tv Closing Bell CNBC October 3, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm EDT
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bill griffith, we're going to be handing over to you in a minute's time for the closing bell. you join us now. it certainly seems like we need to know a lot more about what exactly is going on right now. >> we'll be trying to figure that out, mandy, of course. the markets have been trying to figure it out here on wall street. initially around 2:30 eastern time, when word got out about the shots being fired -- >> thank you, guys. nice job. >> and the shelter in place at the capitol, you saw an immediate selloff among the major averages on wall street. below where we'd been from that point. then when it became clear at least initially the nmagnitude f what we were talking about, it wasn't a city wide problem but maybe more isolated to the capitol area, the markets did come back somewhat. we are still down about 120 points on a day when we were all focusing on the government shutdown. at this point, we're just now getting this word through some of the wire services that maybe the capitol lockdown is not in
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place at this time. we do know various members of the house and the senate who were in the shelter in place situation in their offices are still in those places right now and not venturing out just yet. but we are getting word that maybe the lockdown at the capitol is over. while that's happening, kelly e evens who's with me today here at the new york stock exchange, we are watching all the security forces in place and just trying to figure out exactly what happened and now what will happen from here. >> you know, bill, you've got to assume no matter even if the situation is completely under control, the response in washington, d.c., by the various authorities has to be this way until they are 100% convinced that the threat is removed. so nobody's going to give anybody a hard time for sending out all the different resources of the d.c. police and the federal government and the park police there. because this is the u.s. capitol. they've got to make sure that this situation is 100% contained.
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>> want to flip over to sue herera now to give us a recap of what we do know at this hour. sue? >> the latest that we have right now, kelly, is that capitol shelter in place order has been lifted. and nbc's kelly o'donnell is saying now that the house side is clear and is functioning as normal. however, obviously there was a lot of tension on the hill right now. nbc news and pete williams specifically stating that the incident first started outside the white house. then the incident continued before heading down to the capitol. that's according to nbc's pete williams. the incident, shots fired on capitol hill. we have reports that several officers have been hurt. we don't have a number on that. we did, however, see live on our air here an officer being lifted into a helicopter and airlifted out to a local hospital. we're not sure which one yet. so there was a shelter in place order in place for some time on
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capitol hill. according to nbc news, that has been lifted. kelly o'donnell reporting that the house side right now is clear. operating as per usual. no longer in lockdown mode. as you can see from our live shot there, still a very tense situation on capitol hill. eamon javers giving us some of the color and hampton pearson giving us some of the color of what's been going on down there. till a very heavy armed presence on the hill after shots were fired just a short time ago. back to you. >> sue herera, back at headquarters, sue, thank you. let's get now to eamon javers who's on capitol hill not far from the shots we're showing right now. this developing story, eamon, what can you tell us? >> yeah. that's right, kelly. we're here at 3rd and pennsylvania avenue. this is the west front of the capitol building here. we are told this is where the shots actually originated just within the past several minutes. what we saw was a massive police presence around here and just over in this direction, we saw the area where they brought a park police helicopter down, landed that park police
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helicopter right on the plaza here, loaded somebody into it and took that person off. presumably to a helicopter. the person loaded in on a stretcher. what we can see here is a fairly massive capitol police response. they've got this area cordoned off. officers with a variety of different weapons, tactical units, bike police, motorcycle police, fire departments. what i want to also tell you about is another incident we saw on our way over here over in this direction. this is on the senate side of the capitol building. pennsylvania avenue this way. we saw a car accident involving a caple kacapitol police vehicl significantly damaged. medical personnel also responding to that at the same time they were cordoning off the area. ambulance, fire, police responding to that. no idea if that car accident was at all connected to the shooting incident. but we have a nexus of police activity over here on pennsylvania avenue. another one over here with the helicopter. now we see a caravan of
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motorcycle police coming in now. capitol police coming in down pa a avenue as well. we have just been told by capitol police officers who are here that they expect they might be bringing in another helicopter to land at this position. they've told us to be ready to move if that happens. the capitol police officers on motorcycles appear to be fanning out now. we're on standby to move out of this position if we're asked to do that. of course, we will. they say they might be bringing in that other helicopter right here in the same place where they landed the first one. that's what we know here. tauf the officers we've been talking to do not know what this incident is. they're responding in a preplanned operation to set up the cordon, move tourists back and away. we do have a crowd of i would say 100 or so tourists and potentially members of congress and their staffs out here on the national mall. they appear now to be allowed to be walking back in. i see a number of them crossing the street here on 3rd heading back towards the u.s. capitol building. that's the first significant movement of tourists and civilians we've seen be allowed to get this close to the capitol
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building. according to one report the lockdown up on capitol hill was now over with. if that's correct -- on the house side was now over with. if that's correct we can presume the people we see here heading toward the capitol are congressional staffers making they way into the house buildings. those are the house build ngs that direction where they are headed now. it would look from here speculating a little bit like some people are being allowed to move much closer to the capitol than they were two or three minutes ago. >> eamon, stay right there. we're going to ask you to stay in place as long as you can until that chopper comes in so you can contribute whatever you have there. we want -- on the phone now, maybe get a little sense of exactly what happened that caused all of this. chris remmington is on the phone. he works at clearview energy in washington there. get this. he was about 50 feet from where the gunshots were fired when they went off on capitol hill there. chris is on the phone. you heard what?
