tv Mad Money CNBC October 14, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about the only underarm low t treatment, axiron. my mission is simple -- to make you money. i'm here to level the plays field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere. i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. i'm just trying to save you money. my job is to educate you, so call me. up day, down day, flat day. there's something you need to understand. investing can be a lot like comedy in both disciplines, timing is everything.
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perhaps the similarity is why on occasion people call me a clown, even a joker, as long as it's not a midnight toker. maybe they're complimenting ply keen sense of timing when they compare me to his legends. anyway, the joke is on them. when it comes to stock, getting the timing correct, knowing the right time to buy or to sell, among the most important yet difficult and frustrating parts of managing your own money, you tell me this. i'm solving it tonight. it is demanding. precision of any sort is tough to get right. that's why you hear so many commentators say it's possible, in fact, there's a whole cottage industries of nay sayers, who make a living say there's no way a regular investor can do it, so you might as well give up on picking your own stocks. just put all your money in an index fund, and leave it there for all eternity. now, look, i've got nothing
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against index funds per se. they can be a decent way to make money if you don't have the time or inclination, and many people don't. i've been saying that sings the show began, but the argument that they're the only way to go, that's totally bog us, as we have all either made good money or know people who have, or you would not be watching a show devoted to trying to help you invest yourself. yet that success is systematically denied if not denigrated by those who proceeds le advertised endlessly, plus even with an index fund, timing is crucial. if you bought it pell teak of october 2007, you got anile rated where in you because bought the bottom in 2009, you made out like a bandit. sure, eventually you made a decent chunk of it back. that kind of brutal loss can take ages to recover from.
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if you bought at the bottom you doubled your money in less than two years. before europe ruled the roost, and then panicked at the twilight of the summer of 2011, you saw 20% of your capital erased. admittedly they see are extreme examples, but they have happened enough recently to be considered regular occurrences. timing is everything if you want to make money. last i looked, that is a very worthwhile objective, not trumped by the demand that you go into an index fund. unfortunately how to time better, is something that can be taught. that's what i do. so, at least a better client full-service broker, which i also like. timing your moves by avoiding some common mistakes and absorbs crucial lessons that i picked up in. one of the reasons the -- is the moments of greatest opportunity
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is when you should be put money to work, switching from bonds to stocks are also the moments of the greatest terror and angst. they tend to be the exact hours or even minutes when everyone is telling you to get out, and all of your instincts are screaming that you should panic. i understand the concern. it's a heck of a lot easier, sure, i would sell something than to say, no, wait a second. it's time to buy. no one's going to remember you as a hero in the market reverses and goes right back up, you will always about el regalled as a goat. especially in these days, you could say sell, the market could go up, the and people won't realize the rest of the sentence is if you are up. the frightening moments, the days when you're freaking out, those days are almost never the right time to sell.
