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tv   Street Signs  CNBC  November 6, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm EST

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with the dow up 11 points, three winners. that's it for us. >> that's right. "street signs" begins right now. got got beautiful wide open shot, kyle. thank you. everybody is talking twitter but will everybody try to buy twitter when it ipos tomorrow? should you bother? if you invest vested $1,000 in other high profile offerings like amazon how much money would you have today? some of the big numbers. other hot topics the retailer that may be the worst run of them all and a stock of a company of the company that could change the world or the way we build it. >> take a look at those markets
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as well. we had a pretty strong move out of the gate with the dow hitting a record intraday high early on. it's up about 20% year to date and on pace for its best yearly gain in a decade. helping to juice the dow is microsoft, hitting a 12-year high up over 40% this year, more on microsoft later on in the show, but do you notice that one of the indexes is not like the others? it is, of course, the nasdaq, being dragged on by the plunge in the shares of tesla today. meantime it is ipo palooza on wall street this week, 16 names, 16, bob pisani, making their public debut. >> how many? >> 16! one more than 15. just another sign of a frothy market or is it a sign of a healthy one? >> it's a little bit of both and i'll show you why. first off an etf for these things. let me show you the mutual fund, renaissance capital has one on the year. put up the comparison screen. the mutual fund is up about 50%
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on the year. the stock market is up about 25%. look at that. there's your mutual fund you can buy here. that's the one. it's topped out. a lot of people are concerned about that. the other thing i'm concerned about is there's an etf for this topped out as well. the etf happened to go public last week. an etf for a new business a lot of people are interested in it. interested in invest vesting ipos my three rules, these are simple rules. they follow the stock market, they don't lead it. ipos are not leaders. when the market is doing well, ipos do well. it's more volatile than the market. higher betas. be aware, it goes up and down more. if you want to invest follow the money and the hot sectors. the hot sectors this year, social media, biotech, cloud computing and internet security. those are the ones that are making the money. in the meantime everybody is talking about twitter, of course, and here's where all the action will be. tomorrow morning, that's the twitter post. glen is the specialist, this
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place will be packed with people. and we're going to have special coverage starting at 9:00, standing right next to all those people right in the heart of the action all throughout the morning. special coverage, expanded coverage, action you've never seen before, only here on cnbc. >> you don't know what action i have seen, bob. i have seen action. >> you, you're on the inside. i'm talking about the viewers. we're going to show them how an ipo book is put together from the very beginning right at 9:00. >> we actually had that discussion on our show after the meeting yesterday. it's going to be a cool look, big day tomorrow, and i love your rules. >> all right. >> all you twitter fans the wait nearly over. the most anticipated ipo of ever, will launch tomorrow. twtr, notice i'm a little snarky about this just because everybody is all up in its grill. julia boorstin, what can we expect? >> well, brian, if momentum holds twitter is aiming to price shares at $27, that's according to cnbc's kate kelly's
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reporting. now that would be above twitter's already raised range of 23 to $25 per share, sources telling cnbc that twitter management will decide tonight after the market closes, but the price expected say potentially around 6:00 p.m. eastern. twitter's 70 million shares will start trading tomorrow morning likely about an hour after the opening bell. so it will raise up to $2 billion if it exercises an over allotment option of 10.5 shares. twitter closed the books on an ipo a day earlier than expected because of strong demand. see what happens when shares start trading thursday but at the least we should expect some heavy volume. >> thank you very much. bring in buzzfeed president john stein burg and tim sullivan, another sullivan on the show. great to have you both with us. tim, let me start with you because i believe your company has invested at least a couple million dollars in twitter over the past couple of years.
