tv Street Signs CNBC February 11, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EST
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the dow took a bigger hit during the pull-back recently. it's still 3.6% away. still, you wonder, is this -- was that it? was what we saw at the beginning of the year the only correction we will see for the year, or at least the foreseeable future? we'll follow that coming up on "closing bell." >> see you then at 3:00 p.m. that's it for "power lunch." "street signs" begins now. what a difference a month and a fed chair makes. stocks are on fire. janet yellen lets doves fly. the dow up triple digits. we are now up more than 3% in one week. gold is higher and mandy, the nasdaq did something kind of amazing today. >> yeah, kind of amazing. with today's gain the nasdaq is now positive for the year. the s&p for its part is now only about 1.8% below its all time high and back above 1800 as well. we are also eyeballing a four-day winning streak for the
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dow and the s&p, the first of that length for each of these indices for 2014. the dow even crossed 16,000 temporarily today, driven by goldman and ibm. talking of gold, today hitting a three-month high encouraged by janet yellen's message of shall we put it as continuity. >> we did it on talking numbers. go to yahoo! finance. even dennis gartman more positive on gold. here's the question. what happened? let's bring in mark keisel, j.j. kinehan. january 30th we were getting crushed. terrible january, worst in forever. now things are great, two weeks later. what happened? >> i think what's happening is that people have realized the emerging markets is slowing but what that means is that as their economies slow you will have low inflation, a fed that's going to be on permahold and we saw this morning from yellen's testimony, she's in no rush to raise rates. that means basically risk-friendly for equities. >> we didn't expect janet yellen to come in and raise rates.
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she was uber-dovish. i'm sorry, i can't accept that the market is surprised at janet yellen not slowing the taper or raising rates. >> yeah. if you look at the u.s. economy, though, it has been healing. this has been a process and brian, you and i have talked about the housing market. there's a lot of sectors out there doing quite well. companies are raising prices. you've got growth in the united states. within markets globally, the u.s. is actually a good place to be. >> the u.s. a good place to be and janet yellen made a point about the emerging markets this morning. she said emerging market volatility has not posed a significant risk to the u.s. economy. but j.j., back to the original point, is that it? is the correction over? >> i think the correction isn't over. i would be very surprised if it was. i think we will continue to see volatility throughout the first quarter, maybe even the first half of the year. >> but characterize that volatility. do you think we will see a significant correction, 10% or more? >> no. i will put it this way.
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i think we will have a bigger trading range. for the longest time we were in this 1800 to 1850 trading range on the s&p. now it may be a 1750 to 1820 trading range on the s&p. so again, this is opportunity. one of the things we released this week in our imx, which came in at the highest rating ever. that measures how retail investors are involved with the market. one of the nice things about it is with this volatility, what we're seeing is that retail investors are actually taking advantage of it, buying things when they sell off like boeing and selling things -- >> which is excellent because so many retail investors missed the boat last year. >> one of our themes this year on "street signs" has been boring is the new sexy. it doesn't define the show, by the way. just want to make that clear. >> just sexy does? >> sexy's back, baby. nothing's more boring than drywall. except as an investment. you like usg. >> yes. we like usg because basically, buffett owns over 30% of the
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company. this is an industry which literally hit rock bottom. we were only building half a million homes four years ago. >> sheetrock bottom. >> now we are building a million but still way below trend. we are underbuilding versus long term demand and also, as home equity rises, you will see more remodel activity. u.s. benefits because of higher volumes. seeing volumes high single digits and raising prices about 4%, 5%. we like that. >> what about you, j.j.? you say the retail investor is more engaged, participating more, where do you advocate they should be participating? >> one of the things we have seen is many of them buying sort of dividend paying stocks early in the year which is a little bit of a surprise, like ge and gm. one of the things that's happening is people are using that as a little bit of replacement for bonds because the bond market seems to be risky to people, they still want yield and so it's sort of a parking spot. what we're seeing people do is go out of there -- i mentioned apple and boeing earlier, twitter when it got down after earnings so that's the type of things we're seeing. after these earnings moves,
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people are stepping into the stocks they feel get beaten up a bit overdone. >> what's the dog you don't want? what should we not invest in? >> i think this would be one that people, oracle. i shouldn't say you shouldn't invest in it but it's one of those if you're long it, maybe lighten up. they're just off 52 week highs. that's one we saw people selling. >> you said the united states is the place an investor needs to be. nonetheless in this globalized world, we watch what happens on the other side of the world like what happens in china. lots of data coming out of china this week. i've got to ask, jpmorgan expects a 15% to 20% market rebound in china over the next few weeks. will that be a positive influence on the u.s. market? >> i think so. i think basically china is going through what a lot of the ems are going through, having to slow. we do see opportunity in emerging markets. we think actually one of the greatest pure plays on the emerging consumer is macao. that's growing at 15%. >> the gambling stocks? >> casinos.