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there can become a better time. if you think it's too ugly, why not try this strategy. i'm serious. just reverse all your thinking. pick something to buy, not sell. do it small. you don't have to be heroic, but you also don't have to join the herd. nobody every made a dime panicking. it is an awful strategy, if one can call it a strategy. i know i don't it's one. let me put it another way. obvious because you don't like a market does not mean it's the right moves to sell. on once in my 30 years was it right. every other time, every single other time selling was wrong and buying was right. whether it be the sell-off, remember the sequestration scare and the u.s. bond downgrade, the debt ceiling debacle, the japanese nuclear crisis. the market got clobbered then, but the 1987 crash, yeah, i'm that old, 9/11 panicked selling
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has not been the smartest thing to do. in all those places, what worked was prudent buying. the only time actually panic made sense was sell in the morass of 2008. that's when you had to take it off the take. that is a systemic crisis, people, not a temporary crisis, so panic in the midst of a sell -- made sense, which is why i told you to sell bag okay the "today" show. >> what is your advice. >> whatever money you may need for the next five years, please take it out of the stock market right now. illustrates the whole system was in jeopardy, only time since the great depression buying hurt you, because stocks kept falling and falling. you never got a chance to unload the merchandise you bought on a dip. that is the only time, that one instance, just once in 80 years. i don't expect that to repeat
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itself. in october of 2008 i was heavily criticized telling people to do a sell-off. i was chided for yelling fire in a crawleded theater, but even if the theater is burning, you neat to try to get people out. in 2008 and 2008 only quick, almost immediate selling was the right move. the market was headed down huge, almost in a straight line. it was smart to sell even when we were already several hundred points down. getting back in was tough, but you managed to sidestep, only 35% of you took action. of course it was better to immediate my september 2008, when you dodged almost the 40% climb. that was done in a less dire moment. they are among the proudest hours i've had, yet they gets forgotten in the day to day investing. i get that. maybe that's good. that kind of selling is not an appropriate takeaway. unless the whole system is in jeopardy. as i tick down all those other
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proximate causes, you can tell that they ended up being moments to buy, not sell. yet every other time, every other crash or correction, you could afford to wait or you should have bought into the panic. how about the timing within the sell jeff. i often find in day 1 of a vicious decline, hold your courses, stand pat. you've got to be patient. even if you recognize the patience doesn't come easy. wait it out a bit, preferably until we decline 5% to 7% from the highs. that's when i like to start doing some buys. that's my rule of thumb. what happens if you go the other way after a kind of decline? believe me, i have seen what happens when you proclaim sell sell sell. the long-term capital, huge reqless hedge fund was collapsing, threatening to bring down several other instances. wrote a column for the online publication called the streetcom and it was titled "get out now."
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i was advising people to sell into a intraday downturn. the fed didn't seem to understand the gravity of the moment. what happened? within one hour of that piece posting, the fed held an emergency meeting to cut rates and the market rallied back in my face. it was a terrible moment. magnified by the time-stamped article, that's the moment i wrote about, it was a -- in 1998, elves dead wrong. go read it. people still pen about that chapter of jim cramer on twitter. if you took the other side, you made fortunes. not to say i'm an idiot, but listen, it happens. it happens. i radically reversed my stance not long after, and i had to pay huge for the same stocks i sold in the morning and still feel the scrambled eggs now and then. do not sell in the midst of an awful decline, no matter how much you might want to.
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keep your head, because you will get a better moment to sell. in all my years of trading, panic has only been right once. systemic problems. every other time, the right move was to buy into weakness. remember that and my stores about getting it wrong. believe me, it will not be systemic like it was in 2008. now, go to paul in california, please. >> caller: yes, this is paul from rancho santa margarita, california. first of all, thank you very much for all your help and research. >> thank you. >> caller: you've readily helped my family. i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> caller: you always say to use limit orders. >> right. >> caller: but if you've been watching aic to and tracking it constantly, and it finally hits the buy price that i want, wouldn't it be smart for me to use a market order if i feel it's gone down? or do you think i should way for a limit order price?
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>> you have to wait. let me tell you why. some of the big declines have been so fast and breathtaking you'll get a report that you bought the stock at 20 and, because the machines went amok. also the government rules that some of these machines have to be banned, i can't countenance that kind of order. let's go to mark in florida. >> caller: thank you, jim. thank you to you and your crew, they are fantastic. >> they are good. >> caller: jim, my call today is on options. i hear all the time on cnbc, sometimes even on your show that options for a particular stock are expensive right now or reasonably priced right now. how would i know when options are reasonably priced or expensive? i'm an action alert subscriber. i've read all your books, but i don't remember this being discussed you know, i did -- i addressed it in real money and also in "getting back even" but
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it's a great question. what i like to do is you take the option, look at what's known as the premium, just if you backed out the price of the stock. if it's very high and the expiration of is the put or the call is happening in a very near short of time, you know it's expensive. you have to measure the premium. the premium can be too big. that's when you have to avoid it. you've heard it bhf, timing is everything. it's especially true when it comes to investing. in the face of a sell-off, please, please, don't panic. time is on your side. take a breath, relax, keep your head and maybe buy. time is money. i've got a lot more, coming up. stay with us.