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it is fair to say that you would like this to go well. how well do you think it's going to go? >> i think based on fundamental supply and demand it should go pretty well. i think in the private market over the last couple years there's been dramatically more demand than supply. i think the companies manage their secondary effort in the most professional way probably any company to date has managed it. they provided liquidity but they've created a win/win situation for investors as well as the company. >> so tim, it doesn't sound like you think that twitter will be another facebook, face plant. i'm not talking about the trading problems. i'm talking about the problems with the slide and share price after the ipo for a long time? >> i think facebook really flooded the market with too many shares. let insiders out on day one and they had obviously a lot of technology issues with nasdaq which i hope will be avoided in the case of twitter. in terms of the price slide, execution was an issue with facebook as was transparency and i think twitter is doing a
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better job of that and will continue to. >> john, you're a very fair man. you're a man you take -- >> i like to be. >> take hype from things, put the pugs in and take the hype out. are you a believer. >> i think we open around $16 billion, that's what it equates to. that's a reasonable price when you compare that to a company like yelp that trades about 14 times revenue, tremendous growth. i think they're going to do over a billion dollars in 2015, adjustable profitable now. >> why do you say there's tremendous growth? >> going from 600 to plus a billion basically in revenue between -- in the next year. that's pretty substantial, tremendous amount of growth and a transformative company. brian, you're giving me the look. >> you and i had a pretty good discussion in the makeup room, as all men do, we fight in the makeup room. >> absolutely. >> if it comes out at that, it's going to have a market cap -- that's macy's, the same that macy's does billions in sales and has billions in real, tangible earnings. >> as you put it --
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>> i'm on twitter constantly -- >> apples to apples it's a fair price. when you compare it to noninternet stocks you can say why am i getting these massive mults. we are looking at a massive shift in media. there's five oceans in the world, five social media forces, linkedin, youtube, twitter, and facebook and then you basically have what's for snap chat filling in there. this is changing everything. >> but is the world -- but is the world going to twitter for its news? there was a pew study saying only 8% of u.s. adults go to twitter for their news and they go to facebook i think about 30% of them go to facebook. >> 230 million monthly active users on twitter, about a fifth the size of facebook and they definitely need to mainstream it. you're right. the interface needs to change to be simpler and more accessible to people. that will be where the pudding is proved out. >> i have no doubt this is disruptive. we all use it. john and i talked about all the cool stuff twitter is doing, stuff with television, mobile advertising but can you just
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itfy a valuation the same as a company that does have billions? >> i tonigdon't think macy's ha growth figures that twitter has today. market rewards companies for strong growth and twitter doubling from 300 to 600, 600 to 1.2 plus on from there, that's massive growth. >> i agree. i have no problem buying growth. look at market multiples. i've said stocks, 50, 60 times forward earnings could be good values depending on the growth rate, but let's be fair. everything we think we know about twitter, is going to be guessing. they've got some growth speculation. i know it grew the last couple years. how do you know that growth rate will continue? >> i think that's the big challenge. that's the mainstreaming challenge. pivotal research put out a great report where they talked about what are the key drivers. sales force productivity, going hand to hand to all the brands, profitability is something they're waiting for because you can only -- you can always cut
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off more hair, can't put hair back on so to speak. the user growth number they have to get to a billion in a few years and that's where i think -- that's what concerns me going into a $20 billion plus price. >> what about growth by acquisition. recently just bought mo pub to get into mobile publishing, to what degree post-ipo could we see them go on the acquisition trail? >> they're going to leverage. also taking the company, you know, with this many users and moving forward to a billion, you're going to see again, the proof is in the putting. >> what would you like them to buy real quick? >> i would like to say, why isn't facebook buy them? >> yeah. >> how long is twitter going to be public? they've got to be bought by somebody. >> a question of share structure and the change of control would be an issue or not. why would apple -- why would apple not buy twitter. they need a social strategy, they integrated with twitter before facebook. that to me is the no-brainer.