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eight to ten gunshots, i hear. can you tell us what you saw? >> yes. i was in my office and heard multiple gunshots. it seemed like eight to ten. to which i was then able to walk outside of our offices to see a car stopped right near the guard gate that's just outside 2nd and constitution. it looked like there was, you know, a handful of police officers that had their guns drawn, moving in on the car itself. >> what kind of a car was it, chris? >> i could just see that it looked like it was a black car. some sort of sedan. it wasn't an suv. it was a sedan. >> you couldn't see inside the car? >> no, i could not. it stopped just behind the guard gate. but there were -- before the police officers made us go back inside our offices, there were four or five cops standing right next to the car, the driver's side door itself. couldn't see anybody moving or getting outside the car. >> they had the guns pulled after you had heard the gunshots. is that correct? >> correct.
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>> then what happened? >> at that point in time, probably, you know, all the 20, 30 police cars came rushing in. that's when they started to kind of zone off the entire area. then it was tough to see after that. >> chris, what time was this? >> about 20, 30 minutes ago. >> wow. >> eamon, what do you know about what chris is talking about here? >> reporter: well, i don't know what he's talking about because we're at a different location. i can tell you the officers just within the past couple of seconds that are standing here have confirmed to us that the lockdown is over. at least on the house side of the capitol building. not so sure about the senate side which is in this direction. it does appear they're letting staffers back in. we're seeing more police arrive here. if the lockdown is over on the house side, you could presume that at this point they have the situation fairly well under control. what we've got coming in now would be support officials from the u.s. capitol police. that's the information we're getting from this location right
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now. we can see a battery now of police officers coming into the area. they're coming down pennsylvania avenue. those look to me to be uniformed -- i don't want to speculate. it looks like it sha-- well, i' going to speculate. different branches of police forces up on capitol hill. a lot of police response down here. >> eamon, want to just update people with a couple of details we're starting to get in. first of all, capitol police have apparently stabilized the situation. that would explain the movement you've seen behind you with people headed a little close tore the vicinity of the area where the incident occurred. as to what you just heard from chris remmington who was an eyewitness telling us that he saw a car, a large black car, perhaps, stopped before there was gunfire. nbc news pete williams reporting a female driver tried to ram her car into the white house gate. secret service chased that car to capitol hill. to people who aren't familiar with washington, by the way, the
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white house is not right next to the capitol building. it is two miles across town. that's a significant car chase that would have just happened. >> that was the initial event that spawned this. to emphasize, apparently capitol hill police have stabilized the situation. the shelter in place rule is not in place now. they've taken the capitol off of lockdown. people are starting to mill about now as you saw there during eamon javers' report. chris remmington, anything else coming to you at this point? you said you weren't able to see the driver inside the black car. you know, you saw a bevy of officers surrounding that car with their guns drawn. that's correct? >> correct. it appears now that the lot of the police officers and the cars have, you know, left the scene. traffic is moving again right outside my office. >> all right. chris remmington, thank you so much. we may be checking back with you on any more details. as we slowly piece together this
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story, as we have it, let's bring back sue herera to kind of give us a quick recap of what happened about an hour ago here on capitol hill. >> actually, bill, before we recap we have more from pete williams and his colleagues on capitol hill. you gave us the news just a few minutes ago that the incident began when the female attempted to ram her car into the white house gate at 15th and e. she did not breach security. she was pursued by secret service. she bailed out of her car, according to nbc news, near the capitol. then she began shooting. she was shot. according to those multiple sources by nbc news, the police officer injured does not appear to have been hit by a round. that is still twopi indevelopins hour. the white house has been informed from the white house they say the president was briefed on reports of gunfire on capitol hill this afternoon. white house staff are in touch with law enforcement monitoring the incident. any questions about white house
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security obviously should be directed at the secret service. that kind of gives us a bit of a timeline, if you will, as to when the incident began and how she ended up on capitol hill. because, as you mentioned, there is quite a bit of distance in between the white house and capitol hill. we're beginning to piece together how this entire incident began to unfold. back to you guys. >> okay, sue, thank you very much for now. as she said, the president was briefed on these reports. joining us now on the line is congressman kevin yoder of kansas who was inside the capitol building as this all happened. congressman, thank you so much for calling in. first of all, can you tell us what if anything you witnessed or heard? >> well, thanks for having me on the show. i was actually right off the house floor with the speaker of the house and several other members of congress when we were given the news that came through from capitol security officers rushing to tell the speaker there had been shots fired outside of the capitol. we were to stay in place. the capitol was on lockdown. members of congress were not to
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leave. the house floor immediately recessed. we were in the middle of debating a bill to fund veterans programs. the house immediately recessed, went into lockdown. we've been sort of right off the house floor ever since then. speaker of the house here and my understanding, minority leader pelosi and the democratic cloak room off the democratic side of the floor. >> congressman, could you give us a sense the mood on the house floor when you learned of the lockdown? when you learned of -- were you told there were shots fired? what was the response of either the speaker or yourself or some of your colleagues on the house floor there? >> well, i think everyone was very stunned. it was about 2:30, 2:25 when we were told that shots had been fired outside of the capitol. as more information came in, we learned that potentially officers had been shot or officers are down. i think everyone really tensed up immediately. everything sort of froze. all attention was paid to this. i think for a moment maybe some of the other big issues that are going on in the capitol sort of went away for a moment as we
