math. my car that i drive every day is 11.5 years old. i'm exactly average. >> and driving on new jersey roads which makes it like 21 years old. >> it will make the car 20 years old. potholes, you got giraffes that could fall in them and we wouldn't be able to see their heads. that's not true, they're not that deep. plus, three four-star stock picks. think chicken nuggets, but it's not mcdonald's. >> the wicked wealthy are taking a new kind of vacation. it costs about 100 grand, but it's really, really awesome and how they're getting there. next.
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we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. this labor day, don't invest in a mattress until you visit a sleep number store. once you experience it, there's no going back. oh, yeah! during the final days of our biggest sale of the year, every bed is on sale. queen mattresses now start at just $599.
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"street squawk" time. >> equal weight to morgan stanley. the target goes to 14. good news because the stock is already near the old target of 11. analysts noting a change in the consumer approach of america. we've talked about it, folks. it's that pull model instead of push. you go to it instead of them jamming stuff on you. >> i actually bought a groupon just last night. in the meantime, why don't we take a look at lulu lemon which is getting a boost in terms of its target price. >> it goes from 273. credits, we say, they continue demand for their products following resolution with
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buckgate. lululemon getting a nice pop in the target price from credit suisse. >> and now we have green mountain coffee. >> they have soup cups and also rising penetration. just basically current coffee makers in people's homes, not just coffee makers like the cnbc one, but in your house. we have pretty good news for google partner himax te technologi technologies. >> liquid crystal on silicon.
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their target went to 12. nice up side. >> finally today's under the radar pick is louisiana pacific. >> despite louisiana in the name, this company was founded in portland, oregon and is now based in nashville. go figure. vancouver-based to deal with 1.1 billion. why do you care? deutsch bank upped it to a buy on the deal. it also gives the company greater access to the growing asia market, the lumber and construction material. all right. that's street talk. thanks for watching but we're not done. if variety is the spice of life, the spice picks. evercorrespond, sanderson farms and myriad genetic.
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let's start with the top one, ov evercore. why do you like it? >> we're working with macro themes, and one of those is revelations. we saw a lot of merger and acquisition activity. the smaller companies just couldn't afford the regulations. we've got two major pending pieces of legislation that are going to occur here in 2014 with dodd/frank and with the aca. i think both of those factors are really going to play into more merger and acquisition activity. we've already seen 520 billion this quarter in worldwide m and a activity. if that's the case, it will just bring more money into the coffers of the companies that are facilitating, like evercore. don't forget, they have 50 billion a&m. it will just mean more fee income for companies like them. >> in terms of your picks, you've got m and a, which is very much demonstrated by evercore, and you've also got
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demographics, which is very much demonstrated by sanderson farms which is a poultry processing company. how so? >> mandy, you've heard me talk in the past about the agricultural business and what's taking place with the rural community and capital flow in that direction. we've got a lot of names that we like in that area, and basically it's to try to satisfy the demand for a protein in a protein-starved world. the emerging nations, the demographics are exploding on the up side, the income is increasing as well, and we think countries like sanderson and other ag business are going to do quite well in here. they reported quarterly earnings not too long ago was not accepted very well with the street. i thought they were pretty decent numbers myself and dropped the stock back down a little bit. we think that's a great buying opportunity and a very cheap stock. >> finally, many biotech stocks have been red hot this past year. your next pick is not one of them. myriad genetics have been flat this year, really down over the last five years. you think they're set for a
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turn. defend that. >> very cheap stock in this business. in this cycle, we think they've got good, consistent earnings. if you look at the earnings progression, it's quite good. they produce a product that i think is going to be very important in this demographics as we see the aging population looking at genetic footprints to try to predetermine those patients that might be at risk before treatment is even prescribed, i think, is going to be a big positive. >> that's a hotbed area. a lot of people say that is the future. a lot of people say, no, no, no, it's a complete invasion of privacy and if the insurance companies find out you might have the gene that proceedispos you to breast cancer, it can't be done. >> this is the product on the radar for that. >> thank you very much to randy. >> thank you, mandy. the hopium train rolls on.