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>> buy or be bought. thank you so much, john, tim, great to have you with us. >> thank you. >> tim, very smart guy. >> stick around. because ahead on "street signs," we're firing up the old "street signs" time machine. we're going to look at the other hot ipos that hit the street and if you put a thousand bucks into them what you would have today. i'm going to start a service called bitter. because i did not get in. >> hot tub time machine. >> one teen retailers says investors can expect a big fat lump of coal this christmas and imitation is the best form of flattery but no way mcdonald's is flattered by burger king's latest move. a debate coming your way on "street signs." announcer: where can an investor
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tough day for abercrombie & fitch, sinking by about 12% after warning about those all important holiday sales. let's bring in courtney reagan to run us through the headlines, a little running yourself this weekend in the new york marathon. >> thank you very much. before today's analyst meeting abercrombie and fitch announced another disastrous quarter for sales, comps down 14%, slashing full years earnings guidance and closing its 30 gilley hicks branded stores. the ceo continues to blame weak teen spending but they made a
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number of mistakes, little too cool to admit. nearly all of 2012 they had too much inventory that weighed on comparable sales and then in early 2013 inventory too low. now the retail sees, quote, significant gross margin rate erosion as it clears excess inventory. here come the promotions. may not be enough. the merchandise has become unpopular among its targeted cool kid consumer group. they don't carry sizes for women above large, but by spring will introduce more sizes, colors and fits. numerous surveys indicate abercrombie's brand strategy of nontrendedy little changing styles at high price points have moved them from the hot list to not list for teens and investors alike. shares have fallen 29% this year while the s&p retail index has gained 37%. richard jaf fy notes the retailer is playing good defense by cutting expenses but says it does little to revitalize what he believes is a stale brand. >> all right. so let's bring in contributor
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stacy widlites into this discussion, right. is this the single worst run retailer in the world? >> yes. and now that we miss ron johnson, we have mike jeffrey. he's still around and he's not going anywhere. >> what makes them poorly run? >> first of all, they're overpriced and they're sticking with that price structure. so they're getting killed by fast fashion. and not only that, they opened up these museum stores in europe. business is down 15% and they won't even promote there. they're just getting killed from all directions. >> after a couple of years of bad headlines don't you think there's the possibility he might actually leave. his employment agreement ends on february of next year. might he bow out, announce a succession plan and off he goes. >> that was the wish list that i think every analyst had during this analyst day today and a brave soul from staple stood up and asked the question, what are you doing? what are your plans if he's
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staying. >> this was an $80 stock a couple years ago, now mid 30s. >> low 30s today, down 20%. >> being generous with the mid. same-store sales fell 12%. >> international -- >> that weird australian lingerie store. is there anything they're doing right? >> no. there's not. >> go ahead. >> we were talking before the segment and sort of saying that i don't really know what they can do at this point to make it right. because they were -- they're going to have to change their entire brand. it's too expensive and kids don't like the clothes. so you lower the prices but bring in new clothes and doesn't that change everything? i don't know how they begin is the issue i see. >> right. >> and also, the problem is, you have hollister and abercrombie. they look alike. they're cannibalizing each other as they rolled out both brands. they're saying we're going to try to make them look different. >> if they hired you today, stacy, and said we're in a bad situation, we need advice to turn this around, what would you
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do? >> i would say that they have to go more toward the fast fashion route. hire a team they can do drops, every month, a couple times a month, like a top shop, top shop is bringing in several drops a week, you have to have that newness, freshness and you have to promote. you have to play the game in this environment and in europe they refuse to promote and that's a mistake. >> i can't say it bet ater than that. also because i don't know a tenth of what you do. >> that's funny. >> thank you so much for joining us. >> more laughing. i like that. this is a great segment. this is like three beautiful women on set smiling at me. best job in the world. >> talking about the best job in the world the announcement that the dow is at another record high currently up by triple digits. >> up next a trip on the "street signs" time machine. we're going to show you some of the big ipos, how much you would have made if you put 1,000 bucks in at the start. >> later on, a manhattan mass
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just a just a reminder, dow hit an intraday high after 2:00 eastern time. you're welcome, america. if we close above, it will be another high. chevron, united health, procter & gamble leading. only five stocks are down. by the way, we talked about this before the show, i will not say the word rally again. this is not a rally. a four-year, monster bull market pushed probably by the fed. a rally is a bounceback. >> it's a multiyear bull run. this year the dow is up about
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20%. okay. passing on a big name ipo, dom chu is firing up the time machine to look back at the hottest names to hit the street and how much richer you would be if only you had gotten in. this is called the regret time machine. >> it's about the what-ifs of the world. we took a look at five very high-profile big names in the marketplace and found out what happens if you would have gone back in time and invested just a thousand dollars in this particular ipo. it may not seem like a lot, but check it out. because, ipoed in march of 1999 and if you would have taken a thousand dollars of that particular stock and held it to today, that would be worth a monstrous $11,300. the next one we want to look at google, big advertising and search engine, google ipo' d in 2004, the same $1,000 investment would have yielded today a
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massive $12,000. so a huge one for google. then, of course, there's a big one called chipotle mexican grill if you live the burritos, ipo'ed in 2006, $1,000 turns all the way into $24,700 today and here, of course, is the grand daddy of them all, talking about the biggest on-line retailer, if you went all the way back -- i'm sorry, netflix, in 2002, $1,000 turns into $45,000. and now it's amazon, because this is the one i'm so excited to tell you about because $1,000 back in 1997, fast forward to today, this is $240,000. today. that's enough, guys, for two ivy league private school college tuitions for $1,000, back in 1997. back over to you. >> or three teslas or like six m mes. >> it's amazing.