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were focused on what was happening as it was developing. obviously news was coming in in bits and pieces to us. but i was sitting next to speaker of the house in the cloak room on the republican side when the officers came in and began giving information to him directly about the updates. a pretty tense time. i think folks were obviously very concerned. probably most concerned to hear that an officer had been injured and anybody had been injured. certainly an officer defending the united states capitol, obviously we've had shootings here in the past. pretty scary time. >> just a couple of weeks ago, congressman, you said that people went to the cloak room. where are you now and where are most members of the house at this point as far as you can tell? >> well, we were in between votes when the -- when the shots were fired. many members were here on the house floor. the republican cloak room or democratic cloak room. at this moment, some are back in their offices. we were supposed to have a
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scheduled vote about 3:00. right now the house was to be voting on the bill. obviously that's been postponed. the house is probably -- i'm not sure what their plan is at this point. i think everyone's pretty shooken up by what's going on. just really shows, you know, the seriousness of what occurred. >> representative kevin yoder of kansas. thank you so much for your time, sir. we're glad that you are safe and all of your colleagues are in the house. thank you. >> great. thank you so much. >> you bet. back to eamon javers outside the capitol building there. when last we checked with you, things seemed to be easing up a bit. people milling about. what's going on now? >> reporter: yeah. that's right, bill. they still have this area cordoned off. we're on the west front of the capitol. this is where we have the report of shots fired. i can tell you this is the area where they evaced somebody on a stretcher on a park police helicopter a few minutes ago. like i said, they've given us a warning they might bring another helicopter in here. we've got kind of a surreal moment here.
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we've got tourists jogging by. tourists on segways. staffers wandering away from the capitol hill building. there's a more relaxed feel on 3rd and pennsylvania than over the past half hour or so. capitol police officers on bikes do not seem to be as alert as -- not to say they're not alert. they do not seem to be deploying into active positions as they were a few minutes ago. we have some police officers here directing traffic. some of the tactical units that we saw rushing out to this position over the past half hour have already left from here. we can tell you that from this point of view, the traffic is flowing. tourists are here. this entire area is slowly beginning to reopen. the capitol police officers who were cordoning off this area just behind us have left just within the past, i want to say, minute, minute and a half or something like that. a definite feeling of lower tensions here. although we just saw an or mooared s.w.a.t. vehicle come back at a high rate of speed.
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>> eamon javers with the very latest where he is outside of the capitol, where we understand this high speed chase came to something of a head. eamon, thank you very much. joining us on the phone, bradley schriever. we thank you so much for calling in. with the limited information that we have, one of the first things that comes to mind is when the last time we might have seen anything like this with a vehicle perhaps approaching the white house, a high speed chase that culminates in what sounds like a shooting. in your -- as far as you know, when the is the last time anything like this has happened? >> well, there have been several incidences over the years. unfortunately 1992 was the last time we actually had someone infiltrate the capitol where two capitol hill police officers were shot and killed in the line of duty. and since then there have been a few other smaller incidents. nothing of this sort. >> are you surprised anybody was able to get that close to the white house with a vehicle of that kind? i mean, i can imagine there's all kinds of security having
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been in that area many, many times. i know about the security we can see. not about the security we can't see. >> it's unclear exactly how close they got to the white house itself. as you know, my office is right across the street from the white house. i'm on 17th and pennsylvania. the white house is buffered by 17th street and 15th street. and constitution avenue. and k street on the north side. there's a whole lot of area there to cover. if they were trying to get through the gate, there are several layers before they actually would have gotten to the white house. the white house is well protected. it seems that this may be a random act. somebody who was mentally disturbed or someone with other criminal background. >> then, of course, we learned they were racing we had presumed down pennsylvania avenue. one of the easiest ways to get from the white house to the capitol building. then they, you know, it ends right there on the northwest corner of the capitol building
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right there. so, i mean, they were in full pursuit. but this woman allegedly, if it was this woman driver, really wreaked havoc for several minutes there, didn't she? >> oh, absolutely. but the good news is the u.s. capitol police, the u.s. secret service and the other 38 law enforcement agencies that work in this town are very well coordinated. they work together. as soon as the incident occurred on the white house grounds, i'm sure that there was an all points that went out to the other law enforcement agencies. and they were able to consolidate and collapse on her at that point in time. it doesn't look like that she actually got into the capitol. but it does look like the barriers and the protections that were put up in place to protect this sort of thing from escalating were effective. >> bradley -- >> thank you very much, brad shreiver. >> let's listen in to the local affiliate in washington as they can give us more detail from the chopper now. >> we're seeing the situation sort of tighten.