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basically, those companies are growing 15%. there is only four companies you can invest in. the government is recycling 40% of the money back into infrastructure to make it so that visitors can come in more easily. we actually think the mass market is going to be huge over the next five to ten years. >> you like names like wynn resort and building materials such as usg corporation. got to leave it there. thank you for joining us. janet yellen on capitol hill today giving her very first testimony as fed chair. let's get to steve liesman with the highlights. you can even give us the lowlights if you like. >> the key is giving. it's still going on. there's a second half here and i think yellen may have run out of time-outs. couple things. she is not seeing bubbles in stocks although land prices were substantially overvalued and they are going to be monitoring asset prices carefully. she said this a few moments ago. earlier, she said in order to stop the taper, take a quote notable change in the outlook. with some implication we're not
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there yet, saying it's something the fed would monitor through march. finally, not much concern about emerging markets. she passed the dollar test. she was asked about the dollar, she answered the question on the dollar. there was no big to-do about the dollar. >> okay. >> every official goes through that. she went through it. >> okay. fair enough. >> you know they mess up sometimes. >> they always ignore it. >> it's not really our domain. that's what they have to say. >> a lot of times there's concern that maybe they're not going to pass what i call the dollar test. >> that would have been news. so we all heard what yellen was saying but what about her body language? what could that tell us? joining us, body language experts tonia rymond. we don't do a lot of this stuff but it's the fed. what did janet yellen indirectly and quietly say to you? >> a couple of things. first, you have to realize her first time out of the gate she feels like she's in the hot seat but she was consistent.
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if you watched for the most part she nodded up and down which tells me she agrees with what she's saying. there's a couple times she sees head bobbles and that's when you question what is she talking about, why is she bobbling her head. the other thing i noticed is at times, you will see that she crosses her arms. those are the significant moments where you see she might be feeling a little insecure, maybe she's feeling a little bit under pressure. if you notice, some of these times, you will also see her eyebrows change. in one of the clips that we watched, her arms cross, the eyebrows go up and that's a sign of insecurity. >> can i ask a question? there was some comment among observers that she was much more secure when talking about monetary policy than financial regulatory policy. i don't know if you were able to see whether body language, if she was talking about basel 3 and that kind of stuff. there was a little bit of difference we thought in how she approached those issues. >> it was not a little difference. it was tremendous. every time she tried to talk, and she got cut off, you saw the frustration and anxiety go up. it crept upward. >> when you talk about being cut
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off, this is a question for you, steve, do you think to a certain degree they are being harder on her because it was her first time? >> i'm going to interrupt you now, as an example. >> you always do. >> no, i do not. >> it can be incredibly frustrating. >> i'm doing it for a reason. to make a joke, sort of. when i went back and looked at the transcript of her nomination testimony, shelby cut her off five times. at the beginning, i counted. hensarling cut her off five times. my guess is in conversation, men cut off women much more easily than they cut off other men. >> absolutely true. >> republicans cut off -- >> but that is a good point. >> do you think there's a little bit of politics there? >> it's something to watch over time. >> gender is a strong point. >> we talked about this in the makeup room. how do you think from a body language perspective she's handling all of that pressure? >> she did really well. again, at think point you are going to see, she's been doing this awhile, you will see points
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of anxiety leak out. she was consistent for the most part. one of the things you have to realize is she does have, if you see her face, look at her mouth, it's slightly off so people are always going to prejudge her based on her facial expression. >> what do you mean? >> if you watch her mouth, lot of times when you see a mouth move in certain positions, my job is to tell you that meant contempt, that meant anger. with her, you have to recognize that's one of her normal behaviors so you can't judge her on that. >> i want to make one observation. >> thank you. my mouth turns down naturally. >> downward mouth. >> i have had a number of broken noses. i'm all messed up. i'm not angry, i'm hopped up on xanax. >> you speak like you're yelling all the time. >> one observation. a big takeaway from today is how much janet yellen owned the words of the policy that were used by bernanke in the fomc and how much she was involved in creating them. either that or she deserves an oscar for the acting she did.
