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tv   Street Signs  CNBC  September 27, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT

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scott cohen went there. the number one party school is none other than west virginia university, in morgantown. all right. you got the list. >> i believe it. >> i believe it, ladies and gentlemen. thanks for joining us this week, everybody. >> the dow is down 76, the s&p is down 7, the nasdaq down 3 and "street signs" begins right now. ♪ if you close your eyes does it ever feel like nothing changed at all ♪ ♪ if you close your eyes does >> just like the song says, does it feel like nothing changes? because there's now just four days until a possible shutdown in d.c. one firm is saying the odds are higher than you think for a shutdown. the do to-do list, the way to play the disarray. mortgage market toast or the good times and still low rates roll on. ceo of lending tree is here exclusively.
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plus, three of our own breaking bad stocks, names that can't catch a break. and what martha stewart and bill gates both said mandy, that is making us cheer and jeer. >> because it's friday, happy friday, everybody. unless stock prices turn around today will be the sixth day of the past seven with declines of both the s&p and the dow. all ten s&p sectors have been down this morning and the first weekly loss for the index in four weeks is in the bag and out the door. both the dow and s&p now at two-week lows. you probably are wonder what is the nasdaq up to. the nasdaq is up for four weeks in a row despite the fact it is down today. to the trading floors and find out more. mary at the nyc and rick santelli. last week's record highs kind of a distant memory now, right? >> that's right. all eyes on washington and the markets basically have been trading water as investors wait to see what happens as to whether congress does pass a
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short-term funding gap to keep the government paying its bills and avoid this partial furlough we are expecting next week. that's kept pressure on the markets in today's session. let's take a look at some of the sectors that are actually pacing the decline. we're seeing weakness in tellcom stocks, utilities and materials, breaking up materials a little bit, coal stocks under pressure. a call by goldman sachs today saying avoid the pure plate coal stocks and put in a sell on arch coal which is down 5% on concerns about worries about some plant retirements, its debt load and commodity prices in general. today one thing we want to point out is there were a tale of two ipos. one successful one, that being ring central which provides cloud based phone services went public at $13. a huge pop in today's session. the downside, violin memory, a provider of flash based storage is down just about 17% in its
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debut after going public at $9 a share. mandy, back to you. >> mary, thank you very much. rick, what do you make of comments that a government shutdown would rally the bond markets? >> i guess on the surface, we're separating for the moment a shutdown, versus the unlikely event of default, remember default is now the catch-all, not paying bills, not paying interest on some of our securities, i think that it's only the latter, but that is the differentation. and since the last fed meeting quite frankly, mandy, look at this chart, once the taper notion is gone, treasuries are having a reprising, lower equities so follow troourryes and i expect they aren't going to rally on a shutdown. i would think this dynamic would be in place for a while. >> you set this up for us, market threats, risks, uncertainties when we've been quietly knocking them aside one by one over the past month. in terms of existential risks to the market is d.c. the only
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major one left on the table? think about it, think about this list off your head. china stabilizing, europe back on its feet. syria, manageable for now. fed taper not happening at least yet and a september that is historically one of the worst market months of the year, has actually turned out to be positive. so, let's bring in michele caruso cabrera, without trying to be too poly ana, maybe just maybe, even a shutdown might not be that big of a deal. what do you think? >> a shutdown in the past we have seen it affect gdp to some extent. maybe it hurts the stock market a little bit. to follow along what jeff and rick were saying if you think it leads to a weakening economy what does that mean for treasuries, they go up, yields come down. i would go further as rick was saying if you talk about the possibility if we move forward into the future, the remote i think nearly impossible possibility we miss an interest payment on u.s. treasuries, there's all this fear mongering about skyrocketing interest rates. i highly doubt it because bottom
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line is, for interest rates to skyrocket people need to sell and if you run a large pension fund, what else do you buy besides u.s. treasuries. >> a point and question. the point is, i will agree with everything you ran through except on the record as i don't think china is stabilizing. i think it's on the verge of collapse. >> that's another topic. >> take sullivan out of the china stabilization thing off the table. talk about interest rates. some people who to your point seem to believe the mortgage market or rates will spike. >> yes. >> i'm trying to understand why. >> why? >> and i can't. with the exception of the u.s. will default. u.s. will never default because we have a printing press that will make sure of it. >> and even if we pay three days late because cash management in d.c. is so bad, ultimately you know you're going to get paid. we're not greece. in greece you knew, i'm not getting paid. united states you're getting paid. listen, let's roll through. i had prepared the three month, six month, one year, on u.s.