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security tightened around the white house here at the capitol. the lockdown has been lifted. so is the shelter in place. >> you see some people actually running or walking toward into the building because the gunfire is happening. again, we understand around that reflecting pool, if you will, on the mall side of the capitol before the chase went on to the senate side -- that's where people walk around freely. take photos all day and night. >> west lawn. >> we don't have any details on where this driver allegedly ran into the white house gate. >> all right. we're breaking in from wrc for just a moment. breaking news from sue herera. >> we can tell you now that the female suspect that initially rammed that gate and then continued down to the capitol and shots were fired, now the female suspect in the capitol shooting is reportedly been killed by police. that's according to reuters. once again, the female suspect
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in the capitol shooting has, according to reuters, been killed by police, bill. that's what we have. >> back to wrc. that dramatic footage there they were showing live from i guess the capitol -- all right. if we get back to that, that's fine. we get to see actually what's going on there. we want to talk to another member of congress as we're able to get in contact with them. right now we're on the phone with congressman steve israel of new york. congressman, thank you very much for your time. can you tell us what you experienced, what you saw during the events? >> yeah. i was in my office in the rayburn house office building on the phone with a bunch of defense executives from long island trying to assess the impact of the shutdown when i heard that we were in lockdown. there was a sudden beeping of the capitol emergency alert system. and a command from police officers to go into lockdown. which we have a certain protocol for that. number one, we have to make sure our staff is in place. we did an immediate inventory of our staff. they all happened to have been
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in the office. shut the doors, lock the doors, stay away from windows and monitor the situation for the duration of that lockdown. >> we want to bring eamon javers in who's still outside the capitol there. eamon, you were watching what was unfolding there from your office there as well. now we're seeing people start to -- representative israel was with a group of people that were locked down as well. how were you able to get outside, by the way? >> our office is up on north capitol street. about half a block from the senate side offices. just outside the cordon they drew up. let me walk you through the geography here. paennsylvania avenue runs this way. if this incident began at pennsylvania avenue, came down pennsylvania avenue and ended apparently right over here behind this small berm of grass.
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that is the constitution avenue hill that leads right up to the capitol building. on our way over to this camera position from our office which is on the other side of that police activity, what we were able to see there is the remains of a car accident. we saw a police vehicle that was fairly significantly damaged on the front left portion of the vehicle. we saw medical personnel removing people and tending to people at that scene. we are told now by nbc's pete williams and jonathan dooens is there was a female driver of the vehicle who drove from the white house to this location. we're also told shots were fired at the point where this chase, high speed incident ended. what we don't know is who was hit or whether anybody was hit up here. we did see somebody being medically evacuated. we have an end to end pennsylvania avenue incident from the white house in this direction to the capitol building here ending about 2nd and constitution avenue right behind where i'm standing.
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>> eamon javers, thank you, sir. stay with us. we want to bring representative steve israel of new york back into this conversation. he was in his office building. representative, if i heard you right you were speaking with members of the te fence industry about the impact of the government shutdown. is there any color you can give us as to the resources available to deal with this kind of a threat which has just happened, of course, tragic events which have just happened in the past hour on capitol hill? >> one thing i did hear which we're waiting to confirm is that despite the very robust presence you're seeing on your screen of law enforcement and the convergence of federal law enforcement from the park police, capitol police, washington, d.c., police, secret service, the fact that because we are in a shutdown, that those resources actually were not what they would ordinarily have been without furloughs. that's something i did hear and we're tracking that down now. >> can you explain that at all, sir? what you mean by that? >> as a result of this shutdown there are furloughs. there are people in different
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sectors of even law enforcement and protection who are not working today because of these furloughs. one of the things i want to make sure is whether, in fact, it is accurate, that the response as good and effective as it was, was it affected by the shutdown. >> the speculation will go on for a little while until we know exactly what happened and who was responsible. but can you give us a sense of the mood in d.c. in week anyway as a result of the shutdown? i mean, can you identify a greater sense of -- of urgency or of anxiety as a result of the shutdown in washington this week? >> you know, political tensions are so acute right now. when i was at my desk talking to corporate -- defense executives on long island i heard my chief of staff say -- >> congressman, sorry to interrupt. we're looking at live pictures. you're looking at monitors.