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when to buy? when to sell? it's all about time. you could have the best stock picks in the world and it won't mean a thing if you didn't also have a good sense of timing. i'm a big believer that ordinary people can manage the money just as well as pros, sometimes even better. that's why i come out every night to coach and teach. despied what you hear from the nay sayers, it's entirely possible for someone to beat the market and outperform the benchmarks, as long as you think like a disciplined investor rather than a gambler. if you're willing to spend that time, as long as you're devoted and inclined to learn, my experience is you will mostly beat many money managers and take taxable gains and losses when they suit you, not the manager, very important issue.
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right? a huge party of knowing what you're doing is having decent timing, or at least knowing enough to make -- not to make boneheaded mistakes about when to buy and sell. that's why tonight i'm going over some of the frequent errors, so i can steer you on the right. when the market loux south, when the pressure is on, that's when people tend to screw many. for example, let's say your portfolio gets caught with its pants down, many of you were caught owning too much stock, something the pros call having too much exposure. i've been there. it's horrible. the worst part is not knowing what to do, not knowing whether you should blow out of your stocks or hold time. it doesn't explain why -- and you know what else is extremely dangerous in a struggling market? the propensity to take sweeping, drastic action all at once. when it seems like everything is
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going wrong, when you know the economy and market are getting worse, when you're dead certain nothing good can happen. here's my advise -- take a breath. i would say meditate or do yoga, but i've one of tows down dogs that resume nating about how bass things are instead of concentrating on my breathing. what's crazy, selling everything is crazy. even if you own too much stock and want to lighten up, you have to resist the urge to sell everything form that's bad timing. i always tell you never to buy or sell at all witness. it's pure arrogance to assuming can time it, rather than feeble like a chump. that applies to more than just -- no matter how bad it looks. what's the right move? here's your crisis playbook. moments where the fundamentals are deteriorating right in front
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of you. first, you can't sell everything, but you have to sell something. not everything you own is equally good. here's my rubric for what can be sold. big props in the stock in don't give them back. that's when you have to remember this -- sell. you have something where the fundamentals have changed where the story is going against it, blow out of that stock. you have something you think is going lower? you know what? sell a little, please. schnitzel it. that's fine. you can all buy it back lower, but do not sell it all. that is just plain stupid. don't ever blow out of everything. don't give up on stocks entirely and hide in treasury bonds or cds with puny yields. instead, when things look dire, get really to re-deploy your capital. use that money to buy something you like. this is not in the heat of battle, but at the calm of the end of the week, i rate all my
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stocks in my charitable charts, from 1 to 4, the 1s being the best, the 4 the worth. i pioneered it, it's on display in every bull fen we sent out all today. it is the best way to handle a sell-off. it's a proven game plan i have used to three decades. the 1s are the top flight stocks. and you buy more of in moments of pure chaos. you've been ready, you've done the work, you know they are right for occasion. the 4s are the expendables that you sell when things turn awful. you just don't get emotional attached. you dump them. the three stocks you wish were higher, they can be sacrificed if you need to raise cash for the 1s. the 2s i wait for a 5% to 7% pullback.