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>> thank you very much. very cool stat. i hadn't heard of google before that segment appreciate you elect us know what te do. boom year for ipos, quietly there have been 182 public offerings so far. ta a level not seen since the heady days of 2007 which by itself is a little nerve-racking. which of these 182 stocks is a better bet? let us bring in steve and robert. steve, first to you, any names that you just love out of that group? >> well, none that i just love that trade in any kind of elevated market cap. but there are a few that i think are decent and most of them are actually in the equity income space. i think you're really -- as the average investor stay away from the stuff trading at 20 and 30 times revenues. $1,000 that was invested in amazon could have been invested in or web van or cosmos
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or health or all these high flyers from '99 that went to zero. it's difficult to identify with any kind of certainty what the high flyers will be. there are names that tend to have decent income. there's some real estate investment trusts that came, few mlps that came, those look kind of interesting although i think the cheapest ones aren't the ones that ipoed this year. >> bob pisani were telling us there a couple sectors hot at the moment, lot of ipos from those like internet security and cloud and it could be overdone. do any stick out as having a future to you? >> yeah. i looked through the list and, you know, i would agree with steve for the most part. for most investors ipo investing is a risky business. a lot of ipo investing whether twitter or you're taking risk that the product will
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succeed. there are companies that have come ipo this year not new at all, companies that have been around 70, 80 years one of the companies that i like and i think is investable is a company called fox. fox company holdings, what they do is they manufacture suspension -- >> motorcycle. you see the dudes doted up in the ama races. >> exactly. >> it's a very niche brand. go out there, you look at the off-road races, people wearing the hats, the shirts and everything. these suspension products are going into a it tvs, side by sides and that category is growing really quick. sales of off-road vehicles have grown at about 15 to 20% over the past few years. if you look at that segment, polaris, arctic cat, both of those stocks are up over 50% this year. this is a company trading at reasonable valvatiuations. >> things you know and can understand. explain it, it's like i get it now. like fairway which i go to all
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the time, absolutely love it. and it's one of your picks. >> yeah. fairway is great stock. fairway is a play on manhattan and organic foods. two things you don't want to short right now. they've got only 12 stores open right now so i think there's a lot of room for expansion for fairway and the big thing is organic foods. i was on haids's conference call, traditional foods only growing at 1%. organic foods 11% right now. that's a structural play on america on healthy eating and fairway is another way to play that outside of hain or the whole foods. >> steve, leave us with one more if you can, sir. >> well, i would take a look at for an income investor aviv which is in the health care space. a lot of people are negative on the space. they're concerned about medicare cutbacks. these tend to trade with higher yields. aviv ipo' d this year and an interesting space that's
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somewhat less expensive than other things in the equity income area. >> should be noted on fox, $22.5 the average target price, about 5 bucks of upside seen by the consensus of the analyst community. keep an eye on that one. thank you both very much. great stuff. >> thank you. >> on deck we are coming close to knowing who might be the next ceo of microsoft could be. the short list ahead. >> and it is one of the biggest wow stocks of the year and it's not just because of its price. yep, we are talking numbers and thinking in multidimensions when "street signs" returns. [ male announcer ] what if a small company