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i think when the market heard her speak, they heard her speak words she was familiar with. if we're looking for a reason for the rally, we lost whatever residual risk was out there about this transition from bernanke to yellen. >> the market's reassured. if we did this with bernanke, there were times bernanke's voice got so shaky, it almost -- >> it changed. >> there were times it felt he was going to break down and cry. i don't mean that as an insult. there are times he got very sort of agitated and shaky and you're thinking -- >> you didn't see that. her cadence was pretty much consistent. >> she was boom. >> if there was any question, she knows this stuff. she knows this stuff. maybe you disagree with her points of view which a lot of people do. >> got to leave it there. on deck, a total dude segment. why steel must and slim jims are driving today's market. plus, we tell you why this weekend might be the best time to hit the car dealership.
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conagra dipping to its lowest level in more than a year. we start with steel. citigroup downgrading u.s. steel to a sell rating. you don't see that much. lowering their price target on u.s. steel to $23 a share. that, my friends, is more than three bucks below where the stock is right now. the market doesn't seem to care. shares of u.s. steel are actually up 2%. but should they care? joining us, analyst david lipschitz. i won't ask you to comment on what a competitor says. is u.s. steel a buy or sell, in your opinion? >> we have it as a sell as well. the big issue going forward is we think prices will continue to fall. we see scrap prices, iron ore prices falling over the next six to nine months. hence, we think prices in the u.s. will fall. the other big issue is the import arbitrage spread which is at nearly a record high. we think imports will come into the united states and put pressure on prices. >> the problem is you kind of missed the rally. this isn't new.
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it isn't something just came up today. are you bothered you missed the rally? >> no. these are cyclical stocks, they move very quickly. if you go back four or five years ago, the stock was 70 and got down to 15. you miss some rallies, you make some. you deal with it when it happens. >> is this to mandy's point, cyclical or is u.s. steel unfortunately in a secular bear market for prices given the overproduction worldwide? >> i mean, it's cyclical. they will get some benefit in a couple years when nonresidential construction comes back. do i think they are ever going back to the highs they did in the mid 2000s? probably not. nonresidence construction is at 50% of where it was in the mid 2000s in terms of square foot ja age. we don't think it will get back to that level. >> to what degree to the headwinds you mentioned for u.s. steel apply to other steel makers in the united states? brian said bank of america, merrill lynch upgraded reliant steel and steel dynamics to a
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buy. >> we have an outperform on steel dynamics as well. they are a mini mill so they are scrap based. scrap prices fall like we expect them to, they are a more variable price structure. if scrap goes down more than regular price, they will actually benefit. >> understood. not all steel makers are in the same boat. really interesting. thank you. let's move on. >> u.s. steel, got to note, $186 stock before, $26 today. unbelievable. let's move on to tesla. these shares hitting $200 for the very first time today. question is, is that just too pricey? joining us is s&p capital iq's ephraim levy. this is a stock up 344% last year, it's up about 30% already this year. would you really go near it now? >> we have a hold opinion on this stock. basically it's the fundamental battle between the general operating execution that they have been doing very well and growing rapidly, and we expect them to grow rapidly, versus the
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valuation. right now, they're at about $200, that would be about 150 times our 2014 eps estimates. you're paying a lot up front for future potential. >> agreed. by the way, the average target price among the analysts that cover tesla is $151. so more than $40 below where the stock is right now. the street's got to either come pound on the table raising target prices or there will be a bigger disconnect on this name. >> next week you have the earnings coming out so we'll have more information. i'm sure there will be revisions, obviously we'll have more information to look at. this is the type of stock where you don't want to jump in front of the train, nor on top of the train, because you don't know which way it can move. it can move very quickly either direction. >> so sorry to -- that's my point i made earlier today in our team meeting. why mess with this name at all? i'm not saying buy it. why short it? why get involved with tesla one way or the other? it's so heavily shorted, if it goes up it will kill you.