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debt. do you know what's been happening to yields as we've been talking about a possible government shutdown, they've been going down. people are terrified, the bond market is terrified of a possible, you know, shutdown or default. >> as rick santelli says it's always the clever people in the bond market. that's where we need to get our cues from. >> speaking of being paid by the government, contact of mine, he's a contractor for the federal government, sent me a letter he got from the government outlining what they plan to do basically saying we're going to try to work out a way to pay you. i put it on my twitter account. see the letter the government has mailed out it's up there. >> the white house is going to do a lot of obfuscation. they're going to say if we don't pay contractors that's default. it's a late payment. if we don't do this, we're defaulting on -- default is very specific word. we're not allowed to say at cnbc greece defaulted even though you didn't get all your money. more structured brian.
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>> thank you. bring in a guy who's been sitting here gentleman like, the ceo of lending tree, up from charlotte, north carolina, part of a cnbc exclusive. welcome to the program. >> thanks for having me. >> what do you make of michele's piece? what do you think about d.c. and interest rates? >> i think d.c. is generally causing a lot of 2ur moil and mayhem -- turmoil and mayhem in the market. qm, qrm, cfpb, a lot of uncertainty. fannie and freddie have had a chilling affect because they force lenders to buy back loans that were the consumers defaulted but really is no fault of their own. but the good news is regulations are getting stabilized and guidelines are getting more appropriate. >> how is all of this affecting your business? >> it's actually affecting our business very well. we are somewhat counter cyclical to the market. we send leads to lenders and when they've got all the volume they want we're like selling ice cubes to eskimos.
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at a time like this they're asking for us for more. our stock has done well. revenue up over 30% and the market is contracting. >> when mortgage rates hit $4.5%, the market would be fine and people have called us all kinds of names. the housing market is still doing well. the new theme but yes, it's because everybody's rushing in now and they will cut off the tap later because they want to lock it in. is that true or bunk? >> housing is going to continue to do fine. we're coming off historic lows. a lot of investors who bought up investment properties. so the market is still very tight. but the -- ultimately housing moves with the economy and if the job market comes back, if people can afford a home -- >> let me jump in. we'll say this, doing what you do, right, you want to say housing will do well. you work for lending tree. you don't work for default tree. can i say that? anyway, you want housing to do well? when interest rates go up the
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ininvester buyer is hurt because it makes the owner's equivalent rent less profitable or some cases not profitable so they do not purchase an investor home. >> i think the inner market is past us. people are buying investment properties three or four or five years ago. you have normal consumers buying normal houses they want to live? >> we spoke to a gentleman the other day on the show who said an interesting thing that rising rates, as long as it's in a gradual and normal fashion is a healthy thing for the market. when you have certain markets around the nation starting to show bubblish signs, you feed to put the dog on a leash and still be able to run, but don't want it to go all over the park and be out of control? >> i think i agree with that. the challenge had in housing is when people start to own more than one of them. if you start to own -- buying one and then buy another one and flip it, that's what is troubling. now granted, the bubble was there and a lot of us didn't see it until it was bursting unfortunately but i don't think
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we're near that again. >> biggest risk to lending tree to your business what do you worry about? >> biggest thing that we worry about is that the market gets so awful again that lenders don't want to lend. that's our worst market which was 2008. lenders didn't want to lend. consumers couldn't borrow. that's the worst market for us. as long as we've got a stable market, we're actually doing just fine. >> we have to leave it there. but thank you so much for joining us today. great to have your insight. michele, thank you as well. >> thanks. >> still ahead on the show, baseball breaking bad and bob hope. >> and also today's mystery chart. it's not a stock today. it is a country's index and it is up nearly 70% year to date. you can tweet us your guesses @sully cnbc or @mandy cnbc. more signs when "street signs" returns.