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>> street talk street talk time. our daily rundown of the stock stories you to know about. listening to what does the fox say by the duo in forway, elvis. >> never heard of them. >> i would not be saying that on live tv, live nation, this stock is currently falling by nearly 6%, falling on a massive profit lost. >> shares of the concert promoter going down like a led
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zeppelin. play that instead. third-quarter profit down 24%. that was because debt was paid off. they had a jump in concert ticket sales, stocks had a rock and roll year. >> let's take a look at buffalo wild wings. downfraids graded to hold from buy. despite my best efforts to eat as many as i can. >> there's no buffalo wild wing in new york. after nearly doubling this year the analyst sees limited share upside, $148 fair value, the stock is there so your money has been made. thinks texas roadhouse is the best in class of the casual chains, that stock not benefiting today. >> okay. we've got open table reporting its third-quarter profit of 50 cents per share which -- >> that beat estimates and also forecasting a current quarter revenue that mostly comes in above street forecast, upgraded to hold. up over 180% since joining the nasdaq a year and a half ago. $24 stock a few years ago, now 80 bucks and continues to soar.
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>> we've got sun edison, earnings that beat analyst estimates. >> stock up 6%. 66 cents to 11 bucks. revenue came in far above the fact consensus forecast. semiconductor revenue, made up between 220 and 230 million, upgraded to overweight yesterday at piper jaffray. stock up over 200% year to date. >> and patent energy group, ever heard of them? we hadn't either. under the radar pick and reported some outstanding revenue growth yesterday and as a result we can see it up 2.5%. >> a san francisco based renewable energy company that got wind projects here, canada and kichile. average rating a buy. average target price 27, the stock at 23.70. average analyst or the above average analyst sees the stock with about 4 more bucks of upside. that was street talk. move on to talking numbers. earlier in the show, we teased the segment this way. a stock in an industry that may
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just change the world. the industry 3d printing. the stock 3d systems. but just because it's a cool technology, does that make a stock trading at 154 times trailings earnings a buy? let us start talking numbers, jc o'hara and on the fundamentals john stevenson. john, start with you. i love the technology. i believe it will revolutionize so much, but 154 times trailing earnings do you like ddd? >> yeah. where you know what it is a cool technology and i like it. first of all valuation on a forward basis has historically been between 20 and 40 times and roughly at the high end of that range right now. on a peg ratio 1.3 times. yeah, evaluation looks a little rich but consider this, we're really witnessing a paradigm shift with 3d printing. we've gone from the prototype phase to really full-line manufacturing. companies like general electric are saying, by the next ten years, we want half of what we
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manufacture done by 3d printing. now admittedly 3d systems is not going to get all of it but a good share considering they're 49% market share. gross margins 60% and revenue will grow almost 40% next year. this is a company exploding because the world is shifting and the other thing that drives this company is capital expenditure and corporate earnings to gdp is at a 65-year high. >> okay. it's been exploding recently. what about the charts? any more explosive action ahead? jc? >> the charts for the most part i agree with john. it's a good-looking chart. you know, it's trending higher. there's a trend line in place. higher lows in place. but what concerns me is the rate of change. over the last two or three days the stock up 10%. over the last week the stock is up close to 20%. so i think it's moving a little too far too fast. yes, it could change and revolutionize the world but it's one day at a time.