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if you're short, you have to cover. you will probably be wiped out. you have limited losses on the upside. it could also drop 50 bucks. why get involved at all? >> that is the biggest challenge out there. i guess as a consumer, we have a hold opinion on it. we are not saying to sell it or to buy it. because there's a big balance about the risk there. you could make a lot of money or lose a lot of money. more people are probably interested for the fun or the name or being associated with a hot stock. >> thank you so much. now let's go to food. conagra hitting lows not since january 2013, now down 13% this year. all right. it's not a name we talk about too much. all of our viewers probably buy or know their products at home. what's going on with the stock? >> well, today they preannounced earnings for fiscal '14 that were disappointing.
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their volumes for their branded business came in week. they recently acquired a company that makes private label or store branded product, and their outlook for that business was also lowered. so overall, lowered expectations is what is driving the stock down. >> you have a buy on it with a price target of $38. it is currently sitting at $29. what is your outlook for food inflation this year? annie's came out with this report, the natural food producer, they were saying they had to cut their full year forecast because of higher commodity costs. this must be something conagra is facing as well. >> great question. actually, inflation is easing for most food companies right now so their food inflation is in the low single digits this year compared to mid to high single digits last year. the problem they're facing is
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not with higher commodity costs or commodity inflation, it's the consumer is spending less and that's impacting food industry volumes and they are not immune to it. the reason we have a buy on the name is because we think there's a lot of opportunities relative to their -- regards to their acquisition that will drive earnings going forward. not all food companies have those type of opportunities which is why we prefer to own a name like conagra which has cost synergies in its pockets that are going to drive earnings going forward. >> when do you see the consumer spending picking up, then? >> well, we don't think it's going to rebound any time soon. until the income growth starts to accelerate, we don't see a major rebound in food industry volumes which is why -- the reason we like conagra, they
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have these cost synergies that would boost earnings when volumes are weak. >> thank you very much for joining us. still ahead, starting to field like groundhog's day. yet another massive disruptive winter storm is hitting a large part of the nation. how much snow can you expect? we'll have a live report ahead. if you missed curling right here on cnbc last night, do not worry. it is on again prime time tonight and is making people famous, even what i'm going to now point at as ice line reporters. big day for the stock market, the dow up 186 points right now. call it the yellen rally, call it the february rally. just call it higher. to ambition. open to bold ideas. that's why new york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and grows more businesses...
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so you have time to focus on the things you love. ink from chase. so you can. let's take a look at what's going on with gold. it's currently sitting at 1289. what we're looking at is to try to get to the 1300 mark and obviously break above it and hold it. we are currently at a three-month high. it's really pulling up today names like newmont mining up over 3%. the ante is being upped between you and herb greenberg. you were in the coffee corner, he's in the gold mining corner and it will be fun. >> this is america now. why can't we both be winners? >> you both going to get a gold
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medal. you have a cup of coffee. he can have a gold medal. >> curling tonight, by the way, is on cnbc. if you caught last night's match, you might have noticed the nbc olympic sideline reporter, her name is trenni. michelle caruso-cabrera caught up with her in sochi. >> reporter: nbc has carried curling coverage for several olympics now but for this winter olympics, there is a new face. trenni kusnierek. she is the sideline reporter. yes, curling does have sideline reporters. she's really excited to do it. i interviewed her and started out with a really basic question. does curling have halftimes like football? >> well, they have a halftime. there's ten ends in curling. it's kind of like baseball with innings. at the end of the fifth end, after the fifth end is completed, we will do a halftime interview and then i will go to the mix zone and do a post game interview, then like any other sideline reporter, during the game at the top of the show, we will do anecdotal things. at least the way i'm looking at it is let's make curling