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welcome back to "street signs." never a dull day in the land of jc penney. the ceo denying reports that the company is in dire need to raise capital. then voila, yesterday news of a surprise stock offering and this comes as the stock has its second worst week ever. down more than 25%. let's get to courtney reagan at jc penney in new york city. is management credibility absolutely shot now? >> i'm sorry, mandy. i'm having a hard time hearing you. we're out here in new york city. as you can see there is a jc penney store here behind me and the morning after jc penney announcing that share offering it's getting back to the basics
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of retail, going ahead with the launch of two shops. first initially announced in fall of 2012. giggle and disney will be appearing in 565 different jc penney locations along with a number of other line collaborations that are not, indeed, full shops. we spoke with the senior vice president of children's merchandise at jc penney today betsy shoo maker and the company had to make room for the new brands by getting rid of what she called unproductive labels. jc penney's children's lines compose about 13% of total sales and again one of the concerns that has been floated in the marketplace is that of vendor confidence. we spoke to giggle's ceo and founder and asked her how she feels about launching these new 565 shops in jc penney amid everything that is going on. she said she's in constant communication with jc penney about the traffic and encouraged by the first couple weeks of on-line sales she has seen. all of this, of course, comes as you mentioned, mandy, jc penney
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could possibly finish with its worst week ever as far as the share price is concerned. the company also giving us new guidance today saying that they expect to end the year with $1.3 billion in liquidity and that does not include the offering. here's a lot going on for this jc penney shareholders to digest. back to you. >> thank you very much. even if you can't hear us. first bill ackman and george soros and richard perry are buying into jc penney. let us bring in senior editor john carney. john, when we hear these names, we think yippy, that's a good thing. are these types of investors, the activist ones, doing more harm than good? >> the activists are fine when they're engaged in financial engineering, when they're trying to get a company to, you know, pay out higher dividends. when they try to become operational managers, bill ackman is not, you know, a retail store manager. it goes beyond their expertise. finance into running a store.
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very few can do it well and you're probably not going to do it -- >> if you're an investor in jc penney you have whiplash, imagine the big guys, soros, out be nursing his neck and lumped with this highly diluted offering. the question that i asked courtney and she couldn't hear, lots of noise out there, is credibility shot at management? >> credibility is shot at management level. they were saying we don't have a problem, we don't need to raise money. brings back echos of 2008 when we heard the same things from banks. now we're hearing it from jc penney. oh, by the way we need more money. that's not go ahead. you can't believe the management story line anymore. when they lose -- when they lose your ability to be confident in what they're telling you, i think that's -- >> what i don't understand is, what's the potential upside here. a lot of smart people put their money into this name. and they may ultimately prove out to be wildly correct. but nobody knows what's going to
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happen at jc penney. right? >> i think it's really -- >> why invest? why take the chance? >> it's just gambling at this point. >> it is. it's gambling, right. >> so far down that hey, it cannot go down that much further. >> a great point is gambling because even if you're retail genius and make he is, he ran the store before -- >> i think rod johnson is a smart guy. >> all this great stuff in there. if you can't get the customer in you die. the customer is fickle and you can't control what the customer does. >> they did their best to chase away their traditional company, shoed them out the door. >> run away. >> they're not coming back. people are saying, look, i'm going to go into this store, it has a lot of potential. it's true. things could go well but there's no store line -- >> the holiday season is make or break. probably the last amount of external funding available to them. >> most likely if they cannot show fantastic numbers like really, really good numbers,
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this holiday season, they're going to be in a lot of -- >> which one, columbus day, christmas? >> back to school. all these things keep happening and they keep not making the cut. they have to do it one of these times. about everybody is going to lose confidence. some guy will come in with a lot of money and say, now i'm going to buy it because, you know, how much further -- >> if they do this billion equity sale talk about dilution, i imagine the stock is down 12% because the market is expecting a further dilution. >> 38% dilution. >> you can't issue debt. a triple c minus credit rating. what would the yield be? 14%. >> there's no way they can borrow money. >> right. >> nobody who wants to lend -- perhaps on a secured basis, you can -- >> johnny's pawn and gun may lend them money. >> you can get them -- lend to them if, you know, you would get the right to all their real estate. that's it. >> i hope they succeed. >> of course. >> first thing is a lot of people work there. >> right. >> a lot of people make their