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look, it spent a few weeks under $50 and finally broke through 50 which is now -- it was new resistance changed to support. we spent some time under 55, broke through 55 and went from 55 to 70 seemingly overnight. i would love this stock if it pulled back to 60 to get involved. if you're long i wouldn't sell here. looking for an entry point it's short term right here. >> understood. looking for a pause there. thank you very much for joining us and we have breaking news with bertha coombs in washington. what do you have? >> mandy, you know, there have been a number of people on capitol hill calling for heads to roll with the botched rollout of cms announcing that tony trengle, the chief information officer and director of the office of information services at cms involved partly with the rollout of will be leaving effective november 15th to join the private sector. according to some memos he
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wasn't involved in asking to put off a full security test for 90 days in september. one of the things people have criticized in terms of this rollout on the call this afternoon, cms did not say what the reason was. they only said that mr. trenkle will be leaving to join the private sector. back to you. >> november 15th is the date. thank you for joining us, bertha coombs, with breaking news in washington. still ahead, could one of these wise men and yes, they are all men, be next in line to run microsoft? >> what started as a fast food fight, has turned into an all-out war. what burger king did to reignite its rivalry with mcdonald's. first bill griffeth what's coming up on the "closing bell"? >> lot of buzz about the twitter ipo pricing tonight. the dow on track to close at an all-time record lineup of money
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managers to explain how you should be investing right now, not just stocks hitting record highs, bit coins, they are also an unchartered territory, big time. we're going to hear spr from somebody that says the bit coin bubble is about to burst and instant analysis and reaction when they finally do price ipos -- twitter's ipo tonight, that could happen any time after 4:00 eastern time right here on "closing bell." maria and i look forward to seeing you at the top of the hour. in the meantime more "street signs" coming your way after this. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 trading inspires your life. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 life inspires your trading. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 where others see fads... tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 see opportunities. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 at schwab, we're here to help tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 turn inspiration into action. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 we have intuitive platforms tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 to help you discover what's trending. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and seasoned market experts to help sharpen your instincts. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 so you can take charge tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 of your trading.
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for a body in motion. . theyou're looking at . you're looking at the short list of candidates to replace steve ballmer, ceo of microsoft. the names include ford's alan mulally, former microsoft executive and former knee kia ceo now back as a microsoft executive, steven elop, as well as microsoft's business development chief and former skype ceo tony baits and cloud and enterprise group chief nadella. not even a woman contender. >> all men. all men. >> somebody -- >> they should interview somebody. >> yeah. just like -- >> just -- there's enough smart women out there.
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>> i'm sure they would love to talk to cheryl but i'm not sure cheryl -- >> cheryl sandberg. >> hi, john fortt. >> a new reuters report saying microsoft is finalizing that list we showed you, full of men, and that story is not even a binder full of women. pushing the shares higher, nearly 40%. microsoft did hit an intraday high of 38.08 the highest price in 13 years. who is the right fit to lead mr. softy joining us, our own john fortt and also from redesign mobile, ragi. full disclosure, rocky used to work for microsoft and own a chunk as well. john you were talking a moment ago, cheryl sandberg, not a chance? >> well, i mean, i think she would probably be a good dan candidate given where she's come from two companies that have done things that microsoft would like to do. google and facebook. but you know of the list of folks who are up there now, i don't know alan mulally. the other three guys, i do know.
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it's an interesting grouping of picks from, you know, tony used to do cisco's equipment business. also has a lot of experience in video. that's how he ended up at skype. then you have nadella who we've had on running servers and tools and cloud, very important business. it's an interesting group. of course we've got steven elop at nokia. a big part of making microsoft in the near term will be making that acquisition of the devices and services businesses work. that's why i think he might be a decent choice. a lot of people disagree with me. >> rocky, do you disagree with john? you have another candidate and to be perfectly frank i've never heard of this guy and i never heard of the company that microsoft bought that he used to run. what is yammer? >> yammer is -- >> who is david yates or baits? >> david sacks. >> or that. >> david sacks. he was the ceo of yammer which was an enterprise communications company that microsoft bought about a year and a half ago.