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next stop, how petroleum aoil a putting cash in your pocket even if you had nothing to do with the oil and gas boon. what's coming up on the "closing bell." >> home depot ceo frank blake is here exclusively. also former fdic chair sheila bair will tell us why she thinks her pick should replace ben bernanke. we'll have all that ahead on the "closing bell." ♪
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like a 22-piece box of chicken mcnuggets for the ride home. mcdonald's stock only up about 8% this year, well underperforming in the broader market. let's take a look at what's happening with oil right now. last week we saw brent with two-year highs. we're still at very lofty levels. today we're up by 1% and back at 108 and change. brian? >> if you pull out your energy bill from 2007 and compare it to your energy bill to last year, especially if you heat your home with natural gas, with inflation it's probably about $1200 less thanks to the energy and gas boon. your bills are expected to shrink $3500 per year.
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john, how did you calculate the savings? >> what we did was look at what the energy prices would have been in the absence of all this activity from the natural gas and oil boom, and really looked at what the prices would have been in the states with the absence of that. if you'll look at it, you'll see the u.s. would have had to step into the global l and g markets, and that's where you would see significant price increases for the cost we pay for energy, and as a result, consumers today are enjoying much lower price than they otherwise would have enjoyed. >> and it's not just the obvious energy bill that comes in and you're like, oh, goodie, it's getting lower. it really trickles down through the economy in all areas like refrigeration, food processing, chemicals, et cetera. this is something that's going to touch every part of our lives. >> it is, and it's really spurring, i think, tremendous growth. we're obviously a consumer nation, so with more dollars in everyone's pocket, even though they don't know they're connected to this oil and gas boom, they're enjoying that
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benefit. they're going out and spending in the broader economy, and that's having a multiplier effect, allowing for robust growth in the overall economy. in part what we call the renaissance as the country meets some of this demand. >> natural gas incredibly expensive in china and other parts of asia. i don't think people realize it. there is an incentive to get it out of here and take it over there. what's the global risk to this market? >> i think in terms of where we stand, the global market right now is around 33 to 34% bfc a day, which is global cubic feet. natural gas has become the fuel of the future, in many ways, because it has coal and an abundance in other areas as well. they will be able to step into that market and meet that demand, but the ability to step into the market will be capped by the overall global demand. i think the u.s. will meet about
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5.5 billion cubic feet every day. as we step out and export goods, that helps the overall gdp. >> what could derail this energy renaissance? is there anything out there? >> that's a really good question. i think there's a couple things that could happen. one of the biggest challenges is the simple abundance need to infrastructure around the country. we have major bottlenecks across the country to get this resource to meet the end consumers. you see even with this great a babund ans abundance, we still bottleneck and there is people who manage this process and there is a significant amount of activity required to enable this activity to take place. if that's curtailed or if access to lands are not granted, this thing could unwind fairly quickly. >> john larson of ihs.
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john, great stuff. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> has your energy bill shrunk out there? let us know, tweet us. @squawk on the street, at cnbc. >> a private ticket around the world. >> why theme parks should have you thrilled about this economy. ♪ [ cows moo ] [ sizzling ] more rain... [ thunder rumbles ] ♪ [ male announcer ] when the world moves... futures move first. learn futures from experienced pros with dedicated chats and daily live webinars. and trade with papermoney to test-drive the market. ♪ all on thinkorswim. from td ameritrade. all on thinkorswim. in a we believe outshining the competition tomorrow
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by now you've heard the hype about smart watches. all that matters is are these devices going to be good? do you need to buy one. jon fortt is joining us. we saw one this morning. it had apps on it. whatever. do we need one? >> reporter: not yet. it's interesting we're talking about smart watches. before we get there we have to see the generation of phones that they're going to connect to. i talked to mark andriesen about why that is important. take a listen to what he has to
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say it's interesting. listen up. >> market share is really important. in the platform game, you have to have high market share in order to get the best developers ultimately. i think it really does matter. so i think it would be really good for apple and the industry if their market share went up. >> reporter: and if these new phones at a lower price point catch on, that's going to be important because the watch will connect to those. samsung's phone, the note 3 that watch connects to is really expensive. the market for that watch right now, really pretty small. >> i want to know, john, we all have a smart phone, maybe two. you have a watch. you've got a million devices brg carried around in your purse every day. is there a situation whereby these watches would be sophisticated enough that you can just have a smart watch and not have to have a smart fun. >> reporter: yes, absolutely. that's what we need. that's what the cloud is going to be for. the cloud will be able to do that. but right now you've got to have
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the wireless smarts inside the watch for it to connect to the cloud. you have to have the battery life it to last multiple days. we're not there with the chips. when that happens, probably two or three years from now, then the watch will act independently. >> you know what, put your guessing hat on. typing will be a problem. there is dragon dictation, we don't have to have an actual phone, we can only wear the watch. is that coming, to mandy's point, and when? >> reporter: 2016. i think what we'll see with the watch initially from apple may be -- i've been brainstorming about this, sirry through the watch because you can get it closer to your mouth. that will work pretty well. once that gets refined as a way to interact and once the watch itself can last two, three days with its own wireless connection, that's when you'll see it working independently. >> typing is so 2013, right? thanks a lot, jon fortt.