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a black car. from wrc, our affiliate. you see police cars, the white cars chasing that black vehicle we had heard about that allegedly was driven by the woman who had initially tried to storm the white house gates. then the police as they were chasing her got her down to the northwest corner of the capitol building before they were able to surround her and apparently shots were fired at that time. now we've heard from reports that apparently she has died as a result of all of that. that was the video, apparently, of the chase that occurred within the last hour between capitol police and the black vehicle that was involved in all of this. i'm sorry, congressman. go ahead. obviously a very tense time. you wonder whether this is a symptom of all of that or not. again, we don't want to speculate too far at this point. >> yeah. i wouldn't speculate on that. i can tell you that these kinds of incidents and attacks tend to bring the family together. so i'm hopeful that this will be a reminder that we're all
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americans. and we need to just work together to find some common ground. this is not an attack on the capitol. this is the kind of thing that is an attack on democracy. we need to come together now, use this as whatever motivation we need to come together and work out our differences peacefully. >> congressman, we understand on the floor at the time the house was working towards perhaps passing funding for veterans affairs. what can you tell us about the status of that vote both before the event happened and now? >> unclear. the house immediately went into recess. in fact, when i was on the phone with the defense executives in new york, the first thing i heard before the emergency alert system or twere the capitol hil bells ringing the floor into recess. i said that doesn't make sense. why are we going into recess. we're about to proceed to these votes. i thought there was a procedural problem or disagreement on the floor that required the floor to be shut down. 30 seconds after the bells rang shutting down the floor, the emergency alert system rang
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indicating why the floor was shut down. the floor is still in recess. we don't know when we are going to go back to votes. and what the rest of the legislative day will look like. >> congressman, how quickly would you need to resume the session in order to pass any legislation or make any votes this evening? >> well, our last vote was scheduled for about 3:45. and so we should be able to get to the floor in an orderly way. the capitol police just did send us indication that while the lockdown has been lifted, there are areas of the capitol that will remain inaccessible until further investigation and notification. number one, capitol police have to indicate to us that all areas of the capitol are safe and accessible. at which point the house can go back into session, take these votes and continue working until we resolve this shutdown, i hope. >> congressman israel, we haung so nuch for yo thank you so much for your time. >> back to sue herera at hk with
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more of an update. >> here's what we have. the house is reportedly going to be back in session at 3:30 p.m. eastern time. we also understand that the press area at 1st and constitution avenue is set up for a news briefing with the u.s. capitol police speaking at 3:30 p.m. we'll have both of those events being monitored for you. according to nbc's pete williams, the woman that was driving the black car that allegedly rammed into the gate at the white house and then continued down to the capitol was driving the black car with a child in the car. luke russert reports that according to the sergeant at arms, she drove the car. the child was a baby. the woman was shot after exchanging gunfire with capitol police. the baby is safe. according to luke and according to the sergeant at arms. and the baby has been taken to the hospital. there are two events that are upcoming that we're going to be
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monitoring for you. one, the house goes back into session at 3:30 p.m. eastern time. the second is that the u.s. capitol police will hold a news briefing or make a statement. we're not sure which it will be at 3:30 p.m. eastern time. there was a child in the car of the alleged accomplice -- the alleged woman who shot at police and the baby's been taken to the hospital. you're up to date right now, folks. it's a continuing and developing story. back to you, bill and kelly. >> all right. we're going to hampton first? we got all kinds of guests ready to line up. back to our reporter, hampton pearson, who is west of the capitol there. you've talked to some of the security forces. what did you learn, hampton? >> reporter: i want to pick up on the comment you had from the congressman about more than likely because of the furloughs, there were less security in place than would normally be in and around the capitol. i think one way, as the number one, the response was amazingly fast. because we in our crew car were
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basically neck and neck coming down independence avenue to get to this location with folks converging on the scene. at the same time, they had to be concerned primarily with the area immediately behind me on the west front. that's where that helicopter landed. securing that. so, therefore, there wasn't much security beyond that as far as civilians and other people, if you will, going back and forth while the situation was still very, very much in play and hadn't been fully resolved. as far as this whole notion of the route of this thing starting roughly 15th and e, for those of you generally familiar with washington, that's on the treasury side of the white house, if you will. then ending up in this end on the capitol on the west front and on the 2nd and constitution side. you know, that's just kind of unheard of. again, as we see now, traffic is open, moving behind me on 3rd. the house side obviously no longer in lockdown. sue went through all the details