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he is somebody who really understands the consumerization of enterprise which is one of the big trends we're seeing. it used to be that you got software at work you kind of had to use and you didn't know what good software looked like. now, with google and facebook and all the web services people know what good software looks like. they expect that at work. and david sacks really understands what consumers are looking for. when like at that other list of candidates you see some people from the outside who don't really understand technology, who don't understand what consumers want and you see some people from the inside who have been at microsoft for way too long. >> the co-founder of microsoft, all those years ago, paul alan, i believe is saying that microsoft should be broken up and then whoever comes in, whoever that is, as the new ceo, john, should really look at perhaps, you know, doing that. spinning off the consumer business, from the enterprise business. because that's doing so well. >> yeah. there's a solid argument, mandy, for breaking up microsoft between consumer and enterprise
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and one of the first places i heard that argument from larry ellison about five years ago at a forum in silicon valley. crazy for these guys to be so focused on consumer. they have a lot of product in enterprise they aren't focused on it. a lot of people have been saying that since. we're playing in that space. if you were to split that up -- >> a vested interest, right. break it up and you can buy certain parts of the company. by the way, that's your -- one of your predictions. mandy throws it in there, should the company be broken up perhaps? >> like down to the -- >> buy the part they would spin off, the core of microsoft would then be the enterprise piece. that would be a little too big even for larry. >> any on that list that we brought up a moment ago that would be not good for the company? you think would be a bad fit as the new ceo of microsoft? >> i think anybody who's been at microsoft for a real long time, would not be high on my list. i see some great people at microsoft. i work with some great people at
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microsoft. they're way down with -- weighed down with management bureaucracy. anybody who has survived microsoft to date is probably not a candidate to turn around. >> i've been to countries smaller than microsoft's campus and i'm only mildly kidding. how about this, sort of goes to mandy's point. is there anybody do you believe that can run an organization of this size, right, and with this kind of complexity and this kind of history, and from what i have heard and also talked to from some people internally, there's a lot of internal fighting that goes on at microsoft all the time between divisions. >> there is. the big question is, do you want somebody who's a strong manager or somebody who understands the space? what's your primary objective there? you look at another example recently, david marcus became ceo of -- or the president of paypal, he had very little experience as a senior manager and put him in that role and he's done a fantastic job. i think smart people can adapt
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to big roles. >> rocky, thank you so much for joining us. john as always, good to see you. >> all right. we continue to follow the buildup to twitter. seema moody has news coming in. >> brian, investors are waiting to see where twitter prices, but we're starting to get a look at the variety of of institutions interested in acquiring twitter shares. i'm hearing asset management firm whatdell and reed, hedge fund kaxton, associated samlyn are putting in initial requests. asset management firms black rock and lazard capital said to be showing interest in investing in twitter. how much they want to invest would change. we're hearing waddell and reid is putting in a large order. that's the latest, back to you. >> thank you very much for that, seema moody. >> still ahead a whopper of a story. what burger king is now doing that could be its most axwressive swipe at mcdonald's yet. >> why high-end real estate investors may be soon saying so
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long, see ya, to manhattan. it's as simple as this.
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yeah, the big graphic says it best. dow all-time high, 15,738. folks at home, we are up 120 points on the dow. the leader by almost double is microsoft. microsoft is now up 4% to $38.13 a share. i'm trying to remember back, any smart viewer know the last time microsoft was above $40 a share? it's got to be a decade plus ago. big win today for microsoft. i don't know, mandy. >> up over 40% already this year. at a real comeback this year. okay, democrat bill de blasio winning a landslide to become the next mayor of new york city but with his proposed tax hikes for the healthy, all those earning $500,000 or more, what will the implication for the city's luxury real estate market be? we're joining dolly lynns and, of course, our very own diana
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olick. should we be worried about this in terms of real estate? >> i don't think there's any sign we should be worried at all. even though he has a campaign pledge and even though he'll probably fulfill his campaign pledge there are many ways to fulfill it. it doesn't have to be a new tax. >> isn't that his platform? hasn't he called new york city a tale of two cities. >> yes. >> that was his platform. but once he's in office, you know, it's interesting how things change. people look at the whole picture when they're in office versus before they're in office and i think he will be the mayor to all of new york city. so i believe -- >> you're very hopeful. >> but i believe that. >> the realtors i know near me in new jersey are excited. they're happy because they see an influx, in fact, the house next door to me just sold and it's to a young family from manhattan that is coming in. there's a number of young children in my daughter's school all from new york city. there's a feeling that new york city may have peaked out a