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careers there. also you get the fact that, you know, listen, we don't need empty storefronts and empty malls. if you're a store owner and have a jc penney and it goes under every other store in that strip mall dies or suffers greatly because the anchor store is gone. >> and it's very important, there's lots of great people who work for jc penney. we don't want these people to lose their jobs. we have high unemployment in this country. i want this company to succeed. >> quickly, bright side? silver lining. that's what we're about here on "street signs." >> okay. >> bright side is? >> here's the silver lining. goldman sachs research came out and said you should short this stock and then got selected to be the underwriter for the offering. that's how things are supposed to work. >> yes. >> that's -- >> they didn't pull the sell. >> they didn't pull the sell rating. >> we want that to happen where we get honest research not as a deal for your underwriting -- >> six years ago they would have been like pull the dog gone sell rating because we're trying to sell -- i will do it if you do
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it. i don't know where you live. can't do it -- shop at jc penney this weekend. >> my parents were -- >> i'm not talking about your parents. >> they single handily supported that store -- >> do we have your commitment to shop at jc penney. >> i will go and shop in jc penney. >> i will find a jc penney, there's one near me and shop there. >> i will get stuff for the kids. >> i'll go down there and, you know, buy a couple things. >> let's do it. >> you will be at harold square what time signing autographs what day? >> 10:00 a.m. there you go. >> i'll be asleep, i'll be there like 2:00. >> i'll just be going to bed. >> we made the commitment. i want to see the receipts on monday on national tv. are we national? we're playing a game of money bam. the cost per wins for two baseball teams that could not be more opposite. >> happy birthday google. the company was founded 15 years ago today. so we are asking you, if you bought a thousand dollars of google when it went public, i
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hope you did, how much richer would you be today? the answer when "street signs" comes back. ♪ peter, come take a look at this. [ beeping ] mr. daniels. mr. daniels. look at this. what's this? the numbers. they keep getting bigger and bigger. clicks are off the charts. yeah. ♪ yoshi, it's walter. we're back. yes, sir! ♪ more shipping! more shipping! i need more trees! more trees? i'll get you more trees. hey. take a look at wood pulp. whoa. put everything you've got on wood pulp right now. ♪ yes! [ beeping ] he really loves that thing. [ beeping ] ♪
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with my united mileageplus explorer card. i've saved $75 in checked bag fees. [ delavane ] priority boarding is really important to us. you can just get on the plane and relax. [ julian ] having a card that doesn't charge you foreign transaction fees saves me a ton of money. [ delavane ] we can go to any country and spend money the way we would in the u.s. when i spend money on this card, i can see brazil in my future. [ anthony ] i use the explorer card to earn miles in order to go visit my family, which means a lot to me. ♪ how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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why are we showing you a google chart? happy birthday. the company founded 15 years ago today. before the break we asked you if you bought $1,000 of stock in the company before it went public, how much richer would you be today? the answer, more than $9,000. a 933% return. >> it's also happy 100th birthday mayonnaise. >> mayonnaise. >> not miracle whip. >> hel map's miracle whip rolled out at the progress world fair. >> it's a miracle. it makes even revolting stuff taste beautiful. >> it's genius. >> for yankee haters, a touching scene at the mound last night. closer mariana rivera, derek jeter and andy pettitte surprised him by walking out for the call to the ball pen. he was crying and hugging.
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the yankees, 19s cseason. in a bit of a different way, yankees lost last night ending their chances of making it into the postse. te this. yankees, $228 million payroll, almost $229 million, 82 wins. so their cost per win, $2.79 million. the pittsburgh pirates, $79 million payroll. 91 wins. their cost per win, 3 and a half times less, a bargain, $873,000. i myself hope the pittsburgh pirates win it all. if anything just so tony will stop tweeting about it. >> time for our friday segment where brian and i pick a mover from the week. my pick yahoo! biggest weekly gain in over two years, up this week over 8.5%. 69% year to date. ubs raised yahoo!'s price tag from $37 to $34 and a buy rating on it as well. the news of the day, which is
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kind of a side note, not the reason it's up so much, they're backing alibaba's unusual management structure, kind of causing a battle with the hong kong stock exchange and the reason why it's forced alley ba ba to look to the united states for potential big >>y eeks nike. doing well. beating under armor. up big. >> that's it? did i take up all the time. >> you ate up all the time. >> okay. up next on "street signs" -- >> thank you. >> making money on america's cheese addiction. >> breaking bad comes to an end this weekend. back to you. >> i got that.