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why not sell it all? why not? american source it's the old supermarket where my mom was friends with ought checkers. i always bet that one day, one day it would be taken over, that it was worth so much more than it was selling for, time would be on my side. then one day we got a brutal sell-off, and i couldn't stand the pain. you know that feeling. i got goldman sachs, picked them up and said buy my whole book, meaning they took my out of all my positions. what they did is stocked me out down 2% from where they were. they agreed that i would get the proceeds only down 2%, nor more than that. you can't literally offer everything you had and they would buy it on the line. include that package i sold to goldman was american stores. yeah, it was so ugly, i didn't want to own anything, including a stock i had owned forever. a big institutional investor can
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get someone to buy your whole portfolio. knowing you could do more damage by going at it piecemeal. it was what i thought a prudent decision. two weeks later, two weeks later after i sold all my positions albertson's bought american stores. it a huge premium. gigantic. i couldn't believe it. i had held on to it for all these years. like a chump i sold it. if i had added to the position, you could have made my year. i always remember that moment. it caused me to rethink how i sold out. that terrific goldman sachs gave me to take me out of my stocks down 2%, the stock market bottomed out 2%. i didn't have the guts to go back in, because i was so adamant we are going down 4 to 5%. what's the moral? selling something wasn't the bad idea. sometimes the pain is too unbearable, but selling
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everything? massive mistake. it's always good to use a futures-led sell-off to pick at your 1s, that's your favorite stocks after the sell-off ends. they always end at some point. not all of your stocks will bottom, but if you rank them, you probably won't care when they bottom, because your best ones will get put on sale, the good with the bad, the wheat with the chaff, and the draw foss that matter. but selling everything, getting out at the same time, that doesn't leave room for the possibility that thing can get better. it doesn't leave room for the next america's stores. it takes you out of the stocks you've been waiting on. here as the bottom line. time warps our feelings about stocks. so never trade like it's the epoch lips, instead go to the supermarket, find out what you want to buy, and always remember, i checked out of the most important stock i liked in
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so if you're ready to see opportunities and see them through, we say: let's get to work. because the future belongs to those who challenge the present. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yep, everybody knows that. well, did you know the ancient pyramids were actually a mistake? uh-oh. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. it's lots of things. all waking up. connecting to the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. ♪ it's going to be amazing.
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and exciting. and maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. we're going to wake the world up. and watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work. cisco. tomorrow starts here. with apologies to the great carole king, it's never too late, not to know what you own, anyway. we live in a world where too many people never met a disaster. you can bet that the press will go bean total disaster financial motor. hurricane disaster-like, day after day. as -- everyone's kind of addicted. every geopolitical, debts
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whipped into a frenzy. even the genuine catastrophies are like it's apocalypse now. >> to make it seem as though it's the end of the world or like we're on the eve of destruction. you can't shake it. it's almost like they want to shake you out. at times we seed to be unable to steer ourselves, and instead just imbue our own thoughts with pessimism. how many times have we seen this happened. the the market -- cypress, and
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prom cyprus, and the crisis in europe. what's the right way to react to this kind of crisis? i think the terrific nonsystemic risks, these buying opportunities, and you've got to get it in your head. how? let's figure this out "mad money" style. that i no longer work ought. whenever events occur. chicago futures they knocked down. first we have to ask yourself, the noose is potential tragic. can't ever make fun of it. what effect does it have on the numb enters? we're about the numbers. let me give you an example.
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i used the -- named after the -- i had the most consistent earns imaginable. what was the point? get the heck out. might as well go home. which i dismissed you. they were lucky i didn't throe -- i saved that for when they lost me money. every time i got they're going to say what are they going to do now? what do we do? jim, what do we do? i would scream back, dripping with sarcasm and arrogance -- what the heck does that have to do with the price to earnings ratio of bristol-myers? the answer is nothing. the first thing i did when i heard or saw one of these events. even if it turned on the to be
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worse than expected. at times you request see terrifying new cry. think about that pinnacle -- make it's verizon, and another steady eddy. southern, duke, just be ready, and get ready to buy. that at general mills -- is this the event for all the earnings out there. for example, when the -- and then demonstrating again. trying to kick out a dictator, there was a moment when even the oil stocks, which benefited from higher oil prices got knocked down. well, doesn't that -- that makes no sense whatsoever. and that's what you had to do,
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same with the overthrow of the elected but disliked ejepgs leader in 2013 it means that when oil comes down as part of a worldwide decline in commodities because of unrest, well, if it's in an area where it threatens the oil price to go higher, you've got to act. you have to buy. so there are some big scary crisis in the globe that threatens to -- like the sequester, unrest in brazil, i need you to remember the bristol-myers theory, what does it have to do? put it in perspective, maybe even feel like buying one when one of the areas is actually an opportunity being brought down by the particular eye vent. the bottom line, there will never be any -- especial i will this -- the next time it happens, don't run away. there might actually be an opportunity for you to make a very, very big profit. vince in maine, vince?