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interesting, appealing and help people at home learn this sport and learn about the people that are part of this sport because it's still a pretty unknown athletic event. >> reporter: it's very well known on wall street because cnbc is the business network. we cover the stock market. so -- >> so the stock's going to go up. >> reporter: how about that. not only does she know curling, she can crack a joke about wall street as well. pretty good. trenni kusnierek. see her tonight on cnbc's coverage of curling. there's lots of olympic coverage on all of the nbc networks. back to you. >> you will be doing it yourself next week. i stand corrected. i have an apology to make. it's like -- >> hold on. hold on. set your dvrs, america. >> why curling? it's such a dorky sport. but i do stand corrected. apparently it's a whole lot sexier and much more interesting than i thought. i was thinking i would rather snowboard -- >> i went curling. it's approachable. i went curling at the plainfield country club a couple weeks ago. probably show that when i go to
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sochi. it's approachable. it's harder than you think, something that's just sort of easy to do, extremely hard to do well over and over and over again. it's a lot physically harder with the broom and everything like this and sort of the flexibility you need. i think it's something we are not going to go outside and despite my desire to do so, hop in a bobsled and go down an ice rink. it's something we can all relate to, i think. >> don't -- >> by the way, if your dvr is making a brrrp noise, you need a new one. my comcast xfinity dvr makes no noise. another day, another massive winter storm here in the east. this one is once again a biggie, folks. atlanta is being hit now. schools have been closed, much of the southeast is paralyzed by slipping and sliding. let's get to chris clackum live in atlanta with more.
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>> reporter: good afternoon. as you can see, mostly what has fallen here in atlanta has just been just a cold rain. unlike much of the south where a lot of snow has fallen. but the traffic out here on i-85, i-75 looks more like what you see at 2:30 in the morning, not 2:30 in the afternoon. obviously most atlanta residents are heeding the advice of state officials and city officials and staying home off the roads. as you mentioned, schools are closed, businesses are closed, but there is still commerce going on here, and the concern is not so much for what obviously is happening today, but what is about to happen tomorrow morning. more precipitation is forecast overnight that is going to come in the form of freezing rain and sleet that could build up on tree limbs and power lines and they are very fearful of the fact that wednesday is going to be much more fierce in that there could very well be a lot
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of power outages. mandy, brian? >> we have been warned. thank you very much. stay warm, chris. up next, your daily rundown of analysts' recommendations that we call street talk. get your pen and paper ready. some analysts have recommendations for you. plus, a tale of two foods. crustacean inflation and grape gold. announcer: where can an investor
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street talk time. daily rundown of stock news and views you need to know about. the first one is oracle which got a target increase to $43 from $40. you can see the stock is up by over 1% on the back of it. >> up 1.25%. the deal flow appears to be progressing well. there is evidence of a rebuilding pipeline. the rating on oracle remains outperform. >> ralph lauren being upgraded. >> it's up 1.5% to 156.74. stock has been down 11% year to date and atlanta equities thinks those declines offer an attractive entry point, especially given ralph lauren's position as one of the highest quality retailers, prospects for longer term growth. the target 187, 20% higher than
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the current share price of r.l. >> this is a stock we were just talking about last week, allergan. >> the stock down a half percent but they are outperforming, noting increased conviction in allergan's near or long term potential. shares seen as moving higher. the ceo was on "street signs" two weeks ago, very, very optimistic on his prospects. >> here's a new name for us. it is lorito petroleum. >> ticker is lpi. independent oil company operating in the permean basin. reserves up 44% in the past 12 months. average price target on this name is $33. on average, the consensus is still $6.50 above where the stock is right now. >> this is a stock we all had a debate, put our two cents in as to how it would be pronounced. mallinckrodt. >> soaring on an acquisition.