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of what an amazing series of events have transpired here this afternoon. >> hampton pearson -- >> the response was rapid, on time. yes? >> thank you. hampton, we're just watching the house floor. they've just reconvened. let's listen in, see if anybody's talking about this. >> strong support of legislation on the floor today. what we have before us today is an opportunity to keep the faith with america's veterans of which i am one, and -- >> wow. >> what they're doing is proceeding with the debate on the issue of -- you know, these are many funding bills. >> exactly. piecemeal funding for pieces of the government that are shut down. >> that they want to bring back into operation. what they've been debagt on is the veterans administration as you pointed out. this has been going on all day as they try to bring some of those pieces back. apparently the house is back in session and the debates proceed. >> perhaps the lack of comment because they simply don't have much more information on it at this point. that bill, the likelihood of it passing house and being passed by the senate looks low anyway. the strategy is not a winning
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one. >> we bring in cliff, aren't we? all right. let's bring in our friend, former fbi profiler, msnbc analyst cliff van zandt. cliff, we're trying to piece things together. we're getting little bits and pieces here. i don't know how much you've heard to this point. we don't want to go too far over our skis in speculation here. we don't want to go too far beyond what we know. all right? all right. cliff is talking to somebody else right now. luke russert is on the phone. you were in an advantageous spot, luke, i understand. tell us what you saw as events were unfolding. >> yeah. hey, guys. around 2:20 i was in my office which overlooks the west front of the capitol, the side where the inauguration occurred where this incident happened. i heard about four very loud booms and bangs. it was so loud it caused me to stand up immediately. i looked outside my window. i saw capitol police running, guns drawn, telling tourists, a
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few dozen or so tourists to get on the ground. they all got on to their stomachs while the capitol police secured the perimeter. then police cars engaged in a chase that went over towards constitution avenue which is on the senate side of the building out of my purview. folks familiar with the capitol, this sort of happened in the front. then there is a chase with the vehicle over to the right. i'm told by the sergeant at arms that what occurred was this woman obviously hit the white house that we know. there was a car chase to the capitol. secret service started. capitol police assisted. they cornered this woman in her car. there was a baby in the car. shots ensued. the capitol police officer who is injured, who was actually medevacked out of the west front of the capitol, yes, a literal helicopter landed on the mall today, was hurt when his car rammed into the suspect. there are reports the baby was not injured.
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it's now being taken to the hospital to make sure they're okay. but this place is on lockdown. you see the house is now starting back up again. business around 2:30 today was stopped. we were told to shelter in place. this incident did cause the united states house of representatives to stop pursuing the business of the people. something you don't see every day here on capitol hill. nor do you see a helicopter landing on the mall. quite a scary incident. >> we're waiting for the news conference of the law enforcement officials to begin here any moment. in fact, it looks like it has. let's see if we can hear it. thanks, luke. >> about 2:18 this afternoon, there was a vehicle in the vicinity of the white house that apparently attempted to pass a barricade. that vehicle was attempted to be stopped by secret service. uniformed division. shots were potentially fired. they pursued the vehicle. the vehicle came -- struck one
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of our vehicles here at 2nd and maryland. 2nd -- 1st and conn here. ultimately ended up at 2nd and maryland northeast where it crashed into one of our barricades. at this time, both scenes are secured. we initially locked down some buildings in the capitol vicinity. that lockdown has been released. we have no information that this is related to terrorism or is anything other than an isolated incident. [ inaudible question ] >> we are working -- the metropolitan police department is handling the shooting scene investigation. obviously assisting the secret service and the u.s. capitol police. [ inaudible question ] >> we are still investigating that. possibly we believe there was a child in the car. we're still collecting those facts. [ inaudible question ] >> i don't have a condition on the person in the car at this
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time. >> is there any plans to secure a different location so the federal government -- >> no. this appears to be an isolated incident with just one vehicle involved. there's been a coordination between all the agencies that i just mentioned including the fbi. both scenes are under control. [ inaudible question ] >> i do not have that right now. >> do you have the condition of the injured officer? >> on the way, as i mentioned, one of our officers was struck in his scout car. he appears to be conscious and breathing. >> no officers shot, chief? >> as far as we know, no officer has been shot. [ inaudible question ] >> the driver of the other car was a lady, was a woman? >> we believe so. >> where were shots fired? at the white house and here? >> we're still investigating that. obviously we have multiple scenes. we're still collecting those
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facts. [ inaudible question ] >> it all appears to be one incident. multiple scenes. >> were shotted fires at the capitol? >> no. we have no information that shots were -- [ inaudible question ] >> what i'll do in about half an hour, i'll give you an update. how is that? >> is the suspect dead? >> i do not have the condition on the suspect. >> anybody in custody? >> did one of the police officers hit a barricade up here? >> i will be back at quarter after 4:00. >> thank you, chief. >> metro police there giving us an update on some things we knew, some we didn't. the events that took place beginning at 2:18 eastern time sf. >> perhaps most interesting, the officer medevacked out of there was apparently struck by a car. he was not shot. there's no evidence any of the officers were shot. i also found it interesting he said they believed the suspect was a woman. believed that there was a child in the back of the car.