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i'm going to say it again because it's friday, happy friday. street stalk time. first stock it is regents
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financial which is speaking, well 1.4%. a spike. >> on a down day. 1.4% looks good. >> it's a spike. >> guggenheim partners. it's a mini spike. >> spike. >> pike it. >> now the segment is over. guggenheim partners expect asset quality costs to remain low into next year. same call downgraded bank of america and goldman sachs. regents financial up, but this is a $38 stock in october of '06. >> that is the opposite of a spike, a whatever. >> ups no upgrade here but the target has been increased to credit suisse. >> the stock down .8%. they raised their target from 95 to $100, about 11% more than the stock is roughly. they highlight the potential for domestic margin expansion for ups. they're raising their target to 100. >> console energy, not a huge
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mover but another energy. today console, goldman upgraded it from a buy to neutral and raised walter energy, same as yesterday, and alpha natural resources, more metallurgical coal companies. it's something to watch. two firms, big firms, positive, two days in a row on one of the most beaten up sectors in america. >> we're going to be talking about with jeff in just a second. >> we are? >> we are. >> international game tech. downgraded. >> to a hold from a buy at deutsch bank. the valuation is fair. they see business head winds got a target which is 22, still above -- i hate it when this happens, the target is above where the stock is but not much more above it. second biggest loser in the s&p 500 today. >> our under the radar mover of the day called halozion. couldn't verl -- >> it depends if you're from melbourne or san diego. underrated mover of the day. san diego based biotech.
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spiking on news, 8.2%. >> that's a spike. >> that's our benchmark for spiking, 8.2%. the launch of their drug in europe triggers a $10 million from roche. few weeks ago they received approval for an injectable formulation of the breast cancer treatment. stock has been $13.50 on march 30th. went up, down, and come back up. still we said it before and we went to san diego, san diego is the biotech capital of america. doing great out there. chargers, not so much. >> and for those listening on the radio and can't see our chart behind you, the one-year chart up by 45%. >> nice. >> our next guest says american tower, qualcomm and jpmorgan are three stocks to put your cash in. his undervalued play american tower down nearly 4% this year whereas qualcomm and jpmorgan are up 18%. in line with the broader market. have him make his case and bring in the ceo of the rdm financial group. are you putting your money to work in this market right now.
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>> actually, we're not market timers but i think for the first time in a long time the federal government is actually giving us a gift. they're actually making the markets go down for no good reason. that's a buying opportunity i don't know when, maybe three days, five days, eight days. actually i think you wait a little bit and buy. the government is not going to default. i heard your segment. they're not defaulting. making people nervous. just wait a minute and yeah, i would make the case for buying stocks, absolutely. >> u.s. government thank you for this near-term gift. okay. let's get to your picks here. you say it's undervalued but has a nice and growing different depds yield. american tower. make the case. >> yeah. well here's our thinking. our thinking is, they picked exactly the wrong time to become a [ inaudible ]. they just decided to become been when they were getting thrown out the window about the six months ago. they got thrown out with the bath water and now that's an
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undervalued stock. they're growing tremendously. they're increased. two acquisitions this year. started as a reit. paying out their dividend. raised it every quarter since they started. it's in the cell phone business. it's a 3g to 4g turnaround. that's what's going to happen. people will buy more phones and they're going to sell more and their contracts all have escalators in them. >> which parlays nicely into your next pick which is qualcomm. they're pretty much got something in nearly everybody's phone. >> that's right. >> 77,000 patents they own. >> yep. this is -- again, 3g to 4g. in this market there's enough question marks about what banking is going to do, you know, what tech is going to do, what consumers are going to do. we all know that we're going from 3g to 4g. how do you capitalize on that. buy apple and things like that. but if you buy qualcomm you're buying all of them, nokia,
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qualcomm and they make a little piece of every phone that goes out the door and then they have their licensing revenue. good, solid company. great quarters. increase their guidance. $5 billion new, $5 billion stock buyback. we think you can ride this one for a while. >> why is jpmorgan a case of don't kick them while they're down, pick them. >> you want to buy them when they're down. i mean, you should be -- you should have been buying apple four months ago when all of a sudden everybody hated them. the company didn't change. the same thing now. the government $11 billion, if that's the worst that they got to come up with, to cure at least these ales, geez, that's cheap. this is a major company. as interest rates go up they'll end up making more money. they're going to take a bite out of europe, european banks, they'll have to cut their amount of lending, someone's got to fill that gap if europe is growing and everybody is hearing that emerging markets are growing, somebody has to finance this.