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>> caller: yes, thank you professor cramer. a quick question on what makes stocks split and what do we do when they do? >> this is such an interesting question. people always get it wrong. it's up to the ceo and the board. there is no rule. some companies go to -- berkshire hathaway, 150,000. it's up to warren buffett. companies have to decide. i'm in favor of stock splits, because so many viewers don't want to buy stocks even in the higher dollar amount, even if you snap a pencil in half -- this is the same thing but in this market it's working. patrick?
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>> caller: when it's one of our stocks that we really like long term, what is the plan to get back in sudden. >> i've got an answer, patrick. if that happens, you missed it. there's always another train coming into the station, but when that happens, it's one of the things most people don't want to do. you,u.s. say, i missed that one. sometimes you've got to own it. with the charitable trust -- we can't buy that one back. it moved too far. that's what happens. you've got to wait, or never. yawn in new york city, john? >> caller: good even, this is john from new york. i have a quick question. i have stock, i made some money. i'm looking to take my money and put it in something else. is it best to take one stock with that money, or two good stocks? >> it depends on how much time you have.
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if you have no timed, you should just be in a mutual fund fund. if you really have a lot of time, a couple hours a week, but if you don't have time, you can't monitor it, buy one a good vettor knows what she owns, period. the hyper connected disaster-loving world, i don't want you to be panicked. it could turn out to be a buying opportunity. stay with cramer. hp is helping ups do just that. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance,
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using forty percent less energy. multiply that across over a thousand locations, and they'll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. that's a trend we can all get behind. we got the ball rolling. in cities across the country, coca-cola joined with communities and local leaders to roll out a summer filled with activity. from atlanta to l.a., people all over
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time after time, timing is everything. whatever the saying, i am teaching the timing your buys and sells can and should be done. those who say it is impossible, they simply want to keep you in your collective chains. setting you free, i want to talk you to about a particular kind of chain that you need to be
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unshackled from. we've had so many great ipos. we do our best to try to annual them, but they are not easy to do. i have to say, how the heck should i know? it depends on where they bring the deal. let's say xyz is coming public, and there's 5-0 available. they value it at 20, but the bankers can do a lot of different things. insiders own boatloads. they might own a lot. whoever seeded the company will have a -- the ipo price, that may just be what's called the price talk, meaning the initial price they are thinking about bringing the company after.
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if the -- you'll hear the price move up. obviously that values the company at a much more rich level. i may like the ipo at -- just like i might tell you -- and think it's a sale at 30. you would september that, september it for an ipo too, please. now, later on a third variable, in other words, if they want to generate. then can hold back stock. they might sims while the company's -- there's only a demand for 10 million shares. so they issue 15 million shares, the stocks will just wallow. the opposite is true if they cut back. bankers are experienced. syndicate managers can figure out how to make a symptom pop, believe any, simply be severely
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cutting back the number of shares they offer. that's where -- then just over 5 million shares, only one tenth of the shares outstanding and half the demand. that cutback will generate real excitement, or the number of shares they are given. that's what makes for a hot deal, because if the bankers have demand for 10 million shares and they issue 5 million, everyone will be cut back. and the allocations will be well below what her hoping for. that's how hot deals are made. i happen to call these kinds of offerings sliver offerings. yeah, they did a sliver, just a sliver of it. saw a lot of them during the social media craze. the bankers choose to make the deal hot. or perhaps to create some excitement for the company stock. obviously they offered a lot more stock with the deal there would be a risk that the price of the deal wouldn't hold, it