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perhaps that's just extra cautionary language till they can say for sure. >> i think so. back to eamon javers. you heard what they said. how does it jibe with what you've been seeing there. >> it squares with what we're seeing here because we're seeing much less police response right in this area. we did see that car accident over here on constitution avenue on the senate side of the capitol building. that seems to be where the ins tent ended up. we just fed video up to you in the control room that our camera man shot in the instance after this shooting and a car crash happened. what you can see in that video, which you guys should have access to momentarily, is police officers responding inside a police vehicle to somebody who's been injured. you can see there's an immediate police response. fire, police, ambulances right on the scene very, very quickly. they're reaching into the car to help somebody who's been injured in that vehicle. it could be the case that what we're looking at here is people injured in a car accident that happened here toward the end of
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the overall incident which we're now told in that press conference began over at the white house earlier then ended up here at the capitol building. very dramatic scenes here in the u.s. capitol, guys. >> eamon, as we watch the market reaction here as well, dow is down 100 points. still a little bit lower than where we were before news of the incident came to light. of course, we're off the lows of the session. a lot of people immediately focused on whether this was an isolated incident or thnot. police appear to be very clear at least at that point that this was an isolated incident. >> appeared to be. >> reporter: they're emphasizing that point in the press conference, that this was an isolated incident. the reason, you have multiple locations. your immediate fear would be what we've got is some sort of intentionally coordinated event, perhaps a planned attack. that's why they were being very, very clear there that this is an isolated incident. they're trying to dispel that concern immediately. that's why probably you're seeing the market come back from
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where it was. because this looks like a much less scary incident, although terrifying for those who were involved in it. clearly very, very dangerous and clearly at least one person fairly significantly hurt. we saw that air lift take off from here at the west front of the capitol building. the fears of a coordinated attack type scenario, something like the navy yard shooting which we saw just a couple of weeks ago, appear to be dispelled here. this looks like just an intense clash of violence, possibly a domestic dispute or something along those lines. they're going out of their way, as you say, to emphasize isolated incident here in washington today. >> all right, eamon, thank you. we'll be checking back. good job to this point. we are going to take a break. we'll come back, continue our coverage of the events around capitol hill and get back to market coverage as well. as kelly mentioned, the dow down 122 points. it's been a down day anyway on day three of the federal government shutdown. we'll be back with more on cnbc in just a moment. the american dream is of a better future,
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or make a text donation right now. your contribution will feed children and save lives. together, we can stop the dying and start the living. and together, we can move people from hunger to hope. welcome back to cnbc. bill griffith at the new york stock exchange. we continue our coverage of the incident at the capitol a little over an hour ago that involved a
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shooting. a police officer injured in a car crash has been taken to the hospital. we have at least one person dead. sue herera has the latest for us on what you know. sue? >> just to recap things, bill. this incident started at the white house when a woman rammed a gate at the white house. at that point there were reports that she exchanged some gunfire with police. the car then continued down to capitol hill where there was more gunfire exchanged. apparently in that incident, a capitol police officer was injured by the car. he was not shot, according to the news conference that we just heard from capitol police a short while ago. the woman had a baby in the car. the baby has been taken to a hospital. reports are that the baby has not been injured. the woman was, according to capitol hill police spokesperson that spoke to both luke russ er and pete williams, the woman was shot by capitol police. we should note the spokesperson we saw on our air just a short while ago would not confirm and
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did not have information about the state of the suspect. so we're still working on that part of the story. the senate and the hill -- the house were put on a lockdown for a period of time. and a shelter in place. that was lifted about 30 minutes into this particular incident. right now we're waiting for yet another news conference to start at 4:15 p.m. eastern time. the house is back in session. they have picked up the debate and legislation that's pending on the house floor. and we're watching that for you as well. once again, the house is back in session. there's another press briefing at about 4:15. although that time is fluid. according to capitol hill police, the sergeant at arms specifically, the suspect, a woman, was killed in an exchange of gunfire with police. there was a child in the car. we're told it's an infant. that person -- that child has been transported to a local hospital. we don't know which one at this time. you're up to date, bill.