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they're great company and $1.5 trillion money management firm which is fee based. something we know something about. it's a good business. solid business. >> you made the case. thank you very much for joining us on "street signs." still ahead on this fine show, mart martha's mad, gates bad and pasta lovers are boiling. >> breaking bad comes to an end this weekend. we're kicking up a segment on breaking bad stocks. names that can't seem to catch a break. >> plus -- >> your final chance to guess today's mystery chart. >> this nation's stock market is up about 70% year to date. this is the hint. the answer when "street signs" returns. [ male announcer ] at his current pace,
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bob will retire when he's 153, which would be fine if bob were a vampire. 's an architect with two kids and a mortgage. bob will retire when he's 153, luckily, he found someone who gave him a fresh perspective on his portfolio. and with some planning and effort, hopefully bob can retire at a more appropriate age. it's not rocket science.
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it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. thank you orville and wilbur... ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history...
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we're making it. it is time to reveal our mystery chart. not a stock, it is a country index. which country's stock market is up 70% year to date. the argentina's. a couple people that tweeted it in. >> they were good. my hint, yours was mallback and meat, mine was -- i massacred that one. too much mallback last night. here's the issue is the biggest company in this index is petro -- >> a brazilian. >> they're argentinian subsidiaries. the biggest stock is a subsid
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dare yry in another index -- never mind. >> sunday is bringing a tv battle and choices for fans. thanks goodness for the dvr. live watch sunday night football on nbc but have the premier of "homeland" and finish of "breaking bad." julia boorstin still here from california. does walter white, "breaking bad" guy, have an opportunity to beat everybody by far? >> i think he does despite the competition on sunday night amc's series finale is expected to draw a record of 8 million viewers, at least. now last sunday the show was up against football as well as the emmys but it still drew a record of 6.6 million slewers as viewership doubled from the first half of the season to the second half thanks to netflix helping viewers catch up and cult following on twitter. since "breaking bad" is one of the top three shows, pressure is on for amc to launch the next
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cult hit. they announced it's developing a prequel based on the loir saul goodman called "better call saul." no air date set. amc has no plans for the spinoff of the "mad men" but is expands the season by one episode and splitting it up, the show won't end until 2015. the fourth season of "walking dead" starts in october. it is amc's biggest hit, actually the number one show on television among adults 18 to 48. and to build on that success, amc is producing a companion series like a spinoff for 2015 and says there's no plans to actually end that big money maker. huge ratings for "breaking bad" would help amc generate higher ad revenue and subscription fees and more revenue from video on demand and dvd sales. a lot of people are hoping you're going to tune in on sunday night. >> watch nbc football, sunday night football, did i mention
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it's on nbc. >> watch the nfl on nbc, you can tivo "breaking bad". >> dvr. >> or comcast dvr box. >> use your x fipenity box. >> have no life and never leave your mother's basement "breaking bad burning up the ratings but what are the bad stocks ready to break out themselves. bring in jeff, financial ceo, let's start with your first one which by the way was one of your first picks -- it is cliff's natural resources? >> yeah. as coach brian sullivan knows we like this stock here. a china play. seen china come down for two years. their biggest thing is meta lurnlgcle coal but one of the biggest producers in the world and that cost to produce is about $70.