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would go below. nothing's worse than what's known as the broken deal. once that immediately goes -- it hurts the shareholders who bought and hurts the company. better to offer a sliver, and then six months down the road when what's known as the lock-up expires, hopefully the stock will still be -- and the insiders who choose to sell will get out at a big profit. i don't care about the insiders. i care about you. i want you in on sliver deals. any deal where a new company offers less is one i want you in for, even if i don't like the company frankly. so let's take groupon. i'm not a huge fan of this kind of company in general, even though this company has improved its prospects with new management, who i like very much. i don't want to go ten miles out
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of my way, a that's sliver of an offering almost assured that demand would exceed supply. sure it opened at 28 and traded to 30. a gigantic valuation. needless to say, they only made out like band its if you sold -- you sold when you selling was good, you made out terrifically. that was the first day of trading. how about the buyers in what's known as the afterward market? after that, it began a long slog down. until they finally saw fit to relieve thor rant ceo. it's been pretty good, a buy ever since. what was the right thing to do? follow steve miller's famous edict and take the month and run. even fly like an eagle. the brokers don't like to
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encourage what is known as flipping. putting in for a hot deal and then banging it out. i'm not your broker. i say why not? you do a lot of commission business, you do fee business, you put in for a sliver deal, why can't you take the pop? where does it say you can't unshackle yourself. the bottom line sometimes there's only decision. you time that sell to the very open of the hot deal, please don't stick around for one red-hot minute longer and never never never buy in the afterward market. the vast majority of the time buying on a sliver deal in the after market is for sucker. take the money and run. who found a magic seashell. it told him what was happening on the trading floor in real time. ♪ the shell brought him great fame. ♪ but then, one day, he noticed that everybody could have a magic seashell. [ indistinct talking ] [ male announcer ] right there in their trading platform. ♪ [ indistinct talking continues ]
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i'm happy. (both) i'm happy. i'm happy. happy. happy. happy. happy. happy happy. i love logistics. not every stock can be owned forever. i mean, period, none. there are very few stocks that you should own all the time. year after year, decade after decade. the fact is if you don't know what would make you sell a stock, then it's not okay for you to buy that stock. lots of people end up selling at the wrong time, because they never anticipated selling at all. they only thought about what
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they wanted to buy. they didn't have what i call an exit strategy. as your investing coach, i need you to make sure you don't make that same mistake. i need you to develop exit strategies. how do you time yourselves in okay. there are many stocks when you buy them, you need to understand that someday, possibly someday soon you will have to sell. high-flying tech stocks, they blow with the wind. they can be obsolete almost immediately. it's not safe to own them, and then eventually you need to ring the register before they slip away. that's why warren buffett never owns tech stocks. same, the so-called cyclicals, you have to sell them eight ways to sunday at the first sign of a slowdown. sorry, you do. a lot of it comes down to understanding what you own. tech stocks like skywok are not like a stable lice pepsico.
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the first -- the tech names by skyworks are trading vehicles that can fly and crash. pepsico, the al trias, they with plod along pretty much forever. a trading vehicle can make you money, but you have to take it off the table every now and then. maybe 50% in a matter of days, hours even. a stable like altria, cuss owned long term. that doesn't mean nothing can go wrong, management can -- but of course we'll find out about that ahead and sell it, but it's very unlikely. in other words, when it comes to trading vehicles, you've got to be willing to change your mind, because tech stocks that are winners when a product cycle is strong, are also losers when the cycle is weak. well-run companies, all kinds of mobile devices can make you a lot of money, but you better believe it can get you
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annihilated president the only exception is if there's no cheer i don'ts cycle. there is no seasonality. that's simply not the case. take the fabulous dot-com run. it was so fantastic, i've got to tell you, you had to catch it. if you bought it any time up until the last -- you would have made a fortune, perhaps the most ever. back then you had to buy all the parts and equipment makers, because big and small, independent were expanding. they were buying equipment like mad. right up until the demand fell apart, but you had to keep owning the stocks. you were blown out, you had a buy and then you had to sell. i tried to teach you you have to change your view. at jim cramer on twitter i'm constantly criticized. i don't want you to end up like the victims of the dot-com.