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>> sue, thanks very much. >> we're joined on the line by former fbi profiler and msnbc analyst clint van zandt. sorry we had to cut you off earlier. especially now in light of what we've learned in the last half hour or so, what are you thoughts about the incident that's occurred in front of the white house and culminating there outside the capitol building this afternoon? >> well, we realize it's only been 17 days since a horrific shooting at the navy yard in which, of course, the nation knows 12 people died at the hands of a mentally ill mass murderer. i think we have to be very careful looking at this case, too. like it was just reported that the driver, female driver, was killed in a gun battle with police. now, it may well turn out that the weapon she had was a vehicle. we know she rammed one police car. she injured an officer. i could see a scenario where officers would be shooting trying to stop the vehicle. whether or not she had a gun. all of that aside, though, it
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doesn't appear there's anything that suggests this is an act of terrorism. and realize, again, in the middle east, for example, you get a lot of women that are suicide bombers. and she had a vehicle. they have to consider that from the law enforcement standpoint. right now this could be a very localized, mental health issue. that's still to be determined. >> one thing that stands out to all of us, clint, is the fact that she had the infant in the car. whether it was hers or not, we have to assume it was. you never know. but that really is an unusual circumstance by any means in a situation like this. >> it really is. that's why it gives me pause to think that she would have had a gun, she would have engaged in a gunfight with police, something like this. realizing that those incoming bullets could have very easily struck her child. but that also tends to suggest if she was trying to crash the white house gate that there was some ongoing -- you and i would suggest mental health condition
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or issues. law enforcement will find that out very quickly this afternoon. >> you bet. clint, always good to see you. thank you. >> thank you. let's get a check on the market reaction to all this. we're only about 12 minutes away from the closing bell on a day where we've seen the market already under significant pressure from washington. this pressure of a different nature. bob pisani joins us from the floor. >> the important thing we did see a momentary response in the dow jones industrial average as the incident happened or was reported. that was a little less than two hours ago. dow dropped about 30 points. but quickly recovered as apparently traders began to realize this appeared to have been somewhat of an isolated incident. the important thing was markets are pretty much back here to where they were just prior to the incident. there you see that drop in the dow. treasuries, brief flight to safety. we saw prices go up. yields go down in the treasury market. again, the same situation. that reversed fairly quickly here. it's been a very tense day with a lot f o people trying to figure out exactly where we go with the negotiations. some of the traders rb saying
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maybe this will hasten a move back to more serious negotiations. guys, back to you. >> we will see. bob, thank you very much. we're heading toward the close. about ten minutes left in the trading session here. the bias is generally to the downside. not a whole lot. we are really in wait and see mode to see what comes off of capitol hill. right now the dow is down 123 points. >> plenty more on that developing story outside of the capitol when we come back. stay with us here on the "closing bell." it's as simple as this. at bny mellon, our business is investments.
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welcome back. we're in the final stretch as we head to the close with the dow down 120 points. >> david kugla, what a day. our focus has been on washington anyway. for very, very different reasons. your thoughts on the impact. it's day three of the shutdown. we have this development now going on. how do you think the market responds? what do you make of that response so far? >> both the shutdown and the events today create uncertainty for the markets. on that we're going to see the kind of volatility we've seen today. as long as the government is shut down, we'll continue to have this volatilepy. i think the important thing for investors to recognize is this is really noise. in the long term. for those investors looking
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to -- to get into this market, for those investors that are in the market, be patient now. we've got a good end of the year rally for stocks to come. >> you think so? >> yes. this is essentially creating an opportunity for investors. >> even if the fed begins tapering before the end of the year? >> even if the fed begins tapering before the end of the year. because if the fed begins tapering, they've told us it's data dependent now. that would accompany -- that would be accompanied by a stronger economy. >> a look at the market here, not catching much of a bid into the end of the session. some people speculating maybe this warms hearts a little bit in washington to get some kind of deal done. it doesn't seem to be materializing right now. >> yeah. from what we know, we're three days into this with no end in sight. as long as it goes on, we continue to see that volatility in the market, which creates that opportunity for investors to buy on this dip. >> it doesn't make you want to buy some of the traditional safe havens? the bonds? you know, the dollar is going
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downright now. bonds are holding. we're not seeing a big rally in that regard. why to you think that is? >> we've seen yields really stabilize over the last week or so. we really haven't moved more than a couple basis points in either direction on the 10-year note. this is a level the market is comfortable with for now based on the move down we saw in yields because of the lack of fed tapering. i think, though, that bonds -- bond yields are going to rise higher. for longer term investors we would still favor equities over bonds. >> all right. >> interest rate sensitive bonds. there are still back loan funds, convertibles, high yield that are attractive in the bond safe. >> david, good to see you. about five minutes left here. we'll take a break. >> coming up next, back with plenty more on the developing story out of capitol hill just in the last couple of hours. stay with us. ♪
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i guess he's not there. what we can show you is the market response was brief and sharp when we got word of the shooting on capitol hill. we were down 158 points just like that. then it came back when it was clear that it might, in fact, be an isolated incident and not a concerted conspiracy of some kind. >> investors have been whip sawed here. the news that john boehner might be willing to invote what's so called the -- go with democrats in order to avoid a default is what had people frankly around the world snapping to attention and feeling a little bit better. we saw the market pull back. we were down less than triple digits. just shortly thereafter, some tragic news out of the capitol that we heard about. whether we want to call it the shooting, the high speed car chase, involved both the white house and, of course, ended just outside the capitol. and we have not recovered from that incident. >> we're going out day three of the shutdown of the federal
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government. and the market is down. the dow roughly down 1.5%. a little more than that in those three sessions. we will have much more from washington and wall street as we continue now with the second hour of if "closing bell." 4:00 on wall street. we welcome you to the second hour the "closing bell." bill griffith along with kelly evans hin here for maria. she'll be back monday. a busy day not only on wall street but in washington. we get to sue herera for exactly what we know about the capitol shooting which happened almost two hours ago. >> we are awaiting a second news conference which should begin in about 15 minutes or so. as you can imagine the situation on capitol hill is still very fluid and changing at this
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