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with iron ore around 140 gained legs. talked to dr. jay, a lot of upside calls, november 28th calls specifically. we may see them break out the sideways range they've been stuck in. a beat up stock. looking for a pop here to bring up victory home for coach sullivan. >> there's been incredible bear in the stock. the short float 32. >> the shortage is huge. >> explains why it's popped so nicely. >> absolutely. once you get the shorts on the run you've seen herbal life, all these stocks, once you get shorts on the run it moves. >> certainly it is. you've also got mining, largely a gold play and, you know, on the way down when gold prices were moving down, the gold miners like these guys were down two times that. >> oh, the miners have been taken to the wood shed, the gdx which represents all the miners down 46% year to date. a little performance, down about
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39%, but they're trying to be strategic, did a joint venture in nevada trying to bring their costs down. i see gold going higher. that's going to be good for them. maintained the 1300 level. this is an oversold stock as well. >> but you got to believe the gold price is going to go higher. >> you go. >> that's a different discussion. thank you very much. jeff killberg for joining us. still ahead on "street signs," america's cheese consumption has tripled, tripled since the 1970s. how can that help boost your bottom line? >> and she ain't called diva for no reason. martha stewart's twitter rant about her ipad.
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this is a match made in heaven for some people. pizza and burger finally meet, a combo we're seeing all over the world. in england pizza hut unveiled a cheeseburger stuffed crust pizza. in japan, the pizza little party chain selling a two pound, ten ounce mega burger pizza and in boston's restaurant and sports bar the 1360 calorie bacon cheeseburger. that is then wrapped in a pepperoni pizza.
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it's okay. obesity is jen etic. >> americans eat 450 more calories today than back in 1970. a recent report got us thinking, is there a way to make money off this? we tasked jane wells to help us to show how we can trade off this. trade? say cheese. >> mandy, say cheese. yes. cheese consumption has tripled since 1970 to 23 pounds a year. per american according to the center for science in the public interest. from parmesan to pepper jack, we love cheese. >> ask me if i like cheese. >> um, okay. do you like cheese? >> why, yes, i do. my favorite's gouda. >> even a premeltdown amanda bynes in "magic mike" liked cheese. the cheesiest bright spot at kraft, 21% of sales. citi says kraft is gaining
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shares, even velveeta is up 9%. chissy skillets which they say have been successful. cheese consumption going up as cheese prices trend down. something called the cheese reporter. cheddar may be king, the big cheese, but mozzarella is shredding it. in 2011 americans consumed 11.5 pounds per capita. that's a lot of pizza. janney says domino's is grabbing a larger slice of market share thanks to a better product and on-line ordering squeezing out smaller operations. big picture, the center for science in the public interest doesn't like where our diets are doing. we're we're still eating too many carbs. the result? cottage cheese on our backside. average american daily diet has 25% more calories than it did in 1970. 2,530 calories. the only diet that seems to be working this year is the shedding of value in weight
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watcher shares. >> jane, thank you very much. excellent and delicious. now to a segment we're calling "that's outrageous" hitting on three ridiculous headlines of the week. martha is mad, bill gates is saying, our bad, and the barillo barren has people in a tizzy. chuck nice is here and robert frank. a serious headline, in new jersey a judge ruled gay couples should be and must be allowed to marry. so we'll have allow homosexual marriages in the state of new jersey. that's a big win. about time. there you go. and literally just crossing, folks. new jersey will have same-sex marriage. fantastic. . the barilla pasta guy in italy -- >> largest pasta company in the world. >> apparently this guy is not a fan of same-sex marriage. saying something to the effect of, why should i put homosexual people in my ads? >> yeah. his thing -- his focus is this,
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that the woman, feet mathe fema the center of the family. therefore, he wouldn't have a homosexual family in his commercials. apparently he doesn't know that women are also gay. because you can still be the center of a family and have a homosexual family, it just means two women are together. >> you can have two mommys. >> there's a book about that, i believe. >> oh, my gosh, barilla pasta guy, maybe the woman has a career and is working and the husband will make dinner once in a while. >> people are talking about a boycott of barilla pasta. remember the boycott of chick-fil-a? they did just fine. >> chick-fil-a, we're talking chicken as opposed to pasta. as a black person i can't stay away from chicken but pasta i can give up. i know you can't laugh at that