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they are the ones doing the buying. cadence pharmaceutical, a san diego based company, but they are higher. they are an irish pharmaceutical company. all time highs, making a deal and this time the buyer is going up, not just the seller. time for talking numbers. hitting a stock fundamentally and technically. today, let us focus on facebook. take a listen to what facebook's coo sheryl sandberg told julia borsten last night. >> 12% of consumer media time is on mobile. just 3% of the budgets. we think we offer by far the best opportunity to reach consumers on mobile. facebook gets one in seven minutes on the desktop. we get one in five minutes on mobile, so greater percentage. >> should you lean in to facebook stock? on the technicals, rich ross. on the fundamentals, brian weiser. brian, it's nice, it's great to
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hear miss sandberg say these things, one in every five minutes on mobile. does that make the stock a buy? >> no. time and money have very little to do with each other. if that were the case google would generate about $100 million, maybe $1 billion of revenue. it's not a relevant metric but is a nice story. the reality is, and the better story for facebook, is that it is a bedrock foundation piece of modern advertising. the reality is there is a lot of growth to be had because they keep developing new products for different segments of advertisers. so there is still a flood of good stories there to be had unrelated to time. >> is there any proof before we get to the charts, any proof at all that mobile advertising on the web works? what if we find out, i know it's a big deal and i hope it works, cnbc is all over mobile, what if we wake up and people say advertisers say i'm not getting any increased sales from all the ads i'm putting anywhere? >> yeah. well -- >> isn't that a risk? >> yeah. as yogi bera would have said, the fallacy is all wrong. the thing with mobile, you have
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a segment of marketers for whom they have to use mobile advertising. if you're selling apps, where else you going to market? that's the first thing. that's probably a third of the revenue growth they have been getting have been coming from apps alone which is a totally new segment of market. the rest of the mobile advertising, almost the rest of it is coming because facebook is saying hey, advertiser, thank you for spending money with us, we'll take it from here. we'll decide how much money goes to a mobile device or how much goes to dafk sta desk top devic. that's what matters. >> very quickly, show us the charts for facebook. >> facebook has to be a cornerstone of any portfolio at this point. the stock is in nf standing technical position. as much as 50% upside from current levels. since articulating that mobile strategy over a year ago, stock's up 92% within that well-defined trend channel. i love the way the stock holds key support at the 100 day moving average. in addition to horizontal chart support there. we now have a runaway gap at the
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tail end of this move but the runaway gap, it tells us we are just in the middle innings of this move. in the short term, there's upside to $73. you can buy it and still make money right here, once again longer term. there's 50% upside here. this is a $160 billion company. it could be twice that and you would still be a buyer. you have to own facebook. >> just in the middle innings. thank you both very much for that. >> be sure to check out the online edition of talking numbers. it's on yahoo! finance, part of our partnership with them. check it out. who's got the biggest billions? two of our cnbc 25 contenders will face off to be on our list. if you're thinking about buying a car, wait until we tell you why you're going to want to head to the dealer right now. mother nature may have given you a big gift. first, bill griffith and kelly evans, what's coming up on "the closing bell"? >> when you go, bring your shovel. you will need it to dig the car out before you can buy it.
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i thought it was a good line. investors really like what they heard from new chair of the fed janet yellen. we have much more on the rally. does this mean the pullback is over? so many questions to be answered for us today. >> the s&p is only 2% off its all time highs at this point. a lot of people are saying what correction. we will also get reaction to her testimony from noted fed critic jim grant. he will join us on the show. we will also talk about how much he thinks the fed has thrown valuations for this market entirely out of whack. >> i know what you're thinking. i will buy tesla after it pulls back. guess what, it's stopped pulling back. it crossed $200 for the first time today, up 34% so far this year. it's red hot. where does it go from here? we have a good old fashioned stock brawl on tesla coming up. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 trading inspires your life. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 life inspires your trading. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 where others see fads... tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 see opportunities.
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if you're a loyal cnbc viewer and have been watching us all day, you would know steve liesman spent the better part of today monitoring the yellen testimony. it looks like there's some news and how would you categorize it? unclear or confusing? >> on the news part, she just said that not letting -- not raising the debt limit would be
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catastrophic for the nation. amazing that we're into the fifth hour of this testimony, she hadn't been asked it yet. the first time she says we should never be in a position of letting the country default. she was very, very strong, even somewhat stronger language than fed chairman bernanke. what's unclear now is they just went to recess. that's the second recess that they have done or maybe the third one, and they didn't adjourn it. so they're still going. we are in the fifth hour of this and i think maybe you know something about this. this has gone from being a football game to a hockey game to what appears to be a cricket game. these things never end. >> what do you feel is left out there that needs to be talked about? >> i think because it's the first time around, they are giving every member of the committee, which is a large committee, a chance to ask a question. i don't believe they will go into a second round here. but they have been through just about everything and she said there is still a lot of slack in the economy, just moments before i came on. >> good stuff, as always. thank you very much. in the words of boston, it's been such a long time, i think we should be going. where we should be going is to the markets.