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little. we don't blame de blasio. >> i got to raise my hand. i look at the numbers and it's not exactly like de blasio wasn't expected to win, right? in the last quarter, we saw sales in manhattan jump 30% year over year to the highest level since 2007 and the second hi highest level in 20 years. people came into manhattan knowing that he was likely going to be the mayor so you can say, yeah, a lot of people are getting priced out of manhattan. that's for sure. but i don't think people are fleeing because of the possibility of higher taxes. >> not only that but, look, a lot of people leave manhattan to your point in order to have their kids attend preschool somewhere else or schools anywhere. the universal preschool he's proposing i think is a fabulous plan and think that will add a lot to the new york city environment for awful us. >> going back to what you were saying originally, dolly, he may not follow through on these promises he made during the election campaign but if he does and he raised taxes, right, right, to what degree could we see prices plummet or at least
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go down in new york city? >> you know, i just don't see prices plummeting. i really believe that if there's a huge increase in taxes, then possibly absorption will take a hit so things won't sell as quickly. people don't have to sell in new york. that's just a fact. that's the reason during the last down many turn we didn't see a downturn in new york city because people don't have to sell. i don't see prices plummeting. absorption could take a hit. >> he gave a speech at nyu. to me that's more worrisome than the tax things -- more supply. diana, before we let you go, you do go on to the numbers. talk about the national picture right now. >> well, the national picture is that prices are rising and some people are starting to say that some local markets are seeing a bubble. we're seeing sales slow down but back to the point of new york city, look, you have to look at what the city is right now. i grew up there. got to say it in the 1970s when the city was a mess and real estate prices were in the toilet. but now it's a completely different city. people come in knowing that they
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are going to pay a premium and just like the top -- the most expensive market which we reported today is malibu. why do people want to go there and pay over $2 million for the average home? because it's malibu and the same thing for new york city. >> people are looking at new york city real estate, new york city, hong kong, lon do. we're by far the least expensive. >> probably cheaper than cydney. it is a burger battle royale and jane wells is ready to dig in as always, jane. >> mandy, how do you go after the most famous burger in history? by copying it but are they really the same? ooh, they smell the same. we'll talk about it after the break. (announcer) scottrade knows our clients trade
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or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. it is it is a fast food battle royale with cheese. in one corner the big mac. in the other, burger king's brand-new big king. yes, the big king, which looks a whole lot like the big mac. maybe enough, jane wells to, make a mcdonald's executive grimace. >> oh. >> reporter: brian, it is the most aggressive big mac attack yet. a whopper of a burger called the big king which looks just like the big mac. they started selling them yesterday at this burger king they're selling them at 9:30. on day one they sold -- just like the big mac it has two all
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beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese on a sesame seed bun. big king is not new but different. released in the '90s but you can see seeking to bring it back on the facebook page. it had no middle bun. now as it's being rolled out it does making it look more like a big mac. can you tell which is which? we asked -- showed a picture to some fast food fans and one vegetarian and asked them what is this? >> it looks like a big mac. >> a big mac. >> i like this. >> it is sesame. >> it's -- >> burger king. >> oh, burger king, oh, wow. >> would you eat it? >> i'd eat it. >> now, they may look alike although the big mac has more sesame seeds. how do they taste, first, the big mac which i know. yep got that thousand island flavor. now the big king.
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flame broiled. can you tell the difference in the meat and you can taste the onions more. >> yeah, it does a little different. nielsen tells us mcdonald's spends four times more on advertising than burger king does and burger king tells us its commercials are promoting the big king. instead it's counting on pr stunts like this week's report on tmz that the company bid on elvis presley's house in beverly hills. get it, the king and burger king, however the bid was reportedly rejected even though the company said it was serious. it was only 3.69 million and by the way coincidentally the big king sells for 3.69. about 30 cents cheaper than the big mac. >> keep on eat, thanks for watching "street signs." >> "closing bell" starts right now. are you hungry? >> i'm starved and i don't know why. >> hi, everybody. welcome to the


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