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sometimes it means selling things even though you bought it at a -- it's okay to take a loss. you don't make money on every single trade. all you want to do is live to play again. offense the shooting stars will get hammered at the first sign. it's not too late to sell. they can go much lower, so use any intraday strength to lighten up. the first long -- sane investing in a sane world, which i was just reading -- boy is that ever pertinent. i am tireless in telling you not to be greedy. saying you have to take something off the table, i endlessly tell you it doesn't matter where a stock has been, only where it's going. when that happens, hey, listen, sorry, you just have to sell the darn thing. if you really love it, buy it back lower when business is improving. here's the bottom line.
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don't treat risky vehicles as though they're staples. handle them with care, please. there are third-rail names. take caution and you can do well for yourself. take profits on the way up and get out on the way down. you don't have to call the top, just be willing to jump the ship when it's clear the stock as peaked and the business and you are ready to head down if you don't exit. stay with cramer. ♪ ♪
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we've got to get to some of these tweets you've been sending me. here we go. our first is from c.p. putnam, saying i'm trying to buy a small regional bank, just for getting in on no, low-volume stocks. don't do them. why? because what i just talked about with the exit strategy, okay? it's difficult to get out of those. with 100 shares, yes, you can put a limit number, but nothing bigger if there's no real market, it's not for you. now to blood dime wo writing -- when you are not on "squawk on the street", "mad money" or twitter, life isn't the tame. i'm addicted. >> i'm off and need ago vail occasion, so, that's how i come back and more recharged. our next tweet comes from an early birr show. it says following -- can you
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talk about the preferred stock market? preferreds are another form of capital, there's corporate bonds, preferreds, stocks, i like the preferreds, in getting back to even i talk about the bank preferreds. i think that's the best source that i have -- the best thing i have ever -- he's a tweet, who asked the follows, how much do you sleep average at night? what keeps you up at night? >> unfortunately unfortunate a slime disorder and have at least two or three nights a month i don't go to sleep. most nights i go between 11:30 and 12 and get up at 3:30 or 4:00. la'ing nigh was three hours. jim, would you explain how a contrarian will use williams r-2, thanks for all you do. i'm going to refer you to bob lang on real did the he knows it better than anyone. i like to say, stwik with cra r
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for around $299 per month with premium care maintenance included. ♪ [ male announcer ] the parking lot helps by letting us know who's coming. the carts keep everyone on the right track. the power tools introduce themselves. all the bits and bulbs keep themselves stocked. and the doors even handle the checkout so we can work on that thing that's stuck in the thing. [ female announcer ] today, cisco is connecting the internet of everything. so everyone goes home happy. we've been bringing people together. [ female announcer ] today, cisco is connecting the internet of everything. today, we'd like people to come together on something that concerns all of us. obesity. and as the nation's leading beverage company, we can play an important role. that includes continually providing more options. giving people easy ways to help make informed choices. and offering portion controlled versions of our most popular drinks.
11:59 pm
it also means working with our industry to voluntarily change what's offered in schools. but beating obesity will take continued action by all of us, based on one simple common sense fact... all calories count. and if you eat and drink more calories than you burn off, you'll gain weight. that goes for coca-cola, and everything else with calories. finding a solution will take all of us. but at coca-cola, we know when people come together, good things happen. to learn more, visit with my united mileageplus explorer card. i've saved $75 in checked bag fees. [ delavane ] priority boarding is really important to us. you can just get on the plane and relax. [ julian ] having a card that doesn't charge you foreign transaction fees saves me a ton of money. [ delavane ] we can go to any country and spend money the way we would in the u.s. when i spend money on this card, i can see brazil in my future. [ anthony ] i use the explorer card to earn miles in order to go visit my family, which means a lot to me.
12:00 am
♪ . i always like to say there's always a market for you. i promise to try to find it. i will see you next time. >> america gets half its electricity from coal. the problem is, that process creates tens of millions of tons of waste loaded with toxic metals. this muck is called coal ash. never heard of it? neither had most of the people in kingston, tennessee, until a retention pool buckled, shooting a billion gallons of coal ash into the river and engulfing area homes. [ticking] >> the oilmen up there aren't digging holes in the sand and hoping for a spout. they're digging up dirt-- dirt which is saturated with oil.
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