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joke. that's why i said it. >> let's move to the second headline. bill gates admitting control-alt-delete was a mistake. >> bill gates is crazy. >> he is crazy. >> i would love to be that kind of crazy. >> we call that eccentric. >> crazy people are eccentric. listen, tou at >> i accidentally log into my computer. the same time is genius. >> or shut down what app is running you don't want to run. i think it's awesome. the only probe with control-alt-delete, you don't have two hands. hey, man, come over and help me out. other than that it's genius. >> a toe. >> a nose, a tongue. what's wrong with you? >> it's the only control i understand. it's the only -- it's the only function i actually know on windows. i'm lost without it. >> our final story is martha
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stewart, it's blown up twitter in the kind of way that means things are popular. basically she dropped her ipad and tweeted out basically like, when is apple going to come pick up my broken ipads. people were like, we don't pick up broken ipads. then she played it off as a joke. and steve jobs apparently gave her this ipad personally. >> that's the most disturbing thing about this story. that steve jobs, an icon, probably one of the just most prolific innovators of the 20th century gave an ipad and you're using it. you're using it? >> put it on the wall in a gold frame. >> it's like someone giving you the crown jewels and you're like, i'm going to wear it to the cocktail party. >> but she voices concern about technology. remember she talked about all the chargers i have. broken iphones, broken ipads, i
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see so many people walking around with shattered screens. it's annoying. >> i see so many people walking around with shattered dreams. >> that's annoying. >> keep your dreams. >> i believe there's an app for that. >> is there? let's share. great stuff, guys. more serious, jcpenney starting to slide before the close. now below nine bucks. they're at $9.03. briefly dipped to $8.59. jcpenney breaking below $9. this is turning into a slide. up next, the hope diamond of housing. i love having a free checked bag with my united mileageplus explorer card. i've saved $75 in checked bag fees. [ delavane ] priority boarding is really important to us.
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you can just get on the plane and relax. [ julian ] having a card that doesn't charge you foreign transaction fees saves me a ton of money. [ delavane ] we can go to any country and spend money the way we would in the u.s. when i spend money on this card, i can see brazil in my future. [ anthony ] i use the explorer card to earn miles in order to go visit my family, which means a lot to me. ♪ mr. daniels. mr. daniels. look at this. what's this? clicks are off the charts. yeah. yoshi, we're back. yes, sir! ♪ more shipping! more shipping! ♪ [ beeping ] ♪
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an iconic entertainer's house is on the market. you, too, can say thanks for the memory. obviously for a price. whether your state is located in tuluca lake, california, right outside of hollywood. robert frank is sticking around for more. >> few celebrities symbolize classic hollywood like bob hope. now his home a picture of understated elegance is on the market. hope lived in the home for 6 4 years until his death in 2003. after his wife passed away in 2011, the family is putting it on the market for $27.5 million. the estate is really a compound, spread over five acres. a huge amount of land so close to hollywood. >> there are only about 22 homes
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that are five acres or larger in the major affluent areas. >> reporter: the main house is 15,000 square feet with a living room that entertained the likes of lucille ball, marilyn monroe, joe dimaggio and other stars. it has two master bedroom sweets and an indoor swimming pool with a spa overlooking the gardens. hope once joked that golf was his real work and entertainment was just a hobby but he spent time doing both in his backyard with a massive office that includes five rooms and a mini golf course with its own sand trap. it's also got guest quarters and staff quarters. less than two miles from major hollywood studio, the hope estate is ideal for a celebrity looking for a short commute and a perfect place to perfect their golf skills. >> there is one possible issue with this home. it's the neighbor. the neighbor to this house is none other than the twerker in chief, miley cyrus.
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so buyer beware. or maybe you're a fan, maybe you're a fan of miley cyrus. may be used want to live next to miley. this is a big neighborhood for a lot of celebrities. kiefer sutherland lives there. a big piece of land in a desirable neighborhood. >> a peeping twerk. >> this just in. i want to do this old school style. president will issue a statement at 3 :30. we'll take it live. subject matter is tbd. don't know. just got word. president speaking in half an hour's time. >> thank you for watching "street signs." have a great weekend. >> "closing bell" starts right now. >> hi, everybody. we enter the final stretch of the week. welcome to "closing bell." i'm maria bartiromo at new york stock exchange. capping off a down week with this market with an 85-point selloff. >> i'm scott wapner in for bill griffeth today. we'll get what's behind today's market action in a few seconds.
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on today's big show, two companies in big trouble. the problems are not going away. jcpenney shares falling again in a big way. it's ceo mike issuing new stock. i'll have new reporting on this in just a le


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