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the dow is now up 205 points, 1.3%, back above 16,000. the nasdaq as mandy noted at the top of the show is now positive for the year. 29 of the dow 30 are up today. in fact, the only stock down, a meager four cents but kind of been this way for awhile, unfortunately, cisco. csco, the only name that's been down. january stunk, everybody said everything was doomed, we're doomed, whatever. guess what, the dow right now coming back. not positive for the year but getting closer every day. that was a chicago song, actually as well. getting closer every day. >> next time you have to sing the market stats. okay. let's get right to it. big interview, martha stewart talking to our very own julia borsten at the inaugural makers conference. julia? >> reporter: thanks, mandy. martha stewart, thanks so much for coming and talking to us today. >> thank you. >> reporter: here at the makers conference. tell us what brings you here? why do you think it was important to speak to this conference? >> when cara swisher calls, you answer. you come.
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i thits' venk it's very importa have a say in a conference like this that's devoted pretty much to women's issue and the empowerment of women in the workplace. i will do anything i can to complement that and to support it. >> now, you talked a little about this onstage, but what has been your secret to evolving and keeping up with so many different changing consumer trends and also technologies? how have you stayed relevant for so many decades? >> martha stewart living omnimedia is a media company. as such, we have to be totally informed about what's going on in technology, in media, and there is so much happening. there are so many new technologies that you have to know about. the pinterest, instagram, twitter, all of those are important and play a part in our business, actually. we are one of the most pinned magazines in the country, meaning our pictures, our imagery is pinned to millions
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and millions of different places. that's important because it gets our message across. >> i understand that martha stewart living omnimedia is in a quiet period so you can't talk details but you have a new ceo and have undergone a reorganization. respecting that quiet period, what can you tell us about how it's going? >> we have a great new ceo, dan deents, who is youthful, who is avante garde, is interested in making the company go international. we already have television programming and magazines all over the world but there's a very big opportunity for us to also take our beautiful products elsewhere. >> you just struck a deal with ebay. tell us why you made that deal. >> well, ebay has such a very vast audience and they have a lot of very avid buyers on ebay. we have taken our american made
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initiative, people who are entrepreneurial makers of all kinds of fabulous products, and we have given them a market, called martha stewart american made, and you go right to ebay and find it. but we have given them a really fine marketplace in which to sell their goods. at the same time, we are promoting american manufacturing. we are promoting american made, american design, and they have a very good deal. any makers out there that need a place to sell your wares, come to martha stewart. >> many would call you the original maker. there has been sort of a rise of this maker's trend. to what do you attribute that? >> because there are so many people, including lots and lots of women, who are working at home in entrepreneurial ventures, making things that other people need and want. and those are the products that we want to focus on in this initiative. so american made is a big thing for us. we have a year, every year we
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have a big event celebrating, that's in october, and you will hear more about that as we get closer. >> on a different topic, being here in an aol sponsored conference about women with health care costs so much in the spotlight at corporate america, i have to ask you what your thoughts are on aol's ceo tim armstrong's comments on his 401(k) plan that sparked so much controversy. >> it's a very complicated issue and i really, i am not up to the minute. i have been traveling in colombia, south america, so i'm not really informed about that whole thing. but that said, we really need to focus on health care in the united states. i have a center for living at mt. sinai hospital, i don't know if you know about it, but it's dealing with geriatric care and care givers, and i am so involved with all of that because we really have to pay attention of who's taking care of whom and how, and how are they being compensated. so it's a giant issue.
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>> a quick final question. you are named as a contender for the cnbc 25 list of most influential business people over the past 25 years. who would you nominate to that list? >> oh, my gosh. there are so many. they are probably on the list already. but the silicon valley guys, of course. everyone who has founded the googles, the ebays, the microsoft guys. i guess that's the last century. boy, so much has happened, hasn't it? but individually, hillary clinton. i would put her there as a very important part of what's gone on in america. >> great. thank you so much. martha stewart, we really appreciate you talking to us today. guys, back over to you. >> julia, thank you very much. by the way, market alert, if you're long or short, stocks continue to power higher. we have 51 of the s&p 500 down, 449 the s&p 500 are indeed higher.