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theme parks are reporting record attendance this year. it's a screaming sign that the economy is on a roll. let's get to jane wells who is probably doing some research and maybe screaming of your own. jane? >> reporter: i love a theme park, a good roller coaster. right now the theme park business is mostly going up. disney's parks are the fastest growing part of the company. with the success of "cars land" in anaheim, could see 14 new hotels. disney scaling back cap stall spending while comcast is doubling down. it's spending over a billion dollars including a second hairy potter attraction in orlando. it's 20% of operating profits. six flags reporting record revenue in the first half of the year. cedar fair raising full net revenue guidance thanks to
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higher spending per customer through labor day. this improvement is happening even as parks raise prices. cedar fairs ceo tells us you can do that if you keep investing especially at parks like his where up to 90% of customers are repeat visitors. >> at the berry farm we have a whole new land called the boardwalk area, three new family points. cedar point, the baddest coaster on the planet right at the front gate. as long as we invest in parks, we can continue to take pricing. >> reporter: the only company coming up all wet is seaworld. part of it is blamed on weather. a new documentary of the treatment of orcas in activity may be keeping people away. as everybody rests into the end of summer, they gear up for the second most important time of the year, halloween. >> jane wells, thank you very much.
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interesting story. you know what else is interesting speaking of roller coaster rides, microsoft is below where it was before steve ballmer announced his resignation at $31.41. the stock was at 32 and change. the stock actually below where the ballmer quit premium was. >> thank you so much. up next, how the rich literally see the world.
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you may have money, but you don't have this much money. the newest travel trend for the ultra wealthy is a private jet ticket around the world. robert frank, what? >> you have this much money. it's kind of a bargain. >> for you. >> no, not just for me. >> in your solid gold house. >> you heard of around the world in 80 days. the wealthy are doing it in 20. the business of around the world private jet tours are taking off, 20 trips on a specially charted trip where they stay in luxury hotels, meals cooked by private chefs, local guides. between $80 and $100,000 and they're selling out. jeffrey kent, the founder of abercrombie has two private jet tours in africa is launching a new one called "around the world with jeffrey kent."
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50 guests start with a sail and then to easter island and downhill sledding, then samoa, new guinea, bali, sri lanka and then go to a cocoa plantation. all of that for $105,000. not too bad. the national geographic is getting into the game, running six jet tours next year, scientists, naturalists come with you, go to monuments like petro and jordan, machu picchu. four seasons the hotel chain is getting into the game, big player in the space. they get 56 guests, take them to all the top hotels, a special jet. they start in hawaii, go helicopter tours, volcanos, paddle boarding, bora bora, sydney, rafting along the river. >> i've done that, not for that
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price. >> and then a jungle resort, turkey, london, finally back to the u.s. >> my shed is spinning. can you customize it a little bit? >> yes. that's why these are really big. you can say i want to do this rather than this. i want to eat this. >> the ring tailed lemur -- >> probably meet the king of the lemurs if you want. >> thanks for watching "street signs everybody." >> "closing bell is next." hi everybody. we enter the final stretch. welcome to "closing bell." i'm maria bartiroma. the major averages trying for a third straight session. >> carl quintanilla, despite good economic data investors cautious ahead of tomorrow's all-important august jobs number. we'll have more on where this is going in a moment. >> a pair of big interviews for you, home depot chairman and
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