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the best performer is regeneron, regn. why not. wpx energy is the worst. if you own that, unless you short it, yeah. update for you. that's the kind of guy i am. that's how i roll. tworoll. two other cnbc 25 contenders. the battle of the billionaires will be unveiled next. here are the clues. one you would want a buffet with a "t," the other one may be slim but he is not the biggest loser. >> there's the riddle. open to bold ideas. that's why new york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and grows more businesses... we're open to it. start a tax-free business at we're open to it. ameriprise asked people a simple question: can you keep your lifestyle in retirement?
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if you're thinking about buying a car, we've got some good news. dealers are going to be pulling out all the stops to try to woo you this weekend. phil lebeau, the incentives are back. is this weather related? >> partially weather related and most of the incentives are centered around the trucks we're seeing from the big three. look at the inventory we're seeing at dealerships right now. well over 100 days for the big three. the industry average is 88 days. ideally they'd like to have between 65 and 70 days supply at dealerships. gm is raising the incentives for its pickup trucks in some cases in select models it may be as much as $7,000 off of certain 2014 pickup trucks. ford is also raising its incentives on the f series.
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ford is clearing these out as it prepares for the new f series coming later this year. shares of gm and ford, these incentives, while they are higher than they have been in some time, they are nowhere close to what we saw back in 2007, 2008. guys, we're a long ways from those days when literally you could go into a dealership and get $6,000, $7,000 off any car. >> i have to go talk to my manager, phil. we'll be right back. a billionaire battle right here in "street signs." in one corner, warren buffett. in the other, carlos slim. dom the dominator chu, sara "i'll poke you in the" eisen. >> why don't you start. >> there's a reason why he's called the oracle of omaha. his insights have led to
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billions of dollars of returns. he turned berkshire hathaway from a failing textile company into a financial and industrial juggernaut. geico insurance, think burlington northern santa fe rail, even brooks running shoes are all part of that berkshire family and multibillion dollar stakes in coca-cola, wells fargo, ibm, all part of that investment portfolio. now, be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy. it's practically investing gospel. they returned over 3500% over the last 25 years. good enough for a 16% compound annualized growth rate. of course, that's a huge one, too. so when it comes to the warren buffett side of things, he's looking pretty good in terms of an overall billionaire but carlos slim has his own case to made. >> nobody has built a bigger fortune from investing than carlos slim. his father was lebanese. he owns more than 220 companies across industries, banking,
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railways, restaurants. none bigger than telecommunications. america mobile handles 70% of cell service. his mantra, invest when there's blood on the streets. that's his m.o. we saw it back in the early '80s during the recession. he bought up mexican subsidiaries and rights to foreign companies like hersheys's, denny's. "the new york times." we know slim is a big shareholder there. he famously threw at $250 million lifeline when it was in trouble back in 2009. pretty much you can sum up his philosophy in the way he describes the mexican economic crisis back in the '80s, quote, these were the best times. nobody wanted to buy anything and everybody wanted to sell. he bought. that was his epic buying spree. it certainly paid off, dom. you can't beat this. he's worth $73 billion. he's the second richest person in the world behind bill gates. he actually had been number one
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as recently as 2013. his personal fortune is more than 6% of mexico's entire economy. >> well, so we've made our cases here. you have to make your case though. pick yours online. head to to cast your vote. >> you know your vote. >> i know my vote is for buffett. >> i know my vote. be sure to turn into "street signs" this thursday because martha stewart will be facing off against oprah winfrey. op >> we are giving you a big reason to drink after this break. do not go away. ♪ [ male announcer ] right now, love is in the air with the adt valentine's day sale. get adt pulse -- installation starting at only $49 --
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cheers. the california grape harvest of 2013 crushed the record, up nearly 7% from last year's record. that's something to drink to, everybody. see you tomorrow. and the stock market with a warm welcome for new fed chair janet yellen. welcome to "the closing bell" today. i'm kelly evan at the new york stock exchange where the dow is up 212 at this hour. >> yes, it is, kelly evans. i'm bill griftfetgriffeth. after a brief pause yesterday, the bulls